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Messages - Pokeyonekenobie

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I live in a place where the internet is spotty so I definitely prefer physical copies of things.  My parents stream, and then complain when they have to wait for the internet to catch up to their show or when the streaming service decides to drop whatever they were watching.  I know the physical copies take up more space which is why I buy big CD cases that hold 200+ discs and put them in there. I have a lot of Anime and TV shows, so it's not all single disc movies.  One day I would love to have a movie room and put them back in individual cases but that's not happening any time soon.  With the physical copies, I can also watch/rewatch whatever I want whenever I feel like it.  I buy music CDs and Audiobooks in physical formats as well.  And I prefer physical copies of video games because then when my niblings come for the summer they can play the games as well without taking over my Switch.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 14, 2024, 07:06:15 PM »
I got a set of dragon molds for resin and there's a tiny hole in one of them.  :(  I contacted the seller so we'll see what they say.  Hopefully it's an easy fix.  They're super cute and I don't want to have to worry about leaking or the hole getting bigger every time I try to use it.

Introductions / Re: Hi!!!
« on: May 10, 2024, 07:05:31 AM »

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 07, 2024, 07:26:30 AM »
I was reading a post in a Disney World group on Facebook and someone asked if it was okay to randomly give someone a little gift while at the park that they had made.  The responses were so mean.  A lot of people either said outright "You'd better not try to give me/my children anything," "I'd take it, but throw it away when you're not looking."  The person also asked if it would be more acceptable to leave the gifts around the park where they'd be spotted and taken instead of trying to give them directly and the responses were equally as bad.  Someone said "I teach my children not to take things that don't belong to them."   "I'm not letting my child pick up some random thing they find."   

I understand everyone has an opinion, but telling the person that their gifts they worked so hard on wouldn't be accepted or appreciated made me feel bad for them.   So far the gifts I've seen others post are clearly marked as something meant for the person that finds it.  Usually it's in a bag and says "a gift from____ Enjoy."


When I worked at Disney World we had guests that would sometimes bring treats to us as Cast Members.  Depending on what it is, the Cast Members might not be allowed to accept it--Disney has rules that they're very strict about.  Even tips, for example.  Since I worked in a non-tipping position (I drove the Kilimanjaro Safari) I had to tell people "no"--in a nice way--three times before being allowed to accept it, and then I would have to let my manager know I had gotten it.  I found out by working there that some cultures show their appreciation by tipping so it happened even though we weren't expecting it.  (Most managers would just say, "Good job.  Next time, you don't need to let me know."  I think they were supposed to report it as income but the amount of tips we got wouldn't have made any difference.)

But as far as giving gifts to other guests, I would suggest that the person strike up a conversation with people while they're standing in line for rides and then offer the gift after making "Park Buddies."  Then it might not be so weird to some people.  When my friend and I go we always talk to people around us.  It helps the lines to go faster sometimes.

I would think if they were just leaving things randomly, they might end up in lost and found.  So it might not hurt for them to check with the Cast Members to see if there is a way to leave a "surprise gift" that would actually be found and taken home rather than sent to Guest Services waiting to be claimed.

As for my trivial complaint, I bought an adorable set of dragon molds for making resin pieces.  I made a set last night, using my resin curing machine, so I could see what it looked like in person and now I don't want to be at work.  I want to be at home making dragons.

Customs / Re: Do This in Your Style Challenge! - Returning for 2024
« on: April 30, 2024, 04:07:00 PM »
I wanted to, but life has been so insanely busy I haven't even started looking for a base.  But I'd love to see what everyone else did!

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: April 26, 2024, 07:49:51 AM »
I've been doing these little sheep doodles on another site that has ponies. I was doing them for free, but a friend poked me and said I should open a shop (it would be for game currency) so I asked for a price check. A couple of people have been very rude in my thread. Saying that anyone can draw a blob or glowing line and get lots of the game currency for it. That people like me who aren't artists make REAL artists feel bad. Blah blah blah.

People who make comments like that are a combination of jealous and insecure.  I create Pokemon coloring pages--I started years ago, back when there were NO official Pokemon coloring books.  I have a friend who was really interested in what I was working on because she also wanted to color Pokemon.  We were discussing it in front of her brother who informed me in a sneering tone that it wasn't that hard and he could do that.  So my response was, "Yeah, but will you?"  I think it shocked him that I had the audacity to snap back at him.  (He's very spoiled, to the point where their mother would blame my friend if he didn't eat because, even now, as an adult, he doesn't know how to make himself a peanut butter sandwich.)  He doesn't like me and that's fine.  I think he's a {word I shouldn't use on this site}.  I've made 600+ Pokemon coloring pages so far and plan to complete the entire set.  The kids at the library where I work love them. 

I am currently working on pieces to sell at a big event a few towns over.  I don't do custom pieces.  I create what I want and if people buy them, great.  But does that make me NOT an artist?  Because I do something that someone else claims they can do or I don't take commissions?  I don't think so.  I'm an artist whether someone else likes it or not.  There are lots of famous art pieces that I think are hideous and wouldn't have paid money for but they're in museums so obviously someone out there thought they had value. 

And it's been my experience that the people who are supposed to have my pieces don't always show up at the first place I show them.  Sometimes it takes a few times before a piece sells.  I don't take it personally.  I would rather my pieces go to someone who truly enjoys them rather than selling them just to sell them.  If you're only an artist to make money, it will show.  But when you love what you do, the people who also love what you do will find you. 

Which reminds me...I really need to remember to start taking pictures of what I create and adding them to my DA page.  I haven't added anything but coloring pages since I started making resin pieces.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: April 23, 2024, 08:36:53 AM »
So, for some reason this morning whenever I would search on Google it defaulted to Bing...from Google Chrome.  A web search on how to fix it was basically useless (change your default--Chrome is already my default; select your default search engine--Google already is; it might be malware, buy our software to find out--it's a work computer so I have no control over their security software) so I cleared my browser history and that seems to have fixed it for the moment.  I really hope it was the result of the IT people doing some updates that they conveniently didn't tell us about and not something worse like the internet wants me to believe.

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:23:14 AM »
Stuff like this is why I customize my own Funko pops.  Sometimes it's hard to find the right "base" but I have been known to head-swap to get what I need and then I just put the rest of the pieces together randomly.  Because of that I have Tony Stark's head on Star-Lord's body.  I call him Tony Stark-Lord.

I have a bunch of the Collector's Pose pops that I need to customize still.

Introductions / Re: Hello!
« on: April 02, 2024, 01:30:49 PM »


Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: March 29, 2024, 07:48:21 AM »
Yikes, Minty.  I'm surprised they didn't really do anything, either.

I wonder if his daughter can call the police next time and tell them that she is concerned for her safety because of his hallucinations.  I know when my brother was having episodes like that (drug induced) my parents were able to get him admitted to the psych ward temporarily because of their concerns for him even though he was an adult.  Maybe a family member has to say something sometimes?  I don't know what the rules are where you live so that might have something to do with it.

I have to work today and I just don't want to.  I'm tired of working.  Where can I live that will pay me to stay home and paint?  :art:

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: March 24, 2024, 10:15:14 PM »
The Pokebank is going to be shut down officially soon so now I'm trying to stock up on all the Vivillon forms to keep in my Pokemon Home.  I like to breed Level 1 Scatterbugs so that I can give them to my niblings and it's a surprise which one they get when they evolve them.  I only have 2 forms left on my PAL DS (Sun and Tundra) but it takes so long to get to the Pokemon Day Care that I'm worried I won't manage to get it all done like I want before the Pokebank closes and I can't get them transferred over.  Plus I have to catch a bunch of Pokemon on my NTSC DS in order to trade them off of the PAL DS because the NTSC DS is the one my Pokebank is on that will connect to Pokemon Home. 

First world problems or what?

Off Topic / Re: What made you smile today?
« on: March 24, 2024, 10:01:47 PM »
I was able to buy a new (to me) car yesterday.  Still bummed that the last one was totaled by someone else but I like the new one so it's not all bad.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: March 21, 2024, 09:31:02 PM »
Well, I think I may have found a good replacement vehicle.  BUT I'm annoyed I have to buy a new one right this second.  I mean, I have the money for one, but I wanted to save that money for something else, like a house down payment.  I definitely don't want to take out a loan because then I'd be paying interest when I don't have to.  But I'm nervous to use my debit card for such a large purchase, since I've never paid for something this expensive at one time before.  My bank is out of state so I can't just pop in for a money order or cashier's check.  I'm going to call my bank tomorrow and get everything set up because I have an appointment to test drive a car on Saturday and I REALLY don't want any surprises keeping me from getting a car.  I have to return the rental by Monday unless I want to pay for it so I really need something sooner rather than later.  Plus, the rental is larger than I'm used to driving so I don't want to drive it any more than necessary.  It makes me nervous to think I might accidentally hit something because I'm not used to the size.

On the plus side, I think if I can pay in full I might be able to negotiate a cheaper price.

Off Topic / Re: Anime? Thread #2
« on: March 16, 2024, 01:04:19 PM »
Oh yeah, the 80s/90s were all about "educational" TV.

I picked up the second part of Spy X Family but haven't had a chance to watch it yet.  Also picked up Bluelock, because it looked interesting.  I noticed at my Walmart they moved the Dragonball sets to another section.  I hope that means we'll actually be getting something that could be considered variety now.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: March 16, 2024, 12:58:58 PM »
Kind of not trivial, but at the same time is.

Let me start with: I am NOT hurt.

Yesterday on my way to work someone slammed into the back of my car.  I have no idea how fast they were going, but I was going 60 MPH as that was the speed limit.  There were no other cars around AND another lane they could have used to pass me so I think they were distracted (I'm guessing on their phone but since I can't look at the report for another 10 days, I won't know for sure--assuming they admitted to it).  But my trunk basically ended up squished right up next to my back seat.  Fortunately, their vehicle was about the same size as mine (it was a 2010 Hyundai Accent I bought new off the lot, now it's an even more compact car) and neither of us were hurt.  But it was the first time I've ever been in an accident, so it was nice that my insurance contact was nice about walking me through everything.  And it triggered a migraine, which made doing the things I needed to a billion times harder.  But once everything was settled, my migraine went away.  I did go get checked out in case of whiplash and so far I don't think I have it, so that's good.  I'm sad because I liked my car and took good care of it.  Now I have to find a new one.  And I'd just replaced the battery in January AND there was 3/4 tank of gas in there!   >_<

But I'm okay and stuff can be replaced.  It's just annoying because the car market super sucks right now and finding a good car that hasn't been destroyed by the previous owner is going to be a challenge.  I currently reside in a "No-Fault State" which means that the driver can't be sued for anything.  What that does it it makes people drive even WORSE because there's no chance that they'll be held accountable in court for driving like a :toot:

So, again, trivial because it's just stuff, but not trivial because now I have a lot of work to do.  I hate car shopping.

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