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Topics - munchy

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Pony Corral / Price Check Archive?
« on: August 13, 2023, 05:41:57 PM »
It’s been a long time since I was active here, but I seem to remember there used to be a price check archive you could search. Is that still a thing? I’m pricing my g3s and g4s and I’ve been using eBay completed listings, but some of them aren’t coming up. If you have any other resources to recommend for pricing them I’d love to know!

Introductions / Reunited and it feels so good!
« on: August 12, 2023, 05:36:45 PM »
Hello (again) pony people! I've been away from the Arena for a few years now--life got in the way as it so often does. My job got stressful, I got a masters degree, and ponies just weren't a priority anymore. I was never a super active poster before I fell out of ponies, but I used to check this site just about every hour all through college and my twenties, which I think qualifies to me to be considered a hardcore lurker haha! The big shift to Facebook was really the end for me as I'm not active there.

BUT the other day I was just sitting around, minding my own business, and all of a sudden I was hit by a realization: I missed ponies! They made me so happy, and this is such a wonderful community, and I wanted that warm fuzzy feeling back in my life. So here I am!

I've been collecting whole life? My primary focus has always been g1, but I have a little of everything. I'm getting ready to part with my g3 and g4 stuff and clear some space out so I can focus my attention fully on the stuff I really love.

Pony Corral / Is there a point where you just say “trash it”?
« on: June 19, 2020, 06:43:13 PM »
Possibly a controversial opinion, but have you ever just given up on a pony or play set and said “it’s too far gone to save, might as well just throw it in the trash”? How do you define unsalvagable? I have some play sets and accessories (nothing rare) that I can’t imagine anyone doing anything to save, but it seems so wrong to throw a vintage pony thing away!

Pony Corral / Puzzle Pandemonium!
« on: March 29, 2019, 02:28:39 PM »
I thought I was a genius you guys. A pony savant. But Hasbro betrayed me! I found one 80s puzzle years ago that wasn't complete, so I held onto it. My patience paid off and I eventually found the same puzzle again, also not complete. Fantastic! Now I can combine them into one complete puzzle. FALSE! The pieces aren't cut into the same shapes!!! The puzzles don't match!!!   :enraged:

I am, quite frankly, miffed. But I figured I'd pass it along in case anyone else has the same doomed plan.  :nope:

Pony Corral / SS Pony Stained by her Hair
« on: September 14, 2016, 05:07:37 PM »
So I just received a SS Ribbon I bought on eBay and when I opened the package I noticed her face has been stained by the chartreuse in her hair!

Her flocking is PERECT otherwise so I'm reluctant to mess with it, but does anyone know a good way to remove it? Or how stubborn a stain it might be?

Price Check Archives / PC and Question About Playset Boxes
« on: January 13, 2016, 09:03:26 AM »
Hopefully some playset experts can help me out! One of my collection goals is to have all the playsets complete with their boxes and instructions. I have quite a few complete already but most were bought already complete. I have a few loose ones so I was wondering how often just the boxes or instructions come up for sale without the playsets and about how much I should pay for them. Off the top of my head I know I need the Pretty Parlor and Bathtub boxes but there may be others.

Recently I started selling on eBay again and I've encountered my first problem as a seller.

 In addition to ponies I also collect vintage pink pyrex. I picked up a bowl in orange on a whim at a thrift store because it seemed to sell well. I listed the bowl for $40 based on completed auctions but never made any assumptions as to what set it belonged to. A buyer messaged me and we got to chatting. She believed the bowl was a set completer for her but I assured her I didn't know what set it belonged to as I don't collect that color. Eventually she made an offer that was a lot lower than my asking price, $15 to be exact. I accepted it because she seemed nice and it was still a decent profit for me. When the bowl arrived she messaged me because it isn't the bowl she thought it was and thus doesn't complete her set. Now she's asking for a refund and I'm not sure what to do. I understand her frustration, but at the same time she made an assumption and it turned out to be wrong.

Tl;dr: is it fair to ask for a refund when your assumption about a purchase turns out to be wrong?

Pony Corral / G3 Shimmer Shine questions
« on: July 27, 2012, 05:04:19 PM »
My cousin is obsessed with Monster High and asked me to maker her a custom Monster High pony for her birthday. She wants Spectra and asked me if I could make a pony with see through arms and legs, so I immediately thought of Shimmer Shine as the perfect bait! Which brings me to my questions--

How expensive/hard to find is she?
Is she painted on the inside or the outside?

Pony Corral / Ireland/U.K. Pony People! I Have Questions!
« on: March 07, 2012, 07:27:07 AM »
I'll be traveling to Ireland this saturday and I desperately want to go pony hunting while I'm there, so can anyone tell me what stores sell ponies? Specifically blind bags, but I'll take anything really. I haven't found any of them anywhere and I'm getting a little desperate! I'm not holding out a lot of hope for g1s but are there any places I might find them too? I'll be in Dublin and Galway mostly, but also Derry and Belfast.

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