Pony Talk > Pony Corral

Flocking: Yay or Nay?

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Do you prefer your So Soft ponies fuzzy or naked? :P
For me it very much depends on the individual designs. I recently discovered a stash of deflocked ponies that I'd completely forgotten about. One of them is Twist, & I love how vividly her colours pop. That bold purple is so striking! On the other hand, I find deflocked Shady obnoxiously bright & garish. She certainly screams eighties!
I think certain ponies like Magic Star & Angel look particularly lovely deflocked. That goes for all the white-bodied gals too.
Then there are some that I prefer fuzzy, such as Twilight, North Star, Ribbon, Hippity Hop, Skippity Doo & Crumpet. Flocking seems to make ponies in shy poses look extra endearing.
I like some ponies equally in both forms. Lofty looks beautiful with her body colour either muted lemon or golden buttercup yellow. Wind Whistler & Buttons work nicely both ways too.
Of course, one downside of flocking is that it can look particularly unattractive if it gets grubby. Nothing ruins a pony's appeal like dirty balding fuzz. How bad does a So Soft's coat have to be before you'll remove it? Or are you a purist who only collects SS ponies in minty condition? Do you think deflocking makes a pony more or less desirable &/or valuable?   

I agree that it depends on the pony. I love deflocked Twist too and have always wanted one :)

Mostly, I prefer flocked if it's good condition. I have a lofty with lovey thick flocking and it's so nice.

I think it has to be pretty bad to deflock. Big bald spots, thinning spots, dirt that won't come off, yellowed glue. Value depends on the pony too. Again with deflocked Twist I think she is worth more than an "okay" flocked Twist.

Definitely no flocking for me :) It's weird since usually I like flocked toys (lifelong Sylvanian collector!) but somehow flocked ponies just don't look quite right to me.

That said, I'd never deflock a pony unless her fur was in bad shape. If the flocking's nice and minty and like-new, or just needs a little work, then it'd be a shame to deflock... I'd just pass her onto someone who'd appreciate her more. But if the flocking's bad, half-rubbed off already, no saving it... then might as well go ahead and deflock.

I think deflocks are worth just as much as minty So Softs (and way more desirable to me personally! :P), of course assuming it's a good deflock job ;)

Oh, I will say, I don't quite understand going out of your way (general "you") to deflock a pony that already has an easy-to-find NSS counterpart. Like, Magic Star I get, since she was released in different poses... Wind Whistler I kinda get since her SS release's colours are so much brighter... But unless she's SO manky that deflocking's practically a must, I don't really understand going to all the trouble of deflocking, say, Cherries Jubilee or Buttons. I mean if you do that I'm not going to judge, it's your pony after all, just seems like needless work to me XD

i like flocking as long as it's in decent shape and clean. i wouldn't add flocking to a NSS pony though.

 :wonder: Both!

I prefer my SS with their flocking, but I'm not opposed in anyway to deflocking. There's some historical value to having one with their original flocking, in good or bad condition. There's also some appeal to a smooth, unflocked SS pony. Both are desirable to me.

I think it's a eye of the beholder situation. For me, I could go either way.


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