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Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Sonata on July 22, 2018, 08:41:44 AM

Title: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Sonata on July 22, 2018, 08:41:44 AM
Hello guys !

Not sure how to say this, it's quite strange still.

I no longer have a lot of joy in collecting anything at all. I have fun taking pics of the things I own and posting on Instagram, specially new things I buy. However, I don't really feel THAT much joy in it anymore.

Strangely enough, I had been thinking of somehow reducing the things I own, but I wasn't sure how to tackle it. And yesterday I bought a book on Minimalism and... what the author writes actually hit home. It resonated with me so much I... am not sure how to react still.

So, I am not sure how things will go from here. I don't know how deeply I will "purge" my things or how quickly. I know I want to reduce them, but there is so much I am overwhelmed.

As a start, I have stuff for sale on my Ebay (link on sig) and I am willing to post anywhere and do bulk discounts if people buy several things (I always combine shipping). But I think I will seriously need to take some time to go through my things and think what I want to keep or not...

Anyone gone through the same here? Anyone changed their lives completely like this? Any advice or thoughts? I value any opinion.

Also, sorry if this in the wrong place xD feel free to move it if that's the case !

And thank you for taking the time to read this.
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: banditpony on July 22, 2018, 10:18:46 AM
I think there is a balance. I love the thought of minimalism, but I do like "stuff" too. All of my silly things now fit in my closet, WITH my clothes. They are displayed nicely -- not jammed in.

I'm in the process of deciding what kind of display system will work in my home-- so that's why they are in the closet. I want something that looks sleek and is multi functional.

My tip to reducing is to take your time. (It's overwhelming HOWEVER, you didn't just buy all those things overnight). Look at everything as a whole -- and choose 2-5 items you like the least. Start there. When those sell, look for the next 2-5 items you like the least -- and repeat. It's not as shocking and emotionally easier process.

I personally still like buying things too. I /really/ think about what I want beforehand now-- and try to not make purchases on a whim. And if I do buy something -- I also get rid of something too. :)
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Sonata on July 22, 2018, 10:56:36 AM
I think there is a balance. I love the thought of minimalism, but I do like "stuff" too. All of my silly things now fit in my closet, WITH my clothes. They are displayed nicely -- not jammed in.

I'm in the process of deciding what kind of display system will work in my home-- so that's why they are in the closet. I want something that looks sleek and is multi functional.

My tip to reducing is to take your time. (It's overwhelming HOWEVER, you didn't just buy all those things overnight). Look at everything as a whole -- and choose 2-5 items you like the least. Start there. When those sell, look for the next 2-5 items you like the least -- and repeat. It's not as shocking and emotionally easier process.

I personally still like buying things too. I /really/ think about what I want beforehand now-- and try to not make purchases on a whim. And if I do buy something -- I also get rid of something too. :)

Yes, I think I will start slow and get rid of things slowly. I like "stuff" too, but I have been trying to not buy things on a whim and really think it through beforehand. I like the idea of getting rid of something when you buy something new - I might just do that ! I will have to start with my clothes - the more I think about it, the more I realise there are things I own that I haven't worn in 6-7 years or so. No point keeping those lol.

And then... I really enjoy selling things to others, specially to collectors. The fact that what I don't necessarily need will bring joy to someone else makes me very happy.

I also enjoy taking pictures of what I own, so I think even if I get rid if it, the fact that I can still see it in a picture makes it less of a "loss". I found this out the other day when I was thinking of what ponies I would like to have. And you know what? There really isn't a lot that I would actually like to physically have. I am quite happy just having either the stock pictures or someone else's picture on my pc, so I can look whenever I want. It gives me a sense of ownership somehow, if that makes sense?
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Mana Minori on July 22, 2018, 10:56:57 AM
I agree. I believe that one should and can be content with the necessities of life- food clothing, shelter- and have earnestly tried to live a minimalist life, starting with cleaning out my closet of clothes that I don't need/ wear and trying to put my ponies out of sight into storage, but it's REALLY difficult. ): I just like stuff, also, I like spending hours in thrift stores, tying on (and buying) clothes I don't need, pony merch that I said I wouldn't collect anymore. it's tough....
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Sonata on July 22, 2018, 10:59:13 AM
I agree. I believe that one should and can be content with the necessities of life- food clothing, shelter- and have earnestly tried to live a minimalist life, starting with cleaning out my closet of clothes that I don't need/ wear and trying to put my ponies out of sight into storage, but it's REALLY difficult. ):

Yes !! It will be quite a challenge xD I have a few plushies in storage right now that I bet I will sell about half of when I look at them again. I don't think most of them actually mean much to me in the end, but I am quite curious as to how it will go.
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: banditpony on July 22, 2018, 12:26:26 PM
I agree. I believe that one should and can be content with the necessities of life- food clothing, shelter- and have earnestly tried to live a minimalist life, starting with cleaning out my closet of clothes that I don't need/ wear and trying to put my ponies out of sight into storage, but it's REALLY difficult. ): I just like stuff, also, I like spending hours in thrift stores, tying on (and buying) clothes I don't need, pony merch that I said I wouldn't collect anymore. it's tough....
:heart: A lot of minimalism theories say you can keep items that truly make you happy. You'll find your happy medium. It's tough, but take your time.

The whole putting stuff away doesn't help me one bit. I open it back up and get all emotional.

That's why it's easier for me to just take my time -- evaluate -- and get rid of things in small chunks. Even if I got rid of 1 thing every 2 weeks.. it's /still/ something. And at that pace, I just don't regret it. 1 piece doesn't make me feel like I'm missing something.

I love going to the thrift store too. Going there has gotten me some fantastic mid century pieces... and some awesome ponies for cheap. :) Just because I go, doesn't mean I buy, and I LOOOVE to look.
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 22, 2018, 04:39:25 PM
I think it's a balance of moderation and what keeps you happy and healthy.

No you shouldn't be spending bill money on ponies but yes if they actually make you feel good then it is okay to have a large collection.
If you are getting stressed about dusting and brushing them all, then maybe you should scale back a bit. 

It's all about how YOU feel.  Some people here could be happy with 2 ponies, some couldn't be happy until they had a complete US collection.

Personally I have kept my childhood herd, my absolute favorites and any ponies that were special gifts.  The ponies I find secondhand, I clean them and appreciate them, but after a few months they always end up in my sales/trade bin.  The massive G1 collection I had... I sold it or donated it.
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: cookifaa on July 22, 2018, 05:07:48 PM
I love the idea of minimalism, but I'm too much of a clutter lover! (And I buy way too much stuff)

I'm also not too good at getting rid of things, I always end up feeling bad because someone bought me the thing I want to sell on, but that's just my anxiety... >_<

I agree with banditpony though, start small, with the things you really don't like and then work your way from there. If you really regret selling something, there's nothing to say you couldn't buy another!
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: aquamarinemolly on July 22, 2018, 06:30:16 PM
I think about minimalism often, especially as an apartment dweller I know how much space matters. This is certainly at odds with my collection goals  :blush: but I've put myself through a few mental exercises - If I could only have TEN ponies, which ones would I want? If I could only have 25 ponies, what would I add to the list? When I got to about my top 75, I could see my own preferences and priorities much more clearly. That clarity of vision has made it easier for me to focus on collecting only the items that are truly important to me instead of indulging idle curiosity or a good deal on eBay. Also made it easy to part with some ponies I didn't need to keep.
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: achab1984 on July 22, 2018, 07:09:22 PM
Oh yes I LOVE this topic!!!! I am a minimalist but I also collect. Being a minimalist does not mean that you live with nothing in your life. You live with what you think is beautiful, makes you happy and that you use!

When my collection gets over whelming then I got threw them and list five or more ponies for sale. I seem to go threw phases of buying like crazy and then selling like crazy. I wish I could find a happy medium. I have slowed down on my pony collection right now. And have gotten back into Breyer Horses.  I was bad a bought 9 NIB ones for $80! Yes that is a pretty good deal but at the same time I feel bad that I spent that money and bought that many! I told myself that I want a collection that I only love the ones that I have. But I have a few that I can live without that I just bought. So I am not sure what I want to do.

I have my collection all out right now, ponies and Breyers. I have been thinking about putting away my ponies for a while and only having the Breyers out right now. With them all out I get over whelmed again! :(

Other then my collections the rest of the house is very minimal! We went on vacation and when we came home the house felt very big open and empty! What is funny is the house is only 685 square feet.  Most people say that motel rooms feel clean and simple. But they feel full and cluttered to how our house is! I live a open clean and simple home!

Like others have said take it slow! Don't goes threw it fast!

Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Aadra310 on July 22, 2018, 07:14:53 PM
I started in my laundry room where I keep cleaning supplies.  I had like 25 rags that I cut up from old shirts.  25!  How much cleaning must one do to need 25 rags?!  Ridiculous!  I have 5 rags, now!  That got the ball rolling!

 I think you can get so used to something that you don’t “see” it, anymore.  I’ve really been trying to see my space.  I’ve gone through my entire house twice in the last 3 years with the goal of reducing by 25% each time.  Plan on doing it again this winter.  I’m much more aware of what I use and what I don’t.  I don’t just leave it because it’s always been there!

I dislike things under the beds and all the drawers completely stuffed.  It bugs me even though you can’t see it.  I would LOVE to simplify my wardrobe down.

Ponies are about the only thing that keeps coming in.  Incidentally, I have lots of MIB G3 play sets if anyone is interested! 😉
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Shaiyeh on July 22, 2018, 11:50:12 PM
Oh, I love the idea of minimalism, and we're just starting the process of scaling things down a bit. I hate clutter, so much, and right now everything is a mess.
I agree with the philosophy of having things you use & make you happy. With that in mind it's a lot easier to know where to start decluttering. I've queued up for getting Marie Kondo's book from the library, too, I think that'll be a good read on the subject ^^ (then again, our current house is small and the layout is weird, so it's hard to store things in a smart way. Art supplies and sewing projects tend to end up everywhere because they're used so much by both of us, and have no proper storage... I want a studio so I can get it out of out living space >-<)

But that doesn't include my collection, or our collection of nendoroids and figurines, or our house plants, because they truly bring me joy. What I want for that though is matching shelves, and to keep them very neatly organized. That way, for me, it's more like looking at a painting than a collection of clutter. I'm trying to not get more 'stuff' coming in, but collection items are an exception :)
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Sonata on July 23, 2018, 02:58:21 PM
I am quite happy that a lot of you understand me xD Thank you ! Yes, I have plans to start with my closet and have a good hard look at my clothes and other home items that I don't use or need. And I have a good sleep on the subject and the more I think about what I have, the more I realise it all makes me happy and makes my home... well, my home. I know I will reduce a bit, but I am quite satisfied with most. Sometimes, all you need is sleep on it and you will then have a clearer view :)
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: NightGliderSA on July 24, 2018, 01:09:30 AM
Hi Sonata,

Yes, I do understand where you are coming from. I have been slowly going through this process for about a year now: we have too much clutter in our house and I hate it. What doesn't help is my Step-Dad stopping by to drop off the puzzles that used to belong to my mom. This is something we did together and that we both loved. So getting rid of that type of sentimental thing is hard for me. Also my mom-in-law who brings along a treasured tea set that she wanted us to have. That IS lovely, however I already have two very large and excellent quality tea sets that used to belong to my Grandmothers. Now what?

Regarding the ponies: when I first started collecting I would buy almost any pony as long as it was MLP. Now I find that I prefer sticking to my wish list and really considering whether I do want that pony before purchasing. I have a problem letting ponies go out of my house, even if they are not my favourite, but I have managed to give several away including one to someone who always wanted a MLP as a child but never got one.
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: PoserBeachball on July 24, 2018, 04:02:09 AM
Hi Sonata,

Yes, I do understand where you are coming from. I have been slowly going through this process for about a year now: we have too much clutter in our house and I hate it. What doesn't help is my Step-Dad stopping by to drop off the puzzles that used to belong to my mom. This is something we did together and that we both loved. So getting rid of that type of sentimental thing is hard for me. Also my mom-in-law who brings along a treasured tea set that she wanted us to have. That IS lovely, however I already have two very large and excellent quality tea sets that used to belong to my Grandmothers. Now what?

Oh lawks! The family tea-sets! - you are not alone - we have the same dilemma here.
It's taken us years to get to the decision, and this may be so so wrong for other individuals/families - we have now decided to donate the spare sets to a charity close to all our hearts. They have a couple of volunteers who have the skills to sell the porcelain into a collectors market. Everyone is pretty happy with the outcome, but it was very hard to make.

I think you are wise to take your time - and to start with clothes, especially those that have little sentimental value - the decision is clearer; 'does this fit/suit my lifestyle/etc etc'.

Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Flitter on July 24, 2018, 11:03:42 AM
It's something I've had an interest in and have been working toward for the last couple years now. It's been a slow and careful process but the results have been satisfying. The idea of minimalism has changed my attitude towards shopping and what I own so much.
I now only have collections of MLP, Ball-Jointed Dolls & DVDs, and those have been reduced and focused. I gave up Zelfs, Ever After High, Re-Ment, Nail Polish, Lolita fashion, Plushies & childhood toys, any sort of knick-knack type item in general, books, and a few other collectibles.
Went form a 5x10 storage unit to a 5x5, then to none at all
Got rid of 2 dvd shelves, a sofa, coffee table & end tables, folding chairs, a dresser, I think 4 bookshelves.... so many clothes, kitchen items and just random 'stuff'.

I lurk around r/minimalism, r/declutter and occasionally r/konmari & r/simpleliving on reddit for ideas, perspective and to see what other people have to say on the subject. I sometimes watch youtube apartment/home/'everything I own' tours and more recently some videos from 'The Minimalists'.
Also, here are a couple previous arena threads on the topic,389991.msg1693246.html#msg1693246,380883.msg1565889.html#msg1565889

What book did you buy, Sonata?
As far as where to start, some people find the Konmari method useful.
The process of decluttering takes some planning and often a lot of introspection. For me, it's taken several rounds of going through some categories of items.
I personally only try to sell something I'm sure I can get more than $20 or that I feel a collector would really want. Selling is a lot of work and it's often better to donate.
Overall, I enjoy my space and the items I kept much more. I'm at a point now where I keep a bin for donations out that I slowly add to as I decide an item can move on and take in once it fills (It's like the more you get rid of the more you realize you don't need) and I'm working on perfecting what I decide I do need and value which involves some careful replacing or upgrading. It really has been life changing.
I wish you luck on your minimalism journey and hope in the process you will identify what does bring you joy.
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Elfpony on July 28, 2018, 05:40:28 AM
Interesting read.

We’re a house of two collectors, so we’ve always been careful about what comes in and what goes out of the house. We are very big fans of curating our collections, and it’s definitely a never ending task, but to my mind it makes collecting more enjoyable.

Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Sonata on July 31, 2018, 12:02:27 PM
A quick update on this !

But first, thank you all for the replies ! I love hearing how people do it here :)

Since the last time I wrote here, I went through my closet and my drawers and have about 6 bags of stuff to give to charity. I'm not even done yet ! xD Mostly clothes, accessories, a few shoes and some rugs. Can't wait to take those out of the storage room lol there's a mountain of stuff, it's a bit scary haha I also reviewed the things I had for sale on Ebay and realised a lot of it was just... well, stuff. No point in losing time with that, so it goes for donation as well.

The feeling I got so far on this has been amazing ! Completely worth it. It's like a weight lifting off my shoulders. Can't wait to do more ! :)
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Flitter on August 01, 2018, 08:49:09 AM
That's great, Sonata!  :accomplished:
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Sonata on August 05, 2018, 09:18:21 AM
That's great, Sonata!  :accomplished:

Went to give away four bags today, still have about 6 more now xD

The book was Goodbye, Things by Fumio Sasaki. A very nice read !
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: applejackbunny on August 05, 2018, 11:21:41 AM
The way I cope with this dilemma is by allowing certain things as collections, to take up their space, but by keeping the rest of the house as minimalist as possible, if that makes sense? So, my ponies have their room (all neatly in boxes and catalogued, of course!) and my gem collection has its place too, but the other spaces are pretty much clutter-free. I couldn't cope otherwise  :P
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Gizmo on August 05, 2018, 05:12:52 PM
The way I cope with this dilemma is by allowing certain things as collections, to take up their space, but by keeping the rest of the house as minimalist as possible, if that makes sense? So, my ponies have their room (all neatly in boxes and catalogued, of course!) and my gem collection has its place too, but the other spaces are pretty much clutter-free. I couldn't cope otherwise  :P

That's me as well.

Eight years ago I got rid of an endless amount of nonsense that I hoarded along the years as I was losing track of what I have and it made a massive difference to be able to finally see what I own. Occasionally boxes would start piling up again but thankfully it only takes about an hour nowadays to move things out of the way and everything clears again in an instant.

I must give credit to ValeofSpring though for inspiring me to edit and not worry about letting go.
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Luxrayx on August 07, 2018, 03:51:53 AM
I've been thinking about this kind of thing a lot lately. Throwing stuff like clothes away is something I have no problem with, and that really makes me happy. Doing the same with ponies feels a lot harder, though. I've been meaning to buy a smallish display case that can only hold my very favorite ponies, so I can get rid of all the other ones, but choosing only a few favorites is so hard!
I also haven't been able to find a display case exactly like the one I want, which totally isn't just an excuse to postpone the whole plan :lookround:
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Sonata on August 12, 2018, 04:29:18 AM
Update on this - gave away a few more bags to charity yesterday and managed to get another bag and a half full yesterday. Will be getting rid of those next weekend I hope. It's amazing how I keep on finding things I definitely no longer want or need lol. I can't wait to go through the books we have here.. I have a feeling a decent amount will go haha.
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: achab1984 on August 14, 2018, 06:28:17 PM
Well a new update for me also. I know that I posted that I bought 9 NIB Breyer horses. I ended up selling all of them but 5. That was a big impulse buy for me! :(  I also have sold off some of the ponies in my collection that did not bring me joy! I now have over $200 in my account! That is good cause I have a new Premier club horse coming out next month that I can pay cash for! :)

We have also cleaned out some more things in the house, next up is Christmas stuff when it gets closer! We have to much of that stuff! :(
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Aadra310 on August 14, 2018, 07:55:55 PM
Good for you, achab1984!  I got rid of Christmas stuff last year.  I'm not really into it but I have great memories from when I was a kid so I have to keep some for my kids to build traditions with.

I have a trunk load of stuff for charity and I just gave a friend a bunch of baby clothes.  WOOT!  More stuff out of the house!
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: achab1984 on August 15, 2018, 07:44:44 PM
Good for you, achab1984!  I got rid of Christmas stuff last year.  I'm not really into it but I have great memories from when I was a kid so I have to keep some for my kids to build traditions with.

I have a trunk load of stuff for charity and I just gave a friend a bunch of baby clothes.  WOOT!  More stuff out of the house!

I have one tote that my mom gave me that has all of my childhood ones in it. She gave me one for a gift every Christmas, so that is a lot of Hallmark ones! I smile when I go threw them though. I don't use them on my tree cause I like a simple matching tree. Sometimes it does bother me to know they are all down there not being enjoyed! There are some that she wrote a special message to me on them. Those will stay!

We have a big tote that has some big garlend that we stopped using, I think I might sell this christmas!

Feels good to get things out of the house that is not being used!

Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Flitter on August 15, 2018, 07:53:52 PM
applejackbunny That totally makes sense. I think it's important when pursuing minimalism to still allow for things that make you happy, even if those things "aren't minimalist", and to give those items proper space in your home. I'd feel like was  going too far or losing track of my goals if I got rid of or packed away all my collections. There may come a time when they no longer have the meaning to me they do now, but for the time being they still have value in my life.

Luxrayx, you'll figure your display out when you're ready. Choosing fav's can be tough. I found packing everything away helped me. I would pull out and display ponies as I found my thoughts dwelling on them. It took a while of taking out and sometimes packing away ponies again before I figured what I wanted to do.

Sonata, books  :drunk: good luck!

Nice, achab1984! It seems you are working to get a handle on impulse buying and being able to let go of things you no longer need.

This past week I donated 2 club chairs I no longer wanted in my living room, along with a tote box of random things, a large light box I no longer used, and an empty file box.
Also, I just finished my pony collection restucturing!,392778.0.html

Still a few up on ebay but I feel I've met my goal with the collection now.  :)
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: achab1984 on August 15, 2018, 08:29:58 PM
Thank you Flitter! I should get some pictures of my home and share them all with you. I love to have a clean house! :) I did not grow up a clean house. So I am the opposite now!

I am going to put a link to my facebook album but it might not work unless we are friends.
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: Wardah on August 17, 2018, 12:06:52 PM
I personally feel that ideal minimalism is too extreme on the other side. Like yeah too much stuff is bad but so is too little.  There's a happy medium between cluttered home and cold stark emptiness. What ever happened to the idea of just maintaining balance?
Title: Re: Thoughts on Minimalism
Post by: chateaushelton on August 20, 2018, 10:56:30 AM
I am so happy to read this thread as I am going through some soul searching as well.

We are planning to move to a new (smaller) house so we have been purging a lot of things that we don't think will fit in the next home. But when it came to the pony collection - I couldn't do it - not even one or two - even though I know that space will be at a premium.

After talking to some other collectors, the best advice I found was to keep it -  but instead of trying to display it all at once, rotate your display. They suggested to maximize the space you have, deep shelves from floor to ceiling will help you get the most out of limited space.

I'm hoping this is the solution. Stay tuned.
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