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Shout Block Rules!
« on: July 17, 2018, 08:42:17 PM »
Our Shoutbox is one of the best tools we have on the Arena!  This tool may be new to some of our more recently joined members, and as so, we need to take a minute to introduce those members (and remind others) to proper etiquette in the Shoutbox.

We make the Shoutbox available for fun, light-hearted quick comments between members and the community.  We have, however, noticed that some conversation recently that steers away from the lightness, and some members are also being a little eager to post repeatedly.  We understand that it's fun and tempting, but here are some important guidelines for proper Shoutbox use:

-Do keep the conversation fun!  A quick grumble is acceptable, but for longer, drawn-out complaints, please post in the appropriate forum (What's Your Problem, for example) or PM a moderator.

-Do let others have an opportunity to speak.  Please do not "flood" the Shoutbox (ie. post more than 2 times in a row, or post excessively long comments.)

-Do make sure your comments fit within the community content and language guidelines; the PG-13 rule applies in the Shoutbox just as much as it does anywhere else on this site.

-Do be respectful to other members.  If there is an issue of rudeness in the Shoutbox that a mod or admin does not catch, contact us.  Mini-modding is not tolerated in the Shoutbox as well as on the forum.

If you cannot use the Shoutbox in a way that fits within our guidelines, your Shoutbox privileges can be removed.   Repeated violations of Shoutbox etiquette will result in a Shoutbox suspension.

Thank you all for your time!  :lovey:
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