Pony Talk > MLP Nirvana

Greek baby buggy

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Im just wondering if this came with a baby pony or if it was sold on its own? I won one off ebay yesterday and am really excited about it :woot:
Not that I have a greek baby to put into it but hey..!
Doesnt anyone knows its approx value? I most likely overpaid but I really wanted it anyway so Im not fussed, and I dont have a HK/China buggy anyway :)

Greek buggies were sold with random baby ponies inside & the buggies came with a pink or blue umbrella. I've seen them sold separately in original non-MLP Greek packaging, as well. I'm not sure of the value on its own without a pony, but congrats on a cool purchase! :)

i saw this on ebay too :) i think the value is not that much more than the normal buggy, though the baby blue is so pretty!

love pkw xxx

A blue buggy?  I need to see a pic of this!  Anyone have one handy?

I love the blue buggy - there is something much cuter about it! Maybe its just because its not as common....

Congrats on a cool win!


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