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Topics - Katika

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Off Topic / Fantasy readers, I'm requesting some help!
« on: August 03, 2018, 03:51:29 AM »
I know I've been gone from the forums for a long time, but I could really use some help!

Since I began publishing my series in 2016, I made it my goal to sell my books at GenCon. Long story short, I'm here in Indianapolis right now, doing just that! Very, very spur the moment, I decided to also launch an organic campaign on social media to try to bump my ranks and get better visibility on Amazon, but I could really use some help. Most of my current fans and followers have shared previous promotions I've done, so I'm really needing to reach some new eyes, and that's why I'm asking for help here.

To be clear, I'm not asking any of you to purchase my book(s) (though I won't tell you not to if it sounds interesting to you ;) ), just to help spread the word via a FB post share and/or a retweet that the ebook of the first in series has been marked down to $0.99 for the rest of GenCon. Here are the links to the posts:


It's a very character-driven series about a holy war against demons, set on an island nation that's been abandoned by its god. A young woman has the role of general dropped on her shoulders when her father dies, and has to lead her army against a force she previously thought was a myth. She's completely in over her head, so an immortal paladin is sent to help guide her and her people through the war.

Any help you can give me with spreading the word would be massively and forever appreciated! And if you're at GenCon now and have a chance, I'm always happy to talk books (or ponies ;) ) with other readers, if you have the spare time to swing by Authors' Avenue to say hi <3

Customs / Pics of/advice for customs with dragon/demon wings?
« on: March 26, 2017, 04:52:57 PM »
Hey guys! Long story short, my cover artist is having a heck of a time finding/making wings to fit a character I need on my cover (if we get the right bend, it's the wrong shape and vice versa), and so I'm thinking about biting the bullet and making the wings myself so I can photograph them for her and get things just right that way. HOWEVER. I've never made any good quality dragon/demon type wings on a custom before. Can I see pics for inspiration? Any suggestions of what material to use for the webbing/membrane between the little finger things?

Off Topic / Tell me about your hometown quirks/traditions/urban legends!
« on: February 09, 2017, 05:05:26 PM »
I want to know about all of the weird little things that make your hometown (or others you are near enough to hear stories of) unique! I'm in the process of outlining a series of short stories to work on fleshing out the world my fantasy series is set in, and need unique places for my traveling character to visit :) Sorts of things I'm interested in:

My hometown is in southwest Missouri, and just a short drive from a phenomenon called the Spook Light. I've never seen it (despite several attempts to :P ) but it's supposedly a mysterious light that floats along a remote dirt road. There are a few stories tied to what it could be, but the one that's usually the most prominent is about the ghosts of Native American lovers looking for each other.

I live a bit further north now, but my teeny (and I mean *tiny*) town apparently lays claim to a glowing tombstone (I don't have the nerve to check it out lol) and a place called "Copperhead Hill" (which I don't have the *desire* to check out).

What about you guys? What sort of neat or creepy or obscure things is *your* hometown known for? I'd love to hear about unique events, too, if there are any :)

Introductions / Re-introducing myself... again :)
« on: February 04, 2017, 01:19:56 PM »
Hey everyone!

Long time no see :) The past year or so has been absolutely nuts for me, resulting in decreased pony time (boooo), but I'm trying to make my come back now (yaaaaay!).

A little about me: I grew up playing with G1s, but left the MLP world when I wanted to play with more "realistic" model horses. Fast forward to 2003 and discovering G3s and I became an overnight collector. I much prefer G1 and G3 to the other generations, but G2/3.5/4 have all grown on me enough that they're welcome and significant parts of my herd (still not too sure on what I think about the *new* G4s... G4.5s? What are we calling them?). I go through spurts of customizing, but it's been a while since I've dug my ol' bait box out.

My degree is in animal science, as I'd planned on going to vet school since I was 5. Unfortunately, in undergrad, I began to pass out while making incisions and then I got engaged/married to a man whose career routinely keeps us moving, making that career a very unlikely option for me after all. I've worked in animal rescue, handling military working dogs, as a vet tech, and a horse trainer before deciding to devote my professional energy into another lifelong passion of mine--writing. As of this past April, I'm a published epic fantasy author :)

I hope to become a more active member of this community once again--it's always been the warmest online home I've ever been part of, and I miss the sense of camaraderie that these forums bring to its members.

Pony Corral / Help with Crystal Rainbow Castle?
« on: August 26, 2016, 03:30:34 PM »
Okay. This is going to sound kind of silly, but is there a way to make the Crystal Rainbow Castle "grow" if I don't know where the wand is? I'd assumed it was magnet based, since so much of the G3 line was, but I haven't been able to get any of my non-MLP magnets to get it to pop up. I don't want to force it unless there's a "safe" way to do so. Any thoughts?

Hey everyone :)

My senior Arab, Star, has worn his second premolars to almost nothing and as such has been having an increasingly difficult time comfortably carrying his bit. He's the sort of horse that's only happy if he has a job, but with his mouth's changes, his job is making him uncomfortable.

He's too sensitive for most hackamores I've come across (though I'm not opposed to the right one, if there's one to suggest) and my mostly-English background has me a little uncomfortable using a bosal (I often find myself seeking contact, regardless of headgear), which has led me to the side pull option. He's got a super petite head, even for an Arab and shopping for tack online always frustrates me a bit because I'm scared of wasting money on something that ends up not being what I want.

Any suggestions? I'm open to most anything, and we've been getting by with hacks in his halter, but I'd like something that can give a little clearer communication so I can feel more comfortable straying from the arena and immediate property lines :) Thanks everyone!

Pony Corral / Pony Inventory App?
« on: May 11, 2016, 02:05:52 PM »
I'm super behind the times and *just* got my first Android device and am having so much fun scrolling through available apps :) I seemed to remember talk in the past of the possibility of a multi-generation inventory/checklist app in the past (it could have also been a dream lol) but my searching through Google Play and the Arena both aren't bringing up what I'm looking for. Does anyone know if this is something my mind has made up? Or is it really a thing?

Off Topic / Guys! I just released my first published fantasy novel!
« on: April 03, 2016, 06:06:25 PM »
I know I've fallen off the Arena for a bit, but I've been swamped with finalizing everything for publication of my debut novel, Devotion! She's the first of a five-part, character driven epic fantasy series told from a third person omniscient POV. Premise is a holy war against demons on a godless island and the immortal paladin that is sent to try to stop it. Ebook only at this time, paperback is still pending, but I had to squeal somewhere! I've been working on this book since 2003 and am SO excited (and equally terrified) to finally set her out into the wild!

I know we've got other authors here on the Arena and I'd love to talk networking (including links to your own books to check out!!) with those of you interested, especially if you went the indie route :)

If it strikes your fancy, and you've got the time, I'd be honored if any of you felt compelled to give her a read :) If you're interested, you can find it here:

Off Topic / Does anyone have experience with planning conventions?
« on: February 12, 2016, 04:12:26 PM »
I was just gently prodded with the idea of starting up a writing convention sometime in the future, but have never even attempted to do something like this before in my life. Can anyone direct me to where I can get more information on this sort of thing?

The thought on its own is so daunting, lol, but I've got a lot of (verbal) support for it. Any suggestions or tips would be very much so appreciated :)

Off Topic / *gasp!* NaNoWriMo's almost here! Who's writing this year?
« on: October 29, 2015, 07:25:12 AM »
The past month has been incredibly rough for me and it's been a long time since I logged on here. I know we've got quite a few writers at the Arena - who's participating in NaNoWriMo this year? This is the first year I'm attempting more than one novel... in fact, I'm *just* crazy enough that I'm aiming for... five. Yes, five. We'll see how that goes :P

For those of you new to the concept of NaNoWriMo, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and happens every year in November. The challenge is to write 50k words worth of new fiction through the course of the month. It's loads of fun (if you're a writer ;) ) and a fantastic motivation/kick in the pants to write that story idea you always daydream about :)

My name at the NaNo site is Katika; I'd love to add you guys as buddies! Hope to see you wonderful folks writing next month!!

Pony Corral / Any way to pre-identify Squishy Pops?
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:57:50 PM »
Okay, I'm not big on blind bags at all, but was feeling sort of down yesterday and randomly picked up one of the Squishy Pop balls.  Tiny little Scootaloo was in there and she's pretty much the cutest thing ever and I decided I need more of them.  I know with blind bags, there is a way to decode who is who before purchase.  Is there any way to do that with these little gems, or is it completely random? 

Please forgive me if this has already been addressed; I tried doing a search, but didn't come up with anything.

Off Topic / Dog folk with ingenuity, help needed for car travel!
« on: July 27, 2015, 11:51:20 AM »
I've made a couple of posts lately about both my dogs and my potential, cross-country move.  I've got a 12-year old, geriatric and significantly arthritic Malinois (the past three years have not been gentle for her as far as health emergencies go, and between her achy body and a pretty deep-seeded fear of where car rides will deposit us, she's developed quite a bit of travel anxiety) and now my 3-year old GSD/lab has been diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia (missing almost the entire front wing of his hip joint).  Our potential move is literally halfway across America (the coast-to-coast way), and we've got a few months to work on behavior modification to re-acclimate my older girl to relax in the car (and I do feel as though I've got that side of things under control).  What I'm needing help with is how to protect their hips, backs and legs in the process.

Moving sucks.  Staying still in cars sucks.  We currently have two vehicles (pretty sure that's not changing before the move); one sports car and one sedan.  We usually use the sedan for dog hauling, by using one of those canvas hammock seat covers in the back seats, and we have harness-type seat belts for both of our dogs.  Up until recently, that has been all the stability my dogs have seemed to need.  However, I'm worried about the length of time they'll be sitting/laying on those seats that aren't really specifically designed to comfortably let arthritic dogs lay down.  I've been looking at other model seat covers and have even tried out one of those quilted/padded ones (waste of money... there's zero traction to it against the seat itself, so it slides everywhere, making it dangerous, in my opinion), trying to find something that would offer better support. 

I've played around with trying to wedge their orthopedic beds under the hammock, but so far have been unsuccessful with getting the beds to lie flat enough to let the dogs actually get comfy on them.  I'm thinking I may have to bite the bullet here and get a couple beds and then cut them into the shape of the seats to get the job done, but am a little intimidated with the idea of doing that (since those suckers aren't cheap and I'd hate to make a mistake!).  Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing or know of any manufactured product that would possibly suit my needs?  My dogs always ride in the back seat on long trips for safety reasons related to air bags, but having them both in the same car while we move is not mandatory, if it'd be easier to split them up to make this work. 

I have no idea where else to go looking for this sort of thing and don't even know the best way to Google it, lol.  I figured with as many animal lovers and crafty folk as we have here, this may be my best bet to get ideas :)  Thanks, everyone!

Off Topic / Anyone from DC/close parts of Virginia?
« on: July 05, 2015, 05:54:33 PM »
Hey everyone!

Long story incredibly short, my family may be moving from the comfort of the Midwest to the DC area very soon and I know NOTHING about the east coast.

We already know that we do not want to live in DC, and are able/willing to commute an hour or less to get there, and have been primarily looking around Virginia.  We are *hoping* (fingers crossed BIG time) to be able to find a small farm so we can keep all of our horses and chickens (and cats and dogs... but they're indoors) in the family and not have to debate whether or not I stay behind with the family or we have to make the terrible decision of rehoming.  We want to do everything in our power to keep the entire family together.

Pretty much, I'm needing help knowing what major cities are in the hour-or-less range of DC so I have an idea of where to start researching housing, horse boarding, building codes, livestock restrictions and the like.  Any help is GREATLY appreciated <3

Off Topic / Calling all Creative Writers! - UPDATE ON PG 2!!
« on: June 02, 2015, 08:06:04 PM »
I had a question about my novel series over in WYP and discovered there are quite a few of us that are pretty serious about word smithing and story crafting and mentioned an idea in that thread of starting an Arena members only writing group.  Why?  Because I've found that quite a few writing groups seem to attract people that have hmm... abrasive personalities.  I get that as writers we need to grow thick skins, but there's a way to be *nice* about that sort of thing, and I feel safer with talking to other Arena members than almost any other group that I'm part of.  So I thought that it might be a beneficial idea for like-minded folks here to start our own, supportive writing group :)

Would anyone be interested in doing this?  I'm not sure the best way to officially arrange this sort of thing (through emails?  Facebook?  Suggestions? lol!), or even if it's allowed to pitch this sort of idea here, but thought I'd ask.  Pony people are so fun and positive and I think a lot of writers could benefit from that sort of atmosphere. 

Off Topic / Does anyone have the most current iPod Nano?
« on: May 19, 2015, 09:34:40 AM »
It's getting to be time for me to get another mp3 player.  My current one is the iPod Nano that came out, let's see... in 2008?  Maybe?  I only sort of liked it until I discovered that it has its own speaker (somewhere) if you tell it to play without headphones.  My previous iPod would just quit playing if you unplugged them, but this one made it so that I could safely *ride* with my music and get barn chores done without pulling the head phone cord with my pitchfork handle!  I now am absolutely crazy about it but am needing another one. 

I do not remember my current Nano having this built-in speaker feature advertised (it might have) and am wondering if the current Nanos still do it?  This feature is 100% the thing I care most about in an mp3 player right now, so if you have any other recommendations, I'd be interested to hear them too :)  My husband told me he didn't want me risking purchase price of a new one without knowing what I was actually getting, so I figured I'd ask (since my Google search skills aren't very good, lol). 

Thanks, everyone :)

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