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Messages - Sugarberry

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Pony Corral / Re: Pretty Clips of Ponies in the Shows
« on: July 28, 2016, 09:59:20 PM »
Fizzy does look so much nicer with the dark green hair in front!

And I agree that RAMC/Firefly's Adventure was the best of the animation, but then the cartoons were made quickly and in a much different style that was more time-pressured. 
Still love so many scenes from the film, including the Applejack/ seapony one and the  'Let's not take a nap' scene with the nursery and baby ponies playing.

The movie scene with baby Lickety split looks off because her eyes are completely blue, cheeks are too big and body is huge- but frontal views of ponies and the rear are the most difficult to draw.   ;)  Even da Vinci had a lot of difficulty drawing them- a technique called 'foreshortening' must be used.  When the Disney film 'Spirit' came out, it was phenomenal from a technical animation aspect as well as true-to-life body language of horses.

As for Unico, I had to look it up since I could only recall two movies which were shown on the Disney channel.  The first was called "The fantastic adventures of Unico", the second was "Unico and the Island of Magic".  There apparently was quite a bit more as far as appearances in different media, and a much shorter film.
He's super cute though- and you might be able to catch the old films on you tube.  ^^  Haven't tried to look it up yet.
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Pony Corral / Re: Pretty Clips of Ponies in the Shows
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:28:34 PM »
It's very old, but I love an ancient anime called Unico.

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Pony Corral / Re: Light Bulbs in the Pony Room
« on: July 25, 2016, 05:07:50 PM »
I should clarify on the natural light-   :blush:  LED bulbs come in a couple different forms (soft white, blue, and a replica of natural light- which isn't quite like regular UV), and my setup in the bedroom is probably quite a bit different than many others.  I use a bunch of different things to help.  Please forgive the mess, with fair I just haven't been able to finish all the redesigning I had in progress and it's underway again.  Hoping to have a local meet in December.

Here goes-
This room was designed for the pony collection.
The windows all have either uv-blocking film blinds (sorry about the dark lighting- it's easier to see the effect of the blinds if you look at the light hitting the window frame sides behind the curtains):
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 or this:
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This film is sold in rolls at Menards/Home Depot for $20.00 a roll.  It takes 2 rolls to cover a window and looks like this when finished:
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My mother made the curtains. ^.^  Ponies directly adjacent to the windows also have 'backer boards' between them and the window.  These are acid free boards for comic books, and provide a little extra protection from scattered bits.

For light bulbs, the size of the room means I have to use track lighting.  I have ...10? 12? can-lights to illuminate several rows of shelving and cabinets.  I don't use any of the lights within the cabinets themselves.  Here's an example of one of the rows:
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And I chose these can-light bulbs for the lighting:
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I've been working on sheeting the fronts of some of the cabinets with plastic covers to lower the dust, but that also helps provide another light filter.  Wear and tear happens, but gotta be able to enjoy it too.  :)  Hope that helps you. 

Pony Corral / Re: Light Bulbs in the Pony Room
« on: July 25, 2016, 09:37:27 AM »
LED white or natural light is what I use.  It's bright, pleasant on the eyes, and as Firefly mentioned, no heat and no UV.

Pony Corral / Re: ~ Out Now & Coming Soon ~
« on: July 22, 2016, 03:02:47 PM »
It's been roasting here.  Went for popsicles (ice lollies) to surprise the guys at the casting plant and found this: something new and really fun-
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And these have been at our Walmart a little while now, but don't know if anyone else has mentioned them yet:
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There is an episode of G1 where the ponies encounter Princess Porcina.  She has their hair cut for a magic cloak and it magically grew back.  It seemed reasonable at the time, but my old Applejack proves real ponies aren't as fortunate- she's missing 1/3 of her forelock.

Pony Corral / Re: You know you're a pony collector when ...
« on: July 07, 2016, 03:58:19 PM »
When your family looks at twenty of the same character pony and you have to explain that each and every one are indeed different, because of country, patents, hair or eye color, symbols, rows of hair, releases...

Pony Corral / Re: SDCC Pony 2016
« on: July 01, 2016, 01:30:10 AM »
 :sigh:  There is no proper emoticon for this.

1) Got to agree, this isn't the fair staff's doing, fault or any part of theirs.  And honestly, it kind of bothers me to see threats toward the Hasbro reps here. :huh:  They will undoubtedly get the message by the amount of commotion already going up in so many forums, as well as by the amounts of 'unsold' and 'unsaleable' product.   

2) Divided between "Yes, disappointed too," and "Yeah I'll pay $25-$100 extra for a pony cause it has slightly off blue eyes instead of purple... or a hk/china differentiation...... so WHY not Discord?" 
My gut says it isn't worth $50.00 to have open eyes and I'm really wishing they'd throw in something like a pin or button..... a sticker even- to make it more unique.  Even so, I paid for it, going to the fair, and it will come home with me and be added as a memory.  (Whoever it was that made the comment about the cheaping out on tf was correct btw- they're doing the same thing there.)

Don't give up on Hasbro though.  They might just turn around next year and come up with something special after getting the message that these aren't satisfactory to the majority.  In the meanwhile, he *is* different to the store release. Plus, getting him at the fair will be a memorably fun time, and I'm not looking for resale value, so he'll come home to a shelf spot here- as nostalgia.  (And I will keep hoping for Big Mac for next year.)     


Welcome back!  I come and go too as life, family and time permit, but ponies are always a constant source of enjoyment.  I also have ptsd, and completely understand the relief that comes from them. 

I was born in November of '73. Always horse-crazy, I was taking riding lessons and doing ballet classes and gymnastics when two major factors collided that started my pony collecting.
The first was my father's work.  He worked (and still does at age 85) for a family-owned die casting business.  There was a significant trouble there when one son began murdering the rest of the owning family off with arsenic.  The plant closed for a few years, and during that time my dad was out of work and the family had no health insurance.

Cue the second factor.  Strep throat.
At 6 years old, I was hit with strep so hard that it wiped out my immune system and left me paralyzed from the waist down for two weeks with arthritis.  The hospital bills nearly bankrupted the family, but I didn't know about that till much later.  Although the swelling subsided, the arthritis was permanent.  I couldn't move well, and had to give up all those extra activities.  Mom became a girl scout leader so I could still do some outdoor things, but it was leading to child's depression.  In school I needed glasses, but we wouldn't know that for another 4 years.  Together with the arthritis, I couldn't see to catch balls in gym, couldn't play with the other kids, and became withdrawn- choosing to read in a corner instead of go out to recess.

 And then they appeared.  A family tradition is to go out for a birthday dinner.  Toward Christmastime, we went to celebrate three of our birthdays all at once.  There was a huge commotion in the diner that night.  A man choked or had a heart attack, the waitress spilled food on my brother and some other stuff happened.  Two hours later we were still waiting for food, so mom took me for a walk next door to TRU.  Beautifully colored horses were on the racks right at the front of the store! They had sweet eyes and gorgeous pictures on the package. 
And best of all, they were only $3.00.  It was a lot of money back then for us, but mom saw the change the ponies made right away.  She began using them as an incentive to turn in my school work.    Ponies went everywhere with me, Applejack first, and then others followed. One every couple weeks if I did well on homework.  Mom picked up a part time job in the school cafeteria to get money and then I got to work with her, washing trays.  When the second surviving son of the die casting plant recovered from the poisoning and his brother was arrested, the plant reopened.  Dad became plant manager there. 
Years eighth grade graduation gift would be Paradise estate. 

Struggles.  There is a constant guilt now when I see so many others selling their collections.  Friends have passed away or are going through hardships.  I feel bad for them, and I've not bid on some of the collections because I don't want to be ---well.... a vulture.  On the other hand, bidding helps those friends out and in my collection, I can remember where every individual item came from and who it came from.  Good memories of good friends. That is one struggle.
The next would be money, and space.  Spend money on collections or spend it on family activities?  With both parents being 85, time is precious.  My husband has a truly golden heart.  He says buy anything... he's too supportive sometimes.  I have to keep myself in check!   Space too.  Ponies have filled the bedroom, the computer room and are spilling out into the dressing room.  I gave him the end room to have for his own space and I'm trying to corral my stuff.  Sharing transformers, some overlap happens, but everyone needs their own space!
And trading struggles.  I remember online fights and saw so much horrible stuff go on that I mostly stayed quiet and stayed out of things.  After being burned on a few trades where folks didn't send or else they demanded I pay mailing from my end, and that I also pay their end, or international sellers fixing prices and rising postal costs, I pretty much gave up on trading for many years until just recently.  A few recent dabbles have been super nice though, so it is a struggle I have to work through a little at a time.           

Pony Corral / Re: Hasbro, what were you thinking?!
« on: June 14, 2016, 03:03:45 PM »
G1: Flutter wing attachments and "Princess" eyelashes...
G2: Non-existent US marketing.
G3/3.5: Names (or words) scrawled all over pony's sides, as if they didn't remember their own names.
G4: Ponymania - and the only semi-acceptable word that comes to mind with that is still vulgar. 

Pony Corral / Re: Name That Show Pony ! ☆ Game☆
« on: June 14, 2016, 02:53:01 PM »

Pony Corral / Re: New 2016 Ornaments - G1 collector ponies!!
« on: June 09, 2016, 07:18:19 AM »
Those are SUPER cute!  I just ordered 4 and found there's an added bonus.  If you sign up for an account, you get $10.00 off your order.  If you buy more than $44.00 of stuff, you also get free mailing.  Thanks for the heads up Ashlyne!

Pony Corral / Re: what are your collecting idiosyncrasies?
« on: June 08, 2016, 12:04:28 AM »
I collect everything pony except the regular size Equestria Girls dolls and ahhh... human clothing. 
 A few of each have slipped in, but I don't go out of my way for them.   :whistle:

Pony Corral / Re: 'Old' collectors: how have things changed?
« on: June 07, 2016, 11:40:04 PM »

There was a true sense of community... any old members of the Church of the Mint on Card Mimic still around?  It was a group of "tongue in cheek" folks who pretended to worship the holy grail - a mint on card Mimic  =o).  Had a website and everything.

Jeanne!  Bill!  Sure have missed you guys!   :hug:
I'm still here. A few more silver hairs in the red now, but still here in the background.  :blush:

Nostalgia trip... here we go. :tumble:

I can perhaps go back a bit further than most folks here.  I began the Berry Patch in 1994 during university.  It was not meant to be an ID site so much as a collection website as a result of an education project.  My intention from early on was to eventually write a book for the ponies and to publish it, but my website was never meant to be part of that.  Back then, the internet was just starting to develop and Ebay was just coming into existence.  It may be difficult to imagine now, but most http addresses were very little other than text.  Pictures were not exactly digital, or upload-friendly.  I began with Polaroid pictures, then scanned them. 

Later, toward... 1995/96 a new place came about called Geocities.  You could literally "house hunt".  Addresses were shown, and you could see who your neighbors were.  I moved the Berry Patch there, and that was about the time Ebay began to explode and webrings did too.  I still have all the graphics I drew, and pictures of the webrings, but Photobucket seems to be down.  I'll try to pop some up later.

Anyway, I spent thousands of dollars trying to upgrade computer equipment to keep up.  Paid for AOL service too.  Mouse-drawn images turned to tablets, scanners became faster.  I bought a program called "Adobe Go-Live" and that helped immensely with html, but that also had a drawback.   
 The website eventually became too large for my poor mac Performa to handle, and too tedious to code the html by hand.  Macintosh and PC formats hated each other and making the website loadable for both was really hard.  I bought a G3, then G4, but technology was still moving too fast to keep up with glitches.  Dream Valley became the major ID site.  Being too shy and carrying too many credit hours to do much beyond graphics, I kept trading low-key to a handful of friends.  Money orders, cash hidden carefully in foil or within items.  There were too many fights, too much nastiness with people vying for positions as 'experts'.  Ebay was a bite-and-kick situation.  We could all see who was bidding, there were no sniping programs.  Everyone here was on dial-up modems, so it was "refresh, refresh, watch clock, refresh... get ready... BID!" --- and hope you didn't get kicked off.
 Some folks would run up bids just because they didn't like a person or were jealous.  That happened on a daily basis.  I remember the scammers too, and the shill bidders.  But it was because of those IDs being visible that I met and made some very good friends.  Everyone kind of recognized everyone else.

Then word came through one of my trading friends named Kristin (Icefeather) that there was going to be a huge gathering in Pennsylvania.   Pony Palooza.  It was a major gathering, and so much fun!  The first of its kind.  I had met up with a handful of local collectors here in town before, but it was bitty compared to Palooza and not really an 'event' so much as friends gathering.  It was at Palooza that Kristin and I made up the moc Mimic thing, and I made a stained glass picture of her for a mock website.  We were so sure none were left in existence!!!!!!!  hahahaha!  We were wrong.   :lol:  She eventually did get her carded Mimic.

I began with my book photos in 1998, and continued to '01.  Hasbro employees and other companies making products were always searching and referencing the online websites still, because there were not very many resources out there even then.  In 1998, a group of folks from France contacted me for information because I had posted up scans of the UK pony magazines and they wanted more info and references for one they were creating.  Sadly, I had such a hard time with scanning back then on a primitive scanner that I was only able to send out a few more scans.  Each scan back then took 5-10 minutes and was massive in size.  I also scanned and posted up the Adventures in Ponyland gameboard that came with Baby Blue Ribbon at its full size.

I made a trip back out to visit Jeanne and Bill, Kristin, Heidi, and another friend who has since passed away.  I had been to England, France and Scotland in '00, and had accumulated hundreds of pictures and information for previously "unknown-in-the-US" ponies, and was looking forward to finishing with the rest on this particular trip.  Kristin was moving away from NY to get married, so I pushed my trip up a week.  I wanted to see NY.  I was there the week before 9/11.  For many reasons, this trip was one I truly cherish.  It was the last time I got to see another friend and Kristin.  I also got to spend a lot of time with Jeanne, a most marvelous friend.  For almost a week, she let me photo her collection.  When I went to photo that other friend's collection though, the collector had had a change of mind and had become fearful of others knowing about her ponies.  It was frustrating to say the least, but I understood.  It was still a wonderful visit with all of them.  Unfortunately, my ankle had a bit of an accident at the end of the trip, and then you all know the aftermath of 9/11.  I got home and woke the next morning to see the towers on the news. 

Collecting unites us, but it can also tear folks apart.  Too much drama, too many scammers, increasing cost and some trades that I sent off and didn't receive back the other trade made everything a bit sour.  Suffering from quack dentistry and in need of shoulder surgery and other medical things, I decided to stop trading and just purchase what I wanted.  Right about then the moc Greek and Argentina ponies popped up, Dutch too.  A collector's guide to ponies came out shortly after.  It appeared rushed, was factually inaccurate on many things, and could have used more care, but it happened.  I shelved my projects and took down the Berry Patch in late 2002, but joined here just after that time as well.  I guess the last thing my website did came in the form of a small email I have saved someplace.  It was from a Hasbro designer that had seen a graphic I drew and wanted to know how I created a light effect in Glory's eye when I drew her.  That little color stripe in the G3 eyes- that came after. ^.^  Then we moved in properly to the new house, I hosted a couple of pony meets here before I had too many medical and financial troubles to do it again.

I like the changes that have happened here in the last 10-ish years.  There isn't so much bragging anymore - it's more of just a friendly exchange of info and very refreshing.  There are still some obnoxious collectors but most folks are very sweet.  I've done a few purchases and a couple trades now and found the results very nice (thanks again Kelly!)  Wiki is very helpful, but still lacking so much info.  I see many old friendly names that have been around ages.  It's tempting to try again with more trades.  So many new items are out, and Summer's Pony Fair is always enjoyable.  Lots of nice changes!   :biggrin: 



The little butterfly doll reminds me a bit of a Shimmer.  I vaguely remember mermaids, and if she is one, she might be worth a little bit of money since those have a following too. :)

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