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The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
Thanks everyone. :hug: :hug: A week later and I'm still bruised and where I took the most impact from the fall is still sore. It also hurts if I move a certain way.
BC, I hope you don't find any more wasps.
--- Quote from: BlackCurtains on September 07, 2024, 02:21:51 PM ---Omg help! :drunk:
Yesterday a wasp was in my living room. I only have this weak bug spray but I sprayed it and it fell and disappeared. I retreated to the bedroom. When I came out later, it was in the kitchen on its back dying, so I wrapped it in a tissue and flushed it.
Today I was sitting out here and there was another one! I was trying to spray it as it flew around and ANOTHER ONE appeared on the blinds! I pulled the blinds back and sprayed the whole dang window (it's a very large window that takes up most of the wall). I once again retreated to the bedroom.
I'm out here again after a couple of hours and don't see anymore. I can only assume there is a nest on the outside of the window and they are somehow coming inside through a gap or something. I need to order a better bug spray, one that kills on contact and call maintenance and tell them to look for and take out a nest on my window. They aren't here on the weekends, so I need to wait.
I'm allergic and don't have an epi-pen, all I have is Benadryl. I hope my spray attempt keeps them away for now. I don't want to be so paranoid sitting at my desk.
--- End quote ---
One of my co-workers is married to an entomologist and their wife said that if you have a wasp/yellow jacket problem, you can "blow up" a brown paper lunch sack and hang it near where you think the nest might be. The wasps/yellow jackets are so territorial that they will move. It might take a few days but they won't live near other nests. So you can try that in the meantime and see if they go away before your maintenance people show up.
Thanks for the tip! I will remember that.
More were coming in after my last post. In total there were 12 that made it inside :crazy:
They are gone finally. I was able to get some Raid Defense and sprayed the heck out of the windows, so much so I made myself sick. I've stayed in the bedroom for the past two days and just came back out here, there are two dead on the window sill and none flying about.
Allergies are still bad. I'm looking at HEPA air purifiers. Expensive, but I can save up and I think having one in the bedroom would be worth it. If our (mine and Aster) allergies are this bad now, they will probably be worse next year, and it's not like Florida has a fall season. This will continue until mid-December.
I hate talking to my mom about movies I haven't seen yet. If I just mention I want to watch one and she's seen it she will without hesitation ruin it for me. I told her I was going to watch Remember Me because I heard it was really good. She goes, I've seen that *spoils the ending*. I said, did you just ruin the end for me and she's like, well yeah, but it's still good and you should watch it just forget what I said. ???? It doesn't work that way!! UGH. So that movie is off my list.
Also, is it just me, or are movie previews that TELL YOU there is a twist or "an ending you won't see coming" super annoying? Because that ruins it for me too. Why do they say there's a twist? Isn't that why you should watch the movie? To see it for yourself? If you TELL ME then I'm going to be expecting one, it doesn't matter if I don't know what it will be, just the fact there is one is enough to annoy me that you TOLD ME. Thank you very much, movie previews.
Also also, I am looking forward to seeing Longlegs even though most people are saying it's not that great. I love Nickolas Cage and pretty much watch everything he's in. The filmmakers intentionally didn't show him in the previews, but I keep seeing pics of him from the movie on Facebook. I know, social media is great at spoiling everything and you should stay away from it if you want to keep everything a surprise. It's just irritating that I know what he looks like when the filmmakers tried to keep it a secret until you saw him in the movie.
I'm hoping it's a side effect of all of the medicine I'm taking, but I've been having trouble staying asleep after I go to bed. For a while now I've woken up after only a few hours of sleep. I've tried going to bed a little later, but that doesn't seem to help. It's so annoying to be awake much earlier than you should be and not be able to go back to sleep for hours.
I feel like I am so behind with everything on this forum right now. So many things have taken my attention in real life (nothing bad, just a bunch of busy things), but big hugs to everyone dealing with junk right now. Still here in spirit, even if bogged down in editing, shelving and general garden flapping.
My small trivial complaint...today there was a massive and uninvited thunderstorm, complete with lightning. I am not the biggest fan of this weather, as it means turning off most of the electrics :(
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