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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Artemesia's Garden on July 13, 2022, 02:44:22 AM

Title: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 13, 2022, 02:44:22 AM
I'm working from home today, looking at seed care results for commercial geraniums. It's 25C today so still hot for England but not as hot as yesterday. I went outside in my break and checked my tomato plants.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on July 13, 2022, 04:57:46 AM
Mostly just doing house stuff, I'm on Day 5 of self-isolation and I have a delivery later coming from Tesco (they are warned I have tested positive). I should put in an order for new work trousers, and clean about the house. It's pretty warm today!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 13, 2022, 06:43:53 AM
I'm going to finish this custom pony I've been working on for a month and a half then finish my first needle felting project, a pumpkin :)

Less fun, I need to clean the cat boxes and vacuum the living room and bedroom.

The weather is hot and humid, with the heat index it's already 96F and it's not even 10AM.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 13, 2022, 08:23:08 AM
Got three shark wuzzles: melon shark, bee shark, & eaqgle shark, aka Hajgle. Hajgle is my fave of the three. Will make a savoury pie later. Got everything ready for it. Had some caramel bites picked up at yesterday's coffee morning as a snack. Now checking online stuff. Next stop: what made you smile
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on July 13, 2022, 09:31:11 AM
Will likely be helping a relative with yard work later this evening. Hafta fold laundry.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 13, 2022, 10:03:42 AM
 :biggrin: It's nice to hear about your day  :grouphug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on July 13, 2022, 10:09:13 AM
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 13, 2022, 10:10:09 AM
working mostly. picking up groceries. cooking dinner. i got a new work computer so some of my day will be setting that up.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 13, 2022, 10:18:03 AM
working mostly. picking up groceries. cooking dinner. i got a new work computer so some of my day will be setting that up.

Boo.. but then yay, a new computer! I only get a new computer once I'm scared the old one will die, so it's quite a relief.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 14, 2022, 05:13:52 AM
Pie went ok. Love the shargle; he's so fluffy!!! I called him Wedge & he accompanied Bakana in bed with me last night. Woke up tired. Hope to make cake today
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 14, 2022, 05:57:45 AM
I didn't finish either of my projects yesterday. I was really tired yesterday.

My plans today include finishing those projects and breaking down some boxes, tidying up.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on July 14, 2022, 07:20:57 AM
working mostly. picking up groceries. cooking dinner. i got a new work computer so some of my day will be setting that up.

Boo.. but then yay, a new computer! I only get a new computer once I'm scared the old one will die, so it's quite a relief.

Same; I know my beloved girl will give up the ghost soon, she's lived on two countries and I've had her for close to ten years (and I use my laptop A LOOOOOOT, it's rarely EVER switched off) and she's pretty much held together by sheer force of will ... but the idea of having to switch to a new one?? No????

I managed to get the bins out (I'm out of my 5 day self-isolation period), I've more rubbish to put out so most of the day will be getting my house in order now that I can take rubbish out properly.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 14, 2022, 10:16:08 PM
I'm off to work in the office/growth room today. I need to count some Hibiscus seedlings and pot up some geraniums. Manny will be picking up some overtime this evening so I will probably rest or do some gardening in the evening. We dismantled the bed underneath the front window because we needed to put the gravel somewhere else. So I now I need to put the troughs and rocks back somehow and make it look tidy.

Post Merge: July 14, 2022, 10:18:51 PM

Pie went ok. Love the shargle; he's so fluffy!!! I called him Wedge & he accompanied Bakana in bed with me last night. Woke up tired. Hope to make cake today

Congrats on the pie. I really enjoy cooking for Manny and sometimes guests. And congrats on Wedge too!

Post Merge: July 14, 2022, 10:20:33 PM

I didn't finish either of my projects yesterday. I was really tired yesterday.

My plans today include finishing those projects and breaking down some boxes, tidying up.

Vacuuming in the heat must be exhausting. But the results are worth it! I hope your day went well. I need to get a hang of the time zones...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: katrine2309 on July 15, 2022, 04:39:32 AM
I’m watching re-runs of friends (love that show!) and putting stuff up for sales (non-pony). So far I’ve sold for 200$. I usually spend summer time sorting out stuff I don’t need anymore. It’s kind of fun!

Yesterday I sorted through my clothes and ended up giving away four full plastic grocery bags.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 15, 2022, 06:11:10 AM
i got my new computer but it wasn't the one i asked for. not enough processing power, screen too small. so now i have to wait until i hear back from work about whether it was a mistake. getting a new computer there is so difficult and frustrating. i'm also trying to get an updated computer for another team member and the company is making a fuss about it. anyway.

today is pay day and i didn't see the deposit in my account. i have a paystub so i did get paid. i logged in at least 5 times before i noticed a stupid banner notification that they're doing maintenance so my balance may not reflect recent changes. yay for almost having a heart attack thinking i can't pay bills.
(update: i see the deposit now)  :relaxed:

otherwise i'm expecting a mostly relaxed day. not too many meetings so that's good. i'm hoping to get Italian for dinner. i'm already feeling hungry.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 15, 2022, 07:38:32 AM
Vacuuming in the heat must be exhausting. But the results are worth it! I hope your day went well. I need to get a hang of the time zones...

It's not so much the heat, my apartment is nice since the AC got fixed. But it's hard for me to stay on my feet without my back giving out, so I have to sit in a chair and vacuum or mop. I do a little section and then move the chair and do another section. It takes longer but it's so much better for me.

Today I'm going to start some new art projects. Haven't quite decided what yet.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Koudoawaia on July 15, 2022, 09:51:44 AM
Going to the doctor because I'm still  having dizzy spells after being diagnosed with an ear infection a week ago.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: StarryEmerald24 on July 15, 2022, 11:45:59 AM
I’m watching re-runs of friends (love that show!) and putting stuff up for sales (non-pony). So far I’ve sold for 200$. I usually spend summer time sorting out stuff I don’t need anymore. It’s kind of fun!

That sounds awesome! I've been trying to sell some pony and nonpony stuff to clear up the house this week but I am sure I'm not going to get nearly that much. Here's hoping, though!

I'm jealous of all of you doing chores and personal projects. For me, I am going to be at work and then trying to catch up on things and seeing my boyfriend. Will probably take a walk.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 15, 2022, 12:28:14 PM
Attempt one at cake EXPLODED in the air fryer!!! Salvaged what I could, cleaned air fryer as thoroughly as I could then put salvage in smaller tins & tried cooking that. Four successful cakes!!! Ate one, followed by veggie chips.

Today is a coffee morning pal's birthday, so I offered to take her to the local aquarium (my second time, her first). Bakana the sharky wouldn't let me forget (of course I took the sharky). We took the bus & she got her card yesterday so could go that way yaiy!!! Paid her in as the aquarium was my treat, then we saw a talk, explored the tanks, witnessed a shark feed (just locals like dogfish & thornback rays, but SHARKS), & bought a souvenir animal each in the gift shop (I got a skinny shark plush, she got a cute seal plush). We had lunch, then browsed a few shops. I got some bits; she saved her money. She went for Chinese after we got home (via a lift from a friend out in town too) & I gave her an intact cake. I look forward to making more cakes but oh boy I'm cutting the recipe in half!!! Back home now & ate veggie burgers to give air fryer a day off. I'm thinking pizza tomorrow...

Post Merge: July 15, 2022, 12:39:47 PM

Going to the doctor because I'm still  having dizzy spells after being diagnosed with an ear infection a week ago.
Hope that gets sorted xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: LadyAmalthea on July 15, 2022, 04:42:18 PM
What am I up to today? Hmmm...the world is my oyster today! My husband took the kids out of state to visit my in-laws and left me here to 'get my rest'. The only thing I really HAD to do was go to my radiation treatment this afternoon. So I did that, then went to the store and bought a bunch of food that I love but my family would never eat, then came home, poured myself a forbidden glass of wine (not one said I couldn' just feels forbidden, somehow! :lol:), and sat down to contemplate how on EARTH am I going to sell my home in the state that it's in?

I googled some articles about how to find a good realtor, and then got overwhelmed. Decided to work on that dilemma tomorrow.

Should I...take a bath? Play video games? Read a book? Dye a pony? Clean? (Nah on that last. :P) I think I'm so overwhelmed by the prospect of having all this luxurious alone time that I'll probably end up sitting here piddling around on the information super highway until I finish half the bottle of wine and it's time to go to bed and I wasted a whole evening pondering how to spend it, haha.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 16, 2022, 07:04:13 AM
Going to the doctor because I'm still  having dizzy spells after being diagnosed with an ear infection a week ago.

Ear infections suck! I get them too. I hope you get some relief!

PBW, that sounds really nice and fun!

LadyA, haha even doing nothing is something! Resting your mind and body is good :)

As for me, I finished everything I needed to do the last couple days. The vacuumed carpet feels nice :lol: I think I'll do some laundry today and work on a couple new art projects. A needle felted sheep and I think for my custom ponies I start on the koi fish one.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 16, 2022, 12:57:20 PM
Going to the doctor because I'm still  having dizzy spells after being diagnosed with an ear infection a week ago.

I know how that goes. Hope you feel better soonxXx

PB, glad you had a lovely day with your friend. Sounds like a great day out :-)
LA, also glad to hear you had a nice lunch and a glass or two. Cheers!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on July 16, 2022, 03:27:40 PM
Koudoawaia, get better soon! :hug:

On Saturday I slept really long.  :zzz:
My mother and I put two plants in a pot and we put solar-powered lamps in the garden as decoration.  :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 16, 2022, 03:51:09 PM
So tired after last night I slept in mostly, except for a quick leap-out to catch a delivery. Was supposed to be a handwarmer sharky. I got a footwarmer sharky instead. Then back to sleep. Woke up mid-afternoon to find despit3e my best efforts, though the PC IS connected to the internet, its software is saying it's not. Frustrating in some cases but Chrome & Dropbox still work yaiy!!! Had to rush-defrost my pizza base & sauce as forgot to put them in the fridge last night. Pizza still turned out ok, but will have to remember to let it sit instead of having to use defrost in micro, especially for the base. Took photos of footwarmer sharky & "Dogshark" from the aquarium, which is how I know Dropbox works. Had to contact a computer person about my issue. Says he'll show up tomorrow night. Hope he doesn't let me down AGAIN (he has a habit of that)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 17, 2022, 05:19:13 AM
I cooked a curry and finished my rockery this morning, all before it got hot. Planning to go horizontal this afternoon and watch a film.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 17, 2022, 11:27:15 AM
Ok, where IS the computer person??? Catching up on knitting & otherwise chilling.

he FINALLY showed up after a reminder text!!! My computer has been sorted!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 18, 2022, 08:18:45 AM
Ok, where IS the computer person??? Catching up on knitting & otherwise chilling.

he FINALLY showed up after a reminder text!!! My computer has been sorted!!!

Ah good news, good news. I hate it when something is wrong with my computer. I hope everyone is doing OK in the heat wave? I stayed indoors after about 11am today. It got to 36C here. I found it hard to concentrate on work.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on July 18, 2022, 03:52:07 PM
On Monday afternoon, I went to eat at a buffet restaurant with my husband and mother. It's such a tradition of ours that at least once a week we go there to eat.  :yummy:

I've been horrified to read the news about the heatwaves that are bothering Europe at least. :shocked: :(
A little warmer air should arrive here in Finland this week. On Monday it was still a nice 20 degrees Celsius and the nights have been very cool.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 18, 2022, 06:00:48 PM
Yep, folks, it is HOT!!! As in, only come upstairs when it's dark & check the fridge part of the fridge-freezer for damp, hot. As in, don't want to do too much because sitting is plenty enough to make me sweat, hot.

Just knitting & PC & a quick cheat for dinner later.

On a lighter note, another success!!! The handwarmer sharky I've been after arrived finally!!! So cute!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 20, 2022, 07:12:36 AM
Due to yesterday's heat, I noticed a few things needing a launder, so the machine is on & spinning. Had a LONG sleep after visiting the thrift shop, which is on in place of the coffee this week. Got two decent tops & some bric-a-brac for use with the air fryer. Why is the crock pot so DEEP??? Will have to take it back. Tomorrow I think...

Oh drat, the mask isn't in!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 20, 2022, 08:29:49 AM
I'm impressed that you went out thrifting, you must be coping with the heat better than me. I got so much of the stuff in our kitchen from thrifting when I lived in town. I've not been feeling too great so I'm resting mostly today. Popped to to the shop with OH and marvelled at how the countryside looks being so baked in the heat.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 20, 2022, 12:39:59 PM
I'm back home. Looking forward to a nice cold shower and making breakfast casserole for dinner.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 21, 2022, 05:13:07 AM
meetings, meetings, meetings. too many meetings today. i plan to try to relax and get some actual work done between calls. crossing my fingers that some get canceled.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 21, 2022, 12:46:39 PM
Hang in there!!!

Spent yesterday chilling for the short time I was up. Took the crock pot back today so somebody else can get it. Nice cool breeze kept the edge off the heat. Then catching up with knitting. Remembered to pull tomorrow's food out of freezer & into fridge to defrost (yummy pizza base & sauce & the last of the cake). Looking up muffin & pancake recipes. Pretty much all of them replace eggs with milk, vinegar, & baking soda, the first two mixed & left to settle into a buttermilk. And it works!!! I look forward to making pancakes without eggs in particular, despite not needing the air fryer for them. For the muffins I have silicone cupcake holders which can withstand heat. All I need is the fresh milk
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 21, 2022, 06:24:07 PM
I went into work today, managed with the temperature OK for most of the day. Everything feels like :a bit much: today. Being pregnant is affecting my hormones and the tiredness making the smallest things seem like a major event. I keep trying to rest whenever possible but now I'm worried about being unfit. I just woke up at 1am after a nap and too hot to go back to sleep. The temperature should be cooler tomorrow but rising again  up until Sunday.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 22, 2022, 12:20:21 AM
I'm up at 3am but about to go back to bed for a couple hours.

My plans for the day are to work on some new art projects :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 22, 2022, 05:53:32 AM
Artie pregnancy is like that, you're sick & tired most of the time xxx

Last day of thrift shop week so fill a bag for £2. Go & grab some random stuff like candles, scarves, tops, bric-a-brac. Do it in the morning as council workers due later to fix tap downstairs. They come nice & early to do it & it's now working again.

Little niggle. Looked for sharky slippers & found two sets I liked. With one set it came in grey but not blue, with the other I've tried two seller but both say they can't post to me & are refunding me... Like I just want the slippers!!! Use Royal Freaking Mail!!! What is wrong that they have to use couriers who don't know where my address is???

Oh well, at least I have home-made cake to eat...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 22, 2022, 07:29:25 AM
had very weird stress dreams last night. i feel like today is going to be rough. at least it's Friday.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 22, 2022, 02:48:13 PM
@Beth That makes three of us who were up at odd times last night... I hope the documentaries didn't give you nightmares :heart:

 I had a slog to get through work but I did a few hours of volunteering at youth club later and really enjoyed playing board games with some lovely teenagers.

@BC I hope you find some inspiration today

@PBW thank you I wish I didn't feel kinda guilty for doing less than I normally do... I'v ehad problems with couriers too it's a pain.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: LadyAmalthea on July 22, 2022, 07:24:53 PM
Being pregnant is affecting my hormones and the tiredness making the smallest things seem like a major event.

Oh my goodness...I missed this somehow! Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news. :woohoo: :hearts: :hug: I'm so very happy for you!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 22, 2022, 11:04:40 PM
Being pregnant is affecting my hormones and the tiredness making the smallest things seem like a major event.

Oh my goodness...I missed this somehow! Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news. :woohoo: :hearts: :hug: I'm so very happy for you!

Thank you so much  :biggrin: I'm 16 weeks. Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 23, 2022, 05:31:10 AM
Thank you :) I wasn't able to do much yesterday since I decided to clean the house instead. Today I just have some laundry so I can work on my projects.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: LadyAmalthea on July 23, 2022, 07:41:43 AM
Being pregnant is affecting my hormones and the tiredness making the smallest things seem like a major event.

Oh my goodness...I missed this somehow! Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news. :woohoo: :hearts: :hug: I'm so very happy for you!

Thank you so much  :biggrin: I'm 16 weeks. Fingers crossed.

Fingers crossed for you as well! I hope you keep us posted on how things go...I'm so excited for you. :biggrin:

I'm just enjoying my coffee on a thunder-y morning with my girls. No rain yet, but a lot of thunder, and my little twins are freaked out and both in my lap. It's nice to have a day off from my radiation treatments. They are every day, Mon-Fri, and the hospital is over an hour away by the time I drop my kids off at the daycare on my way, so I'm exhausted. There's a mountain of laundry backed up because I can't get to it all week, but I'll get to it this afternoon! :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 23, 2022, 03:34:59 PM
cake eaten, Pizza made & eaten, 12 hours sleep slept. Now just chilling & knitting & PC

A THIRD eBay seller said the same thing as the first two, so given up there. Went to Aliexpress to try them instead. I hope THEY can find a regular, knows-my-address-&-will-post-there, courier

Sounds like all three of you need to take it easy too xxx Three months in is bad for sickness... And radiation treatment is no fun xxx Not to mention the utter mess you have to live with BC xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 23, 2022, 10:43:33 PM
today we had to evacuate our house because of a wildfire. thankfully everything is fine. right now at least. but it was very stressful. i was taking a nap when i got a text saying to evacuate immediately. we also had to go get my parents who live nearby.

now i have to stay up most of the night for work stuff. not procrastination, just website stuff that has to be done in the middle of the night.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 24, 2022, 03:54:33 AM
today we had to evacuate our house because of a wildfire. thankfully everything is fine. right now at least. but it was very stressful. i was taking a nap when i got a text saying to evacuate immediately. we also had to go get my parents who live nearby.

now i have to stay up most of the night for work stuff. not procrastination, just website stuff that has to be done in the middle of the night.


This may be why I get confused by your time zone!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 24, 2022, 05:33:03 AM
Oh no, Beth! That's awful :( I hope your home stays safe. There are wildfires all over the world right now. It's not something I've ever experienced and hope I never will.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 24, 2022, 04:03:47 PM
so far so good. the fire isn't growing anymore and no property or people have been harmed. it was definitely scary. we could see a lot of smoke from our backyard. hopefully we get some rain soon. it's just hot and dry.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on July 24, 2022, 05:28:12 PM
Beth3346, I hope everything goes well and you and your family get back home soon! :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 24, 2022, 07:48:02 PM
So glad you got out safe & sound Beth!!! Here's hoping everybody did & there was no major damage xxx

Never managed to knit because I sank into too many Reddit abysses. WHY DO I KEEP DOING THAT??? Due to this I had another long sleep. Hope I can do some knitting today... Not heard from Aliexpress yet...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 25, 2022, 04:25:29 AM
we were able to come back home pretty quickly. the fire was closer to my parent's house so they had to stay at our house for a few hours. my dad wanted to go back sooner but i didn't think it was safe. my parents still haven't adjusted to living in a hilly area and if they can't see the danger they don't believe it.

the fire is mostly contained now and thankfully there was no damage to people or anyone's home. it seems like it was mostly in a park area.

i need to be better prepared. i couldn't find our important papers and forgot to take clothes, medication. all i thought to take was the dogs, a dog toy, leashes and computers. no ponies even.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 25, 2022, 12:52:39 PM
So glad you got out safe & sound Beth!!! Here's hoping everybody did & there was no major damage xxx

Never managed to knit because I sank into too many Reddit abysses. WHY DO I KEEP DOING THAT??? Due to this I had another long sleep. Hope I can do some knitting today... Not heard from Aliexpress yet...

Maybe it's interesting, I wouldn't worry about it... or set a timer  :lol:

i need to be better prepared. i couldn't find our important papers and forgot to take clothes, medication. all i thought to take was the dogs, a dog toy, leashes and computers. no ponies even.

I guess we're all trained not to take stuff with us when evacuating in the event of a fire. Maybe an overnight bag for you and the dogs, then next time all you have to remember is computer and documents. I had a brief look and maybe fire proof security safe might be a good option for documents and a hard drive backup, so then all you need to think about is getting to safety. I'm sure you'll think about it a lot, but once you settle on a plan I hope you manage to get some time to relax in the next day or so and take your mind off it.

As for my day, I got some confusing results from a very time-consuming experiment. So I'm feeling a bit worried about that but hoping I will be able to figure it out tomorrow. I'm going to watch garden makeover programs to relax  :blink:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 26, 2022, 05:36:32 AM
@Artie I hope everything works out ok :)

yeah i think we need to keep a "go bag" with clothes and other necessities packed. we also need to look into getting a safe.

so yesterday we adopted another dog. our local animal shelter is overfull so I couldn't resist. we're back to being a 3 dog family. she's very sweet and has lots of energy. they're all working out their space. but right now everyone is taking a nap :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 26, 2022, 05:43:51 AM
Congrats on the new family member! :hearts: What kind of dog is she? I wish I could adopt another senior cat but my cat likes being the only one. I do want to get rodents though soon. Not sure what. Dwarf hamsters, gerbils, or guinea pigs. I've also taken an interest in dart frogs, but the enclosures are so expensive. So it's just me and my kitty for now.

I keep saying I'm going to work on my art projects, but the last few days I've been so tired I haven't done anything. Today! I will work on them.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 26, 2022, 06:33:38 AM
we're not really sure about breed. i think maybe fox terrier mix. she has a somewhat pointy head and is mostly black with white markings. she doesn't seem to have a terrier personality though. she knows how to sit and go out to do her business. but we need to work on "stay" and "get down". she did sleep through most of the night though so that's good. she only woke us up once wanting to play. she's already eaten several bugs so i think she'll help with pest control. but we'll need to be careful about dropping anything on the floor. i'll post a photo in a little while.

Here she is. Her name is Luna. She's about 8-9 months old so she should be almost full grown. Chloe the chi-pom is the cream one sleeping. Chloe is skeptical but warming up to her new sibling.

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Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 26, 2022, 11:00:12 AM
Congrats Beth!

I did some working today after getting up late. I checked the temperature monitors in the store rooms and growth room at work. I counted some seedlings and sowed some seeds. I can't really complain. For dinner I had sausages (i.e. UK style bangers) with chips, coleslaw and baked beans out of a tin. I don't have this very often, but it reminds me of the canteens used as a student. I make the coleslaw fresh though. I recently discovered the difference between live and dead vinegar. Dead vinegar is basically acetic acid and sometimes a brown dye. Real vinegar is made by microorgnaisms and the difference in the depth of flavour is amazing. Apparently real vinegars are used in Cajun cooking a lot. I had no idea and keen to try making some.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 26, 2022, 11:05:32 AM
Another long sleep, but at least I did a little knitting. Made coffee today (it's back now the thrift week is done) & picked up a few essentials & a couple of snacks. Ate both snacks. More chilling otherwise. Didn't see my pal I took to the aquarium, & people who could tell me why couldn't remember where she was instead. Still a fun chat & told a couple of her pals about the aquarium trip. May make choc chip muffins tomorrow (have silicone cups for them)

Beth what a relief!!! And congrats on the new four-legged family member!!! What a cutie xxx

BC I hope you get enough energy to be productive too xxx

Artie here's hoping xxx And so interesting about the vinegar too!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 26, 2022, 12:52:29 PM
Oh Beth, your dog is adorable! What a gorgeous lady. Agree on USA Fox Terrier. Reminds me of the Fell Terrier or Patterdale, being larger and more refined that the Jack Russel and with a far nicer personality! What a great dog!

@PBW, I'm glad you made it out to have coffee and a chat with some new people. Thank you, glad you liked the vinegar story. I'm such a nerd sometimes.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on July 26, 2022, 06:41:39 PM
Beth3346, congrats! Luna is a sweet looking dog and she has a beautiful name!  :lovey:

BC, I didn't get anything done either. I had to clean the garden of weeds and plants that had already finished blooming. Actually, the rain that lasted all day was an obstacle, not my tiredness. BUT, I could have done a lot of other things inside the house. If today, Wednesday, I would have more strength, as long as I have slept a little first. Even now, the morning is already dawning and I'm just sitting at the computer, even though I should have been sleeping for many hours already. I hope you get new strength soon too! :hug:
:zzz: :redface:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 27, 2022, 05:00:35 AM
Aw, Luna is beautiful! :heart: I love all the dots on her legs and toes. She reminds me of my sister's pitbull color wise. He was black and white with spots like that too.

Thanks, HoM :hug: I did get some things done, but I have a lot to do around the house today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 27, 2022, 06:05:48 AM
we're settling in a bit more. Luna is still in what i'm calling "curiosity mode" following us around, smelling everything. but she's getting into the routine. we had some conflicts over toys since one of my dogs pretty much claims all toys. but i managed to find a rope toy that had gone unwanted and gave it to Luna. that way she has something to chew.

other than managing doggie conflicts today is mostly work. lots of calls. hopefully i'll have time for actual work and not just calls.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 27, 2022, 01:46:27 PM
Experiment not looking great. Was hoping to avoid travel but might have to drive 4.5.h to use a machine. Stayed up too late working.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 27, 2022, 06:17:34 PM
Not the best time. Had to restart knitting, AGAIN!!!
Stayed up too long, slept too late & missed an appointment I had little warning for as I forgot to look at my phone all day yesterday!!! Other than that pretty quiet so far. Since I haven't been awake for long, I can get up to stuff now...

So Artie i know how you feel xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 28, 2022, 05:40:17 AM
I woke up with a massive headache. I took some medicine and it's mostly gone now. I should have some coffee, it helps.

I should have some things delivered today! From Amazon and Shimmerlocks :frolic:

My felting practice went well yesterday and I can now felt a ball :biggrin: That means I can felt bodies and heads! Felting a ball is harder than it sounds. Today though I'm going to work on my koi custom. I wanted to sculpt the fish but nothing is working out, so I guess I'll have to paint it instead.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 29, 2022, 05:03:12 AM
getting a early start to the weekend by taking the day off. i have to take my partner to the doctor so that's less fun. hoping he's doing alright.

Luna is doing well and the dogs are getting along ok. despite some disputes over toys. Update: they landscapers are moving the lawn. Luna's a little skeptical but she's being brave. we're leaving her at home for the first time today so i'm a little nervous. we've always done crate training but we're uneasy about leaving 1 dog in a crate and the others loose. it just doesn't seem fair. so we're going to try without the crate.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 29, 2022, 07:02:53 AM
Yaiy BC!!! You're doing stuff!!!

Beth, hope partner gets what needs sorted, sorted xxx

Anyway, to me: I made MUFFINS!!! Choc chip Muffins!!! Burnt the first batch due to air fryer cooking them more quickly than an oven, but salvaged most of the burnt ones. Got three more batches from the mix & tried some today: delish!!! Choc chip, made with a couple of Fairtrade choc bars broken into bits.
Then I noticed I had one tub of flour left... Rush to the Co-op this morning for more supplies. No all-purpose flour, only plain & bread. Was told to treat bread like it's flour plus a bit of baking powder. Got other bits too. Now making shortcrust out of the last of the plain, because shortcrust is best with plain flour or all purpose, not bread flour. Bread flour had a bread recipe on the back. Clipped it... At least bread flour is good for making pizza with!!! And since it can be considered as having its own bit of baking powder in, I can also use it for cakes & stuff. It's just shortcrust...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 29, 2022, 11:45:02 AM
Mmmm pastry!

Today... I didn't go to work I fell asleep again until 11.30. I went in for two hours late in the afternoon though. I just felt so sick and so tired! I finally bought some maternity trousers that are big enough to fit 3 x people in. Not much excitement to report if I'm honest. Good wishes to everyone.

@BC I love felted things, can't wait to see how you get on!
@Beth I hope the appointment goes OK and you both have a good weekend. Are you haivng work done on your garden then?
@PBW I'm glad to hear of your baking adventures. We use bread flour for bread and pizza as you say, also choux pastry and thickening sauces. Would be good to hear how you get on with using bread flour with baking powder for cakes. I think it's OK for cakes that are normally moist and heavy anyway, like brownies.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Taffeta on July 29, 2022, 11:56:57 AM
I took my old PC chair out of my room, which makes it look so much bigger. I cleared my desk and there's space on it for the first time in years. I've had this laptop for 5 years and it's the first time it's been able to fit on my desk in all that time.

...Lots of sorting still to do.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on July 29, 2022, 12:12:38 PM
That's the last payment on my holiday made ... Starting to feel more real!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 29, 2022, 02:35:50 PM
@Artie just the lawn mowing for now. i'm hoping to do some more work on the lawn in the spring. right now it's so dry and there are water restrictions so no point in planting anything. i really want to have landscaping that's more suited to a hot and dry climate. but i have to see what the HOA allows and how much it will cost. the city water provider will give out rebates to help people convert to landscaping that doesn't require a lot of water. but it won't cover the entire cost.

also Luna did ok while we were gone. except she managed to get the oven mitt off the counter and shred it. better an oven mitt than the furniture but i need to be more careful about what i leave on the counter. i forgot how to puppy proof a house.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 29, 2022, 11:04:25 PM
@Taffeta Very pleased for you! It must be great to have your workspace (avalanche) clear especially after a long period

@Lady Frostbite congrats on your holiday plans! Where are you going?

@Beth The rebate scheme sounds exciting! No-one would do that here, we just get banned from using the hose. I think you did mention xeriscaping before, I love the way that looks. Glad your lovely dog is settling in OK with few mishaps :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 30, 2022, 06:39:37 AM
San Antonio also had a rebate and coupon program to get people to move to using less water. i didn't have a lawn back then so i never did the rebates. but a lot of people got coupons at least. i'm not sure if they used them.

it was really eye opening moving from Houston, a place that generally has too much water, to a dryer part of the state. though when i lived in Houston after the 2011 drought i stopped running the sprinklers and the grass came back fine. i'm ok with the grass being brown sometimes. also low maintenance landscaping is good for me since i'm not great with plants. i'm never going to be the person who's in the garden every day. though i do need to do some weeding today.

i'm also planning to do some cleaning today. need to vacuum and clean the floors. wash bedding. i also need to call my parents and tell them we have a new family member :) i'm sure it will be a while before i can bring Luna over to visit. my dad is more of a cat person.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on July 30, 2022, 06:57:25 AM
Going out to grab one last thing for my daughter's birthday tomorrow
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 30, 2022, 07:20:21 AM
Oh, happy early birthday, Little LAW! :tort:

I've got a lot to do today. I need to clean all my veggies, clean the litter boxes, make new fly traps. There's a festival with fun events going on at Pony Island that I want to do, some of them are crafting events which are my favorites. I want to start a new felting project (I've been saying that for days now). Right now I'm helping someone with hair matches in Customs, gotta track down the DH alternates. Plus I can start on a new custom (I have also been saying this for days), but this time I have the tinsel I need, so maybe that will motivate me.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on July 30, 2022, 11:22:52 AM
@Lady Frostbite congrats on your holiday plans! Where are you going?

Spain!! I've never been before, and I wanted a beach holiday as the last time i was at the beach was for two days during volunteering and really enjoyed myself but was desperate for more. This time I go without having to follow a group, I can relax on the beach that's literally outside the hotel, and paddle in the sea!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 30, 2022, 12:38:43 PM
That sounds perfect Ladyfrostbite!

BC, I've never seen Pony Island before, I guess because I'm not a gamer, but it looks amazing!

LAW, hope you had fun birthday shopping and that your daughter had a great day.

Today I did some gardening. I pruned our forsythia hedge and some other stuff. Our compost bin made compost.  It's warm, humid and cloudy here but not as hot as it has been, so I carried on as long as I could. I get so tired if I lie down I just fall asleep.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 30, 2022, 01:19:40 PM
@Lady Frostbite that sounds like so much fun :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 30, 2022, 02:22:36 PM
Made the pie mix & filling, eating a pie for dinner, & did more reading up on bread flour. It will NOT make cakes or cookies or pancakes!!! It can still make pizza so will get on that soon.
What is with me & long sleeps??? had another long sleep AGAIN!!!
Want to try bread-making but that also has to wait as I found three more tins which are too big for air fryer. Ordered some silicone loaf tins instead & will take these to the swap table. Not ordering plain flour yet as it's Saturday so might as well get that done with Tesco order, which is yet to be made... In between all this had laundry to do, partly due to my being a sweatbox in this heat...

LAW happy birthday to your wee one!!! BC you can get motivated when your health allows xxx LadyFrostbite never been to Spain, hope you enjoy!!! Artie, see my reference to long sleeps. I get you xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 31, 2022, 07:37:51 PM
Made pizza mix. Note to self: do NOT use the old ex-deep-fryer oil in pizza sauce!!! Not the best taste. May have to get some nice oil to dilute it a bit. Did some dishes & got on with knitting. Another long sleep, leaving me here defrosting some muffins for a snack, having woken from said sleep at midnight.
Need to do more dishes today because in addition to normal dishes, I had pizza-making dishes to clean. The chores are never-ending...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 01, 2022, 09:37:04 AM
The chores are never-ending...

This is true. When I got married, he started doing some of the chores, but there also came new ones.

Today I went up to work in the dirty old motor carriage and had not a bad day, having packed a pastry item in my lunchbox was a good motivator. Everyone else hates it as much as I do. Which doesn't make me feel any better. But it's akind of camaraderie I suppose.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 01, 2022, 12:50:26 PM
it's shaping up to be a stressful work week. i'm just tired.

the dog toys i ordered were delivered. and the dogs really seem to like them. Luna tears and eats toys if she isn't supervised so the other dogs can't have their toys out all the time either. The best toy is always the one someone else has :P
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: SpacePinto on August 01, 2022, 02:58:31 PM
I went to a restaurant today to celebrate how well I did financially in the July, I ordered a duck breast with a side of zucchini and baked potatoes, plus artisan Oreo ice cream for dessert. It was pretty good. I left most of the zucchini on the plate, though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on August 01, 2022, 03:00:59 PM
Did chores, am hanging out with kid while she plays a videogame
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 02, 2022, 05:29:29 AM
Loads of packages arrived by Royal Mail & TWO couriers!!! Expecting more as the week goes on. One was a new shelf, self-assembly of course, so put it together. Now got to find a place for it...

Coffee day!!! No sign of pal who had the birthday, but another showed & said she'll text tonight so I get her proper number!!! At least another person was there who says pal was on holiday. Not been on holiday somewhere for an age...

Rest of today, other than sort stuff so I can place new shelf, is to bag up all the polystyrene!!! I HATE polystyrene!!! It's the WORST for the environment: you can't recycle it & it gets everywhere!!!

Spacepinto sounds delish!!! Beth hope work eases off a bit or you get a break somehow xxx Artie hope that old motor carriage gets clean quickly xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 02, 2022, 06:01:56 AM
I'm airbrushing a bunch of ponies today. Yesterday I prepped them. I will probably finish my painted koi custom today too, now that I've had a couple of days to decide if I should continue (not very confident in my figure painting). I also want to start that needle felted sheep I've mentioned a few times.

I have some household chores to do. I need to clean my cat's fountain, go down to the mailbox and I'd like to take a shower and change my sheets. Changing the sheets is hard for me since my bed is against the wall. I also need to use straps to keep the sheets from coming off the corners and they are hard to take off and put on. I'm usually exhausted after I put new sheets on X(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 02, 2022, 08:56:39 AM
work stress is very high today. i don't think it will calm down any time soon. i'm just tired.

looking forward to the end of the day. just need to run some errands and pick up groceries. it will be nice to get out of the house for a while.

Luna is doing well. i think she's starting to bond with her new sisters. we've decided to do crate training since she's had a few incidents. she's doing well but we want to make sure she's safe while we're out of the house.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: freezestime on August 02, 2022, 09:05:31 AM
Currently researching how to go about producing enamel pins, and tomorrow I'm gonna have to enroll in my uni course.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 02, 2022, 09:58:03 AM
@Beth, I used to know some dogs who are a bit like Luna and they were crate trained. They were very secure happy dogs. I've not heard of anyone else doing it since, hope all goes well. Sorry you are having work stress.  :work: :yikes: :sad:

@BC I really admire anyone who can do airbrishing, and felting too! Wait, your cat has a fountain? what for? Also I have a moderator question... have you seent he flasher emoticon? I think it's hilarious but I never find an excuse to use it.

@SpacePinto I think it's cool that if you do well yo should celebrate! I always used to go to the little dehli and buy nice cheese for my payday treat. Your dinner sounds very good.

@LAW hope she had a good birthday and you're doing OK too

@freezestime I always used to dread matriculation every year! I was so much happier doing my hobbies than socialising, especially forced random socialising in a queue. That said, you might meet someone nice. Good luck! Hope you don't die of boredom or get lost going to your new classes etc.

@PBW Thank you I'll tell my husband :) Are you worried that your friend has disappeared for a while? I hate polystyrene too! We are still picking it up in our garden. No idea why it's there but it certainly never dies.

My day... just making a courgette and chili bake even though it's pretty hot. We've run out of picnic food and we've gotta eat I suppose.I went up to work and came home again. Spent most of the morning trying not to throw up! Feeling better now though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 02, 2022, 08:20:43 PM
I slept all day instead of doing anything artsy (though I did get the chores done). It's now 11pm and I'm awake. I was just so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. I feel better now so I must have needed it.

Beth, crate training is great. Our dog was crate trained and it became a place of safety and security for him. We always knew if he wasn't feeling well because he would sleep in there. He'd go there too if he was scared (like of fireworks or thunder).

@BC I really admire anyone who can do airbrishing, and felting too! Wait, your cat has a fountain? what for? Also I have a moderator question... have you seent he flasher emoticon? I think it's hilarious but I never find an excuse to use it.

Thanks :) I can't say airbrushing is my favorite thing to do. I'm going to try it outdoors since I can put my box on the chair outside. I've always done it indoors, but it's bad for my cat (well, and me) breathing in the fumes.

My cat has a fountain for drinking! Cats like fresh flowing water, so it has a little spout and cascades down a slope. She's weird though and likes to drink from the very top of it where the water bubbles out from the filter.

This guy? :flash: Yes :lol: I haven't used him in a while but I used to put him in the Shoutbox every so often.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 03, 2022, 06:14:03 AM
yeah we did crate training with all of our previous dogs. i was hoping to avoid it this time since we're usually always home. and i feel bad that Luna will be the only one in a crate. but since she will grab stuff off counters and tables. and she's still chewing. i think crate training will be the best to keep her out of trouble. she also eats stuff that isn't food so i don't want her to eat part of the rug or something and get sick. also one of my other dogs is very sensitive and gets really upset if there's any trouble. the crate gets here Friday. its the largest one and it will fold down once we don't need it anymore.

hoping today will be a less stressful work day. i just want to do work and not get into the drama. but with my new role that really isn't an option. i think it's time to look for something else.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 03, 2022, 06:32:56 AM
BC if you need the rest you need the rest. Still glad you got some stuff done xxx Beth fingers crossed for your work!!! Artie that bake sounds tasty!!! Freezes all the best at uni xxx

Me: frustrated. Among my orders coming in (more came today) are some sharky stickers from Redbubble. I want to add them to my stash of sharky stickers I put in anther Redbubble envelope SOMEWHERE, but can I find said envelope??? NOPE!!! So now I have to hunt for it... Got the shelf established & sorted, also got a new worker coming next week after coffee. Now I know my pal is on holiday I'm not so worried. Food delivery came: no missing items!!! Just the odd sub & not on cereal either!!! Included is a big bag of plain flour, so baking is back on the agenda!!! Biccies, cake or what??? Hmmm... Still have to prep the peppers from the Co-op too (I like them on my pizzas)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 03, 2022, 06:45:31 AM
Beth, I think a change of work would be really good for you if you can do it :hug:

PBK, cookies? I like cookies :)

Okay. Today. Pony stuff. No excuses!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 03, 2022, 01:24:04 PM
yeah we did crate training with all of our previous dogs. i was hoping to avoid it this time since we're usually always home. and i feel bad that Luna will be the only one in a crate. but since she will grab stuff off counters and tables. and she's still chewing. i think crate training will be the best to keep her out of trouble. she also eats stuff that isn't food so i don't want her to eat part of the rug or something and get sick. also one of my other dogs is very sensitive and gets really upset if there's any trouble. the crate gets here Friday. its the largest one and it will fold down once we don't need it anymore.

hoping today will be a less stressful work day. i just want to do work and not get into the drama. but with my new role that really isn't an option. i think it's time to look for something else.

In the words of Mary J Blige... /drama.
I find job hunting makes me feel better if I'm stressed about work. If I wasn't pregnant I'd be looking now.

I did WFH Wednesday as usual, mostly ended up buying a chemical which was frustrating and boring. Then I posted my niece's birthday card and then pruned a shrub into a pyramid. Now very tired. I've overdone it.

:hug: everyone
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 03, 2022, 06:09:58 PM
today was a little better. less meetings :)

i thought about looking last year but since we were in the process of buying a house switching jobs was risky. also things were better at work. after my manager left i think i'm seeing more of the craziness. more people have been leaving too and i don't want to wait until it gets really bad. plus given the number of times i post here about being stressed about work it's probably good to look for something new. i wish i could freelance full-time but i need a steady paycheck and benefits. maybe someday :D

i hope everyone had a good day :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Taffeta on August 04, 2022, 04:22:57 AM
So far this morning:

Wrote notes for another story plan.
Sorted a lot of my DVDs into new homes.
Put in one job application and printed the outline for a second.

Still to do today: Plant watering and check

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 04, 2022, 06:04:20 AM
Yesterday I did the pony stuff! Today will continue with detail painting.

I need to fill out some forms and clean the kitchen too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 04, 2022, 06:19:09 AM
DID NOT get to cook anything more than what I actually ate, however DID sort some more stuff out on a table I've neglected for a while, AND found the other envelope!!! So now all my sharky stickers & stuff are in one place & I know where that is!!! My polystyrene is still taunting me, but freak it, I'm making biccies!!! (once the peppers are prepped anyway)

BC well done on getting stuff done!!! Taffeta, welcome to the thread & also glad you're productive!!! Beth, yep, deffo time to find a new job xxx Artie, take care of you & the baby, & happy bd to your niece xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 04, 2022, 06:23:44 AM
meetings, meetings, meetings

need to start training for job interviews again. yeah for tech jobs the interview process requires a lot of preparation. i'm not great at on the spot problem solving. i tend to forget stuff when i'm under pressure. i need to get better since it's really held me back. there are a lot of resources. just need the time.

also need to put together a small grocery pickup. and need to do some cleaning since my parents decided to invite themselves over for dinner on Friday. still not in a great place mentally. i don't know what will make it better. hopefully i'll feel better once the weekend is here. i really just feel like crying. i'm sorry to be in such a sad mood.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 04, 2022, 11:56:56 AM
Hello @Taffeta, glad to hear you're writing! That's good news. Anything we can peek at or is it academic stuff? @Beth, I always feel like I have to get back on the horse with interviews. It's tiring on top of a job that's already tiresome otherwise you wouldn't be doing the interviews. My parents are coming over on the 14th August. Along with another 5 relatives. How did this happen? I must have been mad. I'm taking the Friday off to clean. @PBW cheers, I'm trying to chill out and OH is being very helpful with the chores. Hope you're well and so glad you found your envelope of other Sharky stickers. When I get new things like accessories or comics, I love putting them together with the ones I already have and putting them in the right order. So satisfying. How are you prepping these peppers?

Today I went up to work, then came home at 12.30 because it was too hot upstairs in the office. The aircon broke but OH fixed it somehow. The I napped in the aircon bubble. That's about it! I feel like a giant slug.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 04, 2022, 02:06:28 PM
As the day went on, I felt worse and worse. I managed to complete the forms, but as I was about to head to the mailbox it started downpouring, so I'll do that tomorrow. I cleaned up most of the kitchen (there is still cardboard to be broken down and some garbage that needs to be double bagged).

Didn't get any painting done. I'm thinking about it now, but I just don't feel well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 05, 2022, 07:50:54 PM
Beth, huge snuggles xxx You're allowed to cry!!! BC get well soon, & take it nice & easy until you do (also try to get the forms in the post soon) xxx Artie oh boy, the heat does that!!!

Managed to prep the peppers (I hate pepper seeds with a VENGEANCE) AND break down & bag the polystyrene, but didn't manage to cook. Cookies can wait as they don't need much, if any, milk at all. It's cake & muffins which need the fresh milk though, so will have another cake go soon. Otherwise took a nap again, while celebrating something on the sharky server when awake. My surfaces are much clearer after my reorganising, so that's a huge benefit at least
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 06, 2022, 01:25:18 PM
thanks everyone :) i feel better today. glad the weekend is here. doing some interview prep this weekend before i start the job search. tech interviews can be a nightmare but fear of interviewing has really held me back so it's an obstacle i need to overcome.

I set up Luna's crate and she went right in. we'll give it a short test today.

everyone have a good day :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 07, 2022, 02:10:28 AM
Good to hear that Beth!!!

I DID IT!!! I made chocolate cake!!! I even made icing for it!!! Problem is how much sugar got used for it (at least I can whizz down normal sugar to icing sugar levels). If I want cookies or pancakes I will need more sugar. It's as simple as that.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 07, 2022, 07:08:12 AM
@PBW Mmm sugar. I get so addicted to sugar and when I eat sweet things it really perks up my apetite for other things too. ALso what is the sharky server? @Beth I'm thinking of you and sending lots of good wishes. I hope you find some good resources. I just remembered a thing I've done in the past. Can you get a friend to give you a mock interview? Might be worth a try. I hope you get some free time to decompress as well. @BC I hope you feel better soon. Is it the heat or something else? If it's *those* type of forms, I remember they used to make me feel ill just looking at them on the doormat!

Today I did some door painting. The first couple of sides went well, but when I tried to do the back of the first one, the weather was too hot and the resin has gone on patchy. It has a slight green tint to it and unfortunately this one looks patchy. I will see how bad it looks when it's dry. I might have to sand some off. I deliberatley used a dead matt finish. I cleaned the brass furniture for one door with brasso. Certain products in the UK never change and have quite cool packaging. Lyle's Golden Syrup, Lea and Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce, Marmite and Brasso are a few.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 07, 2022, 10:53:33 AM
The sharky server is one I've mentioned before: it's a Discord server dedicated to sharkies like Bakana, & all the active people on it either have their own one or six, or are getting in the near future. It's one of the most adorable servers I know of xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 07, 2022, 12:41:52 PM
I'm out of my medicine that helps me stay awake and focused so I slept a lot today. I did get the forms mailed but there was another one in my mailbox. What a waste of paper, they couldn't send all three together? Anyway, I filled that one out and will put it in the mail tomorrow when I drop off the rent check. I finished the kitchen yesterday, it looks much nicer :)

Today I still need to clean the litter boxes, but I bought a new scoop so it should go faster (the old one is broken).

I wanted to make roast veggies tonight, but I'm thinking spaghetti instead.

@PBW Congrats on the cake! I'm not a fan of cake... yeah, I know it's weird. I can eat a cupcake once in a while, but I prefer cookies to everything else.

@Artie I do feel better in general, just super tired. The forms weren't too bad, but my handwriting is terrible.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 07, 2022, 04:19:31 PM
The sharky server is one I've mentioned before: it's a Discord server dedicated to sharkies like Bakana, & all the active people on it either have their own one or six, or are getting in the near future. It's one of the most adorable servers I know of xxx

Sounds fun!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 07, 2022, 07:44:17 PM
Thank you for all of the support :) There are a lot of resources online for interview prep and my partner has offered to help do mock interviews. he isn't a coder so he won't be able to help as much with the tech interviews. but there is a site that has resources to do mock interviews. tech interviews are kinda broken. it shouldn't take months of prep to get a job in a field you already have over 10 years of experience in. but i can fight it and stay at my current misery. or i can just learn to do better in interviews.

also Luna did well in her crate. she slept in it last night. today we left her for a short time just so she can get used to it. she cried a little bit when we were walking out of the door but when we got home she was quiet. her sisters don't seem to like that Luna has to be separated though. the three of them are becoming fast friends. it's always a little nerve wracking to introduce a new family member. i'm glad they like each other.

@PBW your baking always looks so good. i might be inspired to bake when the weather cools down.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 08, 2022, 01:25:13 AM
Cheers folks for compliments on my baking!!! I'm just glad I can in the air fryer!!!

Yesterday was quiet & lazy, & short, but did a wee bit more knitting & made a few online purchases. Got dishes to do today, a little laundry to sort, & want to see if I can manage pancakes without going out for sugar. Took pizza stuff out of freezer into fridge last night for tonight's dinner. Once dishes are done will have to drain & defrost some veg for the toppings...

Beth, thank heavens I don't have to go through job interviews!!! They're hard enough for normal neurotypical people, let alone those of us who are neurodivergent xxx BC I hope you get a new stock of the medication & that it's not too dear xxx Artie it's my fave server!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 08, 2022, 07:59:34 AM
@Beth, it's lovely to hear that the dogs are getting on well :) My day has just been a day of getting over sickness this morning and hiding from the heat this afternoon. Bit worried about not keeping up my hours, but not much I can do. Can't drive when I'm about to throw up and can't risk the pregnancy. I wish I could have some quiet time with my ponies  ;)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 08, 2022, 05:52:20 PM
@PBW that's something i worry about a lot. i'm also in the process of interviewing candidates too. which is very weird considering i'm planning to leave. it's not my choice since the positions opened up before i even became a manager and we do need the help. i really want people to do well. and it's hard to know if i'm making them nervous. or if they're nervous interviewing. or if they genuinely don't have the skillset. i'm not someone who connects instantly with most people either. i also didn't get any interview training so i'm learning as I go :huh:

@Artie i hope you feel better :) Driving while nauseated doesn't sound safe at all. better to stay home :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on August 08, 2022, 05:53:16 PM
I went to the store today. Came home, fixed lunch and watched a movie. Will take the pooch out for a walk later.

Post Merge: August 08, 2022, 05:54:14 PM

@Beth, it's lovely to hear that the dogs are getting on well :) My day has just been a day of getting over sickness this morning and hiding from the heat this afternoon. Bit worried about not keeping up my hours, but not much I can do. Can't drive when I'm about to throw up and can't risk the pregnancy. I wish I could have some quiet time with my ponies  ;)

Hope it passes soon. Morning sickness sucks.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 09, 2022, 04:00:57 AM
Managed to make pancakes AND have pizza, because pancakes don't take much sugar!!! Both fluffy & tough sharky slippers have arrived, a day apart, & both fit well. Coffee this morning: pal has an interview. Got a pretty bowl though & have my eyes on the matching dinner plate & travel mug. Bought electricity: I'm up to every two weeks on that because I don't want to run out when it's cold, & electricity bills are due to go up AGAIN soon.
One seller (a person on here: Pink Kittywinks) has come down with chickenpox!!! So obviously is holding off posting orders until she's better. Get well soon PKW!!! I don't mind this because I tend to pick at scabs so the last thing I want is to catch an infection which is all scabs. Only sulks I have are: 1/ my old deep fryer oil. It's making things taste less pleasant & I may have to ditch it. 2/ the Fairtrade stall is out of my fave biccies: stem ginger, with actual ginger pieces in them!!! At least they have sugar so I can make my own cookies, but I don't have ginger pieces on hand here.
Quick nip to the Coop for yet more baking powder as I use a LOT!!! Like, 3 teaspoons per recipe just about. So I'm lucky if a tub of it lasts me a month... Still, at least I can make cookies now... & I like making my own ginger cookies for going with hot choc, now I know how much ginger to put in them...

Artie early pregnancy is the WORST for sickness!!! Stay strong & take care of yourself!!! Good on you for not risking driving xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 09, 2022, 05:40:49 AM
Ooh, ginger cookies are one of my favorites! Send me some :lol:

I plan to finish three custom ponies today. Then I want to needle felt something. I still want to make a sheep, but I didn't get the wool locks yet. But I can still make one with one of the grey wools I have. I also want to make something for my mom for her birthday. I'm thinking garland, hearts maybe, to go on her bedside table.

I couldn't sleep last night, so I got a lot of stuff done around the house. All I have to do today is cut up some veggies. The rest of the day can be dedicated to artsy stuff :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 10, 2022, 08:25:43 AM
Sorry BC, they're all for me!!!
Glad you caught up on chores, but I do hope you get rest as well as art worked on.

Had a visitor after coffee, which threw things off a bit, but hey, that can't be helped. The second support worker has retired, so now I have a new one. Showed her round everything & talked of how I spend my days, my collections, & the previous two support workers & what they did to help out. She was impressed by the Pony & sharky collections, & has arranged to see me in three weeks. Rest of the day lazy & it's a good thing I bought a pasta salad at the Co-op, because I didn't feel like cooking anything, even chips!!!
Meanwhile it's raining packages, this time the US ones, all three of which came today!!! Peggy Mane, a cloak & necklace for BAB TS, & the ferris wheel for the Ponyville Sundae amusement park. It still works, but needs one cup attached to a sundae (the sundae's still there, so I my Apoxie Sculpt one). Everything else is decent to immaculate. Will get on the ginger cookies today I swear.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on August 10, 2022, 11:04:49 AM
Worked this am.  Supposed to leave at noon but didn’t leave until after 1pm thanks to crazy people.  MULTIPLE showed up at noon who I TOLD to be there before noon.  One lady is this passive-aggressive pain who does this repeatedly. 
Now I’m at Longhorns Steakhouse eating a late lunch.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on August 10, 2022, 12:23:57 PM
Fighting a sore throat and out of shape body. And cleaning my room because it needs it. I am drinking water in my 40 OZ Hydro Flask to try and keep my body cool. Also I am doing Beanie Boo Birthday Posters until August 30 (when school starts).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 10, 2022, 01:40:00 PM
Hi all, I have surfaced. I've had a fairly boring couple of days so  didn't write anything. The biggest hedghog came last night and is eating the cat food. There is also a pair and another single one who is the smallest. This guy is huge.

I cooked another big courgette bake and my husband cooked steak tonight. Initially I thought there wasn't much food in the garden but then I found a globe courgette, an Uchiki Kuri squash and a handful of french beans. I did know the chard, potaotes and spring onions were there since you can't really miss them. I was quite pleased with my little haul so I took a photo. We don't have to cook for a couple of days which is good because the temperature is going up again. A big harvest moon has risen over the fields tonight, it's a sort of apricot colour.

@PBW do you collect a lot of Ponyville? I love the playsets so much!

@Gator I hate being held back at work. Glad you took yourself for a nice lunch though

@Rainlove I hope that's not the evil COVIDs and that you feel better soon. What is Beanie Boo?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on August 10, 2022, 03:36:28 PM
Hi all, I have surfaced. I've had a fairly boring couple of days so  didn't write anything. The biggest hedghog came last night and is eating the cat food. There is also a pair and another single one who is the smallest. This guy is huge.

I cooked another big courgette bake and my husband cooked steak tonight. Initially I thought there wasn't much food in the garden but then I found a globe courgette, an Uchiki Kuri squash and a handful of french beans. I did know the chard, potaotes and spring onions were there since you can't really miss them. I was quite pleased with my little haul so I took a photo. We don't have to cook for a couple of days which is good because the temperature is going up again. A big harvest moon has risen over the fields tonight, it's a sort of apricot colour.

@Rainlove I hope that's not the evil COVIDs and that you feel better soon. What is Beanie Boo?
Thanks! I was hoping not COVID again. Beanie boos are the various sizing stuffed animals with the "stare into your soul" eyes. I have over 15. Exact number: 27 i think? Ive had to stop with whatever my body has going on and rest. Grrrr... . I could maybe pm you showijg what i mean!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 10, 2022, 03:48:57 PM
Spent the day at my parent's place. Mostly with my mom. We talked and binged a series on Netflix which was pretty good (Elves. It's Danish but has English dubs). I talked to my dad a bit too and I gave him a hug. I probably won't see him again until after the surgery on Friday.

My mom got me an early birthday present. It's a bright orange fluffy throw blanket with black bats on it :lol: I think I'll switch out the throw I have on the recliner for it. She also found a box of stuff that was my sister's that she told me to take. I haven't gone through it yet.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 10, 2022, 09:56:17 PM
Thanks! I was hoping not COVID again. Beanie boos are the various sizing stuffed animals with the "stare into your soul" eyes. I have over 15. Exact number: 27 i think? Ive had to stop with whatever my body has going on and rest. Grrrr... . I could maybe pm you showijg what i mean!

Oh those little guys! I actually bought a flamingo and a platypus to give the bridesmaids at my wedding, I just didn't know that's what they were called. I like how they made the characters from some quite oddly shaped animals and they really stand out.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on August 11, 2022, 01:09:18 PM
I took the brown bins (composting) out for collection after a long work day and refilled the bird feeders. I also put out a new tray and filled it with water so they have something to drink and bathe in as it's so hot. It's mostly crows and magpies, and they chase away the songbirds, but it helps??
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on August 11, 2022, 01:42:26 PM
Thanks! I was hoping not COVID again. Beanie boos are the various sizing stuffed animals with the "stare into your soul" eyes. I have over 15. Exact number: 27 i think? Ive had to stop with whatever my body has going on and rest. Grrrr... . I could maybe pm you showijg what i mean!

Oh those little guys! I actually bought a flamingo and a platypus to give the bridesmaids at my wedding, I just didn't know that's what they were called. I like how they made the characters from some quite oddly shaped animals and they really stand out.
Well now you know/remember!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 12, 2022, 03:31:48 AM
Good news: I made the ginger cookies!!! bad news: my sleep went skewed again!!! Ugly news: when eating the ginger cookies (which I KNOW I did well with two TEAspoons of ginger powder to reduce that to a level which didn't burn my mouth, as well as the normal stuff, they tasted off. Drank some hot chocolate: it also tasted off. Drank water: it tasted ok but my mouth felt off. Then the coughing increased (I have a permanent chesty cough to combat my misbehaving nose, but I noticed I was coughing more than usual). Woke up with a feel of discomfort from my tongue in a long line down to my chest, accompanied by a sore head, & still coughing more than normal. It's mild, but noticeable. I hope I'm better on time for Tuesday & the coffee morning; I'd hate to miss it, but if this is COVID I'm better off staying inside. The thing is, I can wear a mask doing everything else except drinking coffee & eating toast, scone, & pancakes.
Cooking anything to keep for a bit is obviously on hold too. Covid & related stuff is breathed, so I don't want to blow it into food
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 12, 2022, 05:42:03 AM
Aw, that sucks, PBW :( I hope you don't have it, maybe it's just a cold.

Today is my dad's surgery, he's in there right now. I couldn't sleep and I think I have a touch of mania. I was out of my ADHD meds for about 5 days so when I took it again, it pushed me into a manic state. I slept two hours over 24 hours ago and am still up and awake and alert. Plus I feel really good, and that is usually not the case. I'd be in a great mood if I wasn't so worried about my dad.

Anyway, while I'm up I need to clean the kitchen (I neglected it yesterday because of art) and then work on more art. I have three custom ponies almost done (I think I've said that a few times now) and I'm going to make some hearts garland out of wool for my mom's birthday. I was able to order the sheep locks, so I can finally finish my little sheep!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 12, 2022, 12:22:56 PM
@BC, Fingers crossed and lots of good wishes for your Dad's operation. I'm sorry to hear you're going throught that with your meds. I wish you could say you felt better for real, but knowing it's because your meds were out must be a bit scary. I used to do cleaning if I couldn't sleep, it's a great way to relax if you've got no choice. I hope you get some sleep and some good news about your Dad.

@PBW I'm sorry you've possibly got COVID and aren't feeling great. I am very much all about my stomach and when I'm ill one of the things I dislike most is having my apetite messed up. Can you get a test in time for coffee morning? I hope your support workers are checking in with you.

@Ladyfrostbite I've been giving water to the birds this summer as well. Our next door neighbour feeds them a lot (probably too much because we have rats). But it's been very dry recently, so it's nice to see them splashing about.

My day was quiet, I'm so relieved not to have to go to work. I took today off as holiday because I thought my parents were coming over on Sunday and I needed to clean the house. Husband made me cancel because we haven't finished painting the interior doors including the bathroom door, lol. It's been too hot to get them finished. I did some gardening before 9am and then laundry and then resting. Very pleasant.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on August 12, 2022, 12:44:55 PM
We should have rats considering we're right by the river (it's not dry but pretty low), I've been watching for them but the council took steps to close pipes and stuff where they can hide, and me/my neighbour are watching for any signs. To be honest, the way the crows and magpies have been scarfing down the food, there won't be anything left for any rats!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 12, 2022, 12:51:36 PM
working today. picking up groceries. probably getting takeout for dinner since it was pay day. i woke up in the middle of the night for some reason. and then the dogs woke up. then my partner woke up and Luna, the puppy wanted to go out. so it messed up our sleep. i ended up sleeping in a few hours. normally i like to get up at 5 so i have plenty of time to myself before work. but i slept until 7. thankfully no early calls.

it's still super hot. for the last few days there have been clouds in the afternoon and some rain in surrounding areas. but no rain here :( it's so dry the ground is cracking.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 12, 2022, 05:39:45 PM
Thanks, Artie :) He came through the surgery okay. My WYP thread has more details.

I had an appointment with my psychiatrist today that I almost forgot about. I told her about the manic episode. She told me if it happens again to only take half the capsule. But I kinda like it. I get a lot done lol. But she said it messes with your impulse control and I did make two purchases that maaaaaybe I shouldn't have. I have enough to cover them, but yeah, I'd say they were pretty impulsive buys. No ponies unfortunately!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 13, 2022, 04:51:38 AM
BC, Glad he made it through. Hope other things can be sorted too. You deffo want to keep check of your purchasing xxx

Fridge-freezer finding it hard to cope, AGAIN, so more ice-chipping & changing over tea towels. Texting people to say why I might not be at coffee. Found out pal has appointments every Tuesday, right when coffee is!!! Bummer... Otherwise taking it easy. Got another package in. got some nice sleep & drank water like a fish. Today taste still off & tongue still funny but a bit better. Still hot & still swapping tea towels out, & will likely have to chip some more ice. But as long as I stay indoors & hydrate, everything else will get better...

Except the fridge-freezer. If only I could price out some new ones with people who can take the old one away, without spending money I don't have or other complications
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 13, 2022, 05:37:35 AM
@PBK i hope you find a new fridge. @BC i'm glad your dad made it through. :)

snuggled with the doggies this morning. Luna is doing well. she's been chewing some but seems to respond when i tell her no. she did eat a hole in one of my blankets which i'm not happy about. i also need to run the carpet cleaner today because of some accidents. don't worry i still love her :) she's doing well considering it's only been a couple of weeks.

i'm going over to my parent's to look at some pictures to maybe put up in the house. we already picked some out but apparently i need to do it again. TBH i don't really want too many of them. i still have some stuff i bought to hang on the wall. but i'll take some if it makes them feel better.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 13, 2022, 01:38:02 PM
@BC I'm glad to hear Dad's surgery went OK. It's funny I nearly typed out "maybe you should hide your credit card" but then I thought, that's not a thing any more and anyway how do you hide something from yourself. It got too complicated, and sure enough there were impulse purchases  ;) :lol: Have to say though... Impulse purchases often turn out to be things I really enjoy and value a lot so hopefully yours will be too.

@PBW It sounds as though you're doing a good job taking care of yourself. I'm sorry about the fridge freezer, just keeping the door shut in the hottest part of the day might help.

@Beth, I still have so many prints and painting and photos that I need to get framed or some that are framed and I just haven't put them up. The problem is my husband gets incredibly anxious about drilling into walls. He loves a blank pristine wall for some reason. I think I may just need to bite the bullet and do it myself.

My day... I got my teeth cleaned! Yay! I feel like one of those big fish that has little fish swimming next to it picking off the barnacles. I also rearranged a section of the garden, putting our furniture at the side of the house hidden from Mrs Ghastly and Master Ghastly. They would have to lean right out of their bathroom window to see us. Junkyard Jim might be able to hear us talking through his downstairs bathroom window, but I guess we can whisper.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on August 13, 2022, 01:40:59 PM
ITS TOO HOT WHY IS IT HOT. The weirdest thing is it got HOTTER over the day?? Like it didn't start to cool after 5pm like you'd expect?? Go away heat, your shift is over!!

I went to the farm where I will be boarding my small pets whilst I go on holiday, as I wanted to be happy with where they are being kept. They will be kept in a nice room and there will be a TV on for some stimulation, plus they'll have each other. I was concerned about the cat but I was told the cat does not bother with pets at all and mostly saunters off to do his own thing. He was very much a lazy bones, flopping onto the floor whenever he thinks he'll get attention which was funny. I think I'll put a warning in anyway to make sure the cat doesn't touch them as cats can transmit gram-negative bacteria to birds via wounds and that can kill them VERY quickly as they have no resistance to it
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 13, 2022, 01:46:01 PM
ITS TOO HOT WHY IS IT HOT. The weirdest thing is it got HOTTER over the day?? Like it didn't start to cool after 5pm like you'd expect?? Go away heat, your shift is over!!

I went to the farm where I will be boarding my small pets whilst I go on holiday, as I wanted to be happy with where they are being kept. They will be kept in a nice room and there will be a TV on for some stimulation, plus they'll have each other. I was concerned about the cat but I was told the cat does not bother with pets at all and mostly saunters off to do his own thing. He was very much a lazy bones, flopping onto the floor whenever he thinks he'll get attention which was funny. I think I'll put a warning in anyway to make sure the cat doesn't touch them as cats can transmit gram-negative bacteria to birds via wounds and that can kill them VERY quickly as they have no resistance to it

That's interesting, I wonder whether that's why it's almost impossible to save a bird that's been caught by a cat even if it doesn't seem to be injured... As for the weather, it's horrid. I've had three freezing cold showers today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on August 13, 2022, 01:50:08 PM
ITS TOO HOT WHY IS IT HOT. The weirdest thing is it got HOTTER over the day?? Like it didn't start to cool after 5pm like you'd expect?? Go away heat, your shift is over!!

I went to the farm where I will be boarding my small pets whilst I go on holiday, as I wanted to be happy with where they are being kept. They will be kept in a nice room and there will be a TV on for some stimulation, plus they'll have each other. I was concerned about the cat but I was told the cat does not bother with pets at all and mostly saunters off to do his own thing. He was very much a lazy bones, flopping onto the floor whenever he thinks he'll get attention which was funny. I think I'll put a warning in anyway to make sure the cat doesn't touch them as cats can transmit gram-negative bacteria to birds via wounds and that can kill them VERY quickly as they have no resistance to it

That's interesting, I wonder whether that's why it's almost impossible to save a bird that's been caught by a cat even if it doesn't seem to be injured... As for the weather, it's horrid. I've had three freezing cold showers today.

That's exactly why, same with reptiles (the gram-negative bacteria part), that's one reason there's such a big call against free-roaming cats. The bacteria is in their mouths and obviously transfers to their coats and claws when grooming
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: kestral_kitsune on August 13, 2022, 06:40:10 PM
went to the zoo, listen to the sister argue with her  boyfriend about carpet names, and then did some shopping
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 14, 2022, 02:26:08 AM
When you KNOW there are things to do but can you get them done???
This is me today. Things I need to do: hang up socks, find a bag & fill with current rubbish, sew on a torn fin of a soft sharky slipper, more knitting, check freezer for ice again, make a pie for dinner. Will I get it done??? Not if today's anything like yesterday. At least I'm getting decent sleep

Farm & zoo both sound cute. Any other mals & what were your faves???

Pets do take a while to settle in so patience is best xxx You can do it Luna xxx

Artie I'm glad I don't have your neighbours. Mine are bad enough & the reason I NEVER have curtains open (which saves me from the worst of summer's heat & winter's chill too), as well as the reason I hardly leave the house
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 14, 2022, 04:29:56 AM
Carpet names...?

Today I have housework to do, it's been neglected for a few days. I need to empty the dishwasher (I have it but don't use it very often because it's just me and my cat and we don't make a lot of dishes...), wash the dishes (not going in the washer), clean the litter boxes, break down some boxes, gather garbage, do laundry, take a shower. And I should probably eat today. I haven't had anything in two days. It started because I had a bad stomach ache, then I went through hunger pangs but they finally stopped and I've been coasting since. Drinking lots of water though.

I'd like to finish at least one custom today. These three have been mostly done for weeks now.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: kestral_kitsune on August 14, 2022, 10:33:23 AM
Carpet names...?

Today I have housework to do, it's been neglected for a few days. I need to empty the dishwasher (I have it but don't use it very often because it's just me and my cat and we don't make a lot of dishes...), wash the dishes (not going in the washer), clean the litter boxes, break down some boxes, gather garbage, do laundry, take a shower. And I should probably eat today. I haven't had anything in two days. It started because I had a bad stomach ache, then I went through hunger pangs but they finally stopped and I've been coasting since. Drinking lots of water though.

I'd like to finish at least one custom today. These three have been mostly done for weeks now.
apparently different carpet stores have different names for the exact same thing.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 14, 2022, 10:39:01 AM
Oh. I've never been carpet shopping so I didn't even know they had names :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 14, 2022, 02:00:21 PM
went to the zoo, listen to the sister argue with her  boyfriend about carpet names, and then did some shopping

I was also wondering about this. I have noticed that when my OH or I or both of us are tense, we can argue about stuff like that. I find it hard to avoid being tense in the heat.

A new black and white tom cat has appeared, sniffing around the hedgehog's food. I hissed him away earlier. If it rains next week I'll cut down on the amount I'm putting out because the hedgehogs shouldn't need it as much. I got my little water feature going in the garden and tried to sit out, but I got chased away by a wasp. So much for that. I went to Mum and Dad's for lunch where I met with my sister and her family. I agve my niece her birthday present and my sister gave me some second hand maternity clothes.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 14, 2022, 02:19:37 PM
ugh @Artie i don't like nosy neighbors. at one place we lived we caught our neighbor listening outside our front door multiple times. i put up a doorbell camera and it stopped. he was an ex-cop and thought that made him neighborhood watch man.

ran the carpet cleaner today. but there was another accident :( not on the carpet though. she'll get better. i find sometimes they just stand at the door until someone sees instead of whining or barking.

their communication styles can be very different. my chihuahua will just stare at the water bowl if she's thirsty. and then if i walk by she gives me a look of disapproval. our Beagle/Lab mix will bark and cause a fuss.

today i'm mostly relaxing. hoping for rain but i think all of it will be further south.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 15, 2022, 08:47:43 AM
I DID EVERYTHING!!! The bin has been picked up today too, so the rubbish is all clear.
Cloudy today so no need to change over tea towel at least.
Going to do a test I got from the support worker to see if I can go to Coffee tomorrow. I like Coffee but I want to be safe.
Today more knitting planned. Let's see what else I can work on too. Was also reminded about a small corner of the house in need of a sweeping, so got that done with a dustpan & brush

Awww Luna you can get there xxx

Happy BD Artie's niece!!! And yep, those maternity clothes will soon prove their worth xxx

BC I hope you get at least some housework done xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 15, 2022, 09:10:50 AM
Congrats, PBW! It feels good when you get things done :)

I'm really tired today. I even slept in after I took my medicine. Yesterday I did a lot though. Not everything, but most of it.

I decided I don't like how I put the fur on one of these customs. It looks bad and you can see the glue :huh: I'm not sure how to get it off though. Maybe if I run hot water over it the glue will loosen.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 16, 2022, 08:39:51 AM
i'm in a crummy mood today. it's one of those days where i just want to be left alone.

besides work, i have some cleaning and organizing to do today. usually getting away from the computer helps my bad moods.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 17, 2022, 04:36:05 AM
Missed coffee anyway due to feeling super tired, like I crashed out for more than 18 hours, only getting up for the bathroom!!! Also the day itself was lazy. Still to feed back an eBay order...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 17, 2022, 08:45:00 AM
i'm in a crummy mood today. it's one of those days where i just want to be left alone.

besides work, i have some cleaning and organizing to do today. usually getting away from the computer helps my bad moods.

I felt like that yesterday, and today! I was sorry for letting people see my bad mood. Taffeta says she's had rain, but there's been no rain in Norfolk. A good downpour would probably make me feel a lot better. I'm just going to end up falling asleep watching below deck probably.

Missed coffee anyway due to feeling super tired, like I crashed out for more than 18 hours, only getting up for the bathroom!!! Also the day itself was lazy. Still to feed back an eBay order...

Awh! Sorry to hear you missed your social event. But it sounds as though you needed some rest.

I was working fom home today. Feeling really fed up with my job, every project or task turns out to be nonsense. I moved some plants around at lunch time. Nearly finished clearing the old patio and hope that someone can come and re-lay it soon. At the moment, the water runs towards the house, not away from it!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 18, 2022, 05:05:35 AM
lots of meetings today. at least most of them are early in the day so hopefully i'll get time to do actual work. seriously when do you get work done when you're stuck on calls for most of the day? i think the unspoken expectation is that we multitask. but i can't work with people talking. multitasking isn't a good way to work. also it's Thursday so at least the weekend is close.

i'm still in a bad mood and i didn't get much cleaning done over the last few days. but some of the furniture we ordered a while back was delivered. so now i have more storage space to organize stuff. time to get the label maker working again :)

i'm also trying to find a time to get some mulch and a taller ladder. i think i'll need to use my parent's car since they have an SUV and more space to carry stuff.

also need to work on that annoying side project and do more interview prep. i'm hoping to hear about a job opportunity soon so we'll see. :)

also hoping for some much needed rain this week.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 18, 2022, 05:19:47 AM
^ It's been proven that humans can't really multitask anyway. Our brains can only concentrate and focus on one thing at a time. Trying to multitask is a waste of brain power and energy.

Today I'm very tired. I went to bed early and slept my usual 10 hours, but I woke up a lot. My back hurts. My stomach isn't feeling well since I ate too close to bedtime last night. I want to work on my Halloween swap pony today and maybe start another needle felting project. I bought orange wool locks so I can make myself an orange sheep :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 18, 2022, 09:31:52 AM
Scotland has had some rain; I got wet taking the bin back.

I TRY to get a decent sleep schedule, but something ALWAYS happens & I end up staying awake too long, gripped by a fascinating conversation, or busy working on a thing. Like, I woke at a decent time yesterday, but had: two packages arrive & needing sorted, three packages to feed back on (yep that delayed feedback FINALLY got left), dishes to do, some very lively conversations on Discord, some fun vids on the Youtube subs, knitting to do, AND food to make & eat!!! Both packages also featured now Ponies, so photographing ESSENTIAL to log in for collection pics, plus they needed grooming & ribbons. Not even prepped the baity Pony who came with one of the new ones yet (her hair is a state so she'll become a different Pony of similar colour & species, complete with brand new hair).
Everybody else manages to find time to Customise. I haven't for a while... Time runs away from me to the point I don't realise it's bedtime until it's nearly 3am!!! And then I have things to do in the bedroom... Hence not waking today until about 4pm!!!

BC disturbed sleep is the worst!!! Beth, with everything else you're up to, don't be surprised you didn't get to clean anything!!! Artie I'd feel fed up with work like that xxx And I also hope somebody with sense redoes your patio
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 19, 2022, 05:55:35 AM
Sorry you don't have enough time, PBW. Some days I feel like that too. Maybe you should set aside a certain amount of time to do each thing, set an alarm for when time is up and move to something else. Or set aside a day where you catch up on Youtube or knit and do nothing else (unless it's important of course). I tend to let the housework get behind for a day or two and then use the next day to do just that. Wash dishes, clean the cat litter, gather garbage, etc. Today is that day, actually.

My plans for today is to do the housework, which shouldn't take too long, and then start on my Halloween swap custom now that I've settled on a base. I need to go through my hair too. I shouldn't have to order any but I want to make sure.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 19, 2022, 08:14:05 AM
Cheers BC!!! *whispering* glow in the dark hair exist & i hope you have some...

Got the photos on the PC, & once one is on a Discord or other piccie site I can add it here. Hmmm... I think Discord, peeps there may want to see too. Got more knitting done & a bit more baking. Today another package arrived: the PKW package. See What Made Me Smile about the elephant fakie, & I also got a glowy badge, a shirt pattern, two shirts, a dress, & three bandannas. Going to order more dresses later, also will be fun picking the lucky Boys...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 20, 2022, 06:16:17 AM
I do not have GITD hair actually. But I do have color change thermal hair :)

Glad you got some things done, PBW!

Today I'll be working mostly on my swap pony.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 20, 2022, 09:18:11 AM
Brag pic is up at least!!! And I sorted yesterday's package out too. But mostly buying stuff. More toy animals this time to go with Ponies than actual Ponies though, & I found some fun ones, but it took a long time to search them out. My fave mals for Ponies are the Schleich ones & similar sized, especially the smaller ones like cats, dogs, rabbits, & birds. I also found some cute woodland mal figures, like deer & squirrels & hedgehogs. I also found some fun farm accessories, which I hope are the right size. I even have a farm building!!!

Thermal hair is great too BC, but I must admit I prefer glow hair & UV react hair (another thing which is available & goes well with summery Ponies). Here's hoping your Custom work goes well xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 21, 2022, 01:52:27 PM
Hello both, hope you're well. I've been camping! Well, nearly. I booked a campsite for one night, but having checked my tent and thought it was fine, I discovered that the floor had gone mouldy so we couldn't stay. Deciding to go to the beach for the rest of the afternoon we pulled up in the carpark and discovered a nail through one of my tyres. Before driving home on the space saver, we planned to get some fish and chips but discovered that the chip shop was so crowded it was like a sauna so mindful of COVID, we left. Then the curry house we chose didn't take cash. Eventually we got home with a curry.

The highlights were that we met an intriguing old grey cat at the campsite and then had a brief walk in a beechwood which was nice. Then on the way home we met an intriguing old grey dog, no connection. The sunset while we were driving home (at 50mph) was also nice. I felt adventurous, and glad to have tested the camping gear. Husband hated it and spent most of today a bit depressed, probably because of the expense of a new tyre. I've soaked the tent in milton fluid and I'm hoping that it will live to see another day. Note to self: we never got as far as checking the inflatable bed!! Better do that well in advance next time.

@PBW will check out your brag :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: brightberry on August 21, 2022, 08:37:12 PM
I went to take a bath and spotted a gecko running around in the tub.  Tried to catch it but it ran down the drain.  We took off the cover and can see it sitting there.  I don’t want it to drown so it’s a waiting game for it to come out again.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 22, 2022, 06:22:49 AM
I'd suggest putting down some food, but geckos only eat insects. Unless you have some mealworms or something. I hope you can catch it!

That sounds nice, Artie :) Sorry the camping didn't go as planned though. I've never been camping, even as a kid. The closest thing was staying in a tent in a friend's backyard.

Today I am making myself work on my swap custom. I haven't done anything with it except prep and some simple armature. I also want to make a lasagna for lunch/dinner. I don't have any eggs and can't get any so it will probably end up runny but that's okay.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 22, 2022, 10:23:06 AM
I went to take a bath and spotted a gecko running around in the tub.  Tried to catch it but it ran down the drain.  We took off the cover and can see it sitting there.  I don’t want it to drown so it’s a waiting game for it to come out again.

Oh wow, so cute! I've only every seen them in a zoo. Also sending good wishes for the small gecko that hid in the drain  :lol:

I also want to make a lasagna for lunch/dinner. I don't have any eggs and can't get any so it will probably end up runny but that's okay.

I'm confused about the eggs in the lasagne. Are you making the pasta from scratch? If not I have a recipe for lasagne without eggs.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 22, 2022, 10:26:47 AM
sometimes i put egg in the cheese filling. it just helps it hold together. kind of like when you make meatballs. but sometimes i forget and it's mostly fine.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 22, 2022, 10:35:39 AM
sometimes i put egg in the cheese filling. it just helps it hold together. kind of like when you make meatballs. but sometimes i forget and it's mostly fine.

OK so do you cook equal parts butter and flour together to make a rue? And then take it off the heat and stir in milk until the mixture is smooth? And then do you put it back on the heat and stir, and as you stir does it get thicker? And then you add cheese? Sometimes it comes out very thick I find. Mmm, lasagne  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 22, 2022, 11:07:58 AM
Yeah, most recipes call for an egg to be mixed with the cheese. I'm not making anything from scratch :lol: Just regular lasagna noodles, pasta sauce and diced tomatoes, ricotta cheese, parmesan and smoked provolone (I like the flavor it adds). No meat. If you add enough sauce the noodles will cook in the oven. I don't pre cook them and no bake noodles are only offered at Walmart from Barilla and I don't buy from them.

But it looks like I might have to hold off on it for today. It's already 2pm. I forgot I had a 10am Zoom meeting with my mental health caseworker and she spent an hour and fifteen minutes with me but that's only because she likes to ramble. I like her just fine but I'm glad she's not a therapist because she talks too much :P Then I had other things to do around the house. I haven't touched the custom yet either. Now I'm tired.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on August 22, 2022, 12:21:09 PM
Today is my moms 60th birthday. Nothing much planned for it. Just hanging out at home and doing nothing today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 23, 2022, 04:14:33 AM
Is it not spelt roux??? And why are they so hard to make??? Reason I ask is because i want to avoid going the egg route where possible. Every recipe I've made so far has been eggless & used "buttermilk" (fresh milk & a little vinegar to curdle it a little - apparently this also works with vegan milks)

Camping sounds fun!!! Shame it didn't work out & there were mishaps, especially the tyre, but glad you had some fun times & I hope you save the tent!!!

Happy birthday Rainlove's Mum!!! Is she the one who is part of the Custom Pony Friend group???

BC I sympathise with rambling talkers. I often feel like, get to the point already!!! I also understand how you plan to do something then it somehow never happens... Life can often get in the way of everything like that

Brightberry I hope you save the gecko!!! Sounds like a wee cutie xxx

Myself, I've been researching something I heard about which could help: LED lightbulbs. Apparently they're even better than energy savers, in both economy of use & lasting time. Bought myself some to start using when my ES bulbs die on me. Some of my toy mals arrived, & I've managed to get the recycling out. They don't take glass from the kerb here, so I'll have to cart my jars & bottles to the skip at some point. Made Coffee this week as feeling much better, also got more electricity in & a few bits from the Coop. Postponing the big shop until I need it to try giving my freezer a break. I really need that emptied so I can defrost it, as that's well overdue, & after the heatwaves & its struggling I think it will be good for it. At least until I can look out for a new one
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 23, 2022, 01:35:39 PM
You're right it probably is roux, I imagine it's a French word. I don't find it hard any more, my Mum showed me how to do it ages ago. Equal parts butter and flour. Melt together then cook on a gentle heat for a few minutes until the floury appearance has gone. Then take it off the heat, stir in cold milk until there are no lumps. Use a whisk if you like. Put it back on a moderate heat and stir constantly as it thickens. Add cheese. Cheers, I have been working on the tent and I think it will live! Glad you're feeling better and made it to coffee etc.

@BC smoked cheese sounds good with it, hope you get to make it another day.

I'm feeling feverish and feeling really flat exhausted since yesterday. Waiting for COVID tests to arrive in the post. Something fun to report... mmm... harvested the first squashes yesterday. Tried to get my black cat to pose with a pumpkin but apparently it's not in his job description...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: brightberry on August 23, 2022, 04:48:55 PM
Thanks for the well wishes for the gecko!  I put a glass jar with slightly warmed towel in the tub and little plastic bottle caps with water nearby.  But, it never showed up during the night and we can't see it in the drain anymore.  I hope it's ok.  I have no idea where it might be in the house.  Can't really close doors to keep it in as it's small enough to go under them.  I'm hoping it works it's way back outside but if I see it, I'll help it along.

I went to take a bath and spotted a gecko running around in the tub.  Tried to catch it but it ran down the drain.  We took off the cover and can see it sitting there.  I don’t want it to drown so it’s a waiting game for it to come out again.

Oh wow, so cute! I've only every seen them in a zoo. Also sending good wishes for the small gecko that hid in the drain  :lol:

 :lol: The first time I saw a gecko in person is when several fell on my head after moving to Texas.  I didn't know what was going on but things were crawling in my hair.  Fortunately, everyone was fine... after the screams.   

@Artemesia I hope you don't have covid.   :(

For lasagna, I make the sauce.  But the cheese mix is just mozzarella and cottage cheese.  Oh, and I make noodles like BlackCurtains.  It's not extravagant but it's how my mother made it so the taste is very familiar.  I love lasagna all the ways it's cooked though.  A friend uses thin pepper slices to make heart decorations on top.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on August 23, 2022, 04:57:44 PM
Happy birthday Rainlove's Mum!!! Is she the one who is part of the Custom Pony Friend group???
No. I have never heard of a custom pony group.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: brightberry on August 23, 2022, 08:00:02 PM
The gecko is still in the tub.  It just went further into the drain but we spotted it this evening.  So, yayish!  My husband tossed it a moth and I’m trying to figure out how to make the jar more attractive.  I’d really like to take a bath.  I hate showers.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 24, 2022, 06:32:33 AM
My mom's birthday is today :) I'm waiting for my niece to pick me up and take me over there. It will probably be too late for me to do much when I get back. I've found my mojo for the swap custom though, so I should get started on that soon.

I made the lasagna yesterday, and it did turn out runny without the egg, but that's okay. It was still good! And I have leftovers which is always a plus :)

My stomach and head were bothering me last night and I was up for a few hours because I couldn't get comfy in bed no matter what I did. I'm probably going to be really tired later but at least everything has stopped hurting this morning.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: brightberry on August 24, 2022, 11:30:10 AM
 BlackCurtains, happy birthday to your mom! I hope you guys have a fun day.

We caught the gecko! Around midnight, I was getting water and saw a blurry object in the tub and away from the drain.  I used my hand to cover the drain and the poor little creature aran to the drain and tried to burrow under my hand.  Aww.  We scooped it up and it's now outside with lots of bugs to eat.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 24, 2022, 11:46:55 AM
Happy birthday Rainlove's Mum!!! Is she the one who is part of the Custom Pony Friend group???
No. I have never heard of a custom pony group.
What I meant was there were four Customs made by an Arena user recently to celebrate a relative & her three friends all turning 60 the same year. But there are so many Arena users only a few stick out to me xxx

And BC, happy birthday to your mother!!!

Gecko has been saved, YAIY!!!

Cheers Artie!!! Will have to give it a shot at some point...

Weird how on Coffee days I have little energy to do other things... And I forgot to get butter, which is essential if I'm baking!!! Oh well, I do have glass to take out so will do that & see if i can get more butter...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 24, 2022, 04:01:26 PM
yay for Gecko!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on August 24, 2022, 10:31:29 PM
I've gotta get the bird cages ready for the birbs going to the babysitter for my holidays after work. Noooo my babies!  :cry:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 25, 2022, 02:27:15 AM
I've tested negative for COVID but feeling crappy since Monday. Wheezing and headaches, fatigue. I'm OK though. I just need to ride it out. It finally rained here. I watched my front garden absorb a lot of water, whereas all the brick and tarmac driveways down the street were pouring off water straight into the road. I saw a bird go to the bird bath and then look around as if to say "What am I thinking? There's puddles everwhere!". Force of habit I suppose, it's been dry for months. I've watched 6 episodes of Below Deck, I wish I was able to do something more productive.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 25, 2022, 03:38:40 AM
I'm glad the gecko was saved :)

Mom loved all her gifts. I saw my dad for the first time since his surgery. He looks okay, frail, but okay.

I had a long sleep. I woke up a bunch of times but I was able to go back to sleep each time. I feel groggy but once I take my meds at 7 and the sun comes up, I know I'll be more awake. My plan today is swap custom! I also want to finish these other two that have been sitting.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on August 25, 2022, 02:22:21 PM
Happy birthday Rainlove's Mum!!! Is she the one who is part of the Custom Pony Friend group???
No. I have never heard of a custom pony group.

What I meant was there were four Customs made by an Arena user recently to celebrate a relative & her three friends all turning 60 the same year. But there are so many Arena users only a few stick out to me xxx
Oh! I saw a post on here about that.
And BC, happy birthday to your mother!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 25, 2022, 07:22:24 PM
So glad your mum had a good time BC xxx And however you get your rest, what matters is you get it xxx

Get well soon Artie!!! And don't expect to be too productive if you're not well

Frostbite aww!!! I'm sure your birds will be fine, & will be happy to welcome you back home. Enjoy your break!!!

Tried making blueberry muffins, but didn't taste a blueberry beforehand. Big mistake as the blueberries were all so sour I couldn't eat the muffins!!! (well I could but it was a torture due to how sour the berries were) Had to ditch all the ones I didn't taste!!!
Also all the UK packages arrived!!! Still due some international ones but they'll be delayed because the postie who delivered my seven packages said the Royal Mail strikes start Friday. Packages included LED lightbulbs, Pink Kittywinks dresses, my first minibrand Pony (Butterscotch of course), & an adorable plush harp seal!!!
Noticed I was low on butter so had to go back to the Coop for it. Took the overdue glass out as I did, so at least that's out of the way!!! Later on I have to do dishes & sort stuff. Can't make more muffins for a bit though as the recipe uses a lot of milk & it can't be UHT, & I won't make them with berries again, nope!!! Will see about chocolate sweets of the small size (like M&Ms)...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on August 26, 2022, 02:45:20 AM
That's two of the birds away with the babysitter  :cry: One bird left to go to a relative's house (where she will be more comfortable and relaxed). It just feels so wrong to not have them here?!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 26, 2022, 05:06:57 AM
I haven't gone on any extended trips since I was a teen because I refuse to board my cats. So I know how you must feel about your birds. Hopefully, they'll be okay.

I feel kind of off right now. Maybe I slept too much. My plans are to continue work on my swap custom. Still want to finish the other two and want to start another sheep.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 26, 2022, 12:58:10 PM
I haven't gone on any extended trips since I was a teen because I refuse to board my cats. So I know how you must feel about your birds. Hopefully, they'll be okay.

I feel kind of off right now. Maybe I slept too much. My plans are to continue work on my swap custom. Still want to finish the other two and want to start another sheep.

When I was off work I got into an odd thing with sleep. I think it was to do with the meds I was on, it was difficult to balance my meds and my sleep. The effect of the medication changed over time, so I was always tweaking different things to try and feel better. By the by, did you ever get your bed sorted out? I hope your day goes well. I can't wait to see some more of your felting.

@Lady Frostbite I know it must be hard. I felt bad when we left our cat behind with a once-a day visit from a work colleague of DH. Mostly we felt bad because we could see him on the household security cameras and he looked really lonely! So we jokingly tried talking to him through the house security system but I don't think it helped, he just got confused. At least your birds will have regular company. It sounds like they are going to good places. Birds can be curious right, so maybe they might enjoy it?

@PBW Thanks very much for the good wishes, do appreciate it. Did you do a brag for this mini pony? Sounds interesting!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 26, 2022, 06:27:36 PM
@Lady Frostbite, it's hard to be away from pets. they'll be fine :) enjoy your vacation.

@Artie i hope you feel better soon.

it's been a long week. i'm glad it's Friday. I have to work Sunday early morning. it's not that bad. i don't have to do anything much but be there for support. but i'm usually in bed pretty early so being up at 2am is rough. i've had issues with sleep before so i'm always a little nervous that my sleep cycle will get messed up.

tomorrow i'm getting more groceries and doing errands. i also need to check in on my parents. i'm still tired from last weekend's password debacle. but since i haven't heard otherwise i think everything is going ok.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on August 27, 2022, 02:41:43 AM
I've gotten updates from the sitter and I know that my elderly birb will be okay as she is with someone she knows and she takes everything in her stride, there's not a lot she hasn't seen lol The person looking after Elderly Birb says she's mostly watching things out the window or looking at the TV. Younger Birb and Baby Birb have each other to look at and will settle, it's just so weird to be in the house and I turn and they're not there. My brain still hasn't processed it!

I fly out today, still haven't packed, I wish this headache would go awaaaaaaay

I got my UV POP! Hard Stack protector for my Funko POP! grail, so she is safe and sound in my display case. I REALLY need to dust and rearrange that at some point! Everyone is so crowded! At least I don't have to worry about the package coming when I'm away!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 27, 2022, 03:32:27 AM
Glad you have your stuff before your trip Frostbite. Enjoy & hope your headache goes!!!

Beth take it easy & get what rest you can xxx

Artie I sympathise with sleep issues!!!  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope you get more work done on your Custom BC!!!

The Mini Brand Butterscotch is so tiny it will be hard to get a good pic of her!!! She's about the size of my thumb & the box isn't much bigger!!! Got my dishes done & a few other bits sorted at least, so all good there. The seal plushie is settling in nicely & Bakana has adopted her.
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Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 27, 2022, 04:55:18 AM
Thanks, PBW! I made good progress on it and started my orange sheep too.

Today I have to do some housework, dishes, litter boxes, vacuum. I hope I'm in a better mood today than I was yesterday.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 27, 2022, 06:39:40 AM
Piccie added. Snuggles is on the right. Good progress BC!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 27, 2022, 01:53:07 PM
@Lady Frostbite, I'm so glad that birbs and packages are going well, I hope your packing goes very well too! If I don't see you, I hope you have a lovely time.

@Beth, I hope your 2am start doesn't worry you too much and that you still manage to relax and have a good weekend. I'm terrible when my sleep is messed up which can't be why I thought it would be good to have a baby

@PBW I hope you're having a good day, nice shark! I must say I'm admiring your MLP sleeping bag and duvet cover too!

@BC Hope you have a good day

I did some gardening today in short bursts, nothing spectacular. I pulled up my first carrot. I don't normally bother growing them, but I did this year because DH likes raw carrots. It was very nice.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 28, 2022, 05:51:44 AM
Aw, PBW, that's so cute :heart: I have a small leopard seal squishy. No sharks though!

Artie, I love fresh carrots from the garden! When my mom and I would go to the Farmer's Market, I always bought a bag. They're so sweet and delicious.

Well, I couldn't sleep. I got about 3 hours maybe. Between worrying about my dad and my neighbor being loud there was no way. When I finally did fall asleep, my cat woke me up for breakfast. Anyway, I took my medicine so I'm up now. I think I'm going to let my swap custom sit for a few days while I mull over designs for a part of it. I need to go through my hair still too.

Housework was done yesterday, including the vacuuming! :accomplished:

Today I want to make my orange sheep. I had to start over because I was rushing and ended up with a deformed sheep body. I watched the tutorial again, twice, to get my head in it. I switched out one of my needles to the one she uses in the video. Might have been helpful for me to do that before :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 28, 2022, 11:52:45 AM
I had a big fail!!! I've been trying to knit this one scarf for AGES now, but keep dropping a stitch & having to start ALL OVER AGAIN!!! This most recent was the fourth time it happened!!! Why does it let me go so far then a stitch drops??? GRRR!!!
Aside from that, pretty quiet tbh, just browsing Reddits & chatting on Discord & watching Youtube & a Netflix film. my big aim is to clear out the freezer, which I am bit by bit. Then I can get it defrosted
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 29, 2022, 06:11:00 AM
back to work. lots of calls today but hopefully i'll be able to get some actual work done today. work has taken over way too much of my life. i feel like i work and then spend the weekend frantically try to catch up on everything that fell through the cracks while i was working.

i also need to go help my mom with her phone today.

at least i have next week off so there's something to look forward to :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 29, 2022, 12:28:33 PM
It was a bank holiday here. I visited a garden centre to buy some shears. I decided to turn some of the old bushes in my garden into topiary since they were cut hard back and are now growing fresh shoots from the base. I have nearly finished weeding the front garden. It's taken me 3 days to do 2/3 of it. I can only do it in short bursts because forward bending is becoming more uncomfortable. I also bought one of these...

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Hydrangea paniculata 'Phantom'

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 29, 2022, 02:25:48 PM
Those are gorgeous!

I accomplished absolutely nothing today. I feel frustrated. I restarted my orange sheep and messed up again. That was after watching the tutorial twice in a row! My first one turned out so good, must have been luck. Maybe I'm overconfident? I don't know. The good thing is there's no waste because I can use the wool for another project, even if it's felted down, I can use it as core wool for something. So I guess it doesn't really matter how many times I screw up, I'm not out anything but time.

As far as my swap custom goes, I didn't let it sit like I said I would and managed to screw that up too. And it was such a simple thing!

Maybe it's all stress related.

The day isn't over yet. Maybe I'll try the sheep again. I need to stay up later because I'm waking up around midnight-one and staying up for a few hours before going back to bed to get up again in another couple of hours. It's not ideal. I like to work in natural light rather then my desk lamp but it's got a daylight bulb so it shouldn't bother me too much. I want to switch out the bulbs in my ceiling fan/light to daylights but I don't have a step stool or ladder to reach it. I wonder if the maintenance guy could do it? Hmm.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 30, 2022, 01:34:41 PM
I made some chutney but the effort completely wiped me out. Bought some more brasso and watched DH cleaning door handles.

@BC It certainly sounds as though your creative flow is messed up. Some days I find I have a disaster if I'm not really feeling it but I try and force myself to do something that requires a bit of skill. I wish I had more control. Have you heard about biphasic sleep? I couldn't sleep last nigth and ended up watching TV for an hour before going back to sleep. When I'm not at work I find I slip into this mode quite easly. I should go back to work on Wednesday, hopefully I'm feeling better.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 30, 2022, 01:47:28 PM
I think it's mostly stress. I got some good news about my dad and I feel 100x better.

Yeah, I think I'm naturally a biphasic sleeper. I wish I could just sleep the whole night through.

Well, today I've been picking up around the house, I cleaned and organized my desk and craft bookcase. Broke down some cardboard. Took a shower. Took a nap lol. I feel like trying to work on something again, now that I'm not so stressed out.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 30, 2022, 07:01:26 PM
the same thing happens to me most nights. sometimes i sleep for an hour or 2 and wake up super stressed out. and i need to watch TV or listen to podcasts to calm the stressful thoughts. i think i need to try meditation to work on controlling the intrusive thoughts. but i feel like it's woo woo and i'm a stubborn person. i know a lot of people swear by meditation so i'm not against it or anything. i'm just a stubborn person :)

@BC stress definitely kills my creativity. it's ok to take a break when you need it :) organizing helps me destress. i think it makes me feel better to put some order to my world when i feel like everything else is chaotic and out of my control. and it's at least a productive outlet for stress.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on August 30, 2022, 08:58:53 PM
I started my senior year of high school today! Got Dairy Queen for dinner and got a oreo blizzard for a dessert. The lady even did the classic turn the blizzard upside down and almost gave me a heart attack as i was waiting for the ice cream to fall.  :huh:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 31, 2022, 06:50:16 AM
Beth, you should definitely try meditation. I'm the same way when it comes to.. unscientific things? But the type I do works really well. I think they call it military style. You get in position to sleep and start at your toes, focus on them and relax them, then move up to your foot, relax and then do your ankles... and you just continue up your body concentrating on each section and relaxing the muscles. You'd be surprised how many muscles are tense and when you focus on letting them relax it feels so much better.

I also do a little more loose meditation when I wake up. I just sit up and look at the tree outside my window. That's it. I just look at how the leaves are on the branches and how the wind moves through them. Sometimes I can see shapes like you do when looking at clouds. In the spring it's even better because the birds are singing. It helps relax me and get my brain ready for the day.

Today I am going to tackle my swap custom. I screwed up a major part of it, so I have to start from scratch. I hate making armature, but I watched some videos on YouTube that had some tips and I feel a little better about it. Speaking of armature, I made some for my orange sheep last night and today it still looks good to me. So I might be able to work on that too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 31, 2022, 11:43:23 AM
Missed out on posting here because the other day was a nothing day. However yesterday was eventful to say the least!!! Coffee was good & the FT stall was back so that was great. Also got some apples & plums. Not made a sweet pie yet so they will be a great start.
Then I had a visit at 2pm. This was a review checking on everything: both the state of the house (which was much improved & they saw that) & the state of me. I tend to neglect myself, mainly due to not feeling "worth it" if you get me. And there are a team of people who want to help those who neglect themselves. I was asked if I'd like to submit something for this team so they can find out what helps, as so far they've been going wrong.
This moved me to tears, as I'm so used to help being of the "we're doing it the way we think you need" instead of it being "we'll ask you what you really need for help". So anybody wishing to change help from the enforced rubbish to a listening type is such a breath of fresh air & such a change from the norm I literally cried in front of them, snuggling the life out of Bakana & Snuggles while I did.
Like I said, eventful. I sincerely hope they follow through, because I summed up the two main reasons people neglect themselves: they don't feel worth caring for, & they're so tired it's just too much effort while they were there. Often both are combined.
Going to have to defrost my fridge-freezer soon as it's getting time it needs done. Laundry & food supply say so...
Oh & I'm running low of ketchup, but have a tube of tomato puree. Used half of it mixed with dried onion, sugar, vinegar, mixed herbs, & a wee bit of garlic powder,  it makes a fine home-ketchup!!!

I think that's how Bakana helps me at night. When I snuggle her I just nestle in with her wrapped round me & my arms round her. I can fuss her too, & if I focus on that feeling it helps a lot. You could call it meditation by sharky snuggle.

All the best Rainlove!!! BC I saw the relief. Stress does have a huge physical impact people often don't realise until it affects them xxx Artie I hope the chutney was worth it!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: SpacePinto on August 31, 2022, 12:57:40 PM
Celebrating the end of summer.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on August 31, 2022, 02:47:46 PM
I was able to go out to eat today in Spain, it was overcast/rainy and I saw lightening strikes over the sea!! I saw flashes earlier, but saw the strikes for myself. My swimming costume fell off the balcony on Sunday night, I still haven't' gotten it back despite it being gone from the roof of the bar where it fell down upon :c I want to return some toys I bought from a store as I already have them, so I'm looking up Spanish return law since I was concerned about what my receipt said.

(Spanish forumites or those who live in Spain; 14 days no-fault return, right?)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 01, 2022, 03:46:55 AM
You made it to Spain! Yay! I do hope you get your costume back or at least another one in time to enjoy the rest of your holiday :heart:

Wow, so much has been happening!

@Space Pinto I'm glad you'll get some respite from the heat, hopefully the fall weather stays nice and cool. What's your favourite thing about fall?

@PBW, I'm very glad to hear that you got a support worker who is listening to you and is interested in your point of view. Enforced self-improvement type stuff is something I have also been subjected to and it can be very frustrating. At one point I was unwell with an autoimmune disease which periodically flares up and I had a care worker who was very rigid and I felt quite judgemental. The reasons for self-neglect can differ as to what's causing it so they always need to listen and never judge IMO. From what I hear you're doing a good job keeping yourself entertained with cooking and hobbies and reaching out to people like us and at coffee morning so that you don't become isolated, so you probably make more of an effort than some people might think. I enjoy hearing about your cooking experiments a lot!

@BC I'm glad you got some bete rnews about your Dad and are pottering about and doing stuff. I can't picture armature for the orange sheep, hope we get to see a photo sometime!

@Beth I used to meditate but I'm trying to get back into it. The thing BC describes is really good, we call it Body Scan here. I used to do Buddhist meditation, the Metta Bhavana is quite hard as it involves thinking about other people. The other form we used to do at the Buddhist Centre was called Mindfulness of Breathing and that one was easier in a way. I find it really had to do either without being in a room full of people at the Buddhist Centre, and trying quite hard. I think I must get over this. I looked for the old CD i used to use but I can't find it  :(

@Rainlove The Pegasus
Congrats! If that is an excuse for an Oreo dessert then I say go for it!  :biggrin:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 01, 2022, 05:42:34 AM
Thanks, Artie! I'll be posting WIP pics as well as the final result probably later today. All he needs are his locks, and that shouldn't take long ^^

PBW, I'm so glad you have someone who listens to you. I went through several therapists years ago because none of them connected to me on a personal level. They were rigid and it felt like talking to a wall. I love my therapist now though. I struggle with self neglect too. One of the reasons I shaved my head was to make showering easier :hug:

Today I'm going to focus on my projects since I've got my mojo back :frolic:

ETA: My orange sheep is finished! He's posted in my needle felting thread in Arts & Crafts ^^
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: SpacePinto on September 01, 2022, 02:21:17 PM
@Space Pinto I'm glad you'll get some respite from the heat, hopefully the fall weather stays nice and cool. What's your favourite thing about fall?

I just love how it's getting colder, days are getting shorter and the world feels like it was drifting off to sleep, but yesterday in particular it was about that little annual ritual that I have, where in the last minutes of 31st August (which I consider to be the last day of summer) I will sit by an open window and drink the last iced drink of the summer (not that I never drink anything with ice after that date, I just don't consider those summer drinks anymore) while listening to either "Safe Place to Sleep" or "Last Drop Falls" which both make me think of approaching fall.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 01, 2022, 02:28:50 PM
@Space Pinto I'm glad you'll get some respite from the heat, hopefully the fall weather stays nice and cool. What's your favourite thing about fall?

I just love how it's getting colder, days are getting shorter and the world feels like it was drifting off to sleep, but yesterday in particular it was about that little annual ritual that I have, where in the last minutes of 31st August (which I consider to be the last day of summer) I will sit by an open window and drink the last iced drink of the summer (not that I never drink anything with ice after that date, I just don't consider those summer drinks anymore) while listening to either "Safe Place to Sleep" or "Last Drop Falls" which both make me think of approaching fall.

Mmm, that sounds lovely. Thank you for sharing that. If I'm ever tempted to entertain negative thoughts about winter I'll try to think of it from your point of view. This summer has been the first scary-heat summer in the UK so I'll probably never think about summer the same way again.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 02, 2022, 03:15:26 AM
Cheers everybody!!! Yep, it's starting to darken, though as yet I'm not noticing a drop in temperature yet. BC so glad you can do stuff again & I saw your sheep xxx Frostbite, enjoy your break in Espana!!!

My stick whizzer died, but it's served me faithfully for years & recently been used a load again. I have another mixer to tide me over for a bit, which I found lurking in a cupboard, but I love the stick whizzer, so I've ordered a new one. It will take a bit to arrive though due to the postal strike. I tested the stick whizzer today & the inside lit up, which it's not meant to do, so nope, dead stick whizzer. Better safe than sorry on electrical items. Managed to make more cookies but not much plain flour left. I have bread flour for pizzas but no plain, which is for everything else pretty much. Will get some soon from Tesco online, but for now baking is on hold. I like my ginger cookies, so I make a lot instead of buying them like I used to. Also need some ginger, but at least I can wait a little longer for that. My apples will have to wait anyway because they need lemon juice as well as flour to become a pie. I have everything else in the house. While looking up apple pie recipes I kept seeing egg washing, but I don't have egg, so that was something else I have to look up, & milk works as a wash yaiy!!!
Sleep is still (always) an issue, but one thing I'm managing to do again is brush my teeth at night!!! I hadn't managed to for ages!!! Tomorrow is the big F day though. I can make savoury pie filling from most of the stuff left in there, I'm having more freezer contents for dinner tonight, & overnight I'll freeze a coolbag for the rest. I just need a small coolbag for a couple of things, & the bread can get used up too. It's literally the emptiest my freezer has been for months if not longer, hence getting it done tomorrow
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 02, 2022, 05:51:46 AM
last day at work before my week long vacation :) i'm not going anywhere but i need a break from work to relax and do other stuff. theres a ton of stuff i need to do around the house. i'm also trying to plan some stuff to do out of the house.

sometimes i feel like i need to take time off just to do stuff that falls through the cracks while i'm working.

also ramping up the job search. i have a couple of calls lined up for next week. nothing i'm too excited about but i'm staying open minded. i'm also still doing interview prep. i think i'm coming to a realization that i need to just interview continuously for practice at least. every time i get comfortable at a job i feel like the rug gets pulled out from under me. knowing that i have other options makes me feel better.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 02, 2022, 06:11:44 AM
I'm glad you'll get some time to yourself, Beth.

Today I'm going to my parent's house. It will be the first time I've seen my dad since he got out of the hospital the second time. I need him to sign something for my EBT approval. I hope he doesn't mind. I filled it out already, he just needs to sign it.

He put some money in my bank. I need groceries bad. I've been eating boxed pasta and granola bars for the last few days. I can't spend a lot though, because there is other stuff I need. Like stupid printer ink that costs 32 bucks. I don't know why when my printer has 7 different inks it can't operate with one empty or taken out. Like, use another color. There is plenty of black left, use that. But nooooooo, the Photo Blue is out and I can't function!!!111!!!1!!

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: rearing_palomino164 on September 02, 2022, 07:23:31 AM
I'm writing a paper today! I was accepted into a paralegal program at my college and am trying to better myself and get out of the medical field. I love it so far!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 03, 2022, 11:59:10 AM
It's starting!!! I'm defrosting my fridge-freezer!!!. Frozen cool-bag full of the last frozen stuff & inside another, both sealed off, to keep that little lot cold. Fridge freezer switched off & freezer started with a boiled kettle, dripping away nicely into containers at the bottom, with towels to catch the excess. Tea towels in fridge managing ok, but will change later.
Also on the dishes. Have to do a laundry later, which will take the towels too. Will also work on making the savoury pie filling soon.

Beth, enjoy your time off & get your rest xxx BC, printers are a big annoyance/scam like that... I'll have to ask about a new scanner/ printer at some point... Also, all the best for your folks xxx Palo, hope the paper goes well & congrats on new program!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 03, 2022, 06:21:37 PM
Despite being tired, I managed to vacuum the entire downstairs and changed the orange curtains in the living room on Saturday evening. :joy:
It's Sunday morning in a few hours and I should be asleep by now, but I'm not. I want to read Areena's messages first! :P
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 04, 2022, 06:05:19 AM
I bought some PDF files that show the armature for different animals for needle felting. I want to start trying realistic animals. I have to work on my swap custom though. I'm getting behind.

I need to do some cleaning too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 04, 2022, 07:27:04 AM
Congrats on all your projects everyone! Beth I'm super jelly of your holiday! I'm back at work on Monday after being off work sick and I'm dreading it. I hope you have a great time in the garden and spending time with the furry pals. I've done a little cooking and painted one more side of a door today. We have just 7 doors in our house as one is completely missing. The door to the really ugly cupboard is now back on and hiding that water tank! DH is just re-hanging the bathroom door (?!) after approximately 1 year of 'open plan' living.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 04, 2022, 09:54:54 PM
Yesterday was a roaring success!!! All the ice is now gone from the freezer part, while most has gone from the fridge part. I laundered the towels, though had to rinse them in two lots as too heavy for one lot (when the machine shakes like THAT you pay attention so you can keep it working). Also made the savoury pie filling & had a spare bit of it in a sandwich for lunch. Today I plan to make pizza, but I have veggies to prep & chop for it, & will have to whizz the tinned tomatoes in the other mixer. Hey ho!!! Then I have more laundry ( the stuff I couldn't do yesterday).
One other thing. Last month I had no visit from Scarlet O'Hara. This time I do. It's day 2 aka heavy day.

BC I'm wishing you the best & hope you catch up on your swap Custom, as well as your chores xxx Artie hope things don't go too badly in your work, & glad you're getting doors back on xxx HOM nice job getting some vacuuming done!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 05, 2022, 05:14:14 AM
Thanks, PBW. How did your pizza turn out? Do you make the dough from scratch?

Same as yesterday... working on my projects. I need to turn in my rent check but I don't know if the office is open today since it's Labor Day. I can't see the sign on the door from here.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BearlyToys on September 05, 2022, 10:21:38 AM
i didn't that much! i just went to my internship today and made some documents and had some pizza haha
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 05, 2022, 12:33:31 PM
Thank you PBW. I'm glad your defrosting went well. When the appliances go funny it makes me really anxious, so I'm glad that's all OK. Pie sandwich sounds awesome!  :lol:

Work wasn't too bad. But then, I've managed to avoid the managers so far this week  ;) I made spaghetti with a bit of salmon for us for dinner and we had fruit afterwards. I watered my leeks.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 06, 2022, 05:34:52 AM
Made the pizza!!! Took half the day but this was the long part (yep from scratch BC; done it that way since the contest so I can make one which fits in the air fryer rather than have to get two small ones or one which is too big). Again enough for three in both dough & sauce. Had to nip out for cheese as I realised I ran out after I'd started making everything, so got some grated cheeses (a pack of grated mozz & cheddar & a pack of grated red leicester, mixed half the red with the other packet for three-cheese topping). Result: one yummy pizza & two potentials stored in the freezer.
Did not manage the laundry yesterday, but that's a good thing because last night I had a little emergency (Scarlet-wise), which meant my sleeping bag had to go in today, so the rest went after that. So laundry a little late but still done.
Made it to coffee morning & got a travel mug. They have a load of crockery in rainbow colours at the minute, & I already have the bowl, & am eyeing up the big plate...
Other things I did was book my Tesco messages (due tonight), get some lemon juice & other bits from the Co-op, top up electric, & while sorting through the laundry to get it drying, I wiped down a bunch of surfaces in the kitchen. I have a visitor due later today.

Glad work's ok for now Artie xxx Hope your internship is good Bearly!!! Hope you get more done & pay your rent today BC xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 06, 2022, 06:19:19 AM
I'm about to head that way in a minute. I should check the mail too while I'm out there.

Feeling ill today. I'd like to get something done, I need to do laundry too. Honestly, I just want to go back to bed.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 06, 2022, 10:46:02 PM
 :( Sorry you're not feeling too great today BC, Maybe you're getting a cold or something? I hope you take it easy and feel better soon. It's work from home Wednesday for me. Just the usual, looking at processing data and trying to make a bit of sense of it. I have some bric-a-brac to sort through after work.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: tikibirds on September 07, 2022, 02:04:36 AM
Not doing much today
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 07, 2022, 04:28:13 AM
Lazy days are needed sometimes xxx BC, as per TC thread hope you get sorted healthwise xxx Artie hope you have a good sortout xxx

My visitor came & we talked about a load of stuff & she says she'll sort some things out for me re emotional support, which is awesome!!! Also got the messages delivered & spent a while sorting them, so I didn't get much else done. Good thing I knew what dinner was going to be & it was quick!!!
Let's see what I can get done today. I have plans for something new, plus the stuff for it... I also need to vacuum...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 07, 2022, 05:47:15 AM
taking the doggies to the vet for their shots and checkup. maybe getting dinner and having my parents over. not 100% sure. also need to do some cleaning and organizing.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 07, 2022, 06:30:08 AM
I feel much better today. I think I needed some good sleep. I slept deep and had dreams last night. One was with my sister. We were in her old Camaro talking and she said "Did you know there's a guy interested in Mom?" and I said, "Have you seen him? He looks like Santa Claus." :lol:

Anyway, today I am determined to work on my swap custom. I keep saying that, but I really mean it today. I need to do laundry and I'm going to try to clean up the bathroom, including mopping the floor. We'll see if I get that far.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 07, 2022, 11:39:23 PM
@PBW I'm glad to hear your visitor was kind and helpful. Yay for good people.

@Beth I hope the doggies are good for the vet and all goes OK. I always get stressed when my parents are coming over, hope that you all have a good time if it happens.

@BC What a dream! He he that made me chuckle. I've been having some odd ones lately too. I find it amazing what my subconscious throws out sometimes. Good luck with your things today.

I've got stressful meetings today and still feeling sick, so just taking a breather before I leave.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 08, 2022, 08:29:32 AM
@Artie i hope you feel better and your meetings go well :)

mixed results at the vet but nothing too bad. one has an ear infection :( and Luna was too anxious to get her shots. she barked at the staff for a while and calmed down a little. but she was not having it when they tried to give her the shots. so she's getting some pills and will go back Monday. thankfully her sister, Chloe is sweet and easygoing. Chloe has had ear issues before and knows that the medicine helps so she's good about letting the vet examine her. we need to go back for more bloodwork once her ear is better.

today, actually in a few minutes i have another job call. just a call with a recruiter so shouldn't be a big deal.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on September 08, 2022, 10:27:46 AM
@Rainlove The Pegasus
Congrats! If that is an excuse for an Oreo dessert then I say go for it!  :biggrin:
Haha! I agree!  :cool:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 08, 2022, 08:18:50 PM
I sympathise with Luna not liking injections; I don't either & had to snuggle Bakana while getting my Covid jabs!!! Also hope other dog's infection clears soon xxx And hope the job call goes well too!!!
Artie take it easy, you're pregnant remember??? And hope the meetings weren't too bad xxx
BC sleep when you need it is great!!! And glad you had a comforting dream; you need comfort right now xxx

Plumbers came & fixed the sticky flush handle, also dealing with my water heater. I have hot water!!! I'll have to be careful with it for a bit as the bleuch from the work flushes out though, but I was using a lot anyway because...
I made my first apple pie!!! I had four apples & the pie mix said I needed lemon juice too, which i got yesterday. I didn't want to make a big one, so pretty much halved the recipe which said 8 apples. made a small one & it was delish!!! Still have enough filling for two more small pies, plus a little shortcrust left over (I didn't add salt & herbs but sugar & cinnamon). I also don't have eggs but apparently milk is good for a wash too, so used that & it worked!!! Making the filling is one messy job!!! Think apples soaked in lemon juice mixing with sweet spices, sugar, vanilla extract, & flour: sticky sticky!!!
Didn't manage to vacuum. Will see if I can do that today; the living room is due as are the kitchen & bedroom...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 09, 2022, 02:00:59 AM
Goodness, who cares about vacuuming when there's pie!!! The pie sounds so good. I'm hoping we can pick some apples at my Mum and Dad's in about a week's time.

The meetings weren't so bad but got my brain going too much, and I didn't sleep. I only woke up an hour ago and I still need to go to work. I'll have to catch up tomorrow for a few hours.

My hair is like a haystack, it's 3ft long and oily so it collects all the dust in my workplace. The only way to clean it properly is to have a bath and soak it like an old wool jumper. I'm not fit to be seen... hopefully today will be better late than never.

Oh, and of course Queen Elizabeth II has died. It's a very strange feeling. She was 96 years of age and interested in the Christianity, the armed forces and blood sports whereas King Charles III is interested in climate, wildlife conservation and Wales (being Prince of Wales until now). So it's sad but in that way, I think it could work out well for everyone. I'm not sure how he will get on with the new Prime Minister though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 09, 2022, 05:04:37 AM
Just going to drop a note that all talk of the Queen should be put in the thread about her. Thanks.

Today I want to go to my parents house. I texted my niece about it last night but she didn't get back to me, so I don't know if she's picking me up or not. I hate when she ignores my texts. She might not like the position she's been put in, but she's the only one who drives. I do feel sorry for her and appreciate everything she's been doing while my dad has been sick. She's only 22.

Anyway, if that doesn't work out, then I have my projects to work on. I made some progress with my swap custom yesterday and started a new felting project (cute little animals from a book I bought). I also need to practice my armature and change my attitude about it. I hate making it... but I need to get over that and learn how to make it *good*. I tried making some for a needle felted Raincurl, but couldn't get the proportions right. I'll try again today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 09, 2022, 05:37:09 AM
Off for some spa treatments and shopping!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on September 09, 2022, 01:04:47 PM
Got a doctor's appointment later this afternoon.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 09, 2022, 04:50:45 PM
Finally, on Friday, I managed to mow the backyard lawn. It had grown long, but fortunately the machine managed to cut it short.  :whew:
It was probably the last time, because autumn has started and the grass stops growing.

I went to see my brother's cats, because he is now away from home for the weekend. Of course, I cleaned their toilets and fed them. Then in the morning I go to see them again. :kyo: :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 10, 2022, 02:22:26 AM
I managed to vacuum!!! I got the living room & kitchen done yesterday & the bedroom earlier this morning!!! Aside from that I've just browsed the sites & stuff, & watched a cooking stream. This is a streamer who cooks something every week, & this time her pastry misbehaved!!! Kind of relieving to know I'm not alone in making cooking mistakes, not all of which have been correctable.

I bet those cats adore you HOM xxx
Happy birthday Lady Frostbite!!! Enjoy your spa & hope you find some nice things xxx
Wishing you the best with the doctor's LAW xxx
Artie I too have long hair, because I love it. It can be a pain to wash but it's worth it xxx
BC I feel for your family at this time, I really do xxx I hope you get to see your folks & show your niece how much you appreciate her. And just like with my baking, your needle felting will improve with time, experimentation, & experience xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 10, 2022, 04:51:31 AM
Thanks, PBW :hug:

I did go over there, but my dad is still in the hospital. It was nice to see my mom though.

Today I need to clean the bathroom. Inspections start on the 15th. I figure if I clean one section a day, everything will be done by then. I can reward myself by working on my projects.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 10, 2022, 04:41:48 PM
I bet those cats adore you HOM xxx

 :lol: Yep, they've been very happy when I've gone to see them and keep company.
On Saturday morning, none of them came to meet me right away, although usually they are always waiting behind the door. After I chatted alone for a while, three of the four cats came to greet me cheerfully, but sleepily. The fourth cat had decided to stay in the rocking chair and continued to sleep.  :biggrin:
In the evening I visited them a second time and this time they were all behind the door waiting for me. And a small pile of vomit! :rolleyes: :snicker: Someone had eaten too much of the dry cat food.
In the morning I will go to see them one more time. :)

I guess I can write this here?
I heard today that my mother's ex had died on September 8.  :sad:
Even though their relationship wasn't easy and rosy and I didn't like him that much either because of his alcoholism, they and we still had good times and fun. He was part of our life for 5 years. It's been more than 10 years since he and my mother broke up, but still his death affects us. We are not crying, but the feeling is strange, unreal and a little sad.  :(
We have many good memories of him to reminisce about. One of my cats loved him more than anything! It often climbed on his neck and chewed and licked his hair. That cat didn't behave like that to anyone else. :lol: One nice memory is also when he pierced my ear cartilage. I still have that piercing and always will. It's a memory of him. :heart: He also made really good food!

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 10, 2022, 06:34:31 PM
i remember when my Dad's first wife died. i never met her but it was still sad. my dad's reaction was similar. it's weird when people you have complicated feelings about pass away.

today we went for a drive. we're trying to explore more of the city. we're doing crate training with our puppy Luna. and today she wasn't happy about being in the crate because she somehow managed to pull a fabric basket into her crate and shred it. it's the toy basket and i had it on top of her crate. so sort of my fault. the basket was shredded and she tore up one of the toys. normally she does ok in the crate. she even sleeps in there at night. but this time we were gone for about 3 hours and i guess that was long enough for her to get really bored.

hopefully it will get cooler soon and i we'll be able to take her for walks. i think she needs a lot more to do. she's a smart dog and will get bored inside. i also need to exercise so maybe she'll help me get moving  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 11, 2022, 04:18:57 AM
I'm sorry, HoM. I felt the same way when my sister's ex boyfriend passed away. He was with her in her teens and 20s so I knew him well since I was always with my sister when I was little. He was nice to me and taught me how to play the drums (I probably couldn't do it anymore).

Well, my plan to clean the bathroom yesterday failed. I wasn't feeling well (and my headache came back). Today I will try again.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 11, 2022, 04:23:57 AM
it's weird when people you have complicated feelings about pass away.

That's just it! I can also see one or two looming on our horizon in my family and in my husband's family too.

Hmmm, well, yesterday my brother in law came up to visit him, bringing a friend. DH is 40 years of age now and he's finding it a bit hard. So I'm glad his brother came to see us. The friend was really sweet actually, it was nice to see them together. I'm already 43 so I'm over it, but I remember at the time it wasn't easy. I still think it's something we should definitely celebrate, because after all it's a celebration of the person not the number. So we went to a local curry house and then I drove everyone home. This morning I made a kind of thickened hot chocolate that we have in our house and picked a bunch of flowers. This evening I'm making home-made KFC, basically home made chips, a roast chicken, coleslaw, baked beans and gravy. I know the crispy coating is really the point, but I've never tried to make it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 11, 2022, 04:39:19 AM
Had a quiet day just watching films & surfing sites really. Sometimes we need an easy day.

BC you'll get it done, just a little at a time like you plan to xxx Hope your headache improves xxx
Artie I hope your partner had a good birthday xxx
Beth I'm sure you & the dog will have good times together xxx

HOM Huggles & sharky snuggles!!!  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Losing somebody is never pleasant, whether or not we like them xxx So you're bound to feel sad for a while xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 11, 2022, 04:59:20 AM
Artie I hope your partner had a good birthday xxx

Cheers PBW! I think he did he's just not really showing it. What film did you watch?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Baby Crumpet on September 11, 2022, 01:19:22 PM
I went to a coffee shop today to read! My housemate works there so I get free drinks. Ice tea and a good book was a really good way to spend my afternoon! I think tomorrow I will get more information about my MA and how to sign up to my classes which I'm very excited about!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 12, 2022, 05:38:08 AM
Yesterday was also quiet. I heard about a show on Netflix called Arcane, & was intrigued, so I gave it a go. It's awesome!!! One of the films I watched is Kindergarten Cop 2, where instead of Arnie playing a cop it's Dolph Lundgren playing an FBI agent. It was hilarious & had a lot of the modern sensitivities of children, including allergies.
Today I'm trying to sort an electricity issue. It doesn't affect supply right now, but may do if I leave it too long.

Crumpet I'm glad you had a good coffee break xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 12, 2022, 09:35:30 AM
Yesterday was also quiet. I heard about a show on Netflix called Arcane, & was intrigued, so I gave it a go. It's awesome!!! One of the films I watched is Kindergarten Cop 2, where instead of Arnie playing a cop it's Dolph Lundgren playing an FBI agent. It was hilarious & had a lot of the modern sensitivities of children, including allergies.
Today I'm trying to sort an electricity issue. It doesn't affect supply right now, but may do if I leave it too long.

Crumpet I'm glad you had a good coffee break xxx

Those sound like good films for a rainy afternoon. DH might like Arcane, I'll ask him if he's played League of Legends (I'm not a gamer). Have you played League of Legends?

@Crumpet I really miss reading in a coffee shop! I really need to find new hangouts since I moved house.

I'm on holiday today, but I took a meeting anyway because I organised it  >_< I also made banana tea bread and toffee flapjacks for a picnic tomorrow. Hopefully the weather stays fine for our trip to the beach tomorrow with our visitors.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: tikibirds on September 12, 2022, 09:27:37 PM
Mowing the lawn  -_-
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 13, 2022, 03:10:33 AM
I'm not a gamer. I heard about it on Youtube, as one of my fave channels covered it.
And Banana bread sounds tasty!!! I could only make minis as finding a loaf tin which actually fits the air fryer is a nightmare!!! But I found mini ones, which will be good for things like that. If I could find a tin for making a half-loaf that would rock socks.
Tiki I hope you conquered the pesky lawn!!!

Had the engineer round for a bit, so didn't do much again, because waiting had me on tenterhooks until I knew when he'd be there, when I managed to make my dinner & do my dishes. Afterwards I needed to reset my bedroom clock, & beforehand I saw the state of the electricity cupboard. Dustpan & brush to the rescue!!! it really needed the sweep-up. Also wish I could store the Christmas tree somewhere else, but that's the only place it fits... Still, better doing a little something than nothing
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 13, 2022, 05:18:16 AM
work work work. i was supposed to have a job interview during my lunch break but someone scheduled a meeting so now i need to cancel the interview.

yesterday we took Luna to the vet again. this time she was much calmer with the help of some medication and lots of treats. now we just need to figure out how to get the big one to the vet calmly.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 13, 2022, 07:16:43 AM
Still trying to clean. I haven't done anything. With everything going on, and now my cat is sick.

I can't work on my projects either because I can't get in the zone. My mojo is gone.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 13, 2022, 08:55:35 AM
Still trying to clean. I haven't done anything. With everything going on, and now my cat is sick.

I can't work on my projects either because I can't get in the zone. My mojo is gone.

i hope she feels better :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 14, 2022, 06:57:21 AM
Thanks, Beth :hug:

Today I'm dropping off my kitty for cremation. I shaved some of her fur and put it in a baggie.

When I get back I still have a little more cleaning to do but it's not a lot. Gather some garbage, vacuum the bedroom. I had wanted to get all my broken down cardboard out, but a bunch of it still needs to be taped up and I don't feel like doing that. My carpal tunnel is still bothering me quite a bit and the thought of pulling duct tape makes me wince.

I'd like to move my bookcase. Haha, I've been saying that for like a year.

I'm not sure what to do with all the cat stuff. I have no place to store the litter boxes, unless I just leave them where they are. I do want another cat, a senior, but I don't know when I'll be ready for that. I guess I'll clean everything and put it back. Don't know what else to do. I need a new place mat for the food area. I bought the one I have because the cute cartoony cats on it looked like both my cats :) Now that both are gone, it'll be hard to look at.

When my other cat died, I had a project in mind as a keepsake box. I bought everything but never got started on it. I should do it and buy two more for my dog and Mouse. Maybe one for all my hamsters too. I could have a remembrance shelf or something.

I love having pets. But it's so hard when they pass. At one point I was looking into getting a tortoise because they live so long, but they require a lot of room and it's better if they are kept outside. I've also been looking at African Fat-Tail geckos. They're interesting and live for 20 years. I've never had a reptile. Sorry, I'm rambling.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 14, 2022, 09:12:30 AM
Sorry, I'm rambling.

I don't mind. Sorry to hear about your Kitty, that's a really sad thing. I think African Fat-Tail geckos looks really cool, and I wonder how much you can sustomise their tank and make it into a feature of your room. That might be fun. But in the meantime, I don't see why you shouldn't clean all the cat stuff, put it back, make keepsake boxes and just think on it for a while. I'm not surprised all this loss and worry is making you lose your mojo. It's a lot :hug:

Post Merge: September 14, 2022, 09:13:50 AM

work work work. i was supposed to have a job interview during my lunch break but someone scheduled a meeting so now i need to cancel the interview.

yesterday we took Luna to the vet again. this time she was much calmer with the help of some medication and lots of treats. now we just need to figure out how to get the big one to the vet calmly.

I'm sorry you couldn't get out of it, it's a real shame to have to cancel an interview. I hope you can manage to re-schedule it or find something better!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 14, 2022, 09:54:06 AM
BC all the snuggles!!! It's going to be so hard for you right now xxx So take what time you need xxx
Beth what a bummer with meetings scheduled at the WORST times xxx And glad you got Luna calm at the vets xxx

So I had my coffee morning yesterday, got hold of the electric people help again, & found the reason for my issues (see Trivial Complaints). Booked a smart pre[pay meter as that will make it easier for me. I made pizza for dinner after baking more choc chip muffins. Remind me when it says half a teaspoon of baking soda it means half a LEVEL teaspoon... Otherwise it leaves an aftertaste...
Today was the support worker. I got the dead stick whizzer & some dead oil taken away yaiy!!! Also booking medical appointments. Smear is done, doctor's is being sorted as they have an online consulting service. I want a general & age-specific appointment. The worker is sorting out the dentist for me, & then there's the opticians... At least I'm managing to brush my teeth every night!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 14, 2022, 03:14:43 PM
Thanks guys :hug:

I finished cleaning at least :accomplished:

I will say this - it will be nice not having cat litter all over for a while. I walk around barefoot and the clay litter I use is bigger pieces than clumping litter and sometimes very sharp to step on. Not going to miss that at all.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 14, 2022, 05:10:09 PM
Thanks everyone, I'm feeling a little better already. :) I still remember my mother's ex calling my eyes tiger eyes and that's a nice memory now too. :lol:


:hug: BC, I'm glad you were able to clean up.  I remember when my own previous cats died, I started cleaning almost immediately and put away their food, food dishes, sleeping places and litter boxes. I collected the toys in one place and saved some of them as a memory and gave some away. It made it easier for me to deal with what happened and the future of living without them, even though it was really sad and strange... I couldn't bear to look at those things in their places anymore. It would have felt like they were still coming back home to continue their normal lives. :(
It didn't take us many years when the two current funny "furballs" arrived for us. We couldn't live without cats! Home and life was really empty without them, although it would have been a lot easier without the huge amount of cat litter, dust and cat hair! :lmao:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 14, 2022, 11:54:12 PM
I have to say i can't handle the mess from even a cat, let alone a dog. I'm a bit precious about my home. It doesn't look like a catalogue or anything but I did work in an art museum at one point so dust, food smells, wet footprints... yeah. Our cat lives outside. He gets brushed outside, fed outside, played with outside. We are lucky because he only catches mice most of the time, not birds. He can come in if the weather is bad and then I follow him around with a mop.

I have one more day of holiday. I'm just writing myself a list of Things to Do.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 15, 2022, 05:09:28 AM
I still have her water fountain hooked up and running. I'm so used to the sound of the water. It would be extra weird to unplug it. I know I have to at some point... but for now I'll leave it.

Anyway, inspections start today. I hope they don't pick my unit. They picked me last time, so I'm hoping I'll get skipped this time. I have an appointment with my therapist at 2pm. I'm also busy with things on another site, plus I want to work on my swap custom today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 15, 2022, 12:18:17 PM
It'll take time BC, so give youself what time you need for that xxx And glad you got the cleaning done, & wishing you the best with inspections xxx
Artie: top of your list should be relax & have fun, saving work until you're back home xxx
HOM glad you're starting to feel better xxx

After yesterday's visit I didn't get much done, including baking. I want to relax & bake today, & have started a new recipe: for cinnamon rolls. I did get a few packages deilvered, including a new to me old sharky plush.
When I say started, I mean the recipe has yeast in it, which means proving time. I did the online consult thing & the email said I need to make an appointment... (which means a phone call). Emails are in process with the dentists. I'm dreading making the optician's appointment...
I'm reminded why I don't like being too busy...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on September 15, 2022, 02:31:05 PM
Took the dog on a walk after chores.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 15, 2022, 06:29:41 PM
it takes time. i still have my Moose's photo as my phone background. one day i'll change it but i still like to see his face.

today was a little rough. i got my flu and covid booster yesterday and it hit me in the late afternoon. today was also full of meetings. i get really frustrated when people put me on calls i don't need to be on. i have just as much work as before i was promoted. plus now i have meetings, paperwork and people seem to think i have nothing to do. my team is great. all of my complaints come from the way upper management chooses to run things.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 16, 2022, 06:14:51 AM
Today is the last day for inspections, they are probably on the far end of the complex today so I think I'm okay :) I did get a letter in my door that I owe four dollars and some cents. Not sure how I shorted that. I have until next Friday to pay it.

I saw my therapist yesterday. She really helps.

Today I'm going to concentrate on my swap custom. I don't have much sculpting left to do and I'm eager to move on to painting.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 16, 2022, 08:48:56 PM
Hope the walk was good LAW xxx
PHEW!!! And good therapist, well-timed appointment too BC xxx
Beth, I don't know much about upper management, but if they run things like governments, then it's into the ground at best, & moronic inablilty at worst. Nobody cares about the little people xxx

Finished the cinnamon rolls & oh are they tasty!!! Why have I never eaten them before??? Otherwise put my electricity complaint on a subreddit & people are calling me rich for budgeting??? I'm not rich; rather trying to be sensible & budgeting for a huge price hike I KNOW is coming, just when I don't need it, by seeing how much I can put in the meter, a bit at a time. Credit will go up in time when you put in more than you use. Like I wrote a whole blurb about how I was topping up throughout summer, & it built & built & hit the limit. This happens, which is why I complained about the limit in the first place. All I can think is if they are calling me rich for this, then what will it be like in actual winter, when we're all spending small fortunes on electricity???
For now it's just started getting cold enough to put on a onesie. Next I'll have to shut the living room door, but I'm putting that off. Meanwhile I have sewing to do, to complete knitting projects I got to that stage...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 16, 2022, 10:26:22 PM
I get really frustrated when people put me on calls i don't need to be on. i have just as much work as before i was promoted. plus now i have meetings, paperwork and people seem to think i have nothing to do. my team is great. all of my complaints come from the way upper management chooses to run things.

I recently organised a meeting/call with people I didn't know very well, so I made it plain in the invite "For completeness, I will invite everyone in the discussion but please feel free to accept or decline according to your level of interest" i.e. I won't be offended, just be sincere! I guess that's why in Outlook you can specify people who are required and people who are optional, however if you put 'optiona'l I think some people just decline because they assume the organiser thinks they are less important. I also insist on knowing what a meeting is about before I attend so I always try to write an introduction in my meeting invites beforehand. Have you tried accepting as tentative with no explanation, if you think the meeting may not be relavent to you? Or declining with a message like "Many thanks for the invitation. I'm unable to attend at this time, but I'd like to remain in the discussion. Would you mind letting me know the outcome?"  If they protest and give you a good explanation as to why you need to be there, then maybe you should go. It sounds as though you're too popular  :lol:

@PBW these cinnamon rolls sound very interesting! May I ask for the recipe? They sound perfect for this rainy cold weather we've been  having. On the topic of the subreddit, don't worry about it. You're obviously doing great in a really tough situation. They're just not coping mentally that something in life has changed. What I hope is that we all budget like mad and try to be safe, even though at the moment things seem impossible. Then in  few months we find out that things are not so bad and that because we tried, we are actually OK. Those who gave up completely or refused to face up to things will still be in trouble unfortunately.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 17, 2022, 05:40:30 AM
I had a dream about Mouse. She was at my parent's house and that's why I'd been missing her, so I brought her home :sad:

So yesterday I did not in fact work on my swap custom, at all. I cleaned. I think I needed something more distracting than art. Today I want to work on it though. I have to make some progress, soon I'll only have a month left.

I have canned cinnamon rolls with orange icing. I should make them before the can explodes in the fridge.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 17, 2022, 09:03:28 AM
I had a dream about Mouse. She was at my parent's house and that's why I'd been missing her, so I brought her home :sad:

So yesterday I did not in fact work on my swap custom, at all. I cleaned. I think I needed something more distracting than art. Today I want to work on it though. I have to make some progress, soon I'll only have a month left.

I have canned cinnamon rolls with orange icing. I should make them before the can explodes in the fridge.

Awwwwwh I'm so sorry! That's sad. :hug: At least your dreams make sense though. On the topic of these cinammon rolls, USA food is really different to how it is here! How are they in can and how can they explode?!

I did a bit of gardening today, slept most of the morning in between watching Gardener's World. Picked beans and carrots in the garden for dinner. Finally able to relax after a pretty stressful week with DH's brother visiting.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 17, 2022, 09:19:47 AM

You can buy canned dough of different kinds. Cinnamon rolls come that way. You just separate them, put them in a pan and pop them in the oven for a few minutes. Then you add the icing. The cans can explode from being old or when they get too hot. They've been known to explode in cars and I've had two tubes of biscuits explode due to age. It splatters dough all over the inside of the fridge. Even now, I sometimes find a chunk of dried biscuit in there.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 17, 2022, 09:46:00 AM
My hands are burning from trimming chillies  :biggrin: I had takeaway but I'm suspicious the milk I bought from the corner store is out of date, the number of the date was suspiciously rubbed off, and it doesn't help I can't tell when milk is off  :pout:

I've been a mix of unable to do anything and doing minor chores, I find it hard to relax lately, always feels like I might be doing SOMETHING
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 17, 2022, 11:22:58 AM

You can buy canned dough of different kinds. Cinnamon rolls come that way. You just separate them, put them in a pan and pop them in the oven for a few minutes. Then you add the icing. The cans can explode from being old or when they get too hot. They've been known to explode in cars and I've had two tubes of biscuits explode due to age. It splatters dough all over the inside of the fridge. Even now, I sometimes find a chunk of dried biscuit in there.

Hee hee that made me giggle. Reminds me of Popeye. Maybe tomorrow is a good day for cinnamon rolls!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 18, 2022, 02:35:00 AM
The recipe I used is here:
Convert from cups though. I think I used a bit too much flour but managed to get 10 out of the batch xxx
And I wish I had a garden!!!

Frostbite you need to rest if your body's not letting you do stuff xxx

BC it's ok if you don't manage some days. Just let people know that there is a delay. Everybody here knows the chaos that is your life right now xxx At least your dreams are a comfort xxx
On the other hand tinned cinnamon rolls exploding sounds rather amusing, if frustrating xxx

Made more ginger biscuits but am running low of plain flour again & need to make pie pastry!!! Had to order some from eBay, along with other supplies. It's starting to get cold here too, so another ting I did was add an adaptation to Bakana's snuggle-jumper: a drawstring collar. I got two lengths of drawstring in pastel purple matching the purple yarn, stitched them together, then darned in a thin strip of purple yarn round the neck of the jumper. It fits in nicely, & the drawstring holds the jumper in place so it doesn't slide down Bakana when I snuggle her xxx It took a while, because it's a big neck, but it's worth it!!!
I still have to darn the pieces of my poncho together too... Fun!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 18, 2022, 06:03:14 AM
I managed to make progress on the custom yesterday :) Now I need to texture it, which is going to take a while.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 19, 2022, 12:31:54 AM
@PBW thank you for the recipe, it seems very seasonal and I'm sure we will have lots of fun making them! I wish you had a garden too, I find it very sustaining. Is there any sort of a community garden near you? But, baking and crafts are awesome as well. I really love mending and fixing things too.

@BC congrats! I'm glad you had a good day working on your custom. I love how artsy your projects are and look forward to seeing it.

Today I'm going to Mum and Dad's to watch TV with my sister, neice and brother in law. Unfortunately my husband has to work because he works in livestock. So we'll see each other later. I peeled a load of cooking apples this morning and made 6 tubs of pie filling for the freezer. I find veg prep comforting in times of crisis. In other news, social media has whipped up some kind of cricket celebration into a full-scale riot between religious factions in Leicester, UK. Very, very odd indeed. Good to have a quiet day for reflection.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 19, 2022, 01:22:29 AM
Good thing I don't follow cricket & gave up FB years ago then!!! Good on you stocking up on pie filling!!! I have some more apples I could prep too, though the flour is low at the moment...
BC congrats on working on your Custom today!!! Re other stuff from other threads: it's ok to not rush into things; you know when the time is right xxx

I made enough pastry for two small pies & a wee bit extra, using all the remaining butter for it, then adding the flour after that. With the spare savoury pastry I put cheese in it, while I balled my spare sweet pastry round some marmalade. All four things (veg pie, apple pie, cheese nugget & marmalade tart) were baked in the air fryer & happily munched last night, making me quite full!!! I also found out the easiest way to warm baked stuff is to preheat the air fryer with them in it!!! Managed to sew two seams of the poncho together (I left a long length of yarn attached at the casting off of each & use that for sewing the seams). Defrosting pizza base & sauce (I still have bread flour for pizzas) for tonight's dinner. My computer struggles in the colder temperature & makes this loud noise when starting up at the moment (that will ease when i start heating the room). Good thing it's Monday, so I can get more butter tomorrow!!! Ordered stuff off eBay & Etsy, & let somebody here know they can ask for my second payment today...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 19, 2022, 04:55:08 AM
I'm working more on the custom today. Like so many of my projects, I looked at it today and don't like what I did yesterday so I have to redo it.

Other than that, I need to do some more laundry. Last month my water bill was up 7 dollars and I couldn't figure out why. Now I think it's the washer.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 19, 2022, 05:34:01 AM
Finally stopped putting it off and made something to eat (super lazy today). As much as the burgers stink out the house and make a HUGE mess with the fat coming out of them ... they're just SO GOOOOOOD  :yummy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 20, 2022, 04:14:23 AM
i managed to make my pizza!!! I got more seams done on my poncho but discovered a pain: one piece is shorter than the others!!! I'm going to have to knit an extra strip for that bit... Aside from that pretty quiet, except I had a whole broccoli to chop as I made the pizza. T he florets go on pizzas, while the stalk gets chopped up & mixed into pie filling. I don't need to do that yet, but I will later, as I still have plenty savoury pie mix.
Last night I broke a plate!!! But I've been eyeing up another in the Coffee Morning, so today I took out a load of cash & got the plate, some lentils, some coffee, some chocolate for chipping, my fave biccies & some chilli nuts, & some sugar. There were apples again, so I picked up some more. I have one apple pie filling mix left, so will have to make more pie filling soon. There was also a mini sparkle bubble lamp thing, which I like to decorate Pony houses. I think it's festive enough for the Festive Cottage. I'm also watching Festive charms, both for tree decorations & for Festive charms for my Ponies. I wonder if I should get a UK flag charm for Britannia...
I also topped up on butter, baking powder, & vanilla extract at the Coop, as well as seeing if I could get any more electricity. I bought £50 & tried to put it in the meter, but the meter's refusing it still. It's £50!!! It won't take the thing over!!! I'm so annoyed.

BC it's annoying when things don't work out xxx And I'm going to hiss menacingly at your washer until your money comes (when it does it might be an idea to find out what's up with the washer)
Frostbite YAIY!!! Well done on making food!!! I think fat is the missing thing which makes other veg burgers hold their shape when my home-made ones... squish into mush... Maybe what I need to do is mix flour & oil up so they bond into a dough, then add the other stuff I want in the burgers... perhaps I can use bread flour as it has more protein, hmmm...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 20, 2022, 06:19:11 AM
Do you eat eggs, PBW? You can toss an egg into the veggie burger to help hold its shape. Chickpea water will do the same thing if you don't eat eggs :) I was vegan for a little while, but I did it wrong and ended up hurting myself, so I was a lacto-ovo pescatarian for 14 years. I do eat meat occasionally now. I'm very picky about it though and buy locally. Luckily, there is a German butcher in town.

Speaking of food... I haven't eaten much the last few days. I'm out of bananas and avocado, so my smoothies have been more like drinks which I like less.

I'm waiting to hear back from my swap partner about something for the custom. I can't work on it anymore until I hear back. So instead I'm going to work on making a sheep for my mom :) I got these lovely shades of blue and purple locks. They are way nicer than the orange I used for my big sheep. I think I've found where to buy locks from now on.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 21, 2022, 03:05:50 AM
I'm going off eggs. Will think about the chickpea water (I've heard good things). I still take dairy (milk & cheese are hard to give up & butter is so good for everything baking). One of the reasons I'm doing home baking is I can get eggless bakery that way. Got to love eggless cakes & muffins!!!
BC I read all your posts & hope that last niggle about your Dad gets sorted & you get paired with the right cat when the time is right for both you & the cat xxx And I hope you hear back from your partner too xxx

I managed to knit an extension strip for the too short piece & sew it on, now I just have to integrate it into the rest & I'll be done!!!
Aside from that not much in the house because I had coffee in the morning, drew out £30, & bought that plate & a load of other stuff too!!! Then I got the messages in the Coop I needed & returned home. After that I had a visitor round. She said she was hungry so i gave her a homemade cinnamon roll. She loved it!!! She said she's allergic to oranges & pulses, so I'll have to be careful with stuff. I wonder if she has a lemon allergy too (if so I may have to ensure anything I offer her has vinegar & not lemon juice in it). The cinnamon rolls didn't need that for their recipe though. Anyway, was so busy with that, the only other thing i managed to do not called eating food was order a new pocket vest from eBay (i practically live in pocket vests outside the house & the current one has all the zips broken so...)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 21, 2022, 04:31:34 AM
Thanks, PBW :hug:

I did hear back from my partner :)

I'll be going to my parent's house today. My mom wants to see me and my dad might be released today (but he says that every day). I have to pick up Mousie's ashes too. I'm excited to see the pawprint keepsake I ordered.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 23, 2022, 02:16:12 AM
Any time BC, & glad you heard back from your partner too.

I finished my poncho!!! Will edit soon to add piccie of it. It's so cosy & fits great, & does exactly what I need it to do. Aside from that I had a quiet time, then crashed out for literally AGES!!! I got up a few times to answer the door, go to the bathroom, things like that, but was mostly in bed burrowed down & snuggling Bakana. Oh, one other thing. I managed to wash my hair, flannel down my body, & change my nightshirt. Now got some laundry on

Piccie edit:
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Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 23, 2022, 05:02:50 AM
Congrats on finishing :) Sometimes we all need to sleep or rest for a while. It's important to listen to your body.

Today I'll be working on my swap custom more. It's taking ages to texture it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 23, 2022, 03:46:28 PM
i've been a little tired lately. i had the day off today. was supposed to take my partner to the doctor for an appointment we scheduled a few months ago. ended up moving the appointment because the doctor was going to be out of town. but i kept the day off anyway. ended up working some though. i logged in for a meeting that i couldn't skip and then had to answer a bunch of chats.

but good news they're going to start putting up our solar panels and batteries on Monday :) hopefully everything goes well. this is our first big home project and i'll be paying it off for a long long while.

also i need to go back to my parent's house tomorrow to help them with their passwords and phones. i need to try to drag my mom out of the house soon. my dad is worried that she doesn't want to do anything.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 23, 2022, 08:05:48 PM
I went to work, I keep being about 20 mins late every day but I seem to have got stuck in a rut. I found mushrooms on the site where I work so I spent half an hour picking mushrooms. Finding the first mushrooms of the year is very exciting for me! Congrats on your projects BC and PBW! Hope the solar panels go well for you Beth, and that your Mum's OK.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 23, 2022, 09:38:31 PM
Nah, don't congratulate me :P I'm starting the custom over. Something happened when I baked it that now I can't fix. I've still got a month. If I work each day I should be able to finish in time. I'll be doing the same idea, but going about it differently. I'm also making a sheep for my mom.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 24, 2022, 09:16:08 AM
Beth, new solar panels!!! I'm excited for you!!!
BC shame the Custom broke, & hope you manage it this time. I saw your blue sheep though, cute!!!
Artie I LOVE mushrooms!!! Though I hope you know your way around them well enough. I wouldn't dare go mushroom picking without a fungus book on hand...

Aside from sorting laundry, not been doing much really. I did get the recycle bin out on the alternate day yaiy!!! And also managed to get it back in!!! Meanwhile packages have been arriving. I have flour again!!! The new pocket vest is a bit tight, so will see what I can do about that... Have been catching up on sleep though...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 24, 2022, 11:16:40 AM
Beth, new solar panels!!! I'm excited for you!!!
BC shame the Custom broke, & hope you manage it this time. I saw your blue sheep though, cute!!!
Artie I LOVE mushrooms!!! Though I hope you know your way around them well enough. I wouldn't dare go mushroom picking without a fungus book on hand...

Aside from sorting laundry, not been doing much really. I did get the recycle bin out on the alternate day yaiy!!! And also managed to get it back in!!! Meanwhile packages have been arriving. I have flour again!!! The new pocket vest is a bit tight, so will see what I can do about that... Have been catching up on sleep though...

Cool, I actually found the best mushrooms of my life in Scotland. Hedgehogs, chanterelles and cep, none of which I've ever found in England. Here it's field mushrooms mostly and the odd puffball. The closest I've ever found to cep here is birch boletes.

Humm, today today. I did getting  COVID vaccination. Before that I painted doors. One of them is now a blackboard for when we have a small person to entertain. I also made flapjacks.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 24, 2022, 11:53:18 AM
Yuck, mushrooms are gross :P

PBW, the custom didn't break. Part of it sagged in the oven because I didn't anchor it well enough and it was too heavy. I'll probably keep it and do something with it later, but it's not stable enough to send to someone else. One light breeze and it'll fall backwards, and that's after I weighed it down.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 25, 2022, 11:59:05 AM
Oh no!!! That still sounds so annoying!!! Here's hoping it doesn't go to waste xxx
Artie OUCH!!!  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

More laundry sorting, package sorting, & a quiet day. I plan to make more ginger biccies later & start on the socks...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 25, 2022, 01:57:52 PM
i'm having a quiet day too. i trimmed the basil. planning to repot soon. i need to look up how to do that without killing it. luckily i've been on a planter buying spree so i have a large pot.

we were able to help my parents with their logins yesterday. the culprit turned out to be a poorly coded website :huh: my dad gets super frustrated now with technology that doesn't work as advertised. then he gets to listen to me rant about why that is. my mom seemed better. we're going to have dinner next weekend.

i got Luna another harness since she destroyed the last one. when i put the new one on her she ran into the other room and was trying to free herself. she's definitely a strong willed dog.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 25, 2022, 02:06:37 PM
my dad gets super frustrated now with technology that doesn't work as advertised. then he gets to listen to me rant about why that is. my mom seemed better.

That sounds very companionable actually  :P I'm glad you're Mum is feeling a bit better. Maybe your visit cheered her up.

:hug: thank you PBW! I needed a lot of sleeping and cuddles today, I'm feeling a bit poorly. I'm trying not to worry about the baby.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 26, 2022, 06:26:52 AM
I hope you feel better, Artie :hug:

I wanted to go to my parents house today, see my dad (he's finally home if you didn't see my WYP update) but my niece is busy helping her boyfriend put hurricane shutters on his house. My parents don't have any... the house didn't come with any, just sheets of plywood, but not enough to cover the whole house. My dad used to put them up but he can't anymore. You'd think my niece's boyfriend would help with that :pout:

I'm a little worried about the hurricane. I've never been through one in this apartment. I don't know if the windows are hurricane standard or not. They don't look like they are. Hurricane windows have a shine to them. The roof is tin though, so that's good.

Today I guess I'm going to work on my custom. I also want to felt something everyday. I have some books with small cats and dogs so I think I'll try one of those.

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Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 26, 2022, 07:46:52 AM
So this is storm Ian, BC? It does look scary. I can see pictures of peple buying everything in the shops, not sure why. Will be thinking of you :hug:

I'm feeling a little better today. I'm off work and resting. I made macaroni and cheese for lunch.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 26, 2022, 08:23:30 AM
Yeah, it's Ian. People panic buy and hoard. I wanted to get some fresh veggies for my smoothies and it's a good thing I did so when I did because the deliveries are totally booked until Saturday. I got the last slot yesterday.

I don't buy water, instead I have a filter on the tap, so I have water. My parents buy and my mom tried to get some delivered but they were sold out. I don't have backup batteries but I do have a lot of candles. I've got a high powered flashlight too. I think my old Walkman has a radio in it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 26, 2022, 03:49:27 PM
@BC are you close to the coast? i guess most of Florida is technically :huh: stay safe! hopefully it won't be too bad.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 26, 2022, 04:26:32 PM
I'm 2 miles from the coast. They predict now it's going to head more northward but they don't really know. If it stays on it's current track it'll hit the panhandle but still dump a bunch of rain and wind on us.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 26, 2022, 05:00:57 PM
BC, I was supposed to ask you yesterday if a hurricane is coming to your area, but I forgot.
I hope everything goes well and the hurricane passes your area! :hug: I hope the electricity and the roof are maintained also at your parents' house! :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 26, 2022, 07:17:10 PM
I'm 2 miles from the coast. They predict now it's going to head more northward but they don't really know. If it stays on it's current track it'll hit the panhandle but still dump a bunch of rain and wind on us.

oh wow. that's close. hoping it goes further north.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 27, 2022, 04:45:15 AM
Artie, take care of yourself & your wee one growing in you. Pregnancy wears you out xxx
BC: talk to your landlord about hurricane concerns if you can, & stay as safe as possible. I also hope your parents get help in proofing their home xxx
Beth I'm glad you & your dad had bonding time over tech rants & that your mum is better xxx

I managed to make ginger biccies. Scarlet O'Hara is unpredictable & paid a visit. I've had a go at knitting a couple of Pony-sized scarves. They're very thin (3 stitches wide) but they do & they're cute. Going to make a few more...
Went to coffee today. It's wet & windy. Also picked up a couple of things from the Coop, but just a couple as the money is disappearing quickly now, & I still have the big Tesco order next week...
Also next week, I'll have to start heating the living room...
Everybody stay warm in the coming winter xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 27, 2022, 06:17:55 AM
The local news hasn't updated the website yet. I don't trust the weather channel because they're so sensational about things.

Mandatory evacs have been issued but I'm staying. It's been raining since yesterday afternoon. Not much wind though, not yet. Right now Ian is halfway over Cuba. Yesterday they said after it gets into the Gulf it will be a Cat 4 but some wind sheer might weaken it.

PBW, I don't have a landlord. It's public housing so there is a business and then the property manager. They've closed the office and all staff is gone. They stuck an evac sheet in everybody's door. We're left on our own.

My parents are more inland than I am, but they are in a flood zone. That house is not maintained very well. The landlord refuses to pay for any repairs and if she does send someone, it's like the most sketchy people ever who can't do a good job.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 27, 2022, 07:04:59 AM
 >_< That doesn't sound great I must say. I just tried looking up a few news reports, I agree they aren't very informative. I hope you're OK :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 27, 2022, 06:01:08 PM
be safe @BC
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 28, 2022, 05:28:29 AM
It's a Cat 4 and headed right this way. Should make landfall at around 5-8pm this evening.

I'll be honest and say I'm scared. I've never been in a Cat 4 before. The last Category 4 storm that hit was Charlie and it did tons of damage.

I'm going to pack up important stuff and put it in the bathroom then hide out in there when it comes.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 28, 2022, 09:21:09 AM
I'm a bit worried for you, how come you're better off in the bathroom?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 28, 2022, 10:52:21 AM
You do what you can BC xxx And big fat snuggles to you!!! So your place is like a council house here then, dependent on local government funds to do stuff (not that I trust most governments to actually invest in stuff tbh). Your parents'' landlord stinks xxx

Mostly quiet because I feel tired & cold. Because of tiredness I slept in & missed a meeting!!! Bummer. Anyway, I got a couple of parcels in but still due more. I hope all my trans-Atlantic packages are in the UK as if not, the hurricane will delay them. Either way, living in the UK as I do, I'm getting used to waiting a bit longer due to strikes & dead monarchs, so a hurricane is just another delay to me.
It's my current cycle which is the issue. It is taking a LOT out of me & leaving me tired. Apparently if I want good veggie burgers without eggs I need chia or flax seeds. That way they won't squish.

Everybody affected by the hurricane, stay safe & much snuggles xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 28, 2022, 12:44:44 PM
living in the UK as I do, I'm getting used to waiting a bit longer due to strikes & dead monarchs

That made me giggle for some reason. Ah, glorious Blighty.

It's my current cycle which is the issue. It is taking a LOT out of me & leaving me tired. Apparently if I want good veggie burgers without eggs I need chia or flax seeds. That way they won't squish.

Everybody affected by the hurricane, stay safe & much snuggles xxx

Hope you try to keep warm, I don't want you to get sick! And hope you enjoy having a rest. Sometimes Mother Nature has her demands, not much you can do. Flax seeds do work by the way, I used to make 'flax eggs' for veggie burgers.

I second that about the hurricane!

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 28, 2022, 01:16:24 PM
@Artie usually the recommendation is to stay away from windows during a hurricane. so a bathroom with no windows is a good option. also the tub can be a place to hide if things really go sideways.

i've been through 1 hurricane as an adult and it was a strong cat 1. we lived about 50 miles or so inland and the wind was scary. i hope everyone is Florida is ok. i'm really worried.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 28, 2022, 04:00:30 PM
 :( :( :(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 28, 2022, 06:49:55 PM
I've been reading news and watching videos from Florida and I'm really worried about how our dear friend BC is doing! :bawl:
I still haven't been able to sleep (it's night in Finland now).

I've seen in movies when people go to the bathroom for safety when a storm hits. I hope it helps in real life as well. :huh:
There are no hurricanes or tornadoes here in our country. There are thrombi. I myself have only experienced ordinary storms where a few trees have fallen nearby, the electricity went out for several hours or days and sometimes there has been so much snow that you can't go anywhere. There is no danger of flooding in my area, but it is common in other parts of Finland in the spring when the snow melts and during summer storms.

I hope BC is ok... :(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 29, 2022, 10:08:36 AM

My day was pretty boring. I keep thinking about BC too. I'm looking forward to when she checks in!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 29, 2022, 10:23:42 AM
i keep checking for updates too
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 29, 2022, 02:28:45 PM
I didn't get anything done today when there's only this thing on my mind. Before I decided to come and look here on the forum, I was thinking and wishing that BC would have posted here earlier in the day and said that everything is fine! :heart: :sad:

In the morning and during the day, I slept for a few hours and even during those times I had distressing dreams. I'm often awake during the night as usual, but now even more so. :( In the morning I have to get out of bed early...:dizzy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 29, 2022, 08:54:39 PM
Also in the "hoping BC posts soon" camp xxx
Aside from that, managed to make the pies, but again tired. Did a spot of vacuuming so I could lay a few mats down round my computer desk area, as it gets quite draughty there so extra cover on the floor is a good thing. Had a fellow in to open up my kitchen window, which had been painted shut to the point of needing a serious scraping down & stuff. Now it can open again, but of course at this time of year I prefer it shut...

BC, when you do post, know we're thinking of you & your family xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 02, 2022, 11:39:26 AM
This thread is so quiet now!!!
Snuggles to BC & all in Florida xxx

My Warmie sharky arrived, & I ordered a few things from websites, including eBay, Etsy, & Redbubble. I had to make the pizza again. It takes a lot of time, what with the dough, the sauce, the veggies, AND grating the cheese. Still, the result is always worth it!!!
For those who've seen Trivial Complaints, you'll note both my last two deliveries were perched next to my bins & left there, the Warmie was one of those. I managed to do the dishes too, & not just the ones I used for pizza-making. I love the bullet, but oh boy does it get messy!!!
The heater is on in the living room now. I couldn't hold it off, not if I want a warm living room & kitchen for rising dough in... The mats make a difference, but I could do with another, though that will need me to be off the computer as it's the computer desk I'd need to shift & I don't want to do that with power running through everything on it...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 02, 2022, 02:04:16 PM
yeah i'm still worried about BC. my partner pointed out that there is probably no power and maybe even no internet. and it's probably fine. i'm a worrier though.

just having a quiet day today. getting ready for the week and wrapping up my never ending side project from hell. ok it's not all that bad. mostly just never ending and the client doesn't know what he wants.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: tikibirds on October 02, 2022, 06:50:41 PM
Garage sales - but they all sucked
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 03, 2022, 06:40:59 AM
back to work.

taking Luna to the vet for her booster shots. gave her the anti-anxiety pills this morning and now she's sleeping and snoring loudly. hopefully she'll eventually find the vet less stressful. i don't like giving her pills.

also the solar is installed so now we're learning a lot more about our energy use. so far so good. we're also having to adjust to doing stuff that is electricity intensive, running the dishwasher, washing/drying clothes in the middle of the day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 03, 2022, 08:22:22 AM
Baby Birb is going to the vet tomorrow for her appointment to check her wing. Her wing seems 100% better as she was able to fly back and forth to the top of my head to demand my crisps  :lol: (she's absolutely not allowed them and I refused to take her on my arm because she WOULD steal them). I'm still taking her since I want her fully checked out, general checkup and weighed as she's grown quite a bit since the last time the vet saw her.

Today I'm mostly sleeping a LOT and still doing chores. The chores are never ending!! Got a person coming later to give me a quote in clearing up the back communal garden path and bin areas.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on October 03, 2022, 08:24:17 AM
I hafta go run some errands today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 03, 2022, 11:52:41 AM
I'm also back at work today. Feeling so pooped out after today and it's only Monday. I'll probably be asleep in an hour.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 03, 2022, 04:59:27 PM
Has anyone heard anything new from the Florida direction? Is there still a power outage across the country?  :huh:

I haven't done anything special, just the obligatory everyday things.  :cloud:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 03, 2022, 05:31:06 PM
based on the local news in Florida it sounds like a lot of people are still without power.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 03, 2022, 05:35:16 PM
Thanks Beth. :heart:
I remember hearing that some other new storm is developing in that direction as well. Do you know anything about it?  :huh:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 03, 2022, 06:00:19 PM
it looks like there are a couple of areas they're watching for development. it doesn't look like there's anything definitive to worry about yet.

it's fairly late in the season but it's still warm. probably another month to go. maybe. typically strong hurricanes later in October are rare but with climate change it's hard to say. when i lived in Houston i would start to relax mid October. Technically hurricane season ends in November but the worst is usually August and September.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 03, 2022, 06:21:34 PM
Thanks for the info, Beth! Let's hope that no more big storms will occur in those regions, and of course not anywhere else! :heart:
A storm is also promised here in Finland on Thursday, but that is nothing compared to those hurricanes!  :lol: In a coming storm here, the wind speed can be gusts of 20 m/s. :rolleyes: But with that wind, it's also possible that trees will fall and there will be power outages.

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Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 04, 2022, 05:06:03 AM
Tikki garage sales are often hit & miss, same as any thrifting really
Frostbite I hope little bird does ok at the vet xxx
HOM it may not be a hurricane, but storms can still be bad xxx
Artie you take it nice & slowly as you can xxx
Beth, hope Luna settles at the vets too, & cheers for updating on Florida situation xxx

Quiet mostly, but did manage to start one wee thing: sorting my shoes. Didn't realise how many I have which are just too small for me!!! And I still have a load to go through!!! Managed to find a couple of pairs which still fit well so that's good xxx Was a bit late to coffee today, but still worth it!!! Got loads of crisps & some biccies, plus the usuals, & was asking about coffee beans so I can make proper coffee... The Fairtrade stall usually has a good selection apparently, so that's sorted yaiy!!! I may get use out of the cafetiere after all!!! I just need to research grinders...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 04, 2022, 07:27:37 AM
Luna did really well at the vet :) hopefully she'll be able to go without the meds next time.

meetings, meetings, meetings. everyone i talk to at work always says there are too many meetings and it gets in the way of actual work. and then the same people proceed to schedule meetings. also trying to figure out how to manage alerts from work messaging apps. it's teams, email, prompts to join calls. "hey do you mind getting on a call? i'm being polite but really get on this call now." i feel like i should block off 4 hours/day to do work. but schedules don't allow. i'm surprised anything ever gets done.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 04, 2022, 11:36:14 AM
I’m alive!

We got hit pretty bad. I was lucky. No storm surge here because the hurricane sucked all the water out of the harbor and dumped it elsewhere. My power was only out for two days and water for three. Main internet is still down and I didn’t have my Arena password saved on my phone so I couldn’t log in - the forgot password thing didn’t work. Thanks to Griffin and Loa I got back in.

My parents were hit bad. They are still without power and water. They lost the pool cage and part of the roof collapsed in my old bedroom. But they’ve gotten supplies, bottled water and MREs. My niece’s boyfriend is a cop and he’s been helping get things to them too. Luckily, it hasn’t been raining.

But we are all fine. My dad feels really good and his nurse has been checking on him every three days.

I took lots of video during the storm and some pictures but it will have to wait until the internet is back up and I can use my PC. The tree outside my bedroom window didn’t make it :(

In the meantime, I’ve been busy unpacking after living here for two years lol. Without internet as a distraction I can get a lot done haha.

Hugs to you all for thinking about us!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 04, 2022, 01:42:16 PM
Well hello hello hello hello hello!

Without internet as a distraction I can get a lot done haha.

Hugs to you all for thinking about us!

 :hug: SO glad you're OK and your family too!

Sorry I haven't posted much lately, it's mostly been DIY or going to work and home again. My work situation is pretty toxic as some of you will know so I just spend the evening shaking off the crap and trying to enjoy my time at home. However, I lit a bonfire tonight at around 8pm then noticed that my crazy neighbour has left her laundry out  >_< I heard someone come home at around 8.30 and then she started shouting at her son, presumably for not noticing either. There will probably be some retaliation but I'll try not to think about it. Usually they dump garden rubbish over our fence or do something to it like leaning heavy items against it. Or they reach over and cut bits off our magnolia tree. Oops I thought about it. Now off to watch the latest LOTR thing on AP.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 04, 2022, 03:29:49 PM
BC! :whew: :heart: It's really wonderful and a relief to hear that you're alive and that everything is fine!  :lovey:
It's good that your parents are also doing well and they are getting help. I hope they get some help repairing the storm damage as well! :heart:


On Tuesday, I put an orange light series in the bush with my mother. We put it every autumn in October. It's our Halloween light. :lol: The same light series has been working for probably 10 years, if not even more. :wow: But already in November, we will take it down and replace it with other light sets.  :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 04, 2022, 03:40:29 PM
@BC! i'm so glad you're ok. i'm glad you and your family have supplies and your dad is doing well :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: SunPony on October 04, 2022, 05:39:30 PM
I’m alive!

We got hit pretty bad. I was lucky. No storm surge here because the hurricane sucked all the water out of the harbor and dumped it elsewhere. My power was only out for two days and water for three. Main internet is still down and I didn’t have my Arena password saved on my phone so I couldn’t log in - the forgot password thing didn’t work. Thanks to Griffin and Loa I got back in.

My parents were hit bad. They are still without power and water. They lost the pool cage and part of the roof collapsed in my old bedroom. But they’ve gotten supplies, bottled water and MREs. My niece’s boyfriend is a cop and he’s been helping get things to them too. Luckily, it hasn’t been raining.

But we are all fine. My dad feels really good and his nurse has been checking on him every three days.

I took lots of video during the storm and some pictures but it will have to wait until the internet is back up and I can use my PC. The tree outside my bedroom window didn’t make it :(

In the meantime, I’ve been busy unpacking after living here for two years lol. Without internet as a distraction I can get a lot done haha.

Hugs to you all for thinking about us!

I'm so glad you are okay!  And your family.  Sorry to hear about their house, though.  But the fact that you are all unscathed is a big plus!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 05, 2022, 06:00:13 AM
Aww you guys! :hug:

It was my first Cat 4 hurricane. I think they are calling it one of the most destructive to hit Florida ever. The death toll goes up everyday.

My parents should have power back on by the 7th. I got so lucky, you have no idea. Being only two miles from the harbor I was really worried about the storm surge. Now though, because all the flooding happened North of here, we have to watch out for the water to come back this way. Best case scenario is it goes out through Tampa Bay. The other option is it flows towards the Everglades.

It hasn’t rained since the storm thankfully. In fact the weather has been beautiful. I had my windows open until my allergies made me close them. It still gets hot in the middle of the day, high 80s. It’s nice at night though.

Anyway, today I think I can finish the bedroom and work more in the living room. I can’t decide where to put up the shelves for my pony customs. I’m leaning toward the living room but they will clash with my African theme.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 05, 2022, 05:45:17 PM
BC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp:
So glad you & your family are alive & well enough, & that help is coming to fix stuff, & that you've been lucky with post hurricane weather!!!
HOM I bet the lights looks lovely xxx
Artie  :hug: :hug: :hug: Here's hoping things settle with the neighbours & with work too xxx
Beth glad the dog did well xxx Here's hoping you get more actual work done & fewer meetings

In my case, HUGE CRASH OUT!!! I HATE feeling tired like that & getting so little done!!! A few packages have arrived but nothing big yet, all envelope ones. I ordered some smaller pie tins & hope they get here soon so I can make smaller sweet pies & tarts... The ones I have are ok for bigger individual pies, & one for a shared pie, but sometimes you just want a small one...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 06, 2022, 12:13:04 PM
BC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp: :tackleglomp:
So glad you & your family are alive & well enough, & that help is coming to fix stuff, & that you've been lucky with post hurricane weather!!!
HOM I bet the lights looks lovely xxx
Artie  :hug: :hug: :hug: Here's hoping things settle with the neighbours & with work too xxx
Beth glad the dog did well xxx Here's hoping you get more actual work done & fewer meetings

In my case, HUGE CRASH OUT!!! I HATE feeling tired like that & getting so little done!!! A few packages have arrived but nothing big yet, all envelope ones. I ordered some smaller pie tins & hope they get here soon so I can make smaller sweet pies & tarts... The ones I have are ok for bigger individual pies, & one for a shared pie, but sometimes you just want a small one...

Thank you that's very sweet of you. I haven't seen any damage, but they were talking loudly about cutting trees in the garden today saying "I want this done" or that done, etc. Hopefully their landlord will let them down on that one, we have booked tree work for December anyway. I wish they would just leave us alone. They seem to have worked out that the 'suepr wasps' are hornets now and that they are in the top of the willow tree. 10/10. I used to really like gardening but actually it always seems to cause a fair bit of stress with boundaries etc. Maybe it's just the type of places I've ended up living :shrug: In other news I did some work on nasturtium, dichondra and good ol' geraniums today. Not much to report otherwise. I'm really getting in the the new LOTR on Amazon.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 07, 2022, 11:55:13 AM
I got more shoes sorted!!!! Only a few to go... And I had a pie for dinner yesterday. Also, the smaller pie tins came today. They're so cute!!! They can make small pies, large muffins, & tarts!!! TARTS!!! (I know, the name of the bakery product is risqué, but I love tarts!!! I can use up jam which has been sitting here for ages to make raspberry jam tarts, I can cook up the apples with some sugar & water to make apple tarts... This will be such fun!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 07, 2022, 12:15:09 PM
Despite discovering that, yes, my shoe DOES have a sideways leak .... a GREAT day! My favourite manga-ka updated about her series as she's got a new doujin for sale (I don't think I can get it but still!!!!!), I went to The Entertainer to pick up the Exclusive Black T-Rex ( and what do I see on the shelves near checkout?? A COCKATIEL SQUISHMALLOW!!! ( I just about DIED when I saw her, IMMEDIATE buy!!

Got three of the Bat Art Bath Bomb ( from Lush, as I tried one I had bought for my birthday and it turns the bath an AMAZING shade of purple, like my favourite all time shade, so I had to snag 3 more before the end of the spooky season. Got some stuff from Hotel Chocolat for gifting, and some Yankee Candle things (Sweet Plum Sake (, Cherry Blossom ( and Majestic Mount Fiji ( specifically). I was starting to really tire and become crabby towards the end so cut some time short to go home and gloat over my treasures!

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 08, 2022, 04:35:05 AM
hoping to get some work done outside today. i've been spending a lot more time working and have neglected the weeds in the flowerbed. so i need to get those taken care of. i also need to try and fix the busted sprinkler hoses. my dad seemed really disappointed that i hadn't fixed it yet. i'm only going to work on my own side projects for a while so i'll have more time for other stuff. maybe i'll revive the my little pony collection site.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 08, 2022, 04:52:59 AM
@PBW tarts, baps, buns...  :biggrin:

@LadyFrostbite I haven't had a 'shop till you drop' day in years! My sister used to love the soaps in Lush so I would go there to get her Christmas present

@Beth I have also weeding to do! I just did about 2m x 2m and now I feel totally  :zzz: I chuckled when you mentioned your Dad, he's kinda given up doing projects with me now but it was nice.

In general, I wooould like to do stuff today but my body is telling me to rest. I'm going to go sit outside with a blanket for a little while. Over the last week we have been moving stuff out of our front room and into the new sheds so hopefully by christmas we will be up and running with the traditional sitting room instead of a laptop in bed! It's so nice to have the tumble dryer out of the house.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 08, 2022, 05:11:31 AM
I have officially gone through every box and storage bin in the apartment! I have put away what needs to be kept in storage (which is a lot less than I expected) and grouped and consolidated the rest. It only took me two years :lol:

I’m very productive without internet on my PC.

Next is to start putting things up. I started with my bones and fossils. I will also be putting shelves up. I kind of want to wait until I get a drill but having no idea when the ‘net will be back up I might just torture my hand and put them up the old fashioned way.

The best thing? Almost everything survived the move and the heat of being in storage. My original Koosh Ball fell apart and my gem holders transparent windows turned opaque. Everything else is unscathed.

I haven’t gone through my ponies yet. I have six boxes of my collection and my custom collection. I’m eager to know how they held up. My collection ponies were just tossed in together since I thought I would put them up right away. I hope no one is squished. The customs… those are wrapped but I fear a lot have become sticky. We’ll see.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 08, 2022, 05:09:29 PM
BC, It's great that you have been able to unpack the moving boxes and organize your belongings!  :) I hope your ponies have remained in good condition too! :heart:

I have to admit that I also have a few moving boxes that I haven't unpacked, even though it's been probably four years since I moved.  :blush: I have e.g. a box of old Barbie dolls from my childhood... I just don't know where to put them on display. 


I haven't gotten anything done again... Fatigue is bothering me, but why... could it be the memory of corona.  -_-
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 09, 2022, 04:55:30 AM
i didn't get much done yesterday. i did manage to pick up groceries and make dinner. i have a couple of shelves i need to put together and i need to do the yard work.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 09, 2022, 06:10:19 AM
A while back I ordered two shoe racks that I thought would make good displays for my ponies. I put one together and left it at that. It’s been in my bedroom the whole time. The shelves are made of a thin vinyl and were nice and sturdy when new. Since I’m ready to put my ponies out I moved the rack and accidentally put my finger through one of the shelves. I thought ‘what’ and poked another one. Again it tore. The heat changed the vinyl to be paper thin.

The other rack is still in the box. I wonder how it’s faired. Luckily, I have a mound of cardboard so I think I’ll cut some and tape it under the shelves.

I swear, the heat ruins everything. And it’s not like I keep it hot in here. The thermostat is usually set at 82. 78 if I’m doing stuff around the apartment. So anyway, I guess that’s what I’m doing today. Cutting and taping cardboard to a shoe rack. I still think it will make a good pony display.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 09, 2022, 11:29:15 AM
That's a ;pad you've been up to BC!!! Must feel good to have so much done xxx
Frostbite I love when I have a good pile of loot to spend & can treat myself too xxx
Beth I know the feeling about tired!!!
Same to HOM, & Artie, you're pregnant!!! You're going to be more tired xxx

Anyway, when not sleeping I got all the shoes sorted!!! I located two shoe racks but only need one of them because that many no longer fit or are broken in some way. I found a stash of big heavy bags & used three to bag the shoes which need to go, then after finding a very messy corner I had to sweep out, used a couple of big but not so heavy bags to bag up rubbish. Then as I was so sweaty I wiped myself down with cold water. It felt so soothing I sat there for a couple of minutes still damp.
After resting I made some more cinnamon rolls (they are so yum!!!), then my food shopping arrived. No fresh milk, so will have to buy that locally as needed for baking. Still, most of the other stuff was there so that's good, plus I have the flax seeds now so cam make some of my own savoury stuff too. Did, however, have a nap again. I like my nap bed; but having to use it can be annoying. Then I had a big crash-out afterwards.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 10, 2022, 05:53:03 AM
Mmm cinnamon rolls.

So forget what I said about the shoe racks. The cardboard isn’t going to work. I need something sturdy. I guess my ponies will need to stay in boxes until I get something else.

I have an ongoing list of stuff I need to buy when my internet is back up. I can’t go to the store. With all the work I’ve been doing my back and legs hurt so much and are really weak. My hands too hurt a lot.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 10, 2022, 06:43:52 AM
i'm still tired. maybe its hormone related? i just don't have a lot of energy today.

we have all day planning at work today. because planning for a few hours every few days isn't enough. i would much rather do actual work but whatever. not my decision. and everyone else seems to think it's great except the people who do the actual work. tech project management has become a grift IMO with all of the training, software, certifications in the ecosystem. i'm just tired and cranky today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 10, 2022, 11:13:46 AM
We have these dreadful 'priority setting' meetings every month. As a scientist, I'm used to giving a report on my work maybe once per month, but this nonsense is completely one-sided in the other direction. Generally my work gets ignored. I certainly don't need the goalposts moved every month, it takes longer than a month to do most scientific research, that's for sure. I used to take part in a review of the priorities maybe once per year and it was a panel debate with some very smart people. I miss my old job. Meh, Brexit. I'm trying to detach emotionally from work now. It's so draining. Only 8 weeks to go before holiday and then maternity leave starts. Did I mention my last day will be 2nd December? It's going to be wierd.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 10, 2022, 03:49:42 PM
@Artie enjoy time away from that job. i also get way too emotionally involved in jobs. extended time away helps.

i understand that the business has its priorities. but the hardheaded side of me resents having anyone tell me what to work prioritize. i also feel like it tends to result in us doing less work because if we can't finish something within the time limit we can't take it on. since it makes the reporting look bad.

which results in people sitting around asking for work once they finish assigned tasks. i can't even give people training because the company won't pay for it. it's super inefficient and it also makes people anxious since we're trained to always be busy busy or get in trouble. as a manager it stinks to tell people there's nothing else for them to work on since it makes them think they're going to be let go.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 11, 2022, 07:18:50 AM
Yep yum!!! And yep when you do a lot your body pays the price. Maybe rest a little BC xxx
Beth, Artie, grrrr on your behalfs!!! Work should be about work before anything else. Meetings & reviews should be secondary to that xxx And Artie, roll on your maternity leave!!!

Made muffins, & decided to try sorting my Fair Feathers. She had a patch of her mane missing, but I ordered hair from My Little Customs (UK-based so quick). Had my coffee morning, then had my visitors, so the shoes I bagged up & the spare rack were taken, plus we sorted a few things. At coffee my pal turned up yaiy!!! Missed her!!! I also hit the Coop for milk & some apricot jam since I can now make tarts. After that the My Little Customs hair arrived, & one shade was just right for fair Feathers (the pink - Old Bubblegum), so I rooted that in, glued it in place, then gave her mane a boil rinse, so I knew what length to trim the new hair to. I can't wait until she's dry!!! I even have a flamingo dress from Pink Kittywinks for her. She's looking lovely!!! I don't think I'll bake today, because so much else has happened!!! Or maybe I'll make tarts as most of that is oven time, with just a little prep for making the shortcrust...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 11, 2022, 10:13:59 AM
@Artie enjoy time away from that job. i also get way too emotionally involved in jobs. extended time away helps.

i understand that the business has its priorities. but the hardheaded side of me resents having anyone tell me what to work prioritize. i also feel like it tends to result in us doing less work because if we can't finish something within the time limit we can't take it on. since it makes the reporting look bad.

which results in people sitting around asking for work once they finish assigned tasks. i can't even give people training because the company won't pay for it. it's super inefficient and it also makes people anxious since we're trained to always be busy busy or get in trouble. as a manager it stinks to tell people there's nothing else for them to work on since it makes them think they're going to be let go.

I will make sure I enjoy it for everyone else who's stuck.

Can they work on side projects or enrichment or is everything so rigid that any activity has to be pre-approved? Our work has courses you can just do online with no supervision. Failing that I'd take free courses.

@PBW Yes! Work should be about work. I also like the French saying that we should not live to work, only work to live. I love apricot jam. Congratulations on your Fair Feathers, did you do a brag of her all finished? Glad your coffee morning went well :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 11, 2022, 01:51:43 PM
they're pretty rigid. we can assign training courses from the service the company pays for. but they won't pay for training for contractors. since most of our new hires are contractor to hire we bring people in and have no access to the training. we asked them to relax the rule but they were firm about not giving access to training for non-employees. free courses are a good idea.

for better or worse i've reached the point personally where i no longer feel guilty about not being super busy at work. if i finish my tasks early then i earned some free time. or i catch up on some training. but i've been there for 3+ years so i feel as secure as i'll ever feel. i'll never feel very secure and i've also come to accept that. i'll never feel like i'm doing a great job but i do get positive feedback. i'm just always insecure. it's been a lifelong problem.

i have a long list of improvements our team wants to make on our projects. but getting the business to green light that work is tough. we can't really just go rogue and start making changes because there is testing that must take place before changes are released out to the public. which makes total sense but is frustrating at times.

i think some of my complaints are just realities corporate work. which i don't love but i tried small companies and self employment and that was a lot more stressful. i would really prefer to be free to work on whatever i want. but bills must be paid.

i think working to live is a much better attitude. sometimes doing something you also enjoy as a hobby for work isn't the best. i never wanted coding to be a job but it's the only thing i've ever been that good at. it's hard for me to just do the assigned task and move on. i want to fix everything and it's exhausting. i'll never think about this project once i move to another company. i really shouldn't care as much.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 12, 2022, 12:27:48 AM
I feel very insecure abotut work but unfortunately I tend to think that's a reasonable view in our present times. My battle is not to let it slip over into paranoia! Very tricky given my recent work issues.

If I'm in a fixed-term position working on a specific project, at least expectations are clear. I thought I wanted to be on a permanent contract, specifically for having a family. But other than that, if the company isn't doing well then permanent can be worse than being fixed-term at a better company.

It's interesting waht you said about corporate work. I'm beginning to realise that the company I used to work for, although global, had a really good balance of structure and common sense. I'm now working for a small, parochial company that was recently bought by a big corporate with rigid structures that you describe. I think I got the worst of both worlds at the moment, the clash is causing a really unpleasant working environment.  -_- Ah work. I had better start.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 12, 2022, 06:56:17 AM
I spent the last two days sleeping on and off. My body is still very sore.

This is the first day without four of my medicines. My niece can’t pick them up until Friday for some reason. The withdrawal effects from one of them is really bad.

I got some groceries yesterday using instacart. It’s expensive though. But Walmart isn’t doing delivery yet. It’s nice to have eggs and milk again and the soda was buy two get one free! So I’m stocked up on Dr. Pepper.

I think today I’ll work on some unfinished customs. I would love to needle felt something but I ran out of core wool.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 12, 2022, 08:01:15 PM
Glad you rested & stocked up on food at least BC!!!
Snuggles to both Beth & Artie xxx

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There's Fair Feathers, dried & dressed!!! Didn't bake, did crash out again...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 12, 2022, 11:18:55 PM
Wow, she's stunning! Thanks so much for sharing a picture. That outfit is truly amazing.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 13, 2022, 04:27:03 AM
@PBW she's so pretty :lovey: i love the outfit.

@BC i'm glad things are getting back to a little bit of normalcy.

@Artie it sounds like getting away from that job will be good for you :) i wish jobs didn't come with so much emotional baggage.

i need to do some cooking and clear out some of the food in the freezer. i'll probably cook some stuff an freeze. i need to make some tomato sauce. i've been feeling too tired to cook lately but i need to snap out of it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 13, 2022, 11:50:17 AM
I made a vegetable soup today with leftovers from the fridge/garden. Parsnip, onion, cabbage, a cooking apple and some potted mushrooms that I made recently. I jazzed it up with garlic, turmeric, ginger, chicken stock and cream. It was surprisingly OK and quite healthy.

Big news! I found eating mushrooms in my garden. In fact two species, the Horse Mushroom and the Parasol. Happy days! Hopefully there will be more. I am very excited.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 14, 2022, 04:21:26 AM
Cheers folks!!! What finds Artie!!! And sounds like a tasty soup!!!
Beth I do hope you find the time to do what you want/ need to at home as well as your work xxx

As for me. as I heard everybody was using spreadsheets for collection files these days, I've started logging mine. I'm not even halfway through the G1 one, & oh boy it takes an age!!! Plus it's not forgiving of mistakes... If I mistype ANYTHING I have to redo the whole entry, instead of just editing...
Today I got a couple of fun things in the post, still due one thing & wondering where it is. I mean an envelope from the STATES got here before it did. Silly dragons!!! Still, aside from the envelope, which is fun in its own way, the other package is a brag!!! So watch this space (or rather, the brag thread)...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 14, 2022, 06:59:22 AM
Aww, she looks so cute PBW 🙂

I’ll be so happy to get internet back on my PC. Tomorrow before midnight they say.

I had to buy some candy for someone and decided to get some for myself. I bought Airheads mini bars. I used to love Airheads but it’s been a few years. They are too sweet for me. Plus they use the bad dyes (Yellow 5 and Red 40). I could have checked that before I bought them. Anyway, I don’t want them but I’m not sure what to do with them. Maybe I can take the bag to the office for the kids treat bags.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 15, 2022, 05:37:52 AM
@Artie that soup sounds delicious. i never think about adding turmeric to veggie soup. it's finally getting to be soup season.

hoping to get some stuff done around the house. i have some shelves that need to be assembled. and i need to vacuum and do laundry. i also have laundry that needs to be put away. i'm really bad about leaving stuff in the hamper.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 15, 2022, 01:48:56 PM
I have a load of sheets to iron  -_-
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 15, 2022, 04:41:02 PM
It is taking me so long to do this spreadsheet!!! It has everything except the photos of individual Ponies in it: name, alt name or rename, pose, body colour, hair colour, release year, symbol, whether I used to have it... And I'm STILL on the G1s!!!

Here's hoping we get chores done too
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponyfan on October 16, 2022, 04:26:29 AM
I'm up way too early and can't seem to go back to sleep.  I'm also worried about work because I made another mistake on Friday. :(  It's probably not a huge deal, but I can't help worrying about it and the fact that this mistake might seem really big to others.  I tend to always think of the worst case scenario  and usually what every I'm worried about isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I'm also frustrated with my job right now.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 16, 2022, 05:03:44 AM
Today I’d like to finish the sculptures I started yesterday. Maybe hang a few shelves in the bedroom. I also need to take some pics of sale items for here.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 16, 2022, 11:18:46 AM
@Beth Cheers! Amazing that you fixed your sprinkler system! They are not the easiest. I hope your Dad is pleased too :biggrin:

@PBW I also recently started a catalogue spreadsheet, it's definitely a work in progress. I can only do so much at a time. It's taking me forever too! I really enjoy doing it though.

@Ponyfan I'm sorry, it's awful when you trip up at work and don't know what the fallout will be. I think I remember you saying something about your job before, it's not fun being stuck. :hug:

@BC I hope your shelves go well, would be nice to see when you're done!

I spent a lot of the day sleeping and otherwise painted one side of a door and re-potted some house plants.

Last night we went to a DIY shop and bought a  lamp shade and some plant pots, and got a drive thru takeaway  :blush: Not a very glamorous date but still fun.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponyfan on October 16, 2022, 03:50:40 PM
Thanks Artie.  I do feel stuck in my job and opportunities to advance seem to be given to everyone else and not me.  :(   Lately I've been obsessing over my work mistakes wondering if I'm making too many or if one is more serious than the other.  I want to quit, but I can't until I get another job because I need to have at least a little income coming in.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 17, 2022, 01:26:01 AM
STILL working on the spreadsheet. Managed to vacuum & have a load of laundry waiting to start. Reminded again why I hate cleaning the vacuum cleaner!!! Managed to watch a film so that's good. I think it's because my eyes get tired from the spreadsheet...

Ponyfan I hope work goes better for you xxx

Artie I bet your plants are thriving now, plus half a door is better than no door!!!

BC I'd also love to see how you hang the shelves & what you put on them xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 17, 2022, 05:51:32 AM
I’ll post pics once they’re up and full! I have so many little knickknacks.

I didn’t get them up yesterday. I spent most of yesterday resting my back and head. Today there is a pain in my foot. I hope it’s just from sleeping funky and it will go away as the day goes on.

My internet should be back on today by 10:30am. I can’t wait!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 18, 2022, 04:20:16 AM
INTERNET!!! INTERNET!!! And I do hope you feel better too!!!

Well I did some more work on the spreadsheet, then discovered the last messy area in my house: under the kitchen table!!! THE STUFF UNDER THERE!!! Oh well, I'm working on it now, & once that's done I'll need to vacuum AGAIN.
Went to coffee this morning, then got some stuff from the pharmacy & the Co-op. I'll have to pester the electricity people again...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 18, 2022, 05:25:17 AM
No internet :( It was supposed to be fixed but it wasn’t and when I check the updates, it doesn’t list a date and time of expected repairs like it did before. 😔

Today I’m going to my parents house. The animal shelter has adoptions open again so I’m going to use my mom’s laptop to put in an application 😁 I figure I can take an Uber there unless my niece wants to drive me.

Still haven’t gotten the shelves up. I started to make holes for one and hit a stud. I need longer nails for it so I’m going to rummage through my dad’s tools and see what I can find. I might ask to borrow his drill too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 19, 2022, 07:44:03 PM
I saw you got some internet later though so that's good!!! No spreadsheet work due to sorting the kitchen mess & cleaning the vacuum cleaner AGAIN. Got that all finished & out of the way though!!! So I hope to get back into the spreadsheet work. Ordered some LEDE Christmas lights, hoping they work longer than the traditional ones. Plus as they're LED they should also use less electricity. I still need to get hold of the electricity company!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 20, 2022, 05:56:49 AM
I did get my internet back yesterday for a while but it’s out again at the moment. I saw Xfinity trucks here yesterday so maybe they are still working on it.

It’s COLD!!! It’s like 55 degrees or something. I was wearing a nice long sleeved shirt but it kept rolling up on me :mad: I’ll be so happy when I lose enough weight to wear stuff I already own.

Not sure what I’m doing today. Maybe I’ll clean the bathroom.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 20, 2022, 06:04:07 AM
yay for getting internet back :)

i've been pretty mentally exhausted this week. haven't done much around the house. i did get a decent amount of work done this week though. having a full-time job and trying to keep a house going is hard. i need to run the vacuum and do some laundry too. at least the weather is cool. maybe we'll get out of the house this weekend.

also i see the lettuce did in fact outlast Truss :awake: hoping for some better leadership for the UK.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 20, 2022, 09:26:07 AM
yay for getting internet back :)

i've been pretty mentally exhausted this week. haven't done much around the house. i did get a decent amount of work done this week though. having a full-time job and trying to keep a house going is hard. i need to run the vacuum and do some laundry too. at least the weather is cool. maybe we'll get out of the house this weekend.

also i see the lettuce did in fact outlast Truss :awake: hoping for some better leadership for the UK.

Ah, well hehehe I did place a cheeky bet on that with my OH. He now owes me a massage. So not a total disaster. Thank you for your kind message :heart:

We were just saying how tired we both are this week, in the northern hemisphere I think it's ten days from the autumn equinox and I always feel wrecked around this time, maybe the day length is why.

I've had a stomach bug though and I'm off work AGAIN feeling breathless and so tired I can't keep my eyes open. I'll go back to work tomorrow morning but I've got flu vaccination at 3pm.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 20, 2022, 12:51:45 PM
Making brownies! I have two brownie mixes I'm making up for woork tomorrow and trying my new brownie pan
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: starscout on October 20, 2022, 03:04:10 PM
There's both a lot of drawing and reading I want to get done. Gonna try and spend the rest of my day balancing out both. I've got plenty of free time on my hands now that I'm banned from my favorite website teehee
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 21, 2022, 05:44:52 AM
No internet today. I guess that few hours I had was a fluke.

I started cleaning the bathroom yesterday and want to finish today. I forgot to grab the stud finder, long nails and drill while at my parents the other day. But with the cold weather putting up the shelves will be easier.

My birthday is tomorrow :tort:

I think I’ll go back to my parents house.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 21, 2022, 09:33:29 AM
No internet today. I guess that few hours I had was a fluke.

I started cleaning the bathroom yesterday and want to finish today. I forgot to grab the stud finder, long nails and drill while at my parents the other day. But with the cold weather putting up the shelves will be easier.

My birthday is tomorrow :tort:

I think I’ll go back to my parents house.

Happy Birthday for tomorrow BC!  :woohoo:

@Starscout I'm sure there's a story behind that, but good luck with your drawing and reading! Sometimes it's good to have a break.

I didn't go to my flu vaccination today. They didn't tell me it would be this awful COVID vaccination centre scenario with no parking and queue snaking around the building. I couldn't face that experience again while I'm so heavily pregnant. I will have to organise it some other way.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 21, 2022, 08:57:01 PM
BC I hope you have an amazing birthday!!! And bummer with your Internet still being dodgy xxx
Artie that's so annoying!!! All my COVID jabs were at a big place within walking distance of bus stops, so I could just do what I wanted the rest of the day, get to the jab place, go for the jab, then take the bus straight back home!!! If there was some way for you to bus the jab instead of depending on the car that would be far better!!!
Starscout have fun with your hobby stuff!!! And I'd love to see some Pony art again xxx
Frostbite MMMM Brownies!!! Will have to look up a recipe for them...
Beth glad you got some work work done at least!!!

It is getting cold, & dark, & salad could do a better job at running the country than our current Government. Of course the SNP sent a thing through our letterboxes about a second referendum; that's how bad it is.
Didn't get much done at all; just Youtube catchup really
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: starscout on October 21, 2022, 09:40:25 PM
My birthday is tomorrow :tort:
Happy belated birthday, BC!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 21, 2022, 11:42:55 PM
@PBW you're right about the bus however we live in such a rural area that we don't have any  :blush: Definitely agree about the Salad.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on October 22, 2022, 11:03:03 AM
I got my goodie bags ready for Halloween night and i will be dressing up, now to just get the porch decor done.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 22, 2022, 06:48:17 PM
Thanks! :hug: :heart:

I told my parents I just wanted money so I could buy art supplies and a DVD player for the bedroom.

I was upset for a while, because my dad didn't say happy birthday to me. He did later when I was going to leave their house.

The bathroom is mostly finished. I just need to mop the floor. I cleaned the litter boxes and put them out for my new kitty :heart: Hopefully, I can go to the shelter on Tuesday. I still need to call and make an appointment. I hope the cat I was interested in is still there.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 22, 2022, 11:39:48 PM
I'm so glad it's Sunday. I will paint the bath panel I suppose. I'm still gradually getting through doors. I opened the Anthropologie wallpaper I bought on Ebay and now I wish I had enough to do a wall instead of just decoupage projects. But that will have to wait for a time when we have a bit more money.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 23, 2022, 04:36:14 AM
Good going Invaderhorizon & BC!!!
Artie, slow but sure wins the race & doesn't overtax you xxx

The upstairs hall needed vacuumed, so I got that done & another quick go in the living room (I'm there all the time so I vacuum the section I use most every time the vacuum cleaner is out, just easier that way). Got a bit more done on the spreadsheet. Next up: the bigger Ponies!!! I also have to sort the rubbish for tomorrow. Hope I get that done...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 23, 2022, 04:44:08 AM
Ugh. I couldn't sleep last night. I'm in a lot of pain :(

It's cold this morning but it gets into the mid 70s during the day, which is nice.

Today, if I don't crash into bed, I want to start on the shelves again. I also need to pack some boxes for shipping this week.

Speaking of shelves, I found the perfect ones at Home Depot for my ponies :happy: They will work for both Hasbro ponies and customs. I haven't bought them yet because I need to measure for the length. I'm also going to get LED light strips to go around them so my ponies can live inside a rainbow :rainbow:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on October 23, 2022, 05:36:24 AM
I feel better today, despite the interrupted sleep constantly. Getting some chores done, I don't think I'll be able to make it to see family and I learned I left a card at work -_- Spending some quality time with birbs, I need to go get cold meat for sandwiches
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 23, 2022, 03:43:57 PM
On Sunday during the day, me and mom moved the firewood into the shed. It was a nice thing to do. :) At the same time, we got good exercise for our legs and arms.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 24, 2022, 08:30:21 AM
Today I am spending time with my new kitty :heart:

The shelves will be put on hold until she gets more comfortable, I don't want to noise to spook her.

I have a big order from Amazon arriving today (well it's supposed to anyway) so I am excited for that.

I have veggie fried rice leftover from my birthday meal that I'm going to heat up in a minute.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 24, 2022, 12:29:18 PM
Mmm, leftovers! I like takeaway leftovers a lot. I did working and coming home, then washing some tomatoes, improving the cat's hidey hole with an old T shirt. I'm edging some calico to support an embroidery of my Mum's. I'm using blanket stitch so that the edge is flatter for framing, then I'll wash the calico, iron it and stitch the embroidery onto it. I haven't decided how to frame it yet, box-frames seem more affordable these days so I'll have a look into that. Previously it was just open to the air. Unfortunately it has gone very brown because it was glued to an old piece of cardboard, I think the acid in the cardboard reacted with the fabric. But it's in a very retro 1970s style, I like it a lot.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 25, 2022, 05:45:44 AM
Well I got the Sisters done, & failed YET AGAIN at knitting projects. Fortunately one was easy to rectify, so got that done yaiy!!! The other is that scarf I keep dropping stitches on...
Coffee today, so went to that. Under £40 in my meter so thought I'd best get hold of people again but see Trivial Complaints... I NEED to add credit to my meter!!!

BC saw your cat, & since noise seems to scare her it's no surprise you're postponing shelf-building xxx
Artie that sounds a fascinating project
HOM glad you enjoyed your chore with your mum xxx
Frostbite good one on the chores, & hope you can get that card. So many things are cards these days...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 25, 2022, 05:52:59 AM
Today is my last free day, I'm busy the rest of the week with Dr. appointments. Tomorrow I see my eye doctor. I really need new glasses and my prescription has changed. I was watching Hulu the other night and there was something on the screen I had to squint to see... WITH my glasses on! Then I see my therapist and my psychiatrist the next days. Plus I need to get to the PO, I have a bunch of stuff to send.

Things continue to go well with Aster (I've settled on that name). She ate more breakfast today and finally used the litter box.

I'll be making chicken quesadillas later. I've never made them before, but my mom would make them once in a while. I had a craving, so I bought the stuff. 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 25, 2022, 09:57:27 AM
She ate more breakfast today and finally used the litter box.

Awh! Congratulations on your new kitty. I'm happy for you.

@PBW cheers, and sorry you're having probs with your meter. I know how irritating it can be, I'm lucky to have a normal meter again now. Hope you get some help to get it sorted out.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BearlyToys on October 26, 2022, 11:10:52 AM
i went and ate at ikea today pretty much haha! but it was nice!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 26, 2022, 11:50:32 AM
i went and ate at ikea today pretty much haha! but it was nice!

That is nice! I haven't done that since sometime around 2006. I haven't lived near one since I lived in Bristol but I used to love it. So calm and well designed environment, very immersive for a few hours and just a nice place to be.

I tried to work form home today but I'm not feeling too great. We found some more old stuff of Steve's from the cottage that has grown this terrifying mold on it. Milton fluid, vinegar and bleach are the only things that kill it, so Steve had to spend all evening in the back yard soaking stuff. I think it's a curse from his late wife. I cooked him some nice food when he came in but I didn't feel like eating. Tomorrow is another day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 26, 2022, 01:53:31 PM
I figured out the issue: there's more on the key than I thought & the meter won't take it until there's enough room for that credit. Given up on the scarf (that yarn is a PEST) but did get some other knitting done so that's good. Baked a pie for dinner & will have to do some more baking soon. Also need to get dishes done. Oh & I bought a butternut squash, but a small one this time. I hope it fits a tealight when hollowed out...

Artie yeuch yeuch yeuch!!! Mould is the WORST!!!
Bearly did you see the plushies there??? So cute!!! And glad you managed to have a meal out too xxx
BC I've never had quesedillas before, like ever!!! I know the feeling about eye appointments!!! I'm dreading having to make one for me, but I know I'll need to soon...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 27, 2022, 07:04:52 AM
Quesadillas are good, mine turned out nice :) My favorite is the chimichanga though. There's a Mexican place a few blocks away that has the best food. Unfortunately, they don't deliver. Last time I was there was with my sister.

Today I have an appointment with my therapist. I think it's the last one until the end of November. I hate going a long time without seeing her. I get to tell her all about Aster ^^

Speaking of, she slept with me again last night. She's also learned that when I get up and walk around, I'm not a threat to her, so she doesn't run away anymore. She really enjoyed her breakfast this morning. I'm thinking she likes the opposite of what Mouse did. I have tons of food I bought for Mousie, but it's mostly chicken varieties in pate, her favorite. Aster seems to like morsels and seafood. As soon as I get some money I'll place an order with Chewy for some new toys that won't smell like other cats and some different types of food. The shelter gave me treats which she loves.

I'm having an important art piece commissioned of my Rainbow Bridge pets for myself and I want to gift one to my vet. I need to get a bunch of photos for the artist. I think I'll grab some from my MacBook. I keep meaning to move most of my pics on there to my PC anyway.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 28, 2022, 06:25:51 AM
I completed one knitting project & am working through a few others as Bakana needed a bath & is now drying off in her new towel. Didn't get much else done.

That's the thing about UK life: we don't have much Mexican food & what we do have is ok, but not mind-blowing like authentic European food or food from Indian restaurants. We have a good-sized East Asian community here too so can find several types of that, as well as kebab shops everywhere from our Eastern European friends. But Mexico is just too far away for us to have much access to their authentic style.

I hope the art pieces turn out well xxx And also, so glad to hear of Aster's progress xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 28, 2022, 06:38:38 AM
Ah yeah. I've always wanted to try authentic Indian food but you can't really find any around here. Weirdly, you can find Indian markets that sell ingredients though. In fact there's a small strip mall that has both an Indian and Asian market. I know how to make lots of Asian dishes (mainly Chinese) but have no idea about Indian food.

What was the project you finished? :)

Today I need to do housework. Since getting Aster I've been putting it off and the kitchen is a mess. I also never finished cleaning the bathroom like I wanted. I think I can continue putting up the shelves now too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 28, 2022, 06:46:03 AM
Can't say as it's part of a prezzie
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponyfan on October 28, 2022, 03:19:10 PM
It's been a long, but productive day.

I got a call from one of the places trying to arrange for my monthly shot that the cost with insurance would be over $2000 for each one.  They told me to call the company that makes the shot to enroll in their assistance program. The office also told me to call back after I got that sorted out so they could schedule my appointment. I got that taken care of and called back and got my appointment.  After that I went to the store and voted and got my flu shot.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 29, 2022, 10:03:00 AM
BC here's hoping Aster is ok with you cleaning & assembling xxx
Ponyfan glad you got stuff done!!!

I did another knitting project, harder than the last, & it too is a success!!! I'm so pleased with it & want to do more like it yaiy!!! Also can't say because another part of prezzie, but some will also be for myself yaiy!!! I need to do some baking today so going to stick with a few simple knits for now
Oh, one other thing, the electricity problem solved like they said it would
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 30, 2022, 06:05:33 AM
Thanks! She was good. I waited until she was in the bedroom to vacuum the living room. Still cleaning up the bathroom... there's not a lot to do, I'm just dragging my feet :P

I can't wait until you can show us your projects!

I'm making a new custom pony. Going to start today. I might actually do two at once.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 30, 2022, 01:25:38 PM
Someone bumped into the back of my car on Friday so I ended up having to do all the insurance claim etc. Everything is fine, just annoying. I painted the bath panel today and filled up my husband's car, but not a lot else transpired. We are currently watching The Man in the High Castle on Amazon.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 30, 2022, 09:14:45 PM
I baked these!!!
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I had a go at a flaky pastry recipe, but reduced the butter & added some grated cheese in its place. The sauce is tomato puree, water, garlic powder, mixed herbs, & dried onion. I made fifteen & a tiny nugget with the leftovers. The nugget was delish!!! Getting visitors later so will dish these out. First though I have a butternut squash to hollow out & carve...
I also got more knitting done yaiy!!! Prezzie building nicely!!! Once the prezzie's done I can do my own stuff heehee!!! Spilt a little cheese so vacuumed again. Will have to clean the cleaner before using it again (I do not like that chore)...

BC proud of you & Aster for doing so well with your chores!!!
Artie oh no!!! I hear everybody's got worse on the roads nowadays...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 31, 2022, 12:17:42 AM
@ PBW. Oh those are such cute/scary faces! Shortcrust pastry with cheese in it is so good, yummy. Hope you have a good time later.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 31, 2022, 01:41:33 AM
Those are so cute! I bet they're delicious.

Today I'm going to try to work on my art. I've got not 2 like I said before but 4 customs I want to make.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 01, 2022, 04:38:18 AM
need to do more cleaning today. we had to wash the rugs and clean the floors because the dogs brought in some mud after the last rain. it's supposed to rain again this weekend so hopefully this time they stay out of the mud.

i'm thinking about bringing the Christmas decorations out early. i would like to put up more lights outside too. i tend to get all excited about decorating and then i run out of motivation later.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 01, 2022, 05:41:20 AM
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Also in Halloween thread. Had a load of visitors: some doing a survey, some checking how I am. I'm NOT looking forward to having to clear the kitchen & bathroom for works AT ALL, as I have a bit of stuff in the bathroom & A LOT of stuff in the kitchen!!! Got more knitting done & started on the next part of it!!!
Today I had my coffee morning, & next week, due to the energy crisis, the hall I had the coffee in is hosting a warm place for people to come if they need to save money. I could spend an afternoon knitting there, or help out. Just trying to think of an appropriate day when I'm not expecting visits & stuff...
Apart from one pastry, which I gave to a visitor, I ate all the treats myself!!! (well I shared with my sharky)
Butternut the 2nd fit a tealignt in him nicely, & carving on the day or the day before is better than in advance. A smaller knife also works better!!!

Beth I hope your cleaning goes well!!!
BC same with your art, & don't forget time to yourself & with Aster xxx
Cheers Artie xxx They were very yummy, which is why I ate almost all of them!!! Cheesy pastry is addictive!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 01, 2022, 06:59:14 AM
That looks great, PBW! I haven't carved a pumpkin in years. I used to bake the seeds and eat them and one time I made pumpkin soup.

Had a little bit of a set back with Aster yesterday. The shelter worker told me she liked wand toys, so I bought a nice one with different toys to go with it. She's afraid of it. It made her spooky and every little thing was making her twitch or jump. She calmed down later and wanted to play. I didn't use the wand but I bought some other toys, catnip filled teabags and some crinkle balls. She was fine playing with them herself but when I threw one for her she was confused. I don't think she really knows how to play with a person :huh: It's something we'll have to work on.

Today is more cleaning the kitchen and I need to clear off my desk. I also have to make and ship some labels for my packages that I want to get out tomorrow. But we might go visit my mom in the hospital. It's a 2 hour ride up there. We'd have to leave at 6:30am to get there when visiting hours start.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 02, 2022, 09:47:05 AM
After the coffee morning yesterday I managed to get some knitting done, but that's pretty much it there. Earlier today I started on sorting through my clothes, to the tune of: if I don't wear it, & it's this, it goes in storage. If I don't wear it, & it's not this, it gets bagged to go. If I do wear it, it goes in a drawer cleared by moving the stuff I don't wear. I'm only sorting the drawers & stuff I can get at for now though. I already have two nope bags, one storage bag, & a laundry load of mostly nope going through the machine.

BC I wish you well in teaching Aster how to play with you xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 02, 2022, 01:28:15 PM
i'm having trouble focusing today. i think my brain is going into holiday mode already. Thanksgiving holidays can't get here soon enough. I have a ton of stuff to do around the house.

i did put another shelf together. just 1 more shelf and 1 set of drawers left to assemble.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 02, 2022, 02:20:58 PM
BC I wish you well in teaching Aster how to play with you xxx

Thanks! We played for a little bit earlier. I was batting around a crinkle ball and she joined in :)

Man, today didn't turn out how I wanted it to. I can't believe it's after 5pm already. I woke up late because I got home late last night. My niece and I went up to visit my mom. It was a 7 hour trip. We took my niece's truck which is way more comfortable than the SUV but my body is still sore from sitting in it for so long. Then we were on level 2 of the parking garage and they only had stairs to go down, no elevator, and the entrance to the hospital was kind of far, then the walking to the room. It was a lot for me.

Today I'm in a lot of pain all over. I wanted to make steak and cheese subs today but I'm not up for all that. Plus, I'm not really hungry anyway. I'm pretty tired to. The living room and my desk are a mess. I need to clean up the area tomorrow. I also want to get to the PO tomorrow. We'll see.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 03, 2022, 12:51:50 AM
The guy tried to load my car up yesterday to get the bodywork done, but something internal has now gone wrong with it. The battery died so we charged it, but then the power steering went and then all the electrics went mad. It's really odd. The police said it was safe to drive home so I did, but now this happened. So today I'm working from home and waiting for a full recovery truck to pick it up instead.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponyfan on November 03, 2022, 03:55:04 PM
I had to go to the dentist today.  I dread going there.  For some reason it's worse to me than seeing almost any other kind of dr.  I had to have a bunch of xrays taken since it was my first visit since the nee dentist took over the practice.  The dentist that has been my dentist ever since I was a baby only works part time now.

After that I had to go get an electric toothbrush because the hygienist said that my teeth had a lot of stuff on them.  I tried an electric toothbrush before but didn't like it.  I hope this one is better.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 03, 2022, 08:56:59 PM
Not much longer Beth xxx
I haven't been to the dentist in ages Ponyfan, so if anything any visit I have to do will be worse xxx Snuggles xxx
Artie here's hoping you get your car fixed xxx
Aww BC that sounds cute!!! Have fun with the crinkle ball & give yourself time to recover from all the spent energy xxx

I got some more sorting done (still a bunch to do, plus a load of nope is drying), & also more knitting. I'm on track with that yaiy!!! Need to do some baking later...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 04, 2022, 02:04:50 AM
Cheers PBW, erm what is nope? I am also on a big sorting out missions so we can finally get our sitting room set up downstairs. Hope the knitting is going well?

A recovery lady appeared yesterday in a massive truck, I was very impressed. My husband had predicted that she would either be "really butch or really hot", so nil points for lazy stereotyping there. She turned out to be a nerdy tomboy just like me. She was very nice and took the car away in no time. I thought it was hilarious and told my husband that after the baby is one I'm going to get my HGV license and become a recovery truck driver.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 04, 2022, 07:29:40 AM
I'm sorry, Ponyfan. I fear the dentist and haven't been to one since I was 16.

Thanks PBW! I tried the wand yesterday with a different toy at the end and she was still scared of it, so I put it away. I have plenty of cat toys, I just wanted to get her some of her own that don't smell like other cats. I'll dig through the toy bag later and pull out some things for her.
I'm also curious about what nope is :lol: unless that was autocorrect

Yesterday I got the living room mostly cleaned up and started on my desk. I'll finish that today. I keep saying I need to go to the PO and that's still true. I wish Uber prices were fixed per mile or something, they change everyday and even every hour. I guess they charge more for busier times? It's annoying though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 05, 2022, 05:30:06 AM
Nope is exactly what I meant. It's re clothes sorting. Yep is what I'm keeping, nope is what's getting bagged for going away
Goof job on the living room BC!!! And I'm glad Aster is playing with something, even if the wands scare her xxx
Artie glad you got on with the recovery lady xxx

I got my baking done!!! Biccies, check!!! Cinnamon rolls, check!!! Got to make pizza today, but aside from that I'm good until I get more butter (may use the last to make a quick pie tomorrow).
I didn't win the Halloween competition on the sharky server, but the one who did had a fintastic outfit on their sharky!!! There were a load of jawesome entries, & mine is in the Halloween thread now.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 05, 2022, 08:03:52 AM
Oh, I get it :lol: I should go through my clothes and see what I can get rid of. I have some 6x shirts that are way too big for me now.
Good job baking! That's a lot of stuff :O

I need to take a shower. I should change the sheets on the bed too, they've been on there for a couple weeks now.

Still need to go to the PO. They are only open until 1pm today. Guess I'll shoot for Monday.

Aster ate breakfast this morning! She hasn't been eating the last couple of days. She also ate a bunch of the cat grass I grew so maybe she has a hairball.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 05, 2022, 10:19:42 AM
My parents came over today and brought with them my post. It included some chaste DIY bits, however I also bought an additional set of Basic Fun Twinkles and unboxed them (later on  ;)). It was very exciting, I wrote about it in a brag post. I discussed the embroidery with Mum and they had a general look around the house. They haven't been here for ages.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 06, 2022, 05:07:08 AM
They moved my mom to a physical rehab place nearby, so my niece and I are going to try and visit her today.

I was able to buy some art supplies finally :D I've been out of core wool for weeks so I haven't been able to needle felt anything. I bought a bunch of new wool colors too. I also got some clay. I still want to open an Etsy store, I just need to make stuff to stock it with.

Aster ate again this morning. She was coughing last night, so I assume she does have a hairball. I put some medicine for it in her food. She's really opened up the last two days :) She's not so spooky about things anymore and she wants to play a lot. Last night I was throwing little paper towel balls at her and she'd catch one and then run around. I also found out that she likes to be chased. I can't really chase her, but I would sneak around a corner and surprise her and she'd run around crazy and come back and do it again :lol:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 06, 2022, 09:25:53 AM
BC you must be relieved they moved your mother, but why aren't they calling you about her issues??? Makes no sense... At least you're seeing Aster's personality come out, which is awesome xxx
Artie that sounds like a good visit xxx

Made pizza again, because pizza (I need no other reason but that). Got more knitting done. The bathroom bin needed cleaned, so I soaked it in soapy water, cleaned it, & cleaned a few other bathroom items too. I HAVE to vacuum again, so that means cleaning out the vacuum cleaner, again... Also doing more knitting, & will have to locate my press studs (they're in my sewing kit SOMEWHERE)...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 06, 2022, 10:42:08 AM
BC it's really nice to hear about your cat, it sounds as though it's working out really well. Yeah it was good thank you PBW. I had a long chat with my Mum and he had a long chat with my Dad. Your day sounds nice too. I agree, no excuse needed for pizza. I dug some veggies from the garden today. Ended up with yellow carrots, yellow beetroot, red kale, blue potatoes and green leeks. Only the leeks were the usual colour I just realised! I guess I like trying odd things. They all tasted great. I didn't do any food shopping this week so it was nice to have some fresh stuff.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: bladed on November 07, 2022, 02:24:59 PM
not "today" but i got given a promise ring by my boyfriend the other day (and i have his ready to order on my next paycheck) :P slowly working up to engagement i guess? it would be sooner if we both made more money aha
maybe i'll have to make a thread when it actually happens
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 07, 2022, 03:00:58 PM
I took a Father's Day card to the post office. I would have liked to make it myself, but ended up with a store bought Garfield card. I was and am so tired that I don't want to do anything now.  :zzz:
Yesterday (Sunday) I had to carry winter tires from the warehouse to the car, because today was the tire change. Now in the evening I took the summer tires to the warehouse. They are heavy.  :whew: (The tires were changed at a car service station, not myself.)

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 08, 2022, 05:04:04 AM
I forgot to take my morning medicine yesterday. I didn't realize it until it was time to take my night meds. So that's why I was so tired yesterday... I wanted to get up at around 4am to see the lunar eclipse but I slept through the alarm, or I shut it off and don't remember. I was going to get my telescope out. Oh well.

I had a hard time sleeping. I was very uncomfortable. Each time I woke up, Aster wanted to come lie down next to me and suckle her foot, which made me feel better. At the same time though, she usually came to me before I'd switched positions, so I was uncomfortable for longer than I could have been :P

Today I'd like to do some things but I need my niece's help. I'll text her in a bit to see what she has planned for today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 08, 2022, 05:05:46 AM
it's election day in the US so we'll see how it goes. we voted last week. if you're in the US and eligible to vote. go vote if you haven't already. do not vote twice that is illegal :)

otherwise just work and a potentially stressful meeting that i really don't want to deal with.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 08, 2022, 05:25:40 AM
I DID THE VACUUMING!!! And cleaned out the hoses (there was a wodge of hair stuck in one I pulled out). That will make future vacuuming much easier!!!
I also FINISHED SORTING OUT THE CLOTHES!!! I now have two full bags of nope to go out when they can, while all the yep but underwear is in drawers I can get at. Still got to go in the drawers I can't get at but will do that soon enough. I have so much fewer piles of stuff everywhere now it's awesome!!!
I've been doing more knitting too!!! That progresses nicely & the pile to go is building well.

Here's hoping the US elections get somebody with actual sense & care for other humans in rather than all the horror stories making Margaret Atwood feel less like a fiction author & more like a fortune teller...
BC it's so easy to forget things, but we have to keep reminding ourselves. I was late for coffee this morning!!!
Hope the meeting does what it has to without being more stressful than it needs Beth xxx
HOM of course you're tired (in both the punny way & the actual way) xxx
Bladed ooh!!! I hope to hear more good news on that front xxx
Artie yummy!!! Fresh-grown veggies!!! I hate not having a garden or anything to grow stuff...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 08, 2022, 10:46:21 AM

Artie yummy!!! Fresh-grown veggies!!! I hate not having a garden or anything to grow stuff...

I wish you had a garden too if you're into it. I know it's the cold time of year now, but I joined a community garden for a while ( I don't suppose there is anything like that near you?

I'm tired but not as tired as HoM. Tire day sounds like quite a ritual! Speaking of cars I still haven't heard anything about my car. I kinda don't want to know if the news is bad!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 09, 2022, 04:58:20 AM
Good for you, PBW! That's a lot of progress :D

My niece can help me out tomorrow she said. We need to get my garbage out of here and I have to go to the post office and get all this stuff mailed out finally. Those of you waiting for a tail, I'm sorry it's taking so long :(

Today I need to get my mail and drop off the rent check. There's a package in the locker I need. I don't really understand why most of the time Amazon drops packages off at my door but occasionally it will be put in the locker at the mailboxes.

I mentioned this a few days ago but I want to change my sheets. I did laundry yesterday so I want to shower again and put on fresh clothes and sleep in a fresh bed. That's one of the best feelings :)

Aster had an adventure yesterday while I was doing the laundry. It was the first time since I've gotten her that I've used the machines. They are in a closet and the doors are kept shut. So the open doors were a concern for her. She snuck around and sniffed everything. Then when the washing machine got going she was afraid to walk past it. I was very encouraging and kept telling her she would be fine and she slowly made it past. I gave her some treats for her effort. Then it was the same with the dryer, which is louder. But she eventually made it past that too. THEN in the bedroom when the laundry was done, she got spooked by the empty laundry basket. She was inspecting it this morning too.

She's so scared of everything, I really wonder what happened in her past.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 09, 2022, 08:51:48 AM
@BC did they know anything about where she was before she came to the shelter? it sounds like she's not used to the usual sights and sounds of living inside. though i've had a robot vacuum for 5 years and my over 100 lbs dog still thinks it's going to eat her... she was definitely traumatized as a puppy and still has setbacks. sometimes they just need a lot of encouragement. it's good that Aster inspecting though. it sounds like she knows she's safe with you.

election results in Texas weren't what i was hoping for but some results elsewhere give me hope. i'm learning to find the positive wherever i can.

mostly just work today. hoping to finally close out my never ending side project. the call with the client was pretty tense yesterday but i didn't let him push me into doing additional work for free. so overall i'm proud of myself.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 09, 2022, 10:54:22 AM
Aww Beth well done for standing your ground!!!
Artie here's hoping it's not bad news with your car!!! What I hear of the bus services is in complaints...
You're doing so well with Aster BC xxx And she's so brave xxx I do hope you get your stuff done!!!

Went to coffee yesterday & somebody took a photo, forgetting to tell me my mask was upside-down!!!
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After that I got what I needed to get & did some simple knitting. A few packages arrived & Scarlet O'Hara's paying her visit. I bashed my head on the tissue holder & it broke!!! I have a spare wooden one but I was really fond of the one I broke... Oh well, more vacuuming...
I still have some more knitting to do before I can add the last bits (which have to be sewn on with thread), so hope to get a good bit of that done today...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 09, 2022, 11:24:12 AM
@BC did they know anything about where she was before she came to the shelter? it sounds like she's not used to the usual sights and sounds of living inside. though i've had a robot vacuum for 5 years and my over 100 lbs dog still thinks it's going to eat her... she was definitely traumatized as a puppy and still has setbacks. sometimes they just need a lot of encouragement. it's good that Aster inspecting though. it sounds like she knows she's safe with you.

Not about her original owner, no. The person that surrendered her to the shelter only had her for a little while. They said she scratched at the dog and kids and was hiding most of the time. They didn't say where they got her from. She's 8 and front declawed and was spayed when she came to the shelter, so someone had to do those things. A lot of older cats are given up because the owner dies, I think maybe that's what happened. And it sounds like she was further traumatized by her short stay with the people who gave her up. Her bio on the shelter's site said she was depressed and needed a quiet place where she could learn to trust humans again.

More of her from today... I changed the sheets on the bed and she was scared when I fluffed them. My cats always liked to play with the sheets. So she is basically afraid of everything. I noticed that she likes a regular routine. So I try and do everything at the same time everyday. She can get over her fears though, like when I first got her she was terrified of my desk chair when it moved, but now she can lay beside me on the floor or hassock and is fine. She was also afraid of the blanket on the bed and wouldn't walk on it, but she's starting to get over that too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 09, 2022, 06:46:24 PM
@BC did they know anything about where she was before she came to the shelter? it sounds like she's not used to the usual sights and sounds of living inside. though i've had a robot vacuum for 5 years and my over 100 lbs dog still thinks it's going to eat her... she was definitely traumatized as a puppy and still has setbacks. sometimes they just need a lot of encouragement. it's good that Aster inspecting though. it sounds like she knows she's safe with you.

Not about her original owner, no. The person that surrendered her to the shelter only had her for a little while. They said she scratched at the dog and kids and was hiding most of the time. They didn't say where they got her from. She's 8 and front declawed and was spayed when she came to the shelter, so someone had to do those things. A lot of older cats are given up because the owner dies, I think maybe that's what happened. And it sounds like she was further traumatized by her short stay with the people who gave her up. Her bio on the shelter's site said she was depressed and needed a quiet place where she could learn to trust humans again.

More of her from today... I changed the sheets on the bed and she was scared when I fluffed them. My cats always liked to play with the sheets. So she is basically afraid of everything. I noticed that she likes a regular routine. So I try and do everything at the same time everyday. She can get over her fears though, like when I first got her she was terrified of my desk chair when it moved, but now she can lay beside me on the floor or hassock and is fine. She was also afraid of the blanket on the bed and wouldn't walk on it, but she's starting to get over that too.

it sounds like she found the right home. kids and dog were probably a bit too much.

it always makes me a little sad to wonder if they had someone who loved them and were separated because of some tragedy. when we adopted our chihuahua mix, Chloe she was 2. we could see she had always been loved. she was never afraid and loves everyone immediately. she also seemed a bit sad. she loves kids so i think she may have lived around kids. the shelter we got her from only took in strays so we have no way of knowing. she must have been lost somehow.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 10, 2022, 05:02:27 AM
I accidentally discovered last night that she knows what hand play is. I scratched my fingers on the sheet to get her to come to me after patting and calling to her, and she immediately got down in a stalk position. I don't like to encourage hand play so I don't get used to it, since I won't declaw anymore and expect to have clawed cats in the future. It also causes biting.

She doesn't wake me up like Mouse did, by licking my face or biting my nose, instead she finds my hand and headbutts it. So sweet :heart: Then I take my meds, open the blinds in the bedroom, feed her and get on my PC. After she eats she gets the zoomies :lol: She enjoys dried catnip too and has a spot where she can roll around in it. Then she sits by me for a while before going back in the bedroom to look out the window or sleep. Play time is after she gets up. Mostly it's me flicking paper towel balls at her and her chasing them. She still gets spooked if I throw a toy though. She's beside me right now in a loaf :)

For today, I'm waiting for my niece to wake up and then we can do my garbage and go to the PO. It's windy and raining from the tropical storm but it's not too bad, just a light drizzle.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 10, 2022, 11:25:13 AM
Ha ha. That's a really wierd picture of you PBW! But nice to see your shark-related attire and that you're enjoying yourself. Sorry you bumped your head, that must have been really annoying. :hugs:

@BC yes I love that 'everything fresh' feeling as well, and I think I probably always at least take a shower before bed if i've changed the sheets. Really nice to hear all about your new cat.

Glad everyone seems OK ish.

I'm looking forward to December when I've got some holiday booked before maternity leave starts. I'm considering options for delivering our baby and thinking about all that kind of stuff. Work isn't too bad at the moment, partly because I'm just winding down towards leave I think. Still haven't heard anything about the car, had to put some diesel in it today. Filled a gap in a skirting board.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 10, 2022, 03:12:46 PM
Ponybookworm, a funny and cute picture that made me smile. Thanks! :heart:

BC, it's wonderful to read about Aster and you's life together! :heart: It would be wonderful if my own cats woke me up with headbutts! But especially that pile of black fur (Ozzy) wakes me up by caterwauling and doing mischief! :pout: :lol:

Thursday was a sleepy day. I slept for a long time, but it didn't help because I'm still really tired. Now it's night again, but I wouldn't want to go to sleep, because I would have a lot of all kinds of things to do.

My brother's children are coming to us tomorrow and will stay the night, while their father and his spouse are celebrating his company's "pre-Christmas party" in town.  :)
Is it pre-Christmas party in English or just little Christmas? It's a traditional Finnish party that starts to be celebrated from November to December on weekends, before Christmas.
In my childhood home, we always celebrated it on the first Sunday of Advent. We had a small plastic Christmas tree with a string of colored lights and decorations. During the night, small gifts had appeared under the tree for me and my brother, which we then opened on Sunday morning. It's always fun to remember that tradition. :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 11, 2022, 03:50:55 AM
Glad you all like the picture!!! BC It's great hearing of Aster's progress xxx
HOM I just had a big sleep too (interrupted by a necessary bathroom visit but still)!!! Here's hoping things with your niblings go well xxx
Artie glad you're doing ok too xxx

Last bit of prezzie knitting done!!! Otherwise quiet. Binge-watched latest season of The Crown. I see they're saving the death for the following season. Imelda seems to do well in the leading role, though I still get a bit thrown by whoever plays "Phil the Greek" as Dad called him also being different.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 11, 2022, 05:39:40 AM
Well, I didn't get to the PO. My niece said she was sleep deprived and didn't wake up until 3pm. The PO closes at 4, so there wasn't enough time for her to properly wake up, come all the way here and to the PO. It's closed today for Veteran's Day and tomorrow it's only open 10-1pm and I doubt my niece will be awake. Monday I have an afternoon appointment. So it looks like Tuesday *sigh*

I don't feel well still. I felt a little better yesterday but last night I had such a hard time sleeping. I kept waking up gasping for air, I'd be too hot, then too cold. It sucked :mad: I'm going to call my pulmonologist when they open and make an appointment. I really need a CPAP so I can sleep.

Don't think I'll be doing much today. I think my box from Blick Arts came yesterday, it's got a bunch of clay in it. Maybe I'll make something.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 11, 2022, 06:22:07 AM
"Phil the Greek" as Dad called him

 :lol: Oh dear, it really does feel like the end of an era.

I had a scan appointment this morning. Everything fine except the baby has turned him/her self upside down. Hopefully theywill reverse that manouvre. I'm getting another consultant appointment in two week's time and a heart scan. There are concerns relating to my heart because of this breathlessness I'm having in pregnancy. As far as I know I haven't had COVID and my iron levels etc. are all fine. BC, I am sorry you had a night like that and I hope you get to see the doctor soon. Sorry you're not feeling great. Did you have COVID? I couldn't remember.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 11, 2022, 06:37:58 AM
I was upside down, almost a month late, and had the cord wrapped around my throat - twice! I survived though.

No, I haven't had Covid that I'm aware of. I am vaccinated, but not boosted. I think there's been two boosters so far? I have a lot of trouble with my lungs too, asthma and COPD (bronchial spastic syndrome), plus the sleep apnea. And they ache. I can't take a deep breath because I start coughing. This is another reason I want to see my pulmonologist.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 12, 2022, 06:48:38 PM
BC that sleep does not sound good. I'd prioritise your health right now (you have so much else on your plate with a new cat to acclimatise, & both your folks unwell), & explain to people waiting on packages why they are delayed xxx
Artie, I'm sure things will work out with the baby, & when birth time comes, little one will be all healthy & strong xxx There's a reason they keep an eye on you at this time xxx

Started, or rather continued (because slight mistakes & imperfections go to me) on the personal part of my knitting project. Got a few clothes from Redbubble & eBay (I need leggings & may have to get some plain ones). Just keeping quiet otherwise...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 13, 2022, 07:21:42 AM
Yeah, I'll call Monday. I tried on Friday but it was a holiday and I think the office was closed. No one answered the phone.

I see my PCP on Monday too. It's time for my yearly physical, which means... yucky things. I'm bringing a list of all my complaints though.

I've been watching a lot of Jackson Galaxy's videos about cats and there was one about getting your cat to play. So I want to try the techniques on Aster with the wand toy. She's been shaking her head and digging at her ears too. Mousie had ear mites that I treated at home but they eventually came back each time. I don't know if they can live in the carpet like fleas? I'll look it up. But anyway, I fear that's what Aster has now. It's hard to see because her skin is dark but I have ear wipes I can use. If she doesn't run away.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 13, 2022, 09:41:27 AM
Found mildew in the kitchen cupboard under the sink. Spent all day cleaning the items and OH cleaned the cupboards. Milton tablets are the only thing that kill this mould. If you ever get a problem with mould in your house, don't bother with anything else IMO. Borax maybe. But what a way to spend Sunday. Had a break this afternoon and watched enough of Coraline to get OH interested. I think I might finally be getting to understand the kind of films and computer games he likes; there's a slight generation gap between us. He seems to like slightly melancholy, gothic post-apocalyptic fantasies like 'The Last of Us', zombies and that kind of thing. I'm not a Tim Burton fan (he did tragic things to some of my favourites) but I think I might watch Beetlejuice and Corpse Bride with him to see how that goes. We sometimes struggle to find things we both want to watch. Since we watched all of Star Trek during lockdown it's been sci fi or historic/political dramas, e.g. The Man in the High Castle, Humans, Homeland etc. but I find they can be quite demanding and quite violent.  I can't cope with real zombies. I think I must be getting middle aged...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: brightberry on November 13, 2022, 10:08:33 AM
@Artemesia Aw! My husband and I also have similar tastes in some things, but others not so much.  I've heard healthy relationships shouldn't depend on liking everything together as long as there is respect and love where it counts.  I still have to leave the room when Family Guy is on. :P

I've been thinking of writing a letter and drawing pictures.  Maybe get other work done and do the dishes. 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 13, 2022, 04:00:17 PM
I have now sketched out my drawing for the Christmas Carol Drawing Comp.  Doing it makes me happy.  :)

The laundry was washed a while ago with cheaper night electricity. Before hanging the laundry to dry, I straightened the sheets with my mom, and at the same time the cat (Ozzy) decided to come and swing on it.  :lol: It does it every time we straighten the sheets, even if they are wet! The cat is lying there like in a hammock and me and my mother are swinging the sheet.  :lol: Mom's previous cats also liked this.  :nuts: :heart: Do other people's cats do this?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 14, 2022, 05:31:19 AM
My two cats that passed away loved to play in the sheets. They liked to hide under the fitted sheet and slide around :lol: Bass in particular loved playing on the bed. I would try to cover her up with a sheet or blanket and she would launch at me :lol: I have some video of it.

I was able to clean Aster's ears. The wipes were surprisingly clean, so maybe she doesn't have ear mites after all. She was good about it, only complaining a little. And she came right back for treats. Yesterday I made her two small mice-like toys from wool. I thought she would like the smell, and she does! I was also able to play with her for a while. She doesn't like things up in the air. She's a ground predator. I had to take the little bell off the wand because that was bothering her too. She liked the fuzzy worm toy going slow on the ground.

Today I see my doctor. I wrote my list of things I want to talk about.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 14, 2022, 08:23:17 AM
Hope all goes well at the docs BC!!! And good on you for noting Aster's play/ hunt style xxx She knows herself better than anybody, so the best is to learn & observe. Jackson Galaxy is pawesome when it comes to cats!!! (pun intended to say how cat-knowledgable he is)
HOM that sounds so fun!!!
Brightberry get on the writing when you know what to say xxx
Artie YEUCH!!!

As for me, my thumbnails needed a trim, in part due to grating cheese for pizza. Unfortunately newly trimmed nails result in fingers which find casting off harder, so having to shift to simpler parts of my project for a day or two...
Need to do some dishes today, again. Good thing I topped up on dish liquid!!! Also scrubbed down part of the kitchen floor. When they do the kitchen they will put new flooring on, so clean floor is needed there. I did one section, only to find another section glaring at me. Oh boy!!! Going to have to work on that too!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 15, 2022, 05:26:01 AM
^ I can relate. I'm still not done with my bathroom which I started last month :lol: I wanted to mop in there and put some stuff away. I'll get it done some day...

Today I'm nursing a bad headache on the verge of a migraine. I think I'll put some ice on it while I sit here.

I tried to make an appointment with my pulmonologist and he doesn't take my insurance anymore :( so my doctor put in a referral for a new one.

I have plans with my niece to go to the PO today. I hope she follows through.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 16, 2022, 01:37:47 AM
I did the simple knitting, scrubbed the bit of floor I saw, saw another bit of floor I need to scrub, went to coffee, bought a few things, & MISSED A PACKAGE!!! Rescheduled the package for Thursday xxx
Then I crashed out for HOURS!!! AND HOURS!!!

I hope your niece manages to take you today BC xxx And that your headache clears up. Maybe it's the stress with your family recently
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 16, 2022, 05:51:31 AM
Congrats on the progress and the sleep!

Yes, I got to the PO finally! And everything was fine. I was worried I'd done something wrong since it's been so long since I mailed anything but letters.

My headache is finally gone mostly, my eyes still hurt. I wake up with my eyelids swollen and I don't know why.

Today I have nothing going on except groceries being delivered at 10-11am. I want to spend some time with Aster playing again. I also need to get started on these customs. All my art supplies have come in. I have lots of wool and clay now :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 16, 2022, 12:03:27 PM
My headache is finally gone mostly

Big sigh of relief! Sorry about your eyes. Hope it's not a side effect.

I set up a research project today, hopefully that will still go somewhere while I'm off on maternity leave. It's nice to put like-minded people in contact. I also found out that someone edited something I wrote, but then someone else put it back, so I didn't have to be humble about it :D I ate too much fish fingers and chips for dinner and I'm also enormous. Had to nap after dinner today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 16, 2022, 04:56:55 PM
@BC i'm glad your headache is gone. @Artie after dinner naps are the best :)

it was a long couple of days at work. but i think everything will be ok. i was not prepared for how much being a manager feels like giving therapy. it bums me out when great people feel like they're not doing a good job even when you tell them they're doing a good job.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 16, 2022, 06:37:28 PM
BC, glad your headache is gone! :heart:

On Wednesday afternoon, I emptied the large rainwater buckets from the garden. They were already a little frozen, because now it has been freezing during the day and at night. I added a couple of lanterns to the yard, and they have battery-powered candles inside. I collected decorations / small statues from the garden for storage. Some of them were also frozen to the ground, but with a little push I got them to come loose. :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 17, 2022, 04:50:55 AM
Thanks! :D I feel a lot better today.

It's COLD :cold: I opened the windows but had to close the one next to me because it's too cold :lol:

Today I want to work on the pony customs and get my stuff for sale listed on FB Marketplace.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 17, 2022, 08:44:55 AM
Got more knitting done & working through it nicely yaiy!!! Just three more things in the first colour then I'm onto the second. Also got some laundry on, because I totally changed what I was wearing over. Added a couple of towels & my mask, & there's no room for anything else so underwear needs done later. Two packages arrived today, including the rescedule yaiy!!! So got some bits to sort out from that.

BC, glad the headache has gone!!! And yep, it is getting colder!!! Also glad you made the Post Office!!!
HOM well done on the garden chores!!!
Beth good on you for coaxing your people through impostor syndrome xxx
Artie I bet Surprise Twins Missile Launcher has nothing on you xxx And glad you're networking people well xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on November 19, 2022, 05:01:45 AM
Had a haircut, it's always nice when I get my scalp shaved and the pores are like 'ooooo air oooooo'  :lol: I'm going for my 'flu vaccination later, my letter didn't mention a COVID-19 booster but everyone I've spoken too seems to have gotten their booster at the same time? I'll find out when I go along I suppose
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 19, 2022, 05:45:01 AM
Ooh, you shave your head? Me too! It does feel so refreshing. I should do mine again, it's getting too long on top, although I wouldn't mind a mohawk. I don't think I could shave my sides the correct way though :lol:

I'm finally feeling better and my eyelids have stopped being swollen. Don't know what was up with that. Maybe allergies since I opened the windows? Dunno.

I WILL work on my art today. I'm motivated in my head but can't get started. I'm going to just do it. I'll find a groove.

My niece leaves for Wisconsin today. I'm going to ask my dad to put some money on my account so I can take a cab or Uber to see him and my mom while my niece is gone. The neighbor has a key and will check in on my dad too, so that's good.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 19, 2022, 07:55:55 AM
@BC i'm glad you're feeling better :)

my parents want to get lunch today. i had a rough week and i'm exhausted but i said ok. so now i need to finish cleaning the house. when work is crazy the cleaning kind isn't as high of a priority. i need to get ready for thanksgiving anyway. we need to get our turkey and get other groceries in a couple of days.

it's cold and dreary so i'd like to make some stew and maybe some lintel soup.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 19, 2022, 08:27:49 AM
BC oh no!!! You had a swelling!!! Glad it's gone at least, & I do hope you get enough to visit your parents while your niece is away xxx
Beth I don't know what lintel is but I know lentil soup is delicious!!! And I hope the cleaning doesn't take long!!!

Thumb a bit sore again as a hangnail came through & needed sorted, so back on simple projects, but with the second colour. Aside that got the underwear in the laundry yaiy!!! Also started going through my stock of custom clothing. There's an eBay seller in the UK called Rosiewill who makes these adorable skirts for several sizes of Ponies, & I often get batches of them. I also have some Pink Kittywinks dresses. I've been slowly going through my G2s & assigning skirts & dresses to each (G2 Nightstar is in the stars dress). I still have more to do of them, before I get to the G3 adults.
I also found out I have a fair bit in the bank, so shopped on Gaspode's site. They had (note HAD) a Greek Butterscotch, so I got her!!! I have a couple of tokens to add to my electricity meter, so will have to wait a wee bit before getting so I have enough room to put the lot in.
Oh yeah, I need to bake again...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 19, 2022, 08:58:57 AM
ha ha i meant lentil but i mixed up my spelling  :P

Congrats on getting Greek Butterscotch :)

it was cold and rainy so my parents decided to try again Monday. It's unseasonably cold right now. usually it doesn't get this cold until January. so i was relieved to be able to stay at home and put up the Christmas tree.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on November 20, 2022, 11:18:37 AM
Ooh, you shave your head? Me too! It does feel so refreshing. I should do mine again, it's getting too long on top, although I wouldn't mind a mohawk. I don't think I could shave my sides the correct way though :lol:

I have a mohawk! It's a short one that mostly stands up on his own, my hair is super-fine so I don't use styling products. I got into the habit just to go 'lol mohawk' but it actually is much healthier for my scalp; I have folliculitis (, so exposure to the air and UV light makes the scalp a lot happier. When it gets too long, I break out BAD and start pulling at my hair (not trichtillomania ( style, more GET THIS OFF ME!! style). Had this style since ... 2014? I'm lucky I have a local hairdresser that doesn't charge much to keep it trimmed and I go to her once every 4 weeks to keep it short.

I did shave myself totally bald during lockdown after unintentionally taking a chunk out of my mohawk when trimming. I didn't like the complete bald look, despite a hotspot for folliculitis being on my crown area, because I would get a fright everytime I looked in the mirror when I didn't see my dark stripe in the middle of my head immediately  :lol:

Luckily my jobs all agree with my haircut, and my latest job I outright said I need this cut for my scalp's health. It's broken out recently because I'm not out in the sunlight due to work and the short winter days, it cleared up beautifully and was happy in Spain (the rest of me boiling to death wasn't lol). I was worried my cut would cause customers to look at me askance, but the amount of male customers who love my hair sand wish they could rock the style (especially older men) is brilliant! I did think little old ladies would avoid me, but apparently I just have this face that says I work in customer service and they approach me anyway.

(EDIT: My folliculitis isn't caused by ingrown hairs from shaving my head; I had the condition back when I had lengthy hair as well. My hairdressers and I notice a great improvement in the condition over the summer and worsening in winter)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 20, 2022, 01:54:38 PM
Frostbite I've never heard of folliculitis before!!! But glad everybody accepts your hairstyle solution xxx
Beth it's not that cold here yet but I live in NE Scotland where 20 C outside is considered ice cream weather!!! Hope your tree wasn't too much of a hassle xxx

Didn't bake but will later I hope. Did knit & have some more to do. I also need to vacuum & sort the laundry. Waiting for a new order before I continue dressing G2s...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 21, 2022, 05:57:06 AM
I have a mohawk! It's a short one that mostly stands up on his own, my hair is super-fine so I don't use styling products.

That's so cool! Do you dye it? If I had one I'd have to bleach and dye it bright orange or something :lol:

And hey, I also have folliculitis! I've got it on my chest. I thought it was acne for the longest time.

I have in fact NOT worked on my art. I was blaming the cold, because it effects my arthritis in my hand and my carpal tunnel on top of it. It's warmer today though, so. I have no excuse.

For dinner I'm going to make a Reuben casserole. I made it once before and it was sooooo good. This time I've tweaked the recipe a bit and I had to get canned corned beef because the deli slices are almost $12 a pound. Yikes!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 21, 2022, 07:03:37 AM
@PBW usually it's around 15C-20C during the day in the late fall. below 18C or so is sweater weather and my ideal temp. even better if it's still sunny.

the last week or so it's been about 6C or colder and rainy. it was actually snowing about 50 miles away on Saturday. which is pretty unusual for this time of year. usually it gets cold for a day or 2 and then warms back up. but this cold is sticking around. it should warm up a little soon though. but no sun for a while :(

i'm taking the week off for the Thanksgiving holiday but i may need to do some work.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 21, 2022, 12:00:12 PM
Just a quick check-in, the cardiologist said my symptoms were at the extreme end of what you'd expect during pregnancy but nothing to worry about. The extra heart beats are common but not dangerous and the heart working extra hard is due to my blood volume doubling for the baby. The breathlessness is common too, I need to keep trying to exercise but not get too uncomfortable. I'm very glad it's nothing more serious and willing to just be patient. I've only got two weeks left of work.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 21, 2022, 02:03:22 PM
@Artie i'm glad you're doing ok. it sounds like it's getting close!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 22, 2022, 04:42:13 AM
Artie that happens!!! The baby does put your body through more work, but as long as the docs & midwives say you're managing & you don't feel too unhealthy, things will work out xxx
Beth yep that is quite cold!!! I also read your moan about work & hope things get done & people are kind or at least direct xxx
BC yep the cold will affect your injuries & afflictions, so don't worry too much. You got the important stuff done, so you take your time xxx

A recipe site I used a lot got suspended so I couldn't access it!!! Fortunately I found a replacement recipe so I still got the baking done!!! Also did the vacuuming & finished the simple knitting off. Now back to the more complex knitting again (with all the casting on & off.
My pinkie is peeling like mad at the tip, to the point it's now tender. I wish my fingers wouldn't peel so much, but there's nothing I can do about it... Fortunately it doesn't have a huge impact on my life but hey ho...
Still to sort the laundry but the machine door is open so it can breathe.
Went to Coffee & the shop for stuff & forgot the butter!!! Will have to get that later. Maybe I'll take some glass down when I do
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 22, 2022, 10:18:16 AM
Cheers both. I'm managing unless I have to do a lot of things or a full day at work...I tried to get up twice this morning but ended up going back to sleep for another hour each time. I just couldn't bring myself around. I still keep going in because I know that when I can do stuff it's helful for people. I'm helping someone to learn how to do a risk assessment on Thursday. I get frustrated by people's lack of IT skills at work, but I have to hide it completely.

@PBW I'm glad your knitting projects are coming along and I hope your cooking website is back up soon. How curious about your fingers. I hope it's not cleaning with bleach or something that's causing it?

@Beth Yep it's been 34 weeks exactly. Glad you're getting some time off and putting up your tree etc. Sounds nice. Our tree a bit late this year but I think the baby and Christmas will be roughly co-inciding, so I think we only need one deadline...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on November 22, 2022, 11:38:18 AM
I have a mohawk! It's a short one that mostly stands up on his own, my hair is super-fine so I don't use styling products.

That's so cool! Do you dye it? If I had one I'd have to bleach and dye it bright orange or something :lol:

And hey, I also have folliculitis! I've got it on my chest. I thought it was acne for the longest time.

No, I don't dye my hair and haven't for years now; I used to dye it a lot but the dye always immediately bled straight back out (except black?? my hair REALLY liked black dye???) because the hair is just so fine it has nothing to hang onto. It's much healthier for my scalp to not dye it, I probably tortured my head with dyes and perms when I was younger and horrible people hurting me when trying to brush my hair. My scalp has thoroughly had enough after all that torture!

I thought it was psoriasis when I first started taking my itchy, zit-prone scalp seriously, but the more I looked into it it just seemed like the symptoms didn't quite match. Folliculitis is FAR closer, and it goes through cycles of bad and good, and it clears up a LOT in the summer if I expose it to lots of UV light.

I didn't get to my flu jab, I was so exhausted @_@ My tummy troubles are back and lots of people are off from work so we're suuuuuuuper stressed. This Saturday is a working one too, NOOOOOOOOO
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 23, 2022, 01:55:51 PM
I hardly ever use bleach. My fingers just peel.
Frostbite get well soon xxx
Artie, as long as you know your limits it's all good xxx

back to complex knitting. Had a visitor too. She was a new one & doesn't operate like the ones before, who when I said I had stuff to take away would stuff it in their boots & take it to drop off. To me that's a bit weird, but whatever.
Then I slept for ages again.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 24, 2022, 12:20:20 AM
Man, I'm out of whack :blink:

I'm out of one of my medicines, the one for ADHD. It helps me focus and gives me energy. I've been without it for about four days, I think. I've been super tired the last two days. One day I just slept on and off, yesterday I slept in three hours, which is not like me at all, then later I took a four hour nap. I've been off of soda for a while but I ordered some Dr. Pepper and a couple espresso drinks (even though caffeine doesn't work very well for me, sometimes I can catch a buzz after two Peppers or if I have like 8 espresso shots). So today, I was really tired again. I had a smoothie for breakfast (back on them finally), and had some sparkling water to drink. It wasn't until about noon that I had a Dr. Pepper and then an iced coffee. At around 6pm, I perked up. I was awake and energized and stayed up until 11:30 (my bedtime is usually 8-9pm). I didn't sleep very well and woke up at 2am and now I'm awake. My eyes are tired, but my brain is like 'Party Time! :cheese: '

I'm blaming being out of that med, is my point. And I don't know why it took 6 hours for the caffeine to take effect. Unless it wasn't the caffeine at all. I dunno. Weird.

Anyway, I'm still having troubles getting into an art groove, or any kind of mode at all. I decided to make a quick, fun custom for myself to try and kickstart my mojo. I need to prep the bait though, in fact I have four ponies who need to be prepped, all G3. Ugh.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: tikibirds on November 24, 2022, 12:47:52 AM
Slept the day away and now its 4 AM and wide awake.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 24, 2022, 05:42:07 AM
cooking today. it's thanksgiving and my turkey is still pretty frozen :( trying to get it thawed out and in the oven soon. everything else except the cranberry sauce is done at least.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 25, 2022, 05:04:16 AM
Still without my ADHD med, but I'm not so tired-hyper-tired. I got up at 6 which is more normal.

I'd like to prep the rest of these baits and get started on one today, but my hands are just killing me. I slept with braces on last night, I found one that fit my left hand though it's a bit worn out. Also it's covered in pill balls and I don't know where my clothes shaver is :pout:

Aster and I played for a while last night :D She's getting used to me throwing toys in the air finally and doesn't think it's something horrible coming toward her. On the 23rd it was one month since I've had her. I didn't realize it until today though. Right now she's chirping at the birds out the window.

I need to do laundry today and change the sheets again. I have to use these straps to keep the fitted sheet on the bed. I don't know how I manage to pull it off the corners every time, but I do. Anyway, when I changed them last time I only used straps on the top corners, and the bottom far corner came off. So now they are all bunched up and annoying to sleep on. I should take a shower too. Fresh body, fresh clothes, fresh sheets = bliss :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 25, 2022, 05:15:26 AM
BC I hope you get your meds & your hands sorted xxx
Beth I hope that food gets sorted too xxx

As for me, my other fingers are going peely too. But a wander onto a Reddit thread revealed that using moisturiser is meant to help, so when I found some I started using it. Going to keep using it when I can. Did a bit more knitting, with care of my peely fingers, which get tender after peeling, so had to go more slowly. Got the Rosie package in, so can dress a few more G2s yaiy!!! Problem is, it's noticeably cold in the bedroom now. At night I'm in a sleeping bag, under a big duvet, & snuggled into Bakana, so that helps. But when I'm there during the day it's brr!!! The thing is, it will get worse down there...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Koudoawaia on November 25, 2022, 08:32:11 AM
Got sick the day before Thanksgiving but still had a very nice one with my  husband at home yesterday. Today I am still feeling sick and miserable so off work again and just going to do fun relaxing things.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 25, 2022, 01:07:45 PM
Slept the day away and now its 4 AM and wide awake.

I just did this with my evening. However it was kind of a bit strategic. A battle was likely over something but I just couldn't face getting stressed today and ruining my weekend. So I had a huge milkshake and then went to sleep after I got home from work at 5pm. According to the consultant my heart is actually slightly under-powered at the moment. Possibly due to my age it hasn't expanded quite as much as it should in a normal pregnancy to cope with the extra work needed. By the time I get up tomorrow OH will be at work and I can spend my Saturday hopefully trying to enjoy writing Christmas cards and posting them instead of being upset after a fight. He acts up every few weeks because he's a bit disfunctional. I've tried to help him with things a lot in the past but that involves bringing up his behaviour and right now I just need to opt out of it. The problem with opting out though is that no one else is around to support me. I feel like I could do with a bit of emotional support at the moment. However, I have spent a lot of solitary time in the past though so I'm used to it and will hopefully benefit from the rest and be able to stay in a good mindframe. @BC it sounds as though you're having a better time with your rescue cat than I'm having with my rescue husband at the moment. Well done! P.S. the good news is the baby turned back upside down again so a caesarean section is less likely to be needed. I'm 34 weeks now.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 25, 2022, 07:44:58 PM
@Artie take it easy :) i'm glad the baby turned back upside down. :hug: sending good thoughts to you. :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 26, 2022, 07:59:42 AM
@Artie take it easy :) i'm glad the baby turned back upside down. :hug: sending good thoughts to you. :hug:

Awh, thank you :hug: those are very nice hugs. Much appreciated.

I thought it would to be honest, it seems to be doing somersaults all the time and has been for a few months. RH is putting blinds up, I just heard a clatter from downstairs, and then the drill... So I'm hiding with a tin of apricots (and a fork) and watching Classic Mary Berry. If putting him in purgatory is motivating him to do DIY then I might as well leave him there. There is loads to do and I can't really contribute in my current condition.

How did you get on with your turkey in the end? I hope you had a nice quiet and festive day. I love cranberry sauce but I've never made it from scratch. They don't grow wild around here so I tend to buy it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 26, 2022, 09:27:57 AM
Depression is dumb :(

I'm all set to work on art of some kind, but I just.... can't.... do it. Why? I've got the motivation in my brain. I've been sitting here at a nice clean desk, I even put down fresh contact paper on my work space but I keep telling myself 'I have to do this first' and 'I should do this now' and doing everything but art and somehow at the same time not doing anything at all. This is really frustrating. And it's like, just do it. Just get out some clay and make a thing. Just boil those ponies and rip their heads off. Just take out some wool and stab it into something. I'm not lacking in options! But there's this invisible wall around my stuff... and I can't get around it. Even right this moment, I'm telling myself, stop typing this and do something.

I see my therapist on the 30th. I hope to break this before I talk to her but I'm curious what she would say about it.

I wonder.... you know I've been planning to make things to sell on Etsy. I wonder if I'm afraid of success? Not failure... I'm used to that. But what if my shop gets a lot of buyers? Will I be able to keep up with it? Will my clay creations be sturdy enough? Will my wool creations hold up? Will my custom ponies go sticky over time?  -_-
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on November 26, 2022, 02:55:22 PM
today I went to a local flea/thrift store to see if I could find anything interesting.  Nope.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 26, 2022, 06:08:33 PM
Depression is dumb :(

I'm all set to work on art of some kind, but I just.... can't.... do it. Why? I've got the motivation in my brain. I've been sitting here at a nice clean desk, I even put down fresh contact paper on my work space but I keep telling myself 'I have to do this first' and 'I should do this now' and doing everything but art and somehow at the same time not doing anything at all. This is really frustrating. And it's like, just do it. Just get out some clay and make a thing. Just boil those ponies and rip their heads off. Just take out some wool and stab it into something. I'm not lacking in options! But there's this invisible wall around my stuff... and I can't get around it. Even right this moment, I'm telling myself, stop typing this and do something.

This is exactly the same thing as what seems to be bothering me too!  :blink:
I'm really tired. I would have so much to do and my head is full of ideas, but for some reason I can't do anything at all. I'm just sitting at the computer writing here or I'm sleeping or I'm just sitting anxiously at my desk!  :unsure: Maybe it's time for me to go to the doctor instead of just sitting and wondering how I feel... My husband is already getting nervous when I complain about being tired all the time.  :rolleyes:  -_-

At least I managed to find the red curtains in the living room during the day on Saturday. They were clean in the upstairs closet, waiting for the coming Christmas. I also managed to put a small plastic Christmas tree in the upstairs bedroom. (It has a light chain that works on batteries.) Even after these chores, I was completely exhausted. The rest of the day was spent sitting and sighing.  :(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 27, 2022, 04:39:03 AM
Seems like everybody's tired, & it's understandable, Artie, you're pregnant so obviously the baby comes first, then you as you're carrying the baby, so avoiding conflict is the best thing xxx
BC, you've had so much stress lately it's bound to affect you & you WILL feel tired. You need to recover from emotional effort as much as from physical, & it DOES wear you out. I think depression is when your body says it's dealt with enough emotional rubbish cheers xxx
Everybody else, it's getting colder & darker (I don't see a Southern hemisphere poster here so I know that's true), & whether we admit it or not, it does affect our days & our rhythms. SAD is when it does it enough to have a major impact, but minor ones can't be disregarded either xxx
Koudowaia, get well soon xxx
Gator it's the luck of the draw; some days you find some good stuff, some days you don't. It's half the fun & makes the good days better xxx

Got two more little knitting projects to do today, then it's just the thread sewing. I took the next lot of G2s up to the living room to dress. One still needs a skirt but it's on order. My dried onion arrived!!! So we're good there. Will have to stuck up from Tesco soon... I also need to make more biscuits & write that recipe down so it's on hand. Got my dishes done & had a pizza for dinner (why do I love my home-made pizzas???) And I'm doing a lot of crashing out too xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 27, 2022, 05:36:05 AM
HoM, you probably should see a doctor. Maybe your thyroid is underactive? Or you have chronic fatigue syndrome. I have that, there's a test they do where they find the virus that causes it. I was surprised at first but then it made sense. There are a lot of things that can make you tired, I think vitamin deficiencies can cause it too. I hope you can go to the doctor and find out what's wrong :heart:

PBW, thanks :hug: Today I'm going to try a heating pad on my neck and shoulders to try and relieve some of the tension from stress. That's another thing, I'm not only tired but in pain all the time.

I DID actually get myself to make something last night. Wool cat toys! I made four different kinds out of different wools. I'm thinking I can sell them in my shop if they stand up to the cat test. I'm going to ask my friend who has 4 cats, including a kitten, to test them out. I think cats would really like them because the wool has scents on it from the sheep, and different wools smell differently. I've also been watching a lot of videos about making your own dollhouse dishes. I want to try that too... but one thing at a time. I hate saying I'm going to work on something and then not do it, so, I will say I'd like to and leave it at that.

I was able to get groceries since I sold some things the other day. I'm going to make fresh sub sandwiches :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on November 27, 2022, 11:58:02 AM
A TON of chores in the main shopping town. Got stuff donated, stuff recycled (like water filters that need special pickup points), picked up some extra stuff and the only thing I didn't get was display pouches for work. 5 stores and none of them had them, just punch pockets  :mad: exhausted after that!!!

Tomorrow I have the gas man, garden company and housing people in to inspect stuff. The gas man is a paaaaaaaiiiiiiiin as the mains is behind my manga bookshelf ... I need to empty and move it!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on November 27, 2022, 01:33:47 PM
Today, I am cleaning my room and self up from yesterday's head cold that made me not function well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 27, 2022, 03:09:19 PM
HoM, you probably should see a doctor. Maybe your thyroid is underactive? Or you have chronic fatigue syndrome. I have that, there's a test they do where they find the virus that causes it. I was surprised at first but then it made sense. There are a lot of things that can make you tired, I think vitamin deficiencies can cause it too. I hope you can go to the doctor and find out what's wrong :heart:

PBW, thanks :hug: Today I'm going to try a heating pad on my neck and shoulders to try and relieve some of the tension from stress. That's another thing, I'm not only tired but in pain all the time.

I DID actually get myself to make something last night. Wool cat toys! I made four different kinds out of different wools. I'm thinking I can sell them in my shop if they stand up to the cat test. I'm going to ask my friend who has 4 cats, including a kitten, to test them out. I think cats would really like them because the wool has scents on it from the sheep, and different wools smell differently. I've also been watching a lot of videos about making your own dollhouse dishes. I want to try that too... but one thing at a time. I hate saying I'm going to work on something and then not do it, so, I will say I'd like to and leave it at that.

I was able to get groceries since I sold some things the other day. I'm going to make fresh sub sandwiches :)

Yeh, I also suspect that it might be due to my thyroid failing. I do have medication, but I think the dosage is too low. When I had a gastroscopy, the doctor who performed it was of the opinion that the dose should be higher. I'm going to book myself a doctor's appointment tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. I am trying to get an appointment with a different doctor than the one who has examined me before. I'm also going to make an appointment for blood tests.
In addition to hypothyroidism, I also have things in my life that cause anxiety. It's no fun when these two get to mess with my head.  :cry:

Wool cat toys are certainly nice! :) My boys could love those! Especially Hector! He is the kind of wild cat that loves real natural smells and real meat.  :lol:

I managed to change the Christmas curtains in the second room downstairs on Sunday evening.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 27, 2022, 10:08:40 PM
I DID actually get myself to make something last night. Wool cat toys! I made four different kinds out of different wools. I'm thinking I can sell them in my shop if they stand up to the cat test. I'm going to ask my friend who has 4 cats, including a kitten, to test them out. I think cats would really like them because the wool has scents on it from the sheep, and different wools smell differently.

They sounds really interesting, it's good that you know a few other cats to test them out on.  Should be fun.

I'm off to work in a bit. I slept fairly well last night but husband wasn't too great. Maybe he slept too long in the afternoon and we ate dinner too late. I did some painting of skirting boards yesterday, always a pain to work up to doing it, but satisfying when done.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 28, 2022, 10:05:54 PM
BC the cat toys sound fun!!! And heat pads somehow work well for pain relief. You can get Warmies, which are plushies you heat in the microwave for a minute. I found a sharky one heehee!!!
Artie good on you getting the nasty job out of the way!!!
HOM thyroid issues are no joke!!! Take care of yourself & keep talking to your doc xxx
Frostbite you busy lady!!!

As for me, the last bits of the current knitting project are knitted yaiy!!! Just the sewing to do. The sharky bathroom tissue holder arrived & I got it fitted up. It has plenty of room for what it's meant to do which is awesome!!! It also had a helpful guide sticker to show where the screws go in.
I made the biccies & they're great!!! I also got my messages ordered for Wednesday night, including a choccy swiss roll I can freeze & defrost for Christmas (the one cake I can't make as it needs a wide tray & wide oven). Also wrote down the biccie recipe.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 28, 2022, 11:05:15 PM
@PBW of course you found a sharky one! My Mum has lavender pillows that she heats up in the microwave. Do you have a recipe book that you write in? I'm on my second one.

I just woke up so I had a pretty good run. I will have some breakfast and go up to work in a bit.

@HoM I also got some new curtains, kind of festive but will leave them up afterwards. They are linen effect voile curtains with pompoms all around the outside. I think they will soften the windows and add some privacy over the season.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 29, 2022, 06:08:43 AM
PBW and HoM - Thanks! I still need to order the tails for my wool "mice" (they're just rolls about the length of a finger). I decided to go with natural jute, rooster feathers and wool yarn. Not all on the same mouse, but I wanted a variety of tails to appeal to a variety of kitties :)

I made more stuff yesterday! I made miniature dinner plates! I'll post them in A&C.

Today I want to work on more miniatures. I watched tutorials for how to make books. I think it'd be neat to turn my books into mini books :lol: They were never published, so I'll publish them myself in tiny form.

I need to put my curtains up too. I bought them a long time ago, but I don't have rods. No, they aren't black :lol: For the living room, they're sheer beige and brown gradient with brown zebra stripes at the top and leopard print at the bottom. They're very pretty, trust me :P In the bedroom I got orange to blue sheer panels. Though I can't say my bedroom is very orange right now. Whenever I get my ponies up that will change.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 30, 2022, 05:43:41 AM
My eyes were tired yesterday, so no thread sewing. Did the yarn sewing, but still to add the finicky bits, which need thread...
Had coffee & picked up a couple of things. Got my online shop done yaiy!!! It's due tonight & my bags are ready to pick it up.
I had a rather fun PM to reply to!!! (watch this space) I also topped up my electricity. That will be regular now as it's getting cold...
Will see if I can get finicky stuff done today at all...

BC yaiy on making more stuff!!! Shame your hands can no longer prep baits though...
Artie I don't have a book set aside for that. Maybe I should??? I'm just using paper scraps for now as I currently have a few I like
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 30, 2022, 06:28:17 AM
ugh i have to deal with drama at work today. i'm just frustrated with certain people and situations at this point.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 30, 2022, 10:40:10 AM
My eyes were tired yesterday, so no thread sewing. Did the yarn sewing, but still to add the finicky bits, which need thread...
Had coffee & picked up a couple of things. Got my online shop done yaiy!!! It's due tonight & my bags are ready to pick it up.
I had a rather fun PM to reply to!!! (watch this space) I also topped up my electricity. That will be regular now as it's getting cold...
Will see if I can get finicky stuff done today at all...

BC yaiy on making more stuff!!! Shame your hands can no longer prep baits though...
Artie I don't have a book set aside for that. Maybe I should??? I'm just using paper scraps for now as I currently have a few I like

I really love having a book. I get these leather bound notebooks in TK Maxx. I usually start with scrap paper and if it's a winner it goes down in the book. I leave space for a contents page or pages in the front, leave space for an index at the back when I've filled in the book.

@Beth  -_- I know how that goes. Quick, book another holiday before the last one wears off!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 30, 2022, 01:40:57 PM
You guys write stuff down old school? I just print recipes from the internet and make notes on adjustments and whatnot. Tonight I made smoky mac and cheese with chipotle peppers and ancho chillies. The cheese I used was smoked gouda and sharp cheddar. It called for a lot of heavy cream too. It was good! But i don't think I'll make it again, it was an awful lot of work.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 30, 2022, 05:53:01 PM
@Artie i scheduled Christmas break a couple of weeks ago :) hopefully things will calm down by then. today wasn't as bad as i feared but still stressful. TIL TJ Maxx is called TK Maxx in the UK. does TK and TJ stand for something or did they just pick the next letter? Wikipedia didn't have an answer.

@BC that mac and cheese sounds delicious.

lately i get a lot of recipes from a handful of youtube channels. i also have quite a recipes that i make from memory. i've tried a few times to make a binder with recipes but i never follow through. i tend to make recipes a few times and get burned out.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 01, 2022, 02:55:11 AM
I've been trying to transfer all the old family recipes written on index cards into my computer. I'm a third of the way done. There are recipes from both my grandmothers, my mom and then ones saved from magazines and whatnot.


Yesterday I got a bunch done art wise! I got some more miniatures made and painted two ponies. If I could just get the heads off the other two. I tried boiling them and that didn't help. I know a friend of mine would boil and then literally step on the heads to crack the glue. Maybe I'll try that. They're all G3s, so... very hard to remove. Anyway, I plan on finishing the two ponies I painted and make more minis. I'd like to start a new felting project and finish my cat toys but I need true white wool (I have lots of natural "white" which is more off white) and wool yarn, both witch I need to order. It really sucks too, because the shops were having Cyber Monday sales and I could have gotten my order for like 10 bucks less if I'd had money. I considered asking my mom if she'd let me use her card, but she's told me in the past, "we give you money for bills not your hobbies"... even though, I mean, I usually have around 250 left to get whatever and I usually buy crafting stuff so :P
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 01, 2022, 01:26:28 PM
The reason I write stuff down is so that 1: I have it offline if the internet goes down, & 2: I need a new scanner/printer anyway, plus if I cheap it out the ink will cost a bomb. Everybody's talking about tank printers & I think they sound cool, so long as the ink doesn't dry up in two days...
BC good on you with the art stuff!!! And maybe tell your mother how important your hobbies are to your well-being (whether or not she'll listen is her choice & it sounds like she won't. I think your dad needs help talking to her but you already are talking to her xxx) xxx I'd make my own macaroni cheese but I can't make sauce for the life of me!!!
Beth you have work as well as other time commitments, so of course you can't do days of non-stop cooking. maybe try a recipe every week or so to space it out xxx Also here's hoping the drama sorts itself out xxx
Artie that sounds so organised!!! Not a fan of leather, but I do have some notebooks lying about. Will see if one of them will do. if not, a new one can't be too pricy...

As for me, yesterday was one of those days when I got everything done... EXCEPT the thing I was planning to do!!! The food from Tescos came & I sorted that, I looked for what I needed & some had gone missing, I sorted out whole areas to try finding it all (still missing two things I may have to remake), I vacuumed the areas because they were so dusty!!! I bagged up some gear which needed bagged up to sort it. I found my festive wear box!!! Complete with deer antlers & several festive hats!!! I did a couple of things online too...  :biggrin: And after all that I felt so tired I crashed out until a few hours ago. Then after breakfast I spent those few hours putting up my tree & adding my new LED lights, as well as sorting out the contents of a newly-arrived package. Just chilling now as I go online. I may have to flannel down & wash my hair as I'm all sweaty & sticky...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on December 01, 2022, 01:38:30 PM
@BC Yeah, I think I write stuff down because the act of writing somehow cements a practical task in my brain, like a kind of rehearsal or evaluation. I'm also used to using a lab book for my tinkerings at work and it all has to be sytemised to keep track of about 15 different projects, hence why a contents section at the front and then I index everything at the back alphabetically when the book is full. I recently noticed a job description that mentioned 'use of digital lab book' recently, so I guess times are changing.

@PBW I love the sound of your festive wear box. I'm sure a festive hat will look better with clean hair too

@Beth I had no idea! I bet it's just a quick thing with not much thought in it.The shops have zero personality but I knd of like that because I can focus more on all the bewildering variety of stuff in there. We were just discussing tonight actually that we've got to the end of our interest in a few things we used to make really regularly. But there will be things in the book that we used to enjoy in the past and could probably go back to for a bit. Sometimes I forget to take in the change of seasons too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 02, 2022, 07:53:50 PM
Well, I had a go doing sewing on the first two things, & I'm keeping the rest in another box so I don't lose any more of them. The done ones are in the going-to-post box. Dressed more G2s & wondered about one I hadn't encountered yet. He's in with the lot of G2s I haven't dressed yet!!! And there are a couple of things I need in addition for the same area... AAARRRGGGHHH!!! But I'll wait until all the catch-up knitting & sewing is done (catch-up knitting being to replace the things I lost). Meanwhile, I have coffee beans, a manual grinder, & a cafetiere, so having a go at grinding the beans with the grinder. It's going well so far, as I just grind while watching the screen & it gets done!!! I like it as it has a long handle so more leverage. My hand holding the grinder suffers more than the one turning the handle!!!
As I dressed the G2s I noticed my Hip Holly is a little sticky, but she's always had that issue & she came to me MIP. (these days I don't buy MIP if I can help it of course).

Artie it's weird how that only happens with actual pen or pencil writing. In my case it's due to my dyslexia so I've always had to think about my writing, which puts my full focus on it. That kind of solidifies things in my brain too. I hope you're keeping well xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 03, 2022, 05:01:01 AM
Artie, you're right. When you physically write things down you do remember them better. Also when you read from a real book, or paper, as opposed to a screen. I'm just lazy, and my handwriting is terrible anyway :P

I got more artwork done yesterday :cheer:

The pony I thought I finished, I went back and wiped the symbol and tried again after some practice. Looks much better now :) I think I've also found a bait prepper! She hasn't replied to my last message yet, but it seems she's willing. I also found some free for commercial use designs to make my own mini books, which I'm really happy about!

I need money! I'm hoping my dad will put my monthly allowance in my account on Monday. I think my mom will do hers today. She wants her checkbook when my niece and I visit later. Is the bank open on Saturdays? ...ah, the drive thru is open till noon. My niece won't be up by then. Darn. Things I need to get are on sale again. I'm going to miss it again. I did make $10 yesterday, but that's not enough :P

Today it's more artwork, then visiting my mom later. I wanted to bake cookies for her, but the dough needs to chill for three hours. I don't know if I can make it in time...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 05, 2022, 02:17:09 AM
I finished the catch-up knitting!!! And I forgot to say my tree is up now, with its new LED lights. 100 was plenty enough for my tree so we're good there yaiy!!!
With everything else I'm procrastination central, but that has to change. I need to wash my mask for tomorrow again, I need to sort the laundry out. And soon I'll need dishes & more baking done (I do love cinnamon rolls).

BC I hope you get your medication sorted, & glad at least you got some things done too!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on December 05, 2022, 05:27:53 AM
Hay all, thank you PBW I'm doing well,  officially finished work on Friday and hopefully will have a few weeks until we see our squeaky new human being.

So tired though! I have sent husband out to do the gardening that we should be doing together but I'm too tired. We are planting apple trees today. Normally I would have liked doing these things mysef. But I'm struggling to get up and have a shower myself today. I have a lot of elastic to get into before I can potter about in upright fashion. I will have a lot better understanding of limited mobility after this. I like to watch Gardener's World because it takes my brain throught the motion of doing something active while I'm resting.

I just followed up on two email complaints that I made about three months ago but recieved no reply to! It turns out that sending emails is pretty pointless compared to speaking to a person. I got one conversation of sympathy about being harassed by a dog (long story), which isn't much, but sympathy is appreciated, I can be happy with that. The other complaint was about a broken thing and the Tate Modern shop immediately offered me a replacement. So that's a good thing too since it cost about £30.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 05, 2022, 05:36:26 AM
Today I have phone calls to make and cookies to bake :lol:

I got some more miniatures done yesterday, but I want to make a whole set so I'll be working on those today too. I actually got some decent sleep and woke up at my normal time, not 4am which I was doing for a few days. The kitchen and bathroom are a mess. I need to clean them before I start my artwork.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 05, 2022, 06:11:12 AM
hoping to take my dog to the vet. she still isn't feeling well :(

Update: no appointments until tomorrow so i'll have to wait. she ate some tortilla and her softer treats. she just doesn't really have energy. she's alert and wags her tail some. and is going outside with no issues really. she went over to the fence to see the neighbor dogs. but she's still not eating as much as normal. Luna is concerned that her buddy doesn't want to play.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 05, 2022, 05:14:37 PM
I finished the catch-up knitting!!! And I forgot to say my tree is up now, with its new LED lights. 100 was plenty enough for my tree so we're good there yaiy!!!

It's great that you added a string of lights to your tree. :) In my opinion, the trees decorated with light chains are the most beautiful decorations in the yard at Christmas time and even after. :heart: I have one more box with a light chain of a little over a hundred LED lamps. I'm going to put it in the birch in my yard. :)

hoping to take my dog to the vet. she still isn't feeling well :(

Update: no appointments until tomorrow so i'll have to wait. she ate some tortilla and her softer treats. she just doesn't really have energy. she's alert and wags her tail some. and is going outside with no issues really. she went over to the fence to see the neighbor dogs. but she's still not eating as much as normal. Luna is concerned that her buddy doesn't want to play.

I hope you can get your dog to the vet soon and find out what's wrong with her. :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 06, 2022, 04:19:28 AM
Beth I hope your dog gets well soon & the vet can help xxx
HOM my tree is in the living room (I have no garden) but yep, trees with strings of lights are gorgeous, & stringing some lights on trees you already have is adorable!!!
Artie yep it's HARD carrying that extra weight around. Lounge when you can (when the head engages sitting can be uncomfortable). Yake care of you & little one xxx Also glad you got those issues resolved xxx
BC have fun baking!!!

I managed to sort out the laundry!!! FINALLY!!! Letting it breathe has really helped it not go musty (I rotated it a bit too). I tried putting the rubbish out but the bag was too big & stuck in the bin, so it was still there after collection!!! Had to shift a load of the rubbish into other bags. Didn't get much sewing done but anything is better than nothing. Going to get more done today. Went to coffee & bought a few small things while there. I even got my mask cleaned (just) on time!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 06, 2022, 04:35:34 AM
Beth, I hope the vet can find out what's wrong :hug:

I didn't get anything done yesterday except the phone calls. I was super tired so I slept on and off.

Today I see my eye doctor IF my ride shows up on time. I told them an earlier time than what my appointment actually is, so hopefully they'll come early enough. I really need new glasses. I'm squinting with these on!

I also get some stuff delivered today including a new desk chair! :frolic: It's an early xmas gift from my mom. I got a nice seat cushion too since my old one is worn out. I think some of my craft supplies arrive today too.

The cookies I was going to make I decided were too complicated. Plus, it said the dough would be very sticky and hard to mix, and I don't have a stand mixer, just a handheld one and no special attachments. I found another recipe for regular chewy chocolate chip that I can handle. My niece and I were going to visit my mom today but I can't since I have my eye appointment. The cookies are for her.

Today I plan on making more miniatures. Maybe I'll finish a pony.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 06, 2022, 04:45:08 PM
Thanks for the kind wishes :)

I took her in and am waiting on test results. hopefully they tell us what's wrong. in the meantime she has some pain meds for her legs and some tastier food. hoping it's something treatable.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 07, 2022, 05:19:00 PM
Beth keep us updated xxx
BC it's frustrating when you find a recipe which doesn't work without bug electrical appliances!!! I hand mix too so if it needs a stand mixer it's a big nope!!!

I can't make whipped coffee with my stick, so next time I'll try the bullet... I am however having better luck brewing the grounds for making my coffee the usual way.
I got a couple more sewing bits done, but it's so slow & after a bit I can't because my eyes hate it (really need new glasses but that means going to an opticians & yikes!!! Especially as they still need masks in there). Also running low of the needed items so had to order more... Hoper they arrive on time for me to pop off the package, which is now my priority (the personal stuff can wait).
Had a big old crash-out again, but still managed to get the clothes bags out so yaiy there at least. It's cold & I often have Bakana the haj & Snuggles the sealy in my sleeping bag with me. They're so soft & snuggly it's hard to convince myself to ge4t out of bed, even if I need the bathroom!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 07, 2022, 05:37:50 PM
still waiting for test results. it's already late so it probably won't be until tomorrow. she's still pretty much the same. the pills are making her sleepy. i hate when my dogs aren't feeling well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on December 07, 2022, 08:11:11 PM
Hi all, I hope you're all OK and keeping warm. Fingers crossed for your dog Beth.

@BC and PBW I also need glasses and dread the optician due to the expense and faff involved. I have one pair of glasses that still seem OK from two years ago, but I know from experience that it's time for me to get them checked again. I know it's something I'll probably put off for another 6 months or until I go back to work.

We got our first really cold night here. Husband has taken the week off work to help sort out the house before the baby arrives. We are getting very close to the line. The baby's head is engaging and it's kicking a lot, so I can't believe it will be another three weeks until it's born... but who knows. In the meantime sitting has become uncomfortable. We had tree surgeons visit today and they pollarded a willow and cut back a storm damaged yew. The garden looks so much better, every time we get a room finished or hit a milestone with the garden things feel more normal around here. I have had a lot of bad dreams after the last move because I'm not good with upheaval.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 07, 2022, 10:11:03 PM
I found another recipe that sounds doable :)

I visited my mom yesterday. There's more about that in WYP. Other than that, I played games :P

Today is cleaning day! My apartment needs it. I've been neglecting things. The garbage disposal smells so bad. I have cleaners but they don't really make a difference. I wonder if I should call maintenance.

A huge package came with almost all my art and crafts supplies I ordered. For some reason, one thing is being sent by itself. I think I got something else in the mailbox too. I'll have to go check when it's light out. Oh, and I need to drop off the rent check.

I'm hoping to list my guitar and amp on FB Marketplace sometime today. I have some other little things to list as well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 08, 2022, 11:24:44 AM
Jessie's lab work didn't show anything so we need to get an ultrasound. she seems to be a little better today but she's still moving slowly. i'm very nervous about the ultrasound. i was hoping it would be something we could knock out with antibiotics. trying to stay positive.

need to go to the grocery store and pick up some more doggie treats too. there's a lot going on at work so at least is a good distraction.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 09, 2022, 02:06:23 AM
I'm sorry, Beth. I hope the ultrasound goes well and you find out the problem.


I slept three hours and got up at midnight. It's nearly 5. I was able to prep four ponies myself with the help of boiling water and a new blade in my Exacto knife :accomplished: Two of them are all chewed up but they're going to be heavily sculpted, so it's okay. One is a gift and the other one is my second spring pony. The first one needs hair and eyes still, and her accessories.

Yesterday I got a lot of cleaning up done. No vacuuming because of my back. I went to the mailbox and dropped off the rent check too. A package said it was delivered but it wasn't in my mailbox and I didn't have a locker key. Then last night right as I was going to bed the doorbell rang and it was my downstairs neighbor with the package. It's more felting wool :) Now I have a crisp bright white. I also got some other colors.

I've decided what I'm giving my parents for xmas. I'm going to make my dad something and buy him a couple little things. My mom, she's getting a cat! Not a real one, since they won't let her have her cat in Assisted Living. I'm getting a life sized plushie that looks like her (she's all black with yellow eyes - so not hard to find)  with a personalized collar with the cats real name on it. Plus a couple small things. I think she'll like it :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 09, 2022, 05:54:09 AM
Beth here's hoping the ultrasound reveals what's wrong xxx
BC YAIY at receiving packages!!! And those sound like sweet prezzie ideas xxx
Artie yep it's cold here too. And told you sitting would be uncomfy now!!!

When I say it's cold, I mean COLD!!! As in there was a little snow on the ground when the postie came with the Pink Kittywinks box for me. Got a little more done, then crashed for ages, with only Scarlet O'Hara interrupting...
Managed to start on the cinnamon rolls at least, so that's good. Just waiting on a few more things now, including my seal plushie's winter gear & the extra press studs. Meanwhile I'll use the ones I have here.
Edit because how could I forget I made broccoli & cheese soup!!! I got 3 portions out of what I made & ate one with garlic bread. The other two are in the freezer waiting for when I eat them
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 10, 2022, 06:12:14 PM
HOM my tree is in the living room (I have no garden) but yep, trees with strings of lights are gorgeous, & stringing some lights on trees you already have is adorable!!!
Oh okay!  :) Do you mean that nice Christmas tree of yours (which picture you posted in another thread) or do you have another tree in your living room?

Beth, I also hope that the ultrasound will reveal what is wrong with your dog. :heart:

On Thursday, I did the first snow work of this winter with the snow scoop! :joy: It was nice! On Sunday afternoon, I have to do it more, because it snowed from morning to night all Saturday! :stunned: :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 10, 2022, 09:40:28 PM
HOM my tree is in the living room (I have no garden) but yep, trees with strings of lights are gorgeous, & stringing some lights on trees you already have is adorable!!!
Oh okay!  :) Do you mean that nice Christmas tree of yours (which picture you posted in another thread) or do you have another tree in your living room?

Beth, I also hope that the ultrasound will reveal what is wrong with your dog. :heart:

On Thursday, I did the first snow work of this winter with the snow scoop! :joy: It was nice! On Sunday afternoon, I have to do it more, because it snowed from morning to night all Saturday! :stunned: :heart:
That's the tree!!! I thought a Festive Decor thread would be a good idea for when everybody gets their trees & stuff up so we can see the decorations!!! Cheers for liking it xxx
Glad you're enjoying the snow work, & hope you reward yourself with a nice hot drink after xxx

I managed to make the cinnamon rolls & got four items done!!! (One of mine included because of having to use the thread up). More packages have arrived, including clear risers to give me an extra level here & there. Going to keep ordering those slowly to give me added display space. I was able to use these ones to home some parts of my collection which had long been awaiting said home so we're good there. If I keep going like this, by Tuesday the box should be ready!!! Here's hoping, so I can ask for it posted (they closed the local post office so I need to get it posted from somewhere else). Another thig which arrived was a festive hat & scarf "for teddy bears", where the hat barely fits a G3 Fashion Style Pony!!! But it does, so the bigger hat was replaced & is now paired with the scarf so my plushie seal has festive wear yaiy!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 11, 2022, 04:37:39 AM
Your seal sounds so cute, PBW! Pics? :)

I finally got some sleep! Had a lot of dreams. Aster was in one, I think that's my first dream with her (that I remember). Yesterday I worked more on my ponies. I practiced eyes and got them done. They're not great but it will have to do. Two should be finished today but I can only show one for now because the other one goes with another custom I haven't started on yet.

I have to go down to the mailbox today. Some of my Amazon orders were left there. I really hate when they don't come to my door. One package was left by my door though, a new cable and tuner for my guitar. They were only 12 bucks in total. I want to sell my guitar and amp but my cable is bad and my tuners are waaaaaaaay old :lol: So a little investment was not a big deal.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 12, 2022, 04:23:55 AM
As requested!!!
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Glad you got a good sleep!!! And hope you reach the mailbox xxx

Got all the next lot done with time to spare!!! Didn't bake but hey, didn't really need to...
Had a frantic hunt for stuff & finally found exactly what I needed!!! Also prompted another quick sort
Today I need to finish the last lot so I can get it posted tomorrow...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 12, 2022, 05:35:26 AM
Adorable! :heart:

I slept again! :happy: Had lots of dreams again. Mousie was in one, I was hugging her. I'm trying to teach Aster how to hug. She's very loving but when my head or body gets too close to her, she freaks out a little unless she initiates. There's nothing like a good kitty or doggo hug.

I finished those two ponies! I just need to wash their hair. I can get started on the others, need to bring out my airbrush for them. There are 5 and I might do FBRs on a couple more while I have the AB out.

All my packages came and I got them all yesterday. I had gotten nice looking arthritis gloves that go all the way up your fingers while still leaving a bit of room to type or whatever. The compression in them isn't very strong though. I think I'll double up with my other glove on my right hand and see how that goes.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 12, 2022, 08:45:10 AM
Today I'm taking Jessie to have an ultrasound. I have to drop her off which makes me nervous. i'm also nervous about the results. she seems more herself lately. so i'm hopeful. yesterday she was even carrying one of her toys around. she still wants to only eat really tasty foods like cold cuts but she has a good appetite for that. i think she's holding out for the good stuff.

@BC I still have dreams about my childhood cat who passed almost 20 years ago. i had one a few weeks ago where i was cuddling with him. those dreams used to make me sad but now they're comforting for me.

Update: won't have to final results until tomorrow but everything looks good with Jessie so far. her lymph nodes were a little swollen so maybe it was just some infection after all.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 13, 2022, 05:15:36 AM
Well done on your crafting BC!!! And glad everything arrived!!!. Aster will do the stuff at her pace xxx
Beth here's hoping xxx

I got the package finished!!! And started on a few more things for me too. Today I went to coffee & asked somebody there to post my package for me. I'll recompense them later as we're going to carols on Saturday. I came back after picking up bits at the Co-op, including electricity, & one of my press stud packs arrived yaiy!!! Another package also arrived frim a sharky server friend, including a home-made spicy sauce. It was wrapped  very well but the cap was broken, so I transferred the contents & the label to an old ketchup bottle. The other stuff in the package was cute too xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 13, 2022, 06:22:13 AM
Yay for packages!

Beth, I'm so glad everything looks okay so far with Jessie :) Here's hope that it was a simple thing and she's over it now.

More arts & crafts today. I didn't use the AB yesterday so maybe I'll bring it out today. I have so many ideas for ponies :freak:
I'm making baked spaghetti for lunch/dinner. I got some smoked gouda to put in it, yum.
One of the packages I got yesterday was a really nice and soft long sleeved shirt. I don't have any, just a hoodie and a couple sweaters that are "nice clothes" so I don't want to wear them around the house. It's not always cold enough for the full hoodie though, so this shirt is perfect for days like today. I need to wash it. They were out of my regular laundry pods and got a different scent. So I'm hoping it's good and doesn't bother my allergies.

There is one more package I'm waiting for coming from Latvia. Wool yarn! It's the last thing I need for my cat toys, plus you can needle felt with it so I bought a bunch of nice colors for any future projects. I'm also waiting on two more cards for the card swap. They're coming from the UK. I hope they get here in time.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 14, 2022, 08:06:14 AM
The coffee people posted the package for me!!! Apparently they aren't doing recorded now but they're still doing tracked, so we're good xxx Less than £10 to post too!!!
Trying to convince myself to sew on press studs but my head says knit knit knit!!! Hate that. See Wonderful Nature thread for weather here...

BC it's fun but also overwhelming when your head just fills with ideas like that!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 14, 2022, 08:59:37 AM
Yeah, I need to finish what I'm already working on :P

My dad gave me money for my xmas present! I ordered another desk. I want another desk so I can have a dedicated space to do my artwork. I'm going to make a crafting cubby. I need to move the cat tree into the bedroom, she doesn't sit in it anyway. I'm making cookies for my mom today, we're going to visit her tomorrow. I also need to list the rest of my stuff on Marketplace. Doing laundry now! I can wear my new shirt when the dryer is done :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 14, 2022, 06:15:40 PM
It's nice to read that everyone's weekdays have gone quite nicely. :)

Beth, glad your dog is doing better! :heart:

Many of my evenings have been spent pushing the snow scoop and cleaning the yard, but it doesn't bother me!  :joy: I love snow and winter! :heart:
On Wednesday, I was finally able to take the red carpets to the laundry. On Thursday evening I go to get the carpets back home and I can put them on the floor right away.  :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 15, 2022, 07:13:28 PM
Craft corners sound so fun!! I've never had a proper one myself, but I hope you get a good one sorted BC!!! Also yaiy for prezzie money xxx
HOM sounds like you've been busy!!!

Still got the knit bug, so sorted my yarn out to find some scraps I can make into scarves & blankets, while I work on press-studding more of what needs that. Going out tomorrow so will hit the pharmacy for more yarn in colours I need, among other bits & bobs. I can see it costing a bit but it will keep me going with stuff so yaiy there.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 16, 2022, 05:47:44 AM
It's COLD today! An artic blast hit the country. I feel sorry for the people living in temperate climates because it's going to be extremely cold for them. Here it's knocked the temp down to 60. That was shorts weather in Wisconsin :lol: It's nice, maybe a bit TOO cold. I like it around 70 personally, with no humidity of course. Man, it was humid yesterday, everything felt moist.

Tomorrow my new desk should be here, so today I'm going to move things around and set up my craft cubby :happy:

My mom gave me more money after she called the bank to get her balance. So that means I can buy a convection oven just for clay and a new pasta machine (that will go on my new desk!). Plus some other crafty things. I can also get the other gift I wanted for my niece. I bought the shirt I found but there was also this awesome poster. I couldn't afford both before but now I can :) Part of my mom's present came yesterday along with what I got my dad, it's in a parcel locker by the mailboxes.

As far as art goes, I need to find some more ponies to airbrush. Now that the awful humidity is gone, it's a good time to do it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 17, 2022, 08:11:05 AM
it's cold here too. it will be even colder next week. also it must be mountain cedar pollen time because i've been sneezing and having headaches.

i'm getting ready for christmas dinner so i need to do some grocery shopping today. also, my phone signal issues are continuing today. i told my parents to text and my mom called instead. then the signal dropped. i need to just go by and see them.

Jessie is recovering but she has all of these scabs that she keeps licking now. i think she had a reaction to some of the meds. she is eating better but still doesn't want to eat her regular food. she doesn't really like the dry food all that much so i think she's holding out for the chicken.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 17, 2022, 09:37:30 AM
BC so glad you can get more stuff for crafting!!!
Beth aww, glad Jessie's getting better xxx

I spent yesterday making pizza & knitting scrap yarn into things. While sorting the uarn I noticed some missing colours I'll need, so this morning I went to the pharmacy for more. Good thing too as I fell this morning & hurt my leg!!! I ran out of Germolene, so while in the pharmacy I got more. Also got the yarn, a couple of things I need, & a prezzie for the other person I give prezzies to. Had to hit the Co-op for batteries as everybody's low on AAs... After that & some more knitting, there was a carol service on. I loved it last year so went again today. The singing was great, there was veggie fare on offer, & I got to hand over the prezzie & the money for posting the package, as well as seeing more people I'm fond of. There were a couple of quizzes too but one was badly worded... The food was effectively my lunch, so will just need something light later yaiy!!!
Got home to letters & a package through the door. The package was my latest HQG1C who is adorable!!!
Piccies to come...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 18, 2022, 07:57:03 AM
Well, my desk is delayed in shipping. I can't move anything else around until I get it and see what size it is. I know I could use the dimensions listed on it on the website but I'm bad with measurements. Aster isn't happy that I moved the hassock. She likes to loaf there beside me and watch out the window. It's full of ponies that go on the shelf at the moment. That's another thing, I want to put up different shelves but again, I can't until I see how the desk fits.

I got my 20/0 brushes today so I can practice eyes. I also got my jute rope to make miniature baskets. I'm getting something from Etsy today, but I'm not sure which thing it is. I'm hoping it's my yarn, coming from Poland, it's been in transit for a long time.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 18, 2022, 04:18:26 PM
BC I hope your yarn arrives!!! I saw your desk did too!!! Carol pic in What Made Me Smile thread.
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Sorted this fellow out. More knitting, & laundry too. Need more laundry capsules. More knitting. Need to bake cookies again... Had to clear the drain of the machine again, but done xxx Also need to put the bin out
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 18, 2022, 05:10:36 PM
Beth, Good to hear that your dog is recovering! :hug:

Sunday afternoon I had some work to do with the snow shovel!  The temperature was at zero all day, which means the snow had become very heavy! :pout: My back and wrist didn't like it, but I had to do it. After that, I dragged more firewood inside to dry. (On Wednesday at the latest, I will make the fire in the fireplace.)
I managed to put up a little more Christmas decorations. Now I'll be on the forum for a while and then I'll go to sleep. visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on December 18, 2022, 11:00:49 PM
Hi all, I'm still rolling around at home, today I'm trying to put books away. I'm exhausted just reading some of your lists! Furniture, firewood, full-on baking! Phew! Yesterday, we finally got the living room clear enough to set up the TV and stereo. Most of the stuff we have left to do is on me, like packing hospital bag, dusting books and finishing my pony list. It doesn't sound too bad but I have a LOT of books and ponies. Luckily the freeze has finally broken here and the temperature will be a balmy 11C so I can dust the books outside. I suspect the ponies will get done after the baby arrives.

Update on the baby, it's getting too big apparently so I'm planning what they call sweeps next week from Thursday. The midwife thinks it's too early but the consultant disagrees so I'll give it a go. If I don't post much for a while it's because I'm literally girding my loins. On that note I do hope everyone has a peaceful Christmas.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 19, 2022, 04:42:43 AM
Yes, my desk did arrive! It's all put together. I moved the TV and recliner a little to make more room. Now I need to put the shelves up, it's a little too early for that though. I'll wait till around 9 to start. Then I need to move my current desk up and to the left. I'm hoping I can just lift it with the crowbar and shove the carpet sliders in instead of having to take everything off of it. Then I need to move my bookcase and craft drawers. I think I'll just turn the bookcase and leave it where it is. I'm not sure about the craft drawers. I should probably get one of those plastic carpet protectors for the chair, since I'll be moving between desks once they're in place. I'll have to measure for that.

I'll take a pic when it's all set up :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 20, 2022, 04:52:31 AM
BC sounds exciting!!!
Artie take care of you & little one, & have a good Christmas xxx At least you're managing a few little things xxx
HOM well-earned sleep!!! Have a home-made cookie & some hot choc xxx

Yep, I got the cookies baked, got the bin out, emptied, & back home. Two more packages arrived so that's good. MORE Knitting!!! Coffee this morning; last of the year with festive treats added to the usual fare. YUM!!! Got prezzie from coffee pal yaiy!!! Due a visit again. Will see if they can take a couple of things for me... Meanwhile MORE KNITTING. Leggie still hurts & foot is swollen... Still rubbing cream on leggie. I hit it even slightly with anything & OUCH!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 20, 2022, 05:46:34 AM
i'm already tired and my day hasn't started. but tomorrow is my Friday and then i'm off for all next week. i should have taken this week off too but i feel guilty.

i need to prep some food before the cold snap we're expecting on Friday. just in case we have a repeat of 2021 where we lost power and water for days. i'll be making soups and some lasagna. also need to make sure the laundry is all done.

@Artie send you happy thoughts. i hope everything goes smoothly and you get to meet your little one soon :)
@BC looking forward to photos of the desk
@PBW take care of your leg. hoping it's better soon!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 21, 2022, 06:59:05 AM
It took longer than I thought it would, I kept forgetting and then remembering things, but my desk area is all set up! I have a nice cozy corner for internetting/gaming and if I swivel behind me is all my crafting stuff within reach :)

Here is the view from the kitchen (which is a little messier lol)

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My PC desk

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My crafting desk!

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I put up these shelves for my WIPs though there are a couple of customs by myself and others plus my childhood Raincurl on there for now.

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The image on the wall I made and printed myself. It says, 'Commitment is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism' which is from a fortune cookie I once had. I found it accurate with me and a lot of things in my life. I think I can't do something, so I don't try at all. But if I believe in myself I can push through and at least get a start. With my art, with exercise, with eating better, heck even getting out of bed. I guess it's turned into my mantra :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 21, 2022, 07:21:40 AM
BC I love it!!! It looks so organised & well set up!!!
Beth I hope you get enough done while not wearing yourself out completely xxx

Visitor came & sorted what I needed her to sort, including a Boxing Day feast for people like me who live alone & have a few issues xxx Means all I have to do before the New Year is get the recycling out (that will be Friday after Christmas though).
Aside from that, more knitting!!! And managed a little sewing too!!! Quiet today so hopefully more sewing. Delayed package arrived finally, & ordered two colours of yarn I don't have in my stock. Leggie still hurts but improving slowly. Need to do dishes today, otherwise just taking it easy & knitting & sewing.

Well I did a little sewing, a good bit of knitting, & made some veggie nuggets!!! I did them myself & used flax seeds to try holding them together. It seems time is an ingredient I didn't give them quite enough of, so that's a note for the future. Everything else was quite tasty!!!
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The middle ramekin is for sauce to dip the nuggets in. i was gifted some spicy sauce (it's VERY spicy btw), & ended up diluting a little with some ketxhup for the nuggets. It was all delicious & when the nuggets set they were yummy!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 23, 2022, 08:47:22 PM
Seems the thread's gone quiet. Anyway, in between more knitting I made some gingerbread sharks!!! Piccie soon as I've still to ice them
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on December 24, 2022, 05:31:01 AM
Chores chores chores and MORE CHORES. I washed my pillows (not the cases, the actual pillows) which I hate doing as they take f.o.r.e.v.e.r. to dry but it must be done -_- I managed to wake up early enough to get the bins out as mine were due to be collected Boxing Day so it was moved to Christmas Even instead. For some reason the neighbour threw out a carpet next to the bin in the garden in the bushes?! PUT YOUR CARPET IN THE BIN!!!! Luckily a mostly-absent neighbour's bin was empty so I threw it in there but I wasn't happy wrestling a wet-from-rain carpet into the bin at 7am!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 24, 2022, 06:27:20 AM
Ooh, veggie nuggets!

My plan today is to go to my dad's house later where he, my niece and I will do our gifts. Then my niece and I are going to see my mom. Then I don't know. I think my niece has plans with her friends, but I'm going to ask if she wants to go looking at Christmas lights later. I'm not sure where to go for that... downtown Punta Gorda does a big thing for Halloween but I don't know about xmas.

Just got a text from my niece... she's coming to get me.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 24, 2022, 06:57:38 AM
have fun BC!

we survived the cold so far. there was a power outage in my neighborhood and some people in another part of town lost gas service for a while so they had no heat. we have solar and batteries now and they worked great. my neighborhood is all electric so gas service doesn't affect us. my parents also didn't lose any utility service. so not great but so far nothing like the freeze back in Feb. 2021.

Today i'll be prepping for Christmas tomorrow. We didn't make any official plans but i'm assuming my parents are coming over. my uncle's christmas/new year gathering was canceled because his foot is acting up again. i think my mom was sad but i'm not too disappointed since i don't have to drive 3 hours 2 days in a row. i told her we could plan another time to visit.

i didn't pick up any desserts so maybe i'll try to back something. i'm not that good at baking since i'm bad at following the precise directions. maybe i can get my husband to help out.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 25, 2022, 06:53:05 AM
Thanks! I did :)

We've always celebrated on Christmas Eve. That was my dad's doing. We have snacks and things like cheese and veggie platters, dips, hors d'oeuvres. Then at night with all the Christmas lights on, we do presents from the family. Christmas morning was always for Santa, whose gifts were unwrapped, and we'd have the big meal later with all my aunts and uncles, and friends of my mom and sister, my cousins, my grandma and her BFF. I have lots of pictures from those days :)

The last two Christmases haven't been the same at all. Last year it was uncomfortable since my sister wasn't there. She was always so funny.

Then this year, my mom and dad were split up, no decorations, no finger foods or homemade cookies (I was going to make some, but I forgot to grab my mom's stand mixer).

It's sad. This might have been the last Christmas with both of my parents.

They liked their gifts though :) It was nice visiting with them. I took pictures with my dad. I wanted to get some with my mom too but it was crowded in the room and she was in the wheelchair so it was hard to maneuver. I'll get some next time I visit.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 25, 2022, 09:44:48 AM
Beth, here's hoping your baking goes well!!!
BC, I mix without a stand mixer but that is hard on hands so I understand your needing one xxx I hope you all (you & your families) have a peaceful Christmas xxx

Quiet day for me today. Yesterday's socks were wrong & my left leggie told me all about it!!! Restrictive socks aren't fun at the best of times & as my left leggie still hurts it moaned about the sock on it a TON!!! Had a simple couple of supermarket veggie burgers last night for dinner, watched a couple of films I'd wanted to for ages, then today, I had a go at making this:
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The other half is on a smallish plate in the fridge for another day. It's quite yum, & I managed it in the air fryer with my trusty silicone mat
Oh & more knitting!!! Got two more studs sewn in too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 25, 2022, 05:42:47 PM
my parents came over and we had christmas dinner. i didn't end up baking anything with all of the other cooking i had to do. but we had enough to eat. they want to come over again tomorrow to eat to we can't eat too many leftovers. everything came out ok even though it took longer for everything to be ready. the roast was a little overcooked but still tasty. the holidays are literally the only time i want 2 ovens. so i can keep stuff warm while other stuff cooks. we had a double oven at one of the houses we rented and i think i used it twice but i would have come in handy today.

i do get a little sad every year as my parents are older. it's also harder on my husband and i having to do everything for both thanksgiving and christmas. i'm afraid i get a bit snappy when i'm busy cooking :huh: but at least my parents live close now so we can relax after dinner.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 26, 2022, 05:53:17 AM
PBW, maybe you should get your leg checked out? Did you? I slammed my leg trying to get in a van and fractured my tibia but I didn't know for a couple months. It's past the point they can do anything unless they refracture it, which I passed on. So it hurts a lot with the weather and stuff. I can recommend a copper wrap around brace. They're cheaper now than they were a few years ago when copper things were "in". I have one and it helps a lot with the pain. It heats up with your body heat and can get quite warm but not enough to be a danger.

My neck hurts so much. I'm going to get my heated shiatsu massager out and and let it work on my neck and shoulders. If that doesn't make it feel better I'm going to MedExpress for it. They can prescribe something.

If I can sort my neck out, I'd like to work on some miniatures today. Yesterday I slept off and on.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 26, 2022, 07:36:41 AM
It is healing though, slowly xxx Take care of your neck BC!!!
Beth I don't blame you for cooking irritability. I usually have to focus on it a lot, fortunately the air fryer has a timer (its best feature IMO), so once I've set that right I can do fine xxx

Watched a cheesy festive film on Netflix (the one about the singer), then hit bed to be ready for today. Was picked up at 12:30 then another person was collected, then we got to town, where the meal is held. We had soup, sandwiches, & other baked treats. I got some fine veggie pastries & a sweet potato soup!!! I saw my friend, the first support worker!!! Her mother has had a hard time of things... I took Bakana of course!!! I also got to take some stuff home which was awesome!!!
Got a bit more knitting done too. Have to do some dishes & clean the air fryer...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 26, 2022, 01:39:28 PM
My neck feels better :) I let it run on my neck for 20 minutes and then lower where the real tight muscles are. I wanted to do my shoulders too but I couldn't position it well enough. I will do another session before bed.

I took a nap with Aster. I woke up just in time to get my groceries. I had a craving for biscuits and gravy so I bought some. I have sausage and eggs already. I've got some corned beef hash I can make with it too.

Right now I'm trying to clean up a little.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on December 27, 2022, 04:55:06 AM
I. SLEPT.  :shocked:

I went to bed for a nap around 5pm yesterday, I woke up briefly to reset my in-game shield (and actually drifted off waiting for it to load, that's how out of it I was!). I woke up around 7am to answer the door to the police who were looking for someone, ate a snack/had a drink, then back to bed again until 12am.

Everytime I woke up I would just roll over and go straight back to sleep. Clearly I BADLY needed it!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 27, 2022, 06:11:48 AM
It's great when you can sleep :) Especially if you need it. Sometimes I sleep for 15 hours because I need to catch up on my sleep debt. Haven't done that in a while though.

Today I'm feeling much better :) I did three sessions with my massager yesterday and have already done one today. I had to hold it up to get my shoulders and man, did it HURT. But after a little while they started to loosen up. This is such an intense knot of muscles and tendons going on that it even travels part way down my arms :crazy: I still have that line going from my right shoulder area to the temple behind my ear, which hurts quite a bit. But you know, with all this pain topside, my back doesn't feel too bad :P

I'm going to try and make plans with my niece for stuff, before she goes up to Wisconsin. I need to get some things from the house for my mom and myself (I have a list because I keep forgetting). I need to go to the PO again. We need to visit my mom. I want to visit with my dad. I have to find out what is going to happen with him and his dialysis when she's gone. The neighbor took him last time and she had a key to the house to check on him, but she moved out a couple months ago. My dad's "friend" totally blew him off for Christmas (my dad asked him to do some shopping, he said yes, but then didn't do it and ignored my dads calls). So I don't think he is very reliable. I wonder if he gets medical transportation like I do.

I need to clean the bathroom and do the cat litter. Then I can relax and work on my crafts :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 27, 2022, 09:01:34 AM
Leggie update on Trivial Complaints. Frostbite yaiy sleep!!!
BC I hate unreliable friends, that's how I ended up with support workers in the first place!!! Glad you're feeling better!!!

My air fryer was a doddle to clean: everything just peeled off!!! The stuff from the bottom I just put on top of the half I haven't eaten yet so it can go back into the food when I reheat it. The basket stuff went on the floor (vacuuming soon I swear).
My dishes weren't hard either, just rinse out most of the stuff (it had been soaking at least) & change the water in the bowl. More knitting too. I found my G2 Snowball, who's missing his cape, so of course I knitted him one, & a matching hat & scarf. Hat looks weird, but I'm new to knitting Pony hats...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 27, 2022, 01:49:52 PM
taking it easy today. finishing up the leftovers today and getting some errands and organization done. i also need to finally go out and cover the future rock garden. the change in daylight hours really makes it hard to do outdoor projects. but i hate heat so i would still rather do outdoor stuff while it's colder.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 29, 2022, 06:25:48 AM
Today my neck is bothering me again. I'm going to sit with the massager in a minute. When I'm done I'm going to work on something. I haven't done anything but make some miniature plates since I set up my crafting desk. I need to do something. I had a new idea for a custom pony, but I haven't finished the ones I'm already working on, so. I need to finish at least one and then I can start the new one.

I got most of the cleaning done yesterday :) The only things I haven't done is mop the floors and vacuum the bedroom. I also got a quote on removing my cardboard pile, it's more than I can afford. So now I'm thinking of paying a few of my niece's friends to do it. I don't know anyone else. I know one thing though, once I get rid of it I'll never let it pile up again.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 29, 2022, 06:47:08 PM
Have a nice relax Beth xxx
Hope you get more stuff done BC xxx

My recycling is ready for collection yaiy!!! Did more knitting too, & sorting some of the yarn out. Have some browns & used a lighter one to make some stuff. Watched a couple of films too. NEED to take the glass out, go to the Co-op, vacuum, sort the laundry, & a few other bits & bobs. I want a clean house on the 31st!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 30, 2022, 04:06:54 PM
Hi! :relaxed: I took a little Christmas break from the forum and haven't even touched my laptop much for many days…but now I'm back!  :P

Christmas went well. :xmas: Although I think it arrived to us far too soon and I'm a little depressed that everything was over so soon.  :snow:

We spent Christmas Eve at my brother's place, as we have done in many other years. :heart: There was the same small group of us again, i.e. me, my mother, my spouse, my brother, my brother's children and my brother's spouse.
We had a good Christmas meal and after that in the evening Santa Claus arrived! :D This was probably the last time that Santa came to visit, because the familiar man who plays Santa is going to quit his job. He is already old and he is tired of going from house to house. The niece had hoped for this Christmas that Santa Claus would come and it came true. She still believes in Santa, but her brother doesn't. ;)
In Finland, gifts are opened already on the eve, and that's what we did after Santa left. Everyone got nice and necessary presents. :)
The other days I've just taken it easy at home.

We had a white Christmas! There was snow like in the old days, that is, a lot!  :frolic:

My mother got the flu just before Christmas (now she only coughs) and now my brother got the flu (almost 40 degrees fever, sore throat and blocked nose). It hasn't caught on to me and my spouse, yet. :lookround: It's not coronavirus on either of them, they've been tested.

We spend New Year's Eve at home watching movies. Rain has been promised for the evening/night (all the wonderful snow will melt! :cry:) so I'll watch the fireworks from the window if the neighbors are "wasting their money" on the sky.  :nuts: :lol:

I hope you all have a nice New Year's Eve as well! :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 30, 2022, 09:18:16 PM
Glad it's a good one HOM, despite the minor illnesses!!! It can be good to go offline sometimes xxx

Took the glass out, then hit the Co-op, got everything except pepper & milk (forgot the pepper & all the milk had short dates). MORE knitting!!! The recycling went!!! Ordered more yarn & a few other bits. Got to sort laundry, do dishes, clear living room floor, vacuum, & take a nap so I can see the fireworks at midnight. Meanwhile the knitting continues...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 31, 2022, 04:27:01 AM
HoM, I'm glad you had a nice Christmas! Sorry people are sick. Take lots of vitamin C!

My plans today are to do the dishes and... that's it. I'm not settling on anything for certain (and even when I do, I don't always do it). I know I'll be up late because of the fireworks. I'm hoping Aster does okay but I don't think she will. She still spooks at loud noises.

My yarn finally came :) It's smaller than I thought but it will work for what I wanted it for. Now I'm just waiting on my chains and I'll have everything I ordered.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 02, 2023, 12:21:59 AM
I saw about Aster xxx Poor cat scared of fireworks xxx Glad your yarn came BC!!!

Went out for a wee bit to watch the fireworks. Was crowded. Fireworks were great, weather less so. Between crowds who don't realise people live where they think they can stop for a blether, half a ton of people rushing off when the fireworks ended, & intermittent showers, I got wet!!! And due to the crowds it was harder for me to get back home.
Apart from that, just more knitting. And more knitting!!! And finally starting to assign clothes to Ponies!!! Five Mountain Boys, two HQG1Cs, one G3 Boy, Winterberry, & two Winter G3s all have outfits on, with three more Winter Ponies waiting for me to finish theirs.
On that note, I have only seven sets of press studs left, & far more than seven jumpers still to finish or even start!!! Will deffo need to order more, because I'm loving how the Ponies look in their jumpers.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 02, 2023, 05:18:25 AM
You gotta post pics of all the ponies wearing clothes!

Yesterday turned out to be a great day :D I used my amazing gift from a friend, it was a special slot in a game I play, and in the same game, one of my ponies got a special award for the week! :cheer:

My chains came too, so now I have everything I ordered. Just in time to order more stuff :lol: I further organized my arts and crafts. Everything is within reach of my table. I still want to put up another shelf.

Today I'll be making miniatures. I think I'll start with some wood grain dishes and utensils. I also want to airbrush some ponies, but it's awfully humid, so I might do that another day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on January 02, 2023, 04:00:17 PM
Happy New Year! :heart:

The following text would also fit in the complaint thread.. But I'll write it here.

My brother is still sick. Luckily, he's been off work and he's resting at home. Especially because of his heart, he has to take it easy now! Now his spouse is getting sick too. My mother still has a cough, but otherwise she is doing better. It seems that everyone around us has caught some kind of flu. :( Myself and my spouse are still healthy, it's a miracle!  :wow:

On New Year's Eve, we were at home and watched a movie. I went alone to watch the fireworks outside at midnight, because it wasn't raining at that time. Fortunately, the neighbors had much less rockets this year than last year, but yes, they also made too much noise. I liked watching them sparkle and flash, but the sounds made me anxious. I even started to cry because I heard a bird in a nearby tree start chirping in distress! :cry:

I went to the doctor on Monday and got the results of the blood test. The hypothyroidism has continued to worsen, so I got stronger medication for it. :cloud: The next time I will go for blood tests and see a doctor already in March. This time I had a different doctor and that was a good thing! He is much more competent, listens and takes me seriously. I felt really good after visiting him, even though the results of the blood tests were not so good. I was able to clear up other things and my concerns better with him. :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 03, 2023, 05:26:58 AM
Glad you got a good doc HOM!!
Glad things are arriving & you got to use your prezzie BC!!!

Started on piccies. Still more to go though... More knitting meanwhile, & this time something not Pony, because Snuggles needs some cold weather clothes!!! Starting on a winter hat. He suits royal blue, like me, so using that colour. Will keep me going until Velvet Bow & Toboggan's colours arrive. I ordered more press studs too, so they also need time to arrive.
Have patience: the fashion show is coming...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 03, 2023, 05:35:19 AM
I'm glad you found a good doctor, HoM. Sorry the thyroid is acting up, but the medicine should help. I need to have mine checked too.

PBW, is Snuggles your seal? :)

Today I want to work on ponies. I was sculpting on one earlier in the night but didn't like it so I tore it all off. I'm still wanting to airbrush but it's still humid, not as bad as the other day though. I did get some miniature leaf molds made. Romaine lettuce leaf, cabbage leaf and iceberg. I never got to the wooden dishes because I misplaced the arm for my pasta machine. I did end up finding it but I was doing ponies by then.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 05, 2023, 03:57:37 PM
Snuggles is the seal yep. I made him a hat!!! Took more pics & doing more Pony stuff with what I have until new yarn & press studs arrive. I need Velvet Bow's purple... I Still have Mistletoe & Candy Cane to do but they're easy. Candy Stick too. There's a reason the Festive Cottage Ponies are waiting for their jumpers: I can get at them without traipsing down to the bedroom.
Been hard to keep routines otherwise, or even make routines. My sleep schedule is the running joke of my fave server!!! Leggie mostly ok, save swollen foot. Hard to put shoes on, but it needs time.

I saw your doc problems BC, including long wait, short visit, & creepy fellow. At least you got some stuff done xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 06, 2023, 06:35:06 AM
I hope your stuff arrives soon! Sorry you're not sleeping well.

Today is not as humid, also the temp dropped again, so I can finally airbrush those ponies. I also got inspired for a needle felting project! Other than that I don't have any plans. I slept in this morning. Usually Aster gets me up around 7 but she waited until 8. The bed is a disaster again. The bottom left corner came off, both the sheet and the mattress pad. I think I mentioned I use straps on the top corners to hold things down. I should put some on that bottom corner too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 06, 2023, 09:55:10 AM
i'm having trouble sleeping too. my dog woke me up several times and every time i fell back asleep she started making noise. now i'm sleepy.

other than work i need to do some cleaning. planning to get Thai food for dinner and relax tonight. i also need to exercise. i'm trying to walk on the treadmill and lift some weights every day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 06, 2023, 05:17:07 PM
Glad you're making progress BC!!!
Beth sorry about your sleep!!!

I put some photos up of capes & jumpers in my craft thread. I still have more to take, & more to work on, but I'm getting there. Started assigning the G3 Boys capes & stuff. Still going through the colours knitting them. Also making Snuggles a waistcoat, but that's a bigger project.
Otherwise just quiet. Found I hadn't eaten my gingerbread sharkies, so I'm currently having them with hot chocolate.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 07, 2023, 07:27:12 AM
I got the airbrushing done, sort of. I was having a lot of problems getting it to work. It's been sitting for a while, but I always clean it before I put it away. Even so, the tip and needle were stuck so I had to soak it in hot water. Then the first pony I did, too much paint was coming out and it was splattering everywhere. I forgot how to mix for the right consistency for non-airbrush paint. I got it right on the second pony though and he came out just fine. I'll have to try the first pony again in a different color.

I think I can finish my 4 year old WIP pony today. He needs hair, eyes and embellishments.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 07, 2023, 08:05:15 AM
today we're taking the car in for maintenance. that will probably take most of the day but other than that i'm just planning on doing some cleaning and organizing. i need to put the christmas tree away. i already put all of the other decorations away and the tree looks sad without it's decorations. i need to get some indoor twinkle lights. they really brighten the place up when it's cold and dreary outside.

i'm also trying to find some new clothes for my husband since he refuses to pick out clothes himself. he wears stuff until it's literally falling apart and i can't look at it anymore!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on January 09, 2023, 09:26:14 AM
I'm going to hafta go pick up my cd at Barnes n Noble. I don't wanna, because it's cold, rainy, and blustery.  :cloud: :cold: But by the time the next nice day rolls around, they won't hold it anymore.

"Get good exercise and save money on shipping," I said.   :hmm:  :really: Bah!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 09, 2023, 01:44:12 PM
BC, you win some, you lose some, when it comes to crafting xxx
Beth, I hope your car gets fixed well & properly xxx
LAW dress for the weather & you'll be fine!!! Make yourself a nice4 hot drink when you get home too xxx

As for me, the reason I didn't post yesterday was due to doing experiments: how to taper knitting so it looks right in hats. It WORKED!!! So I tried the same thing with a bigger project: a skirt. Like the jumpers, skirts will need a press stud sewn in. I had a go at a G3-sized yellow one, which seems generous enough to also fit a G1!!! Now just to make a jumper to go with it, & have fn making more skirts in colours Rosie doesn't sell... I also have to make a few more jumpers, but getting there!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on January 09, 2023, 03:14:48 PM
BC, you win some, you lose some, when it comes to crafting xxx
Beth, I hope your car gets fixed well & properly xxx
LAW dress for the weather & you'll be fine!!! Make yourself a nice4 hot drink when you get home too xxx

As for me, the reason I didn't post yesterday was due to doing experiments: how to taper knitting so it looks right in hats. It WORKED!!! So I tried the same thing with a bigger project: a skirt. Like the jumpers, skirts will need a press stud sewn in. I had a go at a G3-sized yellow one, which seems generous enough to also fit a G1!!! Now just to make a jumper to go with it, & have fn making more skirts in colours Rosie doesn't sell... I also have to make a few more jumpers, but getting there!!!

Just got home. Can't wait to see your work PBW.  :happy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 10, 2023, 05:03:46 AM
Today I can finish my custom that was sitting for four years :) I need to finish prepping my styling size bait so I can make it into a Raincurl. Might try to re airbrush that one custom today. I also started a mandala pony on a G1 Applejack I dyed bright orange. All but the one that needs the AB are keepers though. I need to make more ponies to sell. I have to make a basket and Easter eggs too.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on January 10, 2023, 06:25:39 AM
Ordered a new phone as I've had my current one for a long while and the room is reaching a critical low. I normally don't change phones unless a) it's broken beyond repair (happened twice) or the software no longer supports my banking and messaging apps (every other phone). It's a large amount of money and I'm nervous about it, but considering I spent so long away from home it's a lifeline and I think I need it. Ordered a nice phone case to go with it and hopefully it arrives before the phone!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 10, 2023, 07:12:36 PM
busy day at work with lots of calls. didn't get enough actual work done :( i guess calls are a lot of my work now but i'm still adjusting to my new role. also i finally broke down and ordered a mechanical keyboard. i really hate the mac one so hopefully i like it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 11, 2023, 06:11:20 AM
BC, well done on completing a Custom!!!
Frostbite, I've had my current phone for years because I spent good money on it & like it, so I get you on not replacing a phone too often xxx
Beth yep it does seem like your calls are a big part of your job now. Hope your keyboard serves you well xxx
LAW you have to be patient as i have other things to do first, then I can showcase more stuff.

Anyway, had the coffee (which started up again) yesterday & went to the pharmacy for, you've guessed it, MORE yarn!!! Found a couple of nice colours & got them, then hit the Co-op, but FORGOT THE SCOOSHY CREAM (cream in a tin you scoosh onto hot choc)!!! Had a visit too. Still no clue when the kitchen & bathroom upgrades are happening, but it's this year...
Meanwhile more knitting...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 11, 2023, 06:35:47 AM
Thanks! I think I can finish the mandala pony today too.

It's supposed to be 80 tomorrow but then the temps drop again in the low 60s with low 40s at night. I ordered another pair of sweatpants since I just have the one and need to do laundry. I do have other long pants but it's thin material.

I've decided I want to lean to knit. I want to make my own socks. They have such awesome self striping yarns. I found a free online class on how to start and then there's a second class just for socks. I also want to be able to knit things for miniatures and ponies. PBW, I think you inspired me :inlove:

So, my goal for this year is to do as much crafting as I can. I'm putting my dream of opening an Etsy shop on hold. Giving myself concrete goals tend to slow me down (fear of success I think it is). I want to be well rounded, so I'll work on ponies, miniatures, needle felted things, and the knitting. I've made a promise to myself to finish a project before starting a new one. I think I'll have enough things to work on so that won't be a problem as I tend to set something down "for a little bit" and it turns into years. Luckily, the shelving I put up above my craft desk has all of my WIPs on it so I can keep on track.

Todays list: Laundry, litter boxes, shower (later when it's not so cold), then Mandala pony. If there's still light left, a needle felted animal. I wish i had a better lamp or daylight bulbs in my ceiling light. I could call maintenance to put some in, but I want to get rid of my cardboard pile before I let any staff in.

edit, later: I actually spent most of the afternoon cooking. I made Swedish meatballs. Never had them before but I saw a recipe and after reading the ingredients, it sounded right up my ally. It was very good (and I have leftovers) but a lot of work.

I was in a lot of pain and didn't work on any crafts. I did get the laundry done and showered. I'm leaving the litter for tomorrow.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 13, 2023, 12:55:29 AM
BC here's Love Crafts, who shows you the basics & a few other fun things, & she doesn't just knit. She's a lovely lady who puts me in the mind of being taught by a granny, & she talks in both UK & US terms. I intend to use her crochet tutorials soon, & since UI have looped needles, looked up her tutorial on them too:
Another more US-based, more knit-centric person, is Sheep& Stitch here:

Between these two I'm slowly working on improving my knitting. I tried the stretchy cast off technique (very handy), & am also making my first round knit, in rib stitch!!! Welcome to the journey, & I doubt it will be just Ponies you knit for!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 13, 2023, 04:12:11 AM
Thanks for those links! The classes I'm going to do are by this guy -
I've learned some stuff already about the types of needles and yarn :) I'm going to take it slow. I jumped into needle felting and although I love it I've become overwhelmed. I need to step way back and start over.

I've almost finished the Mandala pony custom. I just need to curl her hair and all I have in my craft stash are skinny straws. I want bigger, looser curls for this one so I have to buy some curlers. I'd be nice to have some on hand anyway.

Starting a new project that is pony related today. It's nothing hard so maybe I can finish some today and show them :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 13, 2023, 10:01:36 AM
Yep, easiest start is Pony blankets. They make great swatches & will keep your Ponies snug as they sleep. Sew a couple together for a sleeping bag too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 16, 2023, 05:02:05 AM
The Mandala pony is done, just need those hair curlers. I started on a new custom. A cordyceps pony! I'll be working on that for the day, lots of sculpting.

It's supposed to be 80 today. It's 42 right now.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 16, 2023, 06:58:45 AM
BC, that's quite a temperature change

today i'm going to take Jessie to the vet again. Her recovery seems to have plateaued. she eats but i still have to hand feed her. some days she doesn't want to eat much at all. all of the tests didn't find anything. i think her mouth hurts. she has good days and not so good days.

we also have to go to Trader Joes and get some dog treats. i really wish they would build one closer to my house. i have to drive 30-45 minutes into the city. i like going into the city but it's a pain to drive so far for groceries.

on a positive note Luna has made a lot of progress. she doesn't need to be in a crate anymore when we leave the house. so i'm trying to figure out when it's ok to remove her crate. for a while she would sleep in there but lately she prefers to sleep in on the bed or on the armchair. i don't want to take away her safe space but the crate is really big. maybe i'll keep the door closed for a few days and see if she asks to go in there.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 16, 2023, 12:14:28 PM
They might have overestimated because it's only 66 right now. I don't think it's going to make it to 80 today.

I'm sorry Jessie still isn't herself :( It's good that Luna is doing well though. With my dog who was crate trained, he always slept in there when he didn't feel well so we kept it out, but it slide under the built in desk in the kitchen so it was out of the way.


This morning I went over to the food pantry that comes every other Monday to the office across the street. It was my first time there and I only brought one fabric Walmart bag. There was SO much food. I grabbed some bacon, lettuce, bread, two turkey wraps, some spring water and cupcakes. That was all that would fit in my bag. Some people brought wagons. A dude I see all the time outside offered me one of his bags but I said thanks but I need to be able to carry everything up the stairs. I think if I go again I'll bring my stair dolly, it has a large bag to put stuff in.

I worked a bunch on that custom, she's all painted and connected to the base. I took a short nap and am getting ready to start sculpting fungus :P
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 17, 2023, 06:53:02 AM
I made a pizza the other day & had to take stock of my food. Home-mades are fine: I have frozen veg, pizza base, pizza sauce, pie fillings, & three portions of soup because I ate one as I checked. I have flour, butter, & several types of sugar, & still have a few packs of dried yeast too, so can make a load of that, But my cereal & coffee were running low, & I have no scooshy cream. So when I went to the Co-op after coffee, I had a few specific things on the list. They had everything I needed EXCEPT the scooshy cream!!! The Fairtrade stall is also missing at coffee so that's a pain too, but I found a couple of things on the table (it's for putting stuff you don't need on so others can take it if they do) including a yarn bag. I have been knitting as well, but that will be in the woolcraft thread.
It's snowing!!!

BC I'm glad you got some food!!! And I look forward to seeing this custom xxx
Beth poor Jessie!!! Also, you live in Car Central & it stinks how it's designed to prioritise cars over people xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 17, 2023, 07:05:50 AM
I have to ask, what is scooshy cream?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 17, 2023, 08:21:07 AM
The vet was a little baffled by Jessie's condition. we're trying antibiotics and an antihistamine. also some eardrops. she seems a little perkier today but she's still mostly sleeping. i'm really hoping the medication fixes whatever is wrong. i hate that she's so skinny now. normally i have to chase her all over the house to do any eardrops. but this time she whined a lot but didn't try to run off :(

the "lifestyle" marketing around cars and especially trucks in the US is just insane. according to the commercials every truck owner is either off-roading in some remote wilderness or a master builder who can singlehandedly build a skyscraper because he's the toughest. i guess it appeals to someone. i do think younger people aren't as into cars as an identity. but huge trucks are everywhere here. it's almost weird if you are in the burbs and don't have at least 1 truck. and people drive them like they don't also be hurt if there is a wreck. also the same people who give people dirty looks when their kids have to stop playing in the street in order for cars to move through have several cars. having other transit options in the burbs would help that, silly.

i really think there are a lot of people who would prefer at least a mass transit option. but there are also a lot of people who are convinced beyond all reason that cars mean freedom and mass transit means more crime and don't want to be around other people. they want the isolation i guess.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 18, 2023, 01:52:50 PM
Scooshy cream is cream in a can you scoosh onto stuff like the top of a hot choc.
Beth I hope so too xxx Yep, that's exactly what I've heard about most of Texas.
BC more hugs!!!  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Two more packages arrived yaiy!!! One was more yarn, the other was a multi-coloured sharky plushie from Aliexpress as I couldn't resist!!! Still got a couple of things to come in the post, but here's hoping xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 18, 2023, 02:34:57 PM
Oh, so like Reddi Whip I'm assuming. Yum!

Beth, I hope they can find what's wrong. Did they check for stomatitis?

I finally got some money in my bank. I bought some supplies and more clay. I also called the junk removal place but no one answered the phone, so I left a message. The minimum is $125 and I hope my stuff isn't more than that because then the price jumps to $285. Sadly, I'm not able to get my knitting supplies or the shirts I wanted to buy this month. I'm running out of "nice" shirts. I lost one due to a grease stain recently, it's a house shirt now.

Today I slept on and off. I'm just so tired. Only two more days until I see my therapist. It's been almost a month. I'm going to tell her I can't go this long without a session. I'm going to work on some more G1 charms until I go to bed. Still trying to stay up til 11.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on January 18, 2023, 05:36:06 PM
Beth3346, I too hope that it will soon be clear what is wrong with the dog!  :huh: :heart:

BC, One really tired here too! :zzz: I'd like to sleep all the time.. If I could, it would be interesting to try how long I could actually sleep. No alarm clock, no going anywhere, just me, the bed, darkness and silence.  :snore:

Despite the tiredness, the days go by quickly and I forget to write down the days' events here.  :blush:

Sunday was a nice day when my brother visited us with his children and spouse. :heart:
My niece had put makeup on her eyes. Black eyeliner. It was the first time I saw makeup on her eyes. She is 10 years old. I couldn't recognize her at first. I "wondered" where my little girl was and who she was.  :lol:
My brother still has a bad cough and so does my mother. (They got the flu at Christmas time) My brother's spouse only has a runny nose. My spouse and I didn't get the flu. It was truly a miracle.

On Wednesday afternoon, I tried out new black markers. They have different types of thin tips. Now I might finally be able to do the outlines better.  :)

Nothing worth mentioning has happened in these other days... And probably not tomorrow either.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 19, 2023, 10:17:51 AM
I would love to sleep for more than one or two hours at a time. I can sleep for 15 but I wake up a lot. I can't sleep in silence, well, I live next to a major road with lots of traffic, have loud neighbors and inconsiderate people blasting terrible music in their cars. I have to have a fan on or even a white noise machine. The only time it's quiet is around 4am. Sometimes I get up just to enjoy the quietness.

I've been busy today. Here's a peek at what I'm working on. I'm jumping from project to project while waiting for paint or glue to dry or whatever.

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The orange pony with the gold hair is waiting on perm rods to get her hair curled. They're not coming until the 24th. In the back is my cordyceps pony, a mimic of a real horse I saw a picture of online, his markings and colors were so unique. Next to him is another realistic horse, he needs leg feathers. In the front is the sparkly winged unicorn, one half of my Easter/Spring customs, a basket I made from jute twine and two bunny heads. They will have bodies eventually :P The other pony, who I need to airbrush, will get baby chick friends :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 19, 2023, 12:43:57 PM
the vet checked her mouth but didn't really see much. she thinks that the skin infection may be causing more inflammation in her mouth. i think the new medication is helping. she didn't whine during the night last night. yesterday i took her over to my parent's house. she has excited to see them. we also met their neighbor's dog, who is also named Luna. She was very sweet.

today just more work. i need to do some cooking too. i've also been slacking on my exercise so i need to get back to that.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on January 19, 2023, 02:59:02 PM
BC, wow, you have a lot of wonderful ponies in the making there!  :art:
Those bunny heads are cute... at first I thought they were bunny slippers for the pony!  :lol:
That parasitic fungus pony looks really interesting!  :ohyeah: The orange pony is really beautiful! :heart:
It's great that you have that many ponies to work on.  :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 19, 2023, 11:48:48 PM
BC WOW!!! That lot will keep you busy, & I look forward to the results xxx
Beth I do hope Jessie gets better, & I'm glad she & Luna had a good time with their friend & your folks xxx
HOM glad you had a good time with family, & that you found some nice markers xxx

Ordered batteries, including ones which fit my doorbell (the bell itself; the receiver runs on standard AAs), because I missed a parcel!!! I have a doorbell because it's hard for me to hear knocking on my door from my living room, especially if I'm playing something with noise in it, so making sure the doorbell works is essential.
Will need to do laundry again as my underwear bag is growing full... Also need to stop knitting long enough to bake again. At least I have cash in my wallet (folks' Christmas money for me) so have been using it when shopping locally. I have a new debit card too so will have to update stuff re that. Otherwise just quietly knitting & stuff (more on the knitting later, but I take breaks from the big projects by doing simple things like Pony capes & jumpers)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 20, 2023, 04:57:41 AM

Today the junk guy is coming :cheer: He's going to give me an estimate after looking at my pile and if I agree he'll start right away. Inspections are on the 31st so I'm super glad he was able to come so soon. It should cost about 125 according to the website.

I'll be working more on the customs. The speckled horse just needs hair and the second batch of fungus needs to be painted and attached to the cordyceps pony. I want to do some work on the winged Unicorn too. I'm making a tutorial while I work on the wings.

Last but not least, I see my therapist at 2pm. It's been a month!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 20, 2023, 06:52:39 AM
those wings are amazing!

every morning i log into my work computer early to see what my meeting schedule looks like. then i immediately forget and have to check again. at least it's Friday. this was a short week and everyone at work seems exhausted. i'm exhausted. it's been a rough time to be a software developer.

today work work work. then hopefully we'll get something for dinner so i don't have to cook.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 20, 2023, 08:01:12 AM
My junk pile is GONE :cheer:  :frolic:  :happy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 20, 2023, 02:12:25 PM
My junk pile is GONE :cheer:  :frolic:  :happy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on January 21, 2023, 05:20:55 AM
HAIRCUT HAIRCUT. My scalp is too angry for the really sharp trimmer so I've just gone for a super short trim and will go back in 3 weeks hopefully when the skin is calmer. Gotta repot the baby chillies now my perlite is FINALLY here
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 21, 2023, 05:27:43 AM
I should have cleaned out my fridge and freezer before he came, but it's okay. My niece is back in town and she has a truck and can help with the regular garbage. AND I had two empty boxes yesterday (small ones) and I cut them up and put them in the trash. This complex doesn't have any recycling. It's just a big trash compactor and everything goes in. It really bothered me when I first moved in because I've been recycling all my life. Seriously, my mom bought me a can crusher for like my 9 birthday.

Anyway, if I could drive I would take it to the recycling center, but I can't and my niece doesn't want to go all the way out there every time she does my garbage. So. I live with throwing everything away. I feel for the amount I have recycled, and everything else I've done and do to help the planet makes up for it.

Today is more arts and crafts, more ponies. One is finished :cheer: I just need to take pics. Since I finished a project I get to start a new one. I'm making a bakery stand out of lollypop sticks for my miniatures :) I think I can finish the cordyceps pony today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 21, 2023, 10:43:06 PM
I got the laundry done!!! I also had another attempt at making veggie burgers; still mushy, despite flax AND oats in there. I think the problem is I need to use butter instead of oil. More knitting.

BC I saw the Pony!!! And it's a shame you can't get to the recycling place without transport... I'd love to see this bakery stand!!!
Frostbite I hope your scalp gets better xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 22, 2023, 06:21:39 AM
I got some SLEEP :faint: Deep sleep too, I had lots of dreams including one with Mousie in it :heart:

More crafting today! I need to put the bakery stand on hold since I can't cut the lolly sticks cleanly. I thought I could do it with my big wire cutters but they can't cut all the way through. I need a little miter saw, luckily I found one on Amazon and it's under 20 bucks. Then I had the thought for the cutest miniature and I'm really excited about it... but it's a secret! :P

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 23, 2023, 08:52:59 AM
Congrats on finishing another Pony!!! And that happens sometimes; you have to work with what you've got xxx

I baked!!! I made cinnamon rolls & baked cookies while they proofed!!! Then I baked the rolls!!! More knitting in between & rotating the laundry until I can get working on sorting it
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 25, 2023, 01:01:19 AM
Update Wednesday
Along with more knitting, I went to coffee & also topped up at shop on food & electric. Fairtrade stall was back & so was friend who runs it. Bought a load of stuff & saw her new tin in use, while I had a good chat with her. Got more packages on order but none arrived yet
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 25, 2023, 06:32:31 AM
Today I'm doing some running around. My niece is picking me up when she picks up my dad from dialysis since it's down the road. Then I need to grab some things for my mom at the house and talk to my dad. Then go see my mom, give her the stuff, get a check from her and go to the bank. It doesn't sound like a lot but these places are far away from each other so it'll take a while. When I get home, I'll work on some crafts. I got a new idea for a custom :)

With the money my mom gives me I want to get that desktop miter saw so I can start making dollhouse furniture.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 25, 2023, 04:34:07 PM
i'm feeling a little bummed today. nothing specific to me. just not feeling great about the future right now. at least the week is almost over.

there were a ton of meetings today. i still got some work done though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 26, 2023, 05:25:54 AM
My mom gave me a bunch of money, so I went on a shopping spree last night! I got a kitchen table (finally), some much needed clothes, and some arts and crafts stuff :) PBW, I got my knitting supplies :frolic:

I need to do laundry. I'm going to try and wash my blanket. It's a weighted blanket at 20lbs. It's machine washable and I read that 20lbs and under should be fine for at home washing machines. Mine is a top loader with an agitator though and I don't know if most of the articles I read were talking about modern front loaders. I'm going to attempt it anyway. I spray it with Febreze every week but that's outgrown its usefulness.

Then I need to clean the floors. I'm dreading the bathroom just because I have to take everything out of it, then clean, then move everything back. Ugh. I might leave it until tomorrow.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 26, 2023, 08:06:47 AM
@BC i'm glad you're getting some of the stuff you need. i would put the washer on a low spin setting to it doesn't mess up the agitator. the blanket will probably be pretty heavy when wet.

i feel a little better today. still stressed though. i think i need to get out of the house and do something fun. i'm just focusing on bad stuff. when i'm at home it's so easy to doomscroll.

i'm planning to run some errands after work. nothing too fun though. but i do have some pony mail to pick up from the box  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 26, 2023, 12:22:39 PM
Did maintenance on the PC & watched a cheesy film, otherwise more knitting.

BC YAIY for knitting supplies!!! Have fun learning & take your time xxx With the blanket, I feel you. I have one sleeping bag which is too big for the machine & I have to wash it in the bath instead... Keep an eye on your machine in case you have issues.
Beth deffo do something to cheer you up, even if it's something simple like picking up Pony post. We all need a little joy in our lives xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 26, 2023, 02:05:52 PM
Well, I decided not to wash the blanket... I don't want to risk my washing machine and I also don't know if I would be able to get the blanket out of it when wet. It's going to be heavier. Like I said I have a top load and bending into it to get socks from the bottom hurts my back so hauling a 20+ pound blanket out of there is going to be hard. There's got to be a laundromat around here. I can take an Uber.

I did get all the rest of the laundry done :) Including my other blanket, which is bright orange with bats on it and super fuzzy. I think I'll just sleep with that one until I can clean the weighted one and if that's not enough I have a heavy (but not 20lb) orange cotton blanket I can pull out of the closet. I can wash that one without issue.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 28, 2023, 03:13:57 AM
Quiet day doing little but knit

BC good on you for improv xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 28, 2023, 03:43:06 AM
I've been up since 4am. Just took a shower. Now I'm tired :lol: I don't know how showers wake people up.

Been sculpting on a pony custom and doing mini books. My miter saw comes today so I can finally make the dollhouse furniture I've been wanting. I have tutorials saved for a bookcase, a table and chairs, a picnic table, a bakery counter, a bakery rack/shelf, a wall shelf, a desk, and an entire kitchen. The only thing with the kitchen set is none of it opens... but I think I can mod it to. The desk has drawers that open, so I can copy that. I really need a room box... I wonder if I can make one out of a cardboard box? If I add structure to the sides, top and bottom, it might work. Ooh! I can mod one into a cabin or something. Excite! :frolic:

Some of my knitting supplies come today too. My double needles won't get here until the first week of Feb. I did get a pair of bamboo needles though, so I can start practicing.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 29, 2023, 01:09:38 PM
That's cool BC. I started on flat knitting first anyway. Did not do well on my first go at double-pointed needles, but love my circular ones so far!!! Also congrats on completing another Custom!!!

Between more knitting I got 2 packages in: my doorbell batteries, & the latest stuff from Pink Kittywinks, so more Ponies got clothes to wear. Will have to do some more photography soon...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 29, 2023, 01:27:56 PM
Thanks! I got what the guy with the tutorials recommended. Bamboo single point needles, the double needles, crochet needles, crochet hooks in two sizes and Lion brand Basic Stitch yarn which I got in 3 colors including a nice greens and white self striping one :D The other colors are cinnamon and heather grey. The yarn and crochet hooks haven't arrived yet.

Today and yesterday I cleaned. Everything is done except the mopping and the bathroom... I think I'll save it for tomorrow because I HAVE to do it then, inspections are the day after.

I was working on another custom in between cleaning. She's almost done. She's a make up pony for my custom Halloween Swap partner. I kind of dropped the ball because the hurricane came through when it was going on. Not my fault, but I feel bad. So I offered to make her another custom.

Also today, after I get done browsing the web, I'm going to needle felt three coasters for my desks and my nightstand. Hmm, maybe I'll make four, one for my table too. I don't think I can finish all 4 tonight, but maybe. I'm going to make the three in the living room/kitchen animal print and the one in the bedroom orange and blue :) My living room and kitchen is Africa themed. The bedroom has all my orange stuff.

There's also movies on Amazon Prime I need to watch before they're not free anymore! I would put them on while working but I'm the type of person who needs to actually watch and pay attention to movies. I just haven't had any non-housework or non-art downtime where I'm not sleeping.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 31, 2023, 05:28:15 AM
Nice start there; it's best to start slowly with a couple of things, then gradually build, especially on a budget. Have fun & congrats on cleaning!!!

As for me, the knitting continues, while I've fitted some complete projects onto Ponies. One needs a good spray with Dullcote...
I also got some dishes done & went to coffee today. Fairtrade (Traidcraft) is going out of business, which is not good, as I love their ginger biccies!!! The ones I make myself are simpler biccies, more like ginger snaps really. These are big crumbly biccies with pieces of ginger in them & they're so good!!! My coffee pal who does our stall is not happy as doing that stall has been a huge thing for her!!!
Picked up a few bits from the Co-op, but I mean a few, as I have to update my card (ditch the old one & start the new one) as it runs out February. Also I get the big money next week, so I just got enough to hack it until then
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 31, 2023, 06:31:55 AM
this week is off to a rough start. first it's super cold. everything is icy right now and in Texas that pretty much means you're stuck at home until it warms up. it's looking like I won't be able to leave the house until Thursday. i do have enough food but we're a little low on doggie kibbles. i'm hoping to get more delivered tomorrow. i've also been feeling really tired. i've been having trouble waking up early so my days are all messed up.

i'm mainly bummed because Jessie seemed like she was getting better but yesterday she had some tummy problems. i'm hoping it was just a temporary thing. i also changed her food to a food for dogs with food allergies. so maybe it's that. today i'll make her some chicken. she goes back to the vet Monday and it's looking like she'll need more tests. her skin looks better but she's still not back to herself.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 31, 2023, 06:44:15 AM
Beth, I'm sorry Jessie is still unwell :(

Today is inspection day. I saw the guy, old dude. Hopefully, I won't even get picked. It runs until 5pm. I see my therapist at 2. Watch him come then.

I needed to get the mail since it's been a while and I had three packages come. My back and legs are still really bad from the last few days. I made it to the mailbox but had to sit down on the concrete for a few minutes to rest and catch my breath. The sun was on me and it's really hot! I was able to get up (I never know if I can) and walk back to my stairs, then I sat on them and rested some more. I finally made it back in my apartment. Ugh, and I had so much junk mail!

I got all of my knitting supplies except the double needles, but I can use the bamboo ones and start! The yarn is super soft.

I'm taking it easy today and resting my body, besides the trip to the mail. I started one of two big projects. It's posted in Arts & Crafts. I've set it aside for now. I need to stare at for a while. I want to airbrush these two customs too. I had to turn my AC on because of the humidity plus it was 85 yesterday and will be today and tomorrow. But it's more the humidity than the temp.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 01, 2023, 07:01:57 AM
Beth it's a shame about Jessie. I hope you find out what's wrong xxx Also hate when places can't cope with cold weather. The UK's ridiculous for it...
BC yaiy for new projects, yaiy for knitting supplies & yaiy for soft yarn!!! Have fun, try different techniques until you get one which doesn't overstrain your hands, & let me know how you do xxx

More knitting of course, & the scooshy cream I ordered online arrived yaiy!!! Tonight's hot choc will be yummy!!! Sprayed the sticky Pony with Dullcote & it worked!!! No more sticky!!! Have a load of sewing to do but it has to wait until the optician comes to see me
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: brightberry on February 01, 2023, 04:21:08 PM
Oh, I wish I had the patience to learn to knit.  I've tried so many times.

I also hope Jessie gets better.

I woke up to the sound of a large branch covered in ice falling against my bedroom window.  So it was that kind of day.  Lots of huge branches down, another tree uprooted and I can hear trees snapping and crashing all over my neighborhood.  It sounds very apocalyptic. It's beautiful and fascinating to look at though.  Hope the power stays on.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 01, 2023, 11:42:16 PM
Thanks, PBW! I tried to learn the cast on but the tutorial I had was text and pictures and it was too confusing for me to get :lol: I need to find a video of someone doing it. I learn better by watching people in motion.

I'm really bummed out I ran out of clay for my horse sculpture. But I guess it gives me a chance to start on the room box. I still need to airbrush those customs too.

I'm not sure what is happening today. On tuesday my dad asked me to come over today and help him with his computer, but now the internet is out because of an overdue bill which my mom has to fix. So I don't know if he still needs me or not. I'd rather not go anywhere. My body is still in really bad condition. My hip hurts on the right more than usual and I'm kind of dragging my leg.

I want to make homemade tacos today too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 02, 2023, 11:43:29 AM
Brightberry stay safe xxx
BC there are several ways to cast on, & the person you recommended shows a few xxx I tend towards two needle cast-on, but there are others as well

Keeping on with the knitting & got the capes assigned as needed. Still more to assign but they can wait for now... Progress on the big project is slow, but certain; I get a few rounds done per day. I've made it to lot 4 of 5 which is good.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 02, 2023, 12:04:19 PM
This is the longtail cast on, he recommends starting with it. Fortunately, he also has a video. I haven't gone back to it yet but it's on the list.

I did some progress elsewhere! I got those two ponies airbrushed and tried a new technique witch turned out pretty well! I had so much trouble with my airbrush though. I was using craft paint thinned with water and it dries too fast so the needle and nozzle kept getting clogged and I kept needing to take it apart. Then I dropped some parts on the floor. Then at one point I got mad and threw it into my airbrushing box which knocked over my paint cup >.> But I got through it and these two are painted.

I told my mom I ran out of clay for my horse and she told me to buy some using her card :lovey: and also anything else I needed so I got a few things.

I'm not going to my dad's house and I lost track of the time so the tacos will have to wait. I'm not really hungry anyway.

Now I need to dye some pony hair and start sculpting what I need for the other custom. As far as the room box goes, I watched and read several things on what order to work in and nobody used chipboard for the walls. They used lots of different things but not that, it was used for other things. So I got some foam board which some of the people were using. I have to wait for that to come now. I also got the fabric for my adorable miniature project.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 05, 2023, 04:12:34 AM
Have fun with all that xxx

I was tired yesterday, like, really tired. So I just mucked about online & took a break from all the knitting. Only thing I did which took any effort at all was make the last pizza (base & sauce already portioned out).
Today I'm going back to knitting again & baking some cinnamon rolls before the fresh milk runs out...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 05, 2023, 05:36:22 AM
Thank you but I'm not having fun -_-

All of my projects are stalled. I can't, or rather, don't want to airbrush anymore until I get a respirator and goggles. When I was working on my ponies before I got a really bad headache, sore throat and my eyes were messed up for two days. I wore a dust mask, but they aren't great for fine particles of paint.

My room box is stalled because I have no idea what to use to keep the side walls up while the glue sets. I looked all over the house and found nothing helpful. There is a gluing jig I found on Etsy but it's expensive and some people in the reviews said it was too small (even though it's made for minis). Then I thought of cheap slim book ends and put some on my list on Amazon.

The customs I'm working on are stalled because for one, I don't have the right shade of hair. The other one because I can't figure out how to sculpt small leaves that look good. I got very frustrated trying to make some, so I gave up until I have a better idea of how to go about it. I could always make leaf canes... but I hate making canes and I don't think I have enough clay (caning takes a lot of clay).

Then I got an idea to do some more customs, but I'm having a hard time getting started. I was able to prep them myself. There are four. It's a set. I could start on one of them now, but the other three are going to need some special materials I don't have. Also, I'm kind of hesitating because I'm waiting to hear back from someone about a commission.

All my problems could be solved with enough money! Even my medical ones.

PS. I'm not doing knitting because I don't feel like working on fiber crafts right now. I want to paint, sculpt or build.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on February 06, 2023, 05:54:00 AM
happy to be starting a new week without a looming weather disaster. last week's ice storm was crazy. thankfully for us we just had a largish branch fall off the oak tree into the yard. Luna barked at it for a while to let it know it wasn't meant to be there. now i have to figure out how to remove it. i think my dad has some tools i can borrow. also our internet was out from Thursday afternoon through Friday afternoon. It went out when i was on a work call :( Cell service was out for a while too. I had to go work at my parent's Friday morning.

today i'm working and taking Jessie back to the vet. They wanted her to come back after 3 weeks. I'm cautiously optimistic that she's getting better. She's eating a little more and showing more interest in food overall. And she also wants to play a little. On Saturday she asked for a toy and even caught it in her mouth! (I have to hide the stuffed toys from Luna but Jessie knows where they are and asks for them when she wants to play.)

work is still stressful though. lot's to do and never enough time.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 06, 2023, 06:32:22 AM
I'm glad Jessie is showing signs of improvement! :D

When I told my mom I was frustrated with my projects because I didn't have the supplies, she told me to use her card to buy them :D I was surprised because one time she told me not to use the money for craft stuff. I guess she changed her mind.

I'm still not getting sleep, so I'm a little out of it, but I'm going to try and practice painting and maybe start designing my cat tree miniature.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 06, 2023, 08:18:45 AM
Beth, that's good news on the Jessie front xxx
BC: get some rest. Even if you can't sleep for long, rest a little, nap a little, do whatever. And get that respirator!!! Do those two things & maybe Customising will be fun again. Bookends make great supports, so are a wonderful idea xxx Btw your cat is adorable xxx

Did more knitting & managed to make the cinnamon rolls. A day off was what I needed yaiy!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 07, 2023, 01:29:40 AM
I decided last week that I was gonna try and watch all the Disney movies that I had not seen yet, or seen only once as a kid and didn't like so I have been watching one movie every morning while eating breakfast. So far I've seen Atlantis, Treasure planet, Lilo & Stitch, The Rescuers Down Under, Hercules, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Emperors new groove, Vaiana and this morning I watched Brother Bear.

I have yet to see Mulan, Home on the Range, Bolt and Meet the Robinsons.

After I'm done I'm gonna hit the sequels.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 07, 2023, 07:07:38 AM
My mom is having a meeting with the registered nurse this afternoon and wants me be to be there to help answer questions. Also she just wants to see me since it's been about a week. I have a bunch of phone calls to make today too.

Some more art supplies will arrive today so hopefully I can work on something later.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Marshie on February 07, 2023, 08:39:53 AM
I'm at work currently, wasting time on the Arena if I'm being honest!! I have everything done for today, just waiting for a project to fall onto my lap. After work, I'm meeting up with my boyfriend to head the gym and get dinner. After that, we're going to watch the newest episodes of Vox Machina  :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 08, 2023, 04:46:31 AM
Marshie hahahaha xxx And hope you & Beldarna enjoy your films xxx
BC aside from the questions, I hope you have a good visit with your mother xxx

Got a bit more knitting done & went to coffee. Today I need to top up my electric & get some cereal (forgot both yesterday) as well as do some cleaning (dishes, laundry, vacuuming). Tomorrow the optician is visiting & I need to be ready. Knitting will again be in little bits
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 08, 2023, 05:42:16 AM
Thanks! I did :) The meeting was with more people than I thought but we went over how my om has been doing and what they are doing for her. When she was still in charge of herself she requested a DNR. I was able to take it off.

Today I need to make those phone calls and do laundry but other than that it's a free day. Some more art supplies are coming and I got everything I needed to start airbrushing again.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 09, 2023, 05:53:31 AM
My eyes hate me now!!!
They always do after an optician's appointment so that's par for the course. They will love me when the new glasses come!!! Spent some money to get an extra pair due to every functional pair I have, including the ones I'm wearing now, being broken (my one-legged specs have been noticed).
Got a bit more knitting done & due a visit, which is good because what IS it with the local council & early hours??? WHY would I ever answer the door at 08:15??? Therefore missed them, but hey they chose the wrong day. Sorted out some laundry yaiy!!! Did the vacuuming & changed the bins over yaiy!!! Failed the dishes, but I also have a new load to do.

BC I'm glad your visit with your mother went well xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 09, 2023, 07:02:12 AM
My eyes always bother me after an eye doctor visit too.

I feel good today, I got some sleep finally! It's a phone call and art day today, and I still need to do the laundry. I need to make some new and follow up calls. My mom got a 2k+ bill in the mail yesterday from Solaris. She should be covered completely by insurance so I don't know what's up. That's one call. Then I need to follow up with the new neuro. Then I need to call my mom's new phone service because her phone keeps getting an error.

I have to get the mail and drop the rent check off too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 10, 2023, 07:01:26 PM
I hate phone calls!!! I used to be able to put on a "phone head" but nowadays it's harder to do, plus there's all the background noise on the other end & the fact I can't do a thing except be on the call on mine xxx
I wish you the best in the calls you have to make BC xxx And glad you got a good sleep!!!

I got a long sleep too yaiy!!! Got a little knitting done, had the visit, talked of the stuff we needed to, & browsed some troubling stuff online. I'm so glad I don't live in the States sometimes!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 14, 2023, 03:47:40 AM
More knitting done. Coffee this morning. Sad now I don't get half the stuff I used to. Just shopping for what I can at the Fairtrade stall before everything runs out.
Checks postponed until March, on an afternoon yaiy, & I know the date now...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 14, 2023, 08:34:14 AM
Visiting my mom today. I have some bad news to tell her (it's in the WYP post). Then hopefully I can work on some art. I didn't do much yesterday because I was so tired. Mostly just watched TV and played about online.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 16, 2023, 06:00:55 AM
This morning I'm having labs done. My doctor wants to check for everything. I'm going to ask for a tetanus shot while I'm there. It's been way more than 10 years since the last one and I work with metal wire and needles and stuff. Better safe than sorry.

When I get home I want to clean out the freezer. Then work on some art. I've gotten two commissions :)

eta: Scratch that. My ride didn't show :mad: I called the company and asked where it was and they told me my driver was rerouted and they never bothered to give me a new one. So basically, no one was coming for me. Great. I had to reschedule my labwork.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 17, 2023, 01:18:55 PM
Stupid ride company!!! Hope you get the rescheduling done xxx

Just knitting for now, with assorted sorting as I finish each thing. Baking needed soon though
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 19, 2023, 05:53:56 AM
I'm really busy this coming week. Tuesday is labwork, Wednesday is the foot doctor and Thursday is my first rehab appointment for my back. Monday was supposed to be my eye appointment but I messed up and waited too long to schedule a ride. It has to be within 24 hours and I thought the weekend counted, but it doesn't.

I'm visiting my mom today but not until later after my niece is free. Until then I'm going to finish painting this fursona pony and start work on a seapony custom.

I need to clean the litter today but that's really the only chore. Wash a couple of dishes. Find a place to put the two boxes of Ready Meals my dad gave me. I mean, they're not bad when you have no power and stuff, but it's not something I would choose to eat if I could prepare something else. So they're just going to sit. Maybe I can donate them?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on February 19, 2023, 07:01:16 AM
I've got to eat and get ready, so I can go out and grab a bubble mailer for a trade I'm doing.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 19, 2023, 12:33:14 PM
I saw your ride-booking calamities BC!!! Ready meals are good for emergencies or when cooking feels like too much because busy or exhausted, so I always have a couple of things on standby for that, especially as I can focus so much on something I forget to cook!!!
LAW hope the trade goes well xxx

As for me, more knitting until forced to take a break by a major finger peel event!!! I wonder if I may be allergic to my current needles... My left thumb just lost half the skin off the tip!!! And other fingers peeled a bit too, but as knitting mostly uses my left thumb & index finger, if something happens to one of them I have to give time to recover.
Wanted a snack later but wasn't into sweet things. Looked up a tortilla recipe. By heavens, where has that recipe been all my life??? It's so simple!!!
250g plain flour, 2 tbsp veg oil, 1/2 tsp salt, 150ml warmed water. Mix three of these, add in water slowly & mix, knead for five minutes, rest for fifteen minutes, cut dough into six pieces, roll out each piece as flat as possible, cook in frying pan for a short time each side until golden (I used setting 4 as it said medium high & that worked a treat). Once done wrap round filling, or pop under grill with grated cheese on top to melt cheese (what I did, then added a spicy sauce). Result: cheap, simple, yum!!!
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Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 19, 2023, 12:43:05 PM
Wow! You made tortillas from scratch? I bet they were delicious. They look really good!  :yummy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on February 19, 2023, 12:53:30 PM
The tortillas look delicious, Ponybookworm!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on February 19, 2023, 03:21:35 PM
That looks delicious Pony Bookworm!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on February 19, 2023, 05:45:05 PM
Ponybookworm, they look delicious and they certainly taste good! :cheese:

On Sunday evening, I cleared the yard of snow with a snow scoop. :cool: About 15 cm of new snow had fallen from Saturday to Sunday evening.  :frolic:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 21, 2023, 04:45:05 AM
HOM that sounds like good hard work xxx
Cheers everybody, they were delicious & I'm sure to make them again!!!

More knitting & coffee today. Got a voucher for electricity & sorted it while getting messages at the Coop. No stall this week. Packages arrived so that's good. Going to be a lean couple of weeks this time round, so few treats if at all
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 21, 2023, 05:07:58 AM
I finally have a day I don't need to leave the house :accomplished: I do see my therapist at 1pm but it's a Zoom meeting. I feel like I haven't talked to her in a really long time, but it's just that so many things are happening.

I got some money so I bought some groceries, it'll be a week still for my EBT to come in. They're being delivered this morning. I got stuff to make chicken quesadillas and French toast and a couple frozen pizzas. I've never made French toast before but I really love it in restaurants, so I'm assuming homemade will be even better :dribble:

Doing art today in the meantime.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 22, 2023, 12:33:01 PM
That sounds like they'll be fun to make!!!

Just more knitting interspersed with films. My package from Clipper arrived & contains two doubles, so that's Pink Kittywinks's box started...
Just ordered one big-ish thing from eBay. Got one small thing to order too but that will be it as it's a lean couple of weeks
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 23, 2023, 07:32:40 AM
I'm having bad luck trying to get proper French bread -_- I ordered from Walmart first, like usual, and they were out of the French bread loaves from the bakery so the person subbed in sliced Italian bread. That would be fine, but the slices are too thin. Next I tried Instacart with Publix. The Publix bakery is fantastic, so I figured I'd have no problem. Well, no. The plain French bread was out, so the person subbed a French loaf with sesame seeds! No one wants sesame seeds in their French toast! Ugh! So I chucked both loaves in the freezer for now.

Visiting my mom today along with the care coordinator. Might find out if my mom can come home today or not.

Doing art again. I have a desgin for the challenge finally, so i want to start on that. Just need to find a bait.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 24, 2023, 01:48:23 PM
being brave & having a go at the double pointed needles!!! Taking a few breaks in between to make cinnamon rolls. Made biccies the other day so we're good there, but I'll need more butter for later (pizza, tortillas, & soup don't use butter though so that's great). I'm lucky if I have more than 10grams unused!!!
What I'm making with the double pointed needles is a skirt for a Pony. If this works I can make more, particularly in yellow The idea is I cast on, then do a 1/1 rib for about a centimetre, then move to stocking stitch & increase. I only need one thing to finish this skirt: dark purple eyelash yarn & the tip for joining a new colour in a round. Ordered the eyelash yarn; it had better make it!!! If I have to wait I have a few other projects to work on in the meantime.
The skirt is for Velvet Bow, & I have the right shades in everything else, & her jumper is knitted but needs sewn (that's waiting for new glasses, as are other jumpers)

BC I hope you find your French bread soon xxx & glad your mum has her laptop
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 26, 2023, 03:34:41 AM
My seal plushie needed laundered so I got him & a few other things through the machine. Said sealy is in a towel burrito to dry xxx.
Meanwhile going through my knitting projects. My circular needles broke!!! The cable is plastic & it snapped. I had to rescue the stitches, then use glue & a knife to fix them. The knife scraped the old plastic off the needle part, while the glue fixed the rest of the cable to that. It works again & is holding, but I had to knit a jumper on other needles while the glue dried. I'm so lucky, as it's taken a long time to reach where I am in the round project, & I didn't want to lose all that work...

BC sending  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 26, 2023, 05:16:27 AM
Thanks :hug: I'm feeling ill today but I want to airbrush some ponies. I don't think I'll be going to the hospital today. All that walking and standing yesterday really messed up my back and legs. I'm in a lot of pain. I need a day to rest. Also,

TMI possibly
It's that dreaded time of the month and I'm very heavy so I don't like to leave the house incase of an accident. Plus, all my related pain is in my back and legs. So when they hurt anyway, this is extra and it's just not good.

So today I need to catch up on sleep if I can and work on some art. I need to clean the kitchen too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on February 26, 2023, 09:13:03 AM
Cooking breakfast, going to pick up my Barnes n Noble purchases.  Hopefully the snow will have melted by then.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 27, 2023, 05:00:39 AM
Cleaning the kitchen is my number one priority this morning. The ants have come back :mad: They were in the cat food. I need to take everything up and wash it and spray around the baseboards and door.

After that I can do some art. We're going to see my dad again today too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 27, 2023, 08:34:21 PM
Silly ants thinking they can go inside a home!!! And that time is not the best for anybody xxx  :hug: :hug: :hug: BC xxx
Enjoy your cooked brekkie LAW!!!

Had to make broccoli & cheese soup, both to use up broccoli & to use up cheese next to it's best before date!!! Got 4 portions out of it & froze 3 along with the florets (all stalks & half the florets went in the soup). Also made a couple of tortillas so I didn't feel so hungry before starting on the soup. Put garlic powder & dried mixed herbs through the dough & they were so good!!!
Meanwhile I did a lot of work on the circular needle project because I don't want another disaster!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 28, 2023, 04:29:29 AM
No one wants sesame seeds in their French toast!


The pros of working from way early in the morning is that I quit early so I have the entire day ahead of me to do whatever. So today the plan is to rate two books I've finnished on Goodread and starting to read the fourth book in the Midsumer series and eat some lunch. I have to clip the claws on Simba..  but afterwards.. probably read some more.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 28, 2023, 05:19:50 AM
Okay, one person :P

It happened again! With the bread! Why can't I get bread I want?! I wanted hoagie rolls for sub sandwiches and they were out so the shopper subbed sausage rolls. What's a sausage roll? It's a slightly bigger, longer hot dog bun without the split. They're tiny for subs but I'll have to deal with it. I'm also going to give in and use the sliced Italian bread for the French toast. The slices are thin, but I don't know what else to do with the bread. Not today though, I have leftover pizza for today. My last pizza before I go back on my smoothies.

Art today, for real. I haven't actually done anything in a few days, been too worried about my dad, but he's doing really well and was awake yesterday :) So I feel better today. I need to rehair a seapony that's been painted and done and airbrush my Style Challenge pony and two galaxy ponies. I also want to felt a new sheep but a more realistic one.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 01, 2023, 06:32:03 AM
i haven't been online as much lately. the weather has actually been nice. this is usually the only time of year i actually like living in Texas. today i have a lot of work and also errands to run after work. i've been putting off going to the store to get more dog treats. it's a longer drive so we don't go very often and i've been really tried. i'm also just feeling really stressed today. i don't know if it's work or what. i need to schedule a day off soon.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 01, 2023, 06:50:10 AM
I have finished the seapony custom :accomplished: Her hair needs to dry and pics taken. I'm about to airbrush those other ponies I wanted to do yesterday.

Today I have rehab for my back. It's my first appointment so it's going to be the assessment. I didn't get to visit my dad yesterday because of the migraine so I want to see him today, and my mom. I also need to mail something from the PO.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 01, 2023, 02:53:28 PM
Beldarna, enjoy xxx
Beth, yaiy for pleasant weather!!!
BC: well done on finishing sea Pony!!! Look forward to seeing her!!!

Coffee happened & I got a lot of fun stuff, including interchangable circular needles!!! Going to try some out soon...
Finished off a knitting project you can see in Woolcraft thread, & I hope it gets your seal of approval!!! It's the coat Snuggles is wearing in the pic there.
New eyelash yarn arrived so my dpn project can finish.
Got an email from visitor: glasses due end of this week/ start of next. Will get more confirmation nearer the time, then I can sew again!!! It's been a struggle to thread my needles & see my stitches so new glasses will be amazing. Visitor is due on Thursday.
Managed to get the rubbish out, but need to work on the recycling again... Meanwhile I'm trying not to spend money until the weekend, & even then that will be eBay or something else I'll keep you posted about
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 02, 2023, 05:04:40 AM
I woke up with another bad headache. I can feel it having migraine potential, so I'm taking it easy today. I want to stay home and rest. I did see my dad yesterday but not my mom, and I didn't get to the PO (it was way too crowded and I can't stand in line very long). So today is just an easy day. I want to clean all my veggies and fruits, but that's the only thing. I think I'll watch some movies today. Amazon Prime has The Black Phone and Smile, both of which I want to see.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 03, 2023, 01:17:51 AM
Got the DPN project done & a new one started. DPNs are great for smaller round projects, with circulars better for big ones.
The visitor came & asked if I don't get blurry after looking at the PC for a while. I found out from there she's my age, & if I need reading glasses, so will she. Told her to go to opticians for an eye test.
Speaking of glasses, they came!!! And the normal ones are great for everything, but OMG the reading glasses!!! Not only are they amazing for text, but also for sewing & knitting. I can thread needles without guesswork, & can literally see every knit stitch so much more clearly!!! Started on my sewing because of new glasses, but was too tired to take it further than a certain point.

After all the stress it's no wonder you need a break BC!!! Your Sea Pony is gorgeous btw!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 03, 2023, 06:27:35 AM
I am headache free! For now, at least. I actually feel pretty good right now. My niece is on her way and we're going to see my dad and mom. It's going to be very hot and humid. It's not even 10 yet and the temp is 79.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 03, 2023, 06:59:20 PM
lots of rain and wind yesterday. i love thunderstorms but this one had more wind than i like. the dogs were scared. i do appreciate the rain though.

the next few days should be a little cooler and sunny so hopefully i'll be able to do more yard work. so far i've mainly been digging up the yard. i need to actually put in some rocks and plants! digging in the yard is kind of fun though :) tomorrow i want to go look at some plants and other stuff for the yard.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 04, 2023, 04:32:26 AM
It was super windy here yesterday too. No rain, but a fire broke out behind my niece's house in an overgrown field. As far as I know, her house is fine. Her dogs were at my dad's house so there was no one in the house, but my niece was of course nervous about it.

I see my therapist this morning. Usually we meet in the afternoons but this was the only slot she had open today.

After that, my niece and I will go see my dad again. She's going to bring an iPad so he can write since he still can't speak very well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 04, 2023, 12:59:45 PM
As you will have seen, I finished another outfit, & added press studs to another jumper. Also finished another DPN skirt. Went through my needles: the thinnest ones I have are 3mm, & I may need a pair of 2mm ones. Good thing they don't cost too much!!! I have a bunch of thinner yarns I want to use for lighter weight items...
Aside from that it's been quiet & I'm having a few new specs pains...

BC hope you have a good appointment xxx
Beth I'm glad you stayed safe in the storm!!! And have fun in the garden xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 05, 2023, 05:59:29 AM
It was super hard with my dad yesterday, bad news :sad: My other niece's plane gets in at noon, so we will most likely see my dad around 1 and then go see my mom.

I need to keep busy otherwise I start crying. So I took a shower this morning, I've got to clean the litter and gather the garbage. I still haven't gotten around to cleaning my veggies and I NEED to do that before they start to go bad, geez. I also have another package in the mailbox. Some boxes to break down. Art to do.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on March 05, 2023, 07:10:36 AM
It was super hard with my dad yesterday, bad news :sad: My other niece's plane gets in at noon, so we will most likely see my dad around 1 and then go see my mom.

I need to keep busy otherwise I start crying. So I took a shower this morning, I've got to clean the litter and gather the garbage. I still haven't gotten around to cleaning my veggies and I NEED to do that before they start to go bad, geez. I also have another package in the mailbox. Some boxes to break down. Art to do.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on March 05, 2023, 05:45:01 PM
It was super hard with my dad yesterday, bad news :sad: My other niece's plane gets in at noon, so we will most likely see my dad around 1 and then go see my mom.

I need to keep busy otherwise I start crying. So I took a shower this morning, I've got to clean the litter and gather the garbage. I still haven't gotten around to cleaning my veggies and I NEED to do that before they start to go bad, geez. I also have another package in the mailbox. Some boxes to break down. Art to do.

 :sad: :heart: You and your dad are in my thoughts. :heart:


On the night between Saturday and Sunday, I finished my father's birthday card. Even though I don't like the end result, I have to take it to the post office on Monday morning so that I hope it will be with my father on March 8th, when his birthday is. I've always made him a card myself, I usually draw/paint birds on it. This time it was the blue tit's turn. I hope dad likes it.  :blush:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 06, 2023, 05:27:15 AM
Feeling better today. I got most of that stuff done yesterday. I hope I'll be able to do some art later, I've got a bunch of ponies to airbrush.

I'm officially back on my smoothies. I had avocado, red pepper, tomato and plum yesterday. Today I think I'll do kale, tomato, cucumber and apple.

I need to do laundry today too. My mom gave me some of her stuff to wash since she doesn't want the facility to lose it. You're supposed to write your name on your clothes, but my mom doesn't want to do that.

Lastly, I finally got the correct bread I need for French Toast, so I might make that tonight.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 06, 2023, 08:10:07 AM
Had an early work day, started 3:30 am and only had four hours, so after watching a documentary about the president of Ukraine and taking a powernap, I was reading a bit, went for a walk with hubby and now I'm frying mushrooms with soy and garlic to go with the dinner. Gonna watch the latest episode of The Last of us as we eat.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 07, 2023, 04:05:52 AM
BC, all the  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: And well done on still getting stuff done. Enjoy your French toast!!!
Beldarna that is so early!!! And I want those mushrooms xxx
LAW I love bluetits!!! I'm sure your father appreciates the extra effort of a unique card made only for him xxx

Managing to outfit more Ponies!!! Got a simple trimmed cape, hat, & scarf set doing for one (on the scarf now), & finished a cape & cap for another, with jumpers for two more finished. I've been napping but I never could for a short tim, however these last ones have been as long as a whole sleep!!! At least it was the weekend with no post so that was good.
Ordered stuff off the internet, including more plain flour, as tortillas are so easy & addictive!!! Also a couple more bits off eBay, including 2mm knitting needles & a set of crochet hooks!!!
Went to coffee: no fairtrade stall, but yep cakes!!! Had one with the usual fare, then hit the Co-op for messages. They have fairly traded coffee beans!!! Also topped up on electric. Hail & wind this morning; not fun!!!
Getting more used to regular glasses now...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 07, 2023, 06:54:15 AM
woke up at 5 today. i love waking up early now because i can have quiet time before my husband and the dogs wake up. the morning still goes by much too fast though.

i ordered some groceries for pickup and i miscalculated the number of bananas we already have. so maybe i'll have some bananas for some banana bread. or maybe i'll freeze. idk. i like frozen fruit in smoothies but my husband says it makes him too cold.

i have my employee evaluation meeting today so that's nerve-wracking. i'm not a fan of the way employee evaluations can be used even though i do think constructive feedback is important. it's also my first year as a manager and i still feel like i have no idea what i'm doing. i also have to do employee evaluations for my team. everyone has been great this year so i hope no one is stressed. i'm starting each call by telling everyone they did a great job. so hopefully that will ease nerves. also i woke up thinking it was Wednesday and it's not. this week is off to a slow start.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 07, 2023, 07:39:32 AM
We're visiting my dad later in the day, so I've been able to get some things done this morning. I cleaned the litter, gathered the garbage, did some dishes. I'm going to eat something and then finally work on these ponies.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Marshie on March 07, 2023, 07:47:58 AM
Woke up late for work today, but I'm salary so I will just make up the time by staying later! I have to head to my new house to set up my computer desk (we're in the middle of moving) so I will be doing that after work. Pizza for lunch provided by the office though, so that's a big plus!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 08, 2023, 09:53:00 AM
Marshie, welcome to the thread!!! Yummy pizza!!!
Beth, here's hoping things go well xxx And yep, we all need that little quiet moment to ourselves xxx
BC, good stuff being productive before the visit, especially after I read WYP xxx  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Got a bit more of the big project done, & working through other smaller projects too. Need to do dishes today. It snowed last night. Orders not arrived yet, & got a notification of at least one delay. Discord messages from a pal were awesome though!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 08, 2023, 10:57:41 AM
I'm staying home today and getting more things done. I actually slept in for four hours. If Aster tried to wake me up for breakfast, I don't remember. I put the dishes on to soak last night but didn't wash them. I hate letting them sit until the water gets cold but yesterday was a rollercoaster and I didn't feel like doing them. Need to do laundry too. Get the mail, I've got another Amazon box there instead of at my door, I hate that.

We got the garbage out yesterday so that was good.

I keep saying this but I really have to get these ponies airbrushed. I think doing some art would be good for me anyway right now, so that's a goal for today.

I've been emotionally eating which isn't good. And after I just got everything washed and cut up for my smoothies. I really, really want pizza.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 08, 2023, 04:51:03 PM
i don't like when the boxes are in the mailbox either. the mailboxes are way off on a another street. i guess it's more efficient to just use the parcel lockers?

i've been tired and moody all day. my review was moved to Friday so i get to be stressed for the rest of the week. i did finish the other reviews though so at least that's out of the way. i've just been stressed out in general this week.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 10, 2023, 12:41:07 AM
BC, at least you got enough done xxx
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Beth we get days like that we can't explain xxx

I got the Baby Boys with Peek-a-boo heads outfitted!!! All eight are now in smart capes, & Waddles has a fluffy trim & matching hat. For Drummer I went full elf. I got this tinsel yarn which looked adorable, called Christmas, & used it as a trim to the cape, which I striped with festive red & white. PKW sold a festive red elf ear hat which I bought, & he's now wearing it. I also have two earth Christmas Ponies who need jumpers, & wear striped red & white hats, so their jumpers will be the same as Drummer's cape. I've already knitted one of them; just the other to do.
On non-knitting notes, I got a package & I think it's my plain flour!!! I HOPE it's my plain flour!!! There are things I love making with it
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 10, 2023, 05:26:34 AM
Well. No more hospital visits.

I am very late mailing something out, it needs an international stamp and I don't have any. I think I'm just going to order a sheet of them and mail it myself because I cannot seem to get to the PO. The one day I was going to go it was so crowded I changed my mind. But I think it's like that most of the time :huh:

Speaking of mail, I really need to get mine. I was able to pay the rent online so I don't need to go to the office at least.

Today I'd like to work on some ponies (I say that every day but never do).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 11, 2023, 10:08:00 AM
today i need to do some chores around the house. i need to vacuum and organize the pantry. i was planning to organize the pantry last weekend but i didn't. i don't even know why.

i also need to do some weeding in the front yard and get groceries.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 12, 2023, 05:36:05 AM
I am making lasagna. It made the firealarm go off in the livingroom. Not the hallway which is closer to the kitchen. I have a nice cold draft now, have the french door in the livingroom opened as well as the balcony door in the kitchen. Don't get the fire alarm, it wasn't oozing that much :shrug:.

Hubby is getting a friend over later so I'm gonna take a long walk in the sun to give them some time off from me.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 12, 2023, 06:52:05 AM
BC, take your time on everything right now xxx It's ok if you hardly get anything done xxx
Beth, may you do yourself proud!!!
Beldarna, hope the lasagna's worth it!!!

In my case I did more knitting, including the big project. I moved to a second ball & wanted to get that all in & secure. I got some other stuff too & sewed another Pony jumper (still got more to do there).
It WAS my plain flour!!! And I ate tortillas!!! And I ate pie!!! My crochet hooks also came, as did the 2mm needles. Can't knit with them; they're so tiny!!! Going to try 2.5mm & see if that works. With the crochet hooks I ID'ed one which was the right size for yarn I have out, & had a go at a couple of crochet stitches. Did just a few rows of small & medium stitches, & the tension was all over the place!!!
Started knitting today & my left thumb got sore!!! Then the pain travelled up my left arm. it was just a small cape for a Newborn but ouch!!! Think I overdid the knitting yesterday. So now I'm cooking biscuits.
The thing I hate about being my age is the unpredictability of my "monthly" cycle. It skips a month, then does a month, then three weeks later, BAM!!! Same thing & I was out of supplies. Ran out of milk too so emergency Co-op shop. They had milk!!! They had the size of products I needed!!! They had the other two bits I needed too, & I got a pasta salad too for a treat.
Now got to put in the last batch of biccies!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 13, 2023, 04:58:01 AM
No, I feel bad about not getting this out. I ordered the stamps but they haven't come yet.

Today I need to continue picking up and cleaning. I keep doing the kitchen half way and then it builds up again. I also want to cook something today. I have stuff to make cheesesteak subs and BLTs. I can't decide between them.

I thought I had an appointment today but I don't, which is good because I don't feel like going anywhere.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 13, 2023, 08:43:38 AM
i'm tired from the time change. i was up too late and had trouble waking up. maybe i'll be able to take a nap during lunch time. a lot of people are out for spring break so maybe i'll be able to get some time away from the computer.

also i didn't get any of my cleaning/organizing done over the weekend. i did make a yummy mac & cheese though. so i have lunch at least :)

also since the US banking system didn't implode over the weekend i'll order some garden stuff.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on March 13, 2023, 02:37:49 PM
I have been making fake cupcakes, and cake for the spider party on the porch for Halloween this year. visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on March 13, 2023, 07:08:42 PM
^ They are cute!  :)


I was about to change spring-colored curtains (light green) in the living room, but I decided to go without curtains for a while because it makes the living room look brighter and more spacious. Even though I don't like the brightness... :biggrin: but let's go without curtains for a few days.


One of my cats, Hector, almost bit my spouse's hand on Monday! :stunned: The cat had decided to take over my spouse's seat on the couch, and my spouse was going to move the cat a little to the side. Hector decided to put the brakes on! My husband normally lifted the cat to the side on the couch with his hands, then it rushed back like lightning and with its ears against its head made such a threatening gesture towards my spouse that it almost bit his hand!  :blink:
Well, in the end, I moved the cat on my lap to the side and it didn't threaten me at all.  :rolleyes:

It has never behaved like this before, but I know this cat has a temper. :cool: Hector is a rescue cat and he was born outside in the wild under a cabin, so he is a bit wild. Hector is often "fighting" with my other cat Ozzy, when Ozzy has annoyed him properly at first and finally Hector loses his temper.  :stressed: :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 14, 2023, 05:40:10 AM
Those cupcakes are great! What are you making them out of?

HoM - Aster bit me last night! It was a very soft bite, more like she just touched her teeth to my skin. I was petting her and falling asleep and I guess I started to pet her in a way she didn't like :lol: She came back for more pets a few minutes later.

Today I see my regular doctor. I'd forgotten to get my labs done with everything that's happened. There isn't much new to tell her and I'm the last appointment which means I won't get home until after 6. So I'm thinking of rescheduling. I still don't feel like going anywhere.

Today it's more picking up and cleaning. I was able to get all the dishes done yesterday but I still need to clean the counters and stove. I need to get my mail because I think I had three packages come yesterday and I'm having another two delivered today. Plus my exercise bike :cheer: but that should come to my door.

I've been making a lot of purchases lately, including a big vertical cage and accessories for rats! :D I've never had rats but I've worked with them and have always loved them. Unfortunately, there aren't any breeders nearby so I might need to get them from a petstore. There is a breeder in North Florida but she said she doesn't mail them. I checked the local shelter and the only have two bunnies.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 14, 2023, 06:26:24 AM
IHG: so cute!!!
HOM your poor spouse xxx And I hope the cat's ok too xxx
Beth time-changes aren't good at all!!! Ours is towards the end of this month xxx
BC I do hope you manage to see the doc at least xxx And new packages!!! :frolic: :frolic: :frolic:

I have been so hungry!!! Like I could eat & eat & eat!!! Didn't knit much because of pain issue, so instead sewed up some jumpers awaiting that.
Today, coffee, & packages of my own, & more stocking up. Fairtrade was on again so got sugar & chocolate (I use a lot of flour, sugar, & butter up baking). Knitting a bit more to try & clear the sofa, which is currently doubling as a yarn store. If I can get most of it done, then I can put the yarn back in bags, with the ones I most want to use on top. Since there's an eBay seller who makes a load of skirts, I can make jumpers to go with them. Have to go easy on spending again, but might manage a quick thing. The 2.5mm knitting needles maybe???
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 15, 2023, 07:39:22 AM
my mental health isn't great today. i'm feeling really stressed and anxious. i'm taking a couple of longer weekends soon so maybe that will help.

i think i need to get outside a little more. i've been spending too much time doom scrolling and its making me feel so helpless. i need to delete social media from my phone again. i need a break. i also need to start learning some new tech stuff again. the tech industry has always annoyed me but i still love building stuff. i think i need to get back to something fun.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 15, 2023, 08:33:11 AM
My appetite has disappeared :huh: I had to force myself to eat something yesterday. Maybe it's part of the grieving process. Speaking of, I have a bunch of voicemails from my dad saved on my phone. I want to try and transfer them to my PC.

My exercise bike came yesterday :) I need to put it together.

I've decided to rearrange my living room. I want the rat cage by the window so I have to move my little table and take my African masks off the wall. I wish I had more storage space, almost half of the other wall is taken up by boxes and bins.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 16, 2023, 08:18:22 AM
Beth, life can get us down so take what time you need to feel better xxx
BC, of course it's going to affect you!!! Try & eat healthy at least, grab a piece of fruit or something you can just munch on with little effort xxx And hope you do well with the bike!!!

As for me, I made tarts!!!
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I wanted something sweet without going through the cinnamon roll stuff (leaving it for an hour, then back, then leaving it for an hour). Quick snacks ftw!!!
Festive jumpers all knitted, & just assembling the last ones!!! So keep an eye out for piccies!!!
I can no longer put off the dishes!!! So that's a thing I need to do. Maybe a quick vacuum too. I want to get onto knitting bigger things too, as I have two projects still not finished yet...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 17, 2023, 03:27:05 AM
I have a day off. Would like to stay in bed all day, but need to wash a lot of clothes and grocery shop.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 17, 2023, 06:54:36 AM
i feel a little better. still stressed but not as bad.

it's friday so i'm pretty much just working today. i finally ordered some plants but they won't be delivered for a week or so. which is good because we're going to have a cold snap this weekend.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Marshie on March 17, 2023, 08:47:42 AM
I'm going to be officially moving my bed and computer over to the new house today, which is exciting!! I have to wait for my dad to get home to help me move since my car is far too small to move things. I'm so excited to see my ponies I packed and moved over already! I miss them so much
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 18, 2023, 05:16:08 AM
My rat cage came yesterday, so I need to put it together, move the table, take the stuff off the wall. I still need to put my bike together too. I'm not sure where I'm going to put it exactly. I'll have a better idea after I move stuff around.

I'm supposed to go to the house either today or tomorrow to get some stuff. My niece and her friends have been packing everything up. I want some pictures and my mom wants some stuff too. There are some large ceramic animals my mom made when I was a kid that I want too, they'd go with my African theme, but I need help getting them up the stairs.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 18, 2023, 11:08:08 AM
Beldarna, chores are never-ending!!! Hope you get some rest at least xxx
Marshie, hi!!! And how fun moving stuff to a new home & setting it up!!!
Beth I'm glad you're a little better at least xxx
BC: rats are adorable!!! And yep, sorting stuff is one of those things you have to do in that circumstance xxx

In my case, I assembled all the festive knits!!! And piccied them all!!! Right now I'm baking cinnamon rolls & working on the top ribbing of the tail-skirt!!! It's exciting now I'm close to finished!!! I intend a cm or two of ribbing, then a stretchy cast-off to finish!!!
Oh & my sleep MIGHT, I mean MIGHT, have a schedule worth the name!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 19, 2023, 06:16:36 AM
More of the same today. I didn't get the cage together or anything moved, but I did clean up my craft area and put things away. I also vacuumed the living room and kitchen, so that's something. I have so many bait ponies now they won't fit in the bin :lol: I won't have to worry about running out any time soon. I haven't worked on anything crafty in a while. I have a commission to do, but thankfully the person is understanding and patient.

I think I'm going to the house today since I didn't yesterday, but I haven't talked to my niece at all.

I made BLTs yesterday finally. I have leftovers.

So my plan today is to do the things I didn't get to yesterday.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 19, 2023, 12:24:51 PM
Ah the ever-rotating to-do list! 

I have a pile of donations to go to the thrift, I have a giant bin of books to be delivered to Little Libraries, I have so much dusting and vacuuming, I have a shed full of fabric supplies to sort out, and I have to start cleaning up the yard and inventorying the gardening things. 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 20, 2023, 05:31:15 AM
Well, I got most of the cage together yesterday. I didn't get to go to the house because my niece was having some plumbing problems at her place. I actually slept a lot yesterday. I guess I needed it.

Today is again, more of the same.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 20, 2023, 06:11:15 AM
BC: things aren't easy for you at the best of times, which these decidedly aren't for you xxx If you need to go slowly, go slowly, & getting even one thing done is better than nothing xxx
Squirmy I hope you do manage to sort everything out xxx

I finished the tail skirt!!! And used the 4mm hook on some of the aran left over & it worked fine!!! No tension issues!!! So I went down a couple of sizes for my DK & tadaa!!! Again no tension issues!!!. Did a swatch rug in aran, an adult bonnet in DK, & a round rug in aran. I like the fact you can do round crochet!!! When the 3mm hook is free from another project I'm doing I'll do a bunch of baby bonnets (I can even use bigger crochet stitches or just chains & slips to add ear holes!!!). I also want to see if I can crochet a top hat... I like aran for Pony rugs.
Meanwhile I made cinnamon rolls, took loads of lovely pics of Bakana outside, & went to a coffee & kirky (cross between coffee morning & service - kirk is Scottish for church). It was good with it being a Mother's Day service. This is when we have it in the UK.
Got my dishes done yaiy!!! Also made more tortillas (going to need a LOT of flour if I keep going like this)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 22, 2023, 01:32:32 PM
Sorted my yarn by size. I have green aran & purple aran. The green pairs nicely with some tinselled white yarn (I crochet that on after) to make rugs for the Festive Cottage, while I think pairing the purple with a spooky green trim will do the Spooky Cabin nicely for rugs!!! Ordered another colour to furnish another Pony building, & have cream I've already made into rugs ready to trim...
I also found a crocheter who is the crochet equivalent of Nimble Needles, & she had a pattern for stuffed hearts. Had to make one for Bakana!!! I added it & some extra fill to her today. Meanwhile more crafting.
Coffee was good & I got some nice treats, but forgot to get my electric topped up!!! Going to have to go again for that...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 22, 2023, 03:32:40 PM
I've spent the last three or four days in bed mostly  :cloud:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 23, 2023, 06:43:15 AM
I've spent the last three or four days in bed mostly  :cloud:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You're grieving xxx You need to feel it to get through it xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 23, 2023, 07:47:46 AM
I've spent the last three or four days in bed mostly  :cloud:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

it's ok to take time to grieve. we're here for you :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on March 23, 2023, 02:49:13 PM
I've spent the last three or four days in bed mostly  :cloud:

 :heart: :hug: :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 23, 2023, 10:40:50 PM
I've spent the last three or four days in bed mostly  :cloud:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 24, 2023, 05:35:16 AM
I didn't mean to bring down the thread. Thanks for your sympathies :hug:

Today I'm visiting my mom and later my niece is going to help with my garbage. I have a lot of cardboard again from some big item purchases I made. Literally, stuff that came in huge boxes.

Last night I moved some things around in the living room. Aster is upset about it. I bought another plastic dresser for my crafts and put it beside my desk, so I had to move the hassock to the other end of the desk by the window. Aster would always do her claws on it (it's whicker) and she liked to sit or nap on it while I was in here. She can still do those things! But it's in the wrong place now, so she was complaining.

I still need to move my little table and take the masks off the wall so I can put the cage there.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 24, 2023, 06:29:26 AM
BC don't apologise!!! Not your fault life served you a steaming pile of bleugh xxx
I hope you get everything arranged to your satisfaction & Aster gets used to it xxx

Beth hope you have a great birthday xxx

I got the electricity topped up & a couple of other things!!! I had a go at a granny square but due to the yarn it ended up demented!!! Just because it looks pretty doesn't mean it's useful for stuff... Otherwise crochet practise going well
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 25, 2023, 04:08:56 AM
LOL I want to see this demented granny square :lol:

Today I'm taking it easy since I had to walk a lot yesterday. My back and legs are killing me. I also woke up with a super bad headache. Thankfully, it's gone now.

I got a letter in my door that it's time to renew the lease agreement, which means I need to get all this paperwork together. I always get so nervous for this even though I know I'm not doing anything wrong or shady. I still feel like there will a mistake somewhere and I'll get kicked out.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 25, 2023, 09:19:21 AM

I got a letter in my door that it's time to renew the lease agreement, which means I need to get all this paperwork together. I always get so nervous for this even though I know I'm not doing anything wrong or shady. I still feel like there will a mistake somewhere and I'll get kicked out.

I also hate paperwork!

I have to get creative and make a bunch of meals to freeze, using all the random things we have...  and then food inventory and a shopping list. 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 25, 2023, 01:46:37 PM
I got a creative, not crochet, streak going & finished a story I'd shared with a pal in Discord DMs!!! That kept me awake far too long & I crashed out until this afternoon. Then I got a crochet & custom bug & made an animal mini!!! Just knowing I can do that with one means I can do it with others... This will be fun!!! (I'll need some orange yarn though)
Meanwhile I have everything I need to make a couple of things, but just don't feel like making them!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA give me cooking energy please!!!
Knitting wise I'm taking a break while I sew up what I've knitted so far. That's going quite slowly too...

BC yep if you need to rest, then rest. as for paperwork, especially the official kind, I HATE that with a passion!!!
Squirmy you & me both xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 26, 2023, 03:43:16 AM
I spent a couple of hours repotting my plants this morning. Enjoying the fruit of my labour with a cup of tea and downtime right now before heading out for a walk in the sun. Everyone is talking about spring and we got a snow storm the other day! It's cold as heck as well, lol. Gonna binge watch Shetland when I come back in  ^.^.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 26, 2023, 05:10:44 AM
Not feeling the best right now. I was eating trail mix before bed and because of my stomach disease, I'm very nauseous this morning.

My back is still bad especially the right side above my hip. I don't know why it hurts so bad, but I need to be careful not to twist my body. I have a numbing cream to put on it but it doesn't penetrate deep into the muscle.

My niece said she would help with my garbage tonight. We didn't get it out the other day because I was so worn out from doing stuff earlier. So I need to clean the litter and empty the small cans today.

The plastic tub I bought for the rat cage came yesterday. I haven't tried to fit it in yet, but it looks like it will fit. The handles jut out about an inch though. Anyway, my plan is to remove the bottom of the cage and set up the bin to hang and be the bottom of the cage. I'm not sure what I should use to secure it? I was thinking zip ties but the rats might be able to chew through that. So now I'm thinking metal wire, which I have plenty of. It won't be as neat or as easy as the zip ties though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on March 26, 2023, 07:15:50 AM
I sliced into my finger with a new kitchen knife yesterday   >_< I wasn't sure how serious it was but my hubby took me to the ER and they patched me up, no stitches needed fortunately. They glued it, lol  :P 

I can still paint ponies! But sculpting and rehairing will have to wait :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on March 26, 2023, 01:08:43 PM
Today I went to the store to buy catfood, ate at Five Guys for lunch, came home, cleaned cat vomit and vacuumed, and worked on my Best Wishes, Twilight, Twist and Paradise deflocks.  Then I ran out of Q-tips, which quite upset me, because I was just at the store!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: starscout on March 26, 2023, 01:58:37 PM
I am an aunt now!!! :frolic:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on March 26, 2023, 03:47:47 PM
Congratulations Starscout!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on March 27, 2023, 12:08:26 AM
I am an aunt now!!! :frolic:

Congrats! :good:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 27, 2023, 06:16:45 AM
I am an aunt now!!! :frolic:

Congratulations!!  :happy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 27, 2023, 06:55:27 AM

So the tub I bought for my cage is too small, which is weird because I measured the bottom of the cage and it was 14L x 20W and that is supposedly what the bin is, so ???

I'm thinking now... to cut out the plastic pan that came with the cage and attach the bin to it on the bottom, making a pit. A rat pit, if you will. I don't know. It's all screwed up now because the pan is too small.

I need to airbrush some ponies today too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 27, 2023, 02:38:49 PM
Starscout congrats!!!
BC bummer that it's too small!!! It's a lot like when I was getting baking pans for the air fryer & had to sort them out!!! The too big ones went to the swap table at coffee morning, where the oven owners snapped them up!!! Also, take care of yourself xxx
Gator the deflocks sound fun, though the cat vomit doesn't xxx
Griffin ouch!!! Glad you got treated!!!
Beldarna too right you relaxed after doing that job xxx

Worked on dye part, then paint part (with bead part in between) of challenge Ponies (two: a Mum & Baby). Will check if I can spray today as one paint seemed to take ages to dry... (spraying wet paint = bad idea)
Also working through knitting projects & slowly doing more crochet.
HATE clock change!!! Just when I thought I might get a decent sleep schedule it comes & messes things up!!! Grrr...
Chore-wise I washed me!!! I cleaned my hair & flannelled down. I washed my sleeping bag!!! And I washed my dirty clothes!!! Just underwear to do...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on March 27, 2023, 11:24:18 PM
Thanks PBW :hug:

Yeah I'm not a fan of the clock change either. Although I love how late it gets dark now. But I have a hard time going to bed early enough as is and the longer evenings won't help.

Spring storms have brought a lot of snow. :snow: The snow was almost completely gone and the streets were dry but guess we'll continue with this winter for a little longer! I don't really mind even though I'm looking forward to spring, I love snow and I have some favourite winter clothes, it will be nice to be able to wear them a couple of times before I stash them away for months. :D
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 28, 2023, 05:52:21 AM
Ugh. Today is not starting out well.

I have my period.

That alone makes me feel ill, plus it adds extra pain to my back and legs, plus more fatigue. Ugh.

I had planned to visit my mom today but now I have to stay home. There is laundry to finish and dishes to wash. Maybe I'll get to those ponies today. Right now though I just feel like ripping my guts out. Ugh.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on March 28, 2023, 03:38:43 PM
I am an aunt now!!! :frolic:

Congratulations!  :happy:

Post Merge: March 28, 2023, 05:23:16 PM

Snow, snow and snow! Lovely! :heart: It snowed all day Monday and it continued until Tuesday night! At least 30cm of new snow has accumulated, so I've had a really good time working with snow!  :happy:

On Tuesday afternoon, it was quite interesting to drive into town for grocery shopping and back home. Driving back home, we were greeted by a sight where a large truck was stopped on the hill in the middle of the road with its emergency lights on! The road was completely frozen, i.e. slippery and the truck couldn't get up the hill. Luckily, we were able to pass by with our small car. After a while, there was a log truck on the same road that got stuck, probably also because of the slippery conditions. We got home safely. :whew: I hope someone came to help those trucks too... maybe they were waiting for the tow trucks.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 29, 2023, 11:00:06 AM
HOM yep, snow has its good & bad sides, though I've noticed when it's still cold here, we get hail...
Griffin I get you: warm clothes are so snuggly!!!
BC yep chores are a pain, & so is the not-so-regular visitor xxx

Been up to chores myself, mainly: washing my hair, washing my body (flannel-down as I'm still waiting for new bathroom), washing my sleeping bag, washing my dirty clothes, & my underwear & a couple of towels just finished washing.
I went to coffee & topped up on more stuff, also getting stuff at the Co-op.
In between times I've been knitting & crocheting. Everybody here knows I'm on the Autistic spectrum, right??? Well, that means sometimes I can "deep-dive" into an interest or hobby, & it can make hours disappear like few other things can. Well I deep-dove into crochet vids, & found a snowman (a bit big but his top hat fits Ponies), an octo (want a smaller one but he's cute), & a mini jellyfish!!! I crocheted the top hat & the jellyfish, & will plonk the pic of the jellyfish wearing the hat in Woolcraft Thread soon...
As a result of said deep-dive, I didn't get to bed until nearly 7am!!! But now a Custom has a hat & another has a pet so, win there???
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: starscout on March 29, 2023, 05:46:13 PM
Thanks to everyone for the congrats!  :lovey:

Today I went to the doctor and heard the dreaded "Ms. [starscout], your appointment is tomorrow."  :drunk:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 30, 2023, 04:39:43 AM
I didn't sleep well.

I see my therapist in two hours, over Zoom. Then I have to make a bunch of phone calls. I need to pay a bill for my mom. Hopefully, I can do it on her old laptop. I didn't make it over to visit her, I've felt so ill. Plus, my body is extremely sore.

I really want to needle felt something. I almost got up in the night when I couldn't sleep to do it. I'm glad my artistic muse is coming back.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 31, 2023, 07:56:51 AM
BC yaiy at your mojo coming back slowly xxx
Starscout bummer!!!

My visitor came & took my used oil & dead specs. I wasn't crocheting the last time I saw her but I am now & started a chick in front of her (I finished the chick later - I love the stubby wings & cute tail!!!). Meanwhile it seems I'd rather knit & crochet than root hair!!! At least I got the laundry finished - just have to sort the underwear & keep rotating it...
Need to do dishes & cook biccies again. Also well due a vacuum, plus a bin-clear (I need two to fill the outside bin at least). At least I managed to sort some of the recycling into its boxes...
A bit at a time is better than nothing. Maybe I can make tails...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 02, 2023, 06:29:47 AM
More of the same. I need to work on these ponies. I also need to put the Spring photo contest together... I need more prizes but I'm broke at the moment. I should have money near the end of the week though.

The kitchen is a disaster. I think I'll shove everything in the dishwasher instead of hand washing. I have to take a shower later. I'd do it now but I'm planning to finally airbrush these ponies today and it'd be better to shower after that.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on April 02, 2023, 12:38:50 PM
I am attending a horse show, watching my niece compete for the first time on her new horse.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 03, 2023, 05:38:27 AM
Exciting! :D What does she do? My niece was a barrel rider when she was younger. She won a lot of awards on her first horse. She's got four now.

Today is, again, the same thing. I haven't worked on these ponies or needle felted anything yet. I always seem to run out of time. I'm sleeping too much :yikes:

This afternoon I finally see my new eye doctor. I hope I can get a new prescription and glasses.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 04, 2023, 11:52:48 AM
BC saw your thing on eye doc & new glasses!!! I do hope you get into Pony-mood soon xxx
Gator enjoy!!!

As for me, I FINALLY got in rooting mode, & rooted four Ponies while adding a streak to a fifth (she only needed a streak). I also got painting, sealing, & other stuff done on all of them, while discovering a couple of Ponies I have needed cleaned up... On of the reroots was a Phony I otherwise left as is. She's a Baby in pinkish-purple with a carousel blanket on her back. I obviously gave her green hair to go with MGR Sunnybunch!!!
Crochet-wise I had to frog a simple thing & restart. Looking much neater already!!! All the stuff I've been doing has helped with that.
Knit-wise I didn't get much done...
Chore-wise I managed to get my dishes done, though my bin sort & vacuuming is more overdue, plus dead Pony hair...
Otherwise I crashed, a LOT!!! And missed Coffee morning!!! I'll still need messages, but have ordered stuff I always seem to use (flour, ginger, & so on) off eBay. I've also got the HQG1C party girls coming from Clipper!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 05, 2023, 05:00:31 AM
Today I have a meeting across the street at the office at 10am. I should check my mail while I'm over there, it's just a short walk. Then I have a bunch of chores to do. Clean the kitchen, put the clean sheets on the bed, wash my towels.

I'd like to work on the ponies I need to, but I'll probably be too tired. I'd also like to play a video game that just updated with extra content and an expansion pack (Planet Zoo), but if I do play I'll feel guilty about not working on ponies. I can try to force myself. I have a commission to do, plus airbrushing a couple ponies for someone as part of a trade, plus my DTIYS pony... which I have not worked on at all. I feel like I should finish it because I'm the one that started the challenge. There are four days left. I can probably make it in that time if I power through it. It's just finding the motivation... and I'm out of my Vyvanse that helps me concentrate and focus. Ugh.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on April 05, 2023, 02:49:02 PM
work is very stressful today  :( i kind of want to cry
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on April 05, 2023, 03:24:23 PM
Blackcurtains, my niece rides english, and she does I think dressage and she's starting to jump.  Nothing big/tall right now.

Today, I went to the bookstore to get the new Erin Hunter book for the Warrior's series.  Came home, opened my pony mail (three porcelain ponies:Applejack, Cherries Jubilee, and Tootsie :frolic: :happy: :accomplished:), painted a little, and then cut some browse for the goats.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on April 05, 2023, 05:39:59 PM
I'm awake again at night and have been watching the full moon. :heart: I have tried to take pictures of it as well, but they are not very good. (I think I'll put a few on Instagram at some point.)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 06, 2023, 12:35:05 PM
I'm so tired :zzz:

I already took a 2 hour nap this morning. Aster woke me up at 4am for some reason and I decided to stay up. At around 10 I went back to bed. It's 3:30 now and I feel like sleeping again but I also have a wicked craving for a burger and fries...

I don't think I'm going to get anything done today.


Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 07, 2023, 01:26:41 AM
BC, we all need to rest sometimes xxx
HOM I bet it's pretty!!! Also walking in the light of the full moon is lovely xxx
Gator that sounds fun, & pony post!!!
Beth  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Had a knitting project sitting waiting on my needles for a bit while doing everything else (crochet, other knitting, challenge, other Customs...), so hacking at it now. Should have it done soon...
Got my messages yaiy!!! Also had a visit from Coffee pal who told me there are hot cross buns for my bd...
And my father popped over. Saw him for ten seconds & was reminded why I avoid that as much as possible... Same attitude like I'm something he scraped off his shoe...
Good thing I have Bakana & my fave server xxx Love those peeps, I really do!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on April 07, 2023, 02:42:15 AM
Had a good night's sleep and I'm enjoying my holiday! Slow mornings are the best. I was just able to fix the broken zipper on a mesh laundry bag, it's one of those cheap ones so the zipper ends weren't sewn properly and the slider fell right off the last time I was doing laundry...

PBW I'm sorry to hear you don't have a good relationship with your father. Luckily we can choose our friends :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 07, 2023, 11:28:27 AM
Went to the neurologists. I'll detail that in my WYP post.

Aster woke me up at 4am again and again I decided to stay up. I missed my usual lie down/nap time and am thinking about it now, but I'm awfully hot. The fan is on and the AC is running but I'm sweating anyway.

Made some egg and cheese sandwiches. Got a Dr. Pepper and took some headache meds. Now I'm going to play Settlement Survival for a bit.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 09, 2023, 12:47:54 PM
BC keep cool xxx
Griffin cheers xxx And glad you're having a good time

Getting projects finished is good!!! Means I can move on to new ones. Working on something for myself now & hope to get it done xxx Nearly half-way there already (it's a pair & one is nearly finished). My crochet rugs are good too. Nice green ones with festive trim in the Festive Cottage, dark purple ones with a spooky green trim (called Venom) for the Spooky Cabin, & more for other Custom buildings. I'm doing one rectangle & one circle for each building. I also knitted a Pony sleeping bag.
What's not good is feeing tired, like a lot!!! Like, crashing out is becoming a regular thing for me, & I want my schedule back to normal (impossible ask I know). My wonky sleep is a running joke on my fave server; it's that bad!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 10, 2023, 02:32:18 AM
Happy birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Here's a cinnamon bun cake!!!

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

I can't sleep :freak:

I need to make phone calls but everything is closed today for Easter (even though it was yesterday).

Need to clean the litter box, gather some garbage... that's about it.

Guess I'll play some games.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 10, 2023, 03:40:46 AM
YUM!!! And cheers xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 13, 2023, 07:53:22 AM
So tired today :zzz:

I didn't sleep well and had nightmares about my dad. Woke up in a cold sweat, heart racing.

Today is more phone calls and maybe working on ponies. I'd like to at least get done with the airbrushing.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 13, 2023, 08:10:14 AM
Had my birthday!!! Got prezzies from PKW, Coffee pal, & my visitor. Went for hot cross buns & coffee on Monday, & coffee on Tuesday. Both were yum, took Bakana to both, & was sang to at both. Baked cake & it made a big one & a small one, plus the icing (bulleted the sugar). Chocolate of course!!!
Finished my knitting thing for myself & they are lovely!!! The yarn is soft too so they are so comfy!!!
Package arrived from Clipper, & I got to sorting my Pony-suitable Phonies into baits. Got a bit of dyeing to do but aside from that we're good.
Finally placed that yarn order I'd been dying to make because I found a selection which were gorgeous & not locally available.
My visitor came & dropped off not only my bd prezzies, but also a bag of knitting stuff, including more yarn & needles. I showed her a letter which needed attention & she's on it.

BC  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Both with feeling tired & with your nightmares. Hope Aster gave you plenty of snuggles xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 14, 2023, 07:00:02 AM
Well, I didn't get those ponies finished, I was just too tired and didn't feel very well. Today I'll try to get them done.

I'm back on my ADHD med, so that will help me focus and get motivated for doing things.

Need to call the courthouse and see about my dad's will. I really should get my mail and I still need that form from the office for my mom to sign.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 15, 2023, 05:18:56 AM
Congrats on getting your ADHD meds back!!!

Back to boring. Bit more knitting, bit more crocheting, nothing exciting, just more of the same really...
However that may change with new yarns having arrived!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on April 15, 2023, 11:15:58 AM
my husband is getting into cooking so he's cooking for my parents today. i'm happing to have a break from cooking :)

i also need to do laundry and do more organizing.

Dinner went well but my mom wasn't feeling well so my parents didn't stay long. i'm happy they liked the food. they even took some home with them.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 15, 2023, 11:18:39 AM
Yeah, I feel so much better. No more racing thoughts or feeling jittery on the inside of my body. Plus, it helps ease my aches and pains.

I'm totally addicted to this game, Settlement Survival. I've had it for a long time and played it a few times, but they've made so many changes and improvements. I've put in about 40 hours in the last few days. It comes at a cost though, sitting for too long. Ugh. I just can't marathon like I used to.

I airbrushed one pony! :cheer: Finally! Then I had issues with my airbrush and got frustrated. The last few times I've used it I've had problems. Way more problems than I've had the last 10 years using it. I'd like to get a gravity fed one, I was looking at the Badger Patriot, it's under $100 on Amazon. But I don't have any fun money now :(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 15, 2023, 11:38:22 AM
I am at parkour classes for the child.  They like to get the kids excited with "retro" music.  I am like, excuse me, I still listen to half this stuff normally!  It's not OLD music! 

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on April 15, 2023, 05:42:33 PM
Did chores. Ran to grocery store.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 16, 2023, 03:58:36 AM
Beth, yaiy for spouses who do chores too!!!
BC congrats on getting started on Ponies!!!
Squirmy, older music is better, sorry but it's true. Nowadays you have so many effects & stuff, but back then it was what you could do with your voice & instruments. Real talent. Plus music has diversified so much we're all into different forms of it...
LAW yep, days be like that

Trying to get an actual sleep schedule. It seems to be working. Go to bed 1am, wake 10am. Will have to shift that by an hour Monday night so I can get up at 9am, but otherwise it's a proper schedule so far...
Did some dishes & a bit more basic knitting. Made pie for dinner. After the challenge showed me how well the Phony Babies look as Ponies, I'm working on some more Babies for existing Ponies. So far got Baby Scrumptious (BBE bait), Baby Skippety Doo (Green Phony Baby), Baby Sky Rocket (pinky-purple Phony Baby), & Baby Sweetie (blue Phony Baby). Going to dye a pale one yellow, & a pink one too to make her orange, then work on them. All are WIPS right now & need hair, but at least I have glue...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 16, 2023, 12:29:31 PM
Ooh, orange! Can't wait to see them :)

Chores today. Kitchen needs cleaned and dishes washed. Bathroom and bedroom need the garbage taken. I want to shower and change the sheets on the bed too. Changing my sheets is very difficult and I've felt so bad emotionally and physically I didn't put them on the last time I showered. My bed is against the wall, so I have to get on it to reach the corners that face that way. Also I need to use sheet straps otherwise I pull them off the corners. Putting them on is always a battle.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 17, 2023, 04:22:23 AM
Needed more hair & my fave was out of the colour I need most. Ordered some new colours from another seller who is also local...
Did some more dishes & finished the cake. Have Easter snacks to hack through now. Going to do the yellow dye today...
Also sorted out my Phonies. With the ones who can become Ponies relocated, I had room for the rest. One problem: the positions I had to get in to sort that shelf (it's so low down!!!). Was a struggle to get down & a struggle to get up...

Go easy with the sheets BC!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 17, 2023, 04:43:56 AM
I know how that is! The last time I had to sit on the floor for something, I didn't know if I'd be able to get back up.

My plans for today are on hold because of rain. I wanted to go out today and run some errands and go see my mom. I might still be able to do that later, but it rained all day yesterday too, so who knows. Instead I'm going to make more phone calls. I need to call the bank and see what's required for me to be a signer on my mom's account. Need to call the imaging place and make sure they have an oversized or open MRI before I go all they way there. Call the police back and ask some more questions about the property my niece has of ours. Have to call and set up my lab appointment before I see my doctor. And I'm waiting for a call from someone about housing options for my mom and I.

I think that's all. That's a lot :drunk:

ETA: And I'm done :P That wasn't so bad. Now I can play my game.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 18, 2023, 04:24:23 AM
Had enough of the red I need to do a partial root, so did that & another one first ie: Baby Sky Rocket & Baby Sweetie. They are both done now & their bodies are a close match to their mothers. I'm quite pleased with them. I have a couple more to root today while I wait for the hair order & that red...
The yellow dye worked well enough on the Ponies I wanted yellow, but the orange is a bit too dark (probably because of how bright the pink was) for my liking. So will have to make that Pony a unique one too... I was hoping for a Baby Party time but oh well...
Went to Coffee morning & got food bits & electric. Quiet, but saw my Easter pal & her fellow.
Didn't knit all yesterday, but did a little basic crochet.
Going to have to bake again soon...

BC the weather has been good to me so far when I've been out, but that could change... Here's hoping with everything xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Destiny on April 19, 2023, 04:58:11 AM
Just looking for the perfect wig and pair of eyes for a bjd I've told myself I'm definitely NOT buying..

(And also getting ready to go to the pharmacy to pick up my dogs medicin).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 19, 2023, 05:01:55 AM
This morning I have a lab appointment to get bloodwork done. When I come home I need to do some serious chores. I've let the house get messy.

I've decided to sell all the rat stuff I bought. Hopefully I can make back what I spent since it's all brand new and never used. I'll use Facebook Marketplace.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 19, 2023, 07:53:56 AM
Got another one done & dusted with hair. Need to hair another today & start painting the next one I have hair for & know who she is.
Knitted a little, crocheted a bit, & updated files a LOT!!! I mean a LOT!!! As in stayed up till 3am at least a lot!!! All the Customs I've done over the last couple of weeks AND the newest HQG1Cs needed to go in. And I STILL have another file to do!!!
Need to sort card in the kitchen again...
Side note: I love the mods of my fave server!!! They get problems gone so quickly!!!

BC hope the appointment goes well. Eat well after the bloodwork, & do what you can on chores without overstraining xxx
Destiny lol I think you are getting it & why not??? Treat yourself xxx (Treat your dog too)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 20, 2023, 05:31:19 AM
Thanks :) I had some yogurt when I got home and it made my stomach achy. Like really?? Yogurt?? Having gastroparesis is not fun.

Yeah, I didn't get all the chores done. I've been so tired lately. Even if I can get some sleep, I'm still tired. I have a lot of things that cause fatigue but man, this is ridiculous.

Today I'm going to see my mom and pick up my new glasses. I need to go to the bank again too but I think I'll do that later.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 21, 2023, 11:10:59 AM
Sleep went wonky again...
But I got stuff done at least!!! I couldn't find the veg burgers I liked so I ground my flax & then got a batch made up. Ate two & froze four. I think they're my best so far, partly due to flax, partly due to flour mixed shortcrust style with butter added to the rest, partly due to air-frying the veg before adding. I also gave it time to do, & if it felt like it needed more, it got.
Also rooted the next Pony, & my Carnival red & other hair arrived yaiy!!! Thank heavens for UK hair suppliers!!! The basic crocheting has mostly been aran rugs so far, trimming them with eyelash yarns. I've sorted a bunch of them into their buildings, as well as all the knitted blankets I made to use up yarn scraps. I still have three rugs to trim & two more to make (started on one of them).
I also want tortillas, & going to get the ingredients I like prompted a spice cupboard sort-out. I had two unidentified jars in there & cleaned out their contents. One smelt like aniseed, so that went, like why do I want that??? Others were integrated into one jar instead of two where possible, so I have a good few empty jars ready to take to the glass bays. I need my chilli powder in ONE jar, my mixed spice in ONE jar, etc...
Also got dishes done, so pretty productive while awake. The knitting needs sewn together before I go further there.
Oh & I ordered more yarn... (all multicoloured)

BC oh no!!! And you fell!!! And the yoghurt made you ill!!! Hope the new glasses cheer you up at least & don't feel too uncomfy xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 21, 2023, 04:21:15 PM
I actually skipped picking up my glasses :( I was feeling so wore out and in pain from the fall that when I was done visiting my mom I just wanted to go home. I regret it now, I should have picked them up, it would have been a short drive. Now I have to go all the way back to Port Charlotte to get them.

I was in a lot of pain when I woke up, I could barely sit up to get out of bed. And when I stood up? Oh man. Pain was intense. But it's gotten better throughout the day. I've been taking ibuprofen and using an ice pack on my back, trying to sit up straight and not twist or bend. I've been playing a game all day. I still have lots of chores to do, but I can get to them tomorrow. It's no rush, I can take my time.

I made nachos for lunch :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on April 22, 2023, 01:54:15 PM
I went walking at the park today after work.  A really nice, sunny, breezy 70 degrees Fahrenheit.  Saw some butterflies, turtles, birds, and a new flower I’d never seen before, eastern sweet shrub.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 23, 2023, 04:32:23 AM
My back feels better. I got most of the chores done yesterday. Today I think I'll work on ponies.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 23, 2023, 06:27:48 AM
Did ZERO work on the knitting projects, but that will change soon.
Sleep unwonked by an extra step in the crochet projects which I thought would be "quick" as they were small. Heck nope!!! Did five of them, added embroidery, & trimmed the things, but they're done now!!! One more project to complete in that lot & I can move on to other crochet things (I have a ton in the queue).
Still to add hair to Baby Skippity Doo, Baby Diamond Dreams, & Baby Cascade, but can do that soon, & Baby Diamond Dreams has had paint added to make her blanket colours closer to her mother's. Hmmm, should I crochet MGR blankets??? And embroider them after??? Hmmm...
Aside from that, just quiet really. At least I have stuff to do today...

Glad you're better & got stuff done BC xxx
Gator, sounds like a delightful walk!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on April 23, 2023, 09:55:53 AM
Today I’ve bleached my bird feeders, they were getting a little moldy.  I’ve transplanted some salvia.  We used to have the biggest patch of salvia, and the bees, butterflies and hummingbirds loved it!  But for a construction project it was in the way, so to save it we tried transplanting it to several places around the yard.  None of them have done well, so I transplanted them yet again to a new spot.  I hope the plants like it and grow into the huge mass they once were!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 24, 2023, 05:22:53 AM
Got up at 4am for no good reason. I'm thinking about going out today, to the bank and to pick up my glasses and visit my mom. I'm trying to work out the best way to go about it. Uber lets you add stops to your trip but I can't figure out how to do that? Unless it's something you can do after you book your trip? I'll have to try later and see. Maybe. I might save this for tomorrow depending on how I feel.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 24, 2023, 11:00:10 AM
Monthly visitor, combined with another out-of-the-blue crochet project, made it so I crashed out until 5pm today!!! At least the project looks good & I'm working on another like it.
Managed to bake biccies again yaiy!!! But running low on baking powder... Also made a pie for dinner. Need eventually to make more pie filling...
Because of monthly visitor, putting off laundry until it's gone.

BC right there with you on wonky sleep. It's my lifestyle!!! I do hope you get your glasses!!!
Gator what a messy job, but the birds will thank you. And I hope your work on the eco-phillic plant pays off too xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 25, 2023, 09:30:33 AM
Wonky sleep indeed. I woke up at 11:30! I have a vague memory of Aster trying to wake me up. I'm still groggy. I can't believe I slept so late. Because of that, my plans today are ruined. I don't want to go running around town at noon. Bah.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 26, 2023, 01:05:51 PM
I slept through coffee!!! Got a text from coffee pal who hasn't been at every coffee morning either.
I finished the two crochet projects as you'll have seen in Woolcraft Thread, & I got hair in another Pony yaiy!!!
I did manage to go for food shopping & found some pancakes & scones in the RTC, so dead cheap. Added them to the shop so now I have at-home coffee morning treats. (RTC = Reduced To Clear)
Due to getting another Pony done I could sort some Ponies out, & they all fit where they need to be!!! Also sorted out a few accessories.
Now just shifting a few delayed projects out of the way before I move onto new stuff. And I WANT to move on to new stuff!!!

BC yep, that happens...  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 26, 2023, 01:15:02 PM
I was able to go to bed at a semi-normal time, so I got up today at my usual 7am. Had a busy day. Went to finally pick up my glasses. The lenses are so thick. I couldn't afford the slim ones this time, nor the glare and scratch guard. The new ones fit perfectly and I really like them :) I'll wear them tomorrow since my eyes probably won't adjust to them today. The only thing is now I need new clip on sunglasses because my old ones don't fit.

After that I visited with my mom for a while. She sounded better today, or maybe it was because I was there. I was getting worried since she sounds so weak on the phone. She did lose another 20lbs though, so that's 40 she's lost since October.

Now I'm back home. I'm gonna check around the web and then play my game.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on April 26, 2023, 01:57:07 PM
It's great that you got your new glasses and it's nice to hear that you visited your mother.  :)

Finally rain!  :frolic:
I've slept too little, but tomorrow I can sleep a long time and be at home in peace.  :sleepy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 27, 2023, 08:35:01 AM
Woke up late again, 9:30. Still groggy though. Had dreams about all my cats :heart: I think my dog was there too, but it's vague.

Plans for today are, clean the kitchen, which is half done already and list more ponies for sale. I need to take pics and all that. I need another box to put the ones already listed in... I usually have a ton of empty boxes but not this time. Hmm. I have to put them somewhere. Maybe on the kitchen table.

Right leg is healing well after my fall, it's super itchy now. Left leg feels heavy. I'm always worried about deep vein thrombosis because I sit so much, but it doesn't look different or bigger. Just feels a tad off. Maybe I slept on it funny.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on April 29, 2023, 07:49:38 AM
It was an eventful week. so this weekend i'm planning to relax, do some cleaning, and cook some food for this week. i also need to get groceries and dirt for the flowerbeds.

This week my husband and i went to the eye doctor and we found out he needs eye surgery. so not great but at least we know why he can't see well. also our neighbor's cat got out and managed to get under our solar panels. the fire department came out and helped flush her out. the kitty is now safe at home :)

also lots of storms this week. yesterday we had a lot of hail and today is going to be windy.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 29, 2023, 08:12:26 AM
Getting the rest of my ponies listed for sale. I need price checks on my G2s. I'm missing ponies though. Rosette wasn't with the rest of them and my G4s are somewhere else too. I don't think there are any other G1 missing and I sure hope Rosette is with the G4s. Now if I could find them...

I also forgot about the G3s in my bait bin. I have have some nice condition ones that aren't bait at all. I need to clean them up and list them too. One is Abracadabra with her hat and cloak. I need to gather all the accessories too. Ugh, and some bait ponies I'm not going to do anything with.

Hopefully, later on today I can work on some customs.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 29, 2023, 10:55:07 AM
Beth lucky rescue!!!
BC I'm still sad at seeing you part with your Ponies, but I get how hard times are, especially for you xxx

Slowly hacking through crocheting, Also bought a few things but waiting for one to become available again as it's sold out already!!! Otherwise very tired, then I was all snivelly!!! At least that explained how tired I was!!!
When I say very tired, I'd get up, eat something, drink something, hit the bathroom, do a little on the PC, crochet a couple of rows & then nap again. Like up for an hour, down for five-six kind of thing... Should have known that was a sign of not being well...
Currently dosed up with Sudafed & will nap today when needed...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 01, 2023, 10:25:58 AM
after work i need to pick up groceries and get more dog treats. i really hope they build some different grocery stores closer to my house. the closest one doesn't have all of the stuff i need to i have to drive halfway across town every 2 weeks or so. it's nice to get out of the house but its kind of a pain to do after work. and the stores are so crowded on the weekends.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 01, 2023, 10:49:23 AM
Today has been busy (for me at least). It's only 2pm. I've been up since 4am. I still have some things to do.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 01, 2023, 12:22:25 PM
Due to recent cold, & subsequent recovery, I had to miss my visitor!!! I've somehow still managed to crochet more, so that's good. I got the idea I could paint a Phony Baby to change her from pinky-purple to something more apt. As I dyed one yellow I've gone for peach paint.
Meanwhile the yellow Catousel Phony is causing trouble, as the paint I normally use isn't sticking to her saddle. It stick to her, but not the saddle area. Oh well, acetone it is (again)...

Beth I HATE crowded shops too!!! I try to hit my local food shop early in the morning to avoid crowds, but you work so can't do that so well
BC I know that feeling!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on May 03, 2023, 09:41:53 AM
My Mum came over at 10am to see the baby and I ploughed through some personal admin. Baby is smiling and laughing now. She's very cute and we are very proud of her. She's four months old and I'm beginning to look for a new job so I can go back to work.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 03, 2023, 12:29:59 PM
Aww Artie that sounds fun!!! It's going to be delight after delight as little one learns each new thing xxx

I think I'm over the cold, but wore the mask out to Coffee & for messages in case. Saw coffee pal who doesn't really know what to do with herself now she has no stall xxx I'm sure she'll find something... Messages were ok & I topped up my electric, but again one thing I wanted wasn't there: broccoli. I like broccoli cheese soup!!! And I can't make it without broccoli.
Finished off the next crochet project & made a bat. Need to piccie the results (project, not bat). While assigning the projects to their Ponies I discovered an issue with a couple of things, so had to do some work there, & of course I added a couple of improvements!!! The bat turned out a bit wonky but still is a recognisable bat & is cute.
Got the laundry done yaiy!!! Cheated with dishes but used hot water so not too bad of a cheat. Ordered scooshy cream online among a few other small bits & it arrived today yaiy!!! Missed scooshy on top of my hot choc!!!
Re the big order I want, found out I have to wait at least two more weeks, so no massive spends until then, but maybe I can manage a small one???
Done a lot of snuggling with Bakana, including to films on Netflix. After clearing the couch of yarn I can lounge on it & it's bliss!!!
And I managed to bag all the rubbish, but it's waiting to go out at the bottom of my stairs. One bag in particular is doubled, but still smells whiffy... But I don't trust my bins to not fall & spill the rubbish outside, so I have to wait until the next rubbish collection day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on May 04, 2023, 03:34:45 AM
I have a late shift today, so I start after 4 pm, work on a train to a town four hours away, sleep at a hotel and go back home early tomorrow (yaaay, hotel breakfast!) so I've spent this day watching a documentary series on Netflix about a rich family in South Carolina who's son got away with murder/manslaughter because of his parents influence. Yikes! Your justice system is so weird!
I'm also surprising my husband with making his favorite food, chili con carne. He is having a training with work this week so I wont be home when he comes home and I hope he'll love the surprise :inlove:. I don't like the food myself so it's a bit trying to do as I don't taste it much after all the spicies goes in :lol:.

I'm gonna take a long walk in the sun before work as well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 04, 2023, 11:34:10 AM
Do not feel well today at all :(

I wanted to visit my mom today but I called and told her maybe tomorrow. My head is killing me, I'm hot, my stomach is still bothering me, my eye is all red and watery.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 04, 2023, 06:16:57 PM
BC take care of yourself xxx
Beldarna enjoy the hotel!!! And I'm sure your husband will love the chilli!!!

Been getting on with some of the stuff I've been putting off, & as one paint wasn't working, I've tried another. Let's see how this one works out...
I still have to do dishes, & my sleep is rewonked...
Had to order cotton buds as I went through a ton to acetone everything...
At least one small thing is going right
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 05, 2023, 04:47:46 PM
@Artie i'm glad you and the baby are doing well :)

today was not too productive. i might do some work over the weekend. i also need to find a place to get eye glasses. i've never had glasses before but i'm excited about being able to read my phone and watch again.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 06, 2023, 05:27:50 AM
I have a zoom appointment in a half hour. Then I'm going to go see my mom. When I get home I need to clean the kitchen, or at least do the dishes.

My mom bought me a new airbrush and it's arriving today, along with some other crafty stuff I bought. I'm excited to try it. It's a Badger Patriot, one of the best airbrushes you can get, and it was only $80 on Amazon. I've had it on my wishlist for a long time and it was like $120 when I added it. I also got the detail needle so I can do clouds and smoke and stuff. My old Paasche is a good airbrush too, but I've had nothing but problems with it and I get frustrated. There are 5 ponies I need to airbrush so I'm hoping I can finally get them done with the Badger.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 06, 2023, 10:14:37 AM
BC I hope you get the Ponies brushed & have fun with your new tool!!!
Beth, I know, getting to reading glasses age stinks, but oh boy the difference is amazing!!!

The paint on the Ponies who need it seems to be working, & will be something for the other paints to cling to as well. It's taking its sweet time drying but it's not as if I don't have other stuff to do...
Like crochet more amigurimis. I'm going through all the mini patterns I can find & so far, so fun!!!
Sort the kitchen cardboard. I need that done over today & tomorrow so it can go out on Monday...
Sculpt something I can't crochet, since so many new pets are coming in I may as well. Used Apoxie Sculpt for it, & because of the colour, I'll have to paint it...
And there's another small knitting project I need to get on with too. I can start on that while the sculpt sets...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 08, 2023, 04:39:26 AM
I never did get over to see my mom. Maybe today.

I have to make some more phone calls. Then go see mom maybe, depends on how I feel. I haven't felt well in a while :(

Later I'd like to test out the new airbrush. Maybe get all these ponies done. I have to put some paper flowers together too before Mother's Day. I bought a kit of paper carnations. They're really pretty colors and I hope I can make them look good.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 08, 2023, 08:34:07 AM
i don't feel all that well today. i didn't really eat dinner yesterday because i ate lunch late. so i think i need some real food. i'll make a bigger lunch.

i also need to go get groceries today. it's supposed to rain a lot this week so i need to make sure we have enough for a week of meals.

work anxiety is pretty high right now. no particular reason. there's just a lot to do and i feel overwhelmed. i need to take some time off but i keep forgetting to actually schedule PTO. some of my coworkers are starting to get on my nerves.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 08, 2023, 05:06:22 PM
BlackCurtains, Good that you mentioned Mother's Day!  :scared: I don't have any present for my mother yet! Well, maybe it's enough for her that I make her a card myself and pick wood anemones in a vase.  :wonder:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 09, 2023, 05:41:22 AM
HOM hope you get it done in time xxx
Beth get well soon, & eat up the good stuff (veg & so on)
BC you need to take care of you first. All the best with the calls xxx

The little knitting project is going well, & I got the recycling out... to discover it's the wrong week!!! Oh well, that bin can go out next week, likely with a bit more in it.
The sculpt is piccied & has his first paint on. I'm waiting for more purple paint as I had to order some & it's his main colour, but the pink & the yellow are on.
I went to coffee this morning & somebody there brought the tone down by talking politics (poli = many, & tics = blood-sucking parasites, & there's not a good one among the rabble at Westminster, & ours up in Holyrood aren't much better).
But my coffee pal was there & Bakana is a metre-long signpost (she's a plushie sharky but she goes with me to coffee), & she introduced me to a person who knits tiny dachshunds & the one on her bag is so cute!!!
Got a grey & a tan yarn at the pharmacy & some messages at the Co-op. STILL no broccoli!!! Got everything else though, & I can make tomato soup...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 09, 2023, 06:01:41 AM
My Uber driver yesterday tried to bring up politics. Like, no. Just take me home.

I did get over to see my mom :) I set her up with Disney+ and fixed her DVD software so she can watch movies on her laptop again. Her TV was out though. She had called for a maintenance guy but he didn't show up in the three hours I was there. She was happy to see me and I brought her some goodies.

I was too tired and worn out to do anything once I got home though. I swear, my fatigue is sooooooo bad. But at the same time, I don't get restful sleep, so it's like this cycle that keeps going and I'm constantly tired... but it's MORE than tired. I'm physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted every day.

Ugh, sorry. Wrong thread.

Anyway, today I need to clean up a little and then do some artsy things.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on May 10, 2023, 01:30:14 PM
Spent the day helping Mum sorting out the trip we had planned for tomorrow, *another* train got cancelled - that's the second one! geez!! These strikes are killing me... wound up having to extend the trip by a day cause there's literally NO trains back on Friday =_= And the whole reason we're even going is so she can see a theatre show that's either sold out or very close to (I'm not sure which), so she can't just try and swap the tickets or anything. Gahhh.

Oh well, there are worse things than having to spend an extra day in the Big Smoke, haha. Just wish it was because we'd planned it... thought they were finished with all the strikes :/ But!!! Gonna make the most of it!!! But man do I need an hour or so of uninterrupted chill time right now, haha, it's been a stressssssful day. :drunk:

(I hope this is the right thread for this. I wasn't sure if it should go here or the Trivial Complaints thread... this felt more fitting - hope I didn't err ^^;)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 12, 2023, 04:45:36 AM
Carrehz, yeah that can be stressful!!! It's fine to share that here as far as I know xxx
BC, glad you got to see your mum!!! But yep, constant fatigue stinks xxx But it often goes with chronic illness due to limited spoons (look up spoon theory - it's great) xxx

Feeling pretty bleugh myself, but at least I got the knitting project done!!! AND the paint on the Ponies is dry!!! Just haven't felt like adding the hair to one yet...
Fortunately this is when I got packages, one of which was mostly paid for by a sharky server friend xxx One was an adult plush harp seal, the other was Ikea stuff, including a dolphin & an octo with a pouch for his little light!!!
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Just what I needed to brighten my day!!! (pun may or may not be intended but it stays)
I also got more minis & a storage bag, which meant transferring yarn to this bag, which meant I found some at the bottom I hadn't used yet. Using that is helping me get out of Slumpsville. Now if only my stuffing can arrive...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 13, 2023, 04:35:31 AM
Aw, all your plushies are so cute!

Taking it easy today, but I have to do the dishes and cat litter. Maybe take a shower later. I'd like to get the mail. I have my first Squishmallow and some wool locks in there I'd like to get. I feel a little weak though and my back really hurts. I'm on blood thinners now so I have to be extra careful with NSAIDs. I'm holding off taking any. I should get some Tylenol. I don't think that's an NSAID? I'll look it up.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on May 13, 2023, 06:05:36 PM
Love that rainbow shark Ponybookworm :)

Got back home okay today, trains got messed around a bit (as anticipated) but luckily there were still a decent amount of them running. I was worried there'd only be like, two trains and we'd get stranded or something, lol. Still, argh, tired of all these train strikes.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 14, 2023, 04:40:27 AM
I'd like to visit my mom today, but I don't know if I'm up for it. Plus, there is a lot to be done around the house. I still haven't taken a shower from when I got home from the hospital. There is orange stains on my wrist from whatever they put there (benzocaine?). I just don't feel up to do doing much.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 14, 2023, 01:12:27 PM
Ponybookworm, lovely plushies!  :lovey:

BC, :heart: :hug:

I managed to get a card ready for my mother for Mother's Day!  :whew: Early Sunday morning before sunrise, I sneaked out to pick wood anemones. I left the bouquet in a vase on the veranda, next to which I placed a card and a small gift. (We can't have flowers or plants inside because the cats eat them all!) Mom saw them when she woke up in the morning. She really liked them!  :)

In the evening we went to my brother's house (who lives next door) and celebrated mom there with a cake and coffee.  :tort:

:heart: I hope everyone who celebrates mothers had a wonderful Mother's Day! :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 14, 2023, 03:15:48 PM
HOM that sounds lovely!!!
BC you're recovering, so take it easy xxx
Carrehz, glad you made it back home xxx
Cheers everybody on the plushie love xxx

Moved onto a new knitting project, meanwhile my stuffing & paint is here, so once the second project is over it's on to painting & more amigurumi yaiy!!! There's a pattern I bought on Etsy & it wants me to review it, but I need to make it first...
Hopefully I can get that hair in the one who needs no more paint... (it's just her mane)
Found a flapjack recipe to use up my oats. I still have syrup, so been using that. I also have the perfect little tray for making small batches in. It works with 50g of oats to start so that's awesome. (the recipe is literally 2x oats, 1x sugar, 1x butter (softened or melted, I prefer to melt as I mix by hand), & a little syrup, then bake at 180C (I use 170 re air fryer) for 10-15 minutes dependent on batch size -my small tray takes 10, then leave to cool). I wonder if I could replace the syrup with honey when I run out of that...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 14, 2023, 03:37:54 PM
with the new Zelda releases I think i may look into getting a Nintendo switch. i need to look into it more. Zelda is pretty much the only franchise i'm into.

i need to do some cleaning. we didn't have the flooding rains that the NWS predicted but the yard is muddy and the dogs tracked in mud. so i need to run the vacuum. i also need to make dinner and plan for next week's meals.

also, it's Sunday so i need to get mentally ready for the work week. i also need to call my mom since it's mother's day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 15, 2023, 12:50:10 PM
^ I'd also really like a Switch. I'm unimpressed with the Story of Seasons games that have/are being released though but there are enough other new games to make up for it. Plus, I'd like to access the retro games.

Today has been annoying and busy. I need to make a couple more phone calls. I hope the mailman comes to pick up my packages too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 15, 2023, 07:02:08 PM
yeah i really like older games. i have the old Wii and i really just played the older games. my 8 year old self never got over my parents refusing to get me an original nintendo.

i don't have a ton of patience for games with a lot of story sequences. the Ocarina of Time had just enough story to be interesting but not so much that it was boring. i just want to play the game. not watch a movie :) i'm also really starting to hate the game apps on my phone. they just want to trick people into paying more money. i would pay an upfront fee instead all of this "pay $1.50" or wait 3 hours nonsense. i'm not paying ever out of spite. and don't even get me started on the ads that don't even let you turn off the volume.

i woke up at 4 am this morning and couldn't really fall back asleep again. i need to try to get better sleep. work is also stressing me out still. i scheduled some time off though. so there's that at least.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 17, 2023, 04:22:30 AM
Mobile games are literally funded by those in-app purchases of this or that tbh, that's the nature of them...
Beth I hope you get better sleep xxx
BC I hope the postie picks up the packages you're sending too xxx

G3 Spike has paint!!! I just need the tiniest yellow touchups & to finish his eyes...
I got my recycling out on the right day, but the strap which holds my recycle bin shut when it's windy SNAPPED!!! Now I'll need to ask for a new one...
I made it to coffee too, & there was a charity quiz about capital cities. Only got half of them without Google's help. It was raining a bit so Bakana & I wrapped up in coats to keep the wet off. Got messages, & the broccoli!!! And the living room heater is off.
Just slowly working through stuff & hoping Clipper gets the bundle up soon so I can buy one...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 17, 2023, 02:22:43 PM
I've been sleeping on and off all day. Yesterday really wiped me out. I was thinking of visiting my mom tomorrow but we're supposed to have major storms.

The housework is falling behind. I need to stop making dishes because I don't want to wash them, but my dishwasher doesn't do a good job and everything comes out feeling greasy. So I have to handwash. I need to do laundry, vacuum the living room and bedroom, change the sheets on the bed (I hate doing that), my PC needs the dust cleared out of it, I need to clean the veggie drawer in the fridge... there's so much.

It's been a week since my heart attack and that was how long I was supposed to rest my wrist. It hurts a lot today I think because I picked up too many heavy things yesterday. I need to get to work on these custom ponies. I have three commissions, the birthday swap and then I want to make one for a contest and we've only got a month to get it done. Plus, I want to make some rainbow Pride sheep and other wool items before June. ALSO I'm going to have to make something to sell. I'm thinking my symbol necklaces. My pony sales have slowed way down, so I need to do something.

Ahh, thinking about all this is stressing me out :( I need to breathe. Don't want another heart attack!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 18, 2023, 09:40:39 AM
Chores will slacken off when you're recovering from a heart attack & surgery xxx

I made broccoli cheese soup because I finally had the stuff!!! My visitor dropped by with bananas, so let's see what I can make with them... (I ate one).
G3 spike needs the black eye paint, then a tiny white dot, then he'll be done!!!
Found some needed accessories on eBay, including a juice bar for my ice cream shop yaiy!!! Still waiting for Clipper...
Got to finish the wee knitting project I'm on soon, as June will be hardcore crochet cute things for the box, & I want to do a couple more things for myself first... (aka practise lol)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 18, 2023, 04:43:51 PM
We went to the FascinAsian Film Festival last week.    I am such an introvert, it was a lot of social activity!

My family is now part of the rare 100's of people who have seen Turning Red in a "theatre" - or at least the library's theatre at their Downtown building.  remember it didn't get Theatre release , just went straight to Disney +.  :)

And the other films were very good too, of course.   
Mmm also food at the festival was delicious....I love chef live cooking demos.
 we have really over-celebrated Asian Heritage Month over here.... LOL if that is possible....
  I went out to an insanely authentic Korean restaurant with coworkers, then brought my husband back the next week because it was so good.  13 course meal of YUM! 

Then we had sushi and Asian fusion all you can eat with the child over the weekend for my Mother`s Day, because the in-laws tried to make Mother`s Day a wild moment of NO.  we suggested they come to our reservation - they shrieked and wailed no, we said okay well child can eat at the restaurant with you and you can use our reservation, and we will wait outside and eat later.  then there was a total freakout on their part that they couldn't demand the schedule because Child has extra-curricular activities on the weekend.  they started screaming through the phone so loud that everyone on the train was staring at us, then sent a CAPS LOCK email of rage and hate when we turned off the phone as we went to the library... so we are now ignoring their nonsense and we enjoyed the family meal.

I feel like this is not a slice of life and more of a whole pie.  :-p

As for my own mother, I am so angry with her right now, that I cannot talk about it.  I just get dizzy and need to stop talking about it, it is physically distressing.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 19, 2023, 03:04:13 AM
Wow, your in-laws sound, erm, fun. Sorry you had to deal with that!

I'm up at 4am again. I had a weird dream where I was like a borzoi dog but I was albino and had this crazy, toothy grin. I was running in slow motion down a detailed street when another, normal dog came up to me. I tried to eat it :whoa:

Today is more housework, whatever I didn't get to yesterday. I did get all the dishes done finally :accomplished:

I need to get the mail, there are some DVDs I bought in there and I don't want the extreme heat to ruin them. We've been breaking heat records every day. This summer is going to kill me.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 20, 2023, 06:36:40 AM
Most of you have seen that I finished G3 Spike, cheers for the love!!!
I keep trying to see that bundle but it's still "out of stock". Hurry up please I want this!!! I got: Wait until Mid-May, so I waited. Then I got: Wait till Friday, so I waited. It's now Saturday. I've asked again, but I don't have FB so rely on somebody who does...
Otherwise quiet. Got one more bit of the last knitting project to do before the hooks come out again!!!

BC glad you're managing to get some things done at least xxx
Squirmy I don't blame you for not wanting to deal with your in-laws if they're going to act like toddlers!!! And hugs re your other stresses. Aside from that, your weekend sounds fun!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 21, 2023, 06:58:43 AM
I thought I could visit my mom today, but my back hurts too much. I didn't sleep well either and I've been up since 3am.

More chores today instead, and working on ponies. I have some new movies to watch too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 21, 2023, 08:40:57 AM
the cat vomited all over our internet router and fried it.

my husband had to spend 1.5 days on the phone with the Tel Comms tech support convincing them it was broken despite that they can detect that no connection is being established with the device/s.  It doesn't help that they have to follow a specific set of Q&A which my husband "has no time for  - I worked in IT for 20 years and I know what's wrong -" 

FINALLY I think because the tech support people wanted to stop hearing from him, because he would call every 2 hours for an update... they sent out a guy with a van, to plug in a cable, to verify, yes it's broken.  They couldn't trust a Facetime/What'sapp/ video call LIVE , showing the testing and its results.  They can't fulfill it under warranty if they let "a guy with a business account, who's had an IT company for 20+ years" touch the inside of the box.  he's like, "I used to work for you guys" and they're like, "then you know the procedure" and he's like, "This attitude keeps problems from being solved, i always thought outside the box to fix the problem" and the service guy chuckled nervously and says, "yeah that's why you USED to work for this company isn't it."  LOL  XD  True! 

Anyway we finally got internet service back after being off line for almost 2 days. 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on May 21, 2023, 09:16:03 AM
he's like, "I used to work for you guys" and they're like, "then you know the procedure" and he's like, "This attitude keeps problems from being solved, i always thought outside the box to fix the problem" and the service guy chuckled nervously and says, "yeah that's why you USED to work for this company isn't it."  LOL  XD  True! 


Just had a quiet day today so far. Went out to London yesterday - had to get up at the crack of dawn to get there in time for the West End Flea Market (which was AWESOME omg, I hope they do it again next year!!), then didn't get back home until around 3-4 am because there were no late trains back - had to get a coach home. (Never done that before and ughhh I was SO worried we'd miss it, we had no idea where the station was... got there in the end but it was pretty close x_x it was a nice trip home though, once we actually found the coach, I mean :p) Really lovely day out! A package arrived for me while I was out so I'm gonna go and open that in a bit. Just chilling out atm.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 21, 2023, 09:48:12 PM
Squirmy oh no!!! And lol at your cat, not to mention the "that's why you USED to work for us" line which tells you everything you need to know about how tech people solve problems!!!
Carrehz that flea market sounded great fun!!! And if you get a good coach it can be a relaxing journey xxx

I FINISHED the knitting stuff!!! (only got the thread sewing to do & I'm still putting that off). So I'm now working on a crochet pattern I bought off of Etsy & needs reviewed, but I can't review until I've used it at least once!!!
Got the rubbish out too, as well as most of the latest rubbish. I say most of because Scarlet O'Hara is back, & there's a good bit of rubbish associated with her...
And then final bits of fun stuff arrived!!! Including a proper coffee funnel yaiy!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on May 22, 2023, 02:30:37 AM
I've already finnished my workday and it's not even midday yet. Been out walking with Ninja (one of my cats), and am gonna take a longer walk when I've finnished my cup of tea. Either today or tomorrow I'm gonna plant the seeds in my pallet collar, I think it's warm enough outside during the night for it. Yesterday I cleaned it up from weeds and my mint had spread allover it. I though it had died because it was so brown a couple of days ago, but the sun just made it pop. I hade mint even in my chives! lol Oh.. and I'm gonna bask in the sun on the balcony with the cats while eating ice cream.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on May 22, 2023, 06:08:14 PM
I just saw my first firefly of the year!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 23, 2023, 04:12:24 AM
As you will have seen in Woolcraft thread I finished the crochet pattern & reviewed it, but that took so long to do I hardly got anything else done!!! No baking or anything!!!
Made it to Coffee today, & there was yarn on the table, & not just mine. There was a colour I didn't have so I picked it up. The rest will go to a pal who grabs yarn too.
Obviously quiet, except going through my Scarlet supplies like the clappers again...

Gator how lovely!!! I wish we had fireflies here, or even gloworms!!! They're so pretty!!!
Beldarna sounds so relaxing xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 23, 2023, 04:22:32 AM
I finally got some decent sleep. My plans today are to visit my mom and bring her all her goodies. Then when I'm back home, more chores. Dishes, laundry. I need to respray for ants. They were coming from two different places this morning plus I saw some in the bathroom (there is no food in there so I don't know why they are in there).

I also need to go to the bank but I don't know if I'll get to that today.

When the chores are done, working on ponies. I'm almost finished with one commission.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Koudoawaia on May 24, 2023, 07:13:55 AM
Antman and the Wasp Quantumania. Was pretty good. 8/10.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 24, 2023, 09:11:16 AM
Koudo, nice!!!
BC, glad you got stuff done!!!

Reduced to clear mushrooms have been turning up a bit, so I decided to use up the last of the old milk making mushroom soup. Soup turned out lovely but the pan!!! I HATE burnt milk at the bottom of the pan & I have to shift it if I want to make tomato soup next week... Left it soaking overnight. Will see if that's done anything...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 24, 2023, 10:23:38 AM
Oh, you know what's good for that? Coarse salt and half a lemon! You can also try vinegar and baking soda with some water, and bring it to a boil. It will lift the burnt milk right off.

I was able to visit my mom yesterday :) She was very happy with her goodies, some candy and a stuffed puffin (her favorite bird). I brought her some movies to watch too. Some of the people who work there have brought her movies too, which I think is nice. Her roommate keeps stealing from her though. She stole her hand lotion and some lip balm. My mom got the lotion back thanks to a nurse. My mom has also caught her drinking her water :crazy: My mom doesn't really have anywhere else to put stuff but in the dresser drawer or the table, and she can't put her water in the drawer. So now she's suspicious about everything and I would be too.

Anyway, it was a nice visit. I was fighting a headache all day yesterday so I didn't do much when I got home, but I just now got the dishes done. Laundry is next, need to wash my towels. My wrist hurts today, so I'm taking a break from ponies.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on May 24, 2023, 02:14:11 PM
I set some Lofty’s to soak in conditioner then went to cut grass. 
I had a bait Lofty I was deflocking.  She had some damage to her muzzle.  I don’t know is she is a member here, but someone from one of the pony Facebook groups offered to send me a Lofty head.  When the package arrived, it was two whole Lofty’s that had been started in the deflocking process! 
That was so kind of her!!!  So I’ve been finishing up all three, just need to style their hair now.

And it was neat that she lives in my state, so now I know a fellow pony collector who is nearby!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 25, 2023, 05:42:22 PM
Ponybookworm, Eh, it's really annoying when milk (or any food) burns to the bottom of the pan! It's really annoying trying to wash it off. >_<
I hope BC's tip helps you!  :)

BC, It's great to hear that you were able to visit your mother and that she was happy. :heart:
It really sounds miserable that she has a thief like that as a roommate. :pout: Can't the nurses do anything about it?
I hope the headaches stay away! :hug:

Gator, that sounds really great!  :happy:


On Wednesday I managed to do a little "garden work".
Four times I wheelbarrowed large pieces of wood in front of the outdoor warehouse to wait for chopping with an axe. In the middle of the backyard, under the tarp, there is still a big pile of these big pieces of wood waiting to be moved. -_- The big old tree in the backyard had broken down in the winter and it was completely cut down then and chopped into pieces with a chainsaw. That pile of wood should have been moved and chopped already early in the spring when there was still frost and snow, but I postponed and avoided this work all the time until this far into the early summer. :bolt: Now I just have to do it no matter how warm it is outside and no matter how many mosquitoes there are, I don't dare move it anymore. :facepalm: Even though I don't want to do that at all.

Guess if I was sweaty, exhausted and eaten by mosquitoes when I finished the chores! It was 24 degrees at the time, which is way too warm for me! I did take a shower as soon as I got inside, it made me feel a little better.

Thursday was a rest day because my back hurt. Rain is forecast for Friday.  :relaxed:

(Sorry for all the spelling mistakes! :blush:)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 26, 2023, 05:05:11 AM
Bit of effort & repeated soaks did it. Will have to remember the vinegar & baking soda trick next time I make a creamy soup.
BC I'm glad you got to see your mother!!! You need to have words with the room-mate along the lines of "don't just take stuff without asking" though  :enraged: I hate stealing & it's happened to me before!!!
Gator I hope you have lots of Lofty fun!!!
HOM this is why I hate mosquitos & midges: the horrible bites!!! We have midges here, mostly on the West Coast, & they see me as meals on legs!!! I hope you had a cream to apply on you xxx

I have a yarn which is white-ish with brown bits in it, & I thought it would be fun to crochet some animals in it. It's a thin yarn, taking a 2mm hook, so I did the cat pattern first. The cat is the right size yaiy!!! But the yarn was doubled up for some odd reason. Cue spending most of the day separating out the yarn with assorted curses, tediousness, & frustrations. Hardly even got on the sharky server!!!
And when I DID get on the sharky server I noticed how emotional I'm getting, because I felt like nobody missed me, then nearly cried when they showed they did, in fact, care about me xxx I wish I wasn't this weak I swear!!! Being 49 stinks...
Today I got another response about the bundle I want. Not available until JUNE!!! Again. So I just gave up & bought another Pony not in the bundle, & bought some other stuff too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 27, 2023, 11:12:38 AM
Finally got to my free patterns!!! First stop: there were two manatee patterns & I had o do them. Did the first in fluffy purple & pastel rainbow, & the second in pastel rainbow. Overall the first is my fave, except the tail of the second is better. Might have to adjust the tails on the first ones...
My fave is the one by Manatee Squares if anybody is interested in searching for the pattern. I love how everything is one piece except the flippers xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on May 27, 2023, 12:01:07 PM
I’m trying to keep snakes away from my baby birds!  They already got into one of my bluebird boxes.  Now they are hanging around my house wrens!  Saw two snakes in the backyard yesterday!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Pheasant on May 28, 2023, 09:39:13 AM
I'm still alive!

Just trying to keep my head above water with work and farm life. I've been blessed with another co-worker after two months of running a storefront almost by myself, so that takes a huge amount of stress off my shoulders. Hope everyone is doing well!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 28, 2023, 10:49:07 AM
I haven't been sleeping :yawn: I think I'm going a little crazy.

Plans are... non existent because my brain is not working and I'm so tired. On Tuesday I see the cardiologist. I got stuff to make burgers for today or tomorrow. I've been eating cereal everyday for every meal since I'm too tired to cook, but the burgers sound super good and I got all the fixings, so... we'll see.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 29, 2023, 05:46:39 AM
BC I hope you get the burgers made!!! And also sort your sleep issues xxx
Pheasant it's good you have a co-worker taking some of the load off you xxx
Gator naughty snakes!!!

Made a hammerhead shark pattern & it's so cute!!!
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Coming to the end of my cycle so laundry is on!!! Clean me + clean clothes + clean bedding = comfort!!!
Also found some really small crochet patterns for bears & bunnies & am making a few for Pony toys!!! They're fiddly but worth it, especially if I use the fluffy Binky yarn (both more fiddle & more worth)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 29, 2023, 09:06:33 AM
Thanks :) The burgers were good! I have two leftover for today. I finally got some sleep too, but I woke up three times, twice with a bad headache and once soaking in sweat. I'm freshly showered now though and feel better :)

Chores for today. I still need to do laundry and vacuum. I need to change the sheets on the bed (ugh) and clean the litter boxes.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 29, 2023, 03:44:08 PM
that shark is ADORABLE  lookit his widdle fins!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 29, 2023, 04:12:55 PM
Ponybookworm, nice looking hammerhead shark!  :good:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 29, 2023, 04:54:45 PM
Glad my hammy is making people smile!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: brightberry on May 29, 2023, 07:14:04 PM
That shark is adorable!

I saw some bees on my flowers.  I hope they like them.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 30, 2023, 05:47:19 AM
BC YAIY!!! You ate some good food!!!
Brightberry, aww bees are adorable!!!

Started writing down some fave patterns in one of my Pony notebooks so I can make them if the power goes out. Made a tiny bear & it's perfect for a Pony toy!!! Wrote that down as I'd love several of them...
Washed myself down & laundered my sleeping bag, so I'm all fresh pretty much. Made it to coffee & my coffee pal was there!!! Had a good chat & stuff. Got messages & electric from the Co-op, & can still get a load more stuff. May just get the new stereo I need. Nothing too complex. Now I have to get the clothes laundered...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 30, 2023, 07:58:36 AM
I ended up calling 911 and going back to the hospital last night. My arm felt funny and I had pain in my jaw again, a headache and a lump in my throat. They did a bunch of EKGs and took blood. Everything came back fine except something from my heart was "slightly" elevated. They wanted me to stay overnight for observation but I started feeling better and asked to go home. The cardiologist who put in the stent wasn't working last night, but I have an afternoon appointment with him today.

I still have a headache and my throat is sore, so maybe I'm sick with something else. I haven't had a sore throat in a long time. It hurts to swallow.

My neighbors came by yesterday and took my garbage. I offered them a $20 because that's all the cash I have but they refused. They said they were going to get the kids to do it from now on and said I can offer them a couple bucks or some candy or something. I'm so glad. That was one thing my niece screwed me with too, since she would always help with my trash.

I got more MeeMeows! They're cute kitty toys that I'm starting to collect. I'll post them in Games and Toys.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on May 30, 2023, 04:59:16 PM
BC, It's good that you went to the hospital and they checked your health. Fortunately, you are feeling a little better and are at home. :hug: Maybe you have a flu coming on and that caused those symptoms?  :huh:

Oh, you have kind and helpful neighbors! :heart: That is very rare nowadays (at least in Finland)!


On Tuesday, I went to my grandparents' grave to water the flowers and see that everything has been kept clean. On the same trip, I took old dishes and books for recycling. I found a lovely sparkling door decoration for myself for the winter and a new t-shirt for my mother. It's nice that the so-called recycling cabinet has come again on the side of a road right here near my home. It is always brought there every summer.
I washed with my mother outside the kitchen window because it had horrible bird droppings. Luckily, they went away easily. We had to wash the window from the inside as well because it was completely full of cat nose prints!  :lol:

Wednesday morning I have to get up early and now I'm still awake even though it's already 3 am. :biggrin:  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on May 31, 2023, 03:20:08 AM
Loving the hammerhead shark! :heart:

I've been running around like a headless hen for the past days. I'm flying to Stockholm tomorrow with John and his mom is coming to live here while we're away to look after our cats. We called her monday to ask what to grocery shop for her and at first she didn't need anything.. but she could do with some milk to her coffee (which she will be bringing as neither of us drink coffee), any milk would do.. but this brand with the red packaging is her prefered choice. She didn't need any fruit or vegetables, for sure... but some cherry tomatoes would be nice. Food? Anything would do... but could we buy some gound beef pie? Oh, don't care of any brand, any will do.. but this brand is what she usually buy :haha:. Omg, it conituned like this with everything, it was hilarious. Old woman don't want to be any trouble but of course she's getting her prefered brand of things. She's so nice to do this for us :heart:. A neighbour of hers is gonna watch her cat while she's here looking after ours. Today I made some patties for her with fried onion she can have with potaoes and my home made blackcurrant jam. We've been cleaning and preparing so much for her stay but we're finally done.

I'm done with packing as well. And all my lists.

The airport-city train in Stockholm derailed a few days ago and wont be going for a week so I've been looking up flightbuses, tickets, downloading apps.. Looking up and writing down every commute route from the city terminal to the hotel, from the hotel to Old town, butterfly house, museums.. the venue where I'm gonna WATCH NIGHTWISH!!!!! on saturday.. :yippee: Now I'm afraid I will forget my lists.. lol.. :freak:

I'm also afraid I will forget my reading tablet as it's in my work bag.. and I work today and tomorrow and will be gone overnight and I'm sick to my stomach with worry about the train gonna be late and I'm gonna miss my flight.. sigh... Sorry for rambling. I'm just so excited! I'm gonna watch my favorite band for the first time in 19 years!  :yippee:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 31, 2023, 07:59:51 AM
BC, i'm glad you started feeling better and that your neighbors are helping out :hug:

back to work today after the long weekend. i took friday and tuesday off so it will be a short week at least.

it wasn't too relaxing since we did errands and an eye doctor appointment for my husband. hopefully he'll have eye surgery soon. it's stressing me out but we both feel better after talking to the doctor. my parents aren't helping because they keep bugging me about when his appointments are and how everything is going. they're anxious for him to start driving again. but the pressure isn't helping. he'll be ready when he's ready. we just have the 1 car and we both work from home so we don't drive too often.

after work i also need to go to the store and get more dog treats. which means driving halfway across town. at least it's light out. during the winter it's so dark out here in the suburbs.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 31, 2023, 12:50:53 PM
More love for Whack-A-Ray!!!  :lovey:
BC, so glad you have helpful neighbours, & also glad you're keeping an eye on your health now xxx
Beth I do hope the eye surgery goes well for hubby xxx
Beldarna, sounds so exciting!!! But yep, travelling has so much stuff you need to organise!!!
HOM, that recycling cabinet sounds delightful!!!

Clothes: laundered!!! Stereo, ordered!!! (only £50 plus free postage). 99% of my orders, posting!!!
Didn't even know the visitor was coming today until I heard her knock!!! Oh sugar!!! So I saw her half-asleep with my post in my hands from behind the door I opened to say hello!!! And it didn't occur to me to open any of it!!! And one of them was the letter she needs to know about!!! Oh well, I can tell her a white lie about it arriving tomorrow...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 02, 2023, 01:25:31 PM
I'm having a bad physical day. My back is killing me and my feet are swollen. I've been slowly doing chores... there is so much to do. I got too far behind.

Taking breaks I'm making walls and floors for The Sims 4. I got back into the game recently, bought a few new packs and kits because they're all on sale. Anyway, I  was trying to decorate for a vampire mansion and was unimpressed by the choice of wallpapers. So I looked up how to make them and it's super simple. Been downloading digital seamless paper packs all day lol.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 02, 2023, 01:57:20 PM
Sounds good BC!!! And you take it easy if your health is playing up again xxx

I forgot to mention the cinnamon rolls I baked the other day, but I've been eating my way through them as they are always so delicious.
I crocheted a tiny bunny pattern, & intend to work on another later, but first I need to do work on a scarf. It's been sitting for a while since I started on it, so I need to go back to the video to continue...
My orders have been arriving slowly but surely, that's four packages so far, including the Lovecrafts batch. Also I have news on the bundle!!!
My Lovecrafts batch included DK cotton yarn, & I need some heatproof mats in the kitchen, so there's a thing I have to crochet. Priority there is for one in front of my airfryer, so I can put the base down when I pull it out without risking burns on the worksurface.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: tikibirds on June 03, 2023, 10:34:39 PM
I'm gonna do very little today
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 04, 2023, 07:46:05 AM
Having a bad day. It's not even noon. Back is still killing me, ibuprofen does nothing. I'm still trying to get all these chores done. I guess I am slowly making progress. I got caught up on the dishes at least. I still need to clean the kitchen counters and stove. In the fridge I had put grilled onions on a plate I made for my burgers last week. I had them on paper towels but the oil spilled over the edge anyway and ran down a bunch of stuff in the fridge. So I need to clean that up. Need to do laundry for towels. Need to vacuum. Need to fix the bed and put on sheets (ugh).

On top of all that, need to work on art.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 04, 2023, 01:31:37 PM
Both of you take it easy today!!!

I too had a big old crashout xxx
Working on that "scarf" in inverted commas as it's a bit wide & a bit short, but I don't want to undo it as this yarn takes so much effort to undo!!! It still looks good so if needed I'll add different colours in blocks to it. I just had to refresh my memory on the stitch pattern, which fortunately is simple enough.
The handle of my coffee grinder broke!!! And I can't find all the parts to fix it!!! Going to scour the kitchen again...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 04, 2023, 01:46:17 PM
I finished the dishes, cleaned the counters, stove and fridge and had a healthy smoothie for brunch and then a big salad for dinner :accomplished:

I didn't get to any artwork today but I did decide on colors for my swap pony.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on June 05, 2023, 07:31:26 AM
CHores chores CHORES

I was sick yesterday immediately after dinner (like, literally ten minutes later) and I think it was because I spent the day in too much sun travelling to pick up shopping orders. I'm staying inside today and getting chores done, though I'll need to brave going outside to take out rubbish.

I'm packing up my household so that when I do finally need to make a move it's not as stressful (I'm a collector after all!)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on June 05, 2023, 10:31:39 AM
had my teeth cleaned then just chilling the rest of the day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on June 05, 2023, 05:49:30 PM
I’m walking the beach!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on June 06, 2023, 02:34:14 AM
It's Swedens National Holliday today. So I'm sitting at home surfing the web, considering going to the grocery store and buy some chocolate ice cream. Not much for celebating today.. Sweden celebrates 500 years as a country today as well so the celebrations in town is huuuge.. but.. nah.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 06, 2023, 04:14:15 AM
I didn't get much sleep. I think I'll take it easy today, I did a lot of stuff yesterday. I do want to finish my pride sheep though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 06, 2023, 05:12:43 AM
Chores are annoying, but good on everybody who got some out of the way!!!
Especially you BC xxx And try to get more rest, if not sleep xxx
Frostbite, that's the danger of overdoing things xxx
Invader, I bet the rest is well-deserved or much needed xxx
Gator enjoy xxx
You too Beldarna xxx

Improved a fix on the coffee grinder & hope it works. A tiny screw, a washer, & some Apoxie Sculpt did the work. Please work!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!
As I was in the Apoxie Sculpt I added a horn to a bait to make my next pegacorn up, but Customwise that's all I did.
Crochet-wise worked more on the "scarf" & had a go at some more patterns. I think I'll stick to the tiny one then adapt as needed for other creatures. I just needed the adaptations for different animals.
Made it to coffee & also got my messages. The new stereo arrived, as did other packages, so adding stuff as needed where it goes. And I GOT THE BUNDLE FINALLY!!! It was available when I was online & about to look where it's sold & bingo bongo bought!!! Yaiy!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 06, 2023, 04:40:28 PM

On Monday, I finally managed (in addition to finding out the location of wasp nests <-- I wrote about it in the complaint thread) to remove the first big pile of branches in my backyard!  :woot:
I had to carry them alone because my husband's feet hurt, but I like being able to do chores alone. This was the biggest of the three piles, but I was able to sort it out pretty quickly..maybe the whole thing took an hour, because I had to start with a scythe to cut the raspberry growth away from the place where I put these branches.  :whew:
There are two more piles of branches left, but there are fewer of them. Then there is still another pile of large pieces of wood protected by a tarp. I was supposed to continue this chore on Tuesday afternoon, but it rained almost the entire time. So I was only inside and I changed the summer curtains on the ground floor of the house. At the same time, I rested my legs, which became sore from carrying the branches (yeah, muscles are developing!) Maybe I'll continue it this weekend if I don't get sick. My mother was on a trip and now she has the flu.  :pout:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shes-so-unusual on June 07, 2023, 08:47:13 AM
Working from home and finishing up a fellowship application! A little dull, but that's usually how it rolls. However, I have extra time to work on some G1 restoration and am going to a klezmer concert tonight. :biggrin:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 08, 2023, 08:56:41 AM
BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG crashout, after working on more of the main crochet project.
Then took Bakana, Snuggles, & Huey on an adventure!!! (we just walked all over the outskirts of the village & I mean ALL OVER!!!) We clambered over rocks, climbed hills, saw the sea, took long paths, ate a tasty toastie to the sound of a soft guitar, went to the forest, found two enchanted pathways, got blocked by a stream, & wore ourselves out!!! Four hours on my feet & they are SORE!!! But it was good to be out!!!

So Unusual welcome!!! And work needs done, & the concert sounds like it will be fun!!!
HOM hooray for finding the wasp nests & getting a pile of branches sorted xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 08, 2023, 11:35:55 AM
I have no energy to do anything :( I was working on a rainbow sheep, but I put him away because I'm not feeling it. Then I tried to work on ponies and the same thing. I hate forcing myself. I need to get my mail but I can't walk that far. I'm hoping I can catch one of the kids and ask them.

I'm also having a wicked craving for spaghetti. It's not something I should eat but maybe if I just make a little bit, enough for a bowl, it would be okay.

I kind of got some sleep. I went to bed at 8pm and got up at 10am but I kept waking up every two hours. Once at like 3am I decided to turn my PC on and do some browsing, but I was still tired so I went back to sleep. I'm still tired. My eyes are having a hard time adjusting. They are a bit better now that I've had some caffeine. This morning they couldn't focus at all.

Really want to play the game that my PC lost power during. I'm afraid to though. I should stick with simpler games for now, but it even gets hot playing Minecraft.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: brightberry on June 08, 2023, 01:22:44 PM
I'm sorry BlackCurtains.  It's been a hard year for you.  Hopefully, things start to feel brighter soon.

It is very hot and humid outside.  I don't want to go out but I need to check on my garden.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 09, 2023, 04:11:29 PM
BC, if you have the spaghetti, have it with a load of veggies in a tomato-based sauce with plenty of herbs to offset the carbs. And take it easy on yourself; you are still reeling from all this year has thrown at you xxx
Brightberry, be careful outside!!! And keep cool xxx

I mean it because I have sunburn on the back of both hands from yesterday's outing. My feet hated me all last night & my legs aren't happy now. I didn't get much done at home because I didn't want to stand up for more than two minutes if that.
Today I got two packages, one of which is a very cute book I had to order!!! It's in German but sold direct from the author & she sent an English translation.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 12, 2023, 05:02:09 AM
Today I have a lot of phone calls to make. After that I need to do more chores around the house. It's getting backed up again and there were some things I didn't get to last time.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 12, 2023, 01:19:49 PM
BC I hope you get the calls made xxx

Feeling really tired of late...
Meanwhile I got some soft yarn in & am using a ball for knitting to see how far it goes (the balls are small but so are what I knit). In between times doing more on the crochet thing, & will have to do another quick thing or two to complete a box.
Should have had a visit today but nobody showed or left a card...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 13, 2023, 05:59:58 AM
I did get them done. I was on hold with Social Security for an hour only to be told I need to report to my local office. I would have called my local office but they don't have a phone number, only the national number. I hate the government.

Today, I don't know what I'm doing. I didn't sleep, so I might crash. I'd like to finish the chores still and work on some ponies.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on June 13, 2023, 06:04:55 AM
One more trip to London for me today (last for a while), for a movie night :) They're screening Paper Moon at the Prince Charles Cinema and it's one of my favourite films, I'm so excited to see it on the big screen! :3
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 15, 2023, 12:22:43 AM
Carrehz sounds good xxx
BC that's so frustrating not having a local number xxx

Finished the first "scarf" & am now on the second, which is thinner so will be longer too. Between them I did another prezzie crochet, need one more & the box will be done!!!
Made it to Coffee, just, but I did. Got messages but no electric as Paypoint wasn't working... At least it's summer now.
Summer, complete with flies in the house, complaining fridge-freezer & feeling sweaty... Not to mention the chaos of summer holidays & stuff...
Still need long crashouts...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 15, 2023, 07:15:30 AM
A few more phone calls and the same chores I've been trying to get done for days. I took a shower though and feel a little better.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 16, 2023, 02:43:07 PM
BC, even here the temp is a nightmare, let alone where you are!!! So here's hoping you at least do some of the chores to keep on top of them xxx

Still having huge crash-outs & I hate it...
Still trying to get a proper fix for the coffee grinder's handle. I know HOW to fix it, it's just a case of getting the right stuff to fix it WITH.
At least I'm also still crocheting scarf number 2, partly because it's too hot to move much, & I'm too sweaty to snuggle Bakana a lot xxx
I predict hosepipe bans & water restrictions coming here... AGAIN...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 16, 2023, 03:02:08 PM
Actually, it's not so bad if you stay out of the sun. In the sunlight though, is killer. We've had "very high UV" warnings for the last few days. I think you can get heatstroke only after 2-3 minutes. I've had heatstroke, it's not good.

I am... still trying to do the same things. I missed my phone calls today because I went back to bed and slept longer than I anticipated. So now I have to wait until Monday. My mom wants me to come visit but I don't have enough money in my account for the trip. Neither does she now that's she's rediscovered Jewelry TV and has been buying rings...

I want to make more coffee for iced coffee tomorrow. I need to clean the ice cube holder and find a place to put it in the freezer.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on June 17, 2023, 07:31:30 AM
Just been moving stuff around today, digging out my travel backpack. I don't think I've mentioned it on here before, but I'm going on holiday to New York at the end of the month! :frolic: So I need to get packing!
Going shopping in a minute.. and one last toy hunt before NY. :P

speaking of toys, I swear mine have been playing mindgames with me lately. *Twice* this week I've put something down, turned my back for five minutes, and come back to find it's vanished on me. :drunk: What's WITH that? I'm sure it'll turn up - didn't have time to properly look - but... geez!

It's hot over here too, it hasn't been too bad today though. Heard it's going to heat right back up again next week, though >_<

Anyone else keeping up with West End Live today? The queues are insane, I could never do it - I'll just wait for the official videos to go up on YouTube, thanks very much :P Sooo excited for Back to the Future's performance tomorrow though, they posted a clip of the soundcheck yesterday and they're doing my favourite song, plus one I never thought we'd get a live performance of! Eeee!!

(Is the Arena lagging for anyone else BTW? I thought it was just my net, but nope, it's just this site that's lagging like crazy right now, everything else is running just fine. o.O)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 17, 2023, 08:05:10 AM
Yeah, the site is having server problems. Been that way for about a week or so.

I'm in a lot of pain today, I think the weather is having an effect on me. It's raining and was thundering earlier. Today I plan on working on some ponies, but later. I think I'm going to go back to bed for a while.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shes-so-unusual on June 17, 2023, 09:41:39 AM
Playing some Minecraft and taking it easy! It's raining out today and I hurt my knee yesterday as I tripped while being the massive klutz that I am. I FINALLY got some organizational drawers for my perler beads, earring making supplies and doll hair so my boyfriend doesn't have to keep dealing with the random beads and bags of nylon hair exploded across our apartment.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on June 17, 2023, 10:49:13 AM
it's still very hot here. so i'll be staying inside as much as possible. i do need to leave to get dinner and pick up groceries. i'm going to go by my parent's house too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 18, 2023, 05:39:05 AM
As BC says, heatstroke is bad news, so take care out there xxx
Beth that's the right idea. Do what you need to & stay indoors the rest of the time xxx
So Unusual yaiy for organiser drawers!!!
BC hope your pain eases up xxx
Carrehz have fun, take care, & enjoy your trans-Atlantic trip!!!

I made the last thing for the box yaiy!!! Working more on scarf number 2. I WANT to cook but it's too hot to do that!!! So it's pretty much hardcore crocheting instead of moving loads & sweating more than I do sitting down, & I do sweat sitting down!!! Will need a wipe-down & a change of clothes, followed rapidly by a laundry session...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 18, 2023, 06:27:45 AM
I hate when you sweat doing nothing, that's the worst. I hope you share all these projects with us! :P

I feel a little better today physically. I got some sleep. It's work on projects day today. I need to get moving on my swap pony and I want to finish my sheep. He's a pride sheep, I have to finish him before the month ends. I need to practice legs and hooves... his are uneven, but that's okay since I'm keeping him, but I need to practice for sheep I sell in the future.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 18, 2023, 07:07:32 AM
I was able to go out shopping yesterday and hit the thrift stores!  I have not done it in MONTHS and I was pleasantly rewarded :) 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on June 18, 2023, 07:08:09 AM
Carrehz have fun, take care, & enjoy your trans-Atlantic trip!!!

Thanks PBW! :) I've never been this far from home before - furthest away I've been so far is Zurich - and I haven't flown since I was a kid (can't even remember it now)... I'm scared but also excited. ^^

Glad to hear you're feeling better BC :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 18, 2023, 11:12:19 AM
There would be a lot of chores, but because of the flu/pains and the heat, I haven't been able to do anything. I stay inside and in the shadows as much as possible, I hate heat and summer.  :hot:

I have watered the flowers outside in the evenings when the sun has already set. Then it's cool and comfortable, but then the mosquitoes attack.  >_< I wish it were already autumn, then everything will be better again. :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on June 19, 2023, 01:59:37 AM
I'm catching up on the Arena, lol.. and just waisting time doing nothing, which feels really good. Work begins 16 minutes past 4 pm. Gonna eat fried chicken and potatoesallad for lunch.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on June 19, 2023, 03:07:09 PM
Catching up on the internet atm, crunching up the last half of a Swizzelstick as I write this :B

Went on a shopping trip supply run (actually didn't get to do much shopping, since we went out fairly late in the day) for some stuff we were missing for the holiday... Had another look for the Sonic the Hedgehog figure I'm looking for, still no luck, but I *did* find a box of blind bags and was able to find two of the ones I wanted (Big and Froggy, luckily my most-wanted were the easiest to feel for due to their sizes :D), which more than made up for it! :frolic: They're SO cute, nice and detailed for the size too.

Just chilling for a bit now and then hoping to do some more prep work for the holiday after I finish playing catch-up w/ the net :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 20, 2023, 11:00:41 AM
I'm resting after cleaning all day yesterday. I missed my doctor appointment because I slept in. I usually only sleep in til about 9 but when I woke up it was 10:30 already, past my appointment time. So I went back to sleep and didn't get up until a little while ago.

I made coffee last night for today and it was delicious. Makes me wish I had more than one mason jar. I'll have to buy another one.

I might work on ponies later.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 20, 2023, 12:58:43 PM
How the heck I made coffee morning & answered the door today I'll never know!!!
Anyway, I did make the coffee & coffee pal & knitting pal were there yaiy!!! Got some messages too, & remembered to put on the laundry before going (just).
As for the door, it was my visitor. She'd had a very scary sounding car incident, & she seems traumatised by it, to the point she says she cries whenever she thinks about it. She needs her friends right now, & those of faith, please pray for her xxx.
As for what kept me so long, my latest version of Twisty Tail is a bit :muffin: Pony & looking wonky at the moment, because I just looked at some of the Ponies sitting near me & thought, "what if I could CROCHET a whole My Little Pony figure"!!! So I have crocheted: one head & body piece, one back leg, one shade of hair, one ear, & a too short ribbon... But I need to take a break from all that crocheting & eat something. Meanwhile I've been writing up my pattern so I can share it with a few lucky people...
I managed to have a de-sweat wash, a change of clothes, & a hair wash too!!!

BC: perfecting things takes time, undoing & redoing, & a load of tippex!!! And there's just something about really good coffee xxx Glad you were so productive, but shame it made you miss an appointment xxx
Carrehz, glad you found something cute as well as what you needed xxx
Beldarna, oh how good it is to just chill!!!
HOM I feel you, although we only get midges...
Squirmy sounds fun!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 22, 2023, 04:24:38 PM
The pain has eased a bit and the cough is almost completely gone, so I was able to vacuum and change the clean carpets. I always have a habit of changing the more summery carpets for Midsummer. I already changed the curtains much earlier.

I don't celebrate Midsummer in any special way. As a little girl, I went with my parents to a village party where there was dancing, frying sausages, throwing darts and finally burning a big bonfire at night. Today, it's nice to remember those times.  :inlove:
On Midsummer's Eve (which is now Friday) I'm going to eat a big pizza and watch an old black-and-white domestic movie, after that I'm going to go out and sit on the steps and listen to the summer night. :relaxed:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 23, 2023, 04:53:24 PM
HOM yaiy for feeling better!!!

I got her finished!!! She's in Arts & Crafts section, with her own thread, because I think she deserves it!!! I was busy with her for a good few days of intensive work, including readjusting some things as I went. She ate half my cerulean yarn, as well as good quantities of the other four shades. And I know what to improve on as well!!! (face embroidery placement in particular...)
Aside from this, I managed to get the dishes done so phew there. It's still quite warm but settling down a bit (my fridge is coping better for example), & several packages have arrived too.
Also I had the survey for the heating thing at last. Kind of worried about where they want some of the new heaters but at least they worked with me & decided to put one where my bed is, which means far less stuff to shift on the day... (my collection lives in my bedroom so that's a massive hassle to move)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 23, 2023, 05:42:16 PM
^ Wow! She is really cute! I went to see and left a comment.  :happy:


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Happy Midsummer to all those who celebrate it!  ^.^

Watched a movie and devoured a pizza in the evening as I wrote earlier. Now at night I sat outside for a few hours and took this picture. These bright summer nights are funny and strange, even though you've been able to experience them since you were little, but you always wonder about them. :wonder: :lol: The soundscape was peaceful, only blackbirds were singing nearby and a cuckoo could be heard further away. Some black cat was sneaking by the sauna building.  :relaxed:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 25, 2023, 05:08:43 AM
Happy Midsummer :) I can't help but think of Ari Aster's film Midsommer, about the cult. Messed up movie, but I love it :lol:

Today I'd like to list more things to sell, including some pony accessories.

Anyone know what used paperbacks go for? I always took mine to the book trader and traded for more books, but I just don't read like I used to and some of these I've re-read many times and know by heart, so I can let them go.

I'd like to bring out the airbrush today too and spray some ponies. There are... four, I think, that need a base coat.

I made a few sales and was able to get some groceries :) Tonight I'm making homemade cheese taquitos with rice, black beans, tomatoes and green chilies. I think I have a can of enchilada sauce too I can add. Yum!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 25, 2023, 03:29:26 PM
BC sounds tasty!!!
HOM what a lovely pic!!!

Moved on to other crochet projects, focussing on my cotton yarn as there are a few things I could use in the house, including a mat to go under my air fryer when I take the drawer out at the end of cooking (it gets hot so a cotton mat will absorb the worst). I granny-squared the mat, using a hack which lets me triple the thickness of my cotton yarn. I also found a tea towel pattern & am doing one in the same colours as the square mat, then another in the other colours of cotton yarn I have. Both tea towels will take time to do but will be worth it!!! I can even use cotton scraps to add embellishments!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Koudoawaia on June 26, 2023, 11:59:04 AM
Got new meds for my cat from a compounding pharmacy(Never again though. Too difficult and panic attack inducing to get to and from it that place), went to the store and got KFC on the way back.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on June 26, 2023, 12:56:08 PM
Happy Midsummer :) I can't help but think of Ari Aster's film Midsommer, about the cult. Messed up movie, but I love it :lol:
Thank you! :heart:
Midsommer...  :dropjaw: :joy: I love that movie! I love its creepiness, brutality, plot and beauty! It's also really unique, which always makes it better! This has never been seen before, at least not by me! This is a good example of how we here in the dark north celebrate Midsummer!  :sly: ... :snicker:

HOM what a lovely pic!!!
Thank you! :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 26, 2023, 11:10:02 PM
Koudo, of course you treated yourself if that shop made you all panicked!!!  :hug: :hug: :hug:
HOM I don't think I've seen that film...

Just slowly working through my crochet projects. The tea towel is a long haul, as is the current scarf, & when I finish each I'll move to the next one of both.
I do a lot of scarves as they're great for the shoebox collections. I may also add fingerless gloves in, especially if I make them nice & ribbed so they stretch out!!!
I need a second 3.5mm hook as one is busy on tea towel duty & I want to do more amigurumi, which I do with, you've guessed it, a 3.5mm hook!!! So I ordered one, along with bigger sizes I don't have in my kit
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 27, 2023, 12:55:33 AM
I was so tired yesterday, I tried to sleep on and off but never really could. I finally got some sleep a little while ago. It's 4am and I'm up. I took a ginseng pill and am drinking some energy Yogi tea, hoping to stay awake and FEEL awake. So tired of being tired!

Anyway, my plans for today is ponies, ponies, ponies! I have got to start working on these.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 28, 2023, 11:23:22 AM
I went out yesterday!!!
First, my support worker managed to accompany me to the coffee morning & she loved it!!! I had a couple of minutes beforehand to show her some stuff I'd made (including crochet Twisty Tail) because she loves that kind of thing.
Second, I had a cheque to deposit, a parcel to post, & when I got my messages I found their paypoint was down so I couldn't get electric, so I took a bus to a town nearby. I could go a few miles one way or a couple more miles the other to reach a town, & mostly I've been going the first way. Went the second for the first time in AGES, & it broke my heart to see how much has changed!!! On top of this, the afternoon was raining, so Bakana & I got soaked!!! Still, I managed to get a munch, some more yarn, the stuff I needed, & a couple more fun bits & bobs including an owl plushie & a seal plushie (they're so cute).
In between times I got more packages in including the snap-on press studs, so had a go fixing them to stuff including larger knitted items & they work a treat!!!

BC I'm glad you're feeling better now, & hope you get your Pony stuff done xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 28, 2023, 12:42:01 PM
Thanks. It sounds like you had a full day! Getting soaked is no fun though, well, unless it's unbearably hot and the rain is cold. That's nice but I think it might be just a tropical thing :lol:

I didn't get to the ponies yesterday. Someone wants to buy my guitar and amp and I thought he was coming over but he got tied up. Same thing today. He seems nice and is communicative, so I don't think he's a scammer or anything. Wants to give me cash too which is a good sign. But I am a little peeved that for the second day he said he was coming and then never did. I'm busy Friday and Saturday so I do hope he comes tomorrow and gets it. I need that money.

Anyway, I am thinking on working on the ponies in a little bit. I was in bed most of the day, but still not really sleeping. I keep trying different things to help me wake up but nothing is working. Lemon water is supposed to help but I have nothing lemon-y. No real lemons or juice. I have some lemon honey tea, but it's for a sore throat. I think I'll just get some lemonade from Walmart.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 30, 2023, 08:56:34 AM
I hope that fellow comes & buys the guitar & amp BC xxx

Just been quiet really, knitting, crocheting, & avoiding the coming weekend of chaos outside like the plague. Meanwhile more stuff arrived, including the HQ bundle, so that's pretty awesome!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 01, 2023, 05:47:13 AM
He ended up trying to low ball me. I have them listed at $250, he wanted to give me half that. I've marked it down twice already and will not go any lower.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 02, 2023, 05:35:54 AM
BUMMER!!! Don't blame you for noping out of that then!!!

Outside, it's madness. For two consecutive days of the year, the world invades my village for its yearly festival. I used to go years ago, but nowadays it's the same old stuff repeatedly, so I now avoid it.
Inside, I'm just sticking to crochet & a little knitting when I feel inclined. I have a few more G2 & G3 Ponies to sort into clothes, but I'm about there so all good. Assigning the new G3 jumpers will be fun, but worth it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 02, 2023, 07:28:56 AM
So sorry you can't go outside! I know what that's like. I used to live in a little tiny town in South Carolina, but it has a famous Nascar race track. We lived on the same street as the track. Every year when the race would come, the place would go nuts. People everywhere. We couldn't get out of our driveway because of all the traffic and people. And we could hear the race, it sounded like a swarm of bees.

Here, it's almost the 4th, which means fireworks. Already people are setting them off. We are in a drought and it hasn't rained for a few days. It's such a fire hazard. But being Florida, they rarely put bans on things because of "muh freedumbs" and all fireworks are legal here, including the big ones.

Also, on a more personal note, tomorrow is my dad's birthday. I've been thinking about him a lot. I still have his phone number listed in my favorites and everyday when I call my mom I see it there. I can't delete it though.

Anyway, on topic - I got some sleep! :frolic: so it's ponies today!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 04, 2023, 07:28:38 AM
Yaiy for getting sleep!!!
 :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: re missing your dad xxx Also gentle fluffles for moggie xxx

The chaos is over!!! There's a few clear-up jobs outside but that's about it for another year!!!
Went to coffee today & they had extra cakes & stuff which were yum!!! No coffee next week as it's thrift week that week, so bargains to be hunted!!!
Slowly working through my crochets...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on July 04, 2023, 12:32:12 PM
Today, I went into work on a holiday to get caught up on things because we are so short handed because stupid management lets too many people take the same days off so we are really short handed this week and I am so behind!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 05, 2023, 07:27:08 AM
Mis-managers stink Gator xxx

My grinder broke in another place I can't fix, so I ordered a replacement & am using the bullet in the meantime
More crocheting & stuff
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 05, 2023, 08:05:07 AM
back to work today. i also have some side work i need to complete today.

i actually got a lot of stuff done around the house during my time off. i finally put the Billy bookcase for the laundry room together. i also reorganized my office closet and put a bookshelf in there. i need to figure out what to do with my stuffed animal collection. i wish i had a dedicated pony/collection room. i would love to have the stuffed animals out of the bins.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: brightberry on July 05, 2023, 11:36:26 AM
There were so many fireworks last night, my dog wouldn't leave my side.  I felt bad for her and all the other animals.  She doesn't understand and it does sounds like the end of the world.  Our city posted a message on Facebook stating that the fireworks were illegal under the burn ban and there were a ton of laughing emojis and rude messages.  We also can't call the police unless we know for sure who is setting them off.  :mad:

But today, it's all over and no fires! Yay! I'm going to trim my rose bush and see if any more blooms come.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 05, 2023, 01:33:45 PM
My cat was terrified yesterday :( She hid under the bed.

It's raining now. We need it.

I had plans today but got tired and slept. I need to catch up on my sleep so that's a good thing. I think I'll try staying up tonight and doing what I had wanted to do earlier. I need to finish the dishes, organize my small laundry closet (mainly putting things on the shelf and cleaning up the top of the dryer). My poor plants need to be watered, Ben, my basil, is all shriveled up. I want to make chicken quesadillas (tonight? tomorrow? ) so I have to cook the chicken. The garbage needs to be gathered and I'd like to vacuum the living room and bedroom.

Right at this moment though, I'm going to play a game for a bit. I need my gaming fix :P
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 06, 2023, 02:35:19 PM
Hugs to all pet lovers & fluffles to all pets, also hugs to everybody else scared by fireworks xxx

BC enjoy your game
Brightberry entitled people stink!!! Also hope for more roses xxx
Beth yaiy to assembling the shelf!!!

Just quiet again. Paid a Customs charge but that's it really, except more crocheting & stuff
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 06, 2023, 03:25:04 PM
Thanks, I did :D I made a friend while playing too.

I still miss all the games on my PC. I'm dying to play Sims 4. The Horse pack comes out the 20th. I hope I'll have the money to buy it and my PC will be fixed by then. I should get the new PSU between tomorrow and the 11th. Hoping it comes tomorrow.

In other news, I did indeed get most of that stuff I mentioned done :D I even made the quesadillas today and they were delicious. Lots of leftovers too. Still need to vacuum.

I ended up not sleeping, but the prednisone is kicking in and it makes me kind of manic (which lets me get stuff done, so I don't mind it). I did lie down for a while in the afternoon but didn't really sleep. I'm feeling tired now at 6:30, but I'd like to work on some ponies or maybe a sheep.

Tomorrow I thought I had an early doctor appointment, but it's next week. So I think I'll visit my mom tomorrow instead. I should go when I'm feeling good and I only have the prednisone for 7 days. I'm on day 3 now.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on July 07, 2023, 07:37:56 AM
Back home now (got back yesterday, but I crashed as soon as I got in since I'd been up for like 24 hrs by that point). Weird to be back to normal now after a week in the US... had a very exciting week :) on Sunday I psyched myself up to do stage door and meet my favourite actor (I have baaaaaaaad anxiety so this is a big thing for me) and ahhh he was so nice :lovey:

not looking forward to unpacking everything, though :p

Just catching up on the Arena and other sites now.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 08, 2023, 09:27:09 AM
Carrehz don't blame you!!! And that sounds AMAZING!!!
BC yaiy for getting more done!!! Now I have to make quesadillas too!!!

Scarlet O'Hara is visiting again, & making quite the mess... Got a bee in my bonnet about putting my Flutters  Wingers on the pegasus shelves. Once I've sorted the remaining G2s into jumpers I can move the Breezie Train too!!! (they're temporarily living on the spare bits on a couple of shelves). I can also add more bird pets (just a case of getting them). More knitting & crocheting meanwhile, & got the G3 jumpers I've made so far on the G3s, because their top tags are big enough for the snap-on press studs to fit. With the G2 jumpers we're talking thread sewing & I'm in too much of a yarn mood to grab sewing thread right now... Oh & I got more yarn!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 08, 2023, 01:56:20 PM
Carrehz, welcome back :D I'm glad your trip was a good one!

PBW, you sound so busy! You've got to show off all your creations when they're finished :)

I didn't get over to see my mom like I'd planned. Maybe tomorrow. I've been tired today and just got up from a nap. I got more flour tortillas so I can make more of the leftovers. I made a big batch of filling with spanish rice and black beans, tomatoes, chilies, onions, salsa and fiesta cheese with pulled chicken. I made more than I realized and quickly ran out of tortillas. But now I can have them for dinner again :) I will not misuse the oil guard this time.

Other than that, I've been thinking of more things I can sell. I'm slowly listing everything on eBay. I need to move the rest of my pony sales over there. I need to go through all my clothes. I think there are some other bits and things I could sell in my junk drawers, which are a catch-all for things that don't otherwise have a place.

I'm really feeling the itch to needle felt, but I have to do some work on my swap custom. Shipping is the end of the month and there is still quite a lot to do.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on July 09, 2023, 11:37:18 AM
Packing up my dolls! I'm preparing for moving in the future (I don't have a place but want to prepare my collectables and everything I CAN prepare in advance so I'm not overwhelmed when it DOES happen) and my goodness I have a lot of dust in my house because of my animals ... It's nice seeing my Once Upon a Zombie dolls up close again!

I used to have SO many Monster High ones before selling because I needed the cask  :cry: I refused to part with my Catty Noir 13 Wishes and my Londoom Catty with her little corset and Iris Clops boots, very happy I did! I got another Pack O'Trouble and Frights, Camera, Action Clawdia and I'm happy to add G3 Abbey to the lineup when they're unpacked again!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 09, 2023, 05:47:56 PM
i haven't been feeling all that well for the last few days. just general feeling rundown and lethargic. i felt better when i woke up this morning and was even able to get some light housework done. i think i overdid it and now i feel bad again.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 09, 2023, 10:15:17 PM
BC the fillings sound yummy!!! And of course you feel tired a lot, catching up on sleep???
Frostbite you're doing well at organising, better than me!!!
Beth poor you!!! Yep, you have to not rush or overdo stuff!!!

After moving the Flutters & Wingers I was able to put another building on display: the G3 ice-cream shop!!! I have a load of mini ice creams to go with it, as well as the needed large accessories, so it's looking good. Some of the waiting-for-a-space Ponies went in it & are happy there, so I was able to shift other Ponies to the waiting-for-a-space shelf in their place, & have room for a few more, so that means here comes more Customising!!!
I also made some vegetable quesadillas (sweetcorn, courgette, & red pepper), using me-made flour tortillas. They turned into mess-adillas!!! But were still tasty!!! One of the things I think I have to do is chop the veggies smaller than I did, also strain the oil out of them... They made what's normally a snack/ light meal into a full meal!!! I felt quite full after eating them!!!
In between times, more crochet. Working on two scarves, the tea towel, & little Pony blankets as swatches. I found a vid on making a chainless foundation with single crochet, & started a Pony blanket that way. I quite like the neat bottom edge it gives me.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 10, 2023, 06:08:32 AM
Yay to more customs!

Today I'm working on customs too.

My power supply for my computer should arrive today, but it says after 7pm. So I have all day to be anxious about it, ugh.

Need to list the rest of my ponies on eBay too.

For dinner, I feel like pasta. I think I'll make some pasta salad with olives, pepperoni and feta cheese.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 11, 2023, 07:51:34 AM
i'm off from work today. my husband is having eye surgery soon and i'm taking him to his pre-op appointment today. the eye center is in another town about 45 minutes away and since these appointments are a little stressful for both of us i decided just to take the day off whenever we need to go. unfortunately being away from work also makes me anxious :huh: i really need to learn how to not stress about work but it's hard when there are bills to pay. i come from a long line of anxious people so i'm sure even if i didn't stress about money i would still find something to worry about constantly.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: thesugarpuppie on July 11, 2023, 08:34:10 AM
Beth, I hope your eye surgery goes okay.

I'm waiting on this cheap little desk I bought to come today so I can be more comfortable drawing. I've been using a real makeshift kind of thing lately. So that means cleaning up my room a bit.
I'll also be working on making a new coloring book. I've made a lot of progress so far but I haven't technically said I was doing it or when it's coming out yet.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 11, 2023, 10:55:46 AM
My PC is fixed as of yesterday :D It's working great but the new PSU is loud. It said "whisper quiet" on the box, but pffft. Sounds like a revving motorcycle. My case isn't closed all the way though and that would probably make a difference.

I need money, badly. I'm going to work on customs the rest of the day. I have a free pizza from Domino's with my points so I'll order that later and just power through ponies. I wish caffeine had an effect on me. Once in a while if I drink two Dr. Peppers back to back I can get a little buzz, but I can also drink four shots of espresso and go to bed.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 11, 2023, 03:40:36 PM
I went out!!! It was coffee-less day today, so instead I went to the Thrift shop they have instead & got some stuff there, then after a bit I went to town. The one I went to a few weeks ago is in another district, but the one I went to today is in the same district, & I received a giftcard for £100 to spend in selected shops in my district. Included were a wee cafe, the local aquarium, & a place where I can get everything but the kitchen sink!!! Meanwhile I browsed other shops, including charity shops & another cafe, as well as spending all but £15 of the giftcard & getting messages at the town supermarket.
I spent £6 at the cafe, £20 at the aquarium (entry plus ray plushie), & almost £60 at the everything but the kitchen sink place, mostly on yarn which filled a whole bag!!! That last £15 will get me a lunch at the cafe.
The weather was gorgeous too, with very little rain, & I got everything timed right. The only issue was not having a plastic fork on me to eat the pasta bucket from the supermarket while I awaited the bus home, so I used a keyring to eat with instead!!!
And of course I took the sharky!!!

Yaiy to your PC being fixed BC!!!
Sugarpuppie hello!!! And here's to your new desk being fit for purpose!!!
Beth hope the OH's surgery goes well xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 11, 2023, 05:31:39 PM
The only issue was not having a plastic fork on me to eat the pasta bucket from the supermarket while I awaited the bus home, so I used a keyring to eat with instead!!!
And of course I took the sharky!!!

I am sure Sharky loved the adventure :)  I have had to make an origami SPOON out of cardboard packaging to resolve a similar problem... everyone watched me do it,  in public, but I ATE MY SNACK.  ;)

Tomorrow is "going to the Calgary Stampede" day!  Ya!HOOOOOOOOOO

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 12, 2023, 10:00:11 AM
The only issue was not having a plastic fork on me to eat the pasta bucket from the supermarket while I awaited the bus home, so I used a keyring to eat with instead!!!
And of course I took the sharky!!!

I am sure Sharky loved the adventure :)  I have had to make an origami SPOON out of cardboard packaging to resolve a similar problem... everyone watched me do it,  in public, but I ATE MY SNACK.  ;)

Tomorrow is "going to the Calgary Stampede" day!  Ya!HOOOOOOOOOO
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Love it!!! Mostly quiet for me today, with piccies to upload from yesterday. May get 2-3 things at the Coop but that's it. Just crocheting & stuff
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 12, 2023, 04:02:50 PM
squirmy, the Calgary Stampede day looks fun :)

Is plastic flatware banned in Scotland and Canada? i think it might be banned in some places here. not in Texas though. usually they give you plasticware even if you tell them not to :( i wish they would ban it here.

my mental state isn't very good today. my patience is razor thin and people are constantly messaging me asking me questions today. it's especially stressful when i don't have the answers. i wish i had the courage to just take a mental health day when i feel like this.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 12, 2023, 04:21:13 PM
I think plastic flatware and things like plastic bags are banned in California and Colorado. Maybe some parts of New England? The progressive states, basically.

I'm sorry you're having such a rough day, Beth :( I hope things get better.

I'm so fatigued today, I slept all day. I couldn't keep my eyes open literally. I'm feeling a little more awake now that I've had lots of cold water to drink. When I see my doctor on Friday I'm going to tell her about this. Maybe I am still catching up on sleep debt, but even after I sleep, I'm not refreshed at all. I know the sleep apnea has a lot to do with it. I feel like I never have normal sleep. I dream a lot and remember my dreams but I don't think I often go beyond that into REM sleep when your body heals and stuff. I'll ask for a B-12 shot too.

Today I wanted to work on ponies some more. Maybe I can stay up tonight and do it. I have two commissions to finish, my swap pony, a gift pony and three ponies to sell. I also have another two commissions but they need heavy sculpting and I'm painting and airbrushing right now. My new airbrush is awesome. So much smoother and better control than my Paasche siphon feed. The reducer I got makes thinning paints easy too, but I have to wear goggles and a mask. I got goggles that fit over my glasses. Everything fogs up after a while though.

Anyway, ponies today/tonight. I want to make baked spaghetti too, a comfort food.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 14, 2023, 10:58:10 AM
Single-use plastic stuff is pretty much banned in the UK, especially forks & spoons & stuff. Need to get a travel cutlery set for my pockets now
BC aww I'd say you are catching up on sleep, especially as sleep is hard to do when you're in pain. Take it as another sign your meds work if you can sleep more xxx
Beth xxx  :hug: :hug: :hug: Have a hot choc, listen to some good music, whatever it takes to de-stress. It can pile on us & we need to release the stress xxx

Didn't post yesterday as I was too tired. I was too tired for the following reasons:
When I was in town on Tuesday I heard there was a circus on, so looked at when the shows were. There was one yesterday afternoon so I chose to go then. The bus there was packed, as a load of folks had the same idea, & instead of the normal double-decker, we had a small bus to fit everybody. The circus itself was great, & my sharky loved it too & made some friends xxx
After the circus my sharky & I took a walk along the beach to the nearby village, between where the circus was & where I stay. One of the shops there was on the giftcard scheme, so I bought some food there (£6 leaving £9 still on the card for that cute cafe), then waited for the bus home. And Waited
And learned from the driver of the bus going the other way that there'd been a road incident near the start of that bus's journey, meaning the bus was severely delayed, to the point I may as well get the one after it, a WHOLE HOUR later.
So I walked to a bus stop half an hour's walk away to wait there, instead of standing still for a whole hour. Then I waited there. That bus was about ten minutes late too, but at least I got home!!! After 9pm!!!
That's why I was tired...
Today it was bargain day at the thrift week, so I got a load of basic stuff: tops, tongs, a couple of vegetable knives, & other things I thought would be useful. What you do on bargain day is you pay a fixed price, get a black binbag, & fill it with whatever you find. It's good fun & gets a load of the stuff shifted quickly.
Now I have photos to edit so they show the circus acts without the backs of too many heads...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 15, 2023, 03:00:17 PM
Once again I was so tired I had to go back to bed. I slept 3 hours and was still tired. I wanted to do a lot more today. I have tonight though, I'm starting to feel a little more awake like usual in the evenings.

I started a needle felted sheep last night, a small one. I want to try some of the yarn I bought a while ago on it. I was working on a bigger one, but messed up one leg and because i wrapped the wire in a pipe cleaner, the wool was stuck on good and I got frustrated trying to get it off. I'm just going to scrap that one, use it for the core of something larger, and start on a new big sheep. I should practice legs by themselves until I can guess how much wool I need.

I've been in a lot of pain today. I was getting depressed about it earlier. I'm still in pain but feel better emotionally now. I made the baked spaghetti today and I made a double batch so I'll have leftovers. I didn't put enough cheese in but I have some more I can add tomorrow.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 15, 2023, 06:12:33 PM
thanks PBW :) i feel a little better now. it's also Saturday so no work for me today :)

i got quite a bit a cleaning done today before it got too hot. the baseboards were surprisingly dusty! the Roomba doesn't get the baseboards or the corners. I also put up a wall shelf in the bedroom. now i just need to put up one in the bathroom.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 16, 2023, 01:46:54 AM
I need to do chores: dishes (well due), laundry (needed especially just after the outings & Scarlet), vacuuming (postponed for far too long!!!).
And I still have to fit crochet & knit projects in between all that!!! Otherwise it will be quiet.

Aww BC xxx  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yaiy Beth!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 16, 2023, 02:38:14 AM
I ended up not sleeping much. Kept waking up... I was very uncomfortable. So I've been awake for a couple hours now and it's 5:30am. I'm considering not taking the nerve pain meds this morning because they add to my sleepiness.

I got a couple things done digitally artwise. I'm learning more and more about Photoshop.

Today I really want to tackle the ponies. I did so well that one day, I want another day like that. Maybe I can finish the space ponies today and put them up for sale. I need money badly. I also finally figured out how to go about painting my swap pony. I'd like to also work more on the needle felted stuff.

Right now I'm going to shower and make a nice cup of coffee.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 17, 2023, 11:45:45 PM
I did not get the vacuuming done!!! Did, however clear the rubbish & get it in the bin for pickup. Dishes, done!!! Laundry, done!!! Moving stuff around to fit more Ponies on shelves, done!!! Some more Ponies in clothes, done!!! (including jumpers I'm knitting for a bunch of them, in lighter yarns so needed to adjust stitch counts to compensate) A bag of stuff I don't really want to go to this morning's table, ready!!!
Obviously going to this morning's coffee morning!!!

BC I don't blame you!!! Or at the very least, take them at night if they make you sleepy. Also, not done much on digital art. I can barely move my mouse steadily enough (you'll have seen my efforts on Paint in the Art Challenge Game). And yep, glad you're making progress!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 18, 2023, 01:00:24 AM
Sounds like you got a lot done!

I slept all day, or for two days? I'm not really sure...

I was able to finish the space ponies. Their hair is drying, then pictures. I hope they sell. I had two eBay auctions sell, but the buyers haven't paid yet.

I've decided I want to rearrange my bedroom. Mainly it's moving the bed. Don't know when I'll get to it though.

edit: After I wrote this i went back to bed and slept until morning. I actually feel semi-rested :)

Space ponies are done! Commission is done! Gift pony 1 is done! I'm about to work on my swap pony. All that's left after that is gift pony 2 and a painted pony to sell.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 19, 2023, 05:30:45 PM
Nice work BC!!! Saw your Space Ponies & they are lovely!!!

Went to Coffee Morning & dropped off the bag of stuff I needed to. I'm starting to run out of stuff, mostly the snap-on press studs, which I just used the last of today!!! Will need more with next loot. There's a yarn I don't have enough of to finish a jumper too, so will have to get another ball. Good thing the direct supplier has some in stock!!! Got a basket full of yarns there to buy, plus another yarn from a different stockist on my eBay wantlist. WHY is yarn-buying such an obsession for me now??? AAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!
Didn't need much from Co-op re all of the stuff I got last week!!! Catching up on crochet while waiting to get stuff for knitting.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 20, 2023, 05:05:39 AM
Thank you!

Today is more ponies. I haven't made much progress with my swap pony but I really need to get it done. Shipping is in 10 days! I haver another two commissions as well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 20, 2023, 08:59:03 PM
Go BC!!!

If I can't knit, I'll do more on the crochet stuff!!! So I'm doing that
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on July 22, 2023, 03:01:51 PM
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

I'm back at Arena!  :lol:

My weekend trip turned into a trip that lasted a whole week! I came home on Friday (21.7). :biggrin:
I was without Arena, internet and music during my entire trip. I can access the internet through my mobile phone, but I didn't use it.
It feels a bit strange to use a laptop and listen to CDs after a week's break.  :lol:

It's great that Arena is still up and running and there's plenty to read! :heart:

BC, really great to hear you've been able to make ponies! :heart: :frolic:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 22, 2023, 03:39:23 PM
Welcome back!  :tackleglomp:

I didn't do much today. Cleaned the kitchen and played some games, that was about it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 23, 2023, 12:56:00 AM
HOM must have been a fun trip, & it's good to take a break rom the internet for a bit xxx
BC well done on cleaning kitchen!!!

Ordering stuff, including more snap-on press studs (beats sewing them in lol)
Also getting stuff in & another wee shift around. Made some more mess-adillas too!!! I have this chilli you grind onto stuff & ground it onto the veggies before adding the cheese & cooking. Didn't notice it much so will have to add more next time...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 23, 2023, 06:54:39 AM
Ponies today. I finished another commission, just washed her hair! When it's dried, photos, and a message to her future owner. Feels good to finish things :accomplished:

More dishes to wash. I was really hungry yesterday.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on July 23, 2023, 03:51:25 PM
^ BC,  Yay! That's great!  :cheer:


Sunday was spent resting and I slept for many hours.  :relaxed: (During my trip, I only slept 5 hours long at night.) In the evening, I picked up pizzas from a nearby pizzeria. :pizza:
On Monday morning, an earlier wake-up call and to the city to do some business.  :yawn:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 25, 2023, 04:31:03 AM
I didn't sleep well :( I'm so tired but I can't sleep.

As long as I'm up, I'm listing more things to sell. Later I'm going to work on ponies. I plan to do lots of sculpting today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 25, 2023, 07:44:27 AM
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

My mess-adillas from the other day

BC yaiy for finishing another Pony!!! Boo for sleep issues. Mine is unregulated as heck
HOM I think your rest & pizza was earned!!!

Couple more things arrived, including more no-sew press studs!!! WOOHOO!!!
Went to coffee with my visitor, who loves it!!!. Saw coffee pal too & told both about my adventures wi Bakana the other week. Popped into pharmacy for some vitamins for handling being my age. Hope they help!!! Also found more yarn...
Went to Co-op for messages & again the Paypoint (how I buy electricity) was down. AGAIN. GRRR.
More crochet, & of course knitting.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on July 25, 2023, 09:21:14 AM
Hello everyone, I hope your days are going well!

Yesterday I went to see the new Barbie movie with several people and then we went to Dave and Busters for a bit. It was a nice day, but I also feel like I have no more spoons for today. Today is mostly walking with my dog (we've started doing three miles a day) and finishing some cleaning chores.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 27, 2023, 02:58:09 PM
Maddie, hello!!! Sounds like a lovely day xxx

Been quiet here, just knit, crochet, make a mini flapjack, sort out packages, nothing much...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 27, 2023, 03:42:44 PM
Quiet here too. Trying my best to destress.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on July 28, 2023, 06:47:02 AM
Hey Ponybookworm, how have you been?

Crochet sounds like a nice relaxing day to me. I went to a cat cafe yesterday and today is just cleaning and doing laundry. I hope you're feeling better today BlackCurtains.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 28, 2023, 02:42:40 PM
had a super stressful week. i'm glad it's winding down.

hoping to relax and play some video games tonight. i also need to go check the mailbox.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on July 29, 2023, 01:26:09 AM
I've got a new phone and it's busy getting stuff transfered from the old phone.

I got a DNA kit from Ancestry that I am to crack open and get through. There has been a debate in our extended family if we have blood from our indigenous people or not. Hopefully this test will put an end to the debate. Not that it would do much difference, if we are we are too far off to be allowed to own reindeers and vote in their ruiling council anyway. But it will be fun to know.

I need to start Diablo 4.. it's been almost a month since my last gaming session. I quit after not being able to defeat a boss. My husband managed though so now I'm gonna give it another go.

I have to get to my neighbour next door over to water her plants. But it's raining outside so I'm not really feeling it. I need to water my plants as well. I feel bad just seeing how thirsty some of them are. But the couch is so comfy.

I was gonna order a new case for my new mobile but to get through with it I need my bank ID which is on the old phone which is busy transfering stuff to the new phone.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 29, 2023, 06:34:27 AM
I'd love if there were cat cafes round here!!! Maddie that sounds like such a relaxing time xxx
BC don't blame you!!!
Beth you take your de-stress time too xxx
Beldarna oh the hassle of setting up a new phone!!! But so worth it!!!

Got another package in, so not much left to arrive (mostly international stuff). More knitting & crocheting of course...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 29, 2023, 10:04:09 AM
I'm feeling very ill today. I need to get some things done though. I have to clean up the kitchen, put the dishes away and clean my veggies. I want to try making mush again too since my first batch was too watery.

I've got to sculpt some things for my swap pony. It's so hot to turn the oven on though, even for a little bit.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 30, 2023, 12:29:39 PM
Trying to remember to take my supplement is hard. Aside that, just chipping away at my knitting & crocheting projects

BC hang in there, but don't overdo stuff xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on July 30, 2023, 01:19:36 PM
I slept and read today so not overly productive on my end
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 31, 2023, 04:11:39 AM
I didn't sleep much. I feel much better than the other day, just tired. I plan to finish up my swap pony today. I can't ship it until I have some money after the 3rd. When that's done, I have two more commissions to do. Heavy sculpting on those. The commissioner has been very patient with me.

Other than that, I have no obligations art-wise. It's a relief honestly. I need a break to work on my own things.

So... you know how I posted about wanting to get pet rats? And then I changed my mind and tried to sell my cage and supplies? Well, now I'm just selling the cage because I've decided I DO want rats. But the cage I bought is too small, it's more suited to sugar gliders. I need a different cage which I can get on Amazon. I also want to make a new bin cage for a hamster. Plus, I'm thinking a small fish tank for my kitchen table. But I need money for all of this, so it's just thinking about it for now.

In preparation for all these critters, I want to rearrange my bedroom and get some of the bins and boxes out of the living room. I can stack them in the bedroom instead. That'll give me one and a half walls in the living room if I can get them all into the bedroom. I started pulling stuff from under the bed but man, is my body sore. From what? I don't know. Sitting too much maybe. I need to get that bike together... I've only been saying that for months.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on July 31, 2023, 05:25:53 AM
Back at the theatre today, little birthday trip for myself <3 My birthday's tomorrow but there's no show on Tuesdays, so what can you do, haha. Really looking forward to it :lovey: Right now I'm just getting some things done before I leave.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on July 31, 2023, 01:10:23 PM
i didn't sleep very well. i slept but it wasn't quality sleep. i woke up at 4:30am and should have just stayed up. i usually get up around 5am because i like to have plenty of time to wake up and get non-work stuff done before the work day starts.

i listened to a couple of podcasts I like. less doom and gloom than i normally listen to. I learned about sheep in the UK and the history of Barbie. Barbie history is way more interesting than i expected. i think a lot of the people commenting on the Barbie movie. don't actually know anything about the history of the toys. go figure. now i kind of want to see the movie. i'm not that into going to the movies theater so maybe when it shows up on streaming. i hear it's pretty good.

the rest of my day is work, cooking and cleaning.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 01, 2023, 02:17:19 AM
Happy birthday, Carrehz! :tort:

I slept! :glitter: I forced myself to go back to sleep whenever I woke up. I did wake up a lot, at least 5 times. It's 5am and I decided to wake up for the day.

Today I'm finishing my swap pony and starting on one of two sculpting commissions. I have some money now thanks to eBay sales, so I can get a few things.

If I have the energy/am not in pain too much, I'm going to work on the bedroom, getting things out from under the bed and moving stuff around.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 01, 2023, 05:34:48 AM
Carrehz, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! :tort: :birthday:
BC yaiy for sleep & a little loot!!!
Beth the Barbie history podcast sounds amazing!!!
Maddie I haven't read a real book in ages but need to do so soon

More knitting & crocheting, & I went to coffee!!! It was a good coffee day, with one of the girls playing a guitar, my usual coffee pal, two of my circus pals, the cute DOG!!! And his owner who's a lovely lady with fascinating stories from Pennsylvania (she & her dog took a cruise across). Also my yarn buddy brought me a knitted dog, & it's so cute!!! The table had some goodies too.
Messages after that, then a quick check on bank loot. Enough to get some wee things so I got some wee things. Also saw a few peeps I like. In all a good day!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 01, 2023, 08:26:10 AM
Happy Birthday Carrehz! :)

Here's the article discussed in that podcast and a link to the episode. they also discussed how "girls" toys are treated relative to "boys" toys. which is something that's always bothered me.

today i'm pretty tired and grumpy. more work drama. i'm so over it because they don't listen to anything i say. i'm so tired of having the same conversations over and over and having to be nice to people who are trying to blame us for their problems.

also last night my mom called and told me my uncle and cousin are driving into town and she wants me to come by. no notice and no time frame for how long they'll be there. didn't ask if i have time during the middle of a work day to come by. so i guess i need to skip work to see family that never talks to me and is openly terrible to my husband. sure sign me up for that. i'll try to pop over for 30 minutes or so if they're still there at the end of the day. i guess i have an excuse for not staying long.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 01, 2023, 12:19:19 PM
Happy Birthday!

Bookworm you should totally pick up a book and have a read.  ;) Right now I'm reading some Sailor Moon manga and then Stephen King's Fairy Tale. I have a few others I'm flipping through. I have trouble reading one thing at a time.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on August 01, 2023, 02:09:01 PM
Happy birthday, Carrehz! :tort:
Carrehz, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! :tort: :birthday:
Happy Birthday Carrehz! :)
Happy Birthday!

Awww, you guys :blush: Thank you! :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 01, 2023, 02:12:49 PM
Carrehz, Happy birthday evening from me too!  :party:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 02, 2023, 06:44:39 PM
Maddie, I'll get round to it when my hands aren't busy with other stuff
Beth, listening now... And your folks should have been more considerate of the fact you have a job, a life, & a partner of your own
Carrehz, hope it was a good one xxx

First international package arrived, more knitting & crochet work. Just a little at a time, to get more done on each.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: HelloGoodbye on August 02, 2023, 07:47:14 PM
Competed in a horse show today!  My friend came to watch which was really fun and I was super happy with how my horse went!  He was a very good boy in all of our classes and the judge liked him a lot so that was nice.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 03, 2023, 04:40:54 AM
I have a bunch of phone calls to make today. Gotta do laundry. I should probably change the sheets too but it's such a hassle. I'll be glad when I move my bed away from the wall.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 03, 2023, 07:28:12 AM
Mostly cleaning today, I've been working in my classroom a lot this week and have neglected things that needed done in my own personal space so that's happening now.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 04, 2023, 04:10:21 AM
Maddie, hope the cleaning goes well xxx
BC, wishing you the best on the phone xxx
Hellogoodbye, that sounds like a good time!!!

Trying to catch up with photos & logs. Not fun!!! Especially not 1/ when the phone decides to lose charge on me AGAIN!!! 2/ when it includes bigger items I don't have so much space to piccie!!! Oh well, more crochet & knit projects while the phone charges...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 04, 2023, 05:11:44 AM
Aside from the phone calls, I didn't do anything yesterday. I was lazy  :relaxed:

So laundry today, for sure. I suppose I should work on my commissions too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 04, 2023, 05:50:03 AM
Everyone needs a lazy day now and then.

Yesterday was my husband's 2nd eye surgery. it went well :) Today we go back for the follow up. I'll be off for the rest of the day but i have some potential side work to take care of.

i didn't end up going to my parent's on Tuesday.  My cousin and uncle left before I was done working.  I had calls until almost 5pm so I was exhausted.  My mom said she got upset and was crying because she missed her hometown. I guess my cousin told his sister and so she invited us to visit next weekend since she'll be in town. I haven't seen her in a really long time and my parents wanted to visit so I agreed to drive down for the day. I'm not looking forward to driving in the heat but it will be good to see her. i'm not close to my extended family. since my grandmother passed we don't really get together much.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on August 04, 2023, 10:27:55 AM
Carrehz, Happy birthday evening from me too!  :party:

Thank you! :lovey: Sorry for the late reply, I was away for a few days (at the theatre again :P).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 05, 2023, 03:17:20 PM
BC seeing your physical health flaring up against you again I'm not surprised you did little other than the calls!!! Still at least THEY are done!!!
Carrehz, I hope the theatre was great fun!!!
Beth YAIY!!! Glad the eye surgery went well & hope hubby recovers & regains decent sight again xxx Also i hope the family get-together happens when you can manage it & isn't too stressful xxx

I got the piccies done!!! Partly because I had an argument with the PC about the internet working (it is but the PC thought it wasn't). So there are a couple on the way to Brag thread!!! And I can log them too. Meanwhile more knitting & crocheting
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on August 06, 2023, 02:38:12 AM
Spent the morning cleaning up my home. My best friend in the world comes to visit today :yippee:. We haven't seen each other for several years. We only live one hour from each other but work, covid and life in general has stood in the way. But now, the stars are finally aligned. I'm gonna make my world famous (lol) rhubarb pie in an hour so it's fresh out of the oven when she arrives.. and then we're gonna fika and talktalktalktalktalktalkandtalk.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 06, 2023, 07:50:21 AM
have fun Beldarna :) it's so hard to keep friendships going as an adult.

today we're just staying home. it's supposed to be 105F/over 40C today :hot: :hot: tomorrow is forecasted to be even hotter.

i need to do some cleaning and put up some shelves. i'm also trying to revive one of my personal website projects. it's something i'll probably never release publicly. just a personal budgeting app/learning project. i like to test stuff out on personal projects before i suggest tech at work.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 06, 2023, 09:00:46 AM
Beldarna, that sounds so exciting! I hope the two of you have a great time :)

Art and stuff today for me. I hardly slept and my right hip, leg and foot hurt a lot. So I'm just going to take it easy.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on August 06, 2023, 02:56:41 PM
Carrehz, I hope the theatre was great fun!!!

It was, thank you :) I met some more people at stage door (getting better at this whole "being social" thing! :P) and they were all such sweethearts. :lovey:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 07, 2023, 08:09:37 AM
Carrehz, YAIY!!!
Beldarna, that sounds like such fun!!!
Beth, it's good to catch up with indoor stuff xxx
BC, don't blame you!!! Poor hip xxx. Hope the art goes well

More knitting & crocheting but also got the recycling out so yaiy there!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 07, 2023, 08:19:33 AM
I got some sleep. I'm still really tired. My feet were much better when I woke up, but now that I've been sitting at my desk for an hour, they are swelling back up.

My hips are even worse today and I have a lot of pain in my lower back. I found some exercises for strengthening the hips. I'm going to do them, or try to do what I can. My plan is to memorize them and do them everyday. They're all simple. Some you do laying down, some from a chair and the rest from standing. One uses a hand weight and one uses a resistant band, which I happen to have.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 09, 2023, 01:29:05 AM
This week was for teachers to return to work and do some workshops. I’ve been exhausted from working on my classroom. Yesterday was my birthday though and that was fun.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 09, 2023, 04:27:26 AM
Happy birthday! :cheer:  :tort:

Today I would really like to go to the bank and visit my mom. My back and hips and my right leg are still bad though. I've been doing those exercises. It hasn't been long enough to notice a difference except my muscles are more sore.

I had a dream with my ex in it. It's made me annoyed.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: HelloGoodbye on August 09, 2023, 06:57:22 AM
Happy Birthday Maddie!

I am probably going to mow the lawn today.  We've had a lot of rain lately so if I wait too much longer it will get tricky!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 10, 2023, 05:22:29 AM
Still having bad pain, didn't go out yesterday. I'm going to try again today. I put on my compression socks as soon as I woke up, so maybe I can keep my legs and feet from swelling too much today. I have to go to the bank at least.

I need to pick up around the house. I had a few packages come yesterday and the boxes are strewn about. Also I have to figure out where to put my plant stuff... I ordered 2 bags of soil from Amazon and 1 bottle of plant food. They sent me 4 bags of soil and 2 bottles of food. I triple checked my order and it's correct, so I got the extras for free. Amazon has done that in the past too. Once was a bookshelf. I even chatted with them about returning it, but they told me to keep it. Not bad :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 10, 2023, 05:56:43 AM
Thank you both for the birthday wishes!

Today I have to finish preparing for open house. I’m so close to the finish line in preparing my room
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 10, 2023, 10:26:02 AM
Hope you had an amazing birthday Maddie!!!
BC free stuff is good, especially when you're on a tight budget xxx
Hellogoodbye hope you get the lawn done xxx

Found a few more accessories & buildings I hadn't photologged yet so sorted that out. One got so dusty it was like grey snow!!! Glad I got it cleaned off... Anyway, more knitting, crocheting, & packages arriving. Went to coffee & got my messages. I could get electric too so yaiy there!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 10, 2023, 11:02:50 AM
too many meetings today. i have a ton of work to do today. i don't know why we're expected to attend calls AND pay attention in those calls. while also getting 6-7 hours of work done.

i also have some side work to do. but i can do that later or tomorrow. i have tomorrow off :)

i also need to get groceries tomorrow. i'm waiting for pay day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 10, 2023, 12:09:53 PM
I did some laundry and weeding the garden this morning, then I went to the market. I bought mackerel and burgers, plums and sprouting broccoli. We put the mackerel and burgers on the BBQ with some other stuff. It's only the second time we've had a BBQ at home since we moved here and it went fairly well. We started at 3pm and finished around 6pm. DH and baby were in bed by 7.30 because they were both very tired. Hence why I have time to write a message!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: HelloGoodbye on August 11, 2023, 08:17:02 AM
Hellogoodbye hope you get the lawn done xxx

Thanks Ponybookworm!  I did get it done!  My brother actually did the first half of it which was nice of him, and then I got it finished up.  So that task is all set for another week or so!

Today I am going to work on preparing for a new job I am starting, and then in the afternoon my mom and I will go ride our horses.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 11, 2023, 08:28:04 AM
My plants should arrive today :) I'm excited! I'll be sure to share them in the Plant Thread.

I need to take a shower, do laundry, clean up the kitchen, gather trash. I'd like to make chicken quesadillas tonight. I'm pretty sore from yesterday (I visited my mom). The shower will make me feel a lot better. I'm doing to that right now.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: HelloGoodbye on August 11, 2023, 08:50:12 AM
My plants should arrive today :) I'm excited! I'll be sure to share them in the Plant Thread.

I need to take a shower, do laundry, clean up the kitchen, gather trash. I'd like to make chicken quesadillas tonight. I'm pretty sore from yesterday (I visited my mom). The shower will make me feel a lot better. I'm doing to that right now.

New plants are always fun!!  I hope they arrive quickly!  and I hope the shower helps you feel less sore! 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on August 11, 2023, 10:10:52 AM
Happy belated birthday Maddie!! :frolic:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 11, 2023, 04:31:14 PM
BC hope the shower helps!!!
HG yaiy!!! And all the best in new job xxx
Artie I haven't been to a BBQ in ages!!! Glad you had a good time & enjoyed the food xxx
Beth hope things go well for you xxx

More knitting & crocheting. It rained so heavily it sounded like the world was shaking!!! I have one last detail to fix up on my Ponyville Ferris wheel so working on that. REALLY need to get my dishes done. It's getting a bit colder now so thoughts of blankets are in my head & I want them on my hook...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 12, 2023, 07:14:32 AM
Man, my back and legs hurt today :( Having a hard time walking.

I opened and replanted my new plants :) Now I have to vacuum the dirt.

I still need to do laundry and clean up the kitchen. I got some Pink Stuff paste and floor cleaner to hopefully get the grime up off the floors. It's not even my grime, it was there when I moved in.

I'd like to make the chicken quesadillas today... the chicken is in the fridge, it won't last forever in there.

Need to clean the litterboxes too.

I have a Walmart order coming at 1pm of a stand fan and watering can. With the fan, I won't have to run the AC when I'm in the living room. I do have a ceiling fan, but even on high it's such a light breeze. It'll be nice to have a proper watering can for the plants. I've been using a pitcher and it can be a little messy.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: HelloGoodbye on August 12, 2023, 07:41:29 AM
I have some errands to run today!  One errand is at the craft store so that will be fun  :biggrin:  Plus I need to do some yard work type stuff.  It's a good day for that sort of thing though!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 12, 2023, 06:00:10 PM
Thank you again everyone for the birthday wishes! It turned out to be a fun day. I dressed in rainbows, wore my crystal crown, and my friends got me some interesting school supplies. Lol

Today I worked some more to prepare for the kids on Monday and then I gave Flo a bath. I’m exhausted. My fibro is flaring from the extra stress and work and I’m just in a lot of pain.

HG: you’ll have to share the story of your fun spoils from the craft store

Bookworm: sounds like a busy day. What have you been making?

BlackCurtains: what type of plants did you end up getting?
Hope you feel better

Artemis it sounds like you had a good day and Beth sorry you’re overflowing with work. I feel that lately
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on August 13, 2023, 03:54:10 AM
I went kajaking with my husband and brother in a river yesterday. It was fun but my arms are so sore today. I woke up in the middle of the night and had to take painkillers. I'm not used to this kind of pain in my arms.
I tried to play on the xbox but it hurt too much to hold the control. How is it even possible, I don't get it, I'm not weak in my arms usually, but apparently these muscles are, lol. So today, I'm doing no more than feeling miserable. It's raining so it fits my mood :lol:. I did water my plants indoors as I forgot about it yesterday.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: HelloGoodbye on August 13, 2023, 07:31:09 AM

HG: you’ll have to share the story of your fun spoils from the craft store

I'm glad your birthday was fun Maddie!!

At the craft store I got my teacher planner for the year and then some planner stickers to go with it.  All that stuff was 50% off so that was awesome!  I love new stationary and planners and now I feel more prepared for the school year.  I worked on getting it set up how I like it last night.  There's still some more I want to do, but I am waiting for some things to be more finalized with my schedule and stuff before I fill those parts in in case there's changes.

I also got some markers because all mine are dried up (I got them partially to use in the planner, but partially just in general).  And then I got some rubber stamps for a project I am working on. 

I had a coupon for the regular priced items, too, so even though I got a good amount of stuff it was a good price.  I probably went a little crazy on the stickers since I got a few different sets, but I really do use them in my planner all the time so they definitely won't go to waste.  I feel like they just make important things stand out, and I enjoy when my planners look pretty lol
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 13, 2023, 09:47:06 AM
Today I'm working around the house. The big inspection is coming up but I don't know when. I hope my unit won't be picked. It was last time.

I've gotten a lot done so far, but there's still more. Like laundry... which I've been saying I'm going to do for days.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 13, 2023, 05:02:45 PM
Maddie that birthday sounds like so much fun!!! Fibro less so xxx
BC you're not alone in being due a laundry load!!! Good that you got other stuff done though xxx
HG sounds like a great haul!!!
Beldarna ouch poor arms xxx

I got the dishes done!!! And more knitting & crochet. What I'm making: knit-wise I have a batch of new yarns so they're becoming more Pony jumpers & capes & stuff. Crochet-wise it's all WIPs: two scarves for charity, a dishtowel, & now a blanket in a stitch called Larksfoot, which is so lovely but because it's a blanket it's taking a good while to do. When I finish a scarf I can move to the next one & build a good collection of them
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 13, 2023, 05:45:44 PM
happy belated birthday Maddie. It sounds like you had a fun day :)

Yesterday i drove my parents back home to see family.  it was good to see everyone. turns out people are really nice when they haven't seen you in a really long time. some of my family said they were worried about my mom. she doesn't eat as much so she's lost weight. she was never overweight. now she's a lot smaller.  she also had some problems with her teeth and is still getting used to the dental work so her voice isn't always strong. but she's been doing better lately. i was worried she would cry but she did ok. i think she was happy to see her family. i'm glad everyone seems to be doing well. my uncle has Alzheimer's and had covid earlier this year. but he was doing well.

today i put up one of the shelves i was going to put up last weekend. i had to get some other drywall screws because the ones that came with the shelves were too small. tomorrow it's back to work. hopefully it will be calm. i think i have a lot of calls scheduled though :huh:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 14, 2023, 11:31:45 AM
I'm dying of ant spray :drunk: They had found the garbage?! In the kitchen! And had a big line going from the laundry door into the garbage can! First time for that one. I guess they branched out because I started feeding Aster in the living room and they didn't have her food to steal. I went into the laundry closet and sprayed, then I sprayed the outside door, the closets all the way around the inside and outside, the baseboards I could reach in the bedroom, the bathroom baseboards (WHY are they in there???). I had to open some windows to flush out the spray, so I'm sitting here sweating. Also it gave me a headache.

I was so tired this morning I couldn't keep my eyes open. I went back to bed. Then I woke up again, tried getting up, but it was the same. So I went back to sleep again. I woke up at 1:30pm and went to refill my water; that's when I saw the ants. After all that spraying I'm awake now.

Still need to do laundry...

I've got a tiny bit of dishes to do and I should really clean off the stovetop. Aster vomited in the other half of the living room in an obscure place. I picked up what I could, but just sprayed the rest with Nature's Miracle and put paper towels over it until I can get the vacuum in there. Also, the vacuum needs to be dumped. I think there is still Mousie hair in it.

@Maddie - Sorry I didn't answer you! My new plants are two snake plants, the green and yellow kind, and a ponytail palm! You can see them in The Plant Thread :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 15, 2023, 10:46:03 AM
BC, your poor house, & your poor cat, & poor you!!! Hope you manage to stop the ants!!! And get some quality sleep!!!
Beth, the family time sounds great!!! And yep, there's a reason I keep every screw which enters my home, in case I need it for things like that!!!

Finished the final adjustment to the Ferris wheel, went to coffee, more knitting & crochet, quick messages from the Co-op, got some blanks in a pose I've been after for AGES!!! WOOHOO!!! Know what I need to get next Customwise...
At coffee I had a very personal chat with somebody I see there sometimes. I talked of things I don't get to share with everybody, she talked of things she doesn't get to share with everybody. Bakana (the sharky) was snuggled & fussed a LOT, & we both benefitted xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 15, 2023, 11:05:48 AM
They were back! In the SAME PLACE I sprayed yesterday. I swear, these tiny ants are indestructible. I thought I didn't have any Raid spray left, but I did, so I used that this time. The other stuff was Hot Shot which is good for wasps. I hope the Raid makes a difference.

Guess what?! I'm finally getting the laundry done :cheer:

I opened the windows again to get the spray out and fresh air in. It's warm, but not too bad. I think the humidity is down today.

My plans are to keep cleaning up the house. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, so we'll see how long I last.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 15, 2023, 04:22:46 PM
@BC these worked well for me. they got rid of ants in 2 houses. i'm not sure about the tiny ants. the ones in my house were larger. last i saw of them was a long line of ants going to the bait. i haven't seen them since. you can put them inside a cabinet too. so Aster won't mess with them.

today i had a ton of calls. but it wasn't as stressful as yesterday. my manager put a meeting on everyone's calendar for thursday. i'm not sure what it's about and that always freaks me out. i wonder if managers realize that freaks everyone out.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 15, 2023, 05:53:10 PM
Thanks Beth! I never used those before but at my parents house we used the liquid bait from Terro. It worked well, but those were crazy ants. I'll give that a try though.

edit: Man, I didn't sleep at all last night. I wasn't tired and my pain meds made me feel pretty good. I didn't get tired until the sun started to rise. I slept for an hour but then had to get back up because I had a Walmart order coming. Now I have to stay up because my new box spring is being delivered between 11 and 2 and I have to sign for it and let them inside to put it in the bedroom. I also have an Amazon and Chewy order arriving today.

I wanted to do the rest of the laundry, wash my blanket, change my sheets and take a shower. I don't know if I can do all that. I can hardly keep my eyes open...

Aster just sneezed on my leg :pout:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 17, 2023, 12:50:33 AM
BC: Aww bless Aster!!! And yaiy for starting your laundry!!!
Beth: glad the calls are reduced xxx

Scarlet O'Hara is visiting, which makes part of getting my laundry done easy but postpones other bits...
Got another package. Progressing on knitting & crochet & I might be getting something fun soon...
Meanwhile checking the weather. I want a sunny day for photos outside as there's currently another contest on my fave server
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 18, 2023, 12:39:06 PM
I took the walk!!! It wasn't sunny but it was pleasant!!! I went somewhere I haven't taken Bakana yet: the beach a few miles from home with an easy walk & a scenic walk. Did the scenic to get there & the easy to return home. Needed cereal so got a few munchies & bottles while there then off I went!!! Needed the bathroom when I got home afterwards of course... And my feet once again don't like me
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 18, 2023, 04:28:30 PM
Getting out and about is good :)

I'm slowly making progress cleaning and organizing. My metal boxspring came the other day so I really want to move my bed and put that together. I know I'll get much better sleep. I have to move some bins and boxes in the bedroom, then move the bed and nightstand, and then I can start bringing in bins and boxes from the living room. I wish I had more storage space. I would even settle for a little shed outside. My closets are full. That said though, I have a box of different sized Space Bags I can put some things in to save room. I have so many blankets... and it's really ridiculous because most of the year it's too hot to use them. I just love blankets though :blush:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 19, 2023, 03:48:56 AM
I read everyone’s replies and hope you’re all going to have a fun weekend. I’m still kinda super tired from the first week back teaching. I’m sleeping a lot
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 19, 2023, 05:24:52 AM
i'm planning my Halloween decorations to take my mind off this heat.

I have some stuff to do around the house. My plate hangers were finally delivered so i can hang those. I also need to hang some hooks. I also need to do some side work today.

I need to get some stuff ready to take up to the attic once it cools off. I got a sideboard so now i have more reachable space for serving dishes. the shelves in the cabinets are so high up.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 19, 2023, 09:09:08 AM
I'm still working on the bedroom, but today I'm going to try to put my bike together.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 19, 2023, 01:11:36 PM
BC space is an issue for me too, as I'm the kind of person who fills every nook & cranny with stuff... Hope all the work goes well & the bed is sorted xxx
Beth phew!!! Hope your indoor tasks at least help keep you cool xxx
Novel hello welcome!!! Hope you get good rest xxx

I also need rest after the walk yesterday. Sore feet & aching leggies. Bakana also needed a spinny bath in the machine (she just fits mine, & I also squeezed her cardigan in). She's now wrapped in her towel, with two other plushies on standby if I need to snuggle somebody. Meanwhile, yep, you've guessed it, MORE knitting & crochet!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 19, 2023, 01:46:37 PM
I made a watermelon pumpkin today
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 19, 2023, 03:59:45 PM
On Thursday, my brother brought firewood in his big van. The car was almost full. I cleared it in an hour. :whew: I threw the firewood onto the ground in the front yard on top of the tarp that my mother had previously spread out so that there wouldn't be so much trash left on the ground. Some of them were really big in size, they required sawing and splitting with an ax before burning. Some were the right size to put in the fireplace right away.

This was the easiest part. The hardest part was on Friday.

The woodshed is located in the backyard and the firewood was in the front yard. :pout: There is no other way to get to the backyard than by taking wooden stairs or two narrow paths next to the house. My mother and I chose one of the paths. There are rocks along the way, so we had to put boards on the ground to make the route flat for wheelbarrows. There is also a bumpy/uneven grassy area before the woodshed, but luckily it's downhill! :) So pushing the firewood with the wheelbarrow went quickly, as long as I remembered to go carefully at the beginning, that the tire of the wheelbarrow stays and travels on the board.
The hardest part was stacking the firewood in the woodshed, because there were so many that you had to put them neatly. The floor of the woodshed is very uneven with holes here and there, vague pieces of boards that make up the floor. So very dangerous for the feet! :crazy: A few times I almost fell when my shoe got stuck in a hole or else I almost fell over from fatigue.
That job was quite tough, especially on the legs and back, but they took it surprisingly well! On Saturday, I only had a little pain in my legs and lower back. :woot: That job took almost three hours, because in between you had to take a short break a couple of times.

Now we have firewood for the entire winter season.  :relaxed:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 20, 2023, 08:00:35 AM
that sounds exhausting HOM!

Record heat again today. My husband has been helping me take care of the plants. A lot of them are half dead from the drought. i'm hoping to keep them alive until we get actual rain. we cleaned out the area where we removed grass to make a rock garden this morning. we'll finish that project once it cools off.

our house is new construction so it came with 2 new oak trees. and they haven't been doing great. they didn't get much of a foothold before the dry period we had last summer and now they're almost completely brown. thankfully the full grown oak tree in my neighbor's yard still looks good. between the drought and the ice storms there are quite a few dead trees in the neighborhood.

they keep saying cooler weather will be here soon highs over 100+F are predicted for the next 10 days at least. i think everyone in Texas right now is obsessed with the weather. it's even worse than the dry spell we had in 2011. i'm afraid it will just keep getting worse every year.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 20, 2023, 05:42:54 PM
that sounds exhausting HOM!

Yeah, I'm still very tired, even though it's already early Monday morning in a couple of hours. I went on a trip with my spouse and my mother on Sunday and we came back home a little before 03:00 at night. Now the next morning is an early wake-up call again, so yes, I'm really tired.  :biggrin: :zzz:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on August 21, 2023, 12:31:38 AM
HoM for some reason I mistook you for BC and thought what is she gonna do with firewood in Florida? :brow: Good job! I don't miss those day with stacking firewood, and at the end sacks of pellets when we got a pelletburner instead.

Today, I'm gonna take my grandpa to the hospital, where he's gonna get surgery for his cataracts and then bring him home. I don't own a car so I will bike to him, take a cab to the hospital, cab back home to him and when he's settled bike home to me. I'm not sure how long this will take but I'm bringing a book with me. I hope for no rain.

Today marks the first day of the last week of my vacation. I hope this last week will be good.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 21, 2023, 09:34:53 AM
For the record I have never chopped or carried firewood even when I lived up north (we didn't have a fireplace). Oddly, we did have one down here but we never used it. It kinda freaked us out :P

The other day I moved some boxes. I was sitting and just pulled them across the floor out of the way. There were like 5 of them. I was so sore yesterday and today I'm even worse. My whole spine hurts. I had the heating pad on it yesterday. Today I'm trying ice. I can barely move my upper torso, I can't twist or turn.

What really sucks is that I still haven't put my bed together with the new box spring, so I'm still getting bad sleep. It's all right there and I can't do anything with it :(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 21, 2023, 11:33:49 AM
BC oh no!!! That must be frustrating when you're too sore to do much of anything xxx
HOM PHEW!!! Bet you're glad that's done & hope you have a good meal afterwards xxx
Beldarna I hope all goes well for your grandfather xxx
Beth your poor plants & trees!!!

Bakana is dry!!! And clean!!! And so soft & snuggly!!! I used sea-scented fabric conditioner & gave her a gentle groom so her fluffy denticles got fluffed up & smoothed out. I can't let her go so I overslept last night & now she's under my arm!!!
And yet I need to keep at the knitting & crochet...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on August 22, 2023, 02:42:28 AM
It went well with grandpa yesterday. He flirted with the nurse, said some jokes, some inapropriate that I had to reprimand him for, and she joked back. The nurse didn't seem offended, he has dementia so I guess that excused him. From the time I went from home till I got back home took six hours. I was exhausted when I got back. But I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Today is a rainy day. Apparently it's gonna rain all week :(. I found an old diamond painting that I bought from a craft store a year or two ago that I started on while listening to a podcast. I tried one of those back then and the beads were in different sizes and didn't really fit so I've not been doing this one, but in lack of something better it works. So far the beads are an even size :).

Gonna get out in the rain soon and go to the store. I've no food at home. Or I have but am not feeling it, so I'm gonna get a sallad and watch a Netflix movie for lunch. Hubby is going to his mom, a standing Tuesday thing they have and he's gonna eat there.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 22, 2023, 10:00:06 AM
I had such a bad night :( I got so sick on top of this pain in my spine. At one point the pain was so severe I thought about going to the ER.

I'm feeling a little better now. My psychiatrist said we could up the pain meds, so I took two which equals 100mg. That worked a lot better. It cut the majority of the spinal pain but the section on the bottom right, where I initially hurt myself, is still there. It's manageable.

I'm still going to take it easy and not move anymore stuff until it feels better.

It's funny (not in a haha way), but when I was looking up spine injuries everywhere kept saying that if you have numbness, tingling or pain in your legs it's an emergency. I've had those things for years. Too bad my insurance won't approve an MRI.

So today I do need to clean up the kitchen, but I'll take it slow. I also want to start work on my Halloween swap pony :) I'm very excited about it!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 22, 2023, 05:46:33 PM
HoM for some reason I mistook you for BC and thought what is she gonna do with firewood in Florida? :brow: Good job! I don't miss those day with stacking firewood, and at the end sacks of pellets when we got a pelletburner instead.

Maybe BC could light a bonfire on the beach at dusk and roast marshmallows, for example?  :good:

Even though it's heavy with firewood, I still like that chore (my mother doesn't like it). :lol: But we got them for a good price and our woodshed started to be pretty empty. Last winter we were already running low on firewood, and they were not of very good quality (really old, in poor condition). We used more electricity for heating because of that. Now this winter things are better and we can heat the fireplaces and at the same time save a little more electricity.  :)

Bakana is dry!!! And clean!!! And so soft & snuggly!!! I used sea-scented fabric conditioner & gave her a gentle groom so her fluffy denticles got fluffed up & smoothed out. I can't let her go so I overslept last night & now she's under my arm!!!
And yet I need to keep at the knitting & crochet...
It's great to hear that Bakana was able to receive pampering treatment!  :lovey: It sure looks, feels and smells wonderful!  :)

I had such a bad night :( I got so sick on top of this pain in my spine. At one point the pain was so severe I thought about going to the ER.

I'm feeling a little better now. My psychiatrist said we could up the pain meds, so I took two which equals 100mg. That worked a lot better. It cut the majority of the spinal pain but the section on the bottom right, where I initially hurt myself, is still there. It's manageable..
Oh BC, I hope your back pain eases up soon and you can get on with your chores better! :hug: :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 22, 2023, 10:21:02 PM
Fires aren't allowed on the beaches here. Neither is alcohol. I think they're good rules :)

Thank you :hug: I am feeling a little better. I slept for a while. It's 1am and I decided to get up. I don't have anything to do tomorrow except a Zoom meeting with my therapist in the afternoon.

Thursday is my mom's birthday and I have to go visit her, even if my back is still bad. I want to.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 23, 2023, 10:37:23 AM
I made it to coffee!!! My support worker didn't, but she saw me later in the day.

Meanwhile I ordered a few small things online as I'm arranging a large purchase so don't want to go too far with that
Also MORE knitting & crochet stuff!!! It's so easy to start things off but finishing??? Oh boy...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 23, 2023, 04:33:23 PM
Fires aren't allowed on the beaches here. Neither is alcohol. I think they're good rules :)

Thank you :hug: I am feeling a little better. I slept for a while. It's 1am and I decided to get up. I don't have anything to do tomorrow except a Zoom meeting with my therapist in the afternoon.

Thursday is my mom's birthday and I have to go visit her, even if my back is still bad. I want to.

Oh, I didn't know that making fires is not allowed on the beaches.. is it because of the hot dry summer or why? It may be that it is also prohibited on the shores of Finland unless there is a place/fireplace intended for it. :wonder:
That alcohol ban is a really good thing!  :nod:

I'm glad you're feeling a little better! I hope you get to visit your mom on her birthday! :hug:

Wednesday was a lazy day.. Well, I did the laundry by hand and with the washing machine.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 23, 2023, 07:24:36 PM
As long as I've gone to beaches, both up north and down here, you can't make a fire. I'm not sure why. Other than it could be dangerous if it got windy and the embers fell into the beach grass.

edit: Today is my mom's birthday and I'm planning on visiting her. My back still hurts and I didn't sleep well at all. But I have to go, it's the least I can do. Besides, I bought her some stuff and made a card and party hats :)

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 24, 2023, 11:25:50 PM
HOM we need lazy days sometimes xxx
BC here's hoping you get to your mother & have a fun time for her birthday xxx
Beldarna glad it went well with your grand-dad xxx

One of the small things arrived & I love it!!! Also knitting, but mostly crochet. I know people have made little straps for carrying their plushies around so I'm crocheting a sharky-harness. I'm currently working on the bit which goes on Bakana & have her dorsal part done & currently on one pectoral side. Then I have to cross over the back of the dorsal part, do the other pectoral side, & finally add the straps to hook on me. I figured crocheting it was better as it makes a more durable fabric
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 25, 2023, 04:27:55 AM
I had fun with my mom yesterday :) She liked all of her gifts. The activities director gave her balloons.

Today I don't know how much I'll accomplish. I didn't sleep. Well maybe I got like 2 hours. My bed is just so uncomfortable and I need to wash my blanket. What I'd like to do today is clean the kitchen, it's a mess. Then spend the day on custom ponies. I have five in my queue. Two are overdo commissions, one is my swap pony, one a personal pony and one is a gift.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 25, 2023, 06:06:31 AM
BC, i'm glad your mom had a good birthday :)
PBW i can't wait to see photos of Bakana once her sharky-harness is done

Today i'm mostly working. lots of calls i'm sure. I also need to get groceries. I'm just not motivated to cook when it's so hot. it's still in the 100s F every day and the AC just can't keep up. especially if i add heat from cooking. i really don't understand how people can grill when it's super hot. but in Texas that's definitely a thing. i would pass out.

i'm also planning my fall and Halloween decorations for next month but the weather isn't making me feel ready for the Fall season.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on August 25, 2023, 06:47:46 AM
Oh, I love a good fire on the beach, alcohol not so much. We usually go camping on a beach every summer and sitting by the fire infront of the tent and grilling hot dogs is a must. the weather has not permitting the camping this year.

We watched Ahsoka the other day. Turned out the entire thing is like a new season of the Rebels and I don't remember much of that show, so yesterday and today I've been bingewatching the Rebels. I'm in the middle of the second season and figured I needed a break.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: SunbeamV on August 25, 2023, 07:49:35 AM
i'm playing exalted (another ttrpg like d&d) with some friends later, but i'm heading over early to make a blackberry pie for everyone! 🖤

i also kinda feel like painting my nails before then
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 25, 2023, 03:08:09 PM
I had fun with my mom yesterday :) She liked all of her gifts. The activities director gave her balloons.

Great to hear that you were able to visit your mother and celebrate her birthday!  :happy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 25, 2023, 08:42:15 PM
It was a crazy busy day at work. I’ve just been chilling since I got home.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on August 26, 2023, 03:09:05 AM
We have a farmers market and an international food fair in town today. I went to both and came home with smoked whitefish, sami bread and chantarells from the farmers market and some Italian pastries and swedish market candy, like these fruitflavored soured stripes. Delicious. And some other stuff. The food fair is a thing that toures around Europe and its so many nationalities where you can try different cuisines. I was not hungry for food though. I passed up on the Swiss cheese because of language barriers. But I did taste a sample of their Gruyere and it was amazing.

This evening we're gonna go to a birthday party themed Victorian Goth. I'm a metalhead but did manage to find an outfit that can pass for goth without having to buy anything which felt good. I don't know anyone there, but it feels good to dress up for once and use some make up :). My phone's gonna be fully loaded and packed with games and whatnot to do. My husband is gonna photograph the event as a gift for the birthday boy who has turned 40. We're getting old.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 26, 2023, 02:19:50 PM
I put my bed together last night :freak: and I've been sleeping on and off all day. My mattress is sooooooo much better now.

Today, even though I'm super sore from last night, I cleaned the kitchen really well and picked up the living room. I was going to do laundry but I didn't feel like it so that's tomorrow's chore.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 27, 2023, 11:31:49 AM
There was a wool festival on Saturday & silly me slept right through it!!! Bummer!!!
Continuing work on the sharky harness, currently doing second pectoral slot. After that there's one more strip on the sharky part, then I have to work on my part of the harness!!! I also have to get rubbish ready to go out, & some piccies taken.
Meanwhile I'm waiting on my big purchase invoice!!!

BC Yaiy for the new bed!!! And double-yaiy you got to see your mother!!!
Beldarna yum!!! Also the party sounds fun & I hope you enjoy xxx
Novelnerd phew!!! Hope it was actual work & not just busystuff like forms & red tape & meetings...
Sunbeam blackberry pie!!! Sounds delish!!! Blackberries here aren't ripe yet...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 27, 2023, 01:42:03 PM
@BC i'm glad your new bed is more comfortable :)

I went to get groceries and dog treats this afternoon. now i need to cook dinner and get some side work done. i got a little caught up on one of my own projects so now i'm doing side work at the last minute. it shouldn't take long though. sometimes i find it harder to get motivated to do quick tasks.

while i was driving home we had a brief sprinkle of rain. it was barely noticeable but at least it was something. still super hot outside though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 27, 2023, 06:21:56 PM
Thank you :D I can't seem to stay asleep very long but that's probably due to a combo of pain and sleep apnea, but it's so much easier to fall asleep. It's also easier getting in and out. I'm not sliding off the edge anymore :lol:

I was going to take a break after I did the bed, but I ended up working around the house some more. I'm very sore, even my arms are sore, so I couldn't move the bed like I wanted today. I want to get it off the wall to free up space and then stack the stuff from the living room in the bedroom. That's going to be a challenge.

I need to find someone who can take away my old box spring, the frame and the big cardboard box the new box spring came in. I don't know anyone with a pickup truck anymore. I'll ask the neighbors if they know someone. They'd have to take it to the dump because the complex doesn't allow furniture by the compactor. I'll need to pay. I've been thinking of joining like a neighborhood group or something. I know there's a phone app but I really don't use my phone too much. Wonder if Facebook has one...

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 28, 2023, 05:38:26 PM
I hope everyone is doing well! Congrats on the new bed BC, I also got a mattress last Thursday. I won’t say new since I was borrowing a bed so while it’s a new mattress I didn’t have a bed to claim as my own to begin with. I was afraid at first I wouldn’t like mine since I went with a more firm mattress, but I’ve been passing smooth out pretty easy so it has done the job.

I had a meeting today at work and stayed to grade a little. Flo (my dog) and I went on a short walk when that sun went down some. Now I’m just relaxing with Flo beside me and Marcy (cat) on my chest.

Beth, your dog stuff reminds me Flo got a pup cup from 7 Brew last week and loved it. She also got some new stuff from the pride section that was discounted. She was less excited about things to wear.

Bookworm do you ever post pictures of your creations? They sound so interesting

Beldarna that sounds like a wonderful time and that list of food makes me hungry
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 29, 2023, 04:22:35 AM
BC I hope you manage to find somebody to pick the stuff up for you xxx
Novelnerd Aww, snuggling with pets is awesome xxx (I have to finish stuff before I piccie it)
Beth yep, projects are like that!!! I should know  :lol:

Made it to coffee (just!!!) It was yummy & there were biccies too!!! Grabbed a notebook to start writing recipes in (I already have for knitting & crochet patterns). Wrote down some I like so I can make them.
So CLOSE to finishing the sharky part of the harness, so picked another colour to do my part!!! Also, paid for the large order, & the bank today said yep I can do it with ease so all good (I get a text every week of my balance & can use it to help work out my budget). I JUST WANT THE HARNESS DONE!!!
Still due a clothing laundry & dishes...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 29, 2023, 04:09:21 PM
Didn't feel well today, so I slept on and off and played games. I miss my mom :( I took her phone to try and fix it and there's no way to talk to her. I don't have enough money to visit, I have enough for a ride there but not back and Uber already covered me once, don't know if they'll do it again. I realize without my mom, I never physically speak to anyone. My neighbor once in a while. The mailman if he picks up a package. That's about it besides doctor appointments.

Normally I don't have issues feeling lonely, but not being able to talk to my mom is making me feel very isolated :sad:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 29, 2023, 05:05:59 PM
BC!  :deathhug: Wish I could come over there and chat with you! :heart: ( On the other hand, it could be a bit difficult because of my poor English! :blush: I would have to use Google translate and speak through it! :lol: And besides, I'm really shy and quiet!)


Tuesday was spent cleaning the kitchen and washing the sheets. I was supposed to mow the lawn, but I slept way too long and I wasn't interested in that chore anymore. I can't do it tomorrow either, because then it should be a rainy day, at least that's what the weather forecast says. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 30, 2023, 09:45:09 AM
HoM :hug: You can be shy and quiet! We can listen to metal together and do art :heart:


I need to finish cleaning the kitchen. I'm so tired today, I've been sleeping most of the day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on August 30, 2023, 04:51:17 PM
HoM :hug: You can be shy and quiet! We can listen to metal together and do art :heart:

Oh, that would be really nice!  :lovey:

Wednesday was a rainy day, so it was a lazy day. :sleepy:
When the rain stopped, I went to my brother's house to admire the flowers in the garden. The dahlia bushes are really tall and the flowers are a great size! :wow: Gladiolus are gorgeous too! Unfortunately, Monday's heavy rains had knocked most of the gladiolus to the ground. :( They may need to be put together with strings and sticks. Some of the dahlia flowers had snapped. My brother's spouse plans to put them in a vase.

It's not supposed to rain tomorrow, so I thought I'd go for a longer walk than usual.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 30, 2023, 07:22:40 PM
Well you should still post some of your completed stuff Bookworm. ;)

I’m exhausted, work is draining me lately even if it’s fulfilling in its own way. Tomorrow I’m attending a meeting for other people transitioning so that should be informative but so nervous to be around new people and talk about stuff. Also, when I moved last year my friend took in my goats but now has to rehome them due to expenses. I’m going to go visit the boys for a last time and I’m a bit teary about it. I adore those boys and will miss them.

BC sorry you’re having a difficult time and feel lonely. Sometimes isolation creeps in on me and that can be difficult.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 31, 2023, 05:20:46 AM
Despite my bed now being comfy, I had a bout of insomnia and didn't sleep last night. It's 8am and I'm still awake. Part of it is my addiction to the game I'm playing, but the other part is money is coming tomorrow. I'll finally be able to get the things I need and maybe a few fun goodies.

Plus, I can go visit my mom :cheer:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on August 31, 2023, 06:30:09 AM
It's cooling down a little again. I gotta run some errands.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on August 31, 2023, 08:13:07 AM
I'm going by train to Sundsvall (3.5 hour traindride) just to get on another train to work on it on the way back home. So far I've been listening to a podcast about a murder trial, read 70 pages of Silence of the lambs and chitchatted with the coworker working this ride. I have about 40 minutes left until we've arrived. The ride always feels shorter when working, I'm quite bored.
On the way home, I will be getting off the train in a city an hours ride from home, have an hour break before boarding another train and work on it home. A very strange set up imo. I wont be homehome until after 10 pm.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 31, 2023, 12:07:14 PM
That sounds complicated :huh:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 31, 2023, 12:39:06 PM
OH WOW so much happening!!!
Beldarna hope your trip goes well!!!
BC I feel you!!! If it wasn't for my weekly coffee I wouldn't get to chat either!!!  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: It's good that you're getting more cash xxx
Novelnerd hope the meeting goes well. When you say transitioning do you mean pink/white/blue??? If so more  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
HOM those poor plants!!! I'm all for plants in pots or in gardens, growing in soil xxx

Anyway, silly me thought I could do a quick sketch. Just sketch, piccie, edit a little, add to post. How hard can it be??? Blinking nightmare as it turns out!!! Spent AGES on the editing phase because of course it's unevenly lit!!! Grrr. Oh well it's up...
Not nearly as far along on my part of the harness as I hoped... And I still have so many chores to do!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on August 31, 2023, 03:51:02 PM
NovelNerd, i hope the meeting goes well :hug: :hug: i'm sorry about your goats :(

BC, yay for money and getting stuff you need and want :)

Beldarna, i hope you had a safe trip. :)

PBW, hoping you were able to knock out some of the chores :)

today was pretty boring. worked all day. banging my head against the wall trying to get something to work. with no success. i'll try again tomorrow. now i just need to pick up groceries. i'm hoping to get to sleep early.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on August 31, 2023, 10:35:12 PM
Thank you Beth!
I hope you get a good rest

May I also call you PBW? Mine is more the black, purple, white, and yellow. It falls under the umbrella of the other one. Which subforum are they posted in? I would love to see them.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on August 31, 2023, 11:51:18 PM
BC, yeah, very complicated. I had a good trip though, no weirdos going with me. It felt weird having a break at a trainstation with no where to go, really, no breakroom or anything. The planners really did not think this through. I hid my uniform in my large black raincoat and sat on a bench, avoiding people and read. I did not want to answer questions and help people while being on break. I did suceed, lol. It was good coming home though. Today I start on my regular schedule so hopefully I wont be doing that ride again.

So I have a late shift today as well, but going inland which is always nice. So I'll be diamond painting, watching TV and chill until I begin after 3 pm.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 01, 2023, 04:51:24 AM
is September 1 too early to put up Halloween and Fall decorations? maybe just some fall stuff?

i woke up and was sure it was Saturday. but i was confused that my alarm went off. then i realized it's Friday. but Monday is a holiday and we might have a half day today so i can't complain. i think i'll take a break from troubleshooting and work on some other stuff. i have a bunch of admin tasks i've been putting off.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 02, 2023, 05:11:31 AM
I'm not sleeping again, but this time it's good old fashioned insomnia. I haven't had a bout of legit insomnia for a long time. I used to get it all the time as a teen and in my 20s. Also, it's come with a friend of no appetite. I haven't eaten in four days. I forced myself to have a smoothie yesterday for dinner, berries and bananas with some almond butter. It was good. I'm going to try to cook something later. I have some hot dogs and stuff to make chili, so I think I'll combine the two and make chili dogs. Maybe not the best thing to eat after four days without substantial food but I'll take the chance.

I would also like to finally get my laundry done and take a shower. Maybe move the bed.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on September 02, 2023, 01:17:07 PM
I have a 60 minute deep massage later. I mowed the yard like I do every Saturday. Yesterday my iPad gave me the "storage full" pop up so I deleted some games I didn't like playing. My iPad has been sort of acting up but I won't get a new one for a long time. School starts back on Tuesday and the schedules are in the powerschool app as of today so I now what my classes are now. I possibly will buy myself a planner for school tomorrow or Monday. I have also been updating my sales on Mercari. No one has bought anything  :mad:. I just want the stuff I am trying to sell locally to be gone because I can't have it in my room.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 02, 2023, 01:17:53 PM
On Thursday, I decided to go for a longer walk, even though it was raining (it wasn't supposed to!).  :)
At first, I couldn't find my umbrella anywhere, so I had to take an old childish umbrella that was lying at the bottom of the closet. It is pink with different colored balloons. :facepalm: Fortunately, no one else was out for a walk at the same time, so luckily it was raining. :lol: I still got partially wet, especially my feet. The umbrella was too small and I was wearing sneakers. (Rubber boots are not good for jogging.)
For a couple of days now, my shins have been really sore, as well as my ankles. Maybe the walk was too long for me or maybe I walked too fast. I'm not sporty, and I haven't jogged regularly for a long time, but I'm working on it. Well, despite the pain, I feel like going jogging again soon, but I guess it's better to wait for the pain to go away first.

The weekend goes peacefully, relaxing at home. :relaxed:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 02, 2023, 01:29:15 PM
BC, I hope your appetite improves and you can get some sleep tonight.

today i'm planning my Halloween decorations. i ordered some more outdoor decorations. including a skeleton and more skeleton animals for my menagerie. i love Halloween and typically i get way to into decorating and have no energy for the Christmas decorating.

i also need to hang up some plates. since all of the hangers finally arrived.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on September 02, 2023, 11:28:01 PM
I had a nice long hotel breakfast. Such breakfast on a Sunday means pancakes :biggrin:

I'm heading home around noon, when I come home I need to do laundry and eat a late lunch. No time to eat on the train while working. Until then I'm slagging on the hotelroom, watching Star Wars Rebels.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 03, 2023, 04:11:05 AM
PBW is me, go for it xxx
Beldarna what a lovely brekkie!!! And glad you had a good trip overall xxx
Beth sounds fun!!! Halloween isn't as big over here but it's still a fun thing!!!
HOM I get like that after long walks too, but if the walk was good anyway, even with rain, it's all worth it!!!
Rainlove enjoy the massage, & hope you can get some stuff sold xxx
BC aww xxx I get insomnia too, only nowadays it translates to wonky sleep schedule rather than no sleep at all!!! Also if you like eating it, make it, any food is better than none!!!
Novelnerd, ace??? Yep it does come under the broad umbrella!!! And people really don't understand it... My sketch is in Art Challenge Game; it's my third submission to that thread.

Anyway, onto me. I finished my first shoulder strap!!! I baked scones!!! I made biccies!!! I've done a laundry load & will soon do another!!! I managed to clean myself & wash my hair!!! I still have to do main dishes but that won't be too hard...
I also got the latest HQG1Cs ordered
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 03, 2023, 12:49:31 PM
Thanks :) The chili dogs were good but I made way too much.

Today I got to sleep. I slept for 3 hours straight, which is good for me. I'm still very tired though.

I need to take a shower and do some laundry. I want to visit my mom tomorrow. I haven't been able to talk with her for 2 weeks.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on September 04, 2023, 08:32:11 AM
It sounds like you’ve been super productive PBW! I’ll also go take a peak at your work.

I’ve been at the girlfriends house the long weekend and we went out to eat, cooked together one meal, and then we have been playing a ton of games. It’s been relaxing but almost time to go back to the real world again.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 04, 2023, 10:41:51 AM
I finally hung up the plates. I ended up being 1 hanger short so i had to wait an extra day. it's a mix of these french themed plates i bought a while back and some Peter Rabbit plates i got as birthday gifts when i was really little. it's nice to have them up again finally. and i think the entry way is finally done.

other than that i'm taking it easy today. Today is Labor Day in the U.S. so it's a holiday.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 04, 2023, 01:07:41 PM
I visited my mom today :hearts: I called to fix her phone and after talking to one person and it not working, she passed me onto another person and he did some stuff, it still wouldn't work. So he's sending a new phone. It should be here in about five days. I miss talking to my mom everyday.

I did have a hard time walking to her room. When I got there I was about three steps away from my legs giving out completely, luckily there is a chair in her room. The nurse who was taking care of my mom's roommate got me some ice water and asked if I was okay. Then she went into this thing about how she joined this weight loss program and blah blah. You know, I'm aware I'm obese. What you don't know, is I've already lost a bunch of weight. I know what I'm doing. Go away.

Other than that, it was a good visit. My niece brought some of my mom's things she'd taken. I'm surprised.

Neither of my uber drivers were weird this time.

Now I'm exhausted and have a headache. I'm just going to spend the rest of the day playing games. I have some Bob Evans Mac&Cheese I can heat up in the microwave. I tasted all the refrigerated and frozen Mac&Cheese that was at Wal mart. The Bob Evans is the cheesiest and has the best flavor. The Stouffer's was my least favorite, which is odd because I love their lasagna. Ooh, I should get some of that. I think my appetite is returning :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 04, 2023, 03:41:14 PM
BC, That's really wonderful to hear that you were able to visit your mother!  :lovey:

Take it easy and rest, so hopefully the leg pains and headaches will go away! :hug: It's great that your appetite is back!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 05, 2023, 06:24:18 AM
i'm glad you were able to see your mom and get the phone situation figured out. i wish people would learn that no one wants unsolicited comments on their body.

back to work today. i need to do some administrative stuff i've been putting off.

it's going to be super hot for the next few days. i'm hoping this will be the last of the extreme heat for the year.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 05, 2023, 11:30:28 AM
Yeah, that's the second time a nurse over there has come at me about my weight. Like, I've heard it all before, you don't have some secret no one else knows about.

I am extremely sore today. I would like to spend the day in bed, but I'm waiting for the mailman to pick up a package. I'm afraid if I lie down I'll fall asleep and not hear him when he knocks.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 05, 2023, 05:41:33 PM
I got to coffee morning, started on the second shoulder strap, & the package arrived!!! I was also able to order more stuff. Meanwhile I've been going through my laundry & hanging up a bit at a time, turning the rest (I find if I turn it it's less likely to go yeuch from damp. I also got some dishes done. I got some messages form the Coop too & got all the recipes I want so far in the notebook. I have piccies to take tomorrow, & i've checked what stuff I'm still missing from what's here. I also ordered some more HQG1Cs & found a MLP & Friends magazine I don't have yet. Pretty good in all.

BC awww your poor leggies!!! And yep, that nurse ought to keep her nose out!!! You're doing what you can about your weight issues, which is made harder due to your pain & stuff. Otherwise awesome you got to see your mum again!!!
Beth PHEW!!! Hope work isn't too uncomfortable xxx
Novelnerd sounds like a great time xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on September 06, 2023, 04:18:50 AM
Yaay, that you were able to visit mommy. I think the nurse might have said so out of care, but she shouldn't have. You do not comment another persons body.

My ancestry results arrived today. I am very much a Northern Swedish person and 22 percent finnish. We came from the village Vaara in Finland on my mothers side so no surprise there. What did surprised me is that i'm also 2% Norwegian on my moms side. When and what did that Norwegian dude arrive? No sami blood apparently so I guess that settle things on the natives side.

We did a huge autumn clean today. Draged out our huge sofa from the wall and vacuumed and mopped behind it.. We found a tonne of cat toys. It was exhausting but it feels so good afterwards knowing everything is clean now. Gonna eat a sallad for lunch and enjoy the afternoon on the balcony with a good book, because guess what?! We have a sunny day!!! :biggrin:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on September 06, 2023, 07:31:57 AM
right now i am at school, (typing this on my school computer lol) but im not feeling too good lately, i think i have a cold  :sad: my voice is really bad today, but school just started so i cant take a day off. hoping i get better soon!
hows everypony else doing today?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 06, 2023, 07:56:28 AM
mostly just working today. at least it's a short week but coming back from a long weekend is always rough. i didn't get too much done yesterday. also my eye is twitching. which is annoying. it happens sometimes when i'm stressed out. I don't feel stressed though.

i also need to do more cleaning and organizing today. i'm working on making the "guest" bathroom a little nicer. we just have to 2 bathrooms so we also use the "guest" bathroom. I bought some shelves and a little basket for extra toilet paper. the shower curtain also fell so i need to get that back up. we've always neglected the bathroom decorations in the past.

also I need to rearrange my desk. i have the computers on the right side of my corner desk. that's the shorter side so i'm always crunched in. maybe i am stressed out. i keep cleaning and rearranging stuff in the house :huh:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on September 06, 2023, 09:20:25 AM
Rainlove enjoy the massage, & hope you can get some stuff sold xxx
[/quote] Oh I did! Very heavenly! So far nothing has sold but there is a flea market this Saturday and I might just sell everything then. I have a ton of donations to sell to.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 07, 2023, 10:36:32 AM
^ I need to list a bunch of stuff on eBay. I'm being so lazy about it.

After I slept for a long time, I feel okay today. I think I'm relieved that I'm getting antibiotics for my legs and that I'm going back on the Vyvanse. Both will help tremendously.

I'm on a cleaning spree today. I've been so tired lately that I've let almost every room get out of control. Inspections are the 18th and even though it is mainly for the building's integrity and not me personally, I don't want the place to be a mess. I also need to shower, I've been putting that off too. Getting in the tub has been challenging since I can't lift my legs up high enough to get in. I have to go backwards and it's really awkward and I'm always afraid I'm going to fall. But I need a shower badly. I'm all itchy.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on September 07, 2023, 06:46:32 PM
I’m dragging so badly this week at work and I have no reason why I should be. I’m ready for the weekend and some rest.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 07, 2023, 07:45:57 PM
Novelnerd that stinks, hope you get more energy soon!!!
BC hope you can manage to get everything, & YOURSELF, clean xxx
Rainlove good to hear & hope the flea market goes well xxx
Beth it can be very tiring rearranging big furniture!!! Hope you can get it done without too many issues xxx
Cowboy you take it easy & if you're still feeling under the weather take a little time off xxx
Beldarna glad you got answers & yep, cleaning can do that xxx Worth it though!!!

As for me I Crashed Out For The Longest Time!!! Then took the needed piccies I'm off to upload... (In pony Brag soon)
Meanwhile catching up with crochet & working on that second strap...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on September 07, 2023, 08:11:06 PM
i wish i had time to crochet again, school has me slammed all day lol
thank you for the kind words! i am starting to feel better :3
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 08, 2023, 09:14:44 AM
Whoo! I took my first Vyvanse this morning since my heart attack! It's made me feel great! :freak: I'm all focused and getting things done! Have energy too!

I'm getting the laundry done finally. Soooooo many things to wash. Clothes, towels, bedding, pillows!

I'm still working on the kitchen. It's coming along.

I want to work on ponies sometime today too, probably later in the evening.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shockponie on September 08, 2023, 10:23:07 AM
That’s great news, BC! I love a productive day.

I’ve been breaking down a library’s IT equipment yesterday and today. Today I woke up sore and achey all over, so I’m counting this as my workout.  :P
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 08, 2023, 01:49:46 PM
it's been a long day at work. i'm sitting here waiting on the computer to finish what it's doing and it's taking so long!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 09, 2023, 06:54:57 AM
Didn't sleep very well, but I'm awake with the Vyvanse.

Cleaning and ponies continue today. I'm pretty sore today, so I have to take things slow. I was hoping I could mop the kitchen, but I might need to put that off until my body heals more.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 10, 2023, 02:04:25 AM
BC YAIY for working meds!!! Not so yaiy for feeling sore xxx
Beth, Cowboy, you busy peeps!!! I'm sure you'll both find a little time in the weekends to do stuff you love xxx
Shockponie, another busy soul!!! And yep, shifting heavy stuff can be a lot of work xxx

I FINISHED the shoulder strap & am now making more Pony blankets: small ones for the Babies, big ones for the bigger beds the adults have. I tried pancakes AGAIN but think I'm adding too much of the baking soda as they tasted so bitter!!! The recipe uses milk with a tablespoon of lemon juice, & half a teaspoon of baking soda. I think it means half a LEVEL teaspoon, not half a heaped...
I made quesadillas again because I love them & I got more cheese so yaiy!!! My fridge-freezer is moaning & I'm sweating again, so it must be quite hot... I'll need another wash...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 10, 2023, 06:38:33 AM
Congrats on finishing! I use Bisquick to make pancakes, it just needs milk and an egg. I have such a hard time flipping them though.

Today is more cleaning and ponies! Yesterday turned out to not be so productive because I was so sore. I feel better today, very sleepy though. I'm hoping the Vyvanse kicks in soon.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 10, 2023, 07:42:47 AM
yeah with baking it usually means a level measurement. the lemon could also make it a little bitter. adding lemon sounds yummy though. i need to make pancakes again but i have very little patience for measuring. that's why i don't bake often. i'm trying to get my husband to start baking since he has much more patience for following recipes.

today i have cleaning and organizing to do. i didn't get much done yesterday. sometimes i feel like i get less done on the weekends because i feel like i have so much time. i put stuff off and then i'm too tired. i did hang up a picture in the bathroom already. but i still need to put up the shelves.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 10, 2023, 05:29:23 PM
I got more laundry done but today was actually worse than yesterday. My right leg is really bad. I wanted to visit my mom tomorrow but I don't know if I can make it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 12, 2023, 08:29:19 AM
I still haven't been able to visit my mom. My muscles are sore all over my body. It started with a pain in my side and back but now it's spread everywhere, even my fingers. I think it has something to do with the infection or the antibiotics.

I've been sleeping a lot because it hurts to sit up in my chair. Whenever I go to just lay down in bed and watch TV or something, I fall asleep.

I don't know if I can get anything done today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 12, 2023, 10:08:18 AM
Cheers folks!!! I'll try level teaspoons next time xxx I'll get there yet!!!
BC OUCH!!! Hope you get better xxx
Beth it's likely your week at work tires you out & your body says: it's the weekend Beth, rest up a bit...

Made coffee morning & tried out the sharky harness. It works well & people liked it!!! Got messages & managed to finish off the Pony jumpers. Going back to my bigger crochet projects before I work on the next jumper batch...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 12, 2023, 05:50:35 PM
BC, I hope you are feeling better soon! :hug:

I mowed the grass on Tuesday. It had gotten really long and thick, but luckily the lawnmower blade is in good condition! ^^;
Luckily I did that chore, because now it started to rain! I also did laundry but I can't take them outside to dry anymore because it's so humid (and raining now). I may have to buy a new drying rack because one part of it is broken. :pout:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 14, 2023, 03:41:13 AM
It's getting colder here too!!!
The pic of Bakana in her harness is in What Made Me Smile. Meanwhile catching up on other crochet projects
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 15, 2023, 06:21:53 AM
I'm feeling much better! Today is cleaning/organizing day. Inspections are Monday :freak: I've gotten most of the cleaning done but I want to move some stuff out of the way of the windows and I have to take my old box spring and put it up against the bedroom wall for now. Luckily it's not too heavy, just awkward.

The kitchen is a mess though. I'm going to start there.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on September 15, 2023, 08:33:21 AM
I've been diamond painting all day. My back is slowly killing me so quitting for now. Thinking of watching a Star Wars movie.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 15, 2023, 04:15:29 PM
I'm glad you're feeling better BC :)

PBW that photo made me smile too :)

today i'm working and also doing some cleaning.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on September 15, 2023, 06:02:22 PM
worked late sleeping in to morrow then walking to work for the BBQ then might drop by the goodwill to take a look.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on September 16, 2023, 02:35:06 AM
I didn't want to make three smiles in a row so I post here. I had a two hour break from work and walked into the citycentre to the toystore. They had all four celestials so I bought one of each. Other than that, work, work,work. I'm off in three hours. Gonna eat a late lunch/early dinner when I get home and do some more Diamond Painting :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 16, 2023, 03:58:09 AM
Congrats on the ponies, Beldarna! :D

I got a lot done yesterday in the whole finishing cleaning and organizing department. Need to make the bathroom more tidy and finish up in the bedroom. Get the neighbor kids to take out my garbage. Vacuum and mop the floors... and I'll be done! I hope my unit doesn't get picked. I won't be able to relax until 5pm Monday evening.

I had a craving ( :whoa: - my appetite has been very poor) for mini biscuit pizzas, so I have a small order coming from Walmart in a couple hours. That will be my fun lunch :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 16, 2023, 06:06:46 AM
Latest Clipper order arrived & so did a G1 comic I didn't have yet (MLP & Friends 28, now scrubbing off the wantlist). Waiting on the Celestials I ordered & have more stuff to buy too.
Meanwhile I've been looking at stuff I can use as improv Pony accessories. I found these little doll prams which work with Teeny Ponies & G2 Babies, as well as small cradles of similar size. Also looking at doll armchairs I can turn into Pony high chairs with a little sculpting, gluing, & painting...
I'm also crocheting a bunch of Baby blankets & some adult blankets too with my thin yarns. So far they look great & go with the stuff.
Did a little more work on my Pony logs too...

BC yaiy for getting stuff done & for eating!!!
Beldarna yaiy for your Celestials!!!
IHG enjoy the bbq!!!
Beth good work on the cleaning!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 17, 2023, 07:43:55 AM
Today I need to vacuum and mop and I'm ready for Monday :happy:

I felt a little sick after I ate my pizza biscuits yesterday, so I'm sticking to liquids today.

Planning on working on ponies later.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on September 17, 2023, 06:02:27 PM
Now that Sunday has already changed to Monday, I realized that I didn't really do anything at the weekend!  :blink: I slept a lot. :blush:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on September 17, 2023, 08:13:43 PM
I decided I would be lazy this weekend and stay at home because I have so much coming up. I kinda hated it and was very bored.  :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on September 18, 2023, 01:06:57 AM
Me and John are both off from work today so we will go to IKEA and buy a new seat cushíon for the hallway chair and a new lamp for the hallway. We already know exactly what we want and where they are and I know all the shortcuts so hopefully it will only take twenty minutes or so. I'm finally getting that "death star" lamp! :yippee: We're planning to eat lunch there as well. IKEA has really good food so I'm looking forward to it.

We've been talking abouy going out searching for mushrooms as well. I'm not sure he is up to it when it's the real deal tho.. we'll see. Other than that, more Diamond Painting and/or Diablo IV.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 18, 2023, 02:32:28 PM
BC take it easy, & have plenty soups & smoothies xxx
HOM you must have needed the rest xxx
Novelnerd it can feel really boring if there's nothing to watch/read/do xxx
Beldarna I wonder if you can sneak a Blahaj while there heehee!!! And yaiy to Death Star lamp!!!

Did the dishes & got my celestials!!! Making progress on the crochet (see my Celestials in the Brag thread)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: tikibirds on September 19, 2023, 02:58:23 AM
Workinh 11 pm - 7 am
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on September 19, 2023, 08:43:19 PM
Ponybookworm, that would have been fun, tehetehe. The lamp is gorgeous. A bit tricky to put together but it did not cause a divorce, lol.

Today I'm working up to Luleå, it's four hours up north by train. At that altitude inlands they've got snow already, but not along the coast. There is always troubles and delayes at that route so I'm not very happy about this shift, but it's good money and lots of time to read.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 20, 2023, 05:31:27 AM
Tiki phew!!!
Beldarna do not underestimate the cuteness of Blahaj!!! And glad you got the lamp sorted!!! Hope the work goes well xxx

What, me??? A seemingly normal sleep schedule??? That can't be right!!!
But it seems to be & I made coffee yesterday & got messages. If this keeps up I may be able to do stuff!!! Like outside stuff!!!
Anyway, ordered a few bits so a load of fun packages coming...
Washed my hair & continued my projects
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 20, 2023, 06:44:44 AM
I had it rough yesterday and last night. I am feeling better though. Maybe later I can visit my mom.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 21, 2023, 06:45:43 AM
My plans today remain the same - visit my mom! I didn't get to yesterday. By the time I felt good enough to go, it was too late in the evening. Visiting hours are 24/7 but my mom goes to bed at like 8 (and so do I usually :P ).

Other than that, I need to clean up the kitchen and work on ponies.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 21, 2023, 07:25:07 AM
BC, I hope you feel well enough to visit your mom today.

I don't feel well today.  I think it's allergies but i feel run down and icky.

work is stressing me out too which doesn't help.  I also have some side work i need to finish.  I've been putting off finishing because I haven't been feeling well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 22, 2023, 02:35:56 PM
I went out yesterday & bought stuff, also found somebody I thought had disappeared!!! Today I'm going through the stuff: yarn (again), baking trays which fit the air fryer, food bits (except the stuff I froze & fridged last night), a couple of pairs of cosy socks, some essentials, & a bag of mostly Pony fakies (including three fakies I wanted & a random G3 who is mostly decent & just getting conditioned now).

BC I hope you manage to see your mother!!!
Beth get better soon & go easy until you do xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 22, 2023, 02:57:00 PM
I was able to visit my mom today :hearts:

I just got home. I'm starving! Guess my appetite has come back :lol:

My mom has her new phone now, so I can call her every day like I used to :) For the rest of the night, I'm just going to play games and watch some Futurama.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on September 23, 2023, 08:22:32 AM
I got a new work phone and it has been a hassle to get everything sorted. Plenty of the apps that should have been installed already weren't. Two hours later I've got everything but my schedule app to work. It wont let me log in. I've tried to log out and in on my previous workphone and my private phone with no problem, but it refuse to work in this one. Oh, and some things that have shotcuts on the previous phone wont get shortcuted on this one. I don't get it. Sigh.. This is my day off! Why oh, why didn't I do this monday?

So I'm gonna take a break and listen to some good music, check out the Arena Diamond Paint a bit.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on September 24, 2023, 11:18:55 AM
I stayed at home today as the weather was cloudy and quite windy. Baby is up on two knees today for the first time and also she said the word 'nana' for the first time as in :banana: She's now a big fan of bananas
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 25, 2023, 08:21:47 AM
I'm feeling more awake an energized than yesterday. Laundry! I must do it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 25, 2023, 12:14:05 PM
Artie when Babies do things for the first time it's the best!!!  :lovey: :lovey: :lovey:
BC yaiy on seeing your mother & yaiy on appetite!!! Laundry  :sigh:
Beldarna the frustrations of getting a new phone!!!  :dumbpc:

More knitting, crochet, a few packets arriving, & wonked up sleep!!! AGAIN...
Still, some of the packets coming are to help me get more accessories for Ponies so yaiy!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 25, 2023, 04:43:02 PM
It's almost my bedtime and I did nothing! today. I spent most of the day on my PC watching videos on YouTube and Facebook. Played some games. At one point I made iced coffee. Called my mom twice. Gave Aster many treats.

That was all.

My laundry will never get done :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 25, 2023, 05:26:33 PM
I stayed at home today as the weather was cloudy and quite windy. Baby is up on two knees today for the first time and also she said the word 'nana' for the first time as in :banana: She's now a big fan of bananas

aww :)

today i pretty much just worked. and we got sandwiches for dinner.  i'm feeling a little better but still not great.  i had enough energy to get through the work day but not enough to do much else.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 27, 2023, 03:40:49 PM
BC we get lazy days sometimes, especially when you get sore a lot xxx
Beth you take it easy until you're well again xxx

Yesterday I made it to coffee, but only by scheduling naps.
Today I had my visit, & good thing too as I got a letter about my kitchen. I'll get a new one in October. I have SO MUCH STUFF to shift before then!!! I'm dreading it!!!
Meanwhile more knitting & crochet, & Blythswood is collecting again...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on September 28, 2023, 02:20:03 AM
Ponybookworm I ended up getting help from one of the drivers. He did exactly the same thing I did and it worked. I have no clue why or how but my phone works now. The shortcuts still wont happen but he showed me to bookmark them and putting the bookmarklist on the screen, so it's almost the same.

Today I've been showing off the goodgirl syndrome big time. I've done two huge batches of food! One for me and one for hubby. I have nine luncboxes prepared for me now. Hubbys chili is still on the stove but I think he will get more out of it. The pot is to the brim! I've taken out our garbage and recycling and folded the laundry that has been in the dryer since Tuesday (hubby was the one doing the laundry.. figure) and the clock is only fifteen minutes past eleven.

I think I'm gonna spend the afternoon cleaning up the balcony and put away everything for the winter. I'm not sitting out there anymore. But for now I'm cuddling Simba who is sitting on my lap and listen to some music and maybe gonna Diamond Paint a bit when he's done cuddling.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 28, 2023, 08:49:27 AM
Yesterday I got a lot done. Still not the laundry, but a lot of other things :lol: My neighbor came and took my trash. I'm completely caught up on the kitchen! Dishes, countertops, stovetop - all clean and tidy! I broke down all the boxes. I put some things away that had been left out far too long. Went around and gathered up the cat toys and put them in the toybox.

Today my goal is... laundry! For real this time!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on September 28, 2023, 09:34:48 AM
Looks like we both had a lot of energy to do things! :) Good job!

The balcony is cleaned and ready for winter. Ninja has been out, I've been Diamond Painting for three hours, listened through the dischography of Xandria and fighting to get through to Amazon customer service. I'm ready for bed.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on September 29, 2023, 06:24:24 AM
i also need to do laundry today :)

i washed bath towels and bedding the last 2 days. today i need to wash clothes. work is stressful right now but at least it's Friday. i also finished up my side work so i can close that out. i'm not sure it will continue past this month though. i have mixed feelings about that.

on a better note, i did get something setup at work that i've been working towards for years. so i feel good about that.

this weekend i want to decorate for Halloween but i'm not sure i feel well enough yet. i'll have to take it slow. i spent a lot on decorations so i need to put them out :) i can decorate inside a little slower.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 29, 2023, 08:00:56 AM
Guess what I didn't do yesterday :P The laundry still waits to be done. I'm just so sore. Today i had to try three times to get up out of bed because my lower back and hips hurt so much.

I think I have a UTI. I see my doctor on the 3rd. Until then I've been drinking cranberry juice and I hate cranberries :razz: I think it's helping though.

Today I need to work on my swap pony and a commission.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 29, 2023, 03:23:25 PM
BC keep flushing it, if not cranberry juice, plain water will do xxx
Beth good job on the work thing you set up!!! Hope it helps ease the stress xxx
Beldarna good on that driver helping you xxx And yaiy for cooking batches!!!

As for me, Customising is put off as I'm using the boxes I have to pack some stuff I don't need to cook with & top of the list: Custom baits!!! Also hair, ribbons, & a few other bits. I'm rushing to get a few custom rockers done (white, yellow, blue, & a green one for Batty Boo) because I have the wood bits for it so am doing them, then once they're all painted I can shift my wood bits & my paint tubes & tins!!! I pretty much want as much non-essentials shifted as possible, & may have a few more boxes I can use... (yep the bait Ponies are in MLP boxes: the Snuzzle plushie box, two Celestial boxes, & the box my 40th Butterscotch came in). I have more bits in tins but they can shift in their own sweet time because tins. I'm slowly working on more knitting & crochet stuff too.
Also my Aliexpress package arrived, complete with snug shark hoodie gown (it's so long & cosy & snuggly), some toy accessories, & two more coloured shark plushies!!! Plus I can use the bags for rubbish so that's always good...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on September 30, 2023, 06:18:50 AM
I've been to a huge fleemarket today, geared toways childrens items. I found one G2, and retro Parasol. I guess G1s start to be too old to be found now. I remember ten years ago when i went to it and made many great finds. They had a lot of G4s but it's not my thing.

I also went to the toyshop in downtown and bought the remainder of the blindboxes, so now I have everyone. So the Rescue at MidnightCastle set is complete. I just wish they could have put Spike and Ember in the box. And why have Moondander in both the box and as a blindbag and not Glory in one of them? Anyway, the shop had buy three pay for two on all the toys so I got one box for free :).
I also bought new haircolour and it turned out I had a coupon for 50 sek for any item in the store so I got it for half the price. And Body shop had started selling their advent calendars and I had a coupon there as well so I got a discount and a shower gel as I bought for more than five hundred SEK. In girlmath, I made some bargains today! :biggrin:

My shift starts in an hour. I'm gonna ride the train down, not working but getting paid, sleep at the hotel and then work on the way back tomorrow at three pm. So i get an entire Sunday in another town, but have to leave the hotel at noon. It feels miserable. Anyway, gotta pack a bag and dinner. Gonna bring my laptop so I can stream some Disney+ or Netflix while I'm there.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 30, 2023, 10:26:32 AM
Sounds like you scored big! :D Also sounds like a lot of fun. I miss going to the flea markets and little antique stores.

I got a late start today. I woke up with only 2 minutes to go until I was to meet with my therapist over Zoom. She was a couple minutes late so it gave me a little time to get something to drink and wash my face.

Today I'm going to work on some art stuff. I've given up on the laundry for now.

I need to clip my nails, they're bothering me.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 01, 2023, 01:59:13 PM
the weekend is going by way too fast :(

i did some yard work this morning. i needed to trim some of the plants. the ones in the front of the bed, i'm not sure what they are, are growing like crazy. i also needed to trim the crepe myrtles away from the downspouts. last time we had a storm they were banging against the metal and it sounded like the house was getting attacked!

i also put up the last of the solar globe lights along the fence in the backyard. the box has been sitting there for months so it feels good to finally get that done.

i might put out some of the Halloween decorations a bit later. i need to get them put together first
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 01, 2023, 07:56:22 PM
Beldarna nice bargains!!!
Beth good going on the gardening xxx
BC glad you made your therapy appointment!!!

I got the wood rockers done!!! The green one is in the Spooky Cabin with Batty Boo, & the others are finished & ready to be given to Newborns. I spray-sealed them before bed, so the place would air out as I slept, but there was still a whiff when I got up...
I'm working on the collection spreadsheet meanwhile. I'm only on the G1s, & realised I didn't have all the acquirement dates of the G1s written, so a quick panic mode to add dates for variants, Celestials, et al. Fortunately hovering over the photos of the Butterscotches gives me a rough idea as to when I got them...
Also more knitting & crochet, plus I found a Pony person on a Discord server who collects & shares colouring pages, so I'm going through my scans & giving them some for sharing with everybody. They get a book or so a day from me, & I'm due the next one. I STILL have a bunch of mine to clean up though!!!
And I'm also knitting, crocheting, & sorting boxes out... I WILL get this done!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on October 01, 2023, 11:09:45 PM
I'm gonna visit my grandpa today. It's been too long and I feel a bit bad for it so I'm gonna make up for it with taking lots of good fika with me :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 02, 2023, 06:55:39 AM
I'm working on my swap pony today. My thumb is sore where I cut it, but I think I can manage.

A game I've had my eye on came out today. I bought it and can't wait to play! :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 03, 2023, 09:40:16 AM
BC you can do it!!!
Beldarna that sounds lovely, enjoy xxx

Made it to coffee!!! Found a thing I never use so it went to the table there, & found another thingy I CAN use (a ceramic oven dish which fits in my air fryer!!!). Saw my coffee pal who I haven't seen in ages!!! The shop I earmarked for the RAMC set ran out so I got a set on eBay instead. Also invested in more bandannas from PKW, as well as a few other Etsy bits (3D printed stuff from somebody I know on a server, I like to get small animals & stuff for Pony pets). I got my messages too.
Crochet-wise I need to up my scarf game. I finished the first ball of granny blanket yarn & started the second (it's getting big, but can wait while I work on scarves & stuff for Blythswood). My plushie whale arrived & it's just as it should be.
It's getting colder... I don't want to put my heater on yet...
I also found a tractor I was adapting to Ponies & finished the adaptation. The clay is still raw but it works & Pepper Jack fits in it. May sand down & paint the clay work at some point. I see sanding blocks available. I think I'd like one, especially one which can get inside stuff!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 04, 2023, 12:40:44 PM
Sounds like you were busy yesterday! :)

I am in a lot of pain today. I was yesterday too later on. It's my hips and knee, and my lower back. So I am taking it easy. I took my pain meds but they aren't helping.

I bought some food I've wanted to try. I've got Kombucha and Kimchi. Drinking the Kombucha now. It's not bad, tastes like vinegar. Luckily, I like vinegar. I put malt vinegar on my fish except salmon. I also like pickle juice :P I've wanted to try kimchi for a while. I'll probably like that too. One reason I decided to get these now is because I'm trying to repopulate my gut bacteria after those antibiotics. Been eating yogurt everyday and taking a probiotic pill. The kombucha and kimchi will help too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 04, 2023, 08:31:41 PM
I was!!! Anyway more stuff arrived: latest bandannas from PKW  :frolic: :frolic: :frolic: & Scarlet O'Hara  :yikes: :sad: :stressed:
Meanwhile in hardcore scarf crochet mode, & the bathroom is due its work the week after my kitchen!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!
Included in my messages were some veggie sausages so I had them wi mashed potato & sweetcorn. They were yummy & I'll get again!!!

BC yep you take it easy & take what meds you have xxx Enjoy the food!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on October 04, 2023, 10:39:14 PM
I have one of those fun workdays today, same as I had saturday/sunday. Came to the hotell about 8 pm yesterday. Woke up way too early this morning, finnished my breakfast right after 7 am. Now I have the whole day in this town until my workshift starts at 3pm. Gotta be out from the hotell at noon. Luckily it looks to be a sunny day so I can take a long walk and sit for a while at the harbor :).
I'm gonna be home at 7 pm tonight. This is not even my regular shift, I had another one today but they called me yesterday as I was on my way home from work to ask if I could take this one instead and I said ok. So I get this on overtime. I also wont be getting 11 hours rest between shifts tonight as I begin 3.30 am tomorrow so I'll get a chunk of more excuse money for that as well :biggrin:.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shockponie on October 05, 2023, 02:33:50 PM
Traveling for work sounds fun! I normally work in a cubicle farm, but I like when I get to go on site.

After work I’m going dolly hunting, buying some vitamins, picking up my held books at the library, and writing a letter for a Halloween horror story swap I’ve joined. Then I hope to make something decent for dinner while I watch a bit of Animation Domination. We’ll see how much I accomplish!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on October 06, 2023, 09:16:52 AM
I'm a traindattendant/conductor so traveling is my job :) . Staying away over night is fun the first few times, then it gets routine. Like even with a full breakfast buffet I always get the same thing nowadays. My coworkers with kids appreciate it more I think as they get to take a break from family life and get some well deserved me-time. I only have my husband and our cats so it's not the same. I have plenty of me-time at home and get more restricted at the hotel.

Today I'm in zombie mode. Getting up at 2:45am after coming home at 7 the night before was tough. Even after a two hour long nap midday I feel exhausted. The first episode of the new season of our favorite reality tv show started wednesday so we watched it while ating take out for lunch. I've been diamond painting for two hours while listening to a podcast and all I want to do is go to bed. Is it too early to go to sleep at 6pm? lol
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 06, 2023, 09:59:29 AM
I tried the Kimchi yesterday :) It's good, it's got a little heat but it's not too bad. I thought it would taste like sauerkraut but it doesn't. The cabbage is very crunchy, which I like.

I'm going to work on my swap pony today and do some chores around the house. Gotta clean the litter boxes, gather some garbage and break down some boxes.

I have a couple packages arriving today :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shockponie on October 06, 2023, 10:07:03 AM
I love kimchi! I especially love it with the Korean soy sauce marinated eggs. I’ve dabbled in kombucha. I usually like it too; it’s like you said BC: vinegar-y, so I don’t mind it. Not long ago I watched a Good Mythical Morning ep on YT wherein they tried “every” flavor of GT’s booch. Kinda amusing. I like the fruity ones most.

Today after work, I’m going to the dollar store to get a couple items, then trying to relax before my crazy-busy weekend.  :freak:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 06, 2023, 12:44:54 PM
Beldarna, go to sleep when you have plenty of time to do so & are tired. Better than running on next to no sleep!!!
Shockponie hope you find what you want!!!
BC fun food!!! And PACKAGES!!!

Finished scarf 3 & started another. The RAMC set arrived today yaiy!!! Spent the last of my fun budget on a MLP hoodie blanket from Oodie, because I wear my sharky one regularly enough that I need a second for when it's in the wash. The Oodie also have sleep tees & I have eyes on the MLP one...
I also ordered in stuff to make a few playpens in colours Hasbro never made so I can have more of those. There are little poles they use for guard-rails & blank wooden coasters & I can see myself using a coaster as a base & the poles as the sides. I just need more glue. Fortunately these were cheap!!!
I cleared off the top of the fridge-freezer & sorted my MLP lunch boxes of baits & fakies out, so that's a little more shifted out of the kitchen. I still need the paints because of my highchairs & upcoming playpens, but getting there bit by bit...
I need to get dishes done, some piccies taken, & more packed up...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on October 07, 2023, 08:12:41 AM
Thanks Ponybookworm, I managed to stay awake til 10 pm and then I slept really well.

Today I went with a couple of coworkers to check out three trainbridges that goes over a river and lies right next to each other. The first one was built in steel 1891. 1919 it was replaced by the bridge next to it which was built in concrete. The third bridge replaced the second one 1995. It is beautiful nature surrounding them. One of the train drivers is a licensed tour guide so she gave us a real tour which was such a treat. We finnished by lighting a fire and grill some sausages and fika. Unfortunaly it was really cold and windy so we left soon after. But I had a really good time :).

Now I'm sitting by the computer with my elbows on my diamond painting and check the web. I just read about Hamas bombing of Israel. Horrible.. so a little mlp to lighten up the mood. A lit candle, a cup of tea and soft music. I'm freezing a lot still so I'm covered in a shawl and blankets. Not gonna do much more today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 07, 2023, 09:00:28 AM
I feel a little better than yesterday, still feel bad though. I really want to visit my mom but I wouldn't make the walk. Why haven't teleporters been invented yet?! :mad:

I didn't get all the chores done yesterday so I'm working on that today. Also my swap pony.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 08, 2023, 05:26:48 AM
Beldarna that sounds like a lovely outing!!!
BC get well soon!!! And hope things go well wi Pony xxx

Each of my scarves takes 3 balls of yarn so I can rate my progress on that. I made it through one ball yesterday which is great!!!
Also great: clearing off the top of the cooker (& cleaning it), clearing off the top of the cabinet between it & the fridge-freezer, & clearing off 2/3 of the top of my side cupboards!!!
No piccies taken as phone needed charged AGAIN.
Started painting highchairs. I really want my projects done, or at least done enough to store somewhere!!!
More importantly, I need stuff shifted!!! And that means the last third of the side cabinets & one more cabinet sorted too!!!
And let's see if I can get piccies today...
At least I did dishes, including some stuff I don't need which can walk on Tuesday or ditch at some point. It's queued up waiting!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 08, 2023, 07:15:34 AM
today i have a lot of chores to do. it's cool outside so i don't really have an excuse for not putting up the Halloween lights around the front door. i also need to change out the lights by the garage with the purple bulbs. it's a pain because i'll need to unscrew the fixtures and i have to take out the ladder.

i also need to run the carpet cleaner in the bedroom. if i do it i need to do it soon because the carpet will need time to dry.

i also still need to put up a shelf in the guest bathroom and clean the floor and vanity.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 08, 2023, 08:09:11 AM
I'm doing chores today too.

All my plant stuff came yesterday so I can transplant my palm and the snake plants.

Still working on my swap pony!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 11, 2023, 05:51:49 AM
Beth, BC, busy people xxx

I had the pre-visit on Monday & had a freakout at what they were planning for the kitchen, like, they'd take ALL THE WALLS off!!! Now in the bathroom I get that, because they have a new wet wall they're shoving in there. But the KITCHEN??? And why are they reducing my cabinet space??? If anything I need MORE cabinet space!!!. And it all seemed like far too much work & too long out of commission for me to handle. I mean more than a week to redo the kitchen??? I noped out.
I AM, however, getting my bathroom redone, as there at least I'm getting a load of improvements, like new flooring, a shower, a screen, the above-mentioned wet wall, an extractor fan, & HOPEFULLY fixing what's still to be fixed of my interior ceiling area, particularly below the skylight. I'm also getting a towel rail on my new bathroom heater.
due to the visit on Monday & the freakout, I MISSED Coffee morning!!!
However I DID gut the bathroom!!! Posters, down!!! Wall ornaments, down!!! Shelves, down!!! Excess bottles, stashed!!! I only have a few things left to go, & since I have a working downstairs toilet, I can use that while the bathroom gets its work done. It's not like I'll have nowhere to do the necessary & brush teeth!!! And I can flannel down (I've been doing that because I can't trust the bath for getting leaks). The kitchen would have left me with a rammed living room, nowhere to store anything (I found a cupboard for storing the bathroom stuff in), & living on the kettle, microwave, & air fryer, with them, the table, & the fridge-freezer taking up room in an already well-filled living room. Are you surprised I noped on the kitchen???
I know, this is already an essay, but there's one more thing: have you ever felt so worn out that when you sat down, you felt you couldn't support yourself, so had to lie on a bed instead??? That was me halfway through gutting, grabbing Bakana, lying on the bed, & snuggling into her for half an hour of just resting up.
Got messages after almost everything but what I need in there was shifted, including a LOT of munchies because oh boy I worked HARD!!! :accomplished: :work: :zzz: ^^; :freak: :stressed: :whew:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 11, 2023, 08:04:46 AM
I feel terrible. I don't think I'll be doing much today. I still need to do my plants. I have to have someone get my mail for me too, my succulents came but they're in the mailbox. They'll die out there.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shockponie on October 11, 2023, 02:23:13 PM
Got my flu shot. Work makes it easy: they come to us, and you’re still on the clock, so why not?! Especially being at higher risk with asthma.

I had meetings galore today… I’m trying to decide whether I want to go straight home or hit up Wally World after work. Hmmmm  :wonder:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 12, 2023, 11:27:42 AM
I feel better than yesterday. Still haven't gotten my mail. I'm going to call the neighbor kid after school and see if she can do it. I have four dollars in change but that's all I can offer :huh:

I bought stuff to make cheesesteak subs a while ago. I haven't felt well enough to make them, but I'm going to make them tonight. I have to before the bread and cheese go moldy.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 13, 2023, 03:33:15 AM
One good thing about all the stuff I shifted out of the kitchen: reorganising it when I return it due to aforementioned NOPE out. Things look a lot neater in there now!!! AND I know where everything is!!! The huge Snuzzle box contains a load of my baits ready to go, I have other baits in MLP lunchboxes, all the hair is sorted or in one container which is useless for anything else as it's cracked at the bottom, there's less clutter on top of my side shelves, there's less clutter on top of my microwave, & I can see what I'm doing. I put everything which needed to return back in today, after a really long crash out!!! Not surprised tbh!!!

BC enjoy making & eating the food!!!
Shockponie well done getting your jab!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 13, 2023, 04:01:19 AM
I'm officially on the mend :cheer:

I expect to feel loads better in a couple days now that I have my medicine.

Today is more chores. I need to wash the towels and some clothes, clean up the bathroom and take a shower. After that, I don't know. I'll probably need a nap after that. Oh, I know. I need to list some more stuff on eBay but I have to take pics.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on October 13, 2023, 05:52:54 AM
It's around three PM. So far I've taken a two hour long walk to clear my head. I cleaned a bit in the kitchen. I've made more ginger shots. I've been grinding my dried mint and put in a jar and been out to my pallet and recovered the last fresh mint and hung it up to dry. I've cleaned up some clutter and vacuumed my ponyroom as my little brother is going to sleep here tomorrow. We have an inflatable bed I got out from storage yesterday. I also watched two episodes of Supernatural. I don't really get the hype.

Now I'm gonna drink some tea, check the web and get on with a new podcast and do some Diamond Painting ^.^.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 14, 2023, 07:39:02 AM
I have to work from 12am - 4am or so tonight/tomorrow morning so I'm taking it easy today.  i usually go to sleep around 9-10pm and wake up at 5 or 6am so having to be awake and online at those times is rough. i used to have all kinds of problems with insomnia so i don't like messing with my sleep schedule. usually i end up sleeping for an hour or 2 after we're done working and i'm just tired all day. it's better than messing up my sleep cycle though. i'll take a nap if i need to.

there's a solar eclipse today so i'm hoping to see that. my husband was not very enthused about it when i told him. i'll drag him outside. i do have solar eclipse glasses.

i also need to figure out what to make for dinner. maybe i'll get takeout instead
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 14, 2023, 08:11:55 AM
Man, I wish I could see the eclipse :( It's not reaching this far.

I didn't get a lot of sleep, my brain wouldn't shut off. I should have taken some Xanax but I didn't think of it at the time. I had a Zoom meeting with my therapist this morning so I had to get up for that. I think I slept like 3 hours. I will probably take a nap this afternoon.

I need to take photos and list some things on eBay. I should also gather the garbage and put it out.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on October 14, 2023, 08:32:12 AM
Oooh, bad day yesterday. Definitely a Friday the 13th -_- Feeling better today, trying to sort out some files and get stuff done. Need to take some photos for eBay, plus pics for my own reference of the latest additions to my collections :P
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 14, 2023, 11:46:25 AM
Thank HEAVENS for my support worker!!! The workies tried to CANCEL the bathroom job on me, but I got hold of her & she contacted them & they told her what was needed & she told me & we're working on that as I have done so much in the bathroom I just need a few things done. I've already moved enough stuff so I can do my bedtime stuff in the downstairs facility (it's small & has a WC & sink in it but it works & functions). What the workies wanted was the hallway completely clear of stuff so they can get in & out with big items like walling & the new bath. Some is easy to shift elsewhere, some not so much. The hard job will be moving the bikes somewhere: the downstairs hallway is the only place they can live. And nope, I can't put them in the upstairs hallway because that will mean they can't get at the water heater to isolate it, connect to it, etc. They also need access to the stopcock in the downstairs facility. Less work in both cases but still work to let them get at stuff.
Meanwhile I hope to get recycling out, & my support worker comes on Monday so she can take skip stuff away.
Did some laundry (towels) so that's drying.
I also FINALLY managed to take the pics, partly prompted by having to move the shelf I use for them for a bit.

Carrehz glad you're better today xxx
BC the rubbish just piles up doesn't it??? And hope you get better sleep xxx
Beth at least you HAVE a sleep schedule!!! But yep, night work when you're used to day work is annoying xxx
Beldarna productive person!!!
And no chance of me seeing any eclipse, even if it crossed the Atlantic; it's all rainy & windy today & my living room heater is on. It's officially winter folks!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on October 15, 2023, 02:54:21 AM
I want to sleep but am too tired, lol. My brother went home early, workshift starts at four pm. I've had like four or five hours of sleep. My cold does not agree with me being at concerts or working but I hope a little sleep will help :). I need to eat lunch as well. And feed the cats. And nap.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 15, 2023, 10:45:05 AM
everything went smoothly last night. hopefully i don't have to work that late again until next year.

i didn't get enough sleep but i'm not tired enough to take a nap. i think i might make some potato soup since it's getting cooler outside. i need to do some more cleaning but i can wait until tomorrow.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 15, 2023, 05:22:09 PM
Saturday and Sunday were spent sleeping most of the time. :yawn: On Sunday evening, we watched a new horror movie and enjoyed pizza. :relaxed:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 15, 2023, 07:53:10 PM
Little hacks at stuff, see Trivial Complaints also.
I found a cute bottle I want to keep which had paint chips, but all on the one paint colour, so I painted over that with a close enough colour. It dried so I can stash it in the Last Box.
My towels are drying nicely, & the one I hung over the bathroom door is completely dry & packed in the Last Box.
Lagging behind on the internet stuff, but that's the price I pay. I still come here & go to Discord & check emails, but the Reddit stuff has been neglected, & I have a load to watch on Youtube every time I go in there (at least I can crochet while catching up there).
Today: RECYCLING!!! Sorting rubbish, doing dishes, seeing support worker & sending skip stuff off wi her, also what to do wi bikes (they can leave for a bit but I'd like them to return, though who can store them???).
Yep I'm busy, yep it WILL be worth it!!!

HOM hope you feel all rested & relaxed xxx
Beth YAIY!!! And enjoy the soup!!!
Beldarna rest up when you can xxx Colds make you tired as your body uses energy to fight them!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 17, 2023, 05:00:21 AM
I got the recycling out!!!
My support worker came & took the stuff to the skip!!!
My coffee pal & her partner took my bikes into their garage!!!
I made coffee morning, & took the reuseables there for the blessing table!!!
Also got messages & electric (I'll need to get that every two weeks now...)
AND I cleaned myself & my hair!!!
I'm now working on bottle transfers. I want only one bottle of conditioner out if possible!!! I still like the two shampoos: one quick & generic for cleaning, one for a final go & a nice scent. The current second one is citrus & lovely.
I also got my dishes done!!!
Today, laundry (clothes). I did a sleeping bag the other day too. I also moved the last thing from the bathroom path out of the way.
I'm getting there!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 17, 2023, 06:46:07 AM
Gooooooooo, PBW! :cheer:

I'm feeling better than before but still not great. I need to take a break from my Halloween swap pony. I think I'm concentrating too hard and making things more difficult. I'm not sure what I'm doing today. Maybe some laundry and clean up the kitchen.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on October 18, 2023, 03:25:19 AM
I tried to read this morning but fell a sleep. I've been sitting and sleeping at an odd angle for close to two hours as one of my cats slept on my lap. My back is hurting a bit, lol. I'm on the mend from the cold, but still freezing and sweating on and off but my biggest concern is the razor sitting in my throat. I'm thinking lunch is approaching and I need one that is kind to that razor.. it should be pancakes right? With ice cream? :biggrin:
I hope I get some much needed energy afterwards. I want to Diamond Paint.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on October 18, 2023, 09:37:51 AM
Woo, PBW you're on a roll!! :cheer: :cheer:

:hug: to Beldarna and BC, hope you're feeling better soon <3 (mm pancakes!)

Theatre weekend in London this weekend for me, must start packing! As soon as I finish catching up on the internet ;) Sunset Boulevard tomorrow (I won tickets in their lottery, I'm so excited!! :frolic: I hope they're good seats, won't find out until we get there), shopping on Friday, and Saturday is Back to the Future Day! I need to get back to wrestling with... errr, fixing up my hairpiece for the cosplay I'm doing :p Looking forward to it but gosh I hope this silly hairpiece cooperates with me today xP
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 18, 2023, 02:46:59 PM
I'm really disappointed that the prednisone isn't making me feel much better this time. It usually takes all my pain away, but my hips and lower back are still very sore and it's hard to walk. Also my head feels weird, like all the blood is rushing to it. If I move too fast or turn my head I get auras.

Today I did get the kitchen partially clean. Still need to wash dishes but I just don't feel like it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 18, 2023, 07:20:05 PM
BC, Carrehz, I am!!! And I have the go-ahead!!! The work starts a little later (1st November) but is still a go!!! Cheers so much!!!

BC I hope you feel better!!! Sometimes meds take a while to take effect xxx
Carrehz sounds like fun!!! Enjoy & hope your project cooperates too!!!
Beldarna, take it easy. Pancakes wi lemon juice & honey sounds good xxx And if the diamond painting relaxes & doesn't strain your eyes too much, go for it!!!

CRASHED OUT!!! But I got the visit & they said as mentioned above!!!
More things arrived yaiy!!!
I finished ball 2 of the current scarf, come ON scarf!!!
Got clothes laundry done. Just need to dry them now...
And caught up wi Reddit a bit
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 19, 2023, 08:50:23 AM
I do feel better today. I'm glad you get your renovation, PBW :)

Guess I'll do the dishes today, maybe shower. Otherwise I'm working on my swap pony.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on October 19, 2023, 09:01:27 AM
Ponybookworm, thanks :). I managed to finnished one painting yesterday and started another one today. But it goes slowly, I get tired easily.

I've been binging a brittish doctumentary series today about people meeting their partners on social media and getting killed by them. Seems like I struck gold with the one I met. Had a good talk with hubby about random things today as well :). My throat is still soar and my nose stuffed but no more fever. I ran out of ginger so need to get more of that somehow.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on October 20, 2023, 04:23:56 AM
It’s been a bit! My blood pressure has been crazy high lately and I’ve been sick from it, especially after my last eye treatment.
That being said, I’m gearing up for Pride this weekend and a Halloween party the next.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on October 20, 2023, 04:38:21 AM
Still stuffy nose and soar throat but the energy is coming back! I managed to walk to the store in the snow and buy some much needed groceries. Ninja is bored and want to go out. The sun is shining so he thinks it's warm and summery. I'm considering taking him out.. he will be so surprised by the snow. He does not like it so I think it will be a quick outandin. I have a borrowed book on the e-reader that expires in three days that I need to finnish. I usually read it on the train but with being sick I'm so far behind.. so must read. Not a bad must do-list :). The snow was wonderful to walk in by the way.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 20, 2023, 09:46:05 PM
BC glad you're feeling well!!!
NovelNerd, get well soon & enjoy xxx
Beldarna glad you got out & are recovering xxx

Went out on Thursday. Partly regret it due to weather, partly glad I did due to its getting worse since. Went to three shops, got a couple of small treats & some essentials, as well as food & finishing the gift card off. I had to eat in the cafe attached to one shop as the others were all shut. Got the snake thing AND some plughole clearer. Started wi the plughole clearer when I got home. Also got some cosy leggings & some messages.
Meanwhile I finished another scarf & am well on the way wi a matching hat. I want that & another hat done at least before the month ends for Blythswood. I found some hat templates I can use as a rough guide to what size I need to make them, & according to my head they work.
Just more crochet & rinsing off stuff for a bit until the weather settles down (hope it's better by Tuesday). Even a few packages are delayed by the storms!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 22, 2023, 06:55:05 AM
I finished the hat!!! And a second is well on the way!!! The last bits were fiddly but WORTH IT!!! I just need to stick to a certain amount of stitches in the ribbing & sorted there when I do the second (6 looks good)

BC: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :tort: :birthday:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 22, 2023, 11:12:23 AM
Thank you :accomplished:

I visited my mom. I didn't have too hard a time walking, but my shorts kept wanting to fall off :lol: Guess I lost more weight than I realized. It is so bright out there though! Even with my sunglasses I was squinting and trying not to close my eyes. Being mostly a shut-in they aren't used to that.

I got some coupons in my email for my birthday :) One is a free item from Bath & Body Works plus 20% off. I'm thinking of buying a candle and some lotion. I can get a free cake from Publix and some flowers, but it's not close. The money I'd have to spend on a ride would be more than buying a cake and flowers from Walmart. I think maybe I'll get a couple slices of cheese cake :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 22, 2023, 06:34:45 PM
BC, I wish you a happy birthday in this thread too! :good: :heart:
Glad to hear you were able to visit your mother! :heart:

My Sunday was spent sleeping for a long time. :zzz: That's why I can't seem to go to sleep, even though it's night now.  :biggrin:

One day I should visit the cemetery to take small spruce branches and heather to the graves of my grandparents and my grandmother's parents. I'm afraid that the ground is already so frozen that I can't even dig a small hole for the heather. Why didn't I go earlier in autumn when it wasn't minus degrees yet. :pout:

Oh and changing winter tires! Fortunately, this is handled by a car repair shop. ^^; I just suspect that those old winter tires are no longer suitable, so we have to buy new ones. Goodbye money! visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on October 23, 2023, 03:17:02 AM
I'm gonna work today. First shift since I got sick. My throat is still a bit sore and nose get stuffed but it's so much better and I've already missed a weeks work. It's a four hour evening shift and the first half of it is me, just going south, not working, but working on the way back, so two hours effective time. I think I'll be able to.

Until then, I'm gonna diamont paint, eat lunch, take out the trash.. feed the cats and hang around here.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 23, 2023, 07:33:30 AM
I'm working on my swap pony today. I'm way behind.

There's some laundry too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 23, 2023, 08:51:01 AM
i'm definitely having one of those days where my patience is razor thin. unfortunately i also have a ton of calls today. i also need to follow up on some side work I still need to get paid for.

also, my mom informed me a couple of days ago that my half sister, who i haven't seen in probably 25-30 years is visiting for Thanksgiving. which is fine but a lot more stressful. now i need to start cleaning and organizing way earlier. i also have more stuff to hide away.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 23, 2023, 11:27:01 AM
BC yaiy for seeing your mother & yaiy for coupons!!! Maybe keep the Publix one for when you do your festive shop??? And hope you do well wi your Pony xxx
Beth sharky snuggles xxx
Beldarna so glad you're recovering xxx
HOM winter is like that... And hope you could afford the bill xxx

Second hat mostly done, just working on ribbing (fiddly).
Also put up a net for my sea plushies (non-sharky). Most fit, & I also managed to move some from the living room there. In exchange the sofa is now home to TEN seal plushies!!! Found some I didn't know I had, as well as THREE of the same seahorse plushie (two can go).
AND I got the rubbish out, ALL of it, which means the bathroom bin is moved to the downstairs facility.
Still got to do some rinsing, but that won't take long...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on October 23, 2023, 06:02:50 PM
On Monday evening, my mother and I were able to visit the cemetery and we were able to place spruce branches and heather on the graves. We also had beautiful juniper branches which became a beautiful addition. :)
Someone had brought a little angel to my grandmother's mother's grave. :wonder: We have no idea who it might be, but probably a relative. Of course, we let it stay there, even though we took our own decorative items away for the winter.

On the same day, we also heated the fireplace. My spouse stayed to watch it while me and my mother went to visit the cemetery. Luckily, he stayed in the downstairs kitchen, because suddenly a large wasp flew there! :scared: The cats tried to catch it, but my spouse commanded the cats in a loud voice not to touch it, and miraculously, both obeyed. He killed the wasp with a newspaper and threw it down the toilet. It was probably a queen that had gone to hibernate among the firewood. The warm indoor air had awakened it. Luckily the cats didn't get it! :whew:

We have to wait until Tuesday next week for the change of winter tires. There is already so much queue at the car repair shop.
New tires would cost at least 300 euros.. maybe we have to buy them if the old ones are already in too bad a condition. :wonder:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 24, 2023, 04:48:45 AM
Got the rinsing done & a package arrived, so started on it. Hat was NOT done in time for Coffee but there's a thing on tomorrow night so if hat is ready by then I can drop off the Blythswood stuff!!!
Made it to Coffee & saw my pal wi a wee daughter, so she got one of the seahorse toys. Dropped off the other stuff to go, & peeked in the charity shop. No flying or swimming plushies there, but yep yarn. Got some quick messages. I rinsed out the stuff & made carrot soup (on time so used the fresh carrots!!!). Only got three portions but good enough.
I WILL get this hat done!!!

HOM that's a lot!!! And glad the cats didn't get stung!!! Good that you got a visit too xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 25, 2023, 07:44:03 AM
HoM, omg how scary! I'm glad your cats are okay. One time, my dog caught a wasp in his mouth and was stung. We had to rush him to the emergency vet because his face was all swollen and we were afraid he couldn't breathe. They gave him an antihistamine injection and he was fine. We kept Benedryl on hand ever since incase it happened again. We used it a few times after he was stung by fire ants but thankfully he never tried to eat a wasp again.

Today I'm still working on my swap pony. I think I can get it done in another couple of days :)

Laundry needs to be done. I have to wash my towels and some clothes.

I'm running out of things to eat. My EBT kicks in on the 27th, so only a couple of days wait. I'm craving breakfast! Waffles, eggs, hash browns, orange juice :dribble:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 26, 2023, 02:19:41 PM
BC roll on your food money!!!

I GOT THE HAT DONE!!!  :accomplished: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:
So I took the bag of stuff to the pick-up point & they were having a meeting there, with snacks & some old pals, one of whom I hadn't seen in so long she hasn't yet met Bakana!!! So I stuck round for a bit for both the snacks & the pals.
I also got a quick visit to assess how easy or not it will be to get the new walls into my home & the old ones out when they redo my bathroom. The verdict seems to be not very but they will try their best. They'll pop round again tomorrow morning to have a go. I still have a few last-minute things to shift but they will shift & the folks know this. I'm going to have a good wash-down & hair wash at the weekend, so after that the jug, current shampoo, & conditioner can shift, while the last towels go in the laundry & I remove the final towel hook, then on Tuesday I shift the last cabinet, the toilet seat, the roll of tissue, & the few bits I still have in there to go. Most of them will go in the downstairs facility, except the seat which I'll store away. I even switched round a couple of light shades so the one most likely to be in the way is plastic & not glass (glass where it could be bumped can break & nobody wants that). I may even totally remove the bulb & shade from that light as I hardly use it...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on October 29, 2023, 09:26:36 AM
The bathroom redo sounds exciting PBW :)

it's rainy again today. there's a cold front coming through today so we're having our first really cold weather of the fall season. Fall is central Texas can be cold or hot. you never know until it's here.

it's perfect weather to stay inside and cook some soup.

i wanted to get out of the house this weekend but it's too rainy. we've been trying to plan a fun weekend out of the house for a month and every weekend it's something. festivals, sickness, now weather...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 29, 2023, 11:00:40 AM
Taking a break from hardcore crochet & back to wee bits in between knitting more Pony jumpers. I found some lovely yarns which seem to go great wi some of the clothes I already have for Ponies. One in particular goes wonderfully with the Berry Picking outfit so I'm making a few in that. I'm also slowly working on blankets.
Today I need to wash down & wash my hair, then shift all the stuff associated wi that out of the bathroom, so then only a few wee bits will remain for moving out on Tuesday. It's deffo all go, they even tested to see if they could move a big sheet of wall!!!

Beth cheers!!! And home-made soup is yummy!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 29, 2023, 11:19:54 AM
I can't believe it's already 2pm. I've done... nothing. But I still need to do laundry and I want to shave my head and take a shower.

I got my period -_-
So I'll be miserable for at least a week.

Other than that stuff. I should clean the litter boxes... do that before I shower. Got some dishes to wash and boxes to break down.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on October 30, 2023, 02:00:05 AM
I'm waiting for my husband to wake up so we can take our bikes to the bike store and get them geared up with winter tires. I have some washing to do as well, bedlinnen and all our towels. I need to buy more honey. My huge bucket that would've last for years is empty now :(.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on October 31, 2023, 06:38:44 PM
BC bummer!!!
Beldarna hope you get more honey & your bikes sorted!!!

Me: got the last items out of the bathroom ready. All I need to do is wake up early tomorrow... & for every weekday of the next what, two weeks??? I think. Yet I'm still up after midnight!!!
A bit more knitting & crocheting, & a lot of Youtube.
And I made coffee & got messages.

ETA: it has begun. They isolated the water & electricity from the bathroom, & the joiners are due soon... Bit messy but free screws & I never say no to free screws
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 01, 2023, 08:29:06 AM
PBW, how exciting! New bathroom :cheer:

I'm still working on my late swap pony. There was something I had to redo and it took longer than I thought.

I also need to clean the kitchen today, it's a mess.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 01, 2023, 11:55:37 AM
Day 1: 99% of the walls & all the porcelain is gone. Just a few bits of wall to go, because it's behind pipes, & the heater is in the hallway waiting to be moved too (it's HEAVY & likely a 2-person job to lift). I helped out shifting things I could shift without gloves ie: no splintered walls

BC I hope it gets sorted well!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 01, 2023, 07:05:03 PM
Ponybookworm, Yay, a new bathroom!  :frolic:


On Wednesday afternoon, I was able to shovel snow after a long time! :) Surprisingly heavy work! I was completely sweaty and tired after that chore.  :whew: Rain and warmer temperatures have been promised for the weekend, so the snow will melt, but at least I got to enjoy it for a while. :heart:

I moved the summer tires to storage. We didn't have to buy new winter tires yet, the car still has the same old ones. Yay, money was saved this time!  :yippee:

I also put up the first Christmas lights in the sauna building. :heart:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 02, 2023, 05:55:15 AM
HOM snow shovelling sounds great!!! Hope there was a hot choc & soup waiting for you afterwards!!!

Day 2: the last wall is gone & the piping is all replaced. The waste pipe lets out a smell I don't think I like... Meanwhile all the needed cables are going in. They're connected to the upstairs lights rather than sockets so I'm typing this in the dark...
I wonder when they'll sort my ceiling...
Got a little knitting done.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 02, 2023, 06:59:41 AM
I never enjoyed shoveling snow but I liked jumping in the piles :P

I need to clean the kitchen (I think I said that before). I keep getting distracted. But there are fruit flies around and I don't want them breeding in my food mess on the counter. I also need to wash the dishes in the sink, it's just a plate a pan and the splatter guard but they've been sitting there for like a week. I'm a terrible housekeeper :(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 02, 2023, 08:35:09 AM
i never lived anywhere i needed to shovel snow. the closest I came to shoveling snow is sweeping it off my back porch after the 2021 snowstorm. i don't have clothing that wouldn't be immediately soaked if i tried to jump in a pile of snow so i didn't do that.

lots of calls today for work. I also need to bug some people to pay me for side work. not fun :(

I also need to take down the outdoor Halloween decorations and clean the inside of the house.  I'm excited to start putting the Christmas decorations up. i tend to get really into holidays early in the season and then my enthusiasm fizzles out.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shockponie on November 03, 2023, 10:27:47 AM
Work, dinner with bro, playing new WarioWare game  :biggrin: TGIF
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 03, 2023, 02:11:33 PM
It's all gone quiet, said Roobarb
Too quiet, said Custard
I agree, so texted the site manager. He said the joiners got dragged into another job... but will return on Monday. I said sure, but the ceiling needs to GO!!! It's literally the reason I agreed to teh whole redo in the first place; the bit below the skylight leaks woodlice & they fall into the bath!!! I need that sorted ASAP, & since all the old fittings are out, even the light, then now is the ideal time to do it.
Went out for another coffee day, this time with fruit!!! It's meant to be for mothers & pre-school children, but I've not been turned away yet. Plus it's a good time to relax.
A couple of packages arrived & that was the only time my door got knocked on, aside from the council lady, who I told: nothing happened, but they'll be back at it on Monday. She confirms my ceiling was a hot topic... GOOD!!!
Also did a bit more crocheting, & got my dishes done!!! But I accidentally snapped a fave bowl in half. I was using it as a small mixing bowl...

Shockponie, sounds great!!!
Beth oh no!!! I hate chasing down folks who owe me almost as much as you!!! Like, when I owe somebody it bugs me to hell until the money's paid.
BC I hope you get your stuff done & those flies gone!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 04, 2023, 04:32:34 AM
It's half past noon and I've slept all the morning away. I manage to sleep an entire night without waking up coughing but my body is still tired. Now it feels like I've slept too much and walking through a vacuum. I feek like reading today. Gonna eat some lunch and feed the cats and play with them some.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 04, 2023, 05:50:55 AM
I didn't get a lot of sleep. I'll probably crash this afternoon. I have a Zoom appointment with my psychiatrist at 2pm today. Still working on my swap pony. Still need to do some things in the kitchen. I'd like to take a shower but it's too cold.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 04, 2023, 12:19:07 PM
I crashed out!!! Of course I did, waking up early for 3 days straight does that to me... Morning person I am NOT!!!
Quiet day as normal, just using the downstairs facility when I need to go.

BC I hope you get your crash-out too xxx
Beldarna you need the long sleeps too, to recover from your illness... Keep treating that cough xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 05, 2023, 11:38:01 AM
PBW, i hope they get back to your bathroom reno quickly :)

my client paid promptly which was a pleasant surprise. i hadn't invoiced yet because i wasn't sure if there was anything they wanted me to adjust on the website.

today more cleaning. i also need to run a few errands. the weekends aren't long enough. I need to take a couple of days off but with the holidays coming up i don't know if i'll be able to.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on November 05, 2023, 03:39:43 PM
Took my dad to birthday lunch. In the afternoon I was trimming back plants that were zapped dead by the recent freeze.  Then I went for a walk before dark.  I’ve lost five pounds.  Not much yet but I need to keep active and not backslide.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 05, 2023, 10:54:33 PM
I'm glued to the phone today. Gonna call the Health Care center the minute they open up. I need an appointment! Hopefully if I get through I'll get an emergency appointment today and that means riding a bus. Woohoo!

Other than that, calling the vet, calling in sick to work, getting some good sleep as I slept horribly having anxiety over the phone calls I have to make.. I've been binge watching Supernatural. Still don't get the hype but I can't find anything else to watch but I guess that's what I will do :)

Ponybookworm, thank you. I'm so sick of being sick. It's been going on for so long now :(.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 05, 2023, 11:57:11 PM
I have a bunch of phone calls to make too. I dislike having to talk on the phone, unless it's my mom. I need to call the lab and see if I need to do anything special before I go in for bloodwork. I need to make an appointment with the neurologist for my back. I need to make one with the pulmonologist.

I still haven't gotten to shower. I also need to get my mail or ask someone else to get it. I wanted to take Aster to the vet, she's overdo for her shots, but I had to pay the PC tech for fixing my computer and now I don't have enough.

I'm also thinking of parting with the rest of my ponies. I want to keep my Raincurl and Applejack armies and my childhood ponies. I think I can let the rest go.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 06, 2023, 12:29:51 AM
I managed to get the calls done! :yippee: Gosh, I'm sweating like a moose in Sahara. I got an appointment today at the health care center, finally, in three hours. Simba has an appointment tomorrow morning at the vet. Work just said okay, call us if anything changes. I have to dig out our face masks.
Just realised we get our new mattrasses to our bed this afternoon as well. Question is if I have the energy to change them. Oh, well.

I feel so sad when people say they're parting with their collection. But if you feel you can, do it :hug:. And good luck with the calls! I had to google pulmonologist, I hope everything is okay?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 06, 2023, 01:53:40 AM
BC I hope things improve for you xxx
Beldarna congrats on making the calls!!! And make sure you get to that appointment xxx
Gator I'm sure that lunch was good xxx
Beth cheers!!! And yaiy on quick payments!!!

Yesterday was nice & quiet. Just knitting & stuff.
Today the joiners are back & I told them explicitly the bit of ceiling which most needs to go!!! I hope they sort it!!!
Keeping out of their way now...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 06, 2023, 07:00:05 AM
i think i've come down with a cold or allergies. my husband was feeling bad Friday but he's doing better. now i think i'm sick. i also have a bad headache. i'm super tempted to take half the day off but i have a lot of calls so i can probably just power through. i really want some soup :(

also, i was supposed to go to the pharmacy yesterday but i put it off. now i don't feel well. that's what i get for procrastinating.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 07, 2023, 04:14:58 AM
Get well soon!!! And get the meds you need, even if you have to dust of your fave COVID mask xxx

Well the walls were put in & today there's a decorator patching them up wi filler, then the new porcelain goes in tomorrow!!!
Meanwhile I went to coffee & got a wee bonus payment, so I went to the pharmacy for some wee treats (yarn & a few plushie friends), then got messages. I let the folks know to tell the decorator the door was unlocked so if I was out (I was), they could come in to work. Apparently I can't repaint until the council has approved the work with the colour of paint they choose... but that's ok. Once I get the approval & sing off on it, then I can go to get new paint of my own preference!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 07, 2023, 04:36:33 AM
My parents HMO did a similar thing when they wanted the house repainted. But the colors they gave were very limited. We could choose, grey, dark blue or brown. We went with brown. The house before that was a pale pink... so really any of those would have been better.

I am planning on visiting my mom today. Tuesdays are cheaper on Uber and there isn't a lot going on. I wanted to make some fudge to bring, but I didn't buy enough chocolate chips. The recipe calls for 3 cups but the bag was only 2 cups.

Other than that, work on ponies when I get home.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 07, 2023, 04:48:52 AM
We've been to the veterinarian and we've been grocery shopping. I'm tired but not sleep tired. Gonna do some diamond painting and listen to a documentary I think. Hubby is napping in the livingroom so I don't want to disturb him by watching TV.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 08, 2023, 04:22:08 AM
Beldarna I saw your post about the vets, sending love to both moggies xxx
BC it's not fun when the ingredients are less than they should be xxx

I Googled magnolia & joy of joys it's pastel!!! So no biggie to paint over!!! I just have to wait a bit...
Got more knitting done & today the bath goes back in. I hope the toilet does too. I mean I HAVE a toilet, but it's downstairs, & not on the same level as the living room. Sink is less of a worry as I can was hands in the bath & brush teeth downstairs next to the bedroom.
My bath foam is packed away but I have soap & it's so much easier to mop down over the bath than it is to mop down in the downstairs facility.
Two peeps were in piccieing the skylight so that WILL get work. I keep highlighting the extent of the issue there, woodlice included.
Re below the hall skylight I don't know, but that doesn't drop woodlice on me, so less of an issue.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 08, 2023, 06:58:03 AM
PBW, i hope they finish your bathroom quickly and fix the issue with the skylight.

i'm still feeling sick today. I ended up taking a sick day yesterday and sleeping for most of the day. I don't feel as bad today so i'll muddle through my calls and sneak in a nap at lunch time.

i don't think it's just allergies since my husband and me both had slight fevers. i think i am going to get back to masking again. i don't go many places but i've been sick twice in the last month and i didn't get sick the whole time we were masking.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 08, 2023, 07:12:25 AM
PBW, I hope the renovation goes smooth and quick.

Beth, sorry you're still feeling sick. This time of year there's lots of nasty viruses about. Masking again is a good idea. They have a Covid outbreak where my mom is but not in her wing. Everyone wears masks.

As for me, my allergies are bad and my asthma has been acting up. I don't want to close the windows.

Today I need to clean the kitchen and the bathroom, or at least one of them. Both are out of control. My bathroom sink is full of stuff I just tossed in it instead of putting it away (I don't use the sink, it's very small and awkward) and there are towels on the floor and litter everywhere. The kitchen is just... a cluttered mess. I've been having a hard time putting things where they belong, I'm not sure why. Depression? Stress? Probably.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 09, 2023, 04:34:49 AM
Ponybookworm, I see your posts of encouragement both here and Trivial complaints and it makes me so happy, you're so sweet! :hug: The cats love the extra snuggles from you.

Today I've been napping, gettting my sick note from the doctor. Called about it on the call-in-sick-number at work. Been told the sicknote goes to my supervisor. Left a message about it to the supervisor, she told me she wanted the note and I emailed it to her. (The organisation is so large, it's tons of different number to different things and it's spread allover the country, but it feels weird to call in sick to one person who sits in an office 6 hours from here and sending the sicknote to another who sits here.. but oh, well, it's done.)
Ninja and Majsan has been given a good brush and I am thinking of starting up the diamond painting of Simba. Gonna do a yummy fruitsallad as well. I have banana, pine apple, grapes and clementines :). But first I have to play some with Ninja, he is calling ^.^.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on November 09, 2023, 07:07:18 PM
i finally managed to get my hooves on some of the holiday sugar cookies from Pillsbury. THEYRE SO GOOD!!! ive already eated 7 of them haha
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 10, 2023, 01:06:19 AM
I promised hubby I would do his favorite ground beef with beetrot and feta cheese today. He is brave to dare eat anything I cook right now, lol. I am also craving cookies so I think I'm gonna try and bake some.. I will have to see if I have the power in me.

Gonna spend the morning diamond painting and listening to a documentary first :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 10, 2023, 03:19:22 AM
Nobody came yesterday, but I still went out for soup. It was sunny so I took a walk wi Bakana. I'm going to have to argue wi Imgur again to get the piccies hosted...
Today I was woken by the electricians. They had to adjust the fuse box to account for extra electricals going in, & they added the switches too. I'm glad the switches are in so I can pin the pictures back up!!! Since they were in & needed my power off I went to the park then to a Friday coffee & creche. BOY are small children noisy!!! But it's happy noise so it's good. The point is, I got warm coffee!!! And fruit!!! Fruit is a treat for me as it never keeps for long. I wonder who's next. I heard it's the decorators again...

Beldarna hope the cooking & painting goes well!!! And hopefully you're recovering well xxx
Cowboy YUM!!!
BC take care of yourself!!! And hope you manage to get the sinks cleaned!!!
Beth go easy & get well soon xxx
Everybody cheers for well-wishes re bathroom!!! I've told the work supervisors I'll test the bath at the weekend, when I KNOW nobody is working & I can get a laundry done.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 11, 2023, 06:51:08 AM
BOY are small children noisy!!! But it's happy noise so it's good. The point is, I got warm coffee!!!

This sounds familiar!

Just to say I went to see Grannie and Grandpa with the baby today. We went to buy presents for a couple of people who are hard to buy for. The autumn leaves are changing here. Sending lots of good wishes, especially to everyone not well at the moment.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 11, 2023, 10:48:05 AM
ARTIE!!!  :hug:
Visit to the grandfolks sounds so good!!! Mine are long gone...

Today I did dishes, did laundry, changed the sleeping bag, & had a bath!!! They said I was good to go for trying out the bath & I said I'd have one at the weekend, so I had it today!!! Means the sleeping bag had to be changed over & the one I was using is just that bit too big for the machine so I have to wait or find alternative ways of washing it (I use the bath normally but there's so much still to do in the bathroom it's not worth doing that yet!!!). At least I'm getting the clothes clean!!! Been doing a bit more knitting & sewing up the knitting in between times.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on November 11, 2023, 11:22:47 AM
Hello everyone, I hope all is well! My partner had surgery last week and I spent a lot of time at her house doing stuff. Now I'm just chilling, doing laundry, and made a post for a pony D&D based game.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on November 11, 2023, 11:36:16 AM
I am hoping to go to the grocery store and not spend more than $300
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 11, 2023, 01:35:45 PM
At least you'll be able to use the Express lane. Good luck :(

Today I was so tired I slept most of the day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 12, 2023, 03:49:20 AM
Ponybookworm! Hurray for a bath!

I've slept the entire AM. I woke up an hour ago and was like, huh? I took a slow walk to the grocery store and did some shopping. On the way there I noticed a box of grapes on the ground. On the way back they were still there so I took them :lookround:. Hopefully no one has injected them with something poisonus. I feel a bit like a thief, but on the other hand, free grapes!

I'm gonna call grandpa today and eat some lunch. The ground beef with beetroot and feta became delicious and we got three boxes of leftovers each! After that.. more painting or reading or both.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 12, 2023, 08:31:29 AM
I'm still slowly cleaning up my apartment. Almost done with kitchen. Then I need to break down some boxes. Clean up the bathroom and gather the trash again. I don't think I can do that all today, but I want to at least do the kitchen and start the boxes, they're in the way.

My garbage disposal is making a horrid noise. Sound like the blades are grinding together or something. Maintenance does emergencies on the weekend so I'll have to call tomorrow. I'm also going to ask for them to put more weather stripping on my door and ask if they can help me with my trash. I figure it doesn't hurt to ask.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 12, 2023, 03:09:28 PM
BC I never saw the point of garbage disposals in sinks. Just drain the sink & fish out the bits to ditch normally (tongs if need be). But yep, if it makes a weird noise get it checked!!! Also been reading the WYP & Complaints threads. Your mother means well but doesn't realise how going online can be good for you when you can't get outside much. It was my lifeline during lockdown & I'm sure many will agree.
Beldarna cheers!!! And get well soon xxx
Squirmy here's hoping you manage to stick to your budget xxx
Novelnerd I hope your partner recovers well xxx And well-earned chill session!!!

Some packages arrived so yaiy!!! Also crashed out because early starts aren't good for me. Can't wait until the bathroom is finished & my home is my own again!!!
Today I have scones cooking. I've also watched a few films because why not. Have Netflix, will use.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 12, 2023, 03:30:06 PM
Here, if you can afford one, garbage disposals are better than throwing food away in the trash because of the bugs and animals. Racoons, coyotes and even vultures will get into your garbage. Plus food sitting outside in a trash bag really stinks in the heat!

I didn't get anything done today. I've been in a lot of pain today and went back to bed where I slept for an unexpected amount of time. It's dark now. I did bake a cherry pie though :) It was a frozen one. I haven't had a slice yet but it smelled delicious while it was baking.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 13, 2023, 01:14:09 AM
Today I'm gonna get an old litterbox from the storage and cleain it thoroughly. Then I'll have to empty the floor in my ponyroom/office and vacuum and mop the floor thoroughly. Then tonight we're gonna place the litterbox on the floor, fill it with some special pearls, put in a bowl of water, we're gonna shut Simba in here for the night and hope he will pee in the box so we get a clean sample of wee to give to the vet. I feel like crap doing this to him.

I have no other plans today. Diamond Paint, read, surf the web, drink a lot of tea with honey, eat.. etc
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 13, 2023, 08:54:11 AM
Garbage disposals are mostly a US thing. they're banned in a lot of European countries because of concerns about clogs. AFAIK they're pretty standard in homes in the US. Every place I've lived had one. they break down scraps really well. however, grease does cause clogs so don't but chicken or turkey grease down the sink.

Back to work today. I'm still not feeling great but i have to power through since i'm off all next week.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 13, 2023, 11:44:20 PM
ARTIE!!!  :hug:

Heya  :) :hug:

@Bath, glad you're better, hope you have a great week off!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 14, 2023, 03:06:51 AM
It feels like the day is over and it has hardly begun, it's just past noon but I've done so much already. Having Simba locked up in my ponyroom/office has been one of the toughest things I've ever done. I felt terrible for putting him through it, but we made it and he had not trashed the room, luckily. One of my Diamond Paintings and the Wi-fi-extender was on the floor but otherwise it looked really good. It was pee in the box so I sampled it and took the bus to the vet. On my way home I went off in the city center and went into an electronics store to get some batteries and a new table lamp to my desk. This one seem to have a warmer light than the former that broke so I hope it will be kinder to my eyes. They had some campaign with the batteries so I got a gift! :joy: I got to choose between a flashligh, a headlight or an outdoor lightstring. I opted for the last one as ours is failing.
I also went into a highend grocerystore and bought me and hubby baguetts with seafood. Neither had had any breakfast and I felt we deserved a treat. They were delicious.

Now I have the rest of the day. I've cleaned out the litterbox, restored my ponyroom/office and are just hanging around.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 14, 2023, 06:53:02 AM
Sounds like a good day! :) I'm glad things with Simba went well.

Yesterday I got a lot done but I'm paying for it today. My right leg is super swollen and it feels like there's a tight band around it. It also hurts in my calf. I still need to finish the boxes but I can do that at my desk. I also forgot to make my calls yesterday so I need to do that today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 14, 2023, 07:16:41 AM
All quiet on the bathroom front, & it's due to a Cornhill job. The workies will be in tomorrow so we're good there. Went to see the film yesterday as I hadn't seen it before. Coffee today & picked up dish liquid. Sewing up the knitting before I do more

BC glad you got so much done!!! And rest up now xxx Here we have composting tubs for food waste, & they have lids so that makes ditching the stuff easier.
Beldarna yaiy for so much good news!!!
Beth hope you get a chance to rest next week xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 14, 2023, 05:07:28 PM
Beldarna, it's great that things are going better with Simba. :heart:


I haven't done much of anything worth mentioning. :sleepy: I took care of my mother, which means that since Saturday I have been cooking, serving hot drinks and checking that everything is ok. On Tuesday, she was already on her feet longer and even playing on her computer as usual. :biggrin: Fortunately, she hasn't had a fever anymore. But she still has a lot of rest days to come.
(I've still only had a cough and a runny nose.)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 15, 2023, 02:29:52 AM
HOM glad your mother is recovering xxx

Well they're here today!!! The workies are tearing things apart & putting them together again, but the stuff they're doing that wi is what NEEDS it done. So there's a ton of hammer, saw, drill, & so on. And it's going for hours. Glad it's happening before it gets TOO cold, though I still notice the door being open, like OPEN open, to let the new boards come in.
At least the current knitting project is almost complete...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Harmonie on November 15, 2023, 05:54:32 PM
Haven't posted much in this topic, but I love the idea!

This week I have been on a trip to Connecticut. It's a wonderful place to visit and see, but for me this trip has been focused on moving. I currently live in Oklahoma and was born and raised there, as well, but I've had it with the state, and it's not going to change for the better anytime soon. After much deliberation, I leaned toward Connecticut, and this trip is to confirm that decision and see if CT is somewhere I could consider home, and I think the answer is a resounding YES. =D

The past couple of days I was a little more touristy than I should have been. Today I went to the Hammonasett State Park beach and spent farrr too much time there. Lol. I can't blame myself, nor can I say it was purely just for fun, as it is helping convincing my parents to also come up here! Also went to Branford and New Haven. Finished the evening with some apizza!

That's been my life for the past several days. I'm loving it up here!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 16, 2023, 06:02:56 AM
Harmonie Welcome!!! Sounds like you love the place you chose to move to!!! You won't love the hassle of it though, but once you're established...  :frolic: :frolic: :frolic:
Speaking of, the workies did what they were meant to yesterday, fitting wet wall AND fixing the skylight area!!! The wet wall looks like I do not want to drill it or make any holes in it, so I've been investing in sucker screws for the bath shelves, & a bunch of tile stickers & wall stickers for the décor. I have a few sucker hooks & could get more later, depending if I need them.
Today I had the plumber & the sparky in to do my sink & my shower. The painter is off otherwise I'd have a heater too, but hey, at least I only have a few things left to go. I have a small screen & a long curtain rail, & the curtain on it can be changed over easily by the looks of it so yaiy there.
I also was able to put away a pair of knitting needles!!! Because I only have a few small things to do & all of them take the other pair.
Meanwhile I went to the soup thing today, & took some DVDS in so they can be shown on film days. I asked on the Monday & was told it was up to the fellow there & another fellow who's always at the soup day, hence bringing the DVDs across. I was also able to postpone coffee until the soup thing due to the plumber being at work (who uses a WC they can't flush???). The fellow at Soup said the films I'd picked were good ones & would likely be shown, so yaiy!!! Some others were there polishing the silverware in the place, & had picked that day to do it due to the soup being on. That's how to do it!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shockponie on November 16, 2023, 08:32:09 AM
PBW: is a sparky an electrician?! Sounds like it’s coming together little by little.  :satisfied:

Our Thanksgiving potluck is at work today. I brought caprese salad, which caused a LOT of drama yesterday with my boss never having heard of it and him being very judgmental/dubious, so I doubt he’ll try it. Eh, more for me and my coworkers who enjoy it!!!  :P Now to wait until lunchtime.  :yummy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on November 16, 2023, 08:46:53 AM
PBW: is a sparky an electrician?! Sounds like it’s coming together little by little.  :satisfied:

Our Thanksgiving potluck is at work today. I brought caprese salad, which caused a LOT of drama yesterday with my boss never having heard of it and him being very judgmental/dubious, so I doubt he’ll try it. Eh, more for me and my coworkers who enjoy it!!!  :P Now to wait until lunchtime.  :yummy:
I have never heard of that either! the thanksgiving staples here are Brunswick stew and good ole turkey. (and turkey shooting)
I feel you on waiting for lunchtime, it seems like it will never come!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 16, 2023, 09:12:13 AM
Harmonie I don't know much about Connecticut other than what I've seen on Gilmore Girls, but I loved that show!

PBW, sounds like things are coming together :).

shockponie, I love caprese sallad! I had it the first time as a teen when my history teacher took the class through Italian renaissance and brought us home for an italian dinner. I have so fond memories of him :satisfied:. I also tried tiramisu for the first time and it was delicious. He made everything from scratch. However, I don't remember the main dish for some reason.

My workshift began at 4:15 am. I had a lucky day. The coffee machine was broken and we only had one working toilett, but I only had like 10 passengers and I was pre warned so I got my tea from the office in a termos before we went so I was good. We arrived at destination around 7:45 am. The train going 8:13 am from that destination back home had been frozen solid over night. After a while it had warmed up enough to go, but they did not dare take any passengers if it would break down so they were referred to the train at 9:13 am. That poor trainattendee got passengers for two trains (the first one had over 70 bookings) and my vehicle :shocked:.
My train back went 10:13 am so I got to eat breakfast and take a nap and only had around 20 travelers on the entire way home. And I had two working toiletts and a coffee machine so I got three cups of tea on that ride and almost finnished my book.
I'm a bit sore in my throat and got a stuffed nose but otherwise it went fine health wise :).

Back home at around 2 am I took my boke to get fixed at a workshop, home, ate a late lunch with hubby, got called by the vet, and now I'm just hanging around :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 16, 2023, 09:53:46 AM
Harmonie! I'm so happy for you! I know you were pretty miserable in OK. I have a friend that moved from Texas to Connecticut and he loves it there :)

PBW, yay! Things are moving along well.

I also love caprese salad and make it for myself on a regular basis. That much cheese probably isn't good for me, but on the other hand I did grow up in Wisconsin so I have a natural need for cheese :P Thanksgiving has always been my least favorite holiday and most of the traditional food I associate with bad times. It would be refreshing to have some different dishes :)

Beldarna, sounds like a good day except for the frozen train :whoa: Was it good news from the vet? Read it in the other thread :(

Today I'm very groggy, I slept for 13 hours again. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm sick. There's so much I need to do around the house but I'm just so fatigued. We had a cold front come through, it dropped into the 60s at night, but it's been raining every day. It's very humid, everything feels wet even though it isn't. My plants are loving it.

The antibiotics are killing my stomach :( I'm taking a probiotic and have been eating lots of yogurt. Yesterday I really wanted an egg, so I made one along with two hashbrown patties. It was really good but my stomach hurt afterwards. I also got a cluster headache last night, which is odd for me. It was on the left side of my head and wouldn't go away with meds. It is gone today thankfully.

Today, I'm going to work on ponies and cards for the card swap.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 17, 2023, 02:47:59 AM
A sparky is indeed an electrician. Sometimes I love living in Scotland where we've had non-gendered terms for our workies for ages!!! Not to mention the word postie is non-gendered.

BC take it easy & get well xxx
Beldarna at least you were warned, unlike your poor coworker...
Shockponie I'll have to look up Caprese salad as I generally LOVE Italian food, so if it's cheese & no meat I can have a go at it... Caprese cake, I have tried & it's yummy!!!

Today I went to the noisy coffee thing & reported on bathroom progress to the folk I know there. There's another meet-up next Wednesday evening, which means loads of stuff on next week.
Re bathroom work: had a joiner in to apply sealants to everything & take off blocks which were holding up the sink-side wet wall until it dried. Just waiting on the painter before they can do anything else. Come on painter!!! Or at least find an alternative one if the regular fellow is on holiday!!! It's Friday which means no workies for the next two days after today, & I swear peeps better come in Monday or I'll have stern words... (I want this finished!!! See TC for why)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 17, 2023, 03:29:59 AM
PBW; I did send her a text about the coffemachine so she could at least help herself at the kiosk at the station if needed :angel:.

I had an early but short shift today. Home around nine am. Breakfast, social media, watched some news. It's almost lunch time now and I want a sallad. I do have lettuce, tomatoes and red onions at home but I'm in the mood for ceasar. I also want the biggest bar of chocolate I can find and munch. Like, just comfort eating after all these weeks of trial. So need to go to the grocery store. I'm also wondering what hubby wants to eat, but he's a sleep. Should I wait for him to get up or just go anyway? :wonder:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 17, 2023, 06:48:10 AM
Wake him up :P
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shockponie on November 17, 2023, 07:37:03 AM
A sparky is indeed an electrician. Sometimes I love living in Scotland where we've had non-gendered terms for our workies for ages!!! Not to mention the word postie is non-gendered.

Very useful! I love that. I’m going to use ‘em, and see if I can get the friends/fam to catch on. ;)

And can I just say… It’s so refreshing when people are open-minded (like you guys :hug:) and not so stubborn and judgmental. A simple “oh what’s that?” from my boss would suffice. Instead he’s like, “Sounds weeeird. I wouldn’t like it. :poke:” Rude! Anyway, the caprese salad was almost gone (except for like 3 tiny tomatoes) so obviously it was a hit.

To be on topic, today I’m going to get my hubs Mario RPG. Not my thing, but it’s going to be his birthday on Sunday, and it’s what he wants. Also! We’re going to see The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes tomorrow, so I’m hyped about that.  :satisfied:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 17, 2023, 07:43:53 AM
Super Mario RPG is one of the greatest games ever! I have it on SNES. I actually have two carts. One I bought from a game store for $50 years ago. The other one I found in a crate with other SNES games at a consignment shop and they were all $4 :whoa: I bought them all :P And the funny thing is, the one for four bucks is in better condition and still has a working battery than the other one, whose battery I had to change.

I should stay on topic too. Today is another pony and card day. I feel like I'm never going to finish these ponies :(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 17, 2023, 09:07:03 AM
Wake him up :P

He actually came up right after I posted ^.^. We went to the store but they were out of ceasar so I ended up buying a cucumber and a chocolate bar and then we went home and made an omelette with a side sallad. It was really good. We also bought a couple of saffronbuns to eat later tonight for our evening fika :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 18, 2023, 11:37:49 AM
It's the weekend!!! Which means I can crash out!!! Going through the new yarns & started turning one lot into a scarf... One of the balls was broken into small lengths!!! So I'm just using it to patch up bits in the others as needed. I'm on the last ball now & the scarf isn't that long, & I can't find more of the yarn in question!!!
Got a ton of packages, most of which were Aliexpress orders (cheap doll accessories) & bathroom décor which is put away until the work is done & approved (I don't want to alter anything before the lot is approved. I can move cabinets up after the floor is down but until the approval is in I'm stuck). The sole exception is also for the bathroom: sucker screws for the shelves round the bath, as needed due to wet wall. I do NOT want to punch holes in the wet wall just to fit stuff in there so the sucker screws are needed.

Beldarna sounds yummy anyway!!!
BC little by little you'll make it!!!
Shockponie couldn't agree more!!! Curiosity is far better than plain yuck. How do you know you don't like it without trying it??? I discovered what I don't like by trying it & going YEUCH, nope, sorry, I don't like this. You learn more by being curious too!!! The show sounds good too, & wish the spouse happy bd from me!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on November 18, 2023, 11:38:18 AM
I didn't realize my headphones had fallen and I stepped on it and accidentally cracked one.

It wasn't a bad break, but I had the brilliant idea to super glue it instead of taping it...and then spent roughly 20 minutes trying to unglue my fingers with daughter dearest's help.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 19, 2023, 03:23:38 AM
It's been over a week since Simba last peed on the floor so we put out our rugs today! :yippee: We took out or hallway rug and gave it a good brush in the snow and boy did the snow turn brown.. :| but the rug looks brand new now. Here's hoping for no more pee!

I made hubby some chili for lunch. I still have my omelette to eat. He's gonna order some Black Friday deals from Amazon and asked if I wanted anything so I'm gonna check it out :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 19, 2023, 07:13:36 AM
Quiet day. Watched a couple of films yesterday & made some biccies for a snack. Defrosting scones now. More arguing with stubborn yarn. Ordered stuff from Clipper's shop as he has new HQG1Cs in. Wanted Little Apple for ages!!! Next order from there will feature the Halloween Boy he has up.

Beldarna you must be so glad to have that rug clean!!!
LAW I've broken several things by stepping on them!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 19, 2023, 07:20:03 AM
Beldarna, that's great news!

PBW, I saw on Facebook the new Halloween boy. He's orange! I'd like to have him but need to keep funds for other things.

Today I'm going to wash my hair in the sink, shave it off, then take a shower. I need clean hair in order to shave it, but I hate the feeling of little hairs on my neck afterwards, so the shower.

Then probably ponies and cards. I thought about visiting my mom today but I think I'll try for tomorrow.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 19, 2023, 12:33:55 PM
I somehow missed Super Mario RPG when i was a kid. It may have come out in the time when i was tired of the SNES. I'll check it out. i keep hearing people say that the SNES one was their favorite growing up.

today i'm going to rest. tomorrow i need to do more grocery shopping and cleaning. I should do some cooking for the week but it will depend on how much energy i have. i also need to wash some bedding.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 19, 2023, 07:27:37 PM
It's been over a week since Simba last peed on the floor so we put out our rugs today! :yippee: We took out or hallway rug and gave it a good brush in the snow and boy did the snow turn brown.. :| but the rug looks brand new now. Here's hoping for no more pee!

It's great to hear that Simba hasn't peed on the floor anymore!  :frolic:


I managed to sketch the ATC cards and the drawing for the Christmas Carol Drawing Competition. :)
I haven't been able to do anything else, because I'm very tired because of this flu. :sleepy: My mother is already feeling a little better, but she is also really tired.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 20, 2023, 10:15:41 AM
Movie Monday, & the film today was good. They have one selected for next week but after that they start on my ones I brought in!!! I wonder what they'll pick first...
The painter came!!! He was a tad late but he came & now my bathroom stinks of drying paint!!! The walls, ceiling, & skirtings are all painted over. I MIGHT have to get some white for the skylight area later, it depends. They might ask for a little repaint of some bits... The magnolia is as pastel as I hoped & will make a great base for the blue I want to paint on later. The painter even painted the inside of the door!!!
Missed one visitor & the other one was in before the paint work. A Netflix series updated so I watched the episodes of that.

HOM good work on your sketches!!! And do rest up, both now & when you're in recovery; fighting illness takes a LOT out of you xxx
Beth enjoy your reading & hope you hack at your chores as needed xxx
BC Little Apple is also orange!!! But more pricey than the Halloween Boy, as well as more limited in stock, so the Halloween Boy is a better one to aim for when you get loot xxx And yep, tiny hairs itch like the devil, especially when you can't get rid of them!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 20, 2023, 05:17:52 PM
The painter came!!! He was a tad late but he came & now my bathroom stinks of drying paint!!! The walls, ceiling, & skirtings are all painted over. I MIGHT have to get some white for the skylight area later, it depends. They might ask for a little repaint of some bits... The magnolia is as pastel as I hoped & will make a great base for the blue I want to paint on later. The painter even painted the inside of the door!!!

It's great that your bathroom is now painted! :) I like the smell of freshly painted places. It reminds me of childhood and when my father had renovated our house. :heart:

HOM good work on your sketches!!! And do rest up, both now & when you're in recovery; fighting illness takes a LOT out of you xxx

Thank you!  :)
Yes, at least we have tried to rest. On Monday afternoon, we were supposed to put Christmas lights in the yard, but laziness got to us both, so we decided to just look and order some Christmas cards from an online store. I think it was the right decision not to go out and put up light chains, because it would have definitely exhausted us completely in this situation because we are not healthy. :sleepy: :rolleyes:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 20, 2023, 11:30:22 PM
No fever today. The cortisone I got is for hayfever and mild allergies. Felt weird, but I was told it would clean up my sinuses so I hope it will. It makes one very awake and alert so I was recomended to take it in the morning, so I did and now have a lot of energy! I'm not sure I might be able to take it easy now.. I might even do some washing, lol.

I need to finnish a book on my tablet as it's closing in on the expiration day. I should eat breakfast. The day in an unwritten adventure. I need to figure out some lunch as well. I'm thinking pancakes.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 21, 2023, 06:05:51 AM
I've got a lot going on today. I need to call a handyman/odd jobs person to take away my broken box spring (yes, it's been in my apartment this whole time), a bunch of cardboard and my trash. The office wants to fine me $75 for the trash on my balcony. I told them I'd have it taken care of today.

I also need to make some phone calls. One is for my Social Security, it's a number I haven't tried before so I'm hoping it gets me somewhere.

I sold some stuff on eBay finally and need to mail the package so I scheduled a pick up. I hope it's my regular mailman today because he'll bring my mail when he comes for the package. My PC microphone for gaming is in there, along with a few other things.

I really need to vacuum around my desk and under my chair, and in the bedroom.

I'd like to make baked spaghetti for dinner.

Tomorrow I'll try to visit my mom. I tried yesterday. I got dressed, managed to get my shoes on, packed the bag of stuff I have for her and headed out. I got halfway down my stairs and realized I wouldn't make it, my legs were already buckling :(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 21, 2023, 10:22:47 AM
That's awful I'm really sorry to hear that. I wish I could help!

I find the less housework I do the less time I spent doing hosuework  :lookround:

However, now that I'm in the huse a lot more I do appreciate it being tidy.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 22, 2023, 08:32:36 AM
HOM deffo save physical jobs for when you're well again!!!
Artie I wish it were that easy for me to tidy stuff!!!
Beldarna it's good you have an energy-boosting med for daytime xxx
BC here's hoping everything works out xxx

Scarlet O'Hara has arrived, & though it's harder to deal with her on the downstairs facility, it's still doable, as long as I don't leak too much.
The floor is delated a day but it will be all go tomorrow. Meanwhile the work has been checked & some spots need a second coat or a patchup, but they've been marked.
As predicted, the so-called "scarf yarn" only made a half-length scarf. Would be better as a hand-muff or maybe a hat, which means redoing everything.... But not now. Now I'm back on a blanket, which despite being slow, is still go, so yaiy there at least.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 22, 2023, 11:58:21 AM
HOM deffo save physical jobs for when you're well again!!!

Yeh... :rolleyes: Today I shoveled some snow in the yard. Tomorrow I may have to use the snow scoop because it will keep snowing all the time tomorrow too! I just have to remember to take it easy and shovel the snow slowly.   ^^;

I feel so much better when I'm outside. When I come in, I feel worse again, tired and coughy. :sleepy:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 23, 2023, 04:31:18 AM
I had an interesting morning I can write about while passing time.. I got to work and all the morning trains going south were canceled because of a derailment late last night due to a snowstorm. The drift leaders were scrambling to find buses and taxis for the travelers.

Me and another girl were supposed to go in the oppostie direction. I would go with her to one small town, change train and work on the new one to a third town and then return and go all the way back home. I'ts a three hour shift. She would just go four times between the first and second town a couple of times, a five hour shift. We joked about why our trains couldn't be canceled as well.

Knock on wood. My driver texted me a few minutes before I was to board the first train telling me a Overhead Line had fallen down on the track in next town, which is extremly serious. We couldn't go. They were again scrambling to find taxis and buses for our travelers. In the end they found taxis for the first town, but not for the one I was heading for.. so I spent the morning in the office with the other stranded workers, just drinking tea and hanging around.

I feel bad for the travelers, many commuters.. but for me it was bliss. I got to leave 40 minutes early as well :satisfied:.

Oh, and we just rented a car. Gonna go to the vets in an hour!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 23, 2023, 06:07:29 AM
Belarna, that sounds like a mess! i hope no one was injured.

I'm exhausted from cooking Thanksgiving food all day yesterday. everything except the turkey and deviled eggs are done so i can spend the morning setting up. i still need to do some cleaning and get the table ready. I talked my mom into coming over at 2 instead of 1 so i wouldn't have to wake up at 4. i love my parents but now that they're older they're so much more demanding. i don't feel like they appreciate all the work we have to do to host holiday dinners.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 23, 2023, 06:16:53 AM
My doctor wants me to go to the ER for my leg. I'm trying to decide when to go. I'm not staying in the hospital though. If they try to admit me, I'm refusing. I'd like to take a shower before I go, but that cold front came though and it's in the 60s. Too cold to shower!

I never did get to visit my mom :(

I'm feeling very depressed today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 23, 2023, 07:30:39 AM
HOM glad outdoors makes you feel better. Maybe take a few relaxing walks???
Beldarna sounds like chaos!!! Hope everybody got to their destinations!!!
Beth & all US peeps: Happy thanksgiving!!! And yep, family can be annoying xxx
BC I saw about your leg & needing the ER. Try going in the morning xxx

Was meant to be at a thing last night but missed it!!!
Still made the soup thing today though...
Like threaten to blow my hat off again windy!!! Like kept me awake all night windy!!! Like all I could hear at the soup thing was literal howling windy!!!
It took long enough for the floor people to arrive but they're here now & flooring as I type.
Meanwhile I'm working on the blanket as it sits on my lap & warms my legs as I work.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Rainlove The Pegasus on November 23, 2023, 10:13:31 AM
I am going to watch my generation one My Little Pony DVD I checked it out the library I think yesterday?... I watched the first half of the 64 episodes yesterday and I'm going to hopefully finish the other half today before dinner time. I just finished watching chapter 6 of My Little Pony make your mark. I won't spoil it I don't know if there's really any spoilers out for it yet.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 23, 2023, 11:25:12 AM
Beth3346 and PBW, it was a huge mess and I'm glad I was not the one having to sort it out. None was hurt. It was a cargo train that derailed and for all I know the driver was alright. The Overhead Lines holds 15 000 volts and are extremly dangerous to be near. We had an entire class about how to do and act around one in training. Again, I'm not sure if all the passengers got to where they were supposed to. I hope. But it felt good knowing it was not my responsibility. The line was fixed around noon. The derailed train is still stuck and is going to affect tomorrows traffic as well. Glad I'm going the opposite direction. Hopefully no overhead line on the ground.

Now I'm gonna update Ninjas situation on Facebook as well for friends and family and then I'm gonna crash in bed.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 23, 2023, 05:19:34 PM
HOM glad outdoors makes you feel better. Maybe take a few relaxing walks???

Well, on Thursday evening I moved the snow with a snow scoop in our yard. It was a tough job, but I managed it amazingly well. ^^; This time I didn't get a horrible coughing fit, but I did earlier in the day after picking up the mail (it's a short walk to my mailbox). :blink:
 After moving the snow, all I got was a terrible sweat and tiredness. ^^;
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 24, 2023, 06:01:18 AM
HoM, don't overdo it! Be careful of your side :hug:

I promised my mom I'd go to the ER today, but I'm thinking of going tomorrow instead after I see my therapist. I really need/want to talk to her. I can always do it on my phone, but I did just get a new camera and all. Plus, there are still a few things I need to do around here. I'm just so worried they'll admit me to the hospital. If it was just an ER trip, I would have gone already. Ugh, I hate this :(

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on November 24, 2023, 08:36:32 AM
HOM deffo save physical jobs for when you're well again!!!
Artie I wish it were that easy for me to tidy stuff!!!
Beldarna it's good you have an energy-boosting med for daytime xxx
BC here's hoping everything works out xxx

Scarlet O'Hara has arrived, & though it's harder to deal with her on the downstairs facility, it's still doable, as long as I don't leak too much.
The floor is delated a day but it will be all go tomorrow. Meanwhile the work has been checked & some spots need a second coat or a patchup, but they've been marked.
As predicted, the so-called "scarf yarn" only made a half-length scarf. Would be better as a hand-muff or maybe a hat, which means redoing everything.... But not now. Now I'm back on a blanket, which despite being slow, is still go, so yaiy there at least.

People do wear scarfs that are half one colour and half another colour... but I feel your pain! So excited for you that they are improving your living space!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on November 24, 2023, 03:35:42 PM
HoM, don't overdo it! Be careful of your side :hug:

I now have to try to take the next few days a little more calmly because I noticed on Friday that I have pain somewhere deeper under my breasts. :wonder: I think the muscles are sore again from coughing.

On Friday evening, I went to feed my brother's cats, because he is now on a weekend trip. It's nice to be able to play, keep company and feed four wonderful cats after a long time. :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 25, 2023, 05:58:18 AM
The joy of waking up in the morning and notice I have company of all three cats in bed :heart: It made for a good start of the day. Ninja ate his entire breakfast and half his lunch :yippee:. I managed to get him all the pills with no issue. He slept beside me on the couch a couple of hours before moving to sleep with Simba.

I took a long walk today to clear my head. I think I was out for close to 90 minutes. It felt good with the fresh cold air. I also ate a decent meal for the first time in forever. Previous days there have been store bought paninis, french hotdogs from the gas station and yesterday the not so healhty bowl of caramel ice cream and potato chips :lookround:. Today I boiled some potatoes and had some beef patties and black currant jam. And I took care of all the clean underwear that's been in the dryer for a week and watered my plants.

When the cats are good I'm good. Very tired though and despite sleeping six hours tonight and two more in the morning it feels like I could nap for another hour or two now.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 25, 2023, 06:04:55 AM
That's such good news! I'm happy for you :)

Today I see my therapist and then I'm going to the ER. I have some packages arriving today that I'd rather be home for but my mom is stressing out about me so I promised I would go. I really hope they don't admit me. Give me some stronger antibiotics, pump me full of steroids and send me home, please.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 25, 2023, 11:43:49 AM
i'm glad the cats are doing better, Beldarna :)

BC, I'm glad you're going to the ER. i hope they give you some medicine that fixes your leg up once and for all :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 25, 2023, 10:39:57 PM
BC yaiy for your health day!!!
Beldarna awwww!!! Moggie snuggles!!! I think the moggies are thanking you for helping them feel better xxx
HOM deffo relax, & more aww for more moggie time xxx
Artie cheers!!!

The floor is in & exactly what I wanted: a sandy sea floor!!! The issue is now the plumber. Friday, nope but they may come Saturday. Saturday, plumber wants day off & I just crash out anyway.
Missed the noisy coffee thing & a pal at it texted me concerned xxx
I'm starting to have money issues. So I didn't get much, just a nightshirt on sale & the Halloween Boy from Clipper (nothing else). I might get a tiny thing or two from eBay but otherwise will get nothing except food, electricity & paint (for the paint I'll take a trip but the bus is free & it helps make the food cheap too).
Meanwhile I'm back on the knitting, with some soft yarn I got. Just more Pony stuff. In between times I hack at the big blanket. I'm starting wearing a onesie on top of my normal wear
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 25, 2023, 11:47:24 PM
BC Good on you! Did you get to the ER? If so I hope they got you the help you needed :hug:.

PBW I hope so. It's a nice thought. They did not wake me up for breakfast, I was the one waking them when I turned on the light, lol. That was a first.

Today is not gonna be so cat related. I have a position within the social services as a contact person, where I have an annointed person who need extra help getting out of her home and do stuff. These people can be physical or mentally disabled or on extended sickleave and in need of someone to talk to and spend time with. Like a paid friend, almost. My girl is riddled with anxiety and has been in and out of the psychiatric ward for years. Anywho, we haven't met in a long while because of my cold and she being admitted but today we're gonna meet up and fika.. the best thing is, she wants to meet at a mall! That is huge! She have troubles with crowded places so for her to suggest that shows a lot of improvment. I'm so proud of her! :heart:

Afterwards I'm gonna go to grandpa and help him decorate for christmas. Mom and my younger brother will be there as well. I guess there will be a lot of fika there as well :lookround:.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 27, 2023, 06:27:07 AM
back to work today. it's probably going to be a busy day with everyone catching up from being out for thanksgiving. at least christmas break will be here soon.

i also need to put up more of the Christmas decorations too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 27, 2023, 07:01:54 AM
I did get to the ER, details are in my WYP thread.

Today I'm starting my new regime of sitting at my desk for 20 minutes at a time and walking in between. So far it's working well. I got a cramp in my leg a few minutes ago though but it's just from not using them really.

I don't think I'm going to get my bike together today. Both my hands are bothering me.

I would really like to shave my head and take a shower today, but it's cold again. We had two warmer VERY humid days and another cold front came through. This one is supposed to stick around longer.

Today mostly I think I'm going to work on my card swap cards. I decided to buy graphics etc. and make them myself. I need to figure out how to make them so they fit inside the envelopes I bought. Should I put in the dimensions of the envelopes and shave a couple pixels off the sides and top? Well, I'll experiment with it. I also bought sticker paper for stickers :) That will be fun.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 27, 2023, 09:51:32 AM
BC I saw your WYP entry, good on you getting sorted xxx
Beth hope work goes well xxx
Beldarna I'm proud of your girl too!!! And cheers for doing what you do. I have a support worker myself & know personally how great it is to have somebody there when I need them xxx I'm glad your girl does too xxx

Anyway, the plumber came today, put the sink base in & fitted the WC, so I have a 99% usable bathroom again!!! Just the heater to go & one more quick paint job!!! I shifted all the essential stuff upstairs & I can have another bath soon (will need one in a couple of days), & more importantly I can go to the WC & brush my teeth in there!!!
Because of the shifting I was a little late for the film day, but got to see it, & it was fun with a ton of music!!!
Meanwhile I've been working on small crochet & knitting projects, wearing a onesie on top of stuff, & sleeping burrowed under the duvet. Oh & since the plumbing is all done I can use my nap bed again!!! WOOP!!!
I hope the sparky comes tomorrow to fit my heater in...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Shystar06 on November 27, 2023, 10:58:09 PM
Finished the last class for my 2nd Associates degree last week. Just have to wait for the grades to be official!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 28, 2023, 11:43:13 AM
Shystar yaiy!!! Congrats!!!

No progress on bathroom at ALL today, even mine.
I went to town today with three objectives: load up on cheap food (achieved!!!), get cheap treats from charity shops (achieved!!!), & find bathroom paint in the colour I want (not achieved...). I had to watch my budget but I managed & my budget being tighter is a good part of why I went out to get cheap food. Got £37 worth of food & don't have to buy most food for a while now which is awesome!!! I got some affordable sharky & sealy frens as well as a robin fren, so that was brilliant too. I took Bakana of course, & ate a panini with a hot choc at a café. However, every shop with paint had just the standard wall paint, not a drop of bathroom paint anywhere!!! And for the bathroom it HAS to be bathroom paint, so it can hack getting damp.
Came home to a text asking if I was in for somebody to look at my skylight again, but I've left my door unlocked almost every day for workies, today included. They just had to try the door!!! Meanwhile no sparky to fit my heater.
Oh well, eBay for bathroom paint it is, & waiting a couple of weeks too...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on November 28, 2023, 07:16:54 PM
it's been a stressful day. just work stuff.

also why do i ready articles that i know will annoy and upset me?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on November 29, 2023, 02:31:43 AM
Aaww, thanks PBW. I hope she appreciates me too. I think she does or she would have ended it with me. Sorry about the bathroom paint. Sounds like a nightmare having to order online. I want to be able to see the dry paint do be able to decide if I want it.

I've been sleeping most of the pre noon, curing my cold. We're on the third day of a heavy snow storm right now :cold:. I managed to get to and from work yesterday, it took around 40 minutes with the bike, usual time is 14 minutes. I had given myself an hour. News just broke that all bustraffic has stopped. The plowers can't keep up. This is the most snow we've gotten in a few days in 60 years. I wonder if I can take a chance with the bike today as well or just leave it and walk :wonder:. I have a late shift and quits 20 past midnight. I really would like to have my bike at that time.

No other plans today other than drink tea and prepair mentaly of whats to come :super:.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 29, 2023, 02:50:05 PM
Just a quiet day trying to do stuff indoors, & NO work on the bathroom save a trim of the paintwork. Also knitting & crochet

Beldarna any time!!! And getting rest in is a great idea
Beth hugs, & there's a thing called morbid curiosity, when you know something is horrible but you feel you HAVE to look
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on November 30, 2023, 08:34:36 AM
My day is not starting off very well.

I got my period -_-

I woke up at 7 as usual but was so tired I fell back to sleep and didn't wake up again until 10:30. I stubbed my toe on a wheel on my chair. There's a bad taste in my mouth and my tongue is all white and fuzzy. Even after brushing/scraping/gargling the taste and fuzz are still there. My back hurts. My body can't decide if it's hot or cold. I have zero appetite despite having yummy leftovers in the fridge.

Ugh  :drunk:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on November 30, 2023, 10:16:41 AM
BC Scarlet O'Hara has a lot to answer for from us uterus havers!!!

Quick news of the day: went to the soup thing which isn't on next week, grabbed a few veg soups up from the table of spare food, & GOT MY BATHROOM HEATER PUT IN!!! It's a tall thing & as they said, it has a rail for hanging towels on!!! Not hanging towels on it yet as its mounts set, but for now I know I can heat my bathroom & use my shower!!! And since the wet wall is in, I found some stick-on hooks & have stuck them on the wet wall to hang towels & a bath robe on.
Bit more stuff sewing in the ends of knit & crochet projects, including Pony headbands!!! Which means I can replace the headbands from various Ponywear sets with yarn & a crochet hook!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 01, 2023, 03:39:05 AM
Yesterday evening, on my way to Sundsvall (three hour by train and layover) the drift called and asked if I could continue to Ånge (another hour and a half) and then go back to Sundsvall and get three hours of overtime. There had been issues with the traffic and three trains that direction prior had been canceled. So I agreed. In Ånge, the train back to Sundsvall was canceled, so I got booked to go on another train runned by another company a couple of hours later. That train stopped in the middle of nowhere for over an hour and no communication as to why. I ended up in my hotel bed in Sundsvall around 1:30 am. My shift today began at six am.

My morning train had stood witihout power the entire night because of the weather and my driver had been picking ice from it for hours already when I arrived. We left Sundsvall half an hour late. I had to throw away a tonne of produce from the bistro that had frozen over night and were destroyed. So much money wasted :(.

But I'm home now, with over 8 hours of overtime! It's december 1st and in Sweden we are big on Advent Calendars! And I had bought four! :biggrin: So I got to open the first boxes and got one cup of green tea, christmas flavoured, from my tea calendar. A Shea butter handcream from Body Shop, a lovley milk chocolate bar from the Merci calendar and my cats loved the fish bisquits I found in their calendar. It really made my day :heart:.

When the teacup is finnished I'm gonna go to the grocery store and buy some glögg (mulled wine) julmust (a christmas soda) some skumtomtar (marshmallowie santa candies) and prepair for tomorrows christmas decorating! :joy:.

More today, I'm gonna have a late lunch with hubby who's gonna work tonight and then I'm gonna nap. I'm running in steam right now. Four hours of sleep!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 01, 2023, 07:44:19 AM
Can't believe it's the first of December already!!!
Beldarna those advent calendar treats sound lovely!!!

Had workies in fussing over stuff & trying to keep the Clerk of Works happy. He is not pleased with an aspect of the job so they're talking about how to sort it. They'll be back on Monday morning. Meanwhile the fan outlet (the bit outside the building) is awaiting approval as I live in a listed building...
Due to how early the workies showed I made it to noisy coffee & got food & coffee there, plus reporting bathroom progress to the folk I know there. They have carols on the Saturday 16th, which is always fun!!! Meanwhile I talked of my money worries. I have three essential bills I MUST meet: council tax (small), internet, & mobile phone. The latter two are my life & I need them!!! Fortunately these things I go to are optional donation to charity, unlike a coffee morning by another party tomorrow. I do love being able to go whether I have loot or not, & if I do the charity benefits. A fellow there said they can help me meet these essential bills (I made sure I have electricity in the meter & food in the house, but I'll be cooking a LOT over the weekend, just to have stuff on stand-by ready), so I'll be sure to tell them if there are issues with my meeting them.
Back to the big blanket. The yarn for it is getting low. I may get one or two more full rounds out of it...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 01, 2023, 07:26:11 PM
Beldarna, those calendars sound really cool and I saw pictures of them on Instagram, so they look great too!  ^.^ I had thought about a calendar for the cats as well, but it might be too late. They sell out pretty quickly.


I found the Christmas curtains in the small side attic (which is in the second bedroom) on Thursday evening and took them outside to freshen up overnight. On Friday I shook the snow off them and brought them inside to dry. On Saturday I can probably hang them in place. On Friday evening, I also placed a string of color lights on the small white cedar (Thuja occidentalis) that is next to the stairs of the house. I haven't turned them on yet, maybe on Sunday. :xtree:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 02, 2023, 01:40:31 AM
I have slowly begun decorating. Some textiles are out. I'm just trying to find the inner peace, I have no christmas feel at all. I'm usually allover the place, my home looks like a christmas store when I'm done but right now I just feel bleh.

In todays calendar, the cats got some treats shaped like hearts. Simba, poor thing, thought we were trying to force him on some medicine so he ran and hid. I asked the vet if giving treats were okay considering and got all clear. I've also gotten the probiotic now which is a cream in a syringe they hate.
The tea was Earl Grey with added cornflower which will be interesting to try. From Body shop an Aloe Vera sheet mask which will bee so useful in the winter. From Merci an almond toffee.
I'm gonna enjoy them later on today :).

HoM, They run out fast! :shocked: I got all these in late september, early october, before brown stuff hit the fan. In November people were asking online for cat calendars as the stores were out.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on December 02, 2023, 01:52:58 AM
I found the Christmas curtains in the small side attic (which is in the second bedroom) on Thursday evening and took them outside to freshen up overnight. On Friday I shook the snow off them and brought them inside to dry. On Saturday I can probably hang them in place. On Friday evening, I also placed a string of color lights on the small white cedar (Thuja occidentalis) that is next to the stairs of the house. I haven't turned them on yet, maybe on Sunday. :xtree:

We've had our Christmas curtains up for two years now :yikes:  Granted, they're not *that* Christmassy, so I usually let them stay until Easter anyway, and some might actually find our summer curtains Christmassy because they have a red and blue Dalahäst pattern, but still. As you can see, cleaning the windows hasn't been that high on my priority list either  ^^;  At least I've taken the lights down in the spring. Now I should put them up again, to get in the mood.... :)  For the first time in years I actually seem to have some energy for deep cleaning, and basically any extra stuff.

I woke up super early today, at 6:15! One of the cats woke me up (an hour before his usual breakfast time) and I didn't feel sleepy anymore. That's totally not me, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that I've slept exceptionally well this week, getting almost 8 hours of sleep every night. I've been working on my sleeping routine for years without much success, but lately I've finally been able to introduce some more regularity.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 02, 2023, 08:03:44 AM
I wanted to try a coffee advent calendar but forgot to get one.

Today I'm hopefully finishing the cards for the swap. I feel very unwell today, so I don't know if I'll do anything else.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 02, 2023, 01:30:13 PM
Already did some cleaning. I think i've finally recovered from being sick and doing all of the Thanksgiving cooking and cleaning. tomorrow i need to work more on the Christmas decorations
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on December 02, 2023, 02:56:42 PM
I am going to work on cleaning a room tomorrow and getting the tree set up and my little pony tree/table set up too
 :enthralled: :accomplished: :art: :happy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 02, 2023, 03:39:07 PM
Crashed out because I have such a warm duvet & Bakana is so snuggly!!!
I have to make mushroom soup later today due to mushrooms in the fridge in a less than perfect state (still cookable). I have mushrooms in the freezer too. It will use up some milk but it's worth it to keep the mushrooms from going completely off.
I also need to bake stuff, & do a laundry soon, & clear out rubbish, & & & &...
Been doing a round of my big blanket every day, & will continue until the yarn runs out. Meanwhile I'm finishing other smaller projects too.
I can't wait for Monday & more work done on my bathroom!!! I did one tiny thing in there to make my door close properly, as it was having issues with that. Just a quick shift of the bit the latch hooks to (if you know how doors work), & a scrape out.

Invader & Beth, hope the cleaning goes well!!!
BC you take it easy today, & I bet those cards will look gorgeous!!!
Griffin yaiy for extra energy!!!
Beldarna at least you're in Christmas Spirit!!! I still have to turn my tree lights on!!!
HOM those curtains sound pretty!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 02, 2023, 05:42:07 PM
I found the Christmas curtains in the small side attic (which is in the second bedroom) on Thursday evening and took them outside to freshen up overnight. On Friday I shook the snow off them and brought them inside to dry. On Saturday I can probably hang them in place. On Friday evening, I also placed a string of color lights on the small white cedar (Thuja occidentalis) that is next to the stairs of the house. I haven't turned them on yet, maybe on Sunday. :xtree:

We've had our Christmas curtains up for two years now :yikes:  Granted, they're not *that* Christmassy, so I usually let them stay until Easter anyway, and some might actually find our summer curtains Christmassy because they have a red and blue Dalahäst pattern, but still. As you can see, cleaning the windows hasn't been that high on my priority list either  ^^;  At least I've taken the lights down in the spring. Now I should put them up again, to get in the mood.... :)  For the first time in years I actually seem to have some energy for deep cleaning, and basically any extra stuff.

I woke up super early today, at 6:15! One of the cats woke me up (an hour before his usual breakfast time) and I didn't feel sleepy anymore. That's totally not me, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that I've slept exceptionally well this week, getting almost 8 hours of sleep every night. I've been working on my sleeping routine for years without much success, but lately I've finally been able to introduce some more regularity.

 :lol: I have also sometimes had the case that I have not changed the curtains at all after Christmas. But no one has cared about it, and no one has complained to me. :biggrin:
I've never been keen on cleaning windows either. :blush: In the spring, I only cleaned the kitchen and living room windows. Next year I should wash all the windows in the house, because they are really gray and maybe the landlord wouldn't be happy if he found out.  :lookround:
Now I can reveal that since last Christmas I have had a small Christmas tree with decorations behind my laptop. :blush: There is no need to decorate it this year, just blow the dust away! XD

On Saturday evening, I turned on the lights on the small white cedar. It's cute! ^.^
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on December 03, 2023, 01:49:38 AM
Yay for easy decorating! :lol:

I might have rejoiced too soon. Days pass so quickly and I have so much to do! Even now I'm procrastinating as I should fill in a job application. I'm not excited about it and I know I won't get the job, but I suppose I'll have to try anyway.

Also BC, I feel you on the cat thing. Sometimes it's so difficult to know what they want! Last night I managed to go to bed early, but couldn't sleep because Toffee wanted something. He had food but apparently it was not *the right kind of food*, and then he wanted to play. Toffee is the older of the two cats and he usually stays with us in the bedroom all night, because the cats eat different foods - Toffee is very skinny and because we can't keep food freely available during the day (well, kibbles yes, but he doesn't like the ones that the other cat is allowed to eat...) we make sure he can eat as much as he likes during the night. Like many elderly cats he is very keen on routines and usually goes to sleep as we do. He doesn't play a lot anymore either, but apparently last night he was bored. I'm not sure if he was being difficult because my husband is away for the weekend. In fact, he keeps whining right now about something. I'm really not sure what he wants...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 03, 2023, 03:44:18 AM
Yes, Aster was still whining at me this morning, but I've just fed her, so maybe she will go lie down now. I thought she wanted to sleep with me, but she slept under the bed last night. I don't think she likes the new sheets.

My plans for today is ponies since I can't finish my cards... which I'm still upset about. Seriously, ANY other time this happens, no big deal. Ugh, I figure I can at least sell it for repair/parts on FB Marketplace, make a little money, and who knows, maybe someone else can fix it and get a really good cheap printer for Christmas.

I need to gather the garbage today too and wash a few dishes.

More boxes need to be broken down.

I want to start recording a second game for my channel, but I can't decide which one.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 03, 2023, 03:54:08 AM
It has been a thing since I got my cold to sleep on the couch for a couple of hours before noon, no matter how much I slept during the night. I find it mildly annoying now since I'm loosing time I could do stuff. Today I slept for three hours. It's not like I had anything important to do, but I did not feel like sleeping but then boom! Tired! Crashing! :pout: I'll get groceries delievered sometimes during that time tomorrow. I hope I'm not going to sleept through that :shocked:.

Anyway, I did a load of wash in the morning, so I had to remove the clean underwear from the laundry basket that had been sitting there for a couple of weeks :P. I need to clean the toilett, take out the garbage and recycling and make some lunch and feed the cats. I feel like taking a walk as well. It's so beautiful outside now with all the snow :heart:.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 03, 2023, 07:58:22 PM
HOM my tree situation is similar as in I never put away the tree last year. So all I had to do was switch on the lights (LED ones so they'll last longer)
Griffin oh dear job applications!!! I do NOT miss those!!!
BC hope the pony stuff goes well & somebody gets use of the printer!!!
Beldarna you obviously need the rest or you wouldn't be having it!!! And well done on chores!!!

As for me, as per trivial complaints, my cooker died!!! I can no longer use the hob or the grill. I've had it since 1998 when it came to me second-hand & it's served me well. I managed to make the soup but will need to either borrow a hotplate until I can buy one (next Tuesday), or ask for one for an early Christmas prezzie!!! Because I still need to be able to use big pans & the frying pan!!! It was enough of a hassle making my soup in the microwave, I nearly filled the big bowl!!!
Aside from successfully making soup, I've also: vacuumed the hallway, cleaned out the vacuum cleaner, put out the rubbish, sorted, found, & stashed the winter gear (all in a bag except what I wear), & crocheted another round or two of the big blanket. I've even made a small start on the dishes!!!. Still to do the rest of the dishes, sort out a laundry, & somehow convince myself to bath or shower in this cold. I think bath tbh...
My door is unlocked again as a joiner is coming later... I also hope to bake as I can at least do that
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 04, 2023, 06:16:23 AM
I got a lot done last night. It was far too humid to try and sleep so I started cleaning off my desk area. Or I should say desks. I cleaned my art desk and cleaned and rearranged the shelves above it. I actually put my books on the shelf and moved my needle felts down and put my ponies on the top. My PC desk has a bunch of stuff on it that need to go elsewhere. Some of it in the craft closet, some in the bedroom. I made a new Aster Treat Center box. If my printer was working I could cover it in cute paper. Moved the boxes of sell stuff and my woodworking/miniatures box out of the way for now.

Today I need to vacuum the area, there are leaves all over from my plants. Clean off my PC desk and get that cleaned. Break down these boxes. Wash my blankets. Wash the dishes in the sink. And work on ponies.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 04, 2023, 09:45:04 AM
back to work. i'm feeling stressed already.

i also still need to finish up the Christmas decorations outside.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on December 05, 2023, 12:56:32 AM
I just bought a a big drip tray/saucer online for our Christmas tree. It's rooted and growing in a pot. Currently it's sitting in a bucket and looks like a bucket inside a bucket, which I decided didn't look very good.This morning I put up another couple of sets of lights and I'm going swimming with the baby.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 05, 2023, 03:23:09 AM
I had a very early work shift today after a layover, so I took a two hour nap. Now I'm waiting for hubby to finnish his energy drink so we can go shopping. We're planning to eat some christmas food today. We also didn't get everything in the online order yesterday we so need to get those items. We have yet to decide if we're just gonna go to the neighbourhood store or going to the supermarket. It's -14 C outside right now so I don't feel like going too long, but on the other hand it's very beaituful outside when the air is so crisp and we're gonna bike.

I was thinking of doing some home made meatballs as well, but we'll see. I got the schedule for christmas eve today, which is the day we celebrate. I knew I would work and got lucky. I have an early shift and quit after 2 pm, so I get to be home in time for Donald Duck. Hubby's gonna work so he'll be a sleep and I will have to celebrate on my own, but at least we'll get to see each other for a few hours before he go. I have yet to wait another week for the christmas day and that week. I have new years off, which I don't really care about.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 05, 2023, 04:48:16 AM
I didn't feel that great yesterday and didn't get a whole lot done. It was still very hot and humid. The cold front has now moved in and it's nice today. It's only 60 right now.

I'd like to visit my mom today. I bought her a table top Christmas tree that lights up and has mini decorations. I've got other stuff for her too, but I really want to put up the tree for her, I know it will make her very happy.

Need to do laundry and get my blankets and some fabric washed when I get home. I'm going to put the rest of my card designs together today so when I get my printer tomorrow, I can print them right away.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 06, 2023, 11:20:32 AM
BC if you don't feel well or energetic you can't do much but heal anyway xxx
Beth I saw your WYP rant & that does NOT sound like fun xxx  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Beldarna I hope you wrap up & get your needed items & some treats xxx
Artie sweet!!! I only have an artificial tree but I prefer that to getting a whole new one every year, but we're all different in what we like

I STILL need to do a laundry but that's mainly because I want a shower first. Most of my other stuff is done though.
I went to the movie day & saw the film everybody chose & it was brilliant. One of mine is the choice for next week & I'm so pleased. Also talked of my woes & a hotplate was ordered from Argos, then after the film the fellow went to the nearest Argos to pick it up!!!
Went to coffee yesterday & the same fellow was there with hotplate ready!!! SAVED!!! Going to test it tonight making fried rice wi some veggies...
Also at Coffee was another pal selling slate art. I liked a slate coaster but can't afford it. A third pal bought it for me like a sweetheart!!!
After that I got milk, cheese, & a pack of crisps from the Coop with the cash I had as I couldn't buy a sandwich. First time I've had to restrict treats but there we are.
Got back home & there was the joiner!!! Turns out he was needed as all the woodwork he pulled out to replace was rotten & yeuchy!!! No wonder it shed bugs!!!
Today my support worker was round & she's sorting things for me too, including extra cash for the electricity meter, finding a second-hand place for future cooker reference, & booking me into the Boxing Day Meal. The Boxing Day Meal is held in a nearby town for folks like me who live alone & don't have much loot on us. It's brilliant & great fun & a highlight of the Festive season, & vegetarians are catered for, & transport provided.
The big blanket is on hold as next week when I get loot I want to go to get more cheap food & also post a parcel, so I'm making a very important thing to go in that parcel!!! This is day 2 of said work.
I need the painter again to paint over the stuff the joiner worked on, but after that it's just the fan outlet & I'll have a complete bathroom!!! I can't wait!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on December 06, 2023, 11:27:05 AM

Artie sweet!!! I only have an artificial tree but I prefer that to getting a whole new one every year, but we're all different in what we like

I still have the same one, it's like a bonsai. I'm a nerd.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 07, 2023, 03:23:28 AM
It's my day off. I walked to the supermarket to buy some stamps and some things I need for baking. I'm gonna do some knäck today. It's a traditional christmas caramel treat with almond and I needed syrup. Hubby also wanted (me) to make some more of the dumle cookies I wrote about earlier. I think (hope) he'll be doing them himself with me just watching. He's not the best in the kitchen and I love being there, but this time, since he wants to get some for his mom he talked about doing them. We'll see. I got the ingredients for them and some yeast for the saffron buns I'm gonna do.

I also walked to the pet store and got some food for Majsan and to a flower shop and on a whim got this gorgeous christmas flower set up. So many of the christmas flowers are poisonus for cats (I once had a cat who ate an entire poinsettia and survived :blink:) but I found one with pines I think will be fine :). I'm also washing our towels today and finnished all the christmas cards so need to send those out.

PBW so many sweet people! That's the christmas spirit! :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 08, 2023, 06:08:40 AM
Artie that tree sounds cute & I'm glad it lasts xxx
Beldarna IKR!!! And all the best wi your moggies xxx Baking sounds great, I'd do it now if it wasn't for one thing...

The electricity voucher came last night as promised. Went to the noisy coffee, caught up wi folks there, & then went to put the voucher on my electric key. YAIY for extra electricity!!!
Continuing on my prezzie project. I want to make it festive which involves some rather tricky yarn. it can be annoying to deal with so I'm taking frequent breaks between bits of it. As I type I'm working on the second quarter of this fiddle. Everything else is done though so yaiy there!!!
It doesn't leave me much time to do other things though...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 08, 2023, 07:26:33 AM
I was able to visit my mom yesterday  :accomplished:

I brought her the table top Christmas tree and set it up. She was thrilled :hearts:

Today I'm recovering from the walk, my back really hurts and it's incredibly itchy where it hurts, so I know my nerves are all out of whack.

My kitchen is a mess so I'd like to do a little tidying there, and I want to get all my cards done for the card swap.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on December 08, 2023, 11:15:30 PM
Hello all, I'm going to wash up and then go over to my Mum's house with the baby. We are going to look through Muma nd Dad's Chrsitmas decorations and share some things.

Beldarna, your kitchen sounds amazing! I can imagine a gorgeous scent.

@PBW I also had a festive fiddle putting the hand-tied bows on my Christmas tree so I did one at a time in between other things.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 09, 2023, 11:14:11 AM
Artie enjoy spending time with your mother xxx
BC YAIY for visiting your mother & giving her the tree!!!

Part three of the fiddle-craft today. In between I'm going to look through the bathroom bag of tricks & see if I can add décor to my cabinets. May also bring out a shower gel bottle so I can have a proper shower!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 09, 2023, 09:27:55 PM
I'm at my hotell and my alarm doesn't go off for another thirty minutes. My shift starts around 8 am so I get to eat the hotell breakfast today! and since it's sunday I'm gonna have pancakes! :yippie:

I finnish around 1 and then I'll go home and eat some lunch. Around four I'm gonna meet the person I'm a contact person to and we're gonna see the Songbirds and snakes movie. I've read the book and liked it so I hope the movie is good. The movie theatre (aka my old workplace) turns 30 years today so all movies are just 93 sek and there's gonna be quizes and surprises. I'm a bit apprehensive about the crowd and how my person is gonna cope but she wanna go.

Wont be doing much more than this, I have a very early shift tomorrow.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 10, 2023, 09:51:37 PM
Beldarna sounds like a fun day!!!

I FINISHED the project!!! Now just to fit it in the box but that has to wait a bit.
I've stuck a few tile stickers & fish stickers on parts of the bathroom, currently a few small parts of the wet wall, the water tank of the WC, the stand-alone cabinets, & the shower control cover have some tasteful stickers on which make them look nice without interfering in function. Future decoration has to wait a bit, because I still need paint done...
I MUST get my card out!!! And unlock the door again. And check if I'm getting a painter before Christmas...
Once the card is out I can take piccies...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 11, 2023, 07:08:14 AM
I was so tired yesterday, I slept all day.

Today is really cold! This one is sticking around for the week. 75 is the high. Considering it was 80 the other day, that's nice.

I'm going to try doing some housework. It's the same things I've been wanting to do; break down boxes, gather trash, vacuum by my desk.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 12, 2023, 01:09:18 PM
BC hope you manage, & hope things go well where you need them most xxx

Things I've managed to do: put the card out!!! Of course more has arrived since but I got ALL the paper & card out up until Monday Morning.
Provide a DVD to the film day people watched & enjoyed!!! It was Paddington & they loved it. Next week is also one of mine: Billy Elliot.
Have a shower!!! Heated the bathroom while at the film day & then got sorted for the shower. It's a new thing showering at home!!! Back years ago I used to pay hotel room money for that privilege...
Go to coffee morning!!! It was lovely & I saw many of my coffee pals there, & everybody who can go is looking forward to Saturday.
GET MY LATEST LOOT!!! Although I know I have to budget with it I think I've hacked it well enough so yaiy!!!
Get the bus to town!!! I have two towns near me: one in each direction, both within 12 miles so half an hour's bus ride. Two weeks ago I went one way, today I went the other.
While in town, Find a source of the paint I want!!! My budget won't let me buy it yet, but I know where to get it from when I CAN spend more on it!!! (It's not cheap though, coming in at over £40 for a decent tub)
Post the package for my box-exchange friend!!! Project included. It went off recorded delivery. I can't wait until my friend gets it & the special prezzie I made her!!!
Stick within the budget set by my bank balance!!! And that includes: a load of food, some sticky hooks & sucky hooks for the bathroom, a big load of electricity credit, glue, & a couple of wee treats for myself!!!

Things I still have to do: the laundry!!! Since I've showered, I have all the clothes I was wearing before the laundry, as well as the kitchen cushion, which got messy due to me giving the air fryer a good once over (it needs it now & then, especially as I now have to cook veggie burgers in it).
Show up at Wednesday night, Thursday lunch, Friday morning, & Saturday afternoon, as well as find out when the last of Thursday lunch is (I think it may be next week before everything closes for Christmas).
The dishes!!! Like the laundry I need to get them done tomorrow.
The next project I'm working on. It's waiting for more yarn of that colour as I got 2/3 through & ran out. I found two it might be on eBay as neither the local shop nor town had the colour in question. So I have to wait until that arrives & move back to that big blanket

Things which are really frustrating me: NOBODY has been about my bathroom work since the joiner came & did what he needed to do, & I NEED the painter in for their thing, especially as paint is not cheap!!! I know there's one thing delayed: the fan outlet, but aside from that I JUST WANT THIS DONE!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 12, 2023, 09:55:27 PM
Today is Lucia! :heart: Unfortunaly I'm at work so wont be able to watch the Lucia-performance on TV at 7am but hopefully I'll be able to stream it later. My train is having issues so I don't know if we'll even get to our final stop :shrug:. I hope I'll get home in time because..

Simba has an appointment at the vet today. Even if John is capable of taking him by himself I would very much want to be there as well. We need a new urine sample so we locked him in my office over night again. Hubby texted me earlier and said Simba had not peed so he's gonna continue to be locked up until he do. I feel terrible for him  :(.

Yesterday I baked a lot of saffronbuns and I was to take one with me to work as it's tradition to eat them on Lucia but I forgot it. I did remember my breakfast though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 13, 2023, 08:47:50 AM
Beldarna I hope you get finished on time for the vet visit xxx

Well I did the big blanket & as I thought, I didn't have enough yarn for two rounds, so after finishing one I finished off. If need be later I can buy a third ball of the yarn & add it in.
The first half of the laundry is complete too, & once I've done my thing here I'll get some food & do the dishes. I have another load to do soon.
I also want to take some more piccies, as well as go to a meeting tonight. I think it's 7pm start...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on December 13, 2023, 11:53:49 AM
Me and mom were going to clean up my sister's room for when she got home for Christmas, but- SURPRISE! She came 2 days early :lol: Honestly I don't know how I didn't expect it from her.
Also feeling a little under the weather again. I don't know why. My stomach has been hurting and my throat is scratchy again  >_<
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 14, 2023, 10:16:01 AM
Cowboy get well soon!!! And enjoy your time wi your sister xxx

Not managed to take more piccies yet, but I'm back on little crafts as I wait for one specific yarn to arrive.
Have put a few more tile stickers up in the bathroom. Still just decorating the wet wall.
I also got the dishes done, had some quick eats, & made last night's meeting. It was fun, we had a load of food, & there were carols!!! And I found somebody else there who had a sharky like Bakana (though she hadn't brought hers). I of course brought Bakana & she met the pal she hadn't yet, as well as the fellow sharky fan xxx Got a doggy bag of treats to take home. May munch on them later...
Also made the soup thing today & they had delicious bread to go wi it!!! I got some of that bread & said I had a few crackers for next week.
I've put the other half of laundry on hold as I want another shower tomorrow after the noisy coffee, before Saturday's carols & fun.
Still no sign of any painters, but the planning permission notes are through for the external fan work (needs it as listed building)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on December 14, 2023, 11:02:35 PM
Hello all, today we are going to have a quiet morning and then go to the library for baby singing. I just bought some streamers and balloons for the house. I wasn't going to but the house looks a bit bare. Mum and Dad are coming for Christmas day and the baby's birthday is in early January. So far I've managed the tree, a wreath for the door and two working strings of vintage lights (I'm 'allergic' to most LEDs so this is quite a feat). However, I think we've exhausted re-using, re-purposing and using natural stuff from the garden, now a bit of bling is needed.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 15, 2023, 05:05:06 AM
Artie the baby singing sounds cute xxx And using garden décor is worth it!!! I bet it's lovely

Put a few more stickers up in the bathroom. Still sticking to the wet wall for reasons.
Went to noisy coffee & spent half of it chatting with pals so that was awesome xxx Practically had breakfast there as I scored a bagel!!!
Working on my small crafts until the right shade of yarn arrives.
GOT HOLD OF SOMEBODY RE LACK OF PAINTER!!! Also told them about the planning permission notes arriving. They say they'll talk to people to find out what's happening
Going to have a shower & put on a laundry load soon...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 15, 2023, 08:40:21 AM
I was up late playing a game so I slept in today. I need to pick up the kitchen, bags and boxes on the floor, and put some items away in the pantry. That's about it.

I should probably work on ponies today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 16, 2023, 03:19:33 AM
I spent the morning donating money to a number of charities. Since I don't have to buy any christmas presents for my siblings anymore I use the money I used to spend on them on charities every year. Three siblings, three organisations. This year it became four, one emergency donation a couple of days ago for an abandoned cat in dire need of expensive medical attention. I made that one in the name of my Angelcat Tarzan. I save up for this througout the year.

I've also been to the mall today and bought some items for a christmas game we're gonna play on christmas (we adults don't exchange gifts (except me and John and I made a thing for mom) so we buy these small trinkets and wrap and then we play about them with a couple of dices). I thought I was gonna celebrate on my own this year but grandpa didn't want to travel so mom and younger brother is coming! I get to spend some hours with them after work which made me so happy! The price was a challange though. I want to get something useful but we're just spending about 2-3 dollars on each thing so the options were limited. I managed though. I also got a 2024 wall calendar, an adult couloring book with mandalas and new christmas stickers.

So for the rest of today I'm gonna listen to come christmas music, do some wrapping and prepair the calendar for the coming year :coffee:. I have a big mug of tea and a bowl of potatochips and cheese doodles and some chocolate to go with it :). I'm also on a mission to see as many Chritmas carol movies I can. So far I've seen three. Gonna try to get two more today :biggrin:.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 16, 2023, 07:27:43 AM
Man, am I tired this morning. I'll probably take a nap later.

I got everything done except the vacuuming yesterday. It's nice not to have a pile of empty boxes in my living room :lol: and all the dishes are done and everything is in the pantry. I can see my counters again! The litter boxes were also cleaned and refilled with fresh litter. And I managed to cook dinner for myself.

Today I'd like to put all the cardboard in the bedroom and get it out of the kitchen until I can hire someone to take it away. I'm also going to make the tacos today and have mine, then tomorrow when I visit my mom I can heat hers up and bring it.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 16, 2023, 08:17:15 AM
Beldarna that's some awesome festive stuff you're doing!!!
BC you're not alone in tired xxx And yaiy for clean home!!!

Yesterday's yarn wasn't the correct shade but today's was perfect!!! My box from my pal arrived too!!!
On the bathroom front EVERYTHING is on hold for the planning permission to go through.
I took a LOT of naps so only managed a few small craft bits.
I had the shower I wanted to have though, & also made the carol singing!!! As part of it we get food & it's enough to have lunch from!!! As a veggie I don't do sausage rolls but the ladies got some veggie munchies for me, & there were apple pies & cranberry pies as well as the traditional stuff. I got to take a few of the sweet things home afterwards. We also had quizzes & a raffle, but I didn't win anything, because I couldn't figure out two of the songs & some of the jokes...
For the rest of the day I'm knitting that last bit of what I needed to buy the yarn for!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on December 17, 2023, 11:29:10 PM
Me and mom were going to clean up my sister's room for when she got home for Christmas, but- SURPRISE! She came 2 days early :lol: Honestly I don't know how I didn't expect it from her.
Also feeling a little under the weather again. I don't know why. My stomach has been hurting and my throat is scratchy again  >_<
agh its gotten worse.. I'm coughing so much worse and my throat feels so dry  >_< thankfully my kitty has been spending time with me and that helps me feel better
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 18, 2023, 02:11:51 AM
Cowboy oh no!!!

I finished the thing I was knitting: a coat for one of my plushies!!! I have three plushies who snuggle me at night: Bakana (of course), Snuggles the seal, & Huey the rainbow sharky. Huey was the one who needed a coat, & now they have one!!! Snuggles is also in his coat, while Bakana wears her winter jumper & tailskirt.
As TC, my mobile signal went down, but I figured out how to enable texts & calls via Wi-Fi & through that got hold of somebody. They said the signal was down due to mast maintenance. It was back in a couple of hours. Meanwhile, as I've had my current phone five years now at least, I decided to upgrade my phone & find out what was going on with my website account. I'm soon getting a new Google phone!!!
Due to new phone coming, I'll have to do a ton of stuff to back up the phone so I save everything. I've shifted the piccies out so there's that... I still have chains of text messages I want to keep too.
Today I got my plastic & metal bin out. This is the first time our plastic & metal is separate from our paper & card. The standard rubbish goes every three weeks, but there's more non-rubbish they can pick up, like if I wash out the food trays from ready meals, they can go. Most plastic toy packaging is taken already, & the only issue really is plastic wrap & miscellaneous dust from vacuuming. That & tissues, but I use dead tissues to line the bottom of the kitchen bin anyway
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on December 18, 2023, 08:45:14 PM
A PBW: I'm glad you made it to carol singing, I love stuff like this, even more as time goes by. I took the baby to church last Sunday and we met a lot of people from our area.

Today I'm not sure what I'll do. I've been awake since midnight. I tried to throw two people off our property the other day who were trampling around in the garden. I tried to insist that they shouldn't be on our property without permission, they explained that they were trying to catch an escaped duck. I then saw this very small and ordinary looking duck and got really angry. It's not an excuse in my opinion. They were dashing around on the veg beds and near the beehives. They eventually left in their own time. So I've been feeling pretty shocked and upset about that. Plus yesterday my Mum took a photo on her google smartphone with myself and the baby in it. I've expressly said I'm not happy for anyone to take photos on smartphones since day 1 and only use offline devices to take photos of the baby. I know it sounds eccentric but it's my decision. She knows I'm furious with her because I caught her and made her delete it. I hope she actually did. I saw her sneaky expression when she was doing it and it makes me feel really sad and let down by her. But my daughter has a weekly relationship with her. So anyway, Christmas not going well so far!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Shaiyeh on December 19, 2023, 03:25:39 AM
I'm editing a crochet tutorial+vlog today, that I've been working on for almost a month now. it was supposed to be a quick project... I finished the project yesterday. never trust a hyperfixation. :rofl:
Normally i really like writing voiceover scipts, but tutorials get repetitive and boring to write ^^' But I'm really excited about this project. it's a granny square cardigan with holly leaves. :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 19, 2023, 07:07:17 AM
Shaiyeh, sounds a fun project!!! Not a big cardi person but if I could adapt it to jumper I would
Artie that is NOT nice!!! Too right you're angry at the tramplers!!! Your garden is your hard work making pretty flowers & useful herbs & veggies; the last thing you want is that ruined by careless or deliberately aggressive trampling xxx Also I don't blame you with not wanting baby pics online xxx

Made the film thing yesterday & a pal came too!!! Got a pic of Bakana with the village tree!!! It was hard & she almost lost her festive hat but we got it!!!
Forgot to say I got my box from the box exchange pal on Saturday.
Today I went to Coffee with the bad news of a big bill taking my bank balance past the limit again, so I had to get loot in. Fortunately Coffee pals helped out after we'd had drinks, food, pies, & a few carols, & one gave me a lift to the bank so I could shove the loot in. I had enough left over for a few bits of food so got while in town.
Then my phone arrived, no plug AND the cable doesn't fit the plug I have & the old phone's charger won't fit the new phone... So I need a cable which fits the new phone & the old plug. Had to text a computer pal for that, rather than wait for days...
Another package I've been waiting for also arrived, & I got a few more over the weekend. I'm now only due one or two things to arrive.
I got a text saying the bloke in charge of my bathroom redo is coming to check on stuff, & he arrived at a similar time to my support worker. All the checks were made & I said what I'd been up to in the bath. My support worker had a card & prezzie for me!!! (chocolates!!!)
I may get a painter over in the next couple of days so I can last until the planning permission goes through after the New Year.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 19, 2023, 08:19:00 AM
I'm having a bad day but I'm planning on working on ponies when I feel better.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Shaiyeh on December 19, 2023, 11:05:39 AM
Shaiyeh, sounds a fun project!!! Not a big cardi person but if I could adapt it to jumper I would

You probably could! It's granny square based, and very simple :)

Update: the video is currently 1:16h long,  hope I can cut it down more tomorrow. My brain is melting and I need to do something else xD

I also sealed two customs (who?! me!!?? ) today, so now they just need hair styling and a photo shoot ;3;

ETA: BC :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 20, 2023, 08:44:45 AM
BC hope your day improves  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Shaiyeh I look forward to the video!!! And yaiy on Custom progress!!!

Bathroom: There is a council overseer called the Clerk of Works, & he came today while I was having a much-needed lie-in!!! And he freaked out!!! I think it's the job of the Clerk of Works to freak out tbh. Some of the freakouts are understandable but others aren't needed. One of the understandable ones is the lack of comms, which meant the site boss didn't say he was coming today. Due to his other more understandable freakouts the joiner came later today, & has just left. He was in to patch up gaps where pipes go in & out of walls, & I told him things I'd done as I couldn't leave them undone (the hole in the ceiling I patched up among them). He confirms I'm getting a painter tomorrow too. Some of the holes round pipes are filled, others patched with plastic rings for the purpose. Roll on that painter, then I can be undisturbed for the rest of the Festive season.
I made both aware of my planning permission notes.
Mobile: the cable came, & I owe its sender either £10 or a prezzie. It does the job, now I have to find out how to take the sim card out of the old phone for the new one. Not to mention see if it fits the new one...
Other: I need to do dishes today, but at least I've managed to sort through my clean laundry (I confess I put that off) & it's not too bad. I just have to turn what's not on racks. Aside from that I'm just working on a few small craft projects with what I have here. I've figured out what packages are still to arrive, & I think both are en route... One deffo is.
Meanwhile if I run out of coffee beans I still have instant in the home, so that is not pressing. I do want to bake stuff, but getting round to it is the issue...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 20, 2023, 09:11:20 AM
Thanks, I feel a little better today :)

I need to wrap my mom's presents. I'm planning on going over there either tomorrow or Friday. I would go on Xmas eve but I imagine the Uber fares will be high. It's the last time I can see her until Jan, I don't have enough on my Uber card for another visit. It really sucks because I don't want her to feel lonely on Xmas eve or New Year eve.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shockponie on December 20, 2023, 09:16:35 AM
We have a potluck at work today. I hope no one’s sick!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 20, 2023, 09:23:54 AM
I got two hours of overtime today thanks to some idiots who ran across the traintracks. When that happens the police stops the traffic and we can't go until they say ok. Luckily I did not have any emidiate plans after work.
I was home so late it was lunchtime so instead of eating breakfast me and hubby bought pizza. Usually I can only eat half a pizza but I ate a whole one. I'm still feeling full. I had a three hour long nap afterwards.
Now I'm just sitting around fiddling. Listening to christmas music and drinking tea from the tea calendar. I think I will do some diamond painting.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on December 20, 2023, 07:09:46 PM
I'm leaving today with my spouse to his hometown, where he also has an apartment. We stay the night there and go put up Christmas decorations in his mother's apartment and clean there as well.  :) Late on Friday, we will come back to my house again.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 21, 2023, 01:35:23 AM
I'm at our restplace in Sundsvall. I have a four hour break here before we're heading back. I managed to get one of the restingrooms so I'm locked in on a bed under a blanket and with a cup of tea. We have finally gotten wifi here so I brought my laptop and am gonna watch a movie. I'll be home rather late so not gonna do much more than eat dinner and go to sleep omce I'm back.

Post Merge: December 21, 2023, 11:50:14 PM

Today I'm having a day off and are gonna hit the supermarket and buy some last minute things. I'm also gonna bake some christmas cookies to bring to grandpa for christmas. I should clean the bathroom as well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 22, 2023, 04:18:17 AM
Beldarna I'd love to bake biccies but it's finding the time...
HOM enjoy your time xxx
Shockponie have fun at the potluck xxx
BC as it's Friday I hope you manage to visit your mother!!!

Bathroom: the painter was in yesterday as needed, then today the site boss came wi the joiner to check things were good for over the festive season. I was out this morning for reasons listed below, so all they did was wake me up.
Local events: the soup thing yesterday was quiet due to the HEAVY WINDS!!! I was the only person other than the two in charge of the soup. Due to this we only used 2 crackers out of 12, the rest passed on to today's thing.
Todays thing was noisy coffee & it was very well attended, with the adults loving the crackers!!! I got some good food at it, & managed to take a snowman home!!! We also sang a couple of festive songs. I had to stop off somewhere first due to things below.
Other: I got one contact put back in my phone because only one of the two people I had numbers for showed up, the other is on holiday.
My folks came round & brought a card & £150!!! And miracle of miracles, my father was civil!!! However I heard an ex succumbed to booze & was found dead a couple of days ago. The booze has always been an issue for him, especially after his pal died; that's what turned him into an ex, so I'm not too surprised he died due to it. He was 15 years older than me & I haven't seen many alcoholics last past 70, so yep...
Anyway, due to getting the £150 I hot the Co-op after today's noisy coffee & got snackable food for Christmas Day & put almost all the rest into my electricity, meaning I don't have to worry about that for weeks. I have a few quid left for things like extra milk & cereal if needed. Just waiting for the next loot to go in the bank. It SHOULD go in soon...
Because I need to get accessories for my phone: top 2 are a case & a plug or two. I can work it as it is, but I need the case & stuff so I can protect the phone, especially when carrying it. The issue is all the stuff is online so I need money in the bank to get it...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Shaiyeh on December 23, 2023, 07:41:11 AM
PBW - Here's the project video! ( :frolic:

Today we decorated our xmas tree - we didn't have one last year. so we went all in this year and it's GORGEOUS. Also got all of our cooking for tomorrow done. So nice, usually I'm still at it with cooking at this hour.
Gonna relax and do some knitting :) I'm catching up with a mystery knitalong that ended nov 1 :rofl:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Princess Celestia on December 23, 2023, 02:22:01 PM
 :zzz: Shoveled snow, we got 50cm (19") of wet snow, blah. Took half the day around the farm with tractor and shovel, our cars were stuck too, trees had fallen over the small roads here in the area.. But now it's CHRISTMAS or actually Hearts warming in the G4 world.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on December 23, 2023, 03:50:22 PM
I’ve been sick the past couple weeks and was way behind on Christmas stuff.  Now that I’m better, today I did last minute shopping, went and saw the film Migration, and had lunch with friends.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 23, 2023, 05:14:57 PM
Gator I'm so glad you're feeling better!!!
Caysie welcome!!! I hope you got all warmed up again after the hard, cold work xxx
Shaiyeh I saw it was up!!!

Loot: Came in to the bank!!! So I was able to donate to the Christmas drive on the sharky server, buy the needed accessories for the phone & a couple of treats, & get some small food items from the Co-op.
But first I went to see the festive tractors. There was coffee, biccies, & sandwiches available, & Bakana got to meet Santa!!! There was music on & Bakana & I had a wee dance (I got puffed out & Bakana says I should dance more to make me fitter).
Afterwards there was more music in the local hall, also followed by coffee & shortbread. Was quite fun & I learned a few things too.
Managed to make quesadillas & my coffee pal (who I saw at the music thing) had a prezzie for me.
Last but not least: my box exchange pal opened her box!!! So I can share the crochet work I made for her (see Arts & Crafts).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 23, 2023, 10:51:07 PM
Good morning all! It's Julafton! Christmas Eve! The day we celebrate here in the north! As usual, despite me being 39, I can't sleep well the night before christmas. Before heading to work I cleaned the bathroom and took out the garage and recycling. Now I'm at work (going here was an ordeal,  we have the remnants of the storm Pia here and I think all the snowplowers has gone on holliday and not considered people still need to get to work early) but I made it.

Working til 2pm and then I'm gonna go to grandpa and hang out with him, mom and little brother. We're gonna watch Donald Duck, stuff ourself with Christmas treats, drink glögg and eat lots of food and play the Christmas game :satisfied: Hopefully the storm wont cause any trouble for the train so we'll be stuck somewhere. I'm a teeny tiny bit afraid I'll miss everything and be stuck in the middle of nowhere for hours.

John should be home from his nightshift soon. I hope he'll find the presents I placed around his spots. Teeheehee :biggrin:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Princess Celestia on December 24, 2023, 05:36:53 AM
Gator: Hope everything is better with you now, everything gets better with meeting friends and with friendship. Merry Christmas!

Ponybookworm: Thank you for the welcome!Warm and cozy inside now. Merry Christmas!

Beldarna: Cool another Swede here. It was the storm Pia that was the reason for all the snow shoveling for me, Yes, we got enough snow this Christmas ;) Hope you have a nice traditional Swedish Christmas with Donald Duck and all the weird things we do here in Sweden :)

Now my ponies and donkeys are going to get some carrots before there will be a smaller Christmas celebration tonight at home. The sun is setting now and we had an absolutely magical Christmas Eve weather-wise. Completely windless, calm and everything covered in white fluffy snow everywhere. Now it feels good to be a workhorse on a farm far out in the country.

Wishing everyone a nice weekend and Merry Christmas!  :happy:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 24, 2023, 07:17:46 AM
Merry Christmas Eve :) This is when my family would celebrate too. Good food, Christmas movies (A Christmas Story is a must), and opening gifts from the family. Morning is for Santa ;)

For the first time it's just my mom and I and things are very different. I'm sick since yesterday, caught a stomach bug or something :( I won't be visiting my mom. I'm going to relax and play games today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 24, 2023, 03:53:53 PM
I think we finally got all the gifts wrapped.    My biggest frustration is that we don't have much for the kid's stocking.  she has GIFTS but the stocking has very little in it this year. 

we had to do the holiday shopping last night, on a Saturday, and go to two different stores to get most of the list.  TOTAL madness!  I let her pick out a new outfit since the soft leggings she likes to wear  were 2 for $6.

also this week my husband has had to repair a broken pipe in the house, , deal with an exploding dishwasher, re-route a kitchen drainage pipe, and pull a toilet seat off the floor and remove a blockage.  flushable wipes are NOT flushable !!!!! 

there's a word for my "slice of life" but  :sqs: it's not Arena-friendly hahaha

(I get to open my Celestial Ponies soon hooray!!!)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 24, 2023, 05:12:05 PM
i do not understand how "flushable" wipes are still allowed to be marketed as "flushable". probably lack of regulation but it's so frustrating and confusing. i didn't learn about all the stuff you can't flush until i worked for the water company. basically if it's not something that came out of you or toilet paper you can't flush it. not even feminine products.

i hope you the repairs solved the problem and tomorrow is a better day.

yeah the older i get the more relatives we don't see. we used to do Christmas Eve at my grandmother's until she was too old to handle it. she's been gone for over 10 years now. she was a lot to handle but i do miss her this time of year. now that my parents are getting older i know holidays will be even quieter down the road. so anyway happy holidays everyone :hug: :hug: :hug: i'm glad we have our community here. no one really has to be alone.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 25, 2023, 05:28:40 AM
Caysie yep I'm here, located up north! :) Oh, you live on the countryside with animals? What an ideal christmas life!

I had a great julafton ^.^. The train did get stuck, lol. We got ice around the breaks and the front smelled of burnt rubber. Luckily it was a short tour and we had no passengers or bookings so we went back home with it. We were only twenty minutes away from the station, but it took us two hours of going back. We had to go really slow and several times the driver had to stop the train and go out and hack the ice from the breaks.. and there were remnants of a dead moose next to the breaks as well so he was NOT happy! I had a lot of fun of it though. I'm not allowed to help so I laid on the couch in the animal carriage and drank tea and ate sweets while waiting. We got a short break before going back again out with a new train. This time it worked and lucky it did because we did have bookings and passengers both ways!

Today, me and John ate breakfast together and he helped me set up the christmas present he got me. I have a Galaxy watch on my wrist now. It feels weird carrying a watch again after all these years. I'm really afraid my excema will react to it, but he got me leather straps for it so here's hoping!
When he wakes up later we're gonna eat christmas dinner and watch Rebel Moon on Netflix! Before that I need to hit the store as we're out of milk.

I wish you all the best christmas day ever! :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 25, 2023, 05:45:17 AM
I'm still sick and I feel awful :( I keep getting headaches on top of it and I think it's because I'm out of my blood pressure medicine. I'm also out of my blood thinner which keeps blood platelets from sticking to my heart stent, which worries me. I called the pharmacy and it says they are operating with normal hours, so I hope I get them today.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on December 25, 2023, 06:10:30 AM
Big :hug:s to everyone feeling under the weather <3 :deathhug: I'm feeling okay but my throat's been dry these last few days, got a bit of a cough, ugh.

We finally set up the Christmas tree yesterday (we're a family of procrastinators ^^;) and the cats are having a great time sitting under it and looking grumpy. Last night we had a marathon of Channel 4 cartoon specials, wouldn't be Christmas without The Snowman and Father Christmas :xmas: And we watched this year's special, Mog's Christmas, OMG it was so cute and delightful!!! I love Mog, can't believe it's taken so long for her to get a proper animation! (Though I did love the Sainsbury's advert from a few years ago)

Today... We've finished opening all the presents and are just chilling out now :) BBC has their own Christmas special ("coincidentally" also about kitties, lol) airing in about 20 mins and that looks cute, so I'm looking forward to that. For now though, I'm running an art exchange on another site I'm on so it's time to go and upload all those pages and such!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!! :fireplace:

edit: omg Tabby McTat was so CUTE!!!! I loved it!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 25, 2023, 08:40:03 AM
Yesterday I just stayed home & watched a couple of films. Right now I have this on: It's instrumental & sets the mood nicely. I'm going to be working the air fryer a lot for festive nibbles!!! Got a few texts including one saying there was a prezzie at the door!!! A decorative deer ornament which is cute but where to put him???

Carrehz that's one thing I kind of miss about not having a TV: the special shows.
BC get well soon!!! Being ill at Christmas stinks xxx
Beldarna the poor driver!!! At least you got to relax in the warm xxx
Beth I get it, I live alone too, but at least I've had a load to do recently, not to mention the meal tomorrow. Communities which do stuff are great for adding a festive mood where it would be lacking for the lonely xxx
Squirmy I've known wipes aren't flushable for years, & think it's ridiculous of anybody putting wipes in anything but a bin. I hope it's all fixed now for the Festive Season xxx
Caysie aww that sounds lovely xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on December 25, 2023, 10:04:27 AM
Ponybookworm - haha "Cute but where to put him" is the story of my life X3 so many cuties and so little space to store them in!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 25, 2023, 11:02:03 AM
opened presents!  ate sweets!

feeling blargy after eating too many Danish biscuit cookies..  oh my
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponyfan on December 25, 2023, 03:16:57 PM
My family's Christmases are always low key now.  There's only a few relatives left that are still alive so we usually stay home for the holidays.  We never did Christmas pajamas or stuff like that.  Sometimes I wish we did have a few more traditions especially as my parents get older.

We opened presents this morning after breakfast.  We had our traddional Christmas dinner.   

I was a little worried about the e gift card I ordered yesterday as my friend said she didn't get it this afternoon when she sent me a Merry Christmas text.  She did get it though. it just took longer than usual.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 25, 2023, 09:45:39 PM
PBW, yeah I did feel a tiny bit sorry for him. I always offer to help, but since I don't have the education I'm not allowed. But I'm still showing my good will to offering help so they don't think I'm just lazying around.. which I do. :biggrin: He was gonna take a long hot shower and a cold beer when he got home before his dad picked him up and I said you truly deserve it. Enjoy.

I work today. My shift begins in five and a half hours. Until then I'm gonna watch the first Jurassic World movie and finnish my christmas Diamond Painting. Eat breakfast and chill. I have office duty today, which means I'm gonna sit at the office and read a book, lay puzzles, drink tea and glögg, eat sweets (and boy have they supported us with lots of sweets there) and fruits and just be available in case someone call in sick the last minute. I may have to copy some papers. I kind of hope none calls in sick. People with office duties always says it's boring and they want to work on the trains. I love office duty! :satisfied:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 26, 2023, 03:23:34 AM
Beldarna too right!!! And have fun xxx
Ponyfan yep, lowkey was what I did with my folks when I did too xxx
Squirmy I overate yesterday too, but it was savoury nibbles & not cookies!!! Still got the "when is it all going to go down" feeling...
Carrehz IKR!!!

Ate the nibbles, a bit less slowly than intended but ate them. Had a bombe cake afterwards, fortunately it was small. Watched family-oriented festive films on Netflix; one about a farmhouse & one about a huge family with issues, but they somehow resolve instead of becoming worse. Took a nap, feeling like things were having trouble going down, had to go to the bathroom a couple of times for water as well as relief. Got dressed properly today as later there's a meal out. Looking forward to it. Going to keep flushing my system with water...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 26, 2023, 07:10:03 AM
I hope my medicine comes today. I can't take these headaches :(

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on December 26, 2023, 11:26:24 AM
I'm feeling okay but my throat's been dry these last few days, got a bit of a cough, ugh.

Famous last words... :really: About an hour after I typed that, the "bit of a cough" decided it did want to turn into a proper cold after all. Uuuughhhh :drunk: I wouldn't be so annoyed if I hadn't already had a cold earlier in the month @_@ Well, it happens, I suppose.

Nice quiet day to myself today, I like a quiet Boxing Day. Just been watching films for most of the time :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 26, 2023, 02:01:01 PM
So sorry you ended up sick! A lot of people have been this season.

I called the pharmacy earlier and they said my medicine will be delivered today :) The guy usually shows up at around 6pm. I think I am one of the last stops.

I tried to take a nap but I was only asleep for about 15 minutes before my headache woke me up again.

Spent most of the day cleaning up around the house and playing games.

edit: Got my medicine and took it all right away :D
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 27, 2023, 01:13:49 AM
Today is the same as yesterday. Shift starts at noon. Office duty. We were many people there yesterday and there were not many pages read as it was the nice people I could talk to ^.^. I spent an hour reinforcing a train with lots of passengers. Hopefully I wont have to today. We have a new coffee machine. I don't drink coffee but it also has two different kinds of hot chocolate which I explored, along with four or five cups of tea. I ahve to try them again today! Unfortunaly all the good sweets are gone and only the liquorfilled once are left. Luckily I snagged some good ones on christmas eve and have in my pocket for days like today :biggrin:.

I finnished the Santa Diamond Painting yesterday. I'm thinking either starting on the catsanta or save it for next christmas and do one of my own photo ordered paintings instead.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 27, 2023, 06:56:29 AM
When nobody communicates it's a right pain & so annoying!!! Case in point: yesterday's meal. No communication before 1pm, with me thinking, is it at 1??? Is it at 1:30??? Try calling the only number Google gives me, no answer at all.
2pm comes & goes & still nothing, save me standing outside freezing, desperately calling a pal. The pal's partner goes on Facebook & I'm told the Facebook says the meal is 1-3pm & I've missed it!!! Cue breaking heart & near tears...
Calm myself down, go back in, change to PJs, start eating a doughnut...
The doorbell goes.
It's my lift, as the meal stars at 3pm, & he wants me to HURRY!!!
I get jeans & shoes shoved on, grab shark, jacket, phone, festive hats, tie my hair back, & am out the door in 2 minutes flat.
All this could have been resolved by a simple text message in the morning to me saying "Hi there, the meal begins at 3pm. Expect your lift at 2:30-2:45". So WHY COULD THEY NOT DO THAT??? Why is it so hard to send one text message which is included unlimited in most phone contracts (including mine which recently got renewed with the new phone)???
I finally make it to the meal, put the shark's festive hat on her, tighten the straps on my shoes, & go in. Eventually my two pals I sit with every year show up, saying THEY also showed at 1pm due to the Facebook. Instead they enter halfway through opening talk, so I have to inform them of the main course. I get two pics: one of myself & Bakana, & one of Bakana & I wi the two pals. I also get a pal's number I sorely need!!! The meal is good (steak pies for the meat lovers, veggie pies for me), with plenty veg, apple juice, ice-cream, & varied choice of dessert, & coffee & tea to finish. We do a wordsearch, & a character ID game. We also catch up on a load of stuff.
I get home, send the pics to my pal, chat to the one I called about making it & it was later than advertised, & settle back down, complete with sweet snacks & doggy-bag stuff from the meal (me??? Say no, to free food??? Not happening).
I will insist that next year, I'm contacted on the morning of the day with a simple text message to say this is when the meal is & when to expect pick-up, to prevent further freakouts. I can't be the only one prone to freakouts when I don't know the plan...
Watched a film & did some crochet afterwards. Had a nice long lie too. I may need to get cereal tomorrow or in 2 days, not today as it's windy

Beldarna that sounds great that you're trying the new drinks in the machine xxx
BC productive, & glad you got your meds xxx
Carrehz, get well soon xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 27, 2023, 07:07:55 AM
I have bad feet too. I used to be so good about exfoliating and moisturizing, but after I got so sick with my back and everything, it was too hard to reach. Now they are dry skin city. I do recommend the foot peel masks, though. It can be tricky, but you have to have damp feet, put them in the bags and wait like 20 minutes, then rinse. Walking with the bags on is dangerous, but if I can manage it, anyone can :lol: In a couple of days your skin starts to peel off and it's very satisfying.

PBW, that sounds horrible! It also sounds familiar... transportation being a pain. I'm glad you were able to make it in the end and see your friends :)

My complaint is I still have a headache! I wasn't able to sleep at all.
The weather is so funky, my body can't decide if it's hot or cold.
I am out of my usual cream for heat rash. I put Vaseline on. I figure it can't hurt but I don't know how much it will heal.

edit: Realized this was the wrong thread for complaints :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 27, 2023, 08:04:59 AM
i'm not sure about Vaseline on it's own but i've seen recommendations to use Vaseline after moisturizer to seal in the hydration. Vaseline isn't bad for your skin so it can't hurt. it might be slippery though so i would be careful walking on hard flooring.

my feet are really bad too. i hate putting lotion on unless it's right before bed because if i need to walk my feet will be covered in dog hair. and if i put socks on the socks soak up the lotion.

i tend to dry out in the winter because of the heater and using water that's too hot in the shower. i decided to get a humidifier for my office. however my office is also the pony room and i'm a bit nervous about using it around the ponies. is it safe for them? it's a fairly small room (10 x 11 sqft.) but the humidifier would be on the other side of the room.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 27, 2023, 08:13:23 AM
Humidity is bad for ponies, I'm afraid. I suppose if it was small enough and kept as far away as possible it might be okay to run when you're in there, but I wouldn't leave it on 24/7.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 27, 2023, 09:12:24 AM
yeah that's what i was afraid of. i'll keep it in the master instead. my husband has a space heater in his office and the bathroom now so he doesn't need the heater running as much. in fairness to him he is on medication that makes him feel colder so he's not just trying to make me miserable  :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 28, 2023, 11:09:40 AM
Cheers folks & hope you can manage with the heating systems xxx

Just quiet & crocheting. Trying to put off the dishes but I can't for much longer. Just doing little bits when I can...
My phone case arrived & I've put my phone in it. It fits perfectly & I'll be less worried about taking it outside in future
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 29, 2023, 08:16:27 AM
I have the first of three days off today, and hubby is having the weekend off too! This is the first time we've had so many off days together since our summer vacation! :shocked: :biggrin: Today we took the bus downtown to shop. I needed a plug to the charging cable for my watch because of course it was usb-c and I only have usb-a plugs, except for my workphone and I very much like to have the plug for the workphone in the workbag at all time. And the tech companies wont provide the plugs anymore when buying electronics. You had the same issue with your new phone, right PBW? Such a nuisance.
We also got a small tool-kit, some led strings for the livingroom and I bought a nail cushion for my neck. It was sooo comfy, I got all sleepy laying on it. I ate the last of our christmas food for lunch, took a three hour long nap! and now I'm gonna watch the Holliday and do some Diamond Painting. :satisfied:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 29, 2023, 11:15:25 AM
took the child to get her Invisalign installed... it went reasonably well...

 the poor kid next to us was bawling and crying and screaming her eyes out while dealing with her braces. I felt terrible cuz I've been in that situation, the wire had come loose and they have to pull and twist with pliers to push it back where it goes because they can't take the cement off your teeth and take all your braces off and then put them back on.  then all they could do was cap the sharp and pointy end of the wire which already is sticking into the back of the jaw...  i understood why it was like a horror movie but oh man... that was a lot.

(if you've never had orthodontics, yes that is as terrible feeling as it sounds to read)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 29, 2023, 11:37:40 AM
I don't feel well today at all. It's still cold.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: brightberry on December 29, 2023, 02:03:22 PM
I don't feel well today at all. It's still cold.
I hope you start to feel better soon.

It's chilly and I refilled the bird feeders.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 29, 2023, 03:28:27 PM
BC: get well soon xxx
BC & Brightberry: feeling the cold with you xxx
Squirmy yeouch!!! I think the UK spent ages looking at orthodontic horror & noped right out of that, hence our rep for crooked teeth. We're starting to get a few orthodontic ads but mostly for those with money... Glad at least your child had a more pleasant experience xxx
Beldarna yaiy for time off with your loved ones!!! Not-so-yaiy for incompatible leads & plugs, yep I DID have that issue...

Plugs arrived today. Hooked one up to the cable in the living room, while the other is connected to the original cable & ready for use in another room or travel or whatever else... Meaning the old plug is now out & it, the old cable, & the old phone, await a visit to disappear to some recycling centre. May have to bag the stuff, but that's not hard.
Otherwise quiet, crochet, Youtube...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 30, 2023, 07:36:33 AM
Thanks, I feel... still bad today. But I have some things to do, so. I need to fill out an online application for my mom for her insurance. I need to make something using the tomatoes in my fridge before they go bad. I have stuff to make lasagna so maybe I'll dice them and add them to that. My appetite is bad though and lasagna is a lot so I don't know.

Ponies today too. I feel like I'll never finish them :yikes:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on December 31, 2023, 03:23:55 AM
BC, I hope it's better today?

Lets see, it's New Years Eve and our plans are pretty nonextinct. I'm doing some laundry and have a pan pizza dough on rise. Our plan for midnight is to stand on a bridge across the river to get a great view of the fireworks that will launch from the northern side of the island thats in the middle of the river. We have to get there somewhat early to get the good spots which means dressing up like I'm going to the arctic.

I began watching Shadow & Bone while Diamond Painting yesterday so I guess I'll continue with that..
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 31, 2023, 08:00:14 AM
I do feel better today :)

Ponies today and laundry. I think I'll make tacos later.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on December 31, 2023, 12:54:12 PM
Feeling a bit oogy still - this cough is taking its sweet time moving on -_- That's always the case whenever anything hits my chest though.

We never do anything for New Year's Eve, can't stand the day personally... I just find it stressful. I'll be glad when it's over :P Just spent the day sorting files and such.

Currently watching CNN because they're going to have an interview with the Broadway cast of Back to the Future: The Musical in a few mins :> Luckily they broadcast internationally so I can tape it, hooray! Nice that the channel info lists the time in ET too so I didn't have to guess at what time to tune in, haha.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on December 31, 2023, 01:07:18 PM
The community has fireworks on tonight, & last year they had a snack stand, but I didn't bring loot. This year if the snack stand is out I have a little for it, as I needed to stock up on cereal, & may be one or two other things; I had four items in my bag & two were cereal!!! Anyway, as I paid I asked for some cash off the debit card so I had some to spend between now & the 9th, not that I'll need much, just snacks really.
Scarlet O'Hara arrived just on time for Hogmanay. Brilliant.
Quiet mostly. Just more crochet.

Carrehz, get well soon & hope you catch that broadcast xxx
BC, tacos!!! Been ages since I had any, due to their association with meat, but had them a lot as a child. Nowadays I love a veggie quesadilla, & recently learnt what chimichangas are (dessert tortillas wrapped round fruit & sweet stuff). Might have to try making some of those...
Beldarna I love when the local community puts on fireworks rather than just leaving it to individuals, especially when fireworks come with so much risk & harm, not to mention the traumatic noise!!! I hope you enjoy yours, as I plan to enjoy mine xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on December 31, 2023, 02:19:44 PM
i've never had a chimichanga. but i'm not much of a sweet tooth. i'm not sure what the availability and prices of avocados is like in the UK but a taco place by my house does an avocado soft taco. i also make homemade tacos sometimes and mix the ground beef with sautéed onions and green bell peppers. sometimes when the beef runs out we eat the tacos with just the veggies and they're pretty good. you could also sub diced roasted potatoes in place of the beef and it would be good. just make sure the potatoes are fairly soft. now i'm hungry :)

Scarlet O'Hara always shows up to ruin my holidays too :(

i'm feeling a little gloomy today. TBH i'm not looking forward to this year with the election and all. i wish we had short election seasons like in other countries. it never ends here and i hate it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 31, 2023, 05:24:30 PM
I just use refried beans in place of meat. I season it with taco seasoning and red enchilada sauce :) Tastes great!

The Mexican restaurant down the street makes chimichanga and you can get it with grilled veggies. I think the thing that sets chimichangas apart is that they're deep fried. Served with sour cream, fresh guacamole and rice! It is SO good! They deliver, but only the lunch menu. You can get a dozen tacos with two sides for $20, which is a steal, and they're delicious. But the chimi is only served for dinner. Last time I ate there was with my dad, sister and niece...

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 02, 2024, 04:52:02 AM
PBW It's the local businesses that come together to pay for the fireworks so it's not even tax payer money which makes it all better. Still people grump thinking our taxes can go to something better every year, lol. Some people still buy their own fireworks and put it off, but we have stricter laws regarding that now. I love a good firework. The one this time was beautiful and we had a great view :satisfied:

We have this brand here called Anamma that makes the best vegan grinded beef ever. I think it's soy based but doesn't taste much soy. Anyway, I prefer to use it in tacos rather than the real grinded meat. They also make a killer hamburger patty :).

I went to work on four hours of sleep yesterday so I have slept most of the am today to make up for it. I have a late work shift that starts in an hour. Luckily I have the chill tour and I have that the entire week! I hope the train works though as we have -25 degrees right now. It's so beautiful outside btw. I went for a short walk and just marveled, I'm gonna share some pictures later. Now I'm drinking tea, in a while I'm gonna eat some left over pizza for lunch :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 02, 2024, 07:57:43 AM
this time of year is so weird to me. in Texas we may or may not have cold this time of year. so when Christmas is over i kind of feel like it should be spring. this time of year just feels like a no man's land.

back to work today. my brain is still on vacation though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 02, 2024, 09:25:06 AM
Ugh, I feel AWFUL today. Like everything that could be wrong with me, is. On top of everything else I got my period and it's BAD. Can't leave the house bad. Can barely move bad.

I am so sick of this weather. Make up your mind! Be warm or cold. My underarms are sweating but my hands are freezing!

edit: and I confused this with the complaints thread again :shakefist:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 02, 2024, 10:20:52 AM
All your food talk is making me drool!!!
Anyway, it's a particular branch of the local community here which puts on the fireworks. They take donations if you can afford, & since this time round there was a free soft drink & crisps, I donated. It was lovely & the music lasted for long enough afterwards that the worst of the crowds had left by the time I went home (since it's close to where I live I don't want to go home too early due to crowds gathered near my door). I wasn't alone in having a little bounce around after the fireworks themselves.
Afterwards I just wished folks HNY online & had a long lie-in.

BC get well soon xxx
Beth not surprised!!! They should give you until at least the 6th off, but Murica & their no such thing as holidays stuff... >_<
Beldarna your local businesses are awesome!!! Glad you enjoyed xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Princess Celestia on January 04, 2024, 01:57:02 PM
Normal working day at my job. Then back home, get some big bales of hay for the horses, it's starting to run out at home. Shovel more snow, it just keeps coming more every day. Extra hard to drive to collect the hay with all the snow everywhere on the small roads here. Not fun to meet cars with a tractor and wagon behind on the narrow road. But it's beautiful to look at, so you quickly forget all the extra work it entails.

Then tonight, just take it easy, rest up for a new day tomorrow.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 04, 2024, 05:27:22 PM
Caysie you're right about snow xxx

Just been quiet. When I say I'm putting off dishes I mean putting off the whole fill the sink bowl thing. I still do a few rinse-outs now & then & so far it's keeping it manageable...
I'd love to stew my apples soon & make apple pies...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 04, 2024, 10:49:24 PM
I have four days off now, starting today! I was thinking of donating blood today, I've been summoned, but it's -32.6 degrees today (that's -26.7F) and I don't want to go out at all now when I don't need to. It's gonna be warmer on monday so maybe then. I need to hook up the chain on my bike which came loose again on my way home from work yesterday :(. I'm just not feeling it. I just want to snug up somoewhere with a cup of tea, a blanket, cry a little. But I need to go out anyway because we're out of eggs and we eat egg for breakfast every morning. Ugh.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 06, 2024, 09:33:58 AM
It's supposed to rain all day and it's making me tired :yawn:

I think it'll be another game and ponies day. I need to clean the litterboxes though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 06, 2024, 09:38:46 AM
BC, Beldarna, yep, sometimes going outside is daunting!!! Glad I don't have to until Monday...

Meanwhile I've been working on more crocheting. I also did my dishes & have apples stewing slowly...
I need to switch off my tree lights. Maybe before bed...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 07, 2024, 04:01:39 AM
After this cold week my body needed a moisterboost so I took a long shower and just rubbed in a hairmask, body oils and later body butter and a face sheetmask with aloe vera. My body drank it like it's been in the desert for a week and dying of thirst.

I took a long walk outside after a couple of hours when the sun was at its peak. It is so breathtakingly beautiful outside right now :heart:. It's gonna get warmer now, with plus degrees later in the week so I need to soak it all up now before its too late.

I'm drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream now, a perfect reward after a stroll. I'm gonna hit a new movie and continue with my diamond painting ^.^.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 07, 2024, 04:51:06 AM
I was up until 3am playing a new game :lookround: I got up at 6:30... so I will probably crash later.

A big storm and another cold front are coming.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 07, 2024, 09:55:00 PM
I also felt the need for a shower recently, & had to do laundry along with it. My current crochet project is growing huge, which is good.
Everything starts back up today & I'm looking forward to it. First is film day...

BC I'm so with you on long lie-ins!!! And yep, cold here too xxx
Beldarna I always have whipped cream for my hot chocolates!!! Nothing like it!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 08, 2024, 02:21:38 AM
What game BC?

PBW, what are you crocheting?

I woke up with a bad back so I was gonna lay on my needle matress and pillow for a while and fell a sleep. Instead of fifteen minutes I was on them for over an hour :lookround:. My back was killing me with other pain afterwards, lol. So of course I fell asleep again. Now my back is alright. It's only -5 degrees today so I'm gonna head out and donate some blood. I need to get more of Simbas medicine as well so it's gonna be a nice walk :). Isn't it weird how the temperature can change with more than 30 degrees in a couple of days?

No idea what to do next, watching movies and diamond paint seem to be my favorite past time nowadays.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 08, 2024, 10:04:33 AM
It's very cold and windy today. I think that storm is going to be here tonight, then the temp will drop even more. It's 67 right now.

Today I'm not feeling well. My new medicine is affecting my stomach, and I already have stomach issues on top of it.

Guess it's more games and maybe ponies later, don't feel like it right now.

Beldarna, the game is Anno 1800. It's not new but I never played it before. I love city builders and it's so detailed and the music is lovely.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 09, 2024, 04:10:55 AM
It's another blanket, bigger than the previous one.
It's quite chilly, so I love it sitting on my lap as I work, keeping my leggies warm.
Yesterday the film was on: Mamma Mia. I was pleasantly surprised at how it was made. To be very brief, a young lady is getting married & wants to find her father, but there's a bit of an issue... We had coffee, biccies, & leftover chocolates.
Today it was coffee morning, & I got my loot in. I did miss it!!! I also found the soup lunch is no longer happening due to low attendance, but hey ho xxx
Got my messages in too, as well as electric.

BC that's a shame. If you're not already doing so, try eating just before you take the meds. If that's what you're doing, give it an hour or so. Try to see what works, & keep in touch wi your doc too xxx
Beldarna lol, sounds like my nap attempts!!! Glad you got to take a walk xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 09, 2024, 12:19:45 PM
Thanks PBW. Right now I'm following the BART diet; bananas, applesauce, rice and toast. Supposed to be gentle on your stomach. So far so good :)

I slept until 2pm. My mom woke me up via phone, she was worried since she hadn't heard from me today. I don't think I was up too late last night..? Maybe until midnight? I think I need to cut back on one of my night meds that helps me sleep. It seems either I don't sleep at all or I sleep for too much. Not that I have to be up for work or anything... but I prefer being up during the day. My light situation by my desk isn't great and I have a hard time seeing at night.

I'm still feeling groggy. I'm going to do my internet rounds then eat. I'll probably play more of Anno 1800 today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Carrehz on January 09, 2024, 03:28:11 PM
It's freeeeeeezing over here today!! :brr: :cold:
Waited forever for the bus to arrive, then went shopping to get some things for my aunt's birthday, then picked up the last three ASDA Minis I needed from the current series. Is anyone else collecting these? :) They're teeny-tiny figures of real ASDA products, I love them! So tiny and cute and perfect :lovey: I hope they do a fourth wave.

As for right now... Spent the last half-hour or so tearing apart the Christmas Radio Times because I wanted to keep the cover :B and a few other pages. Found a Starlight Express advert inside it, OMG I'm so excited for that musical <333
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 10, 2024, 01:36:31 AM
I had an early shift today. So I came home at nine am, just in time for our grocery delivery to be here so I picked that up with hubby. The final work groups were out yesterday and my manager want  our choices on Sunday at the latest so I spent the morning looking through those, printing out the blanket and filled it in. Gonna turn it in tomorrow.
Later today me and hubby are going away, he's gonna shop some winter clothing he need update. I wish I could shop too, but I can't afford it right now so I'm just there for the ride. Hopefully we're gonna eat out today. I feel for hamburgers. I rarely do but today I do. I also hope we take the bus. We have plusdegrees now and the roads are ice. I almost slipped with the bike three times on my way home from work.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 11, 2024, 01:34:56 PM
Quiet since Tuesday. More crochet/ Youtube binging...
Nothing on today as it wasn't well attended so they stopped it. Tomorrow is different though...
I forgot to get ketchup so will get tomorrow...

Beldarna I know the broke feeling all too well. Didn't even get stuff from eBay this fortnight like I normally do so I can budget better (there's a big HQG1C bundle I have my eye on & I want to be ready for that, also electricity: I spent £100 on it this last Tuesday). xxx
Carrehz, the cold is one of the reasons I love crocheting the blanket. It sits on my lap warming my leggies as I work. I hope you keep warm wi nice warm drinks & soups xxx
BC I love apple sauce. As you know I recently stewed some apples & yummy!!! I look forward to making my next apple pie... I also keep up wi your WYP threads so even if I don't respond, know I'm thinking of you & your mother xxx (moggie too :kitty: )
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 12, 2024, 08:30:12 AM
Don't talk to me about the electric bill, ours was a third more this month than usual -_-. It's always hard this time of year, we need the light from the lamps because its dark 20 hours a day and the price skyrocket. Luckily we don't pay for heating.

Today was work, home, lunch, watch a documentary with hubby while eating lunch. Laundry. Ninja had my computer chair so I sat in the livingroom scrolling on my phone for a couple of hours. The minute he entered the livingroom I took my computerchair in possession :devious:. Now I'm here. Gonna do some more diamond painting and watch Netflix later (shocking, right? :lol:) I'm watching this documentary serie about Epstein. Yuck what a creepy guy!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 12, 2024, 09:00:40 PM
Beldarna ouch!!! My place is all electric so...  :shocked:

Missed going out on Friday due to skewy sleep schedule. Heard somebody I used to know is terminally ill. Crochet, Yiutube, & will make another apple pie soon...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 13, 2024, 02:37:55 AM
Poor you. I'm sorry. I hope you don't get the same cold we get. We're in the plus degrees now but we're gonna get below twenty again next week.

Today is 20 days after christmas which in Sweden means the day to clean out christmas. Funny enough, while it takes like 4-5 hours to put everything out it only took 1.5 to get everything back in order. I had planned for half the day for this. It's not even noon and I am done. I need helpt putting the boxes back in storage so they're in the hallway. My ponyroom/office is glad to be rid of them as they took up some space. I decided to keep my snowglobe and unicorn candle stick in my ponyroom/office as I like them and they're pink. What do you think? They are rather nice, arent they? Wouldn't they function all year round? :wonder:

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Now I'm thinking chocolate bar, Netflix and Diamond Painting.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 13, 2024, 04:09:39 AM
Those pieces are lovely! I would keep them out all year :)

I didn't sleep. I was up cleaning and playing games. I'm sore though. I remember when I could pull all nighters and still go into the next day. Now if I manage one, I pay for it and I usually end up crashing in the afternoon.

It's still raining. The horrible smell is gone.

I finally bought the electric floor cleaner I've been wanting. It dropped down to $42 on Amazon, the cheapest it's been. I hope it will get my floors clean with minimal effort. I already have some Pink Stuff floor cleaner and paste.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 13, 2024, 10:00:54 AM
i would leave them out all year long too :) Here in the US, at least in Texas some people take their decorations down before New Year's even. my mom always took everything down so soon and stopped turning the lights on. it made me sad. people do leave them up a little longer now or have white lights up all year. the newer lights are more efficient so maybe thats why. i like the lights. they brighten up the winter :)

it's going to get cold for the next few days so we're getting the house prepped. if it gets below freezing for 24+ hours pipes can freeze so we need to make sure the outside pipes are wrapped. we also won't be leaving the house for a few days so we're getting stuff today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 13, 2024, 11:06:21 AM
the downstairs tenants had to be given 14 days notice, evicted and hauled away because they started 6 am drunken carousing and smoking with the front door wide open in -40 weather

on my child's birthday. 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on January 13, 2024, 11:44:25 PM
I applied for a boring job this morning, hoping boring will be good. I don't like the idea of excitement at work any more it makes me twitchy. I had to do it today as the deadline is tomorrow, but it's Sunday and now I don't feel at all relaxed. Might make some coffee and try and catch some TV before my daughter wakes up.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 15, 2024, 02:38:45 AM
I'm doing laundry today. The batch I did friday dried so now I have room to hang all the christmas curtains, bedsheets and table cloths to dry. I have a late workshift with a layover this evening. I need to pack for that. Last time I froze a lot in the hotelroom so I'm packing a real pajamaset and not just a shirt. It will be too late for dinner when I arrive so I'll make some sandwiches to snack on. I'm probably gonna bring my laptop as well. I'll need to find a book to borrow from the online library so I have something to read :).

I'm also waiting for the workschedule two weeks from now so I can call the vet and get an appointment for Simba. I hope I'll get it so I can call before they close today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 15, 2024, 06:39:28 AM
It's been windy all weekend!!! And I spent so much of it tired & napping a LOT!!!
Only to wake up to snow bad enough to cancel both Monday's film AND Tuesday's coffee!!!
There is good news however: I got a bar of chocolate in the post, along with a small colouring book & THREE JIGSAW PUZZLES!!! Yep, my Arena prize has arrived!!! YAIY!!!
I've managed a little progress on the blanket but not that much due to napping so much

Beldarna those things are so lovely & deffo for more than Christmas!!! And boo for cold hotels!!!
Artie hope you get the job xxx
Squirmy at least the tenants from hell are getting their comeuppance xxx
Beth you're wise to prepare for the cold, especially after your state was in the news last year for getting so cold xxx
BC glad you got the floor cleaner!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 15, 2024, 07:49:52 AM
I was up with Aster in the night. She's constipated and vomited each time she tried to go to the bathroom :( It's got to be a hairball. I've been giving her medicine but I guess it's not enough. I've got an order coming with canned pumpkin and canned tuna and chicken in water. I can mix the pumpkin with her churu and hopefully she'll drink the flavored water. I can make tuna and chicken salad out of the meat.

I don't know what I'm doing today. Maybe I'll get some cleaning done. It's raining so I hesitate to put out the garbage but it's starting to pile up.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 16, 2024, 09:45:40 AM
I finally got an appointment for Simba! I went there after work! They were oblivous to the fact one couldn't reach them on the phone. Apparently they have one person dedicated to answer the phone and I should have gotten in a line and hear a voice telling me my place in the queue. I had nothing of that when I tried to call over the past week and a half. They were going to look into that. But the important thing is I got a time for him :).

Afterwards on my way home I went by a mall to buy a two meter silkribbon to put as a cloth and my windowsill in the kitchen. I have a red one I put there during christmas and every year when I put christmas away I think I should get a ribbon for the rest of the year. Now I finally did it. It's baby blue. I happen in a beauty store and bought two new perfumes as well. That was not planned. I love the fragrances though. They were pricy but I thought it's my birthday soon. I deserve them :satisfied:.

When it comes to work, I got the group I wanted most. The schedule is of ten weeks and to get down from fulltime to 75% my manager asked me if I could look through it and give her some ideas of which shifts I would want removed. I needed to cut 79 hours. So I've done that today as well and came up with two suggestions I'm gonna give her tomorrow. I love that I got a say in it!  ^.^ I just hope one of the two works.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 16, 2024, 09:56:05 AM
All of that is great! I'm so happy for you :D

I slept for a long time and I must have been on my back for a while, which totally messes me up. I'm so stiff. My wrist hurts too so I think it was in a weird position. But I'm glad I got some sleep.

I thought about visiting my mom today but it's still raining. I took a shower yesterday so I don't want to get dirty, smelly rain on me. Plus I have so much to take with me, two bags full, and with my wrist and back... eh. I don't think it's a good idea to go.

It's too humid to paint ponies, so... I'll probably just play games all day again :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 16, 2024, 12:15:31 PM
Beldarna thank heavens you got the appointment!!! I hate phone calls at the best of times, but when the service on the receiving end is that bad I don't blame you for being angry about it xxx
BC, hope Aster's ok xxx

Just quiet mostly. Warm Homes sent me a cheque I'll have to put in the bank, so postponing messages until Thursday so I can go out to town for them & drop the cheque in the bank. I think I'll have coffee out then too, as missed local coffee due to its cancellation.
Had to order stick-on hooks as the screw-on suckers don't fit one of my bath shelves. They do fit the other one so it's up. Still not sure about putting up most of my bathroom décor yet...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 16, 2024, 12:40:48 PM
Yes, Aster is better :) She passed the hairball.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 17, 2024, 06:50:17 AM
PBW right? I hate to make phonecalls to strangers. I have to build up a courage, have a cup of tea, plug in corded in ear head phones so I hear them properly, take a deep breath before calling.. and then no answer.. and the air goes out like from a balloon. And then I have to try again with a new built up courage, new tea cup.. I hate it, it's so stressful. John have even more problem with calling. Sometimes we sit next to each other holding hands while doing it.

I had an early shift today. I went home right at the beginning of the snowstorm and has been snuggling inside, feeling lucky to be off the rest of the day and tomorrow. I've mostly been scrolling through the phone and had a good nap. Had a long playtime with Ninja and Majsan and doing some Chilli for John. I want to diamond paint but Ninja is sleeping in my chair so I'm on the laptop in the livingroom. I'm thinking of moving the diamond painting things to the livingroom so I can do it here and not disturb him. A sleeping Ninja is a stressfree Ninja  :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 17, 2024, 10:15:00 AM
I have a problem with phone calls too. I have to rehearse what I'm going to say, sometimes I take notes so I don't forget anything. I also have a problem understanding people on the phone. I honestly don't know if it's me and my brain or if most people really do mumble and talk too fast. I have to say 'Sorry, can you say that again?' so many times on a phone call. And yes, when you prepare and finally make the call and no one answers, that's the worst!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 18, 2024, 01:26:48 PM
BC I'm so glad Aster got the hairball out!!!
Beldarna awww!!! That moggie xxx :kitty:

I managed to go out today, but it was postponed due to fire alarm checks. Due to this is was late afternoon by the time I hit town. The bus driver took it slowly, but even then I was on edge when they drove one stretch of road (which the driver on my bus back avoided like the plague).
As a result I could only deposit the cheque via the ATM of my bank. Well at least it's in!!!
Also most of the shops were closed, as were ALL the cafes!!! One had even shut at 12:30!!!
Still, three of the shops which were open were the pharmacy (got a bottle of nice shampoo), the everything but the food shop (got more yarn of course), & the supermarket (stocked well up!!!). Then came the wild goose chase of Trivial Complaints. No pubs, no cafes, no hot drinks from takeaways...
I had 20-30 minutes before my bus after this to go when a lady invites me to her home just across the street. She's a carer & has been working a LOT due to some other carers being too scared to drive in the snow. She lives with her husband in a house they're turning into a B&B. Both the couple are friendly & cheery. I got to use her bathroom & drink a lovely coffee there. When I left there were only 3 minutes to wait, the lady went to see another client, & the fellow stood with me waiting for my bus while he smoked a cigarette. So I got the bus & made it home.
There was a text on my phone from an unrecognised number, so I asked who it was, & an old pal got in touch!!! All while I was changing my socks (they got wet) & sort6ing my messages out.
Also, before this I FINISHED THE BLANKET!!!
LMK if you want to see...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on January 20, 2024, 12:13:09 AM
I didn't get the job. I just need to keep applying, it's OK for now. I'm going to my Mum and Dad's today to meet up with my sister and niece. My daughter will love seeing her cousin who is a lot older but they like spending time together. The snow never transpired here, just one hard frost.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Shaiyeh on January 20, 2024, 11:05:56 AM
I've spent my entire day sleeping off a migraine with nausea. Fun times :(
We had fun and important future planning on the schedule today, but that will have to be another day.
Other than that, I got into a test knit group I'm really excited about. I'll be knitting David a beer-themed hat. I just need to get through a lot of 1x1 ribbing before the fun can really start x)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 20, 2024, 09:22:36 PM
Artie  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Shaiyeh, what a nightmare!!! Get well soon xxx

Here goes me trying to bake bread for the first time... I made the dough last night, then portioned it out after a few hours. Today I bake it...
It's cold enough to prompt me to try knitting legwarmers...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 20, 2024, 10:54:00 PM
BC John writes notes too. I can write down the important words if I need to remember them, like when talking to the health care I need to write down my sympomts or I would forget some.

Shayieh I feel so sorry for you. Migraines are the worst! :hug:

Today is an interesting day, still early morning, but still. I was gonna have a layover but on the way down yesterday we learnt that todays train was cancelled and was offered to go back home an hour after arrival on a competitors train. We opted for that, so instead of sleeping in a hotell I got to ride first class back home and sleep in my own bed. I was home around 1am. I was supposed to work on a train back, have an hour break and then do a short tour. But that one is cancelled as well. So when I am supposed to start today I get to be in the office instead being "available" meening drinking tea, reading a book and laying puzzles. Not bad for a Sunday shift I would say. I feel bad for the passengers, who get to ride on a bus instead but wow.. sunday rides from Sundsvall are not fun to work so I'm kind of relieved
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 21, 2024, 08:38:39 AM
It's so cold :brr:

My aquarium stuff should come today, so that will be fun to put together :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Shaiyeh on January 21, 2024, 08:45:36 AM
PBW & beldarna - :hug: thank you!

Today has been better, thankfully. I woke up still with a headache but double-loaded on painkillers, and had a lovely ride with the horse. Fuzzy brained and slightly nauseous, but it was SO nice to get out.

BC - oooh aquarium! what will you keep? I miss keeping a tank ;_;
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 22, 2024, 12:35:09 AM
Beldarna phew!!!
BC sounds fun!!!
Shaiyeh glad you were well enough to enjoy a ride xxx

My bread was a success!!! 4 mini loaves about the size of small baps & a larger mini loaf enough to go with a tin of soup. The tiny ones went with butter & nutella. The bread turned out very crusty on the outside, but lovely & bready on the inside. May cook on lower temp for longer next time, & will deffo add herbs, or garlic, or...
But overall pleased wi the result!!! I can bake bread in the air fryer & it works!!! Happy me!!! :accomplished:
Otherwise quiet day staying indoors. Continuing on the legwarmers. Size looking good so far, not sure how the yarn will last but eBay has some more in case...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 22, 2024, 07:20:01 AM
back to work today. the weekend was way too short. also i have to work this weekend so not great :( i feel like i don't get any time to just relax and do nothing. being an adult is too tiring.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 22, 2024, 08:46:55 AM
I had a ten hour shift today. Back and fourth four times to the small town an hour away in a snowstorm. But we made it. It had started to rain when I went home so it feels good to be inside now, drinking tea and cosy up with the laptop on the couch. Hubby is out for a walk and when he comes back we're gonna watch Love is Blind Sweden on Netflix. It's our new guilty pleasure :lookround:.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 22, 2024, 09:39:31 AM
I feel better today, but not good enough to visit my mom. Hopefully tomorrow.

Today I'm cleaning. Breaking down boxes and organizing some things. I'd love to set up my fish tank but I'm still waiting for the hardscape to get here.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Kitcatepic on January 22, 2024, 05:35:48 PM
I went to the mall today and bought some hair clips
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 23, 2024, 05:02:39 AM
Beth awww, hope you get some time off!!!
Beldarna glad you made it!!!
BC productive day!!!
Kitcatepic that sounds fun!!!

Made the film day yesterday & it was good. Coffee was on today & it was fun!!! My coffee pal & her fellow were there & we all had a fun chat, including the bread, last week's snow, & what I've been doing meanwhile.
I'm reclaiming the bathroom bit by bit. The other day I put up the tall shelf which fits the screw-on sucker pads, then yesterday my sticky hooks arrived & they fit the along-the-bath shelf well enough so they're holding that up. I've also hooked up some wall fish so I'm doing well. I'm now going through my wall stickers, & have come to the conclusion I need some smaller ones... Time to get ordering those!!!
My Little Starglow order arrived & my loot is in, so as well as getting a few messages & my electric stocked up, I'll get Little Butterfly & a rearing earth blank for the new DTIYS project...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 23, 2024, 05:54:54 AM
Sounds like you're having fun decorating the bathroom, PBW :)

My legs hurt today. I'm doing laundry and plan to take a shower once it warms up a little. Then I need to keep cleaning/organizing. Need to change the bedsheets too, but I do not like doing that so I might put it off for another day...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 23, 2024, 09:23:12 AM
I was having a day off today. Me and John met up with his mom and went shopping for a bit. I had three items on the list and came home with a bag full of stuff. I went a bit crazy in a discount store :lookround:. Afterwards we ate the buffé at our favorite chinese restaurant. When we came home I took a long footbath in my footbath machine, cut of excess dead skin and applied glue to my cracks and lots and lots of lotions and read a book while doing it.

Now I'm making Tikka Masala with basmati rice so I have some lunch tomorrow. I'm still full from the buffet so no need for dinner, lol.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 24, 2024, 01:33:57 PM
BC changing the whole bed is a big effort so you can't do it until you're ready for said effort, so I don't blame you xxx
Beldarna as long as it was stuff you like/ can use, it's money well spent!!!

The Wednesday night meeting is once per month but when it happens it's good & I have pals who only go there. It was on & I'm just back from it. Wall stickers are a hassle to mount but I'm getting there with them, also other stickers are going up bit by bit so yaiy!!! Also had somebody round for my last wee niggle, so that's sorted. Still waiting for outside of extractor fan to be done, then I'll be signed off bathroom-wise & able to paint!!! (bring that on).
I put in the Starglow order...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 26, 2024, 09:07:57 AM
I had a short morning shift today so I've spent the day sleeping, eating and watching the wedding episode of Love is Blind with John. A couple I really did not think would say yes did it. I also saw a three episode documentary about five star luxury hotels in the UK. I don't know why I did it but I did. Now I know where not to stay if I ever get over there, lol.
I've cuddled with the cats and drank a lot of tea. Not sure what to do the rest of the evening.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 26, 2024, 02:55:31 PM
I was able to visit my mom today :) I had an allergy attack in the uber on my way home though. I had to tell the driver that it was just allergies, that I wasn't sick or anything. He was side eyeing me while I was coughing.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 26, 2024, 04:11:07 PM
.... so stressed about the surgery... 

"Inside my heart is breaking
My makeup may be flaking
But my smile still stays on
The show must go on" -- QUEEN
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 26, 2024, 04:54:18 PM
Squirmy  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
BC glad you got to see your mother!!! Allergies are a pain though xxx
Beldarna glad you had QT wi the moggies xxx

Noisy coffee (the one wi the children) had its first one today so it was busy. I managed to get a few coffees, a waffle, some fruit, & some other snacks, as well as a chat. I like one of the mothers there as well as the staff.
Afterwards decided to go on the safe side & order a third ball of the colour I'm currently knitting with, & found it was a great idea to do so due to finishing the first ball before finishing the first item, & as these are a pair, I need enough yarn for both. By the looks I can manage wi three balls though so I'm good there.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 26, 2024, 10:37:33 PM
BC yaay for getting to see mom!

lovesbabysquirmy :hug:

PBW yum waffles.

A new day. I'm gonna go to grandpa in a couple of hours and help take down the christmas decorations. Mom will be there. Grandpas brother-in-law past away earlier this year and yesterday was the funeral so I'm thinking it will be a bit sad today.
When I get home I need to eat something light and pretty myself up. At three pm my job has an "dealing with customers in a nice way" course and afterwards dinner and bowling at a restaurant. Here's hoping that will be fun. Some of the nice people will be there and it's a free meal. I've not bowled (is that how you say it?) in four years. I hope I'll do good, lol.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 27, 2024, 10:01:26 AM
Squirmy :hug: Positive vibes to you and your husband :heart:

Beldarna, yes bowled is correct :) Both my parents were serious bowlers when I was a kid. They had custom made balls and everything. I had a birthday party at the ally once, it was so much fun.

I'm very sore from yesterday, so I'm taking it easy. I need to keep cleaning but I'll do some lighter things today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 27, 2024, 11:59:40 AM
Beldarna, I've rarely ten-pin bowled & never grass bowled ever!!! Still, nobody turns down free food!!!
BC I bet you are!!! Take it easy...

I'm progressing with the stickers, but there are still gaps I want to fill wi stuff... & it can't be unlaminated paper (learnt that when taking the posters down!!!). I know how to arrange some of the stuff, but the rest is the bother...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on January 29, 2024, 03:43:11 AM
I'm going to playgroup with the baby after lunch. Have had a fairly quiet morning: put on a casserole, picked some flowers, bought some baby shoes (more complicated than I thought!) and talked to a recruiter.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 29, 2024, 04:43:08 AM
Artie enjoy playgroup!!!

I have a cold. It hit my throat first, as well as making me really tired. Now it's in my nose. I must have got it last Friday. I'm supposed to have a thing today, but can't go due to misbehaving nose. The decongestant takes a bit to kick in...
Hopefully I can go to tomorrow's coffee, but I'll be wearing a mask to it (I still have the ones from pandemic precaution times)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 29, 2024, 06:57:50 AM
The temp dropped again, it's cold. Aster doesn't like it and she still won't sleep in a cat bed. Today I have to clean like mad, so I'm glad it's cold and not hot and humid.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on January 29, 2024, 07:14:12 AM
cleaning is so much easier when it's not hot and humid!

feel better soon PBW :) :hug:

back to work. i'm tired from having to stay up for almost 24 hours Saturday. Dog woke me up at 5am Saturday and then i had to stay up for work stuff until 3am Sunday. Waking up today was a challenge. ugh.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 30, 2024, 03:11:40 AM
Thanks BC. Turns out I am really bad at it, lol.

Today was Simbas follow up appointment. The conclusion was to lower the dose from 2.0 to 1.5 and since he wont eat the vetfood anymore we can give him something else for a while and give him urinary occasionaly as long as he eats the urinary kibbles. His teeth looked fine, which was a huge relief so the vet said he's probably just tired of the vetfood. Follow up appointment in a month.

We're gonna go to the supermarket later and shop some groceries. I have a free cake to pick up as well :biggrin:. We're gonna buy the old brand of food Simba likes and stuff to make tacos later.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 30, 2024, 03:51:23 AM
That's great news! He'll be happy to have his old food again :)

Man, it's COLD this morning. It's damp and foggy and cold :brr: I made some cappuccino.

Today is the last day I can clean before the inspection. I just have to move some boxes out of the way and clean the floors. That's it.

I need to buy a bunch of household stuff (garbage bags, cleaners, laundry soap, etc. ), they all run out at the same time. I also want to get some things for my wool after the ant incident (see trivial complaints). I don't think I'll be able to get the rest of the stuff for my tank since I have to get these other things, which is a bummer. I'll have to wait another month.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 30, 2024, 04:40:37 AM
BC hope you get the cleaning done!!! And such a shame about your felting wool xxx
Beldarna Hope Simba does well xxx
Beth cheers xxx And hope you get some sleep xxx

Still not 100% but better than yesterday, so wore a mask to the coffee morning, telling folks why. Got messages & more Sudafed, the cashier noticed & saw I was masked up, & a bit more in electric because the bank said I could spare a bit...
Apparently I can borrow the DVD at some point from yesterday's film day, so I'll do that later.
I'll be napping more as last night was pretty fitful...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 30, 2024, 10:21:28 AM
Simba loved getting his old food back. He greeted it like an old friend and munched like he'd never eaten before. It was heartwarming to see! Happy cat, happy owner.

I got to know a big secret today and I'm not alowed to share it yet and I don't dare post it even here. I want to scream it from the rooftops and I can't stop smiling. This is hard!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Loa on January 30, 2024, 12:57:33 PM
I have Covid. Again!
My coworker saw a client on Wednesday who kept coughing, unmasked. By Friday my co-worker was feeling funny and he went home early. By Monday morning I was sick with Covid again.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on January 30, 2024, 05:18:29 PM
I have Covid. Again!
My coworker saw a client on Wednesday who kept coughing, unmasked. By Friday my co-worker was feeling funny and he went home early. By Monday morning I was sick with Covid again.

Oh no! We were just talking about sick people not wearing masks. Why do they do this??
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on January 30, 2024, 11:27:58 PM
Get well soon, Loa!

I'm trying to get some writing done to meet a deadline, but I'm cold and sleepy.  :(  Wearing a hoodie and a cardigan and a heated wheat pad over my shoulders, lol. It's not colder here than usual, and I'm not feeling unwell, so it must be because I'm tired. I tried to get up super early but it's not working very well for me, I've already wasted so much time trying to wake myself up. It would've been better to just sleep some more (I already took a 15 min nap) :silly:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 31, 2024, 01:38:26 AM
Oh, no Loa! I hope you get well soon :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 31, 2024, 06:45:05 AM
feel better soon!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on January 31, 2024, 08:34:53 AM
Me and John took a bus across town today and walked back by the river. We began walking by the church my grandmas ashes are scattered so I went to the memorial to say hi and started to cry. I was not expecting that.
It was a good walk, but we had a wet cold today so despite it only being -2C I was freezing into the bones after only a little while. Had I known I would have taken another pair of shoes and jacket. But I did not expect a wet cold in january! :( I've been home for two hours, taken a hot shower and two cups of tea and are buried under two blankets and I'm just now starting to warm up :brr:.

We stopped by our old favorite hamburger joint on the way home. We used to go there every time since we first started seeing each other, we went there and then to the movies once or twice a month. But two years ago they did a huge renovation and got permission to sell alcohol. They changed their entire menue and the way to order and when we tried it we were so dissapointed. We've not been there since but decided to try today on a whim and were not impressed this time either.. The french fries were still the best but the burger did not match the price. But lucky me have a princess cake to eat later so I'm all good :biggrin:.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on January 31, 2024, 09:51:22 PM
Loa oh no!!! How hard is it to mask up when you're not feeling 100%??? Not very. So why aren't peeps doing it??? Get well soon xxx
Griffin being tired is not fun xxx And after 24 hours awake we do feel colder!!!
Beldarna sounds like that cry was needed xxx

Snivel, internet, Sudafed, food, water & hot drinks, naps. Wind outside mad. Packages arrived. Knitting added to things I do because one was yarn. Just staying in since Tuesday except opening door to postie.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 01, 2024, 04:51:27 AM
I am FREEEE~ of anxiety over the inspection and no more heavy duty cleaning (I do want to finish the floors, I never got to the hallway and bathroom - but I can do it on my time at my own pace). I am playing The Sims all day today :D
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 02, 2024, 06:18:26 AM
Beldarna :tort: :birthday:

Too tired to do Friday thing. Nose still a bit troublesome but I think it's time to start on the chest medicine, due to the inevitable gunk...
More knitting. It's going well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on February 02, 2024, 06:36:08 AM
Happy Birthday Beldarna!!!  :cheer: :tackleglomp: :birthday:


Work today. it's supposed to be stormy today but i have to run at least one errand. I can wait until tomorrow but that would be last minute.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 02, 2024, 07:12:43 AM
Happy birthday Beldarna!!
 :lol: :birthday:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 02, 2024, 08:13:36 AM
I got a new garbage disposal this morning AND a call from Social security! :cheer: Will update my WYP post!

Today I am still relaxing and playing games. Monday I will start working on ponies again :D
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 02, 2024, 04:25:16 PM
happy birthday!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 03, 2024, 08:57:49 AM
Oh, my! Thank you! :heart: PBW, Beth, Cowboyopossum and lbs, you are so sweet! :hug:

Today I woke up way too early in a wonderful hotelroom with an amazing view from the 18th floor. I had a wonderful breakfast that was beyond worlds. I got to see my nephews and play some games with one of them (the other one being too young). A car ride home and since we had a car went for a trip to Ikea so now I have a little table for my diamond paintings, no need to sit at the crowded desk or take up space in the livingroom.
We also went groceryshopping and took my MIL with us so she could take advantage of the car as well.

Now I'm on my second cup of tea at home. I've gone through all of my pictures from yesterday and today and uploaded some of them on Facebook.. I found messages from you here. and it's so sweet and I am so touched! :heart: Thanks everyone! My birthday just got way better! This is the best second home ever! :hug: I think I'll post about the birthday in my WyP thread so anyone interested can read about it there.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on February 03, 2024, 04:53:23 PM
Sounds like a great day Beldarna :) i'm glad you had a good birthday!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 04, 2024, 09:04:21 AM
I slept for a really long time. I feel better though :)

It's more gaming today for me. Maybe a movie later, streaming, not actually going to the theater. I don't even know where to go to see a movie, since the one in the mall is so gross.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 04, 2024, 12:08:19 PM
Beldarna, I read your bd post on WYP & it sounds like you had a great time!!!
Beth it's stormy here too... Stay safe xxx
BC glad you got the disposal replaced, & yep, long sleeps!!!

FINALLY stopped the Sudafeds as I have much less of a nose!!! Also started the chesty medicine.
It am friken WIMDY!!! Like a lot!!! At least I don't need to go out before Monday...
I need to clean myself off, & do a laundry, because I've been bundled up against this cold (weather & illness). I'm thinking bath...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on February 05, 2024, 07:01:42 AM
the storms passed through without any issues. i think it was hailing and that woke me up in the middle of the night. we also got some much needed rain.

I'm glad you're feeling better PBW :)

today it's back to work. i have a lot to do because i procrastinated.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 06, 2024, 01:35:50 AM
I'm off today. I've been to the store to buy some tulips and tea. I love white tulips, they're my favorite flowers. Unfortunaly they only had one white bouquet and I like two so I got a burgundy one as well. Now i wonder if I should mix them or keep them separated :wonder:.

After one PM I'm gonna go over to my formercoworkernowfriend and play some board games and drink tea. It will be nice, she was the one who invited me over which made me really happy. I tried setting something up with her before christmas but she never got back to me so.. yeah. Hopefully this will be good :).

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 06, 2024, 04:50:13 AM
I had that bath!!! And also have some laundry going. Need more laundry stuff...
Made it out yesterday, masked up. The DVD didn't work; we got 5 minutes in & it hit a glitch & wouldn't play!!! So we watched another instead.
Made it out today, also masked up. The wet & cold is NOT helping my nose... Plenty of food at Coffee Morning & then I got messages & some electric.
The gutter broke on the hall across from me, so scaffold is up & they're fixing it. In the wind which earlier tore it down. Sounds like they're using power tools to pin it in place.
Meanwhile getting on wi knitting, nearly done yaiy!!! And also got a couple of Customs finished!!!

Beldarna enjoy the hangout xxx
Beth glad you got through ok xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on February 06, 2024, 06:19:42 AM
Baths are great when you're not feeling 100% :) Beldarna, i hope you had a great time with your formercoworkerfriend :)

lots of work calls today. i also have to finish up my admin work. i did a lot yesterday. just a little more to go. the weekend can't get here soon enough. i feel a bit down today. hopefully i'll get in a better mood later. usually it's the opposite for me :( i really have days where i just want to be by myself and not talk to anyone. but work forces me to. not sure if that's a positive or a negative.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 06, 2024, 08:31:53 AM
I hope you have fun, Beldarna!

Can't wait to see your new stuff, PBW!

Beth, sorry you're feeling down :hug:

Today I am cleaning off my art desk and working on ponies. It's cold again though, and my hands are freezing, so I might wait til later in the day to get started.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 07, 2024, 02:41:40 AM
I had a fantastic afternoon yesterday. I got to play Ticket to ride for the first time and actually won with a lot! It was so much fun. I didn't think I would be able to remember all the rules bit it went very well :satisfied:.

Friday is the last day to put in our vacation requests for the summer so I have to check that up today as I work tomorrow and friday. It's february.. summer is soooo far away, so I don't feel like I know now when I want my vacation :pout:. Hard to start that one. I'm making chili for John right now. He's in such a chili mood it feels insane, this is the third batch I make in a few weeks. Every batch gives him around 7 to 9 meals. I'm trying a new chili spice mix he found at the discount store. It looked scary and just the tip of a teaspoon is enough to make me sweat. He wants it hot so I put four tea spoons in the pot. I hope he'll likes it :angel:.

The rest of the day I'm thinking starting up my last diamond painting ^.^. This one is of myself, but John had photoshopped it to a cool magic thing. It's the largest one yet. I have a little table to make it on now but I need to sit on the floor.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 07, 2024, 10:35:20 AM
I'm so glad you had a good time! :D Congrats on winning!

I need to do laundry today, I'm running out of clothes and I've worn my sweat shirt for three days now. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I should take a shower... but it's so cold! I can at least wash my hair in the sink.

I haven't had much of an appetite lately but yesterday I bought stuff to make sandwiches. Simple and easy.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 07, 2024, 03:50:57 PM
I NEED to take piccies today, especially as I FINISHED the knitting project!!! It's so cosy & lovely looking!!!
Had a VERY long sleep again, but I think it was the "get rid of the last bit of my cold" sleep so all good there.

BC you can use a flannel & warm water & soap if need be, just doing a bit of you at a time. For downstairs you can sit on the lavatory while washing. I had to do that while my bathroom was getting redone... And I hope you get some laundry done xxx
Beldarna glad you had fun on the game!!! What did you win??? Anything you can show us???
Beth cheers!!! I'm all better now!!! It might help if you keep your chatter only to work if you can't manage too much, & at home just do quiet stuff as far as possible xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 08, 2024, 02:52:24 AM
I need to do some laundry as well, our towels are long due. But I don't feel like it today. Maybe tomorrow.

PBW I did not win anything. I played a board game with a friend and won with a lots of points. No prizes. I hope to see piccies of those legwarmers! :)

I've finnished my shift today. I had a lovley traveler who tried to cheat. Always a pleasure to deal with. I won. I began my new painting yesterday and will probably continue today. Need to eat some lunch first :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 09, 2024, 08:24:47 AM
Beldarna see Smile thread here (Woolcraft seems to be archived)...
Glad you managed to deal with the traveller xxx

I got the piccies taken, & one is in the Smile thread now!!! I'm working on a few more Customs at the minute, & the one wi the paint taking ages to dry got a tissue on her & a repaint & hopefully that helps because it was getting ridiculous.
I made it to Friday coffee (the one with the children), & saw a few pals there which was good. I got a couple of bits from the Co-op including new laundry capsules as I had one left. Got home & did the last bit of laundry I needed to do.
I may do some cooking or baking later...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 10, 2024, 05:41:07 AM
For the first time in three years I got my electric bill down so there is no more deferred balance! :frolic:

I'm in the "budget bill" program, which evens out your monthly bill by adding to months with low cost and taking away from months with high cost. Well, I've been keeping my windows open for a couple months now and I've paid off what was "extra" (even though it's not really), so my bill is my ACTUAL usage, and it was only $88 this month! That's much better than 100+

Of course, when it gets hot it's going to be killer, but I can enjoy this while it lasts.

Today, I have all my bills paid :)

I'd like to try and get the mail later. I need to clean up the bedroom and kitchen. Do more laundry. Really need to wash my blankets.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on February 10, 2024, 08:31:00 AM
today we're supposed to bring over take out for my parents. it's stormy today but i still want to go. the restaurant is about an hour's drive round trip so it's a lot for a rainy day :( i didn't check the weather before we decided on saturday.

other than that i'm going to do some cleaning and play video games.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 11, 2024, 04:45:35 AM
BC congrats on getting your bill down!!!
Beth the weather does that to us!!! Hope it's still a fun day xxx

I have a few crochet WIPS waiting for completion, mostly simple stitches, so I picked up one to continue on rather than start a whole new project!!! One of my Customs is doing really well, another needs a touch up, & the one wi the paint problem... AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHH!!! I'll have to leave her be for now... At least there's other stuff to work on...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 11, 2024, 09:37:29 AM
It's warmer today so I took a shower :accomplished:

I still need to do more laundry. I have to clean out my linen closet and put stuff I never use in space bags. I'd like to buy new towels but there's no room to put anything else in there. I should probably work on ponies though. I made my goal to finish two of them this month and I haven't done much work on either yet.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 11, 2024, 09:56:23 AM
We sat down and looked through our finances today.. with the rent increase and Simbas medication we needed to up the transfers to the bills account and the cat account. Luckily we have enough buffer in the bills account to cover the retroactive rent in Mars. I made the decision to up the amount I put in two of my savings accounts as well. How is that for adulting?

I made up for it by spending a lot of hours on my diamond painting and then look at videos on Youtube :biggrin:.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 13, 2024, 04:29:52 AM
Beldarna you wise lady!!! Proud of you xxx
BC yaiy for getting a shower!!! Hope you get stuff done!!!

Things I did not manage to do:
Get the card in the bin for Monday!!! Going to have to grab cereal boxes & fill them with paper & card...
Half of my dishes. Meaning I got some done but the rest I didn't get to do. At least I changed the water...
More Pony work. I keep looking at them & going, nope, give them a bitty longer... & I keep having other things to work on.
Get to the film day. Fortunately it was one of my donated DVDs so all good.
Things I did manage to do:
Make a pancake mix into the pancakes I like. Just took a bit of baking powder & milk. Also added a drop of nutmeg, some cinnamon, & some ginger (I have no cloves but that was the three which are recommended for sweet foods). I have some liquid left from when I stewed the apples & have kept it in the fridge. It goes well wi the pancakes.
Work more on the crochet WIP. Been hacking at it bit by bit, about six rows a day.
Get to coffee morning, when I found out what yesterday's film was. Also got a few messages.
Bakana's fifth birthday is coming & I want to spoil the sharky xxx (I'll enjoy the treats too)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 13, 2024, 09:57:30 AM
Thank you. I did not feel wise but I did feel proud  :biggrin:.

I have a 24 hour workshift.. I began at 8 am today, having gone back and forth all day, is having a layover now and is back on a train in nine hours. And is off from work at 8 am tomorrow..:snore: I did not think it would go as well as it did but my body is tired and my feet ache. I don't sleep well at this hotell, the pillows are awful but with the day being as it was hopefully I'm tired enough to be able to sleep, otherwise it will be zombie mode tomorrow. I have my laptop with Netflix at least. No kettle but I brought my large termos with tea water.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 13, 2024, 11:45:15 AM
Thanks, PBW. I didn't get much done though :lol:

Today my back hurts really bad. I don't know why, maybe I slept all twisted. I slept for a long time.

I've decided to enter a contest on another site. I'm going to be sculpting ponies and some miniatures. I can work on my customs at the same time. I really wish I had a convection oven just for my clay though.

Today I need to make a few calls and figure out how to move the palms back to the living room, they're still in the tub. I think I can use my cart, but I don't know if I'll be able to lift the ponytail palm out, especially with my back being so bad today. I don't want to leave them in there too long, there's no window in the bathroom and it's dark all the time :huh:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 14, 2024, 05:46:56 AM
I hope your back is better BC.

I came home late this morning, yaay overtime.. ate breakfast and fell asleep on the couch. John had worked night and since both Ninja and Simba were sleeping on the bed John also slept on the couch, still is.

I want to eat lunch but feel like I should wait for John. We're not a romantic couple, but at least eating a late lunch together on valentines is something we should do. Other than that, I'm gonna listen to music and diamont paint.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on February 14, 2024, 07:02:35 AM
Just went to the supermarket with my Mum and the baby. I've torn a ligament in the top of my left foot hefting the baby around and I need to rest it really. Fairly uneventful day so far.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 14, 2024, 07:49:25 AM
Still so wiped out from the waiting room at the hospital... urgh ... I have to figure out when we can visit
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 14, 2024, 08:17:23 AM
Hey Squirmy, I know this will sound in bad taste, but think about taking some pictures while you're there. They will be interesting to look back on. My sister had taken some pictures when I got home of my mom shaving the rest of my hair off, and I still had the staples and everything. I'm glad I have those now.

I feel better today :) I slept for a long time again.

Today is more ponies and miniatures. I also have a nice turkey breast I need to make with mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. I have a craving for Thanksgiving food :P
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Taffeta on February 14, 2024, 09:59:56 AM
I finally got around to doing the vaccuuming. I kept meaning to and then things kept coming up.
Yesterday I was shopping with Dad, the day before I went into town on another errand, and I'm still working on editing a private project, which is taking up a lot of other time.

But I did get some compost today, so I can hopefully plant my seeds tomorrow. Yay! I have the little propagators all ready. They will be on my windowsill for now. I hope there's room between Bethan and Maggie for a second one, as I'm not sure if I can squeeze two between Maggie and the old spider plant...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 14, 2024, 02:06:27 PM
Taffeta good on you getting chores done!!! And have fun wi the plants!!!
BC shame your back interfered wi your stuff to do xxx Enjoy making & eating the food!!!
Squirmy  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Artie take it easy on your foot xxx
Beldarna glad you got some needed rest xxx

I too had a long sleep, like REALLY long!!! Only interrupted twice
First interruption: post. I'm ordering some stuff, mostly bathroom decor as I need a bit more. Some of it arrived & I'll put it up later.
Second interruption: the meter reader. Thank heavens they sent somebody to read it!!! It's hard enough to find my account number & use it for stuff. And the reading was very short.
I've ordered other stuff & I have a fee to pay card for some of it... They've put a reference but it's four characters & I've not seen that in Royal Mail packages so I'll have to try the no reference number bit if it works...
I'm single so Valentine's means nothing in romantic terms. I'm just snuggling my sharky a lot, including in bed...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 15, 2024, 09:01:16 AM
I watched my Sims make out for Valentine's :lol:

Today I feel pretty good! I'm finally going to move the plants back. I vacuumed the area and I'll put down some diatomaceous earth on the carpet and on the saucers. I also got some more ant spray and will spray the baseboards and window sill.

My aquarium plants are being delivered today! :frolic: I had to order another 5 gallon from PetSmart because I accidentally cracked the one I have last night -_- They are still on sale for 11 bucks, so it's not a huge loss. I'll hang onto it for an emergency hamster tank. I already ordered another one and it will be delivered today too. I look forward to setting it up! I need to keep the plants quarantined for 2-4 weeks to make sure they are pest free.

Other than that, not much going on.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 15, 2024, 05:24:10 PM
yeah my husband took some pictures of the crazy incision - it's a question mark shape on top of his head. 
thankfully his hair will cover some of it... although we've never cared much about scars, they have interesting stories behind them :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 15, 2024, 09:52:20 PM
Oh, so they did a craniotomy? Huh.

You'll both be glad you have those pictures :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 16, 2024, 02:37:50 AM
25 minutes before departure I got a call from the driver saying the train is frozen and they can't start it so the tour is cancelled. Meaning I spent the workshift at the office drinking tea and laying puzzle. I feel sorry for the travelers, luckily they were not that many.. and that poor person who have to go through everything in the bistro and throw away everything. What a waste :(.

I've cleaned the toilett so far. Need to do some laundry as well. The yearly booksale starts on tuesday so I'm gonna go through the catalogue today as well. I work the entire day so this is the first time in all the years that I can't go on the first day and need to place an online order instead.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 16, 2024, 04:44:33 AM
BC exciting stuff on the fish thing!!!
Beldarna snow can be a pain, but at least most things worked out xxx
Squirmy a question mark??? Nice, hope recovery progresses well xxx

Yesterday I went out to town, & got some mini rolls & a TY sharky called Finsley, among other fun bits including a G4 playset I didn't yet have!!!
Today is my sharky Bakana's birthday!!! She's 5. I took the mini rolls to the noisy coffee morning & they were enjoyed. I also wrote out some sharky facts & drew a few sharks (not sure if my whale shark drawing was 100% accurate but they get the idea). People enjoyed the sharky facts. I also drew a couple of sharky eggs.
I made pizza dough last night because I haven't made my own pizza in a while... It's now HUGE!!! I think I'll get four bases out of it...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 16, 2024, 06:02:11 AM
Happy Birthday to Bakana! :biggrin:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 16, 2024, 06:33:57 AM
I didn't get a lot of sleep, so I don't know how productive I'll be today. My carpal tunnel is bothering me too.

My aquarium plants are doing fine, though there are two little spots on the glass? Might be snail babies. But that's why I am quarantining them.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 17, 2024, 07:45:44 AM
waiting to hear updates from husband about his hospital stay... doing more laundry and dishes...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 17, 2024, 02:37:10 PM
I made the pizza!!! The dough was enough for four portions so I may make a flatbread later, as the sauce is enough for three. My bought pregrate went perfectly on top & it was amazing!!! Heating the veggies in the air fryer for 5 minutes helps the pizza be less soggy too. Allo in all yum!!! Watch a fun film later, got bd wishes for Bakana on the sharky server while saying happy bd to her bd twin on there (she's exactly the same age as the main shark on the server!!!), then went to bed around midnight. Was a long day so I slept for a good while.
Oh & I only have one pic left to take...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 18, 2024, 07:09:23 AM
I met up with my user, the one I'm a contact person for and went for a long walk. I've been walking 17900+ steps today. I'm pretty done. I have a cup of hot cocoa, a cup of green lemon tea and a small bag of potatoechip to consume and my diamond painting to do.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 18, 2024, 07:30:58 AM
It's cold and raining today. The wind is howling at my windows. I already went back to bed once. I might do it again. This kind of weather used to be my favorite, but it's just too cold for me now. Rain can be nice, but not this...

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on February 18, 2024, 03:57:41 PM
I was working on building my chicken coop today!  Hopefully I can get new chickens in the spring!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on February 19, 2024, 12:14:06 AM
Yay for chickens! I wish we could have some here. Which breed are you getting?

Its Monday again, yesterday we went to see Dad and my sister was also there. My Mum is in hospital with a kidney stone, all a bit worrying but not the worst news. Today it's just me and the baby, who is now huge and not really a baby any more. She now has wellies. But still not quite walking and still not quite teeth. I will take her to play group in the afternoon.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 19, 2024, 07:38:16 AM
Yay chickens!

Today is art day. I was up all night though, so I'll probably crash at some point.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on February 19, 2024, 04:46:01 PM
Artemesia, I would like to rescue again like my last chickens if possible, but if not I want to get something like a buff or lavender Orpington.  Big and fluffy chickens!
Although the coop wasn’t ready yet, three hens showed up on my local animal controls website.  I tried to get them this past weekend but someone beat me😩😭
They had two ducks but I don’t have a water feature for them and I think it’s unfair to have ducks without water.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 20, 2024, 06:01:04 AM
Me and Mom went to the city to shop yesterday. I found a cutie mark crew Pinkie plush, without a cutie mark?? I also found a Christmas g3 pony and that flapping wing Twilight that came with a castle.

I got a lot of new books too, some to fill out my Warriors collection and The Brothers Karamazov + The Idiot by Dostoevsky. I've really been enjoying his books lately, its something about the classics that charm me.

I also found a bunch of random plushies, such as a Pokemon w/tag and a Neopets exclusive.

No luck with LPS, but we went to a really good Chinese place and Trader Joe's.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 20, 2024, 03:18:54 PM
Been so sleepy!!! In between I baked bread, had a shower, did my dishes, missed the film again, & managed the coffee!!!
My bundle from Clipper arrived, & the new Ponies are gorgeous!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on February 21, 2024, 12:45:30 AM
I made the pizza!!! The dough was enough for four portions so I may make a flatbread later, as the sauce is enough for three. My bought pregrate went perfectly on top & it was amazing!!! Heating the veggies in the air fryer for 5 minutes helps the pizza be less soggy too. Allo in all yum!!! Watch a fun film later, got bd wishes for Bakana on the sharky server while saying happy bd to her bd twin on there (she's exactly the same age as the main shark on the server!!!), then went to bed around midnight. Was a long day so I slept for a good while.
Oh & I only have one pic left to take...

Heya, pizza sounds great! We have tried with a normal bread recipe but not had great results. Have you got any tips?

@cowboypossum woa Dostoyevski! Reading Dostoyevski at the moment is a great idea. I loved Crime and Punishment. Well, at least it definitely left an impression on me! I'm on a more spiritual tip at the moment though and have read The Power of Now recently. I then decided to read the Bible from start to finish, like a novel. Well, I'm on Samuel. It's a challenge that's all I can say. Today is a quiet day. Mum is in hospital so no visit from Grannie today. No swimming due to the school holidays. I'm not sure if baby notices these things but I will take her out to a cafe with kid's toys later today I think. She deserves some activities this week.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 21, 2024, 02:05:48 AM
Today I'm walking around with my phone on high volume if the person that called me yesterday is trying to call again. I hate when they call and wont leave a message so I can't get back to them. I even brought the phone to the bathroom. So far nothing. My diamond painting awaits and so does my cup of forest fruit tea.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 21, 2024, 06:49:13 AM
@cowboypossum woa Dostoyevski! Reading Dostoyevski at the moment is a great idea. I loved Crime and Punishment. Well, at least it definitely left an impression on me!

Hasn't it? I am about halfway through, almost at part 4. It feels so realistic! Do we know if he killed anyone?  :shocked:
It is such a nice read, although wording can get confusing. I just love classic literature. He has a special place on my shelf!

Once I tried to read the Bible like a chapter book. I was 7 or 8, I believe.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 21, 2024, 07:36:23 AM
Today I'm setting up my main tank! :frolic: I have everything I need (minus fish and shrimp). Watch my Aquarium Fish thread for pics!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 21, 2024, 07:43:20 AM
today have to take my husband to the hospital to remove his staples from his head incision.
yay another day of work that I have to miss... it's getting impossible to catch up and do my job at this rate...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on February 21, 2024, 10:28:11 AM
today have to take my husband to the hospital to remove his staples from his head incision.
yay another day of work that I have to miss... it's getting impossible to catch up and do my job at this rate...

I'm sorry you're going throught this. I hope he's all mended very soon.

Post Merge: February 21, 2024, 10:29:31 AM

Once I tried to read the Bible like a chapter book. I was 7 or 8, I believe.

Have you read The Power of Now at all?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 21, 2024, 11:02:15 AM

Once I tried to read the Bible like a chapter book. I was 7 or 8, I believe.

Have you read The Power of Now at all?

I am not very spiritual or religious, I don't think I would glean anything from it.

Post Merge: February 21, 2024, 11:02:59 AM

today have to take my husband to the hospital to remove his staples from his head incision.
yay another day of work that I have to miss... it's getting impossible to catch up and do my job at this rate...
Ouch! I hope he feels better + you can get some work done!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on February 21, 2024, 11:29:00 AM
yeah it baffles me that people don't leave messages when they're trying to get a hold of someone. i know a lot of people don't check messages but people don't answer from unknown numbers either. if you don't leave a message i'll just assume it's a junk call or a mistake :huh:

@Artie, if i'm remembering correctly Samuel is pretty far through. some of those Old Testament books are a slog. I haven't read them all the way through. even after many many years of Catholic school. i would like to at some point.  Also, i hope your mom recovers quickly :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 21, 2024, 04:54:29 PM
I made the pizza!!! The dough was enough for four portions so I may make a flatbread later, as the sauce is enough for three. My bought pregrate went perfectly on top & it was amazing!!! Heating the veggies in the air fryer for 5 minutes helps the pizza be less soggy too. Allo in all yum!!! Watch a fun film later, got bd wishes for Bakana on the sharky server while saying happy bd to her bd twin on there (she's exactly the same age as the main shark on the server!!!), then went to bed around midnight. Was a long day so I slept for a good while.
Oh & I only have one pic left to take...

Heya, pizza sounds great! We have tried with a normal bread recipe but not had great results. Have you got any tips?
First, look up a pizza recipe online. I got my dough mix from a recipe for air fryer pizza (which suits me due to air fryer). The main difference I noticed between a basic bread & a pizza dough is the pizza dough has vinegar in it (not much, about a tablespoon, but it's there in the pizza recipe & not in the bread one).
Second, resting the dough between initial mix & knead is a big part of the bread recipe, but for pizza dough it seems you go straight from mix to knead.
Third, when rising the bread dough, it's greased. For the pizza dough, it's not. You don't grease the pizza dough until you're just about to bake it (after pricking below). Both greases are done with a coating of liquid oil.
Fourth, when putting the dough in for pizza, it's rolled out flat & thin, then pricked all over. The more pricks the better. With bread you don't make it flat, rather, you shape it gently, then bake, no pricking. The bread has to rise, while the pizza is better mostly flat.
(also for toppings, if the veggies are wet, the pizza will be. Heat them for five minutes at the same temp as you cook the pizza before putting on the pizza & the moisture will steam out of them. This is especially important if the veggies are frozen.)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on February 21, 2024, 11:23:01 PM

@Artie, if i'm remembering correctly Samuel is pretty far through. some of those Old Testament books are a slog. I haven't read them all the way through. even after many many years of Catholic school. i would like to at some point.  Also, i hope your mom recovers quickly :hug: :hug:

Numbers reads like the 'shipping forecast' if you know what that is. Maybe this is where the expression 'brass tacks' comes from. Leviticus is odd because I can't always work out whether the voice is Moses or God. Maybe there is no real distinction. After that, I find it hard working out how some of the stories relate to the Commandments, what happens and the outcomes. Sometimes the people in the stories seem to go against the Commandments and sometimes they seem to get away with it, sometimes not. I'm trying to just go through it rather than get stuck on things, thinking I will go back to it later.

Thanks, Mum is doing better. She had a kidney stone removed etc. She's mending. Although painful, it could have been worse news. Hope you're doing OK. :hug:

Post Merge: February 21, 2024, 11:36:23 PM

First, look up a pizza recipe online. I got my dough mix from a recipe for air fryer pizza (which suits me due to air fryer). The main difference I noticed between a basic bread & a pizza dough is the pizza dough has vinegar in it (not much, about a tablespoon, but it's there in the pizza recipe & not in the bread one).
Second, resting the dough between initial mix & knead is a big part of the bread recipe, but for pizza dough it seems you go straight from mix to knead.
Third, when rising the bread dough, it's greased. For the pizza dough, it's not. You don't grease the pizza dough until you're just about to bake it (after pricking below). Both greases are done with a coating of liquid oil.
Fourth, when putting the dough in for pizza, it's rolled out flat & thin, then pricked all over. The more pricks the better. With bread you don't make it flat, rather, you shape it gently, then bake, no pricking. The bread has to rise, while the pizza is better mostly flat.
(also for toppings, if the veggies are wet, the pizza will be. Heat them for five minutes at the same temp as you cook the pizza before putting on the pizza & the moisture will steam out of them. This is especially important if the veggies are frozen.)

I think we have forgotten to prick it, thank you. Will also try the vinegar and the idea of drying the toppings out a bit in the oven before putting them on the pizza. This could change everything! Will let you know :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 22, 2024, 12:15:33 AM
Noone called yesterday so it's rince repeat today. Only add on is that my workshift starts at five pm so with my luck the person probably calls when I'm on the bike and can't answer.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 23, 2024, 05:00:54 AM
Made some herby garlic bread yesterday, which is good because I was able to help Beldarna. Don't forget the online recipes Beldarna!!!
As I thought, I managed to get 2 mini loaves out of it (due to air fryer it's mini loaves).
Well, when I say yesterday, I mean two nights ago. Yesterday I watched the live action Netflix ATLA show. SO much better than the film & close to the cartoon, & I love the east Asian rep in some of the characters, especially the Fire Nation who are meant to be Japanese, so obviously full of East Asian traits. They only have the first season up, but it's so good!!! And Cabbage-man is there!!! I don't know who the actors are but they're well-chosen. The kids look young & sound young, Iroh looks as you'd expect an older warrior to look, yep, wisened & wider, but still tough as old boots. Osai is terrifying!!! Zhao is so cold-sounding, the Kyoshi warriors are lean, lithe, & strong, including the older ones. All are believable.
After the binge-watch, I went to bed for 12 hours straight!!! And woke just in time for the noisy coffee. It was good.
Today I'll make broccoli cheese soup to go wi one of my mini-loaves (the other is in the freezer).

Beldarna I hope whoever tried to call you calls again!!!
Artie I hope your mum recovers well xxx
Squirmy hope you & your husband take it easy. Surgery often has complications so regular follow-up checks are important xxx Hope all goes well xxx
Cowboy ooft they sound LONG!!! Hope they keep your attention!!!
BC exciting re tank!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 23, 2024, 07:59:38 AM
I'm sorry, Beldarna. I have phone anxiety too and am the same way when waiting for a call. Then when my phone does finally ring, it makes me jump because I'm so wound up.

I had a bad day yesterday and didn't work on my tank much. Today I want to finish it. It's halfway full of water and I have the soil, gravel and hardscapes down. I need to add more water and put the plants in, the heater, the light and filter. Then I can add all the nutrients. After that, it is tresting the water for the right parameters and when it's good, I can order my shrimp and go betta shopping.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 24, 2024, 01:36:34 AM
Me too BC. I'm exactly the same. My husband suggested I call the health care center monday to ask if it was them. I need to get a time for my appointment as well so now I have anxiety about that.

I washed my hair today. I had planned to recolour it but was out of hair dye. Now I'm doing my three face masks routine I do about once or twice a month. Himalayan Charcoal, Nigaraguan Coffee and Mediterranean Almond Milk. Cleanse, wake up and sooth. 10 minutes each. I'm also doing laundry and saturday is water every plant day! Also remove every brown leaf I find day and as we're at the end of february it's time to wake them up with some nutricion ^.^

The rest of the day I'm gonna binge watch the Last Airbender and eat cheese doodles. I really love the adaption Netflix has done. It's the best one yet! :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 24, 2024, 05:52:13 PM
Beldarna it is so good!!! Self-care is important too.
BC I peeked at your aquarium thread & your tank looks great!!!

I got the soup made, ate a portion with my garlic herb bread & both were amazing!!! I had the two heels of the loaf with butter on, then dipped the rest in the soup. It really was worth making it!!!
Getting my HQG1C bundle prompted me to do some more Pony knitting, in new yarn colours. I have some great marled yarns I'm using to make more capes, G3 jumpers, & scarves. I may use the marled purple to make legwarmers for Arachnophile, so he can stay warm & still show off his GITD symbol. He's still one of my fave Customs I've made!!!
Edit to remove the wrong stuff
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 25, 2024, 12:44:53 AM
PBW The soup and bread sounds amazing. It makes me hungry. What do you use in the soup? I've done broccoli soup before but never with cheese. I only have two episodes of the Last Airbender left and I really love that they're all asian as well. No white skin for miles and I love it. The kids are doing really well, such terrific actors at such a yong age. I wish to see pics of the legwarmers later!

There is such a beautiful weather outside so I'm gonna brave the ice, hoping they have put gravel everywhere now and go to the supermarket area. There is a petshop there and I want to buy some other flavours to Majsan. We try to mix up her food so she wont get bored but now we only have her main kibble at home. I also need new tulips. I will do some diamond painting today while clearing my head and watch the last two episodes of the Airbender :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 26, 2024, 08:56:01 AM
Beldarna bring on season 2 if it's as good as 1!!! And enjoy the good weather!!!

A few small things arrived, namely glass circle things which make great weights for Sea Ponies, & some TY Mini Boos, which are a great size for MLP pets!!! My faves of the Mini Boos are the cats, dogs, & birds, & I also got a couple of seals. The birds are owls, penguins, & flamingos. They also have dragons, but they're rarer, as well as monkeys, bears, narwhals, & a couple of others.
Sunday was a coffee & kirky, & since I like when they do it that way, I went along. With it being Lent, the topic was suffering (been there) & loneliness (know that feeling). One of the hymns was one from Titanic the film (the one with the line "for those in peril on the sea"). And another fun thing was the fact Bakana wasn't the only plushie there!!! A coffee pal also brought her recent prezzie of a plushie dog she called Cuddles  :lovey: :lovey: :lovey: :lovey: :lovey: :lovey: :lovey: !!! Another fun thing was we had a bit of a quiz, with small prizes of tasty biccies. I won a pack of biccies & shared some round my table!!! A not-so-fun thing was discovering the very recent (late Saturday night) loss of another Coffee pal I've known & liked for years.  :sad:
Today was film day, & the film was a bit too raunchy for my taste re viewing with others. it felt as if I was viewing it with a stuffy aunt, & even then I didn't really like the overly raunchy bits. maybe I'm the overly stuffy aunt regarding raunchy. Like, raunchiness is ok when it's wanted between two people with a strong connection, but it's not the only thing in life, & I prefer it to be the business of only those participating in it.
At film day today I was told there's no film day next week due to the Coffee pal's funeral, which is understandable; he was well-liked by many. He'll be sadly missed. I think I'll go to see him off - he'd like that.
I made one of my pizza batches for dinner Sunday night. The knitting continues...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 26, 2024, 02:10:35 PM
TY Mini Boos

Well, those are adorable.

Been cleaning all day and I think I'm at my limit. It doesn't look like much but I worked hard :( Disability is so not fun.

Now I have a headache but i took some meds and drank some water. I'm going to relax with a game.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Eskara1862 on February 26, 2024, 03:40:35 PM
Prepping for a phone interview tomorrow!! Nervous, but also quite excited. Gimme new job. Gimme BIG raise. Now please :P

Post Merge: February 26, 2024, 03:40:36 PM

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on February 26, 2024, 04:24:05 PM
good luck Eskara1862!! :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on February 26, 2024, 05:11:39 PM
*crosses hooves*
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Eskara1862 on February 26, 2024, 06:12:12 PM
Oh, now I'm giggling about the interview. It's for a Quality Inspector for a print company. I would be checking work before it's sent to the customer to make sure everything is 100% accurate. I'm going through the website so I can have some talking points to show that I know a bit about what they do and can look good. I just found repeated verbiage and inconsistent spacing on part of their website. You KNOW I have to bring that up in tomorrow's conversation!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on February 26, 2024, 11:17:23 PM
Oh, now I'm giggling about the interview. It's for a Quality Inspector for a print company. I would be checking work before it's sent to the customer to make sure everything is 100% accurate. I'm going through the website so I can have some talking points to show that I know a bit about what they do and can look good. I just found repeated verbiage and inconsistent spacing on part of their website. You KNOW I have to bring that up in tomorrow's conversation!

I love when you can see the reason to say 'let me fix it for you'! Just remember that the person you'll be replacing may be on the interview panel, particularly if they are taking maternity leave etc. Best of luck.

I'm relieved to say that my Mum is out of hospital and is on the mend. She's feeling a bit flat after all the stress but still sounds positive. I hate it when people talk about 'fighting' illnesses but who really knows. I'm sure that social support can make a difference. This week is much easier going for us all in all. We are now back in kiddie term time so our classes are back on, including swimming today, which baby enjoys.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 27, 2024, 05:01:36 AM
Good luck, Eskara!

Artie, ooh, I hate the whole 'fighting illnesses' thing too. I got so upset at cancer commercials when my sister was going through chemo. They make it seem like it's your fault if you die, because you didn't try hard enough or love your family enough. I HATE that thought process. Like, believe in a higher power if you want but at the end of the day either the treatment and medicine work, or they don't.

Today I am doing more cleaning, but I'm up early again and feel okay.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 27, 2024, 06:30:08 AM
Eskara all the best in your interview!!!
BC UGH chores!!! Don't start me on chores!!! Well done for hacking through some of yours xxx
Artie all the best for your Mum, Squirmy, your husband too xxx

Coffee day Didn't see my usual coffee pals but since I was running late I was on another table, & got some company. A couple of carers take their people in & all four get the chance to eat, drink, & chat. And since they were at my table they said hello to my sharky.
The swap shop table had a TON of yarn!!! I don't need single colour DK so I didn't touch that, instead going for small balls of 4-ply & a multi-coloured set of balls I can use for something fun. I have some 4 ply, but there are colours I don't have so they were the ones I grabbed hold of.
Got quick messages, because I didn't need that much due to all my cooking (I still have a pizza base & sauce, some soups, one of my garlic & herb breads, & more shop-bought garlic baguettes. Due to this & other things I've been eating less of the pre-bought dinner stuff.
More knitting, & that's before  even touch my new yarn!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 27, 2024, 07:58:35 AM
Eskara1862 best of luck!

Had a early shift today and got off at nine pm. Waited until noon for that phonecall that never came. Then I followed John to an office interior store to try out an office chair he had been eyeing that got plenty of positive reviews for helping with bad backs. It did not look much, but it had settings for everything and was very ergonomic. The woman helping us was amazing! She just looked at John and twisted all the handles and the seat was almost perfect for him at once :blink:. So he decided he wanted it and they had one assembled ready to ship! So she brought it out from the stockroom and did the same thing with the handles to fit him and off we went and they will deliver it tomorrow as we don't have a car. Best thing is it was like 2000sek cheaper than the online store he had planned on ordering it from so even with home delivery he got it cheaper and we helped a local business! Plus he don't need to wait for a weeks delivery ^.^.

I kept my phone on me waiting for that call and now we're passed office hours so I guess none will call today at all.. sigh..I hate this :(.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 28, 2024, 06:49:56 AM
What chair? I'm looking to buy a new chair myself. I looked at one that was perfect but it's over 1000 dollars because of everything you can customize :crazy:

The last of the cleaning today; dusting and vacuuming. I loathe dusting. That was my very first chore. I've been doing it since I was like 3 years old (I was a whiz kid and could walk, talk and read by 2. Now I can't remember what I did two minutes ago :lol: ). Anyway, I avoid it for as long as I can. Usually when I can write something in the dust is when I decide to clean it :P Probably doesn't help my allergies any but eh.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on February 28, 2024, 07:46:34 AM
mostly just work today. i also have to take my dog to the vet for a checkup. she gets anxious at the vet so we have to give her pills before her appointments. i had to give her the first round at 3 in the morning so now my sleep schedule is messed up. i'm feeling nauseated. she's also very suspicious about the funny tasting turkey i fed her.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 28, 2024, 11:15:01 PM
BC the name is Malm 4000. But it was around 1400US$.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on February 29, 2024, 05:37:03 AM
Beth I saw the thing about your mother, hope she learns what's up & gets sorted xxx Also hope things go well with dog xxx
BC yaiy!!! Proud of you xxx
Beldarna excellent news re chair!!! Horrid news re phonecall...

I thought the monthly Wednesday thing was 7:30pm but nope, it was 7!!! So I was late & therefore missed it, & two of the worst peeps were out at the phone box near my home so I had to circuit, & the pair decided to follow me!!! Screeching who-knows-what the whole time!!! Like, I know you want to have a laugh & show off, but please don't scare other people when you're doing it!!!
Back home, more knitting, & a sleep schedule not worth the name, & I still feel so tired!!!
At least I had enough loot for most of the remaining Mini Boos I wanted (there's 1-2 I can't find at the minute, & one which is only biddable, so watching that one, but the rest are on their way). I also found another set of fish stickers for the bathroom. I'm almost done with the fish stickers which is great!!!
I ordered a planet lamp from a pal a while ago but it never showed. My pal is sending another, this time tracked!!! Because neither my pal nor I want to not have a clue where a package is or what happened to it again...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on February 29, 2024, 05:37:46 AM
Recently I have been working on my script. Getting ideas out of my head and onto the page with the same depth and intricacies is difficult. I do not have much experience with scripts though, I think I need to look at more examples.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on February 29, 2024, 06:22:17 AM
good luck on your script cowboyopossum :)

thanks PBW! i haven't heard anything about my mom yet. i'm going to call my dad a little later this morning. i'm thinking they were either tired when they got home or they haven't heard anything definitive yet. for now i need to focus to get through the work day. focusing on something helps me stop thinking the worst

everything went well at the vet. Luna is now on a weight loss diet.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 29, 2024, 07:02:12 AM
Thanks, Beldarna. They don't ship to the US but those chairs look really nice!

Beth, I'm glad things went well for your pup :) Sorry about your mom, I hope if they find something it's fixable :hug:

PBW, what? People were following you and bullying you?? That's horrible! :mad: I'm so sorry :hug:

Good luck, cowboyopossam!

Well. Today is my inspection this afternoon. I called yesterday and asked for an extension, so I could do the floors again and try to get this one vomit stain that's being very stubborn out of the carpet, but Zenida said she couldn't do that because it's a housing inspection and I guess the point is to catch you off guard :huh: Good news is she said "we'll be there" so she's coming, which is good. I can explain the fish tank.

I'm beat though. I did not want to get up this morning and snoozed a whole half hour before I got up. I had a dream I was trying to find my sister :(

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on February 29, 2024, 08:27:04 AM
good luck BC!!

my dad says they found a white spot on the CT scan so my mom needs to have an MRI. there's definitely something wrong. i've been trying to tell them for a few months. i'm trying not to leap to thinking the worst.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on February 29, 2024, 02:07:53 PM
Oh no :( :hug: Whatever it is I hope it's treatable.

The inspection is done. They waited until the last minute to come over. I could have been sleeping this whole time. Anyway, I think it went well. They said the biggest thing was the garbage on my porch, but my neighbor that helps me came by the other day and said she would check on my garbage more often. I told them that and they seemed satisfied with that response. The only reasons they don't want it outside is because it makes the neighborhood look bad and can attract critters. Which I understand. It's just... you know, who wants to keep bags of garbage inside their house? But I can put them by the door until whatever her name is comes by. I really should ask her name.

They didn't even acknowledge the fish tank or my cardboard pile. I was so worried about those.

Earlier in the bathroom I found a trail of ants in the tub coming out of the metal circle overflow drain under the faucet. They were travelling up the side of the tub to the ceiling and I couldn't see where they were going. I put down some of that Combat bait gel and last I checked they had eaten one glob entirely and were halfway through the other one. I'm assuming Martha didn't notice because she didn't say anything.

It's too late to bring up the ants and have them pay for it. I've had the infestation too long, it would be on me to pay an exterminator. I sometimes see a Terminix truck park by the building. I wonder if the other tenants in this building have them too. I only had the regular black ants once. And some carpenters when I first moved in. These little ants are terrible.

If my disability gets reinstated I can use my backpay to get someone to look at the ants. I think I have to still go through Public Housing and I think they pick who you have to get. But whatever. As long as it's someone who can get rid of them, I don't care. I could even take Aster and rent a hotel room for a few days if they need to fumigate or something.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on February 29, 2024, 11:11:57 PM
I am sorry Beth3346. I hoppe it's nothing too serious with your mom :hug:

I am glad the inspection went well BC! But it's terrible with the ants. I can't stop shiver at the thought.

Today when I woke up I almost stepped in a barfed up hairball and then one of the cats has had diarreah in the litterbox. The stench was... :X Neither boys want to eat wetfood now for some reason so I took the suplement pills and put them down their throats. It went easier than I thought and then I gave them kibble which they ate. Hubby and I helped get some hydrosomething for animalteeth around Simbas gum as well. I think I'm ready to get back to bed now, I want to nap.. I have a ten hour workshift today. Luckily it's an easy route *knocks on wood*.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 01, 2024, 06:53:01 AM
oh no!  get that scan done, it's so important! 

My workplace was getting rid of a bunch of art books that had been living in the storage area for years.  So I have over 100+ books I have to find a home for, because it would hurt my soul to put them in the dumpster. 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 01, 2024, 07:05:15 AM
thanks everyone. we just have to wait until we get the MRI results to know more. i kept telling my dad something was wrong.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 02, 2024, 10:04:20 PM
Beth fingers & fins & hooves crossed xxx
Squirmy hope you find good homes for the books xxx
Beldarna your poor cats xxx
BC I hope the disability gets reinstated; you need it!!!
Cowboy all the best wi your script!!!

Made noisy coffee & it was good. I'd borrowed CDs from somebody there & managed to return them. I found a simple crochet hat pattern & am following it. Was doing a little sorting & accidentally knocked over my retro grooming parlour, to discover Peachy had no blanket!!! So I crocheted her a pastel yellow one & used some green ribbon to tie it on. Making the holes was easy: chain 2 a couple of stitches from the end, then next row stitch into the chains. The ribbon threaded through nicely & it suits Peachy.
Due to naps & sleep I missed one of my packages & they have to redeliver it. I did get two others, including one from Five Little Diamonds, which was the pearly Pony set with mini Glory. The box is so cute I think I want to keep it intact, though of course the plastic bits are off it.
The fish stickers also came so I'll be getting them up.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 03, 2024, 03:06:06 AM
It has been a slow Sunday morning. I've slept through it all. We're gonna go to the cinema in an hour to watch Dune 2. Literally walk. On the ice. Will be fun, lol, but we both need to move our bodies a bit. We're gonna bring our bikes so we can bike home :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 03, 2024, 03:13:53 AM
Ugh, I'm still not sleeping. I got like 3 hours and I'm wide awake. At least I remembered to take my night meds at a decent time.

I'm going to work on ponies today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 03, 2024, 07:51:45 AM
DUNE!  I love that book and the new movies. I don't know if we will be able to see part 2 in theatres because of husband's surgery recovery but we will try... first we have to get my car started and not be possibly stranded wherever we go!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 03, 2024, 09:05:29 AM
we went over to my parent's house yesterday. they seem to be pretty unconcerned. i don't know what to make of it. we should find out more about the MRI results Monday. my mom is also going to have physical therapy to work on building up her leg muscles. she used to walk around the block and walk on her treadmill but she stopped because she was having pains in her hip. she used to work through it but she kind of gave up. i still think she never bounced back from her cats passing. they were pretty much all she talked about for a long time.

today we're going to an event one of my coworkers is having. it's a long drive so it's going to be a long day. once i get out of the house i should be more energized. dragging myself out of the house is usually the hardest part. i've become such a homebody ever since we moved from Houston. i used to be one of those people who would be up for leaving the house after 11pm. now i'm asleep by 9:30pm. of course back then i did freelance work so i could sleep in late if i wanted to.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on March 03, 2024, 02:03:53 PM
Beth3346, I hope your mom has nothing serious. :heart:


 :shy: Hello everyone! I'm back! :lol:
I have been away from home for about two months and..I still am BUT now I have my laptop and fast internet!  :yippee:
I've visited the forum a couple of times using my phone, but I couldn't bring myself to start writing here, because it's really awkward and annoying. :pout: It has been really strange to be without a laptop for a long time and now it feels strangely funny to be able to write with it! ^.^
The reason why I have been away from home for a long time is that my and my spouse's help is needed further away from my home. So I myself am doing very well and it's wonderful to be able to write here again! :heart:
I hope you all have had a nice start to the year. Well, I'll find out after I read all the posts here. :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 04, 2024, 01:20:26 AM
lovesbabysquirmy It was so good to watch in a theatre, but nothing is more important than your husbands recovery. I'm not sure how it would affect your husband, but there were very sharp contrasts between dark and light and no sound to loud sound so keep it in mind. At least at home you can control the volume and keep a soft light to soften the contrast.

Beth I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your mom today!

HoM Welcome back! :hug:

I've had a slow morning. Gonna make som chilli for John today (he is still not sick of it :blink:) and some diamond painting. Need to find a new book to borrow to my tablet. Shift starts at five with a layover so lots of free time today :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 04, 2024, 06:35:09 AM
Beth, I'm keeping your mother in my thoughts :heart:

HoM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back, my friend :tackleglomp:

I finally got some sleep! Not a whole lot, about 6 hours. With the four or so I got yesterday that's okay for me (I usually sleep 9 or 10 hours each night).

More ponies today. I am officially over my pony slump :cheer: I'm happy to be working on them and it's fun again :D

Also today my new chair comes. My current chair broke a while ago. The armrest screws broke off and the back attaches to the arms, so the back of the chair is hanging to the side. This also causes the other armrest to tilt to the side and it's been very uncomfortable. I had found a chair on Amazon that I liked, but it was almost $300. The other night I was browsing, just looking at their clearance items, and they had almost the exact same chair but for $60. I had to get it :P
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 04, 2024, 06:40:41 AM
yay comfy chair!  my chair is from like 1905, it's really an antique.  And NOT comfortable at all! 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 04, 2024, 03:34:07 PM
haven't heard anything from my parents today. i'm not sure what to make of that :huh:

update: i called them and they haven't heard anything  :huh:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on March 04, 2024, 03:58:41 PM
I’m sick with a cold😩😩😩
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 05, 2024, 04:59:28 AM
Yaaay, new chair! :yippee: Hope it's comfy!

Beth3346 That could be both good news or bad. Generally if a doctor is taking time to get back to you, it's nothing serious.. but sometimes they forget, I hope you get your answers and the news are good :hug:.

Today I had a regular known not to pay for her fare onboard. I missed her when she entered as she had bleeched her hair. So I told her she had to leave at the next station and she said: "I'll just walk off this time and not cause any trouble. Last time I did and it did not end well" :lol: I think someone called the police on her that time. Now she got to think about her actions in a small town with no convinience anywhere except a small grocery store a stones throw away. Not very much to do there. I also warned everyone that she's at it again so she'll have trouble getting out from there. All the best to her.

Had a nice asparagus soup with garlic bread for lunch. I want to diamont paint but Majsan is sitting on my spot and every cat owner know that I can't move her so it will be some Youtube instead. I've gotten stuck on videos from Explore with us, where we get to see police interviews with teens who kill. Very interesting.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 05, 2024, 05:25:41 AM
Beldarna glad you enjoyed the film!!! And grr at fare-dodgers!!!
Gator, get well soon xxx
Beth  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
BC I bet you're looking forward to your new chair!!! I'm not big on armrests but love my chairback!!! AND the one at the PC HAS to spin!!!
HOM YAIY!!! Welcome back here & to the internet!!!

Well I went. My smart jacket needs replaced as it was tight on my arms & didn't close. Still, better than nothing & I still looked smart enough. The pal chose a band & several pals to speak for him & the music was fun, while at the same time saying a nice goodbye. The speakers recalled him with fondness & knew him well. He's written books & a quote from one was read as his body was laid to rest. I got to chat to a few decent folks, some I hadn't seen for a while, & there was coffee, cheese sandwiches, & small cakes. I got 2 cheese sandwiches, one coffee, & a carrot cake. The service was standing room only, with more watching online. A faint or two happened as the bodies heated up the place. I'm not surprised so many wanted to send him off; he was well-liked & cheery-natured, always up for a laugh & a smile & a hug. The whole thing, coffee included, was done in 3 hours but I only took two of them, because I left the food & drink part early, to let his besties & family recall him with little disturbance. Another part of my life is gone. Not fun, but it does make me feel my age.
Got home to a package yaiy!!! Continuing on with the current crochet project.
Today was coffee morning, & half the chat was yesterday. My main coffee pal didn't know him as well as I did, so she watched online. I think a lot of people did that. I got some yarn, got my messages, got some electricity, turned off the entry hall heater. I need to do dishes. At least I got the card bin out (yesterday, before funeral) with card in it. I had to buy caddy liners though due to not getting any new ones despite the sign (the last bag) tied to the caddy bin. It's a bummer but with me using coffee grounds now I need the caddy liners. Fortunately they were available in the shop I get my local messages in.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 05, 2024, 11:17:36 AM
Hope you feel better, Gator!

It sounds like it was a nice service, PBW :)

Well, I got another letter in my door yesterday. This Friday they are coming back to inspect me again. The things they outlined were thus; floors are still dirty (I knew this, which is why I tried to ask for an extension), fire hazards in the living room (my cardboard pile), and there is too much stuff in my apartment.

Not a big deal to clean the floors again, it's just going to be hard with my mobility issues. I've already called a handyman team to come get my broken furniture, which now includes my old chair too, and the cardboard, which now includes the big box the new chair came in. They said they can do it later this week and would call me back to talk details. As far as too much stuff. I knew this too. I agree, there are boxes and bins everywhere. Every closet is stuffed. A wall in the bedroom is lined with boxes. A wall in the living room is lined with boxes. My life is full of BOXES

Anyway, I was able to get an online deal on a small storage unit in the same place my mom's stuff is stored at. Unfortunately, that unit is stuffed too and my stuff wouldn't fit. I'll hire the movers I've used twice to move everything into the new storage.

I think I'm ready to let some more things go. Selling my ponies was hard, and I have a tinge of regret. But you know, I can always buy them back. It won't be the exact same ones, but at least it's an option. There are other things I haven't used in probably a decade. Why am I holding on to them? Also, I'm becoming more inclined to not put stuff out on display because it will need to be cleaned. I think I mentioned my loathing for dusting.

I will have to pull all the bins and boxes once my trash and cardboard is gone and decide what I want to store and what I can sell/donate. My mom gave me permission to sell the things in her unit too, but there is some furniture in there I want to hold onto.

It'll be a long process, this is just the kick in the pants I needed. Eventually I hope to get rid of enough stuff that I can consolidate the two storages into one medium size.

So for today, my number one thing is to tackle the ants that have appeared in the kitchen. I followed them to the water heater closet. Then I'll start the floors.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 05, 2024, 11:23:14 AM
My mother uses a mixture of apple cider vinegar and sugar, IIRC, for ant infestations.

We have the same issue with things. My mother has hoarding tendencies, so she is trying to go through every room in the house and get rid of as much as she can. Two rooms in the house are used for storage, plus what is left of the attic after being turned into her bedroom.
It gets really hard sometimes, but she has made great progress. Once you get started I find its easier to let things go. Especially if you forgot you had it in the first place.  :P
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 05, 2024, 12:37:20 PM
i'm sorry about your friend PBW :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope you feel better soon Gator :)

BC, it's hard getting rid of stuff. did they give you a timeframe for clearing stuff out? i forever go between wanting to get rid of most everything and wanting to track down and repurchase every single thing i've ever owned. i would say if it's something that's been in a box or shoved in the back of a closet for a long time, you probably won't miss it. that's a method that's worked for me.

we did find out the results of my mom's MRI. from what i understand some of her brain has atrophied. it could be a sign of dementia but we have to wait until she sees a neurologist to know more. we have a family history of dementia and she's in her mid 70s now so it's not surprising. especially with her symptoms. i was hoping for something more treatable :(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 05, 2024, 07:06:31 PM
Oh no, wishing you and your mom the best  :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on March 05, 2024, 10:06:49 PM
Artie, ooh, I hate the whole 'fighting illnesses' thing too. I got so upset at cancer commercials when my sister was going through chemo. They make it seem like it's your fault if you die, because you didn't try hard enough or love your family enough. I HATE that thought process. Like, believe in a higher power if you want but at the end of the day either the treatment and medicine work, or they don't.

Glad it's not just me :hug: and glad you found a handyman company for some of your stuff and if they are good you can use them for other things if you need. It did cross my mind that you're an artist kinda making it work as a studio, and also I'm glad to hear that you're feeling fairly good at the moment.

Update on my Mum: she's out of hospital but still on atibiotics. Hub and Squish are mostly over it all now. I will take her to see Granny today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 06, 2024, 02:02:55 AM
Sounded like a nice service PBW.

BC It sounds like a good plan with the storage unit. I admit to have a lot of stuff, but I do go through and get rid of things regularly. Some things I take pictures of so I have a memory of them, but if I find stuff I haven't seen for years and know it's just going back I just send it on its merry way. Except when it comes to my ponycolllections and childhood toys and stuffed animals. Never getting rid of those.
Good luck with the continued cleaning and antinfestation.

Beth3346 at least it wasn't something cancerous. I'm sorry if it's dementia, but based off what kind and what medicines there are, she might still be with you for several years. I wish the best for you :hug:

Artemesia's Garden glad to see your mom is out from the hospital!

I am waiting for John to wake up. Yesterday he said since we're having off days together, which is rare, we should do something outside of home.. but then he said the weather doesn't feel good for much outside fun.. so we should just groceryshop at the supermarket and that's it. It's something to do, outside of the home :lol:. I don't mind though, I feel like having an indoor day. But we need to shop so.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 06, 2024, 03:13:20 AM
Cheers folks, it was a good service xxx
Beldarna enjoy your day
Artie huggles to you, your mother, & your family xxx  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Beth  :( :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :cry: I hope she gets fully diagnosed & treated as well as she can be xxx
BC sounds like a lot of hard work but it will be worth it!!! I have similar issues, with stuff just piling up like mad, & finding it hard to let go of it. Also glad you're finding some folks to help you xxx Hopefully when your disability kicks back in you'll get a support worker too xxx

I got some of the new fish stickers up, so I now only have one set to stick, then it's just the painted walls, which need new paint first. I'm continuing on wi the crochet, & though I haven't done most of the dishes, I did get a few bits done there. I've also cleared the last socks out of the machine so I can get laundry done, which is great as I'm due a shower!!! Meanwhile I'm slowly hacking at the other rubbish I need to ditch, especially non-card recycling which is the next pickup. I have 3 bags filled wi that stuff so far, & enough to fill a few more. It's a work in progress, but I'll get it done!!! The good thing is I'm getting other bits I need sorted sorted too, although it's just a bit at a time, a bit is better than nothing...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 06, 2024, 05:45:33 AM
Last night I finally got my curtains up!!
We had to go to a hardware store to get the right drill bits, but other than that it went up easy.
Super happy with how it looks!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 06, 2024, 06:27:17 AM
*pony hugs to all who need it*
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Eskara1862 on March 06, 2024, 07:10:22 AM
INTERVIEW TOMORROW!!!! So I'm dying my hair bright pink because I've gotta make sure they're cool with all of me and not just a sanitized corporate version society seems to demand for interviews.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 06, 2024, 07:27:20 AM
Beth, I'm so sorry :( :hug:

Artie, glad your mom is home.

cowboy (can I call you that?), thanks and it didn't come off as competition at all :)

Eskara, good luck! Pink hair is rad!

I ended up calling 1-800-Got-Junk and they sent a guy over to take my stuff. It was a little more than I wanted to spend but I'm so, so glad to have that stuff gone. I can see my kitchen from my desk again :lol: It gives me so much more room in the living room. I guess I didn't realize just how much space all the cardboard was taking up.

I don't think I can afford the movers this month but now that I have room, I can pull the boxes and bins and go through them.

For today though, I need to start on the floors.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 09, 2024, 03:45:21 AM
Eskara I hope the interview went well!

You know, when I was nine, I still played with dolls and colouring books.. My sister's bonus daughter turns nine and she don't play with dolls anymore. She wants makeup and nail polishes.. She has an entire shelf with nailpolishes so no need for more. Her bedroom looks like it belongs to a teen. She loves lego but she doesn't play with it, she just builds stuff and she has so many bins with lego under her bed we're told off from buying more. So what do I get her for her birthday? My sister suggested a bath robe but it has to be a soft pastell colour.. So today I'm going shopping! Hoping to find a soft pastel bath robe for a nine year old girl, and perhaps a pair of matching slippers. What do I buy if I don't find any? :help: I feel like calling in sick, lol. But I also need to buy a folder and new hair dye so.. I'm gonna walk downtown to get some air. After shopping I'm meeting my client/user/the person I'm a contact person to to go to the movies (a lot of 'to' there). She wanted to see Willy Wonka or Dune. I told her I've already seen Dune. She choose Dune :shrug:. At least it was good enough that I can watch it again. Thats my day today! :argh:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 09, 2024, 08:08:00 AM
Beldarna it's amazing how quickly children grow up these days!!!
BC I hope Got Junk does what they're meant to, to make it worth the loot xxx
Eskara let us know re interview!!!
Cowboy yaiy for curtains!!!

Me: got the dishes done!!! Got the last of the stickers up & the sticker rubbish sorted!!! Got another bag full of recyclable orange bin stuff!!! Got two loads of laundry done!!! Got in the shower!!! Got a visit from my support worker, who will arrange to get my broken ladder removed!!!
Made it to noisy coffee & talked more on Monday's funeral. One of the folks I saw now & then at the service was his bestie, & felt it hard on Monday, so kept to one or two people mostly, otherwise she said hello. She apologised for this but I get it: when you're close to someone, losing them will hurt a LOT!! Bakana & I both gave her hugs xxx Others there watched online, & said they saw peeps I didn't get to see because they didn't go beyond the service to the graveyard, plus I was standing at the back & they were seated.
Also, some long expected packages showed up, including the light-up planet!!! It's great, & as I thought, old phone plugs fit its cable nicely. I also got a big Power Pony Twilight Sparkle I've been missing. She needed TLC, so she's been washed, tail replaced (a Core 7 Scootaloo tail did that job), & her mane trimmed to more uniform length. I just have to dress her up with ribbon now & she'll be ready to add to my collection!!!
Crochet continues.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 09, 2024, 08:18:06 AM
I was still playing with my animal toys when I was 12. A bathrobe and slippers sound good though.

PBW, sounds productive. I need to look up this Twilight Sparkle.

Man, I slept about 15 hours. Not straight through, I woke up a few times. I'm still groggy but I hope I feel better overall, it's too soon to tell yet. I'm not doing anything today. I'm going to rest my body. I might work on ponies later.

I was suppose to have another inspection yesterday but no one showed up. I'm not complaining :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 10, 2024, 03:05:04 AM
I managed to find a pale pink fluffy robe! It was the last store I visited. I hope she's okay with the colour. She has totaly abandoned rainbows and unicorns so I am a bit apprehensive about the colour, but it was the only one left. Myself would have loved it as a kid! I still love that soft pink. The slippers were all the wrong sizes too. There might be one in her size in the store in the mall in the outskirts of town.. we'll see if I get there or just give her the robe without slippers.

Today is a beautiful sunny day! It's cold, though, -8 degrees C. I'm gonna head out for a long walk and soak in the sun. I sent a message to a friend and asked if she wants to join me. I hope so, but otherwise I'll walk by my own.

PBW You've been doing good! I feel lazy in comparison.

BC Nice that the inspection didn't happen. I hope they don't surprise you with a random visit though. How are you feeling now after all that sleep?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 10, 2024, 08:26:44 AM
I wish I could figure out how to sell all this stuff I have.  :(  I have listed it on the local sales sites like 3 times and no interest.  Every one says, "use Facebook!" and I hate Facebook.  Also I see the same things listed on FB Marketplace and they aren't selling there, either.  Seems like everyone wants an extreme deal... I don't mind selling at a small discount, but if I wanted to give it away, I would just give it to the local charity shop!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 10, 2024, 08:55:29 AM
Beldarna, I felt better, but then last night I couldn't sleep at all, so now I feel tired and sore :(

I have a lot I want to do today. Ponies, there's an event going on at another site I want to participate in, I need to mop the kitchen and clean the litter boxes. I'd like to reorganize my craft closet too. I don't know how much I can get done running on no sleep (and having a very swollen leg) but I'll try. I'll probably crash later.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on March 11, 2024, 11:55:55 PM
Thanks for the good wishes everyone
@ Beldarna my 9 year old niece is the same. When she was 7 or 8 my sister bought her a couple of huge LOL doll sets for Christmas and now she only wants makeup and clothes. I wasn't allowed to wear makeup in public when I was that age and then I think my Mum eventually gave up when I was about 15. We played 'dressing up' but it was clearly a game and not how we looked most of the time. Anyway, I ended up buying my niece a Bobbi Brown makeup set for Christmas last year, thinking that it was for 'dressing up' but actually she just wears it all the time. I actually really dislike seeing her face with smudged mascara at 9 years old. She's also trying to talk as though she's a young adult, about bands and clothes but she's kinda lisping and hasn't got much confidence or conviction in what she's saying. I would have expected her to think more along these lines in about 5 year's time! There must be massive pressure on her to act this way and it makes me so sad, that her childhood is already over. I guess as an older Mum there is a bigger gap for me between how things were when I was a child and how things will be for kids now. But my daughter is just past one year old, so at this rate we only have 7 more summers with her as a child. I try not to think about her growing up because it makes me sad and I don't want her to pick up on it. But I have to remember not to let her childhood pass by in a blur. Big sigh.

Today... well both baby and husband have had some awful cold for the last week and are still coughing at times. I had to keep them both on paracetamol etc. for about 4 days and I'm still feeling pretty tired from nursing them. However, I can finally take baby swimming today. She's had no classes for two weeks now and of course no visits from Granny so she's really bored and starting to act a bit naughty. I'm just so glad she's better that I don't really mind. She's so precious at the moment. Hopefully swimming will be good for her today, I know it always is for me.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 12, 2024, 03:05:47 AM
Artemesia this reminded me of when I was that age. I hade a make up bag with some leftover makeup I've gotten from grandma to play with. I put some on before going to school one morning and mom grabbed me and washed my face before allowing me to go :lol:. I had some hard plastic bracelets I cut right through with a scissor and used as clip on earrings. Mom did not allow me to have them to shool so I smuggled them with me. But it was just me being a kid, not me trying to be older. I feel so sad that kids grow up so early. Childhood is such a small portion of life while being an adult last forever. Why do they need to rush to it?

Spent the morning at the vet. My shift begin an hour and is gonna last for ten hours. I'm running on fumes after just 4 hours of sleep. At least there will be cake! My company has been running five years with the current name so we have a celebration!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 12, 2024, 04:04:21 AM
I was able to go to bed at a decent time and wake up normally :)

Not sure what I'll be doing today. Now that I have shoes I can wear, I'd like to visit my mom. It's been a while.
Ponies are on the to do list.
I'd like to make homemade broccoli cheese soup today too.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 12, 2024, 06:02:17 AM
BC, congrats on your Custom, your shoes which fit, & your progress!!! I do hope you get to make your soup!!!
Beldarna my thoughts are with your cats xxx Hoping they pull through everything xxx
Artie it breaks the heart, doesn't it, how quickly children are made to grow up these days. We'll see a lot more adults going back to toys in future so they can roleplay & all the stuff they didn't have enough time for as childhood keeps being shortened xxx
Squirmy if you were in the UK I'd see what I could buy from you. I think half the issue is locality of buyers, especially as prices go up. With most stuff I prefer to buy from the UK as that's where I am. It's only stuff which is hardest to find I get from overseas... I wish you the best in getting stuff shifted xxx

Onto me, cheers folks!!! It's rare I'm that productive tbh, as it's often hard to get myself to do more than crochet, knit, & go online...
But I managed, as was the plan, to get my non-card recycling out on time (I accidentally put it in the blue bin but got it transferred without too much hassle to the orange one).
Film day yesterday was one of mine, & many enjoyed it. We only have a couple of weeks to go as it's a winter thing, but it's been fun. We got spoilt with so many cakes & biccies I had a load, & it was just one of each treat!!!
Coffee day today & I got a big mug so only had 2 as opposed to the 3 cups I normally have. My usual coffee pal wasn't there, but I still had fun chats wi other folks there. On way to messages I bumped into a pal who was at the funeral last week, & he said he wants to go to Coffee, so I said he could & sit wi me. Got my messages & came back home. I want to bake bread again, & was hoping for it to be wholemeal, but I think instead it will be white wi garlic & herbs again. I had to get more garlic granules & mixed herbs but it's worth it!!!
I made the last of the pizza the other day too, so I bought a cheat pizza which fits the air fryer, because I love my pizza!!!
Crochet continues as I watch Youtube & stuff...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 13, 2024, 08:53:26 AM
I made lasagna instead of the soup. I really wanted pasta. I probably won't eat today.

I'm so stressed out :pullhair: I don't know if I can work on ponies today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 14, 2024, 03:59:42 AM
Mmmm, lasagna :drool: I'll have Tikka Masala with basmati rice today. I brought it to work yesterday but they served smörgåstårta (sandwitchcake) because of a meeting so I took it home again.

I've been downtown and bought a pair of slippers to my sisters bonus daughter. Apparently she could have smaller sizes. I also bought a pair of pink slippers with white fluff at the rim to myself that were on sale. Gotta love having small feet! :biggrin: You don't find this pink in the womans department around here!

I've wrapped the present with the robe and slippers, wrote a card to My and to grandpa. His birthday is coming up as well but I work that day and I work the day everyone is coming to celebrate so I'm gonna visit him tomorrow instead. I'm also gonna leave Mys present with him so my sister can bring it home. I think I've done well already today and it's not even noon!

I think the rest of the day is gonna be spent diamond painting!

A positive uptdate on Simba is that he's eating again! We bought a new brand of Urinary that's come out and we mixed it with their old food and they eat it like it's candy!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 14, 2024, 06:01:19 AM
The lasagna backfired on me and I was in pain all day yesterday with a sore stomach (I ate too much). I didn't eat yesterday and I probably won't eat today.

I'm still trying to find someone to get my shrimp from the mailbox. My neighbor hasn't been out with her dog yet. Daylight Savings messed everybody up.

Today I feel better but I'm really tired. I don't know what I'll get done today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on March 14, 2024, 06:53:33 AM
We'll see a lot more adults going back to toys in future so they can roleplay & all the stuff they didn't have enough time for as childhood keeps being shortened xxx

Good point!

I did landscaping for a couple of hours this morning and now I'm very sore. A neighbour has pinched several feet over our boundary on his side. He concreted in a really innocent looking small post in the wrong place , to make it look like the original boundary line. When I tried to dig it out I saw that the concrete goes about 3ft down. The lump at the bottom was about the size of a kitchen bin. Imagine trying to lift that filled with water. I couldn't do it, but I did manage to turn it sideways and bury it. A friend came over for tea and we talked about spiritual matters. I am now making a bacon sandwich for the other hard worker, who finished a bit early today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 14, 2024, 08:35:37 AM
Artie sounds like a lovely time wi your friend!!!
BC bummer about your recipe plans not working out xxx I hope you recover soon xxx
Beldarna great news on finding slippers AND even better news on moggie front xxx

I made the garlic herb bread!!! Then made tomato soup the next day, spicy due to two of the tins being tomatoes & chilli!!! Today I made scones.
A few more packages have been coming in, & there is one which is overdue, so I've had to ask the seller about that.
Crochet continues. I have a second item done, now working on the third, which I'm keeping for myself...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shockponie on March 14, 2024, 11:07:14 AM
After work I’m going to the drive-in movies. :popcorn:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 16, 2024, 03:10:42 AM
Morning has been extremly slow today. Husband is going to make us lunch which can be anywhere from 12 to 4pm depending on when he wakes up, so I've already eaten a protein bar. I'm on my fitfh cup of tea and has watered all the plants except the one in the bedroom.. I even watered my orchid today :).¨It's not even noon btw.. it's like eleven.

The rest of the day I'm just gonna sit somewhere doing nothing.. I was in the mood for watching something lighthearted but not a film.. I love the Repair shop, but I've already seen the Swedish version and all the episodes released of the brittish. bleh. I should probably take a walk but don't have the energy. I am so low today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 16, 2024, 08:50:28 AM
Today I'm filling out paperwork for my disability and gathering up everything I need for my lease renewal. Pretty boring! I'll probably play a game in-between all that. I started playing this cute little game last night about building a cozy neighborhood. It just requires clicking and the graphics and music are really relaxing :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on March 17, 2024, 01:20:19 AM
It was already looking very much like spring but last night we had a snowstorm. It's still snowing but luckily the busses are running, I'm on my way to visit relatives. It's a 1-hour bus ride. Two hours if you count getting to the bus station, on Sunday the local bus only runs every 30 mins.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 18, 2024, 09:14:24 AM
I feel a little better than I did yesterday but I don't think it's going to last. Today I need to clean and pick up the place. I have to keep everything in order so I don't get a surprise inspection again. I still need to reorganize the craft closet and start going through my bins and boxes. Plus, ponies. I was going to work on them last night but I couldn't sit at my desk any longer.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 19, 2024, 11:26:09 AM
@Shockponie I hope you enjoyed your film!!!
BC get well soon xxx And all the best wi your payments: you NEED them xxx
Griffin that's the worst part of this time of year: the surprise snow!!! Hope you're managing ok xxx
Beldarna we all get like that sometimes xxx Just find a nice relaxing thing to do wi your time xxx

Me, Monday was the second-last film day, as it's a winter thing, so I took back the DVDs I lent to the place for showing. I wasn't the only one either; another lassie lent DVDs for us to watch, & she was taking hers back too. The last DVD is one of mine & I can't forget to pick it up either.
More yarn arrived.
Today was coffee morning, so I went to that, got quick messages, then got ready to take the bus into town. It's paint time!!! So I got a nice big tin of my fave colour of bathroom paint (Blue Lagoon), to make my bathroom sea-themed again. So far all décor has been applied to the wet walls, using wall stickers, sticky hooks, & so on. But after the rest of the walls are the colour I want them, I can stick up shelves, pin up posters, screw in my sharky bathroom tissue holder, stuff like that!!! I also checked out other shops for stuff. Gorgeous yarn in the everything shop, plus a sink bowl for soaking my paint brushes in (steeping now). I ate out for a big lunch of soup, a toastie, & some churros. I've never had churros before. They're sweet pastry sticks you dip in a sauce & scooshy cream. I have scooshy cream for my hot choc, but no caramel sauce. I sought out some in the Tesco, as well as picking up broccoli & other messages I need.
Back home, & steeping the paintbrushes & roller heads in hot water with dish soap, using the sink bowl I bought. That will be my messy work sink bowl now.
On the yarn front: I got the bright idea to make sets of stuff with the yarns I'm currently using: hats, scarves, & gloves. The hats are what I've been crocheting, & I made a set of fingerless gloves to go wi one already, wi half of another pair for hat 2. My hat is proving to be a bit of an issue, so am knitting fingerless gloves wi a different colour yarn of the same make to see how much yarn that uses up. I hope it works out... I want my set finished (I doubt it'll get a scarf unlike the ones for donations but we'll see).
I have a bee in my bonnet about the yarn stuff so other things non-essential have been put on hold. I did, however, get the rubbish out!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on March 20, 2024, 05:28:52 AM
I always thought scoosh was spelt like 'skoosh' :)

My day is pretty dull. Baby is downstairs with Granny so they are happy. I have zero job hunting enthusiasm but I did remember that I'm entitled to get back in touch with my university careers advice centre, which might cheer me up if it's still as good as it used to be. Also feeling very flat. It's an odd time of year for me. Everyone has been ill apart from me. They had this thing the GPs are calling '100 day cough' apparently. Baby is now doing better than husband, it's getting him down now. Just trying to enjoy the spring flowers and keep well really.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 20, 2024, 06:17:10 AM
I woke up to a loud bang in the hotelroom around 2 am this morning. It turned out to be the soap dispenser in the bathroom that had fallen on the floor. I know it's a discount hotel, but who put up porcelain soapdispensers on a tiled bathroom wall with tape? :blink: I did not do anything as it was in the middle of the night and I wanted my sleep. When I got up in later there was a huge pool of soap on the floor so the bag had obviously broken. I told the girl in the reception when I checked out and she looked like it wasn't a big deal, like it happens a lot. They changed brand only a few weeks ago and I never had any happen with the former dispensers. I mentioned this back at the office and a coworker said he had heard it happen to another coworker. Like what? So it does happen? :lol:

Anyway, worked home. Ate breakfast, slept for three hours. Put a tenderloin in water to defreeze and I want to diamond paint but Ninja is sleeping on my spot so I can't, lol. So either reading or see if there is a new episode of the Repair shop. I never learn when they release the new episodes >_<.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 20, 2024, 08:12:58 AM
Cleaning up and ponies today. My mind is on my mom though. Her x-rays came back and it is pneumonia :(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 20, 2024, 10:49:09 AM
Oh, no! :( :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on March 21, 2024, 12:50:49 PM
BC, really sorry to hear about your Mum. I hope she comes through OK.

My neighbours have encroached several feet over our boundary so that we can't put a new fence up. People (including them) keep trespasssing on our garden. On the other side, the neighbour keep deliberately leaning up junk against our fence and throwing soil and rubbish over to our garden. We are responsible for both boundaries. I hate it and wish we'd never moved here. I wish I had something more positive to say, this sounds like a WYP!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 22, 2024, 05:13:09 AM
ugh awful neighbors are the worst. are they purposely trying to stop you from putting up a fence? maybe there's something an attorney can do?
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 22, 2024, 06:35:50 AM
lots of snow has fallen so  I will have to dig out my car and drive to work (which is always a battle).
urgh I would rather stay in bed LOL  but once I'm awake, I'm awake
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 22, 2024, 09:07:51 AM
It's cold here too, only 65 today. It's raining and the wind is howling.

I need to clean the kitchen and bathroom, nothing major. Ponies later maybe. I didn't sleep very well so I might crash instead.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 22, 2024, 09:34:34 AM
We have officially ended our nonsugarintake (as hubby failed and gave up) so I'm munching on a bar of my favorite chocolate and drinking my favorite bloodorange soda. It's friday! :D I've not done much, groceryshopping and watching tv. I have no plans for the weekend which feels soo good!

EDIT!: I forgot to mention that I finally got my new appointment for the health care center! It only took a month! But now I don't have to feel anxiety and guard my phone like crazy anymore. I called this morning and the scheduler called me back this afternoon. I am so relieved!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on March 22, 2024, 02:18:32 PM
lol, Beldarna. sounds like you had a nice Friday. :) i'm glad you finally got your appointment scheduled.

today i pretty much just worked. i'm annoyed with the usual suspects at work for their usual nonsense. but it's Friday and my birthday weekend so i'm trying to be calm about it.

I also ordered more dirt and stuff to finish my backyard projects. if it gets too hot we'll have to wait another whole year so i gave in and am paying for delivery. i figure it's worth it since gas is so pricy now. my birthday present is going to be finally completing these outdoor projects. next year i'll add some borders to the flowerbeds.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on March 22, 2024, 06:00:51 PM
I just tried a new flavourless mouthwash (I already have a flavourless toothpaste) that you can add a sachet of mint flavouring to if you want. My brain was going '... can we use it without the sachet???' for some reason I thought maybe I can't? I don't know, my brain was being odd with it.

It's very strange, it's like rinsing your mouth with water. I know that's what I kinda wanted, but the sensation is still strange. My toothpaste is the same, it's designed for those with sensory issues so it doesn't have mint and it doesn't foam. I got it as I'm allergic to an ingredient in toothpastes and it makes the mint flavouring WAY more intense, like my mouth is being napalmed with mint  :huh: The flavourless was fine, but the lack of foam is VERY VERY WEIRD! It's almost like I'm standing there thinking 'is this even working???'. Don't worry, I somehow still managed to get toothpaste flecks on my pyjama top  :pout:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 23, 2024, 07:48:19 AM
Oh wow, I wish we had such a thing over here. I hate mint and have a slight allergy to it (it makes inside my ears itchy). We do have cinnamon flavored toothpaste and mouthwash but the toothpaste I use doesn't offer flavors other than mint.

I feel pretty good right now despite not getting a lot of sleep (again). Maybe I'm having a second wind before I crash but it's okay for now. My plans are to reorganize the craft closet which I've been wanting to do for a while. I know there are boxes in there that can go to storage. And ponies later. I'm finally almost finished with one of them.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 23, 2024, 11:07:59 AM
could it please stop snowing!?  I need to drive my husband to the post office to pick up a parcel which they left a card in our mailbox for.  It totally would have fit inside the parcel box , so it must need a signature for delivery.  but so irritating! 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 23, 2024, 05:48:40 PM
Artie, hope your family gets better soon & the neighbours become more considerate xxx
BC, hope cleaning goes well & that your Mum recovers & is treated xxx
Squirmy hope it warms up xxx
Beldarna yaiy for getting health appointment!!! Also enjoy the chocolate xxx
Beth have a fantastic birthday!!! :tort: :birthday: And have fun on the garden work!!!
Frostbite that sounds unusual but I get it, many autistic people can't handle strong flavours in toothpaste & stuff. You'll get used to it in time xxx And yep, the act of brushing my teeth gets mirrors dirty!!! Speaking of, me:

On Tuesday I bought bathroom paint as you recall. Wednesday was painting day!!! It mostly went on without a hitch, but slight wee bits needed touched up.
Thursday was the craft thingie. It wasn't just my first time at it, as another lassie was also there for her first time. It was also my first time at that café, so a hot choc was in order. I brought the current hat & gloves I'm working on as you bring your own crafting. Most there knit or crocheted, but one lady, who also diamond paints, was doing sticker mosaics. She did an eagle while we talked. The drink (the hot choc) needed paid for, but the cake, & the chips(!!!) were free!!! Back home to touch up the paint job, especially around the sink, as the most important shelf to go up is there. Got it done well enough for my liking.
Friday was the last noisy coffee before Easter break (it only runs while schools are open), so we all got Easter eggs, as well as the usual fruit, snacks, & coffees. Caught up on knitting & some last-second touch-up, while prepping for today.
Today came & I was able to get up while it was light, well-rested & ready to go!!! Job one was the shelves. The wood one goes nicely above the wet wall ledge by the bath, so serves as the by the bath shelf nicely. The glass shelf fits well above the heater, & as it's glass with metal supports, won't burn so easily as a wood one. It's enough above the heater to allow circulation too.
Then there's the above-the-sink shelf. I needed my ladder to get that up, due to being otherwise unable to reach the top screw-holes. I did argue with the screws occasionally, but it's up & the mirror doors are in!!!
And we can't forget sharky bathroom tissue buddy!!! A scrap of paper did the screw map, then I marked holes, deepened them with the hole-nail, then added the screws in place, & he fits on nicely!!! For the wooden shelf I had to use my ruler to measure stuff, but again it's now nicely in place.
Dolphin shelf proved more tricky, as it's a corner shelf, but I figured out which side was least wiggly & used that to mount it right next to the above the sink shelf.. Finally I got my towel hooks in place where I want them.
And then we came to the real fun bit: the posters & piccies!!! OO BOY!!! I had to trim some posters to size as otherwise they wouldn't have fit!!! But most did, with only one not having the room to go up. But then, that's expected when half the walls they used to be on are now wet walls with wall stickers & sticky hooks.
With them up it was on to the small items, which could fit in nooks, like between the above-the-sink shelf & the wall, above the door, or wherever else was too narrow for other piccies. I also have a wide strip poster thingie I put above the towel hooks, & it still fits, wi room for postcards & strips above.
Some of the medium sized pics are up too, but not all my faves yet. I do have some new ones up, as well as a load of the older ones. There's still room for some more, but I think I'd like a couple more shelves first, particularly as dolphin shelf is now the shelf for my shaving mirror, mani-pedi tools (I have an egg thingie for getting the dead skin off my feet), & my tweezers. So I need more ornament display shelves. But after I paused to relax, I found some on eBay. I'm broke at the minute though, so can't order the ones I like until Tuesday after next...
Now more knitting, & once I'm done wi this knitting I'm sewing, then when the sewing is done I'm crocheting.
It Fricken WIMDY!!! The chilly, blow-through-the-house-cracks kind, so I'm wearing my leggie-warmers & my poncho to stave the chill. Going to burrow into an MLP sleeping bag soon...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 23, 2024, 06:29:39 PM
I made 10 servings of creamy veggie soup which takes hours since I have to carmelize onions, chop and roast all the veggies, boil them with potatoes, and then run it all through the blender.

I also made hard boiled eggs, and handmade potato slices that I put paprika on and cooked in the airfryer.

I've done 3 loads of laundry and 4 loads of dishes. 
Took the compost out twice as well as the recycling, and I knocked all the icicles off the rain gutters twice.

Took husband to the post office - it's STILL snowing!

Soon I think I am going to keep working on the rug made of braided socks but I have to give my poor dry hands a little bit of a break. 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on March 24, 2024, 07:06:14 AM
BlackCurtains, maybe it's available in the US? Ultradex is the name ( and it's usually in supermarkets and pharmacists here. I never looked at it before but it came up when I seared for flavourless mouthwash! For toothpaste, I use Oranurse (, and of you have a bad gag reflex or cannot easily get to floss your back teeth, I cannot recommend Wisdom Easy Flosser ( enough! My gag reflex is so hair trigger and I easily throw up when it's tripped, so these have been great.

Today I had a LONG sleep thank goodness, I went to the store and did some big chores. It's really sunny, and I'm packing up more collectables. Just about to unbox my Mermaze Slumber Party dolls!

(When I removed the shipping label from the box that brought me my Limited Edition Kotobukiya Felicia statue I gave myself a papercut DX)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 24, 2024, 08:19:55 AM
Thanks! Looks like Ultradex is available but the toothpaste isn't. I'll have to poke around and find one. My gag reflex is practically non existent. Sometimes I gag when I cough too hard but that's about it. I haven't thrown up in probably 20 years. Sometimes I want too though, I think I'd feel better.

I never got to the craft closet yesterday, but I'll try again today. I finally got some decent sleep.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 24, 2024, 08:27:57 AM
I spent the morning, noon and afternoon on the couch bingewatching the second season of Buying Beverly Hills while my head made me consider unspeakable things to said head.. I was knocked out so bad, even the painkillers did not help. I managed to feed the cats and I ate a small lunch of leftovers since yesterday, but boy, it was tough. Around three pm I was well enough to stand without getting motion sickness. I managed to dress and went out for a walk to get some fresh air. I walked for almost an hour. I have no idea how, my body was craving movement I guess.. Now I'm well enough to function at least. Drinking tea of grated fresh ginger and dried mint with honey and eating chocolate and cheesedoodles.

Congratulations Beth! I hope you had a great birthday! :tort: :cheer:

PBW I'm glad the bathroom is finally coming together! Can we get piccies when it's done? :)

lovesbabysquirmy you are a superwoman! :super:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 24, 2024, 11:41:46 AM
rug continues... laundry continues... dishes continue. 

I  have a shopping list but I don't know if I want to go out shopping LOL
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on March 24, 2024, 12:21:25 PM
In 10 minutes I hafta go out and do yard work.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: NovelNerd on March 24, 2024, 09:32:39 PM
Cleaning played KH 3, napped, and watched season two of Avatar (I've never seen it). It's my last day of vacation, so I was being lazy.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: freezestime on March 24, 2024, 10:01:00 PM
I sent off an eBay order, got told by my work that I don't have a shift after I left the house but quickly corrected themselves saying it's next week I don't have a shift.

Got so excited for going home and having fun. Now I have to work at a recycling centre for 8 hours today. I hope I find toys.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 25, 2024, 08:57:45 AM
Attempt #3 at the craft closet! :lol: I keep getting distracted.

I also need to clean up the bathroom. Aster missed the litter box and there's pee on the floor now. That's the second time that's happened.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 27, 2024, 06:24:29 PM
Squirmy I'm exhausted just reading your "did this" list!!!
BC aww Aster xxx And hope you get your crafting worked on & organised!!!
Freezestime I hope you find good stuff too xxx
Beldarna get well soon xxx
Novelnerd enjoy your time off when you can xxx
LAW hope the garden work does well xxx
Frostbite yaiy for long sleeps!!! Hope the pack/unpack goes well xxx

Done a bit more work on the bathroom, but the rest is waiting for me to get a couple of shelves I saw on eBay. Can't get them now as I'm broke!!!
Fortunately the last few days have hugely helped there!!!
Monday: last film day until next winter. It WILL be back on in November as it's been popular.
Tuesday: Coffee as usual. Got milk, cheese for the broccoli cheese soup, & a snack. Came to less than the cash in my wallet so good. As I had the cheese, made the broccoli soup, but not before baking bread (separately as both the air fryer & the hotplate need plugged in & I can only plug in one at a time & soup is better hot so bread first).
Wednesday: Had a long sleep between Tuesday & Wednesday as Wednesday's thing is an evening. Made it there!!! It's a Passover, & see What Made Me Smile for what that means. In a word, food. LOTS of food!!! Filled up nicely!!! Also got a doggy-bag with a LOAD of cheese, & olives!!! I can make pizza!!!
In between, more knitting. One pair fingerless gloves sewn, one ready to sew, one almost ready to sew. Think I'll move on to doing the hats after this for a knit break as the hats are crocheted.
I also have a thing on Friday with hot cross buns for Easter.

To those asking for piccies, I've been piccieing my progress as I go, but it's a HUGE lot of pics so will need a folder full uploaded to show you all, & Imgur has been a pain so I left it alone for now...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beldarna on March 28, 2024, 06:54:44 AM
I finally had my first part of the deep health check today. So bloodwork, blood pressure (was low), weight, lenght, waiste measurement. Home. Fill in a 50 page questionaire about everything about me, from how I sleep and eat to how I feel mentally and if I use alcohol etc.. it took a good two hours. Luckily it was online so I don't have to go back and give it to them in person. Next appointment is april 9th where we will go over the results of everything. I had been fasting since 10 pm yesterday so I was ravenous when I came home, lol. No eggs for breakfast, lets make a huge baguette! It was delicious.

I got a package today with three lovley styling G3s so now I have all five of them :inlove:. Made me so happy to see how well the seller had packaged them, I got warm fuzzies allover and felt bad about opening them up.

I went for a walk with a friend and talked for a bit. Felt good. In a minute or three I'm gonna join hubby on the couch and take a nap :).
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 28, 2024, 09:46:44 AM
I'm giving up on the craft closet. I just can't seem to get motivated for it.

I really want to make some miniatures. Still working on ponies. I'd also like to do a live stream for my channel today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 29, 2024, 10:48:36 AM
BC you'll get there xxx You just need the mood, & a day you're not doing so much cooking xxx
Beldarna glad you got your health check!!! And yaiy for completing Pony sets!!!

Took a LOOOOOOOOONG sleep, between finishing the sewing, getting on the crochet, & going to the hot cross bun thing today!!! A good few pals were there, including my fave coffee pal!!! I was told there were cheap mushrooms in the Co-op & I've counted my cash & have enough for a few more things. Went to the Co-op, got the cheap mushrooms & an Easter egg, all for less than a fiver!!!
Back home, & after a wee chill-out got right to pizza making!!! I'm away to plate it, slice it, & eat it!!! Then there's a thing tonight at 7pm if I make it...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on March 30, 2024, 08:06:30 AM
Visiting a very lovely bakery today.  :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: SkyCakes on March 30, 2024, 12:33:19 PM
Working on some friendship bracelets and boy these instructions are crazy. Then I spied like pages down and it gets worse.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 30, 2024, 01:29:26 PM
Visiting a very lovely bakery today.  :lol:

Mindy's? :ninja:

Ugh, I don't feel well today at all. I thought I could work on ponies but I don't feel like it. I also don't want to play any games. So I'm sitting here with nothing to do even though there are a ton of things I could do. I think I'm going to lie down and watch Seinfeld.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on March 31, 2024, 06:50:35 AM
BC get well soon!!!
Skycakes take it one step at a time xxx
Cowboy yum!!!

Made the evening, JUST!!! Then got home & stuff.
Saturday staying home, changing sleeping bag, doing dishes, having shower. Yarn arrived yaiy!!! Looking forward to getting stuck in!!!
Today it's Easter!!! In our local cemetery we have a well inside of a hillock. The entrance is a stone arch. Will have to take a pic... Every Easter Sunday we have a wee thing there due to its "empty tomb" vibe.
Afterwards went to the hall because if not for all the meet-ups there I don't know where I'd be but I made it through wi their help so xxx It was good & saw many pals & afterwards there was cake, biccies, grapes, mini eggs, & coffee. I was there when the cakes came in & there was a casualty (messed up but still edible) so I cut it in four pieces & had one myself while the other 3 went to helpers. The cakes were so good, & more will be at Tuesday coffee I know it!!!
Yarnwise the crochet is going well!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 31, 2024, 07:31:09 AM
MMMMM all the yummy treats sound so nice, ponybookworm :) 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on March 31, 2024, 08:40:51 AM
Ponies today and maybe a few minis :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 01, 2024, 04:28:58 AM
BC hope you do well on your crafting!!!
Squirmy cheers, they were!!!

After I got home yesterday a big question I can't get into here as controversial was burning in me. Last night I talked of it with people in my fave server. This morning I saw a few people about it & brought it to them, including at least two trusted pals. I think it might be getting answered, I hope so...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 01, 2024, 09:09:04 AM
Didn't get much done yesterday after all. I started off in a really good mood but then things went south.

Today, I guess I am doing research online for stuff.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 03, 2024, 08:47:40 PM
I got loot!!! And there was so much on the shopping list!!!
Coffee morning was good, & I got a cake with it & a cake to take home. Returned the flask I'd been loaned full of hot water on Monday, just!!! Saw my pal there too.
It was raining but I still had to go to town for stuff (the Lidl town - one town near me has Lidl, the other has the everything shop). Got a kettle, a new shark plushie, some blue dye for my turbie towels, more yarn, some basic clothing items, & a load of food. Ticked off almost all my offline stuff. Turns out I need the everything shop for the loaf tin though...
Back home, chilled out, stayed up all night binge-watching a show on Netflix, slept most of the day & missed one parcel but got the other. The one I got was the shelves!!!
Woke up back of 5pm, & went to a craft group I found. This was my second time there, & aside from one little hiccup, things went well. Went online & ordered the online stuff I needed. In between crafting stuff I'm putting up the shelves (all three fit - it was a set of three shelves), & placing my ornaments on them. I have some flat-backed ornaments which aren't too heavy so I can pad them with sticky pad tape & stick them on the wet walls. Now hanging up more wall decorations

BC I've been reading the ups & downs of your circumstances xxx So I don't blame you for being less productive than you want xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 05, 2024, 08:07:18 AM
Sound like the bathroom is coming along well :D Will you share pics when it's all done?

And thanks, yeah, it's been a rollercoaster the last few days, but everything should be worked out now.

Today I'm working on ponies. I decided I hate what I've on one of them so I'm ripping it all off and starting over. I also need to clean up the bathroom and finish the kitchen.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 06, 2024, 11:57:42 AM
The bathroom is nearly finished!!! Just maybe a couple more fish stickers & the seat is it!!! Watching a load of stickers...
Working on a scarf for the first set & borrowing bits of yarn to finish the second gauntlet it goes with... Yarnwise I'm getting there but scarves take days to do

BC here's hoping, & I'm sure the Pony will turn out fine xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on April 07, 2024, 09:52:46 PM
Hello all, I'm just checking in and sending good wishes to everyone for their projects. BC, I have never watched Seinfeld but I used to watch Star Trek in those blah moments when I needed to rest. I will definitely check it out.

I had a very chilly moment on Friday when I was told that I would need to spend £700 on my car to get the brakes fixed. However, my husband has done it for £50. So we are no longer in the bracket of people who get basic car work done at the garage, but in the bracket of people who spend Saturday afternoon on the driveway, horizontal. This is exactly what my parents did, we have become my parents. In fact, they only had one car when we were small. So maybe that will become a thing. Hope not. Taking the baby to a woodland playgroup today if the weather is good.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 08, 2024, 01:46:29 AM
Artie I don't blame your husband for sorting the brakes himself if that's what the garage was asking!!!

Sleep is wonked, & received nothing from folks yet; hope they're ok...
DID receive almost all other packages, including box exchange prezzie!!! And yep, a bit more yarn...
Continuing on wi knit & crochet, going steady.
Not had a visit from Scarlet O'Hara in a while now, wonder if she's stopped or just slowed down...
My 50th is soon & I'm scared...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on April 08, 2024, 05:26:25 AM
lol Artie it happens to the best of us. sounds like he saved quite a bit of money :) Seinfeld is a go to for me when i'm feeling blah. I also like Curb Your Enthusiasm.

today is eclipse day. we'll see if the weather cooperates.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 08, 2024, 09:02:03 AM
My go to shows are Futurama, The Golden Girls, Seinfeld, Frasier and the Judge Judy channel on Pluto TV. Sometimes I watch true crime shows but I feel like I've seen them all.

My head hurts a bit. I had to sleep in my recliner last night and it messed with my legs. I had to reschedule my lease renewal meeting. It's on Friday now. The office is right across the street but add on having to go down and up my stairs, I didn't think I could make it today.

I'm hoping my regular mailman comes today so I can ask him to bring me my mail. There's a bunch of stuff I ordered weeks ago in there, plus some shrimp food I don't want out there for too long.

Today I'm cleaning up the apartment. I need to do laundry too. I should change the sheets on the bed but eh... I really hate that chore. My bed is against the wall length wise and it's so hard doing the upper corner.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on April 08, 2024, 12:33:54 PM
Frasier is in my rotation too :) i want to rewatch Golden Girls some time too. that show is so comforting and it's been so long.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 10, 2024, 01:29:30 AM
Made Tuesday, same weather issue as last week ie: sunny weekend & Monday, wet Tuesday. Coffee was good & I got a prezzie
Called the folks briefly, father has falsies & says it's a pain getting used to them. He'll be round today sometime...
Workies got in touch via text, popped round yesterday to say they'd be here today, I've unlocked my door but so far nothing but one van outside... Where is everybody???
Eclipse happened after sunset here so I didn't get to see it.
And I got a few more promises, but I don't trust any of them...
I stop being 49 after 6pm...

Beth I hope you & those who could see it enjoyed the eclipse!!!
BC take it easy xxx And I hope you get your post to your door xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 11, 2024, 06:39:37 AM
happy birthday pony bookworm :) 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on April 12, 2024, 02:14:59 AM
I'm at a loose end today. It's the final week of the Easter holidays here for kids, so all our activities have been stopped for ages. It will all go back to normal next week though. Even in this three weeks, I feel as though the baby has lost confidence with other kids. The library used to be good on a Friday but then they changed the lady who was doing it and now it's dreadful. She was reading nursery rhymes badly from a laptop and explaining why many of them are no longer PC. Not entertertaining for a baby anyway.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 13, 2024, 10:41:22 AM
Re the promises: I DID get all three!!! Folks came, dropping off £150!!! Then support worker, who had prezzies too & was able to take the old ladder AND the dead kettle!!! Then the person who promised me lunch!!! The lunch (her treat) was yummy & she also bought me a cake. I have the last of said cake to eat today. All in all not a bad bd. I also got loads of wishes online, including here (cheers xxx :grouphug: ), & the sharky server xxx
Re the workies: they didn't come on Wednesday but did on Thursday to take my ceiling & roof apart to fit the fan outlet in. They broke an ornament but it's not one I'm majorly worried about. The next day my fan was fitted back in. A decorator will be round on Monday. Meanwhile I've had to clean the floor, the bath, the curtain, & other stuff too, because the dust & debris went EVERYWHERE!!! And that's AFTER the workies swept up. I also have to touch up a wall again (doing that today; it's the one the broken ornament was hanging on). At least I haven't handed over my paint yet!!!
Re yarn: I completed a set!!! I'm working on two pieces to complete a second, & one of a third, as well as the last of my personal items. Everything is progressing nicely.
Not much else done, & the other main thing of note is a £20 gift card for the Co-op, which I use a lot so it will come in handy too.

Artie oh no!!! That's annoying xxx
Cheers Squirmy xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 14, 2024, 10:03:21 AM
I did a bunch of garden work yesterday and plotted out what I can have the downstairs neighbour help with.  Unfortunately my child was a total pest and lack of help. 

I asked , "will you please get me the wheelbarrow?"  "Oh I don't know where it is..."  "Uh, right THERE."  "Oh it's heavy."  "Yes it will require you using your arms."  *gets back to turning the compost pile, needs wheelbarrow, looks for Child*  *Child is walking back out of the house with a popsicle*
"I asked you to bring me the wheelbarrow."  "Oh it's heavy." 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 14, 2024, 12:41:17 PM
I've been busy today. I cleaned the litter boxes, got all the garbage gathered, cleaned up Aster's area and picked up all her toys, cleaned my PC desk, and cleaned the kitchen. I still have laundry to do and I want to put the snake plant in a new pot. I should clean off my art desk too.

I slept late so I'll probably be up late tonight to get everything done.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 14, 2024, 01:38:15 PM
finished emptying half the compost bin and re-locating the dirt.
now I need to run to the store for more eggs and to pick up a prescription for my husband. 
might drop off some donations at the cat rescue charity
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 17, 2024, 04:29:19 AM
BC busy you xxx
Squirmy busy you too, & your child not knowing a wheelbarrow has WHEELS??? And that's how you move it??? Methinx you need to have a talk...

So, painter came Monday, filled the gaps round the patchwork. Tuesday came before I went to coffee, dusted & painted by the time I was back from coffee. However, see Trivial Complaints...
Went to coffee, was good. Weather was good too, so went to local shops for some quick treats. Later went out to everything shop town. Was literally there for three shops so was quick. Weather got worse with wind & showers of heavy rain, like it was on & off but when it was on it was on full blast!!! Got home & this continued. Spent all but £14 of birthday cash, but that includes electricity for the meter which took half of it. Tesco (in everything shop town) was the only place I used my card, which helped a lot. Did get a few treats, as well as a little yarn. Did NOT find a second loaf tin of the right size, but one shop had a set of foil loaf tins which fit nicely, & bread when baked comes cleanly out of tins so that's great!!! Put wall ornaments back up & was planning to do more stuff today but Trivial Complaints (aka my fan outlet needs rainproofed).
Today knitting & crochet, In peace, unless somebody texts back re fan
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 17, 2024, 09:45:51 AM
I recorded some video for my channel early this morning, but I'm not feeling the game anymore :huh: It was recently updated and it broke a lot of things, plus there are lots of bugs now. It shouldn't have made it out of beta. I don't want to play anymore until it's fixed (it is still early access so I know it's not perfect, but it worked fine before the update)

I went back to bed after that and slept another 5 hours. I have some drawings to do on another site.

Should probably clean up the kitchen today. I did some cooking so there are more dirty dishes than usual.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on April 18, 2024, 08:42:38 AM
I feel you on the dishes ... it doesn't help I have limited room and big pots that need done >8C

Took Younger Birb to the vet as I was worried about her, but also to get her weighed as she was overweight. Happy to say she has lost 9g (very good!!), her keel bone is far more easily felt through her chest, and she was a piece of cake to get in the carrier. She threatened the vet with a good bitin', and yet she is the most innocent and gentle little bean with me! I'm almost mortified saying she's so hand-tame when clearly she doesn't feel the same about the vet wrapped in a towel  :lol:

It was a very long day but her vitals are totally fine so that's great. I was worried she wasn't very cuddly or seeking me out, but she just might be a bit distant from moulting and because I had/am having a bad depressive episode, I probably took it harder than normal. She's eating right now and is bright and alert.

Cleaned my heavy duty air purifier, need to wait for the parts to dry for 24 hours now, and the parts of my bathroom Aero 360 dehumidifier thing ( are soaking before I put it back together and put a new tablet in. I did nothing due to the depressive episode so I'm kinda catching up.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 18, 2024, 09:30:19 AM
In the midst of cleaning the kitchen. My mom made me cry, I was short with her and turned my phone off. I'm under so much stress right now and feel very alone. I want to crawl in bed and stay there, but that would be giving in and I don't want to do that today. So I'm going to continue cleaning and play a game or two.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on April 19, 2024, 10:39:28 AM
My great uncle Peter has passed away and was the last of his generation. My Mum was feeling a mixture of upset and relieved because he was very poorly. I took the baby to see her and Grampy today and we had a quiet day. I mended holes in a tea towel and two t shirts, ate lunch and then took Mum and the baby for a walk. This evening I watched the House of Lords debate on the horticultural industry, thrilling stuff! My sister has offered us TY plushies of Twighlight, Fluttershy and Cadence but they need quite a bit of work on their hair.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 20, 2024, 06:09:22 AM
Artie  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Time stops for nobody. You'll still miss him xxx
BC hope your mood & your mother's mood both improve. Dealing with people is hard when you & they have so much going on xxx
Frostbite glad birb is well, though I understand their reaction to "pokey-proddy-smelly-folk" aka vets (some of the stuff they use has a distinct scent).

Anyway, I got a surprise prezzie!!! From somebody whose bd was quite recent!!! So in between craft meetup, which is good, & noisy coffee, which I was a bit late for, I've been making stuff for this person!!! TAX
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Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 20, 2024, 09:34:09 AM
ooooh I spot a Cinderwing rose dragon!  my husband also makes those :) 
and some sharks! 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 20, 2024, 06:36:45 PM
Those articulated sharks are neat! I've been wanting to get a regular dragon like that.

Today I slept most of the day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on April 21, 2024, 02:08:31 PM
Hehe she was SO CROSS it was hysterical! I was worried she wasn't very cuddly and didn't want to come near me over the week I've been off, but I think I've figured out what's wrong; she was scared of something on my desk! I've removed it and today she flew onto my head twice and came down to mess around with my papers/have lots of cuddles so we're getting back to normal!

Slept quite a bit, done some big chores like changing the bed and taking the bins out for collection. I still have more rubbish to go out and signs to put on bins that have the wrong stuff in them to get emptied and 'reset' (I'm kinda the 'bin police' for my block). I'm trying to look for hotels for a concert in Dublin, I'm only away three days but OMG THE PRICES?!??!?!? WHY SO EXPENSIVE!??????????
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on April 21, 2024, 04:11:51 PM
Ponybookworm, they are cute and great! But what is that pink, some dragon thing? :wow:


 :shy: Hello everyone again.. I was away from the forum again for several days, but now I'm back and at my own laptop. At Easter, I went home again with my spouse. We were supposed to stay for a shorter time, but because of my cat Ozzy, we stayed longer. I also have a laptop at home, but it is so slow and we had left this faster laptop at my spouse's apartment, so I couldn't come here to the forum to visit on that slow machine. Now we have been at my spouse's apartment again for a few days.

The irritated skin on Ozzy's tail is already better and on Sunday morning my mother took off Ozzy's collar. :) On Wednesday, Ozzy has an appointment with the vet and blood tests will be taken. I hope everything is fine and it was "just" stress.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 21, 2024, 05:04:07 PM
Glad to hear Ozzy is doing better :) And to see you here again :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 22, 2024, 02:11:14 AM
The stuff I received (the sharks & rose dragon with egg) is 3D printed. The stuff I'm sending is crocheted. He can't crochet, I don't have a 3D printer (I'd love one but the price & the room!!!)
Cheers for the compliments folks!!!
HOM so glad moggie is recovering!!!
Frostbite proud of you for getting the chores done!!!

Put the stuff I had to shift back in the bathroom. Continued amigurumi as there were a few things I REALLY wanted to make!!! (I've made two of each & the second found its way into the box for my pal - he's in Germany so postage will be a pain). I REALLY need to do chores... & shower...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 22, 2024, 08:22:51 AM
I too need to do chores. My kitchen is a mess after I cleaned out my fridge. So much wasted food :mad: I had like three cartons of sour cream. I've got a bunch of garbage bags to go out now, but my neighbor hasn't been around. I hate keeping it inside but I've no choice. I need to water the plants and continue cleaning the tank, I've got brown algae I need to scrub off with a toothbrush. Still need to do laundry too. Ugh. Too much.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on April 22, 2024, 01:04:22 PM
@BC, thanks for the kind words. Also love the sharks! I love how people can create these handicraft items that look so real. The hammer head shark is amazing.

@Lady Frostbite I love you for being the bin police. What a good deed to do for your neighbours!

I took the baby to the woodland play group today. It's a lot to navigate for her since it's not just a room like the old playgroup and there are a lot of older kids crashing about too. But she's doing really well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 23, 2024, 07:13:55 AM
I might go visit my mom. Depends on how well the OTC pain relivers do today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 23, 2024, 11:35:19 AM
STILL not done chores yet!!! Putting it off...
Artie cheers so much!!! And glad she enjoyed playgroup. Woodland one... sounds like fun!!!
BC I hope you see your mother, & the neighbour xxx

Well I made it to coffee, just, then got a few small bits from the Co-op. AND I got the parcel posted off!!! So excited!!! Was a bit of a pain filling all the Customs details, but we got there, hence I went in to a Post Office. I heard we're getting a new one, which is good; we need our own!!!
Apart from one little thing I felt an urge to make, I'm back on the hats & scarves bigtime. The scarves have been progressing two or four rows at a time, but the hats have lain dormant while I crocheted all the stuff for the parcel.
I HAVE to do chores, then I HAVE to do baking...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on April 23, 2024, 05:41:55 PM
Glad to hear Ozzy is doing better :) And to see you here again :hug:
HOM so glad moggie is recovering!!!

:hug: :heart:

I haven't been able to sleep because I've been thinking about Ozzy's upcoming vet visit. :huh: :sleepy: My mother will take him there and immediately let me know what the blood tests reveal. There is also another very strange thing that needs to be clarified, but I will only write about it after I have heard about it myself first.  :unsure:

On Tuesday, I shoveled snow from the yards and also cleaned it out from the bird feeding places so that the ground was exposed. I had to do a lot of other things too, but because of my back pain I couldn't. My back was irritated from that chore again.  >_<
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 24, 2024, 01:11:52 PM
Last Wednesday of the month means monthly fun time for women, & there are always snacks!!! Since it was after my bd, they had a choccy cake for me!!! Just like my 40th, my 50th is an extended bd. A few of us, me included, got doggy bags home so I have some more snacks. Mine included the last of the cake (plenty of us had a piece each). We had another story, with a few associated treats. Not a big one like Passover, but still good.
Back home & more hat work, & catch-up on Youtube. Jurrassic World: Dominion is on Netflix so watched that last night

HOM you rest yourself to let your back recover!!! And hope things go well at the vets xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 24, 2024, 03:52:06 PM
HoM, I hope the vet visit goes well. Rest your back :hug:

I've been sick with my stomach for two days. As time goes on this happens more frequently. Because I have gastroparesis, it can bring on a lot of other conditions. I don't currently have a gastroenterologist but I think I'll ask for a referral for one next time I see my PCP.

Anyway, I've been sleeping most of the day. I'm about to record a game for my channel. I tried to live stream, but I couldn't get it to work. YouTube tells you to copy and paste a stream key into the recording software, which is OBS, but I don't see anywhere in the program to paste the key :huh:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on April 24, 2024, 05:16:51 PM
Ozzy's vet visit went well. :) The results of the blood tests, the vet will call tomorrow.
He now has very scaly skin/fur so a medicine was prescribed for that (can't remember the name now). It might be caused by some food or the collar holding, because of which the cat couldn't clean itself. (My mother and I did try to clean Ozzy's fur with wet cotton pads and paper towels every day, and we also brushed once a week. We cleaned his butt area and tail more often, as well as his face.) The tail's skin has completely healed!  :whew:

The thing I didn't write about earlier was related to Ozzy's nipples. I hid the text because it might disgust/shock someone. :wonder:
Some of them (at least the first four) were blackened and cocooned inside the skin!  :crazy: I noticed their strangeness by accident when I touched the cat's stomach. When I examined one of them more closely, it started coming out and came off! It was like a mouse poop!  :shocked: The vet looked at the nipples and found that the black stuff was just dirt and some of the nipples had turned inwards, so she thought they were ok.  :rolleyes: :unsure: I don't know.. If human nipples are like that, it's not a good thing at all, but it's a cat and it's probably a completely different thing with them.

About an hour ago, my mother sent me a message and a video. Ozzy has been making a strange noise. I listened to the sounds in the video and the cat sounded really strange. :| I wrote back to my mother that that's not Ozzy. What kind of creature did you get back from the vet?!  :lol: In addition to the normal vocalization of a cat, there is something like the low muddy mumbling of a creature from outer space.  :nuts: :blink: This is completely new behavior for that cat. I wonder, even though it's been several hours since the vet visit, if the sedatives could still have an effect on its head? He eats, drinks and goes to the litter box normally. Of course, it has now slept more than usual.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on April 25, 2024, 04:51:15 AM
Sigh of sympathy for your poor cat, HoM. I read the nipples bit.

My day is this, Granny has come over and is doing books and playtime with the baby. She used to teach so it's particularly good for baby because she's not in a nursery. Granny knows the kind of thing she will need to learn for nursery. I'm a huge fan of her being able to choose a book and bring it over to where I'm sitting! I am now catching up on personal admin.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 25, 2024, 07:17:44 AM
HoM, wow, the part in spoilers is really weird! Does that happen often to male cats? I'm glad his tail problem is getting better :) And yeah, he probably just had some of the sedatives still in his system.

I'm taking the day off from chores today and am going to relearn how to play Planet Zoo. I used to play it all the time and have hundreds of hours in it, but it's been a very long time since I played and I've forgotten most of the tips and tricks, plus there is a lot of new-to-me things.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 25, 2024, 05:55:53 PM
HOM the other cat-peeps are correct. It's likely a sedative wearing off thing, & glad there was nothing major tummy-wise, & that the skin is healing well xxx
Artie I'm sure it's as lovely for Granny as for you & baby xxx
BC I hope you get the gastro referral xxx And have fun wi the game!!!

My sleep schedule is back to wonked!!! Wednesday I woke about 5pm, today it was 10pm or after that...
I've still made the meetings & should get to the noisy coffee, but yikes!!! Also been really careful wi loot, to the point I took a favour somebody offered me to reimburse the postage of the package I sent my pal. COL is hitting me...
STILL need to get chores done, & have progressed on the hats & scarves...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 25, 2024, 06:44:03 PM
This is a week in which I feel like my family's taxi driver.

Everyone has errands and appointments and I am still the only one who can drive...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Shaiyeh on April 26, 2024, 02:03:13 AM
Today, I am running some errands (and vlogging) - I need to pick up some felt and yarn - sorting out a thumbnail for another vlog (going live today - I'm disorganized as always lol!), and filming for a crochet tutorial. :frolic: I need to finish my coffee and get going for the bus ^^' 
My channel is still really small (2.7k) but it's been a crazy week on the channel, and I've gotten nearly 400 subs in the last week so I'm very hyped up right now. :yikes: :frolic:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 26, 2024, 08:04:29 AM
Yay! Go Shai! :cheer: I need to catch up on your vids.

I'm doing laundry today FOR SURE. I also really need to vacuum. There are tufts of cat hair all over the carpets :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Heart Of Midnight on April 26, 2024, 05:32:54 PM
Shaiyeh, Congratulations that you have so many subscribers to your channel!  :joy:


Ozzy's blood tests results are excellent!  :yippee: Very healthy cat! :heart: :heart: :heart:
The vet also said that the strange vocalizations were probably caused by the sedatives. I also think so, because now Ozzy is ok and hasn't made any extra strange noises. :D We are going home on Monday so I will see the boys (cats) again. I'm going to check Ozzy's nipples regularly and I'll also remind mom that he should do the same when I'm not there at home. Strange case...  :wonder:

Friday was laundry day and I changed the clean sheets & pillowcases to the bed. I still have back pain so these chores took much more time than usual. In the evening, I couldn't bear to drag myself into the shower anymore, so I only washed my hair in the bathroom sink, a wrong choice, because my back didn't like that position either!  >_<
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on April 27, 2024, 07:57:13 AM
Shaiyeh, will have to catch up, & love that you have so many subs!!!
BC, you can do it xxx
HOM pawesome news!!! And yep, next chore is laundry for me too, along with a shower...
Squirmy beep beep!!! Here comes the snail-mobile!!! If you have a partner, is there a reason they can't drive???

I got the dishes done!!! I got bread baked & the foil tins work!!! I made noisy coffee & showed them pics of what I've made (my craft group will also want to see so keeping them on the phone for now).
And I've been adding to my current knit & crochet projects!!! Today I need to do laundry & have a shower
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 27, 2024, 08:07:47 AM
HoM, great to hear about Ozzy! :D
I need to wash my hair in the sink too. I wanted to do it yesterday but was too tired.

I got the laundry done :accomplished: I need to wash my blanket still, but that's just one thing, so easy. Changing the sheets on the bed should be done today but my back is really hurting, so I don't know. It's times like this that I want to move my bed out in the room, but I like being against the wall when sleeping :huh:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on April 29, 2024, 11:02:31 AM
Went to the woodland play group this morning and baby swung me in a hammock :biggrin: she is really getting big now and is climbing hills and almost running too. She is due for yogurt now.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on April 30, 2024, 08:00:23 AM
Today I need to go to the bank and get a new debit card. Someone tried using my card number yesterday to rent a car, so the bank blocked it. After that I'm visiting my mom.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 02, 2024, 01:10:30 PM
BC that's such a pain!!! And all the hassle of getting the new card on your accounts too xxx At least you caught up on laundry xxx
Artie aww!!!

Laundry, check!!! Just need to hang out the socks. Shower, check!!!
Coffee, check!!! And was a pal's birthday too
Craft group, check!!! Though I was in a bit of a rush so forgot the phone!!! But I wouldn't have had time as a pal had an announcement
Not-so-check: my sleep schedule. It wonked again
Major check: my loot is back in order, so I ordered some fun stuff off eBay & from a pal, as well as yarn for a project for my bd coffee pal. Why are there so many gorgeous yarn colours???
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 03, 2024, 03:52:43 AM
PBW, don't look on Etsy at the hand dyed yarn! I don't even knit (yet) and I've got a wishlist of yarn with like hundreds on it XD

Today, I should clean up the bathroom at some point. Aster's dishes need to be washed. Other than that, I've got nothing going on so I guess today is a gaming day. I've caught up on Planet Zoo and know how to play again :) I have trouble starting a zoo though. There are so many animals to choose from (I have all the DLC) it takes me forever to pick out what I want to make a habitat for.

edit, later: I washed my hair and scrubbed off all my dead skin :accomplished: My skin actually squeaks :glitter:
I also got Aster's dishes washed and refilled. I still need to clean the bathroom, but I feel like cleaning up the kitchen instead. I got stuff to make tacos! :taco:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 04, 2024, 02:35:58 AM

I don't react well to wool so I avoid 100% wool where I can. Same with mohair, & angora has its own issues. So that chops the hand-dyed wool off my list as if I can't work with it comfortably, there's no point. There are some wool/acrylic blends I can work with, where the wool content is 20% or so, & they're not nearly so bad.
I got to noisy coffee & it was fun as usual. Afterwards more work on the knitting & crochet. The fox yarn isn't here yet but hopefully soon...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on May 04, 2024, 12:37:24 PM
Etsy is the devil, it's even worse when you see AMAZING things ... only for the shipping to be something stupid like £15 for one sticker  :pout: There are so many gorgeous pins and stickers I want but the shipping! THE SHIPPING!!

Not all sellers are like that, I got a funny bird sticker for my bank card as all bank cards have the same picture on it and it's boring, I wanted something to make it stand out and this sticker was perfect. The shipping was MUCH more reasonable!

I handed in gifts to people, and I've ordered something off Cameo to see how it works. If it works well, I'll probably do more orders, and order one for a friend for her birthday!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 07, 2024, 11:43:40 AM
I want this one sticker so bad. The sticker is $5 and the shipping is $3. Like, put it in an envelope? Where is the $3 going? It might not make sense, but in cases like that I'd rather pay 8 dollars for the sticker and have free shipping.

I'm cleaning the house today. Again I've been neglecting it. I need to start a routine pick-up-stuff each day instead of letting things pile up.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 08, 2024, 10:33:00 PM
Sleep has been all over the place, AGAIN!!! It's annoying & makes me late for things/ miss things.
At least I got the card out on Monday, & some packages arriving on Tuesday meant I made coffee on Tuesday. After coffee I went into town for a few bits. Town was up & down. Up in the sense of I found the PERFECT size of loaf tin!!! Down in the sense of one of my fave shops being shut until Saturday. Up in the sense of the tasty cheesecake I ate!!! Down in the sense of the freezer at Tesco. Up in the sense of the lift I got home!!!
Got some needed stuff & some fun stuff & had a relatively good day.
And I'm on the knitting & crochet. I'm nearly done a hat, so sorting the yarn to get it finished & still make the second fingerless glove. I think I've done it just about, & have a couple more integrations to do before starting its scarf. Glove started on, & so far it looks matching...

BC, Frostbite, ridiculous postage costs are the bane of everybody's life!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 11, 2024, 02:03:44 PM
More done!!! I have FINISHED the second glove, but not the hat yet. Doing more work on two other scarves to get them out of the way & done; one of those is almost finished!!!
I MISSED the aurora viewings last night, apparently everybody in the northern hemisphere including UK, northern Europe, northern USA, Canada, etc could see it & it was all over every Discord server!!!
I made the noisy coffee & it was good fun again. I had a go at making veggie nuggets & they turned out well. The mix was so sticky but well worth the hassle!!! With all the veg & the chickpeas & the mash, the nuggets were effectively a full meal!!! Nine of them had me utterly stuffed full!!! So the rest are in portions of six, with the last of them spicy (chilli powder added to the mix & chilli flakes to the breadcrumbs).
Today I need to do dishes & make bread & pizza... Going to be fun...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 11, 2024, 03:07:01 PM
today we were planning to do Mother's Day dinner. it was cut shot because of an emergency that came up at work. so we pretty much ended up dropping off food and leaving. it turned out that i didn't even need to be involved in the work issue. which is good. but i'm mad that i didn't know that before we left my parent's. i'm going back over tomorrow and i'll hang out for a while. i felt really bad but i also couldn't relax if i thought i was going to get in trouble for not taking care of the work issue.

i've posted some here about my mom having some health issues. i can't remember if i talked about it since we got a diagnosis. but she has a form of Parkinson's. it doesn't really cause shaking but it affects her balance and speech. so it's like the words are there but she can't get them out :( which is very frustrating for her.

i'm going to try again tonight to see the auroras. apparently they might still be visible. especially further north. so if you missed them try again late tonight :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on May 12, 2024, 06:54:54 AM
Made waffles this morning, was at yard sales yesterday.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 12, 2024, 08:07:42 AM
Oops, thought this was the complaints thread!

edit: I guess today I am cleaning up around the place more. I'd like to clean off my table. I hate to complain, because my neighbor is so nice for taking my trash for free, but I wish she'd come around more often. She said she would, but the garbage bags are piling up again. I realize I make a lot of garbage :( We don't have recycling at the complex, we just have a trash compactor, so everything goes in there. If I could drive and had a car, I'd collect and take it to the dump where they have recycling bins for everything. It bothers me, but I figure I spent my whole life up to this point recycling, and I do (or don't do) lots of other things that help the environment, so it evens out.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on May 12, 2024, 12:00:09 PM
Right now I am working on my online pony list , updating and taking a few off I got this year and last.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on May 13, 2024, 10:19:10 AM
The baby just keeps whining and crying tonight. We are both tired from work/gardening and were hoping for a quiet night. All her teeth are coming through. I am hiding downstairs while OH is playing with her upstairs. She seems to enjoy that part of the evening before bed where she plays upstairs so we've decided to stretch it out rather than watching too much tv.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 13, 2024, 04:04:58 PM
Oh Artie, teething is not fun!!! Not for the baby, nor the parents xxx
Horizon I've neglected my collection logs of late. Need to catch up. The piccies are there but the log of my collection is a thing I have to do. Congrats on working on yours!!!
BC well done on the cleaning!!!
Beth grrr at your work interrupting your family time xxx

I did the dishes AND gave the whole sink area (draining rack, sink, & surrounding surface) a good scrub down!!! It's almost like I have a new draining area!!! It's really that clean now!!!
Made two lots of dough: one for bread, one for pizza. Made the bread first, so it could rise while I worked on the pizza base & sauce, & sorted the veggies. Then the pizza dough rose while I baked the bread, then I portioned out the pizza dough, heated the veggies, rolled out the first bit, cooked it up, pulled out my pre-grated cheeses, & assembled the pizza. Then I ate it!!! I pulled too many veggies to fit in the tray for heating, so half of them went in a container for the fridge.
After all that & the associated dishes from that were draining, it was time to head out for coffee, cakes, & seeing a few pals. One pal, who's getting on & it's becoming obvious (limping a little, sometimes you don't quite understand him, etc) told me he & his wife enjoyed the cake I gave them last time I saw him. She's still not well enough to come out. I hope she recovers soon; I miss her.
Then I got some more knitting done, & had a long crashout.
Then came today. So beautiful, 21C & the sun is out. Sorted the bed to summer fashion (when I sleep on top of the duvet but under some light blankets). Put the plastic & metal recycling out. Waited for a parcel, then checked its tracking. It's in England, so it'll take a couple more days to reach me. After binfolks came, took Bakana for a walk. Went along the long coastal path & it was beautiful. So many flowers, & I saw a bee or two, a load of Cabbage Whites, & two Red Admirals, among the wildlife!!! Got quite sweaty & though I took a water bottle, finished it before the walk was done. Got home & changed my tshirt for a nightshirt. I have nothing on Wednesday so I cleared the machine as Bakana is due a bath, & she'll get one then. Only a little knitting.
I've been playing a dragon game but I think I'll have to give it up soon, which is a shame but cost of living is hitting. In fact, I might have to delete it now. I can no longer afford to play it, & like most of that type of game, it's very pay to win...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 13, 2024, 05:37:39 PM
Wow, you've been busy.

I'm also feeling money woes. I don't have enough to pay my electric bill. It's due on the 21st. I still need to take photos of some bait ponies and put them on eBay.

Before I realized I was going to run out of money, I did buy some snails and shrimp for my aquarium. They should arrive this week.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Princess Celestia on May 15, 2024, 02:57:28 AM
At work, waiting and waiting for us to start the final tests of the safety systems at the power plant I work at.

We have been down for more than a month for refuling and maintenance that needs to be done annually.

A lot has to go through at a nuclear power plant before we start up for a year of operation again. This will take about 72h for 6 persons to do in shifts.

Oh yeah forgot, control systems are my focus here.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on May 15, 2024, 03:05:26 AM
Oh Artie, teething is not fun!!! Not for the baby, nor the parents xxx

Shame about your dragon game PBW. I've deleted all my subscriptions recently. The walk sounds good, you know when you've done a good walk if you ran out of water. I used to live in the East Neuk and I liked it very much. I literally just cleaned my sink as well.

Today I'm also catching up on some baking to warm the house up, it's the first day it's been cool and damp here for a while.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 15, 2024, 05:45:27 AM
Cheers peeps xxx
BC I hope this new lot live & thrive xxx
Artie enjoy the baking!!!
Caysie oo boy!!! I hope you get that check-up done soon

Game deleted, along with everything to do wi it.
Got loot so transferred money to Paypal to fix the balance.
Went to coffee morning in the morning, it was good & saw some pals & got some yarn. Got a few quick messages from Co-op, put them away, went to Lidl town. Got the knitting needles & crochet hooks I needed in the yarn shop, then found a smart jacket AND some plates!!! Been scouring for both for ages, so good I found them now.
The cafe ran out of milkshakes, so I effectively told them how to make an affogato, then telling them to Google it.
I found yarn colours I don't yet have & a few other bits.
Lidl ran out of mini pizzas, but I got the other stuff I needed there. Then I hit the town's Co-op for a sandwich to have instead of a mini pizza. Bus home only minutes later.
Aside from the quick stuff I get in the local Co-op next week I have what I need, & not much else to spend loot on so will leave it for now.
Ate lightly at home, hence wanting the mini pizza & getting the sandwich.
There was evening music, coffee or juice, & cakes & biccies (also grapes & yep I had some too) on later, so I went to that. The music was quite good & some of the tunes were fun!!!
Today there's nothing on so Bakana's having a bath, then I'll do laundry & have a shower.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 18, 2024, 05:49:54 AM
Bakana is bathed, I'm showered, & the last of my laundry is in. Some had to wait because of Thursday night & Friday morning. MISSED Thursday night due to wonky sleep, but made Friday morning & got that day's laundry in.
Knitting & crochet-wise I finished the hat to go wi the gloves which were irritating to make, so now on the scarf, which means I have 3 scarves on the go now.
Forgot to mention being a bit early for coffee on Tuesday so I also took glass out that day.
Every package I've ordered has arrived.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 18, 2024, 06:17:58 AM
slept late :( at least it's the weekend. my sleep has been wonky too. i woke up at 2:30am and took about an hour to fall back asleep.

today i need to get everything ready for us to drive to Houston for my MIL's funeral. I also need to go over to my parent's. i haven't felt up to seeing anyone really but i should go over there and visit.

other than that i need to clean the house some and finish trimming the plants in the front yard. i usually water every other day if it doesn't rain so i think if i water before we leave and when we get home they'll be ok.

i get a lot of anxiety when i travel. it's why i don't really go on vacation. it's hard for me to leave the dogs. we're taking one with us and 2 of them will stay with my parents.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 18, 2024, 06:19:06 AM
slept late :( at least it's the weekend. my sleep has been wonky too. i woke up at 2:30am and took about an hour to fall back asleep.

today i need to get everything ready for us to drive to Houston for my MIL's funeral. I also need to go over to my parent's. i haven't felt up to seeing anyone really but i should go over there and visit.

other than that i need to clean the house some and finish trimming the plants in the front yard. i usually water every other day if it doesn't rain so i think if i water before we leave and when we get home they'll be ok.

i get a lot of anxiety when i travel. it's why i don't really go on vacation. it's hard for me to leave the dogs. we're taking one with us and 2 of them will stay with my parents.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 22, 2024, 08:54:37 AM
I fell the other day and jammed my knee. It's got s big bruise on it. I need to clean up the place though, things are getting out of hand again.

I want to work on art today too. I need to doodle two sheep and work on some custom ponies.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 22, 2024, 11:27:48 AM
thanks PBW :) everything went ok with our trip to Houston and my MIL's funeral. i'm glad to be back home. also my husband seems to be in a better mood now.

i'm on PTO for the rest of the week and Monday is a holiday so i'm going to do more work around the house. i need to do some cleaning too. the house seems to get messy even when no one is here :huh:

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on May 22, 2024, 12:57:39 PM
Baby and I looked at letters this morning and then went for a walk to splash in puddles. Her behaviour has taken a turn for stroppy so we decided 'no tv for three days'. She seems calmer this evening. I never used to have a tv before I moved in with my husband and I felt wierdly kind of calm too. It's been raining a lot here, there was a thunderstorm last night with claps of thunder and lightning. A classic summer storm followed by a downpour. It's been raining here for most of the day but this evening there was a beuutiful rainbow before sunset. I bought a case of kalamata olives in jars because my local supermarket no longer stocks them. They turned out to be quite nice.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on May 22, 2024, 11:17:39 PM
Left one of the cats at the vet for the day, just regular dental care but I'm always a bit nervous when it comes to anaesthesia, his breed is known to be sensitive (and this time I forgot to mention it...) and he is elderly. I'm sure everything will be fine except for my wallet in the end, but I can't help feeling a bit anxious anyway. We have another cat who also needs an appointment for routine dental care but he'll have to wait until another month to even out the costs a little.

ETA// Everything went well! He has previously had a few teeth removed due to FORL but this time his teeth were fine, only tartar removal needed.  ^.^
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 23, 2024, 09:59:13 AM
I'm so glad he is okay! :D

Today is more of the same. Cleaning up the place. Aster is shedding like mad and there are tufts of black fur all over the carpets and fur tumbleweeds in the kitchen and hallway. To vacuum I have to sit in a chair, vacuum what I can reach and move the chair. It takes a long time, but I can't stand up long enough to do it the regular way.

I should do laundry too.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 24, 2024, 03:38:55 AM
Oh boy it seems I missed typing here for a bit!!!
Anyway, been pretty broke, which should mean scraping by, but actually means being blessed again. £5 worth of member points helped out with milk & stuff on Tuesday, bad weather (rain) on Wednesday plus other stuff meant only four of us showed for the fun night, so it got really personal & I got a HUGE doggy bag of treats!!! Meant it was good & I got to know some folks I don't see much a lot better as a result.
This morning I went to the noisy coffee & my pal from that was in hospital as her son had a virus but he's all better now. I got to introduce them to the person I had coffee with on Tuesday too.
Meanwhile I knocked a scarf off the knit list, two to go before I hit the next stuff. I think I'll finish scarf number 2 then start on a new set as I hack the third in wee bits.
Also to note: I'm making a sourdough starter. I have no rye flour but I'm using bread flour instead.

Griffin glad everything went so well wi moggie xxx
BC good on you for getting things done how you can. I hope you're using a wheeled chair xxx
Artie yep life without TV is bliss!!!
Beth I'm so glad things went well. In between your chores take your time to feel stuff xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on May 24, 2024, 08:17:50 AM

Beth I'm so glad things went well. In between your chores take your time to feel stuff xxx

It's true. However, I'm using chores to avoid feeling stuff today because I've been waiting to hear about something important that could change a lot of other stuff and with only a few weeks to jump either way. I won't go into the details but it's excruciating. In a positive way I cleaned the bathroom and the front hall. Fingers crossed all this tension is resolved soon! I took the baby to singing at the library this afternoon which was quite relaxing.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 26, 2024, 05:15:47 AM
thanks Artie and PBW. :hug: :hug:

i feel a lot better now that the funeral is over and the travel anxiety is gone. while i'm on PTO i'm trying to get some of the tasks i've been putting off for way too long. i always tend to clean and get really focused on decorating and rearranging stuff when i'm upset or feeling like stuff is out of control. it's my way of having some control in all of the chaos. next week my husband is supposed to start trying to get some honest answers on what's going to happen with his parents' house, finances, etc. so that will be a whole other round of stress.

Artie, i hope everything works out well :hug:

PBW yay for getting out of the house and having good company :)

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 26, 2024, 05:44:23 AM
I'm making some more friends at my regular haunts & it's great, cheers xxx
Was out today & got to see peeps too. When home I'm seriously hacking away at scarf 2. I put up the last fish stickers in the bathroom & have my eye on a mat set on eBay. I'll likely get it Tuesday

Beth it's good that being productive helps you like that xxx
Artie I hope things work out for you too xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 26, 2024, 07:44:20 AM
Beth, I'm glad you feel better :hug:

PBW, so glad you are making more friends! I still want to see a pic of your bathroom when it's finished :D

I feel better today too, for now at least. I managed to get most of the kitchen cleaned up yesterday. I want to finish that, need to put the clean dishes away and some small appliances back in the cupboard that's hard to reach.

I'd like to tackle the bathroom today. Poor Aster, her litterboxes have needed a change of litter for a while now and either I was broke or kept forgetting to get litter. I got two bags the other day so I can dump the boxes, wash them and put in fresh. She'll be happy about that.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 26, 2024, 08:07:04 AM
yesterday was a community craft market so my husband was an insane bundle of nerves who got upset at everything.  he made some sales so he settled down finally but we have another in 2 weeks, so maybe he can remember the successes and NOT freak out again. 

he has been selling the Cinderwing designs and also some BJD that he has licensed.  I hope it continues to be successful because I don't know any other artist who is selling handmade dolls at these types of shows.  It tends to be a lot of jewelry, pottery, soap and dog accessories.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 28, 2024, 06:28:31 AM
back to work today. i kind of hate taking longish (more than 2 days) breaks because there is so much to catch up on. how do people in countries where it's common to take a month off do it? I also don't understand why people message when it's clear someone is on PTO? rude.

i'm glad to get back to my usual routine but i'm also already tired :D
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 28, 2024, 07:04:59 AM
I finished cleaning the kitchen this morning :accomplished: I wiped down everything too; stove, microwave, kettle, cannisters. I even washed my scissors. Oh and I finally went through my hobnob collection of silverware and took out the stuff I never use. I'd like to clean off the table today. Still need to do the bathroom as well. Laundry too!

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 28, 2024, 09:04:11 AM
BC yaiy for clean kitchens!!!
Beth yep it is rude to call you about work when you're not getting paid xxx
Squirmy I'd love to see some examples of your SO's art xxx

Slept late Monday, but just about finished the scarf!!!
Today, coffee, got the loot, messages, out to Everything Shop town, got some stuff I wanted & some I needed, saw some pals pretty much everywhere, including: on the bus in, in the café, & on the bus back. Had cake & a frappe at the café. Got the food I needed too.
Off to order some things online & I'll be sorted!!!
Then it will be MY turn to sort the kitchen out, basically so I can get a new cooker. I miss my grill!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 28, 2024, 09:13:38 AM
Got the bedroom and bathroom done!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on May 28, 2024, 01:56:12 PM
It's half term here so few of our regular classes are running. We went out with a picnic in a bag, mainly banana and cashew nut butter sandwiches, however it started raining 'cats and dogs' so instead of going to park as I'd intended we went to a NEXT with a kid's clothing section. I bought the baby some things that Granny can give her for her birthday including some cute shoes that are like a cross  between Mary Jane's and sneakers and have a colourful pattern on them. (
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 30, 2024, 06:27:45 AM
Off to a VIP Breakfast with our non-profit's sponsors... *yawn*  so tired... I'm awake and up about an hour before I usually am...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 30, 2024, 07:28:16 AM
Couldn't sleep at all last night. Officially out of bed at 5:30am. Managed to burn my hand making coffee. Some laundry done, clothes in the dryer. Blankets next. It's become too hot for my fuzzy blanket so I got my cotton knit one out (it has holes in the knit so it's cool) but it has that stale smell. It also reminded me I need to vacuum seal some items in the linen closet. It's overflowing with stuff I never use. Why do I have so many towels???

So with fresh blankets I should change the sheets. Not looking forward to that.

My silly shrimp. I was using the net to pick up some uneaten food and the shrimp are so curious they swam right in. Took a few minutes of maneuvering to not scoop any up.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on May 30, 2024, 11:05:31 AM
didn't sleep well either. now i really need a nap but i doubt i'll get one  i'm also too anxious to really get to sleep
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 30, 2024, 03:55:10 PM
urgh long day at work that was very dramatic.  now I have a headache so bad that it is affecting my depth perception
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on May 31, 2024, 10:59:42 AM
Picked up my sister from the airport last night... Got home at 3 am and woke up for an exam today at 7-ish.  -_-
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on May 31, 2024, 01:14:49 PM
BC, Beth, hope you both get better sleep xxx
Cowboy I hope you get MORE sleep xxx
Squirmy hope your head improves & stops aching xxx
Artie those shoes are so CUTE!!!

Finished scarf & also finished the next hat & started on its gloves. Working through last scarf too bit by bit
Went to noisy coffee in the morning, made macaroni cheese in the evening. Two portions again & I froze the second
Weather is warm, but normal
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on June 01, 2024, 03:13:24 PM
thanks PBW. i've been able to sleep a bit better for the last few days.

yesterday the cleaning crew was at my parent's. the tarp was on too. a lot of their stuff is ruined but at least there is progress. we've been helping them get set up with replacement computers. my dad's laptop was smashed by the collapsed ceiling and so was my mom's iPad. being tech support is always interesting but we made progress. they didn't let me know before they came over this morning but other than that things went well. i told them to be sure and let us know they were coming over next time.

now i need to cook and do a lot of cleaning. with all the rain we've been tracking in mud and dirt so i need to vacuum and wash bedding. i'm tired but i'm feeling a bit more positive about stuff.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 02, 2024, 04:39:42 AM
Beth, sounds like a lot of work. I hope the hard drives are accessible xxx

More knitting, mostly the scarf, but a little glove now & then. Coffee & Kirky was on today, with a band performing music as it's a folk festival round here.
My starter is over a week old so I'm doing attempt 1 of sourdough bread. There's an air fryer recipe online I've faved & I'm following that. However, with the size things are looking I'm giving the stuff a load of time. I started last night, then today did the next stage, but I won't bake until tomorrow to let it have time. And that's the first half. The second half is waiting patiently for its turn in the one pan I can use to bake it. Here's hoping...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on June 02, 2024, 04:20:15 PM
thanks PBW :) i've been so tempted to try making sour dough. i mostly missed the bread making trend during covid. it might be too hot to bake now though.

the laptop was pretty smashed but my dad has a backup drive that survived unscathed. he was able to copy the backup to his new laptop. the desktop seems fine but we haven't tested yet. it powered up but we didn't connected it to a monitor. i was able to help my mom set up her iPad a little more today. she has a very specific way she wants things set up. we're making forward progress every day. tonight i'm going to cook and i'll make extra for my parents so they can get a break from take out.

i also fixed the setting on my dad's iPhone so he'll stop complaining about getting multiple alerts every time he gets a text. he jumps every time anything beeps.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 02, 2024, 04:29:03 PM
I'm glad things are going okay so far, Beth :)

I spent most of the day in bed. I'm so tired all the time. I did get some sleep.

Baking a cherry pie. I didn't make it, it's a frozen one. I'll make an iced coffee when it's done then probably be up all night.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on June 03, 2024, 11:17:08 AM
Typical day off fare; napping and chores! Pharmacy was nice enough to fill my prescription ahead of schedule after I asked if I could have one medication a bit sooner (I'm not off again until Friday and don't want to ask a neighbour to get it), but when I picked it up it had ALL the medications in it! Yay!

I REALLY need to take my soft plastics to the local store to be recycled but that feels like such an effort at the moment
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 04, 2024, 05:05:06 AM
Beth, this is the perfect time of year for sourdough!!! Two of the main ingredients are warmth & time, so a warm room is ideal for both your starter & the proofing dough. I'll try baking my dough today... Also, glad you're able to salvage files. I'm overdue a backup myself!!!
BC I feel you on sleep schedules xxx
Frostbite yaiy for getting all the meds you need xxx

Menopause, YEUCH!!! One of the things it does to a person is cause hassle in the digestive system. I've always been quite windy, which I find extra embarrassing, so that part isn't so noticeable to me. However, what was was last night: I threw up!!! 3-4 times within an hour!!! And during this I had to clean up after myself so there's that too... My head also ached like mad all yesterday, which wasn't fun either. I'll have to eat more slowly from here on in; I've always wolfed food down.
Aside from that I'm hacking through my knitting bit by bit.
I went to coffee today & it was good. I got my messages from the Co-op, including several packs of ginger nuts, which I need as ginger settles upset stomachs. At least I have buckets in the house...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 04, 2024, 05:28:59 AM
That doesn't sound good at all, PBW :( I hope you start to feel better.

I think my sleep is fixed. I was only up for a bit last night and slept until 5 this morning. I need to take my updated papers to the office today. It's time to clean the kitchen again. I have to buy a new toilet seat and install it.

I'll be getting a bunch of veggies and ranch dressing later. Raw veggies are hell on my stomach but I have such a strong craving.

I'm going to start playing a new game today, Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town :)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 04, 2024, 05:39:13 AM
Cheers BC!!! It did settle, probably partly because I drank water after rinsing my mouth out each time, partly because the hot choc & ginger nuts I had afterwards I took SLOWLY, partly because ginger calms the stomach. I just have to not wolf down meals from here on...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on June 06, 2024, 06:43:39 AM
i'm so exhausted. yesterday i worked all day. i was planning to do some cooking after work and go get burgers. however, it all was derailed because my dad was able to get an earlier appointment with the insurance adjuster. so after work i went with my dad to their house for that appointment. by the time we left the house it was dark so i also had to drive my parents back to the hotel. by the time i got home it was after 10. so i didn't get to sleep until around 11:30 or so. i did not get enough sleep and now i have to do today's stuff and yesterday's chores. i also have a lot of work calls today.

we should also hear back from the adjuster today about whether the house is a total loss. that's not what i was expecting at all but the whole roof and attic, all the walls, and rafters have to be replaced. even the brick is damaged in some places. everyone who's come from the insurance company to check the damage says my parents were really lucky to get out.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 06, 2024, 07:18:35 AM
*huggles to Beth*

I'm driving all over the city today, running a bunch of different errands, and pretending I will be able to put in a full workday...   which will not be happening but thankfully my bosses are very understanding.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 06, 2024, 03:07:50 PM
I'm sorry, Beth :(

I was busy today. I went to see the disability doctor, finally. I got an actual exam this time. He was nice and I felt he was thorough. Only thing was, I forgot to print out a list of my medications and couldn't remember them all. It's mainly my heart meds I forget, there's like 5 of them.

After that I was going to go home but decided to go visit my mom. I was there for about 4 hours. Then I came home.

My Uber money is all gone now. I have to call my uncle tomorrow and ask for money for this month.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 07, 2024, 07:10:50 AM
Beth sounds like a nightmare xxx  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Squirmy thank heavens for compassionate bosses xxx
BC glad you got to your doc & to see your mum!!!

Craft group was a day later than expected, but I found out, got a wee walk round the park on Wednesday, & a good chat on Thursday. My usual craft pal wasn't there, but I got to know a few others, though at times there were 3-4 convos at once which was hard to focus on.
Noisy coffee today & my usual noisy coffee pal had her child's cousin visiting so that was fun. I never found out if the cousin's mother was her sister or her brother's wife or what though...
Support worker came & I gave her the spare bathroom décor & stuff I no longer need so another of her clients can get the use. Among the stuff is some blue bathroom paint & a paintbrush, so the person can paint the walls & stick up the posters & ornaments. There's also my tap adapters so somebody with a bath but no shower can get that. I'm sure somebody will get the use of them. Meanwhile talked (about time) about getting a new cooker & shifting the old one. I'll have a lot of work just to clear stuff from the cooker, which I've been using as a storage spot. That will be quite the job, but at least I have room to do the work!!!
Powering away to get the 4th scarf finished, & started on the fifth. Fifth hat & fingerless gloves are complete & I sewed up the gloves this morning after noisy coffee.
Last, but not least, my first sourdough loaf turned out too dense. Will have to get the starter earlier... It still tastes good & half of it went down well wi some soup.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Harmonie on June 10, 2024, 08:15:51 AM
I begin my move to Connecticut tomorrow!

I'm experiencing so many feelings right now, grief and excitement being two of them. I've lived in Oklahoma my whole life up until now. I'm leaving my home, my job, my family, my friends, everything I've ever known.

Goodbyes and change are hard. So much harder than I ever could have imagined. But I must remain strong. I have wanted this for so long.

Of course all of my ponies are coming with me!  :frolic:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Beth3346 on June 10, 2024, 12:06:33 PM
good luck with the move Harmonie :) i'm glad you're getting out of Oklahoma to a state with less crazy politics.

moving from my hometown was hard for me but discovering new places, meeting new people is fun.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 10, 2024, 12:28:35 PM
I'm so happy for you! :cheer: Good luck with the move!

I'm more seriously thinking of getting out of Florida. If my disability is approved and I can get my mom out of Solaris, we can rent a small place here and save up to move up north somewhere, probably Minnesota.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 13, 2024, 08:28:32 AM
Hope everybody's movers go smoothly xxx
BC  :hug: :hug: :hug: been reading your posts xxx
Beth  :hug: :hug: :hug: seen yours too xxx

Sunday was good. Monday was quiet. Tuesday was coffee & a quick visit to the Co-op but not getting much for one distinct reason.
Yesterday I needed to defrost the fridge-freezer, so it was a good thing I only had frozen chips & some veg in there. I froze a chill bag on Tuesday night, then put the food in it, then put it in another chill bag, then defrosted. For the freezer part I used boiling water in tubs to steam stuff so it would melt. For the fridge everything moved to one shelf, then when I could pull the rest out with the big ice block, I did, & the ice block came away cleanly. A quick wipe-down of both & we're back in business & the chips & veg went back in the freezer, with the fridge food sorted out too.
Also attempting to sort out bathroom bottles again, which turns out to be annoying. Why is it a bottle full of stuff like shower gel, shampoo, bath foam, or hand wash, is cheaper than an empty plastic bottle??? GRRRR...
At least the knitting is progressing nicely
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Shaiyeh on June 14, 2024, 12:55:51 AM
I am stress editing the end of a video today. I had wrapped up filming yesterday, but in editing the outro, I realized long hair + my camera angle + spaghetti strap top looked like I was completely topless... and so, I had to re-film that entire video portion today.
I'm off to the stables later, and I usually have my videos uploaded on Fridays at 18.00 CEST but I doubt I'll be ready by then this time ;_;

Looking forward to some horse cuddles though.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 14, 2024, 08:49:11 AM
I'm cleaning and tidying up today. I'd like to vacuum and wash the floors but I don't know if I'll get to that. Need to clean the litter boxes, the shrimp tank, do some dishes, restock the bathroom. I still need to install the new toilet seat. Yes, I have been using the broken one >.> It's hanging on by one bolt.

I hope my neighbor shows up to take some of my garbage. It's really piling up and I have fruit flies again.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 17, 2024, 03:54:32 AM
Friday was quiet, so noisy coffee wasn't as noisy as usual. I think half the families were on holiday & some more seemed to be unwell.
Saturday I sorted the paper & card out, especially in the kitchen. My plastic containers are already in a box, so I sorted them to stay in the box until needed. With everything sorted I have room for another box, which I NEED.
Yesterday was Father's day, so huggles to anybody who finds that tough, whether it's due to fathers who aren't dads, or missing fathers  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Morning was good & I got the fruit as it was also quite quiet. Brass band concert in the afternoon, they played plenty of 70s & 80s tunes so we all enjoyed. There was coffee & cakes in the half-time break, & a raffle. I won a prize!!! A wee peg bag I'll use as a project bag.
My last bathroom accessories arrived & they're lovely!!! Today I'm sorting what I can in there for a small time, but the big thing is getting my baking trays in a box, as they're currently stored on my old cooker, which I really need to replace!!! I have to clear the area around my cooker as much as I can so it can be removed & replaced with a new one. This will NOT be fun!!! But most of the stuff stored on it is baking trays so they're first. My paper & card bin is out for collection too.
I'm having ago at knitting something new. Let's see if it works...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 17, 2024, 02:36:34 PM
I've been working in my bedroom the past couple of days. It finally looks like a bedroom and not a warehouse :lol:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on June 18, 2024, 12:27:08 AM
I had a job interview yesterday so really tired. Was hoping to have a family day out but between us all we don't seem to be able to organise it. Frustrating that when I'm tired nothing gets done.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on June 21, 2024, 06:20:20 AM
Hmm I got a job! Part time. I wonder how it will all pan out. I managed to eat potatoes, broad beans and lettuce from the garden today so summer is in full swing.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 21, 2024, 06:42:41 AM
congrats on the job! 
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 21, 2024, 07:13:15 AM

I've decided to sell the rest of my ponies and some of my custom collection. I need to take pics of everything. I also have a few non-pony items to list on Marketplace.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on June 22, 2024, 08:46:58 AM
Thank you both. Hey Harmonie, I just read back and seen that you're moving states. Hopefully you will check in and say hi when you're all settled. I'm impressed that you're making such a big move. I've moved around wuite a lot over the years. I find that only after 3 or 4 years do I start to feel at home somewhere, maybe because to begin with I'm usually preoccupied with stuff inside the house and only get to know the area later on. I'm also quite shy. So anyway, if you do feel a bit flat to begin with I'm sure it will all work out. Anyway, hope everyone is well. I took the baby to Mum and Dad's hoping for a break but it wasn't very relaxing. I am thinking of going back to work for a rest.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on June 22, 2024, 04:44:59 PM
Chore time, but most of today was catching up on sleep. I need to take apart my big air filter to not only change the filters in it (I got a new one), but also clean the grates and other parts. It's a huge undertaking every time, and I need to dry the parts for at least 24 hours to be absolutely sure they're dry because of the live bare wires inside

(It's supposed to be like that, promise!)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on June 22, 2024, 09:16:33 PM
Last week me and my mother went to the 301 Endless Yard sale. We found a lot of stuff! I found a backpack's worth of ponies and a few McDonalds LPS. One of my favorite finds was two McDonalds Garfield cups made with lead paint. Unfortunately I have them quarantined so they do not affect anything, but as long as I don't drink from them I should be fine.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 23, 2024, 09:21:13 AM
One of these cups?

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Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on June 23, 2024, 02:04:31 PM
Yes! It is a shame they aren't safe to drink from.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 23, 2024, 02:22:07 PM
Huh. I have the skateboard one. It was always in our cup cupboard for as long as I remember. I used it a lot as a kid. I still have and still use it occasionally. I didn't know it contained lead.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on June 23, 2024, 05:34:15 PM
There have been a few tests on the lead content. Still cool as a collector's piece!
Here's ( one of the articles I read.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 24, 2024, 03:20:58 PM
They tested the exact glass I have. Well. Guess I should take it out of the cupboard.

I slept all day again. I keep trying to sleep at night but I'm just more awake at night. I even took a Xanax last night and it still took me over three hours to fall asleep and that was at 4:30am. It's frustrating because I need to make some phone calls. I tried setting my alarm, but it either doesn't wake me, or I shut it off, go back to sleep and not remember. I really wish I could have seen my therapist this week :(

edit: This sounds like a complaint, so I will add what I'm doing tonight. I am going to take photos of everything I want to sell and hopefully get everything posted. I need money so bad.

I made tuna melts yesterday and have some for leftovers. I have leftover bread too for grilled cheese.

One of the games I play for my YT channel had a major update and I'd like to make a new video later.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 25, 2024, 07:27:30 AM
Artie congrats on the job!!!  :yippee: :cheer: :joy: :green: :hearts: :party:
BC sad to see the Ponies go...  :cry:
Cowboy shame about the undrinkable cups. Maybe you can use them to store small nicknacks in???
Frostbite hope all goes well on the work xxx

As regular followers will know, I need a new cooker as I've been living off a hotplate, air fryer, & microwave since winter. Now it's summer & I don't spend so much on heating, so I've put things into motion. A pal has found a place nearby which will sell me a cooker, take away the old one, AND fit in the new one!!! It's not cheap (we're talking £350 or so) but there's one there, & I looked at the nearest alternative & it costs that much for their cheapest too when you add the removal of old one & fitting of new one, which I NEED, so going here is about the same. This resulted in me having to clear a path from my door to the cooker itself, as well as clearing the area round the cooker. All the baking trays are in a box, with the ones I use most on top, & a bunch of stuff is moved from the corridors to other places. I still have a bunch of stuff on the shelf next to the cooker I need to move later, but that's a job for later tonight & is easy enough. Meanwhile I have a few small items on top of the cooker still, but only because I'm using them, & they'll shift last minute.
In the meantime, there was the annual boat festival this last weekend, & though I've avoided it for years, I realised I haven't taken my sharky!!! So this year I went along, Bakana in tow, to have fun & get some stuff, mostly food (they have an amazing food fair so that's always worth a gander, plus I can eat it & therefore use it!!!). There were also activities for no extra charge, like a mini "train" to take us from the harbour to the food fair & back, & a shot on a rowing boat, as well as touring a boat called the Reaper, which is a regular visitor with her crew.
I still spent a fair bit, but despite that, ended up today with over £1000 in the bank!!! And all I have to get is food to eat (cereal, milk, stuff like that).
Because of all the eating out, not to mention Friday morning, I have a lot of milk to use up by today!!! So I'm baking cinnamon rolls & bread, & will soon start on my mushroom soup (all the stuff (bread excluded but that's to go wi the soup) which uses up milk when making it).
Knitting is slow but sure, as I do a few rows while chilling out or watching Youtube.
Last but not least, there's an outdoor gym I've been wanting to try out. I CANNOT do the pull-up at ALL. I can barely do the leg-up, & the sit & push is the same. Sit & pull I can manage, & the rest is pretty easy to do. I just have wimpish arms...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on June 28, 2024, 07:10:04 AM
Well, since that last post, my pal took me out to the town wi the appliance shop yesterday, & my pal PAID FOR MY COOKER!!! I paid the £65 to remove the old one & fit the new one. Then we browsed town. I got my pal a wee gift, a card, a bottle of flavoured water, & an ice cream (a Magnum choc ice actually). My pal had her grandchild with her, so I got a wee turtle toy for her too & she loves it!!!. I got one or two fun things for me, then we went to the Tesco in that town. It is HUGE!!! As in, sells clothes huge, so I got a pair of trousers & some underwear as well as a big food shop.
Then we got home. I did my session on the outdoor gym, then chilled a bit, then went to our monthly Wednesday night meet, bringing the cinnamon rolls along, which had been waiting in the fridge ready. Everybody liked the cinnamon rolls I made!!! I wore the new trousers too.
Thursday (yesterday) I needed to do one quick thing in the everything shop town, as it has a laundry. I took the big sleeping bag which won't fit my machine, & they will leave a voicemail next Monday or Tuesday when it's ready. I had a look at a place I've never been before, & it was lovely. I bought a couple of wee things, including one I was looking for. I had some time before the next bus so chilled out on the beach. Back home & outdoor gym session, then chilling & knitting, plus a last-minute check of the cooker coast being clear.
Good thing too as I was WOKEN UP by the cooker people!!! They had to split my old cooker apart to get it outside (due to my stairs), then they fitted my new one in. I got dressed & ready as they did.
Then it was out to noisy coffee: the last one before summer holidays, so I brought the prepared sharky facts, about local sharks people can see in the nearby aquarium (to encourage them to visit heehee!!!). There were also sea creature colouring pages!!! I did the shark, & talked of why I picked the two colours I did (countershading), then I made his teeth dirty, & drew a couple of friends for him (a cleaner wrasse & a remora), & talked of them too. After my outdoor gym session, I went to the local shop. They have a deal now for two big pizzas & four cans of Diet Coke, so I got the deal to test out my new oven!!!
Now home for more knitting & I can do a bit of laundry here yaiy!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 30, 2024, 04:41:28 PM
Sounds like you had a fun day :)

I slept most of the day, I'm still having trouble sleeping at night.

The manager will be here tomorrow to pre-inspect my apartment. I'll be up all night cleaning the floors. It's not a lot of work but it takes me so long to do stuff.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 03, 2024, 03:03:49 AM
@PBW I really like the sound of this harbour festival thing, especially since it's the perfect theme to share with your shark!
@BC I'm sorry you're doing floors!

My Mum is here today to look after the baby. I decided not to talk to her about anything to do with plans, family etc. so as not to give her any opportunities for mischief. So after some initial small talk I'm just sat here in silence pretending to be working. I'm a bit bored to be honest. The baby is normally really good so I've already done quite a lot of housework this morning.  But I'm not really in the mood to play/read with her like my Mum will, so it's for her really.

I might preserve some herbs. I blend them up with oil, put them ice cube trays and freeze them. Very useful in the winter.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 03, 2024, 08:12:41 AM
BC hope you get the floors done & they don't cause too much trouble!!!
Artie I read about your mum & agree wi the WYP verdicts, so no surprise you're not talking plans wi her or trusting her too much xxx

And I've been up to more stuff!!!
It's the annual thrift week & I've put my name down for several things. As I was out anyway for Sunday, I came back out to help set up, which was a lot of work but worth it.
Monday I was exhausted & only managed to put up one shelf & do some knitting.
Yesterday I was on in the afternoon & the time went so quickly!!!
Today I was on in the morning.
Except Monday, when I didn't want to leave the house at all, I've been at the outdoor gym daily. After Tuesday I went to the Co-op for messages.
Tomorrow I see my support worker, then I go to the town with the everything shop as the big sleeping bag is ready for pick-up.
My name is down for Friday afternoon too. Friday is black bag day, which is always fun.
I've been knitting in the meantime of course.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 04, 2024, 10:46:37 AM
@PBW, did I ask you what black bag day is?

Today our friend came over to visit us at home. We went out for lunch but the manager was horrible to us because he didn't like the baby wandering about the restaurant. But other than that we had a nice time chatting and looking around the garden.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 05, 2024, 11:16:04 AM
Bad manager!!!

Support worker had an emergency so I didn't get to see her. Still made it to town, picked up sleeping bag, got some fun bits & a couple of helpful bits, including a pair of trousers, ate at a cafe, then home. Dropped off the stuff, then went to vote & hit the outdoor gym. I do see others use it but I'm mostly lucky in that regard.
Today was black bag day. As it is the last day, we give folks who come in a binbag (they're usually black) for a charge (today it was £3), then the customers go round every table & pick out what they want until the bag is full. I went early as I have things I use the day to get. I got a few DVDs, some books, a couple of useful bric-a-brac items, some socks, & a load of tshirts & some sweaters, among other bits.
After we closed to customers came the real work: packing away what was left. We put a small amount of toys to our noisy coffee for the children, some baby & child's clothes for Homestart, & somebody comes to pick up whatever books & DVDs interest him. Then everything else goes to a charity shop we're friends with. All the clothes & stuff get bagged up & boxed up, the hangers get stashed away, & the tables get folded down & stashed, except the ones we need for Sunday. It's a lot of work, & we have to move all the bags & boxes into an organised pile in a back room. As I'm nice & big, I can move a lot of stuff, including big tables. I noticed a type of clothing nobody was working through & did that for a good bit.
It was done very quickly, considering, as each of us did our own bit, then pitched together at the end.
After dropping off the stuff I bought & picking up the post, I went to the outdoor gym for today's session. Tomorrow is my day off, & I don't intend on leaving the house. I've also knitted & used some stuff I bought to help with chores & organising my kitchen.
I love chilling out with some knitting & some Youtube!!! The knitting is progressing well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 07, 2024, 10:25:38 AM
That's really great PBW, it sounds like hard work but satisfying, as though you're doing some good work. I've not found much at local sales for a while but then I don't put the time in any more. Plus, being a larger size since the baby doesn't help.

Toay was spent with baby and OH. We got up early and went for a walk, did a bit in the garden. Nice and slow day.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 07, 2024, 03:39:32 PM
So hot.  I had to get out all the fans and try to make a cross-breeze in the house because husband and child are so whiny about it LOL 

Meanwhile I am sewing a nice warm and toasty rag rug for the floor when it gets to be winter!  XD
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 07, 2024, 04:25:58 PM
I spent last week in bed mostly. Lots of things to catch up with. Dishes. Cat litter. Trash. Had to water the plants and feed the shrimp.

Discovered ants in the living room. I can't see them on the carpet but they were on Aster's bowl. I stopped feeding her wet food in the kitchen a while ago, because of the ants.

I still need to take pics of stuff I want to sell.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 09, 2024, 06:20:30 AM
Artie sounds like a good, relaxing day!!!
Squirmy yep it has been quite warm here too xxx
BC those pesky ants!!! They must be coming from somewhere!!! And I feel you on needing the rest xxx

Saturday I showered & did a load of laundry. Knitted some as well & put up more shelves.
Sunday I slept in so missed Sunday morning, but still managed outdoor gym. Knitted a load & got the card out.
Monday it was all I could do to get the card bin back in & pick up the post, aside from that I was 99% napping, the rest eating a bit, knitting a bit, & chilling with Youtube.
Today however I made it to coffee morning, & heard our thrift week raised over £2000!!!  :accomplished: :frolic:
Then did the outdoor gym, then the Co-op for quick messages.
Now catching up on knitting & sorting the post out
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 10, 2024, 03:02:22 AM
PBW, I love how motivated you are it's quite inspiring! Particularly the outdoor gym and the fundraising! Also reminds me a bit of me of me before I had a family. Today Granny is here and we're about to go out for a walk. Then I have some fairly odious admin to do, but at least Granny is here so I can get on with it without feeling guilty about the baby.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 12, 2024, 08:03:35 AM
Motivated, me???
 :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Didn't feel like that on Wednesday. It was raining & I woke late & by the time I realised I hadn't been out at all it was too late!!!
I had a few little things on Thursday & they got a bit messed up. First, I had to be up as the charity shop van was coming & hands were needed to load up. I was a bit late as the person I'd given my number to called rather than texting, but somehow I still managed to show up about halfway through the loading.
Then my support worker was due a visit. She's decided to cut back as I'm "managing" aye right!!! Normal 50yos have jobs & families & still manage to do a load of stuff. I get tired from sitting around most of the day!!! Perils of being not normal I suppose...
Finally I managed to go out for going out's sake. There was meant to be coffee at a different venue than normal, with maybe bingo. Turns out it's mainly bingo, with hardly any coffee & no food. Gave up on that, hit the outdoor gym because at least nice weather, & bought a stuffed crust cheese pizza from the Co-op as I've never had one before. It was good, & big enough to only need half of it.
Today I woke late, despite wanting to go out to a town... Just so tired really...

Glad your relative is there so you can enjoy & have her help with the baby xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 12, 2024, 03:31:38 PM
I woke up with the right side of my neck and head very tense and in pain. It turned into a migraine that lasted almost all day. I'm still a touch nauseous.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 14, 2024, 05:05:49 AM
Still arguing with myself over wake & sleep times. I see another crashout looming!!!
Anyway, there was a coffee morning on Saturday, different to the usual one but still some of the same people, & it was actually fun, with plenty of food too!!! I put in a good bit of money to get in & ate enough & drank enough to make that worth it!!! There were also a few stalls & I didn't do well at one, but there were assorted bits & bobs for sale at the other, for assorted budgets. I'd only brought a little so I got a few cheaper items.
Later I went to the outdoor gym. I finished off the day with more knitting.
Today I made it to church, & got some fruit to take home after!!! I heard there the Saturday had raised over £18,000!!!
Later I'll hit the outdoor gym while taking the glass out, then when I get back it's the plastic bin which needs out...

Oh BC xxx  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on July 14, 2024, 11:54:52 AM
I am waiting till evening, then I will be out to pick some ripe blackberries.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 15, 2024, 07:24:38 AM
I don't think we have any blackberries here yet, but I have seen some mirabelle plums. I love going out to look for fruit in the late summer. Today we went to a monthly play group for toddlers where they have a lot going on, probably since it's less often they make a lot of efffort. It's run by a couple of local Mums and Dads. I found it all a bit full on for me but the baby loved it once she had settled down, right up until she had a balloon burst in her face. After howling hysterically for a minute or two she calmed down, but although I heard the balloon I didn't realise that she was the 'victim' for a while and carried on talking to someone. Luckily a pair of other kind ladies were consoling her. I must admit I struggle with these type of events, possibly due to the number of people, the noise, lots of rugrats to potentially trip over... I did meet some nice people of course and it's always worth it.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 15, 2024, 12:11:47 PM
Feeling so lazy today. Just want to stay in bed :zzz:

I might buzz my head later. I've been meaning to do it for a while.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponyfan on July 17, 2024, 12:29:47 PM
Finally got my invitation to Archive of Our Own and found out that the writer that I usually read their stories had to make it "members only" because they found out someone or  some kind of bot was copying their work from Archive of Own and reposting it on another site without their knowledge or permission. 

I probably wont post any of my own writings though.  I've tried to write fanfiction before, but I always lose it and it doesn't seem very good to me.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 19, 2024, 07:51:35 AM
I went for a swim this morning at a local pool. Another lady was there are we chatted and she held the baby for a bit. It was really nice.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 19, 2024, 07:55:31 AM
Didn't take the glass out yet, but can do that later. Tomorrow maybe.
Did hit the outdoor gym on Sunday & Monday.
Coffee on Tuesday, was fun. Got some messages done & then the outdoor gym.
Wednesday I crashed out & took a day off the gym.
Thursday, had a shower, started on laundry, went to the Lidl town, got some stuff including from Lidl, got home, hit the outdoor gym.
Feel quite sore today. Might have overdone things a bit, plus the peeling of my feet went too far at one point. So taking a day off the gym & doing more laundry.
Knitting progresses, working through Youtube, chilling out wi Netflix.

Ponyfan that's a relief!!! I feel sorry for the writer being taken advantage of like that
BC I know lazy days all too well xxx
Artie it's not yet brummle (as we call Blackberries here) season for us either. I HATE balloons popping so much!!! Glad your little one had friends to calm them xxx Yeah crowds & unpredictable toddlers can be a bit much, but still fun, especially when a gentler child needs a break & sits with you to learn about your favourite things (sharks in my case) xxx And glad the swim was good too xxx
Invader enjoy the fruit picking!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 19, 2024, 05:21:31 PM
Yesterday I felt awful. My leg was in so much pain and so swollen and I'm still having bad allergies. We're having Saharan dust over the state and everything is very hazy and not helping my eyes.

I couldn't sleep last night, tired as I was. I looked at the clock and it was 5:30am and then I was finally able to sleep. It was very restless though, up every couple of hours. I did spend the day in bed again, sleeping off and on.

It's now 8pm and I feel better. I washed my hair and want to buzz it tonight. I need to do laundry too and should change the sheets again. Aster barfed up a big hairball in the living room so that's another spot to scrub. I should do some maintenance on my plants. A few need dead leaves removed and soil added.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Harmonie on July 21, 2024, 01:39:43 PM
Thank you both. Hey Harmonie, I just read back and seen that you're moving states. Hopefully you will check in and say hi when you're all settled. I'm impressed that you're making such a big move. I've moved around wuite a lot over the years. I find that only after 3 or 4 years do I start to feel at home somewhere, maybe because to begin with I'm usually preoccupied with stuff inside the house and only get to know the area later on. I'm also quite shy. So anyway, if you do feel a bit flat to begin with I'm sure it will all work out. Anyway, hope everyone is well. I took the baby to Mum and Dad's hoping for a break but it wasn't very relaxing. I am thinking of going back to work for a rest.

Hi! Thanks for thinking of me!

I arrived in Connecticut in mid-June. The feelings of grief seemed to evaporate pretty quickly for me. I don't know how, because they were pretty deep. I suppose it's because I have wanted to live in the Northeast since my teens and now I finally do! I love Connecticut! I have felt content since I got up here.

The fact that my former state has made news for bad politics numerous times since I moved up here also helps. Lol (that blasted Ryan Walters. What a monumental fool he is!)

With that said, a lot of things are still not set in place. I still haven't found my job unfortunately, which means that I'm still in temporary housing. And but a few weeks ago I got pancreatitis and had to have my gallbladder removed. Nothing says welcome to a new state like spending several days in a hospital there, I suppose.  :ack:

The number of nice weather days and evenings up here has been a pleasant surprise. Also lots of hot days and storms, but the nice days in summer you just don't get where I came from.

This last week I finally found some time to go to the coast. I got to spend some time in Mystic and Stonington (both very neat places!) and the next day I got to spend the day at the beach. I'm not used to beaches, nor am I an outdoor person by any stretch of the imagination but there is still something neat about living near the beach! =)
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 22, 2024, 06:13:22 AM
Harmonie, it's great to hear from you and I'm sorry about the operation. What bad luck. But hopefully it's in the past now along with some other worries on your mind. Making the leap financially must be tricky, I started again from scratch once and it took me 3 years in the UK. Fingers crossed for you!

@PBW Every time I hear you say 'outdoor gym' I get this weird rushinng sound in my ears like... I think it's admiration! Go lady!

All, I am bunged up. The baby is watching dipdap. Sometimes you just have to put the TV on. By the way, she can now say 'Pinkie'.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on July 30, 2024, 10:46:37 AM
Been a long time for several reasons, mainly, my sleep has been majorly messed up, in no small part due to the heat. As a result, I've been less often to the outdoor gym, though when inside I still do a few moves I need no equipment for (or arm exercises holding two tins of tomatoes). I still go whenever I have enough energy to go outside though.
Other things I've managed to do: coffee every Tuesday, today included. Some days I've been late for it, but I've still gone. I've managed to make Sundays too, which is good. Also last week there was a Wednesday meeting where we talk of various things related to a story. The last one was about an outcast who helped people. I got to talk of my less than fantastic past, while finding out about the issues others had in their lives (I won't specify of course, but there were a few in particular who stood out as warriors with their own battles).
Meanwhile the knitting & crochet continues well, & I'm roughly keeping on top of chores, including doing laundry today.

BC I've been thinking of you, & so sorry to read what you're currently going through. You are NOT in a good place with lack of loot, lack of meds, & other issues, so it's little wonder you're struggling with keeping your home xxx Healthcare should be free at use FHS!!!
Harrmonie, sounding good so far, & sorry the medical issue delayed your job-finding xxx
Artie cheers xxx And get well soon xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 30, 2024, 01:38:28 PM
Last swimming lesson of term today and hiding from the heat mostly this afternoon. Baby is teething and grizzly and it's all taken a lot of effort this evening. Now baby is sleeping and I'm restless and can't sleep! Typical.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: ChocolateStarfire on July 30, 2024, 07:38:20 PM
I've been busy selling my ponies on eBay...I got paid from one of my campuses for the work I put in with online training and it's way less than what I was expecting to get. I've been applying to a ton of full time jobs today too and I'm hopefully going to relax while watching my fave YouTube channel lately--Tabletop Time--and having dinner. Bleh!!

I really miss Australia right now, and I'm bummed I don't have the $ to stay there. A visa is out of the question right now, given how my work is stiffing me money wise. :( I am glad I saved up to visit and I hope I can return soon.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 31, 2024, 05:56:40 AM
Thanks PBW :hug:

I've been way out of it. I was out of allergy meds and I was having such a hard time with them plus my skin itchiness. I found some Benadryl in the medicine cabinet and took one. It knocked me out for 8 hours. Then I spent the last few days in a groggy fog. I was up a little yesterday, but had to go back to bed. I think I'm finally coming out of it.

I have some work to do around the house today.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 31, 2024, 06:47:33 AM
had to help my husband dig up and relocate all the raspberry plants from one part of the yard to another...  they were under a tree that we had to call an arborist to come cut down as it was growing over the roof and should it break... bye bye roof.  so!  the raspberries had to find a new home in the backyard.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 02, 2024, 01:41:40 AM
Wednesday I was late to the outdoor gym, but saw another person who used it late at night, taking her dog along. The area is lit up so that's not a problem.
Yesterday, see What Made Me Smile, but to sum up, went wi a pal & her daughter to a coffee morning in another village & had fun afterwards.
Today, just chilling for now but will go out later. Overdue taking the glass out, but will do that when I go out...
More knitting & crochet

Squirmy sounds exhausting work!!! Hope you got some refreshing treats afterwards!!!
BC ooft!!! But lucky find wi that one med xxx
Starfire, hope things improve for you moneywise xxx
Artie, poor wee soul xxx Hope the swimming was good!!!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 05, 2024, 05:14:30 AM
I need to make some phone calls today, hoping places are open with the storm and all.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 05, 2024, 11:42:34 AM
@BC, saw the storm on TV, sending lots of good wishes and hope you don't get any trouble.

Went to the forest school today, activities were more focussed on the older kids for the summer hols, but baby and me had a good time. Hot and humid here and the ground is very dry. Rain is forecast for tomorrow.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 06, 2024, 03:58:02 AM
BC, stay safe in the storm, & at least you still see your therapist xxx
Artie, still sounds like a good time.

I got the glass out on Friday, went to the service on Sunday, crashed out hard on Monday, & had coffee morning today. Thursday, Friday, Sunday I managed to do the outdoor gym. Monday not so much re how big the crashout was. Knitting & crochet progressing nicely.
Getting new DVDs from eBay, including many I haven't had a chance to watch. I love both Encanto's & Turning Red's takes on generational trauma, with the grandmother of one being so hard on the mother that she's hard on the daughter, while the grandmother in the other is so terrified by her past she loses sight of the present. If you've seen them you'll know.
I also got Atlantis, the Black Cauldron, & Captain Marvel.
I've seen bad reviews of Captain Marvel, with everybody calling her a Mary Sue, but when you see her past, well, she fails. A LOT. But she gets back up again, & again, & again, & that is her strength. I won't spoil how she got her superpower, but she wouldn't have got it if she wasn't as resilient as she was before she got it. The twist is also well done, albeit predictable enough.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 10, 2024, 10:03:17 AM
So, did outdoor gym Tuesday & Wednesday. Noticed funny stuff downstairs.
Thursday, funny stuff turns into a half-period, as in period-like, but light. Since I haven't had a full one since February at the latest, I can only assume it's part of my body's last pre-menopause throes.
Also, it kept me awake, all through Thursday until Friday evening. Outdoor gym on Friday, then bought a few snacks, including a bag of oats & some granola bars. All the granola bars & half the oats went to the ducks in the pond & they LOVED it!!! I figured such things would be better for them than bread. I can use the other half of oats to make flapjacks.
Today I have chores to do, including dishes. I keep doing the indoor exercises too. Knitting progressing well...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on August 10, 2024, 06:41:55 PM
This weekend me and my family went to Omatsuri , which is the summer festival in Japanese culture.  Our city has a lot of Japanese who have immigrated so it's a pretty big festival with a portable shrine and traditional dancers and musicians...  it has the traditional festival games for children, etc. 

anyway this is the time of year where we buy ramen by the case in bulk, eat far too much traditional festival food, and buy a LOT of cat and rabbit themed items LOL
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 11, 2024, 03:40:46 PM
I'd love to go to a Japanese festival!

I slept a lot again but I'm feeling better. My arm is a little better and my neck and shoulders don't hurt as much. Still can't raise my arm up more than halfway but I'm getting used to it.

I bought stuff to make baked mac and cheese from scratch. The last mac and cheese recipe I used was good but not good enough for all the work. I'm hoping this one is better. It had 5 stars. Hoping to make that tonight.

Still need to do laundry. I've been in the same shirt for a week (have mostly been in bed, so how dirty can it be? but still...)

I finally sold a pony on eBay. I don't think my prices are unreasonable but no one seems to be interested. I took the customs down. I'll hang onto them for now.

Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 14, 2024, 01:00:54 PM
BC, deffo keep the Customs; they're unique & souvenirs of certain times of your life & skillset, plus baits are harder to find these days, so replacing them will be next to impossible. Also, no surprise you're feeling down xxx  :hug: :hug: :hug:
Squirmy that sounds fun!!!

I got the dishes done!!! Then I did my Sunday stuff, spoilt myself wi a chippy after Monday's outdoor gym, went to coffee on Tuesday & bought a few messages, with some more after that outdoor gym. On the last bit of the side knitting project now. Funny half-period ended yesterday.
Today I'm just knitting, doing indoor exercises, & catching up on Youtube.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: tikibirds on August 17, 2024, 12:39:12 AM
Nothing. Im on vacation
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on August 19, 2024, 03:17:15 PM
Nothing. Im on vacation

oooh that sounds nice. I am on vacation but my mom arrives for a 6 day visit so there's no rest happening here.
I've done so much laundry and so many dishes and I'm still de-cluttering and soon I am going to have to figure out where the vacuum is LOL
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 20, 2024, 01:43:18 AM
I slept all day yesterday and I've been up since around 10pm. It's almost 5am. I'm going to try and stay up today. I have to make a few phone calls. I also need to do the rest of the laundry and dishes. I should probably vacuum.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 21, 2024, 03:29:20 AM
I have a load of stuff to do with a court case against my former employer. This is the time when I have to pull it all together and write my witness statement. I hate doing it because it makes me angry and I'm so bored of it all. But this is what they are banking on - they try to wear you down by making you jump through as many hoops as possible and making threats etc. So I need to quietly remind myself that I'm doing it because it's the 'right thing' to do. I don't feel like getting angry today. I have until Sunday.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on August 21, 2024, 07:56:00 AM
mom is here!  house is still a disaster.  she has more mobility concerns than she used to, so at least she can't wander about and see the messes... but!  they must be cleaned
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 23, 2024, 05:42:15 AM
It's been ages since I was here!!!
Tiki, hope your hols were good!!!
Squirmy sounds busy!!! Sharky snuggles to you & your mother xxx
BC  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Do what you can, when you can, & get your sleep schedule sorted so you're not like me xxx
Artie, I wish you well on your court case xxx

I was SO TIRED over the weekend I spent most of it asleep!!! One day I couldn't even be bothered turning on the computer so I just watched a DVD on the portable player. At least it still works!!!
Missed Sunday as a result & didn't get stuff done until Tuesday. I did what few indoor exercises I could meanwhile. Anyway, made coffee morning on Tuesday, got messages, then later did the outdoor gym. I'm getting stronger!!!
Wednesday I got the knitting finished & the sewing done, see Arts & Crafts, & will add a pic soon.
Thursday, outdoor gym again, & had a shot of weighing myself. 18 1/2 stone!!! Under 19 for the first time in ages!!! Probably part of why I feel stronger; I have a little less weight to lift. I hope more comes off.
Today, as everybody's back to school (I've been seeing kids at the gym a lot), noisy coffee is back on. Which means I'll have to Google more sharks for sharky facts. I'll have a look at the art I have for now to see which one to do next week. My dish liquid needed topped up so I went to leave the empty refill bottle on the door, & Margaret was in!!! I had to turn down her coffee as I'd just been to noisy coffee, but we had a good chat, I got the dish liquid refilled, & had a drink of water before I left, as I went to the outdoor gym next. I forgot one or two things at the Co-op so I got them after, as well as cash for tomorrow as it's Yarn Day.
Packages have been arriving & I'm back to the usual crochet stuff.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on August 23, 2024, 06:18:15 AM
Managed to send in another job application. A win in my books, although I know I won't get the position (at this point I'd be happy to make it to the interview stage, hasn't happened yet...)  There are a couple more positions that have deadlines on Wednesday and Friday next week.

The last couple of days have been super low energy but I'm feeling much more energetic and motivated today. I hope this lasts so I can work on some creative projects over the weekend!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 24, 2024, 02:15:51 AM
It's my mom's birthday today but I'm going to visit her probably Monday or Tuesday. I have my period and it's debilitating so I can't leave the house. It's also making me feel quite ill.

My stress is at an all time high but I was able to sleep... all day and all night. So I hope I can stay up today and go to bed at a normal time.

Inspections are coming up again on Sep 16th. Considering I had such a bad result last time I need to clean really well.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on August 27, 2024, 01:35:25 PM
Griffin hope job search goes well xxx
BC hope you manage to clean xxx

Yarn day on Saturday was great, & I got a good few things.
Sunday was the usual & I made it so good there. Also picked some apples off trees on the railway path to the park & the outdoor gym. Obviously used the gym both days.
Monday stayed indoors for a break from the gym & a chance to wash Bakana & do some other laundry. I was well due doing this, especially as I go through tops at quite a pace with the warmth & the gym use.
Tuesday today, so coffee morning, outdoor gym afternoon, & evening cooking bread & tomato soup.
Packages coming bit by bit, including a very pricey, very rare Pony who needs a little hair transplant in her mane. Don't have the colour she needs so ordered some. Had to use Dollyhair as the UK supplier didn't even have the colour I needed. Got some of their scents due to this...
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 28, 2024, 08:56:00 AM
I cleaned the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom :accomplished: Now to keep it clean.

I didn't get over to my mom's yet. She's been sick and I've been sick, both with horrible allergies.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Griffin on August 28, 2024, 12:28:05 PM
Thanks, PBW!

And way to go, BC!  :hifive:

I've been feeling really unmotivated today. Have mostly been surfing online (like the good old days?) and doing some laundry and other small chores here and there, nothing on my actual to do list. But I did manage to muster up some energy to go for a long walk and that made me feel better. The weather was lovely, too!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on August 28, 2024, 04:54:06 PM
A Griffin Sounds nice!

I've been dealing with a legal case against my former employer. They were releasing a hazardous pesticide into the air in an occupied building so I blew the whistle, then they were horrible to me until I resigned. That's a neat nutshell, but of course these things often get very long, complicated and painful. My solicitor is getting an unwanted course in control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH Regulations), pesticides and stuff like that. I need to sleep but I can't wind down.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Kitcatepic on August 28, 2024, 05:00:57 PM
It's the third day of hell. . .or at least it was supposed to be. There were really heavy thunderstorms yesterday that caused my power to flicker a lot and a bunch of power outages in the area. I'm assuming thats why the entire school district is closed today but they didn't really tell us why.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on August 28, 2024, 05:50:00 PM
tomorrow is the first day of school!  My baby is growing up!  *mom wibbles*
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on August 31, 2024, 01:14:46 PM
I can't believe it's already 4pm :blink: where did the day go?

I feel awful today. Allergies are still kicking my butt.

There are dishes to be done. I also need to clean out the pantry soon. I was going to make pancakes yesterday and got out the Bisquick but had to throw it out since it was infested with saw tooth beetles. They had gotten into my sugar earlier this year too. Never had a problem with them before now. So now I need to take everything out of the pantry and check it, throw out anything open and spray for bugs. I should invest in some food storage containers. I did buy a couple, like for my sugar and flour, but I guess I need a whole set.

For dinner I'm having a baked potato, corn on the cob and green beans.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 01, 2024, 06:43:00 AM
BC I LOVE my storage containers!!! Having everything in paper or plastic bags is not good for keeping food away from bugs & pests. And hope you find a way to manage those allergies & other issues xxx
Squirmy you go with the proud parent vibes!!!
Kitcate, scary stuff!!!
Artie xxx well done you for standing up!!! And hope your lawyer does a thorough job xxx
Griffin hope your walk cleared your head!!! I'm due a long walk; I only have short ones these days...

The bread & soup turned out great, then Wednesday I was cooking AGAIN!!! Pizza, big ones, for the Wednesday night meeting. Long story short, it turned out mostly ok except a wee bit of issues here & there, but the big one was carrying all the cooked pizza. I got it done JUST on time!!! I had to use boxes from shop-bought pizzas to carry mine across in, thankfully a few minutes up the road. Their kitchen door is the first thing I come to, so I waved people over to grab the boxes & cut up the food inside, then made my slow way round to the main door. Remember I also have the sharky with me!!!
The meeting was fun & there was plenty of food: sandwiches, breadsticks, biscuits, crisps, & my pizza, followed by a big cake & fresh strawberries with scooshy cream (the cream in a tin you scoosh out on top of fruit & desserts). Everybody got food home afterwards, including cake, sandwiches, & pizza. I took the squished pizza back, along with some sandwiches, some cake, some breadsticks, some crisps, & a dip.
I got home, relaxed, & crashed out!!! So Thursday may as well not have existed.
Friday, I hit the outdoor gym, then the Friday coffee, or as I call it, noisy coffee. And it WAS!!! One small boy in particular had a habit of screaming in such a way it went through my head!!! Kind of glad I'm not his mum... Other than that it was good, & I'm brushing up on sharky facts about sharkies I haven't covered yet. I went with the zebra shark, whose babies have stripes which fade into spots as they age.
Saturday my bed was a right mess, so in between indoor exercises I vacuumed around the bedroom, then stripped the bed, then remade it properly so it's back in shape again. Last night would have been a comfy sleep if my temperature wasn't as variable as a day in Glasgow...
Today the usual Sunday stuff, & I'll be off to the outdoor gym soon xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on September 01, 2024, 02:39:38 PM
was at two flea markets today met a fellow pony collector who is on here it was fun ,we had a nice chat about collections.  Did find a few ponies I did not have , won a  few plush out of the claw games, at the first flea market, they have a tiny arcade.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 01, 2024, 03:53:33 PM
Today was mostly napping and chores, I really wish I didn't need to go back to work ... I'll be going back to 6 days in a rowwwwww I just need to hurry up and win the lottery so I can do chores and write and sleep all day -_-

Repotted some plants, I snipped the jade plant up where it had developed little roots to see if it will make more plants or take root themselves, we'll see! The ficus was a pain and took up most of me compost; I had to wriggle it and pick all the leaves out. I gave my previous ficus to my relative, and I remember warning them that ficus plants shed leaves like there's no tomorrow. BOY AM I REMINDED OF THAT RIGHT NOW OMG
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 02, 2024, 12:18:39 PM
I spent most of the day in bed with a migraine and I'm still very tired.

Made some egg noodles with butter and parmesan cheese but I could only eat a few bites.

My plants need water and I need to do some maintenance on my shrimp tank but I think I'll do it later. I'm going to go back to bed in the hopes I feel better later.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on September 02, 2024, 04:26:13 PM
I went on a forty minute drive to look at some Breyers at a yard sale.  They also had some She-Ra horses, so I was hoping they would have ponies, but they didn’t.  But I did get five Breyers I didn’t have for $8 each!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on September 02, 2024, 09:34:41 PM
had to deep clean my house as my child had a friend over... said friend is celiac and our house is just full of gluten LOL
my fingers hurt, I even scrubbed all the kitchen cabinet doors
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 03, 2024, 07:54:53 AM
I actually feel okay today, or at least right now. I want to wash all my bedding, buzz my head and try to get in the tub for an actual shower.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 03, 2024, 01:27:34 PM
Decided to do a long-time goal and booked an emergency first-aid course for myself!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: ChocolateStarfire on September 03, 2024, 05:10:28 PM
Yesterday I cleaned out both my main closet and...gasp! pony closet. Thankful to sell a lot of my stuff on eBay, but I've been listing items since yesterday and there are still so many more, plus my customs, too! D:

Trying to take things one day at a time.

And it's gonna be over 100 degrees F this week ugh
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on September 04, 2024, 12:17:10 PM
I'm so busy with family to have any alone time! My cat got out yesterday and I worried myself half to death over him.  -_-
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: ChocolateStarfire on September 04, 2024, 09:04:32 PM
I'm so busy with family to have any alone time! My cat got out yesterday and I worried myself half to death over him.  -_-

Oh no! :( I hope your kitty is doing okay, that sounds so stressful!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: CowboyRaccoons on September 05, 2024, 08:36:04 AM
I'm so busy with family to have any alone time! My cat got out yesterday and I worried myself half to death over him.  -_-

Oh no! :( I hope your kitty is doing okay, that sounds so stressful!
He's fine, thank goodness. He likes to go into the woods in our backyard and eat the plants.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: ChocolateStarfire on September 08, 2024, 08:51:46 PM
I'm so busy with family to have any alone time! My cat got out yesterday and I worried myself half to death over him.  -_-

Oh no! :( I hope your kitty is doing okay, that sounds so stressful!
He's fine, thank goodness. He likes to go into the woods in our backyard and eat the plants.

Whew! That's great to know that he is okay <3

I essentially melted into the floor/bed/my chair at my apartment today, even with the AC's been brutally hot for SoCal this year! :(
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 08, 2024, 11:30:15 PM
I'm travelling to the big city for a zookeeper experience!! It's just a half-day one, and the next day I'll be doing a meerkat experience AND going to the Dungeons. I'm hoping to go to a specialist gemstone/treasure shop as well, and I need to go to Hotel Chocolat for my birthday voucher plus get a gift for a co-worker who is nice enough to give me a ride to my stop-over town. I'm staying overnight and hope to check into the hotel early but I need to wait and see once I get there!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: shockponie on September 12, 2024, 10:52:42 AM
Lady Frostbite, that sounds so fun! How did it go?!

Today I’m working and going to the library to pick up books that are on hold for me. :read: Later I’ll watch my favorite streamer continue playing Undertale on Twitch.
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 13, 2024, 01:57:53 PM
I've been busy today. I was able to get into my tub and took a very long shower. First shower I've had in a couple months, so much better than a bed bath! And I'm happy my leg seems to be better? I had to maneuver a bit to get it over the side, but I made it. Then I stripped everything off my bed, took the pillow covers off, the mattress topper, my plushies - everything! The first load is done, now I need to wash the topper and blanket. I'm not going to wash my plushies, but I'll pop 'em in the dryer on low for a while to get the cat hair off and refresh them.

It doesn't sound like much, but this took me most of the day. I also made some pasta earlier and just now finished some fish for dinner.

I'm super tired now but I want to finish the bed. I'm dreading putting everything back on but I know it will be worth it when I get in on clean sheets with a clean body :heart:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 14, 2024, 05:33:02 PM
It's been a while since I posted here, so sorry about that xxx You lot have been busy!!!

So have I. As stated in cooking thread, it's apple-picking time, so I've been picking apples from public access trees in the old Railway track walk. All the good ones I can get come home, while any too bruised I scatter around the overgrown parts of the track in the hope they will become more apple trees in the future.
My bed was too much of a mess not to sort, so I vacuumed the bedroom & the hallway outside, then once that was done, I could clear the bed (I have plushies on mine too heehee!!!), then remake it. Not a big fan of that job but if it needs done...
I'm continuing with noisy coffee sharky facts, with the spinner shark & the kitefin shark ticked off the list. A regular's brother saw a basking shark within two miles of us on Tuesday or Wednesday, & took a video for us to see!!!
I'm also continuing Tuesday coffee, Sunday stuff, & outdoor gym. Meanwhile, Wednesday before last I heard there was a coffee morning in a nearby village 2-3 miles from the everything shop town, so I took the bus to the coffee morning there, then walked the coastal path to town. The village on the other side has my local aquarium, but I was JUST too late to go!!! It's shut completely to rebuild it & I hope that means bigger & better. I'd love to see what it will look like. I still got shopping done so that was great, especially the finds in charity shops.
I have another project on the go, & meanwhile I've been continuing my usual work xxx
Sleep is still an issue at times, but I work round that somehow xxx
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Lady Frostbite on September 15, 2024, 02:24:57 PM
Lady Frostbite, that sounds so fun! How did it go?!

It was amazing!! We got to feed some huge and small animals, some encounters were really close like handfeeding whilst others were more distant for safety (like we fed one of the Great Apes). The penguins were so surreal but incredible! Fed some meerkats as well but didn't get too close as that's just policy. Definitely want to do something like it again next year!
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Gator on September 15, 2024, 05:07:27 PM
I’ve been busy this past week with… Covid!  Started with a sore throat last Tuesday night. Turned into sneezing and runny nose and unbearable sinus pressure headaches, my eyes running like rivers by Wed/Thurs.
I sometimes have bouts of hayfever(allergies), and that’s what I thought I had.  Friday I was feeling worse so I took a test.
Covid Positive!😩
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: BlackCurtains on September 15, 2024, 11:16:52 PM
Oh no, Gator! I hope you get well soon :heart:

LadyFrostbite, that sounds amazing! Jealous :tellme:
Title: Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
Post by: Ponybookworm on September 18, 2024, 09:04:32 AM
Frostbite what a fun experience!!!
Gator oh no!!! Get well soon xxx
BC the usual  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Usual Sunday stuff.
Monday was quiet, but I saw the baby ducks again. There are 8 of them & they're the cutest!!! Will have to get a pic soon.
Tuesday Coffee. Local thrift shop is shut due to needing refurbished & fixed up. Got yarn from the pharmacy for current side-project, then quick stuff at the Co-op, & electricity. Switched on my downstairs heater as it's starting to get cold.
Day off gym today. Will do home exercises, but have also been doing stuff like laundry, a shower, dishes, & hopefully stewing the remaining apples.
Got some more packages in, including some rare G2 Babies I didn't have yet. They had no accessories, so I knitted some (It's Nosy & Click, & they are meant to have caps & a camera. I knitted them capes & caps & assigned them tail ribbons). Ticking a few more MLP & Friends comics off my wantlist too. Will have to update it.
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