The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => The Dollhouse => Topic started by: Repulsive333 on January 22, 2012, 11:50:05 PM

Post by: Repulsive333 on January 22, 2012, 11:50:05 PM
Hello there. I hope that this is appropriate content (i hope it is, because this is an issue that needs to be addressed)
 So this issue has happened time and time again but i feel like no one ever says anything or does anything on fear of being rude or getting in trouble... But i feel like this needs to talked about.
 So as all of us Monster High collectors have noticed, "Scalping" is a common thing that people do on Ebay & Amazon.
People will go out to retail stores, buy up the most wanted dolls and sell them on those websites for 200x profit.
 IT obviously isn't fair, but it is done and people ACTUALLY pay for it... Because let's face it... Some of us are addicted... LOL
 There is obviously nothing that can be done about it on Ebay and Amazon because it is too open and free for anyone to do...
 BUT i feel like forums are my safe haven from all that greedy nonsense. WHICH it should be...
 Forums are full of your fellow collectors. People that share a love and need for dolls & ponies just as much as you. Why would you want to be greedy when it comes to them?
 I mean i totally understand getting maybe a few extra bucks for the effort of purchasing the doll and having to resell it...
 However selling on a forum for a 200percent profit or more is just wrong PERIOD! ESPECIALLY when it is on such a personal level as this.
 I know that some of you that i see on this forum and some others are doing this and i beg you to stop. Because change begins with one person and YOU could be that person! <3
 Please let us all make an effort to stop scalping.

EDIT- PLEASE if you feel the need to mention members on this forum directly or even vaguely, please DON'T... THAT is not what this thread is about and i would appreciate it if people discussing this issue use tact and respect.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Tagi on January 23, 2012, 02:38:45 AM
I have noticed here more overpriced than usual monster high for sale around lately, enough to get me irritated but not enough for me to be able to remember a thread off the top of my head. (other bst boards yes I can list a few, but we can't name them here, can we?).

Although most members here who would read this would do their bit by not buying from said scalpers who think $40 - $50 is okay for a new released non-limited anyway...I still support what you're saying here.

Nobody likes a dirty scalper. =D

Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Tyler on January 23, 2012, 03:02:11 AM
They just want to make money from people who collect them
It happen to most collectable items
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Repulsive333 on January 23, 2012, 03:40:15 AM
Tagi- Yeah i am glad for the people that aren't supporting it. Thank you for your part too! <3
 $50+ is ridiculous for non-limited dolls...

Tyler- Making money off fellow collectors is wrong, especially when the money being made is from scalping.

I mean i totally understand if something was $x amount of money retail and then went out of production and ended up being worth a higher amount later on... I Very much so KNOW how things can go up in value if they are limited edition.
I myself collect Ball Jointed dolls and i have a SOOM Limited Edition Amber. I paid $850 for her brand new and now she is worth $1500...
That is because there were only so many made in the world. Hence the term "limited edition"
I also know that the Wave 1 Clawdeen is now a hot item because she is extremely HARD to find...
But that doesn't mean that someone should be able to sell something that can be bought currently in a retail store at 200-300x the retail value.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: PrincessNikki on January 23, 2012, 07:46:09 AM
Scalpers are the bane of my existence. Every time I go to Ebay, rage ensues. I have even thought about giving up on collecting all together because of not being able to find the dolls.v Mattel's poor distribution plus the scalpers is ridiculous.

I would never pay 30+ bucks for a doll that is supposed to be out on shelves.

The stores should have a limit to one doll each per customer. If you need to buy an extra, bring a friend.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: CleverCanadian on January 23, 2012, 07:59:03 AM
The stores should have a limit to one doll each per customer. If you need to buy an extra, bring a friend.

While I can't stand scalpers I think this is a bit extreme.  Nobody should be FORCED into a limit, not even scalpers.  The best way to keep people from scalping is to not buy the items they sell.  That's the best, and probably the ONLY way to get it to stop.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: annukkainen on January 23, 2012, 08:48:03 AM
I've noticed this issue too. :( It's almost impossible to buy a decent priced MH dolls from Ebay nowadays. I would like to buy Cupid but the prices are ridiculous and I don't want to support scalping. Hope this thing will change.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Alrak on January 23, 2012, 08:59:41 AM
Scalpers are the bane of my existence. Every time I go to Ebay, rage ensues. I have even thought about giving up on collecting all together because of not being able to find the dolls.v Mattel's poor distribution plus the scalpers is ridiculous.

I would never pay 30+ bucks for a doll that is supposed to be out on shelves.

The stores should have a limit to one doll each per customer. If you need to buy an extra, bring a friend.

100% agreed. This past christmas i've seen people with bags full of dolls almost running away and parents going crazy at stores because they cant find one single doll for their kids. Then on ebay is full of dolls at even 80 euro. That is evil.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Akemi-chan on January 23, 2012, 09:14:20 AM
Amen!  I think it's a bit harsh when the over pricing happens in the forums.  I understand free market and all, but when you interact with the people you're trying to overcharge it becomes a bit weird.  At least on eBay, the sellers are somewhat anonymous and you don't feel awkward about hating on them, lol.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Monsterelli on January 23, 2012, 09:15:45 AM
I completely agree.
I have a scalper who lives about 30 minutes away from me and it has effected my doll findings so much. I have yet to find any of the SS (except Ghoulia), 1600, Toralei and of course Nefera & Operetta. I've also only seen Abbey & Spectra one time and thats when I bought them. I'm sure other people are buying them too besides the scalper, but I know that he goes to my stores and that effects me and the other collectors & children in my area.
He even came onto a MH forum I belong to and posted a pic of like, 70 dolls that he got from our local stores.  :(

You try your hardest to resist inflated prices telling yourself that your patience will pay off. That sooner or later you will find them in the stores for retail price. But it can really become frustrating and depressing. I've never paid more than retail price and I never will, I don't have the funds to and it goes against my morals.  But it would really be soo much easier & nicer if we didn't have to deal with scalpers, especially from fellow collectors.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: barbgirl1999 on January 23, 2012, 09:48:24 AM
I agree that scalping on a forum is just bad form...we're supposed to be a community, we're not supposed to be out to profit off of each other's want lists.  It's ridiculous for a person to over-charge a fellow collector, but then get all worked up when the same thing is done to them on another site.

I do think limiting doll purchases is extreme though.  That would mean that I couldn't help my fellow collectors out and purchase a doll for someone else that's having a hard time finding it.  Plus, what about collectors with kids?  I wouldn't be able to buy a doll for my own collection, as well as one for my child.  That's not the way to solve it either.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Repulsive333 on January 23, 2012, 10:51:28 AM
PrincessNikki- I totally agree... Going on ebay makes me SOOO angry! lol. I try my best not to buy anything MH related off of there unless it is the retail price or better...


Monsterelli- That is absolutely horrible i am SO sorry. I can only imagine how you must feel, plus those poor kids that don't get any monster high dolls... :( I know that at the Toys R Us near me there are little girls always upset because they cannot find any or we are completely out of stock. :(
Patience is a virtue especially at a time like this and with people like this... lol

barbgirl1999- That is the TRUTH!
It is a personal community, people should be taking advantage of each other. It is wrong.
That is true about the limitation...
Limiting dolls would cut down on Scalping and it would make things a lot easier for the single collector. But for people with children and a community to provide for it could be quite difficult.
I just wish Mattel would work out there HORRIBLE distribution practices... lol
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: GhouliaRules on January 23, 2012, 11:24:19 AM
There was someone that was asking $40 for Cupid prior to the forum transfer. I don't think their topic carried over. But yeah - really? on a supposed community you're going to mark it up and charge 200% it's market price? She's hard to come by now, but she'll eventually flood the market.

Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Repulsive333 on January 23, 2012, 11:34:48 AM
I saw that as well...

But i agree... this is a community, please don't be disrespectful...
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Dibbles on January 23, 2012, 12:19:01 PM
I agree that limiting doll purchases is extreme. It's also probably not possible. Especially because scalpers pay for the dolls. And I doubt retail stores really care about scalpers, though I'm a Target employee and I sure do. I have never seen scalpers in my area though.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Repulsive333 on January 23, 2012, 12:49:29 PM
hehehe yeah... they definitely don't... companies only care about getting their money for it... after that it isn't their business...

But i am glad that you care! <3

We need more people to take note of this and PROTEST THE ARENA SCALPERS!!!
DO NOT BUY from people on the Arena that are selling the dolls $40-100 a piece...
I am trying to start a positive movement in this community.
The people here need to be taken care of, not taken advantage of.

You are all like a family to me and i hope you all feel the same way about me.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Echo_Shell on January 23, 2012, 01:47:14 PM
While I sympathize, having been on the receiving end of many scalping rip offs and disappointments in my own collecting, the only way to solve this problem would be a fundamental change in human nature.  Boycotting scalpers is fine and all, but there are plenty more where you came from and while it may drive down the prices just a bit, it will not eliminate the problem.  Eventually, these things tend to correct themselves if we're just patient enough.  Scalpers flood the market and drive their own prices down.  Stock becomes more available in stores as was the case last year with monster high.  Wait until things calm down and the prices will stabilize.  If there's one you must have, get it, but do so knowing what you're likely sacrificing in the process.  I won't be paying $40 for my Cynder (skylanders figure), but I might pay $20 because its an important figure to me - and I may regret it later when I find the same item at stores a few days later (as happened with every Transformer I've ever purchased that way). 

Better to approach these things with a cool head and not rage over how unfair it is - because it is going to be unfair.  There's nothing to be done about it.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: picklepud on January 23, 2012, 02:39:07 PM
I fully support the none scalping or better put over charging on the forum.
Yes offering a doll to fellow collectors on here at maybe $2- $4 extra is fine, but not putting things on here for sale at double or triple the retail.

I have supplied quite a few members on here with MH dolls.
Especially when Abbey and Spectra frist came out and were only here in the UK.
I even have Operetta and Nefera on order for some members at the moment.
I would never dream of asking more than what I paid, and that includes postage both ways.

But ebay is totally different.
If I am selling something on ebay, then that should not be reflected on the forum.

We will never be able to stop the people who go into a store and buy all the dolls just to put them on ebay.
That is extremely low in my book.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: LuvlyMelody on January 23, 2012, 03:01:39 PM
*HATES Scalpers with a passion*

I also agree that limiting purchases to people is a little extreme. Store owners don't really care what they do with the product, as long as it brings in the money to the store, it won't matter if its from scalpers or not. It's bad enough that some people would go grab them all and go to ebay and amazon sell them 200x overpriced but as long as stores get their shipments and as long as scalpers do their homework and know the schedule and beats everyone to the punch, there's nothing we can do about it and that's the cold hard truth and its the truth that I HATE so much.

This is a community where we can all share our passion, passion for ponies (Or dolls in this case) we all try to be courteous and lend a helping hand and hook ups when it comes to getting collectibles. Such as buying something for anyone who doesn't have access or is having trouble getting it in their area, buying it for them retail price, ask them to pay what you paid as well as shipping (Because mail isn't going ship it for free). Because all it really is (in my eyes), is doing a good deed and helping someone out. But if you want to buy several to sell to any looking arena member and try to make some profit from it, maybe adding a $5 extra fee for your time and effort would be enough.

All I'm saying is if you're going to buy a lot of the wanted dolls some people here are asking for and you're gonna try to overcharge it WAY more than it needs to be (Like $50+ for a $18-$20 doll), you may as well go to ebay.

Amen!  I think it's a bit harsh when the over pricing happens in the forums.  I understand free market and all, but when you interact with the people you're trying to overcharge it becomes a bit weird.  At least on eBay, the sellers are somewhat anonymous and you don't feel awkward about hating on them, lol.

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Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Teagan_Louise on January 23, 2012, 05:33:20 PM
I had seen this with Abbey and Spectra, when she first came out, people were selling them for well over $100, some even reaching the $200's. I am lucky and managed to snag her for $35 over eBay, but its ridiculous..And now its happening with Nefera.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Novavelle on January 23, 2012, 05:59:29 PM
well I know that for me, finding Cupid was a PITA, I drove 80 miles to pick ONE up for a fellow collector who I gave to them at cost... but I ended up buying the rest at the store... and I asked for gas in my price because it cost me $30 in gas just to get the dolls, not including the price of the dolls and tax (she was almost $24 just with tax) plus paypal takes fees as well so for it to have even been worth my while I had to sell them for a mark up... just to get back what I put in.

but it does bother me that people are selling a doll they got for $12.97 for $50+ on ebay....

I've done my very best to sell any doll I come across at cost (what I paid for it, with tax) but it's not always easy... I know I won't be going out of my way again, if it's not something I come across in my town, I wont bother cause it was too much to drive all that way and then have a hard time finding them all homes. But I still don't mind looking for other collectors.

(and the person I bought her for told me not to go out of my way, I wanted to do it for them as a gesture of kindness, and I also managed to find ponies in the process, so it was a nice bonus :) )
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: tehrin on January 23, 2012, 07:27:35 PM
I think it's okay to charge extra for say, gas and what have you, epsecially if you're running around trying to obtain them for others.  But yeah, I've seen some scalping going on here and there on these forums and other such places.

I think that if someone really wants to make a good amount of extra money on it, do what everyone else does and keep it MIB for a few years until they're unavailable, then sell at those higher prices. :)
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Tyler on January 23, 2012, 07:35:14 PM
Tyler- Making money off fellow collectors is wrong, especially when the money being made is from scalping.
I know but it happens to most things that people collect
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Repulsive333 on January 23, 2012, 08:07:24 PM
Luvlymelody & Tehrin- I totally agree. I just found 2 Neferas for $25 and i am selling them for $30 because of gas money, paypal fees and my time... But i am not trying to take advantage of people or anything like that.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Puzzle on January 24, 2012, 12:07:13 AM
I agree that the best way to try and "fight" scalping is for collectors to simply not pay the price. But it is collectors they're aiming their purchases at - in any collector's realm, be it dolls, ponies, figurines, Pokemon, etc.

The fewer collectors buying, the fewer sales, the less likely they'll try buying up the product again. At least, so I hope, lol. It can be hard to be patient, but being patient and hunting, I find, is part of the fun of being a collector. Forking out $50, if I don't have to do so, isn't XD

There is an under-aged scalper on another forum, at the moment, with an Operetta. It's always sad to see them start so young =/

I don't mind paying a little more to cover gas, etc. That's totally fine by me. But a mark up of over $20? $30? No.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Ravie on January 24, 2012, 12:46:21 AM
While i am against scalping in general i just need to say something about paypal fees. You are not supposed to charge them. Its against the paypal tos and frankly i don't buy something when the seller tries to charge me for them. I don't mind shipping prices, i wouldn't even object for a gas price precentage (btw id never ask anyone to goo out of their way for me anyway) but asking me to pay pp fees or asking me to pay gift (though

Post Merge: January 24, 2012, 12:50:23 AM

Sorry to dbl post. My kindle keyboard wont come up in the modify screen. Please do merge. It entered acccidrntally before i finished my thought.

As i was going to say. I will occassionally pay as a gift if I'm familiar enough with the person I'm dealing with and the price is less than $25 or so
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Majesty on January 24, 2012, 07:03:36 AM
It is unfair for people to do that.  Perhaps this is why I have never seen Abbey in stores, people are buying all of her and selling her on ebay or something.

I am shocked though that even arena members have done it.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: cobalte on January 24, 2012, 07:09:09 AM
Scalpers are the bane of my existence. Every time I go to Ebay, rage ensues. I have even thought about giving up on collecting all together because of not being able to find the dolls.v Mattel's poor distribution plus the scalpers is ridiculous.

I would never pay 30+ bucks for a doll that is supposed to be out on shelves.
In some countries, a single signature doll is retail $30 though...  :huh:
I understand what you mean by the more extreme mark-ups though.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: NoDivision on January 24, 2012, 08:30:06 AM
Am I the only one who honestly doesn't care? People can charge what they want for dolls - if you don't like it, don't pay it. If it's a case like some of you have said that eventually the doll will become more available and cheaper, then just wait for it to become cheaper. But there's no reason for us to attack and berate fellow forum members for charging the price they want to charge.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Monsterelli on January 24, 2012, 08:57:01 AM
Just because we all agree that we want to be patient and wait to get the doll for retail, doesn't mean we can't be sad or frustrated by it and want to talk about it. Not to mention, a lot of us have to wait months for dolls. It can become frustrating and I don't think we should not be allowed to, or made to feel bad about voicing our opinions and thoughts on it.

Plus if we talk about it, those who do not know why things are priced the way they are can understand. I've been asked twice this week why the prices are so high and if thats normal or if the dolls are limited edition. (People are posting these dolls as LE on their sales and they are not.)
I've read about quite a few people buying them for high prices because they don't know any better. They don't realize that the price, over time, will drop. They think that paying $50 or whatever the price, is their only option.

If people want to price things for high prices.. fine. If people want to buy them for high prices.. fine. But it should also be fine for us to talk about it.

Although I don't think any member has been attacked in this thread, I will say that I think we should not do so and try to remain as respectful as possible, no matter how hurt/frustrated we may be.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Bunny-san on January 24, 2012, 09:43:34 AM
I'm sorry. You can't blame scalpers for the problem when you get down to it. They are only responding to what they see as a high demand, high profit market. There is only a supply when there is a demand. If people stopped BUYING these dolls at the exorbitant prices that these idiots are demanding then the prices would drop because hey, no one is buying them at that price anymore. So, as my father has always said, things are only worth what you can get people to PAY for them. Stop PAYING for them and the prices fall. Your success will be two fold. You stop the scalpers, AND get your more sought after dolls at more reasonable prices. Simple economics, but  it is up to buyers and collectors to be smart about their purchases and not give in to these scalping schmucks.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Alrak on January 24, 2012, 10:02:21 AM
My rant was because of christmas here. Stores were empty, eBay was full.
Most of the people are loosing their jobs because of the "ghostly economic crisis". And scalpers tried to gain profit leaving kids without dolls. Oh, surprise, the dolls are not selling. People dont have money, dont you scalpers understand? *raises fist at air*.

Im not attacking any member here, thanks to generously amazing people here I got dolls and ponies otherwise I wouldnt be able to find^^. And I think the ultimate responsible is the buyer, because the info is out there, you know. But leaving stores literally empty, well, that's another story.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Repulsive333 on January 24, 2012, 01:42:03 PM
Bunny- I understand the economics of it... I also know that i have no reason to try and stop scalpers from what they are doing on other websites, because let's face it... IT isn't possible... I am just trying to make people aware that it is WRONG on a community such as the Arena. TO SELL AND TO BUY!
Besides, why can't they just not try and make a profit? The dolls aren't there for scalpers to make profit, they are there for children and collectors, WHOM are not getting the dolls that they want/need because people want to make a profit...

Alrak- *shakes fist with you...
I am not either, it is just a general thread of knowledge so that people know that they do not have to buy from scalpers and that they SHOULDN'T buy from scalpers... Also that people shouldn't be scalpers to their community/family...
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: WickedWonderland on January 24, 2012, 02:15:04 PM
There was someone that was asking $40 for Cupid prior to the forum transfer. I don't think their topic carried over. But yeah - really? on a supposed community you're going to mark it up and charge 200% it's market price? She's hard to come by now, but she'll eventually flood the market.
That was me and I really don't see anything wrong with what I did. I went to a bunch of Walmarts every day until I found Cupid. That was a lot of effort and gas money. When I bought my Cupid there was an unopened box of Cupids. I could have easily taken the whole box and put them on ebay and made a bunch of money, but I didn't want to be greedy (much to my mother's disapproval because we are struggling financially), so I bought two. One for me, and one that I planned to list and it would either 1. sell and help pay for the cost of my Cupid/the gas I used looking for her or 2. wouldn't sell and she would be part of my MIB collection.

Either way, I don't feel like I was depriving anyone from getting her because I do intend to have a second Cupid (I was okay selling this one because I know I have lots of other MH dolls to look for in the coming months, so I'm confident I'll find another one when her demand is lower), so she could have stayed in my collection in the first place and if they didn't want to pay that much when they know as well as I do that they'll find her eventually, then they shouldn't buy her. Honestly, if I wasn't so picky I'd buy a MH doll I wanted for $40 because I spend way more in gas looking for them.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Filthy on January 24, 2012, 02:43:08 PM
Scalpers are the bane of my existence. Every time I go to Ebay, rage ensues. I have even thought about giving up on collecting all together because of not being able to find the dolls.v Mattel's poor distribution plus the scalpers is ridiculous.

I would never pay 30+ bucks for a doll that is supposed to be out on shelves.
In some countries, a single signature doll is retail $30 though...  :huh:
I understand what you mean by the more extreme mark-ups though.
Yeah, the signature dolls are $35+ over here. I've never seen a cheaper one (excluding DTs).
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: dIGITS on January 24, 2012, 03:17:37 PM
That was me and I really don't see anything wrong with what I did. I went to a bunch of Walmarts every day until I found Cupid. That was a lot of effort and gas money. When I bought my Cupid there was an unopened box of Cupids. I could have easily taken the whole box and put them on ebay and made a bunch of money, but I didn't want to be greedy (much to my mother's disapproval because we are struggling financially), so I bought two. One for me, and one that I planned to list and it would either 1. sell and help pay for the cost of my Cupid/the gas I used looking for her or 2. wouldn't sell and she would be part of my MIB collection.

this makes sense to me- that you are putting her at that price, if she sells she sells but otherwise you'd rather keep her.  Sometimes i'll sell stuff at a higher price because i'm not willing to part with it for any less.

i also agree that scalping is generally a bad idea and there's no way to stop it.  There are people like you who have good personal reasons and then there are the majority... people who would have bought the whole box and worked on selling them on ebay.  also- props to you for speaking up and telling your reasoning.  <3

i've never paid more than retail price for a non-limited doll and don't see myself doing it in the future, but as long as there are people willing to pay the extra than there will be scalpers. 
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: NoDivision on January 25, 2012, 07:29:00 AM
You may not be specifically attacking individuals, but at least one person was called out in a way that it was clear who they were. Obviously it was clear because WickedWonderland, who has been a member here for over 4 years and has had hundreds of positive transactions, felt that she needed to come here and defend herself. The people who have bought MH dolls from her were happy with the transactions, so why does it matter what price they were sold for?

And these are the kinds of words you are all using in a thread talking about people in our community: wrong, ridiculous, horrible, taking advantage, bane of existence, hate, unfair, schmucks, idiots

If you were someone who sold on this board, how would it make you feel to see your fellow community members throwing around words like that about you? Even if you don't intend those to be directed at anyone on this board, that is some really strong and hurtful language. We talk about it being a shame that someone doesn't "respect the community" enough to sell you things at a price you like, but how much of a positive community member are we being if those are the things we're saying about people?
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: hannaliten on January 25, 2012, 08:40:00 AM
Honestly, if I wasn't so picky I'd buy a MH doll I wanted for $40 because I spend way more in gas looking for them.

AMEN!!! This is exactly why I ordered Operetta and Nefera from AD and have bought numerous dolls off of Ebay at a mark up. I simply don't want to waste gas and time looking for them in the store.

Everyone can charge what they want. If you don't like it, don't pay it.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Repulsive333 on January 25, 2012, 09:24:30 AM
WickedWonderland- I wanted to let you know that this thread wasn't directed at you at all and i apologize that some people pointed you out directly. I can very much so understand your reasoning as i know that when you are on the fence about getting rid of something, asking a higher price for it can be the deciding factor if it sells. I do not consider you to be a scalper at all. In fact i have purchased things from you at very decent prices and i do intend on doing so in the future. I adore you. <3

NoDivision- I am sorry that you feel like those words were directed towards the community members but that simply isn't true. Every negative word that is in this forum from me is directed toward scalping. I would never say an ill word about an individual. It is a matter of Principal not a matter of situation.  I cannot say the same for others unfortunately, but this is an issue that a lot of people are passionate about. ESPECIALLY because in this economy people are extremely poor and cannot afford to purchase a doll for over the retail price.  It isn't fair to them.  So people are going to be angry because they feel wronged. I am just giving them a place to Rant.
But i will edit the original post so that it states that no one is allowed to name individuals specifically, because you are right... That is not respectful of the community and that is the whole reasoning behind this thread.

I also would NEVER say anything negative about any member specifically, especially not someone that i have done business with... That is just bad form.

Also WickedWonderland you made me see that asking $40 may not be a bad price for a doll. Your words have persuaded me. lol. <3

I can now see why people ask $40... But i still think that anything over that just an attempt to make money on the less fortunate and that isn't right.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: SourdoughStomper on January 25, 2012, 09:42:02 AM
This is just a gentle but firm reminder to be civil in this thread. Emotions seem to be running high, but please try to keep things in check. Thank you.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: NoDivision on January 25, 2012, 10:20:20 AM
Every negative word that is in this forum from me is directed toward scalping.

Except that you started this post saying that you want to stop scalpers on this Forum. This thread isn't just about people on ebay - this thread is about members of this community as well. How could we not take it as being directed here? That's what the whole thread is about! You are trying to tell people what they can and can't do on this forum - you're asking people to lower prices, you're telling them is it wrong of them to mark up prices on the arena, this is all directed at arena members. If you want to vent about scalpers on ebay, fine, but you made it about the arena. You made it about how people buy and sell here. And I don't think any of us have the right to do that. You preach about this being some kind of safe haven and then you turn around and tell people that their behavior is wrong and they they need to stop doing it. That is unfair, and very upsetting. How can something be a safe haven when a thread like this is started that sends such a negative message to those who are just trying to do business here?
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: Jadis4742 on January 25, 2012, 10:32:51 AM
I motion to lock this thread. In any case, I won't be reading it any more. I find it very distressting and not productive at all.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: WickedWonderland on January 25, 2012, 10:47:09 AM
Awww no worries, Repulsive333. :hug:
I understand why people get upset with scalpers. If it wasn't for people picking up a bunch of extra dolls to sell they probably wouldn't be so hard to find in the first place. I just wanted to explain myself.
Title: Re: STOP THE MONSTER HIGH SCALPING!!! (discussion)
Post by: pop-girl on January 25, 2012, 11:09:33 AM
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