Pony Talk > Toy Box & Games Cupboard
Pokemon Go -- who wants to be friends?
So Pokemon Go added a friend feature this past week and I thought it would be fun to be friends with some Pokemon Go-playing Arena members! We could send gifts (and trade Pokémon, but only if you’re very close by as trades are conducted in-person)
I don't think I'm allowed to post a link on how to send gifts, but if needed you can Google the topic and lots of good info comes up. If anyone needs help I can answer some questions, too (though I'm still learning how to do this since it's a new feature!) I think for safety's/privacy's sake, we could PM our trainer codes to each other instead of posting them publicly, since this sub is visible to non-Arena members Edit 6/30: Kiwi has pointed out that if you put your trainer code in a spoiler, this will keep it hidden from non-Arena members as only Arena members can see spoiler content. So if you'd like to keep it semi-private, just put your trainer code (and username because it's helpful) in a spoiler! ^.^ Mine is:
Spoiler9638 8265 1243 (my username is PinkNinjaKitty)
Looking forward to being friends with you guys! Post here with your thoughts and your trainer codes :)
Oh, neat! I just redownloaded it! My code is 8394-9252-8846
Great, tailrustedtealeaf! I'll send you a friend request :) (I'm PinkNinjaKitty). Do you want to post your trainer code there? I'm not sure if strangers might see it here and then I guess request you as a friend. Of course, you could always reject their request. I'm not sure of the best way to go about this! ^^; Anyway, I'll message you in PoGo now!
--- Quote from: Haruna on June 24, 2018, 02:14:06 PM ---Do you want to post your trainer code there? I'm not sure if strangers might see it here and then I guess request you as a friend. Of course, you could always reject their request. I'm not sure of the best way to go about this! ^^; Anyway, I'll message you in PoGo now!
--- End quote ---
Thank you for the concern, but I'm alright! It's no different than seeing people list their nintendo 3DS friend codes, and I need to have it on hand here anyway for when people ask.
Myself and my husband are the only ones we know who are still actively playing so we'd love more friends for gifts! My sister plays but infrequently as she has a lot of log in problems.
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