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Messages - Katika

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Pony Corral / Re: Everyone's fav MLP from Gen 3 and Gen 1
« on: February 04, 2017, 01:25:17 PM »
My favorite G3 has always been Rainbow Dash :) I got on the G3 train a teeny bit late, so I missed Kimono and the first RD I saw was in her second pose and I think she's simply beautiful.

As far as the G1 I am most drawn to, I'd have to say Mimic. I loved her in the cartoon so very much, but we never found her in the stores so I didn't get her as a kid. As far as sentimental value goes, it's a toss up between SS Wind Whistler (my first pony *ever*, got her from the Easter bunny when I was 3) or TAF Buttons (she was a gift from my grandma and came to me with her tail washer already popped off, so she rattled and I thought it was the *coolest* thing :) )

Introductions / Re-introducing myself... again :)
« on: February 04, 2017, 01:19:56 PM »
Hey everyone!

Long time no see :) The past year or so has been absolutely nuts for me, resulting in decreased pony time (boooo), but I'm trying to make my come back now (yaaaaay!).

A little about me: I grew up playing with G1s, but left the MLP world when I wanted to play with more "realistic" model horses. Fast forward to 2003 and discovering G3s and I became an overnight collector. I much prefer G1 and G3 to the other generations, but G2/3.5/4 have all grown on me enough that they're welcome and significant parts of my herd (still not too sure on what I think about the *new* G4s... G4.5s? What are we calling them?). I go through spurts of customizing, but it's been a while since I've dug my ol' bait box out.

My degree is in animal science, as I'd planned on going to vet school since I was 5. Unfortunately, in undergrad, I began to pass out while making incisions and then I got engaged/married to a man whose career routinely keeps us moving, making that career a very unlikely option for me after all. I've worked in animal rescue, handling military working dogs, as a vet tech, and a horse trainer before deciding to devote my professional energy into another lifelong passion of mine--writing. As of this past April, I'm a published epic fantasy author :)

I hope to become a more active member of this community once again--it's always been the warmest online home I've ever been part of, and I miss the sense of camaraderie that these forums bring to its members.

Off Topic / Re: New Years Eve plans?
« on: December 31, 2016, 05:08:16 PM »
My New Years Eve plans are to snuggle with my dogger while he shakes from the neighbors' fireworks. We live really rural, so a lot of people use that as an excuse to be noisy with their celebrations. Fortunately, I was smart enough to nab the barn cats and horses before the sun went down and get them tucked in nice and safe before the fireworks started :)

I've never been that big on New Years Eve - I might stay up until midnight just to say "Yay!" but I'm not much of a partier, so it's not a big deal for me. I'm currently working on making my... erm... list of "resolutions", which is more of a general to-do list for the next year, and I take the first few days of the year to schedule out when I want to hit my major tasks on the list by. Other than that, it's mostly just another day for me.

Pony Corral / Re: Help with Crystal Rainbow Castle?
« on: August 26, 2016, 03:44:45 PM »
Finally found the wand, but the batteries are NOT still good on it, lol! I tried pushing the heart button and using a non-MLP magnet and neither of them are making it work. This castle has gone through 3 cross-country moves at the hands of movers, so there is a chance it's permanently jammed in the down position, I suppose :/ Now to find a tiny screwdriver to see if I can get to those batteries... :P

Pony Corral / Help with Crystal Rainbow Castle?
« on: August 26, 2016, 03:30:34 PM »
Okay. This is going to sound kind of silly, but is there a way to make the Crystal Rainbow Castle "grow" if I don't know where the wand is? I'd assumed it was magnet based, since so much of the G3 line was, but I haven't been able to get any of my non-MLP magnets to get it to pop up. I don't want to force it unless there's a "safe" way to do so. Any thoughts?

My horses live at home with me :) It's not so much a sensitive mouth thing with him as it is a he's missing the teeth that are at the back end of his bars thing, so a bit won't stay in the proper place because there's nothing to hold it there.

Hey everyone :)

My senior Arab, Star, has worn his second premolars to almost nothing and as such has been having an increasingly difficult time comfortably carrying his bit. He's the sort of horse that's only happy if he has a job, but with his mouth's changes, his job is making him uncomfortable.

He's too sensitive for most hackamores I've come across (though I'm not opposed to the right one, if there's one to suggest) and my mostly-English background has me a little uncomfortable using a bosal (I often find myself seeking contact, regardless of headgear), which has led me to the side pull option. He's got a super petite head, even for an Arab and shopping for tack online always frustrates me a bit because I'm scared of wasting money on something that ends up not being what I want.

Any suggestions? I'm open to most anything, and we've been getting by with hacks in his halter, but I'd like something that can give a little clearer communication so I can feel more comfortable straying from the arena and immediate property lines :) Thanks everyone!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Little Miss Dinosaurs?
« on: May 24, 2016, 05:57:34 PM »
I know nothing about these except for what you just told me, but I do know that I need Jumping Jenny. Right. Now.

Pony Corral / Pony Inventory App?
« on: May 11, 2016, 02:05:52 PM »
I'm super behind the times and *just* got my first Android device and am having so much fun scrolling through available apps :) I seemed to remember talk in the past of the possibility of a multi-generation inventory/checklist app in the past (it could have also been a dream lol) but my searching through Google Play and the Arena both aren't bringing up what I'm looking for. Does anyone know if this is something my mind has made up? Or is it really a thing?


Okay, thanks. I was afraid that it meant something bad would happen.

Years and years ago, I was really in to studying dream analysis, but I drifted away from it a bit because most symbols are not actually concrete definitions across the board (example: to me, dogs mean happiness and warmth, but to someone who's afraid of dogs, they mean something else entirely, so a dream about dogs would have a completely different meaning to me than it would to that person).  The common theme, though, is that it is largely believed that dreams are our psyche's way of trying to help us sort out things our minds register as important or problematic. I am sure there are exceptions out there, but for the most part, dreams don't exactly give us premonitions because our brains don't necessarily have a solid way to tell what *will* happen (this is not me trying to discredit anyone who follows or believes in psychic abilities; it's simply my observation of what average dreams mean to the average dreamer :) ). Dreams usually concentrate either on the immediate present or the past, so in my unexpert opinion, it sounds to me less like it's a sign of something bad happen so much as, like kaoskat mentioned, a sign that on some level you feel as though something you anchor happiness to in your life is being/has been disrupted.

Fresh thought just before hitting post... did you describe your dreams in the order they came to you? Because it sounds to me like the urgency of the situation is getting a little stronger. The "stalking pony" one seems a little bit out of the pattern since you were afraid *of* the toy during the dream instead of *for* the toy, but if that one happened first, it sort of makes sense. My best advice is to mediate on where you're at in life right now and see what might be running less than smoothly to see if you can sort things out. Another reason I took a step back from dream analysis was because I found myself looking too deeply into the meanings, though, so do be aware that they may not even be pointing to anything big at all :)

Off Topic / Re: Was David the Gnome series released on DVD in the US
« on: April 15, 2016, 09:50:45 PM »
I'm in Missouri, bought the series hmm... a year and a half ago? Maybe two? I haven't watched it in full, but did use it for a brief pick-me-up one day and it played just fine in either my Xbox 360 or XboxOne (can't remember which system). I know they're not quite the same as a DVD player, but at least the first disc was able to be played here in the States :)

Off Topic / Re: Are you bestest best friends with your mailman?
« on: April 15, 2016, 09:47:22 PM »
I vary anywhere between about once a month and a few times a week. I seem to do most of my online shopping in spurts :) Most of the supplements I feed my horses and dog are ordered and when I put in a bulk order of those is usually what "reminds" me that I can buy things online (for better or worse!). When finances are doing well enough for me to start binging on pony buys, I usually get a few packages a week, but I haven't had the opportunity to do that in a while.

I agree with the "more poses, more characters" thought and along the lines of the head/body mismatch, I think I'd be willing to pay a little more even for G4s if Hasbro would up their quality control. Remember how bad some of the G3s were with glue smeared all over their sides and in their hair?

I think I can sum this all up to "I miss G1s. A *lot*"  :P  Of course, I am rather biased on that fact...


@Katika - Love your enthusiasm! lol. Congrats on your novel! Please give us a link, we'd love to see it! Is it on Amazon? Or CreateSpace? Or Smashwords?

You are a mind reader because I was totally thinking of posting to ask if people here on the Arena wanted to start a writing group or fb group! It might be a great place for us to get the feedback we've been looking for. ^_^

^This is where my novel lives online :) Currently, I only have the ebook available. Paperback is coming super soon, but I'm waiting on my third proof trying to get the cover just right. The first book seems to be quite a learning experience and I am by no means an expert, but if anyone's got an CS/KDP questions, I'll do my absolute best to try to help other people avoid the confusion and hassles I trial and errored my way through :)

Devotion's a character-driven epic fantasy, written in 3rd person omniscient, following a holy war against demons on a godless island and the immortal paladin that comes to try to save the day. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm rather fond of it ;)

As for the FB group, I think we're only at 8 members right now? It's a closed group, so I'm not sure if it'll come up from a search, but it's called "Arena Writers". I still haven't posted any pictures for the account, so it may just pop up as the little sample of who's in it. If you're interested in joining and the search on FB doesn't turn up any results, feel free to PM me here and I'll be happy to try to get you on board :)

Congrats! Just bought it and can't wait to start reading it!

And thank you for taking a chance on me, too! I hope you enjoy it :)

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