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Messages - TattooedMLP_Rat

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Pony Corral / Re: New 35th Anniversary Collector Ponies Spotted! Pics!
« on: January 12, 2018, 10:33:38 AM »
I work at Target and I can say we are behind with setting things.  Our toys is slowly being worked on now.  I had to go in the backroom and get two of the ponies yesterday.  No one has obviously asked yet because they were still back there located.  They should be on an endocarp with old retro toys.  The DPCI is 086-00-2831.  Our store only received one box and that looks like the common thing in my area, the street date was the 7th on the box.  I only grabbed the two I really wanted, hopefully the other 4 end up in a collectors hands and not on ebay!

I think they look way better then the 25th anniversary ones, but I would have also enjoyed twinkle eyed or flocked remakes better as someone mentioned earlier!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Zelfs?
« on: October 24, 2015, 06:14:52 PM »
Does anyone else here collect Zelfs?

That's what I am thinking to Wysteria!  I hope to make some extra cash at the fair and order her!  People have been posing pics of Zecora, she looks so cool!

I def want Zecora, but I have to pay all my bills first…oh adult life….

Maybe if she doesn't sell out in a couple of weeks I will order one…..hopefully she will be around a while!  She looks very good!

OMG $35 for Zecora????  Dang….

Pony Corral / Re: SDCC exclusive - EXCLUSIVE REVEALED!!! Page 26
« on: June 26, 2014, 08:54:01 AM »
I think that this is a fitting character to have as the SDCC Exclusive.  I like it, I liked the episode.  I do hate how we do not get our own exclusive anymore, that's bs!  It use to be exciting to get our own exclusive, it was a nice feeling of appreciation that WE were all PONY collectors.  Then the show came out, which I love, but BRONIES became a fad, and we got pushed aside as collectors from our childhoods.  Don't ever forget where you came from HASBRO! (You were part of OUR childhoods, not these "fans" they wouldn't even touch a 25 year old pony if their lives depended on it.
  So, that being said, I think it's a perfect exclusive for Comic Con, it's from a comic book, why didn't we expect it?  Some people look to much into the exclusive.  I think they should continue exclusives as comic book heroes (Daring Do?????), that's what Comic Con is, I usually go to all the Comic Con type conventions in Chicago and it's fun. 

I also want to say I think it's funny people are complaining that it doesn't have brushable hair……Funko vinyl ponies don't either, and people LOVE those.  Just something to think about.  I just can't wait to see this exclusives packaging and in person. 

I couldn't find them in stores either, so I just asked in store and she ordered them for me.  It's always buy one thing and get 50% off another, PLUS it's free shipping to the store.  I got them before the store order!  I didn't get either glitter but they still look AMAZING in person!

Thanks for posting!  These two look awesome!!!  I also have Hot Cash to use!

Pony Corral / Re: Next set of Mcdonalds ponies revealed. Rainbowified
« on: April 08, 2014, 05:50:32 PM »
I finally got DJ and Luna!  I had checked a few McDonalds around and none of them had past #4.  I went to the mall today and asked what numbers they had left.  He asked me which ones I needed, and they actually had what they call a "customer" box.  The one woman went and checked for me.  So, if you are looking for specific ones, maybe try your local mall, they were very nice to me!

OMG So excited for Applejack and Big Mac!!!!   They look really good!  Applejack has a HAT!

Someday I will find or get a Pinkie Pie glitter.  That Applejack looks awesome!  And Trixie without a tail is just weird.  That's the one funko I'm glad I didn't get the glitter, bc u can see there's no real tail!

I just found a glittery Twilight yesterday in store!  I still have yet to find Pinkie Pie….I've rarely ever even seen her in a store.  I feel like she had a short run.  Has anyone else seen Pinkie Pie?

Off Topic / Re: Colorful horses?
« on: February 10, 2014, 07:30:05 AM »
Thank you ajmeier55!  Those are them!  I found some while I was cleaning out my dads house.  I'm about to move in there since he moved to another state and I found a couple boxes of my old childhood toys!

Off Topic / Colorful horses?
« on: February 08, 2014, 07:34:16 PM »
What in the world are the name of the horses that were colorful in the 80s-90s?  The size of a Breyer horse.  I am sorry I didn't take a picture….

Off Topic / Re: Do you have any plushies or toys that comfort you?
« on: February 01, 2014, 08:25:04 AM »
I have a teddy bear that my mom had gotten me after I broke up with a bf in high school.  He got me a dog plush and she wanted me to not bring it to college and get over him.  She took me to Build a Bear and said I could get whatever I wanted.  I picked out a bear with a hoodie on, I've slept with him every night for the past 10 years.  I'm 29 years old now and married.  It's funny, sometimes my husband gets jealous I'm hugging my teddy bear at night, rather then him.  I just named my teddy, Teddy, my mom used to call him Crusty bc he's all ratty looking.  Sorry I don't have a pic, but I am loving this post and everyones pictures!!!

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