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Topics - Crystal-Sushi

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MLP Nirvana / Brazil (Estrela) Prototypes?
« on: June 11, 2023, 08:00:37 PM »
I was browsing Mercado Livre (mainly looking for Susi dolls) and came across these two ponies, listed as Estrela prototypes, that I haven't seen before?
According to the description, they aren't customs (and don't look to be either) but I didn't think we had seen any prototype Estrela ponies before?

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[Edit to remove live auction links love pkw xxx]

The Dollhouse / COSMIC COUTURE - A Rainbow High Fan-Project
« on: April 04, 2023, 06:21:44 PM »
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To everyone, I present… COSMIC COUTURE! 🪐

💫 Rainbow High’s prestigious elective program, known for accepting only the best of the best and responsible for the creation of some truly out of this world style! All entrants are double majors, with at least of these being fashion design but there are no limitations on the other major, as we find it allows for some truly out of the box thinking! Please welcome the cohort of 2023

Please enjoy everyone! If you've been wondering why my pony art has slowed down somewhat, this is why! Cosmic Couture is my BIGGEST project to date, it took a whole SEVEN MONTHS from beginning to end and I’m very pleased with it, even though it nearly killed me haha.
I hope you guys can enjoy these cosmic characters as much as I had fun designing them!
Click on the spoilers to see their full art + details (I didn't want to make the page too difficult to load as there are a LOT of images haha) 💕

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My very first design, the start of it all and one of my personal favourites!
Terra wound up with a sort of a recycled-grunge style, which I leaned into as I figured out her design. All of the designer pieces she wears are well over a decade old (some more like two decades lol), as it’s meant to be like she’s thrifted them over the years, but she also sports upcycled and handmade pieces, my favourite is probably her pull tab choker 😅

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Marchita’s design came to me very easily – and I hope you guys can under my reasoning behind giving her a wolf cut 😅
My other favourite design aspect is her leg – it’s designed after Roman leg armour and whilst it wound up being mostly covered in her main outfit, you can check it out in whole on the details page below :)

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Another character whose design fell into place super easily, the hardest part was actually figuring out the multiple layers of transparency on her pants 😅
It’s not super visible but she has a median sternotomy (open heart surgery) scar – which is kind of hinted at in her bio and ties into something I wasn’t able to fit in said bio – she and Marchita are childhood friends, having met whilst they were both in the same children’s hospital 💕

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Ariana’s design actually took quite a bit of effort! She kept turning out too monochromatic and I couldn’t get her silhouette down for AGES!
Those shoes, her quote and her pose are both a reference to a certain blue blur – and in fact all of the poses for this series are references 😅

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I always knew I wanted Juniper to be a performing arts focus, which in turn influenced her outfit choice – I wanted something a little dramatic!
Her feather top required me to make a custom brush, as did the jacket on her second outfit, and her feathery boots 😅
Much like the god her planet is named for, Juniper is the ‘leader’ of the Cosmic Couture group (there’s not really an official’ leader but the other girls tend to look to her for guidance lol).

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Another character I struggled with, I knew I wanted Cynthia to have a sort of cyber Y2K look but it took a while to figure out haha, the answer ended up being ‘layering’ 😅
I am WAYY too proud of the holographic look of her second pair of shoes, I did that myself! And it looks decent?!
She’s the younger sister of another of my RH OCs, Selene Armstrong, and if you can guess her inspiration you might also be able to ascertain her future romantic interest 💕
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So Soleil was actually the character I struggled with THE MOST, I seriously went through 5-6ish designs for her before I figured out what I wanted her character to be!
I would up taking influence from Helios/Apollo with their chariot = horses, so Soleil wound up being a horse girl haha, or at the very least Western influenced!
Her fringed jumpsuit also took like 3 attempts to draw…! 😅
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Shabana’s design story is interesting as whilst I had an idea in mind, ‘Saturn’ is a bit hard to distill into a character, as for most people the most recognisable bit is just the rings 😅
She definitely has those down, but I also looked to astrology to influence her personality – not sure how it comes across in my attempt to convey characterisation with as many puns as possible but she’s meant to be a chill ‘older sister’-type character 😅
(Also point to anyone who knows why I included those glasses!)
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I was probably looking forward to designing Narelle the most, as I love working with ocean motifs! She also has one of my favourite makeup looks out of the girls 😅
Her personality wasn’t something I thought of straight away, but I eventually went with the sort of beach-bum chill type persona. I also took inspiration from Sailor Moon’s DiC dub, and made her and Cordelia cousins – not ‘cousins’ but actually related (their mothers’ are sisters) as a fun reference 😅
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Right from the get-go, Cordelia had the most obvious motif/s, what with Uranus being a sky god, so I quickly filled up a mood board for her 😅
She’s one of the most monochromatic characters in the lineup, but I think it suits her personality, she’s eccentric like that 😅
Also despite her hair style looking deceptively simple, it took like FIVE attempts to get it right…!
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Lucky last, Venetia! Ironically, I actually somehow FORGOT to do Pluto when I was at the concept art stage, it was only when I was drawing their FINAL art that I realised she was missing! 🤦‍♀️
I didn’t forget her at the moodboard stage though, so I went and designed Venetia super late into production 😅
Nonetheless she turned out as one of my favourites, which might be due to all of the sparkle on her but also other elements I thought would be pretty cool references like her three-headed dog bag and pomegranate aril (seed) earrings 💕
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🪐 I hope you enjoy this series! 🪐


The cumulative effort of an entire month and at least three days of crying as I struggled to model a box in Blender (I cannot overstate how terrible I am with 3D), the help of my wonderful fiancé for doing the final renders (my poor PC couldn’t handle them!) and a lot of sleepless nights, I present the CEREAL MONSTERS!

General Mills' Monster Cereal mascots, designed in the Monster High Skullector style! I envision them as being scented, and I'm not sure if I managed to correctly illustrate but the cover for the box is a 'slide' cover over the main box, so you can open it without damaging it haha.

Originally completed in 2020, I only managed the three main monsters but I always thought I’d come back and finally finish this project to a level I’d be happy with, and then I got the idea of actually modelling the boxes and it sort of snowballed from there 😅

(On a final note, I’m Australian so ironically I’ve never tasted ANY of these cereals, we don’t get them here! I have my extensive reading of i-mockery during my high school years to thank for that 💕)

Click the spoilers under each one to see all the extra details (didn't want the post to be too confusing to navigate or cause loading issues due to number of images haha) :heart:

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Count Chocula! Silhouette-wise she is one of my favourites, it’s unusual that I’m still so happy with a design I did two years ago but I am! 😅

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Frankenberry! Those cute strawberry nails are actually part of the original design haha, and I elected to turn the head doodads into headphones 😅

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Boo Berry! One of my favourite cereal monsters and what sounds like the best cereal flavour (always a fan of blueberry!), I’m also still very happy with her design! She’s meant to have translucent skin like the Haunted dolls too btw, don’t know how evident that is in the art? 😅

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Fruit Brute! Or Frute Brute haha, I didn’t get the chance to draw her originally but I’m so glad I got to this time around! I really love how her design turned out, those sherbet-coloured stripes are just so up my alley 😅💕

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Fruity Yummy Mummy! Our final ghoul and the only one whose box doesn’t match, as all of their boxes are based off of their first release and Yummy Mummy here released in 1988 when the boxes were all done in this style! She’s another I’m very proud of as its’ more difficult than you’d think to turn just bandages into an actual outfit! 😅

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Aand that's all! I hope you guys enjoy them, this was the biggest personal project I've ever completed and I am quite proud of it haha!

Pony Corral / Midnight Castle Production Materials?
« on: November 02, 2022, 05:06:13 PM »
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As an animator, I've always wondered about creating my own pony animations of course, but then that got me wondering, do any model sheets/settei exist that we know of for the G1 animated properties?

I've seen cels from Tales and the intro for MLP & Friends (as seen above) but no actual pre-production material for Midnight Castle, MLP The Movie, MLP & Friends or Tales?

It seems a bit strange to me as I've seen model sheets for other properties animated by Sunbow (who worked on all four) and Toei (who worked on Midnight Castle) but no MLP? Even if it was related to being a Hasbro property, model sheets for stuff like Transformers and Jem are readily available which just makes me all the more curious...?

Does Hasbro just keep them in a vault somewhere?  :P

The Dollhouse / My Treatment for TRASHION ALLEY
« on: September 22, 2022, 08:25:03 PM »
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This unproduced line by Hasbro is by far one of my foremost special interests (because RATS + FASHION DOLLS!!), I'm even the person who initially found the trademark...!
Also as someone who is a lifelong ‘bowerbird’, collecting found objects for crafting purposes (or just because they’re shiny/cool-looking) it also resonates with me a lot - basically what I’m saying is this line was potentially going to be many things I love distilled into one of my favourite mediums 😅💕

When these dolls were first discovered, I immediately started drawing my take on them but then kind of...
Yeah I wasn’t doing too well for quite a while to be honest.
However, the recent videos by Izzzyzzz and darlingdollzofficial bringing more attention to the line finally gave me the motivation to finish my treatment of the series! 💕

The logo, names, accessories, etc and essentially everything aside from the bodies, main outfits, shoes and line name are original to me - and I specified the body as the heads for these guys were never seen, likely due to being in an earlier stage of production haha. The bodies and the line name trademark is all that exists so far of the original treatment, but I hope in the meantime you can enjoy my take on them! 🥰

The actual bodies, for reference ->
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Our main muroidea (scientific name for the rodent family) first, introducing Brie!

Given her slightly more complicated outfit + her ‘future of fashion’ belt I felt that she may have intended to be the main character, and ran with that!
Her acessory is a little playing card sketchbook containing all of her designs, her hair tie is both a hair tie and her main sewing tool and I gave her nail-head earrings to continue the metal theme from her shoe heels.
As she’s an albino rat, she also likely needs glasses, and I was tempted to draw her some literal coke-bottle lens glasses but I felt they cluttered up the design a bit so let’s just say she only wears them when reading? 😅

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Introducing our country girl, Ella!

She was the last to be named as I couldn’t quite find something that fit, wanted them all to be named after cheeses, and surprisingly the overlap between ‘cheese varieties’ and ‘suitable names’ is not a large one 😅
The sort of ‘softer’ elements of her outfit made me decide on making her a country girl, specifically she’s meant to be a field mouse! She has a huge family and wanted to come to the city and strike out on her own haha.
She’s soft-spoken but determined about her creations (which are mainly plant and natural material-based fashion, although she also enjoys designing terrariums 💕

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Our resident oddball, Fondue!

Wasn’t sure about her name at first but then she kind of evolved into a more ‘out there’ character who would definitely love ‘Fondue’ as a name haha.
She’s a hairless rat, and although not specifically stated, she is wearing a wig, and tends to change them often (it’s why she’s the only one with gradient hair) to match her outfits. She also has some of my favourite character art I’ve ever drawn up to this point, I love how expressive her pose is!
Her being the eccentric one influenced my decision to give her the soy sauce fish purse haha, although to be honest I also kind of want one for myself 😅 It was also chosen as her main outfit is more plain compared to her ‘stand out’ shoes (which are those generic strawberry lolly wrappers that every elderly person seems to have lol) and I thought it fit for her to also have a ‘statement’ purse.

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Can’t have a ‘fashion’ line without your obligatory French character haha, meet Cremé!

She’s the only one whose proto I actually own, and such the only one whose hair colour isn’t entirely a fabrication on my part - mine came with curly purple nylon tangled in her joints, which makes me almost certain heads *were* tested on them at one point.. As such, I gave Cremé that hair in my take too!
Style-wise she’s definitely the girliest, and her artwork is another one I’m extremely proud of (I can’t belive I made a ‘looking from the back’ pose look good!) 💕
She has a little bottle cap pillbox hat, pull tab earrings, a bread clip bag and polished teaspoon mirror! She’s also the only one with sparkly eyeshadow because, well, she’s the glamour girl haha.

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Aand finally, here’s a playset, the Squeak Heart Café! It’s where all the girls first met (and continue to meet) to go over designs and stuff together 💕

Like I said, I’ve collected these kind of bits and bobs for my entire life, so this was VERY fun to design!
Stuff like this (playsets/scenery) isn’t my strong suite but after being super inspired looking at's amazing renderings, I knew I had to at least have a go!
And yes that is a repurposed smartwatch being used as a digital ordering screen 👀💕

I hope you all enjoy my treatment for this cancelled line, I certainly had a lot of fun working on it! I have several more ideas, which I may draw up if I feel inspired enough (or enough people ask haha) so potentially stay tuned for more! :heart:

Wanted! / Help from someone that lives in BRAZIL?
« on: December 07, 2021, 12:50:56 AM »
Ok this might be an odd request, and is somewhat tangently pony-related, but aside from my first love, MLP, I also collect fashion dolls!

I have always wanted one of the OG Susi dolls but as I live in Australia (and they're rather pricey) that has been a pipe dream - until Estrela announced that they would be making reproductions of two of the older Susi dolls, and I desperately want to buy one ( - this one!), but the site will not let me enter my Australian address.

I'm asking if anyone here (who resides in Brazil) would be ok with receiving the parcel on my behalf, which I will then pay for them to post to Australia? If so, there are also several doll and pony-related items I have been watching on Mercado Libre for some time :heart:

Please message me if you can help me out!

Wanted! / Desperately searching for CLOUDEES!
« on: July 04, 2020, 09:27:13 PM »
Hey there everyone, I fell in love with Mattel's Cloudees line when they were first shown last year but received the heartbreaking news that they will not be distributed in my country (Australia) from Mattel themselves so I'm reaching out for your help to track them down! I'm only interested in the full-sized figures and would love to complete the full set/s (Series One, Scentzees & Storm Clouds), so if anyone else is collecting them I'd love to purchase your doubles :heart:

If you want, I may be able to throw in some art to sweeten the deal! Also, I have a US forwarding address so fear not about shipping all the way to Australia :)

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Crystal Dreams of Pony Design...!
« on: March 09, 2020, 02:53:29 AM »
I've posted my art here before but it's been so long that my thread closed... so here's a new one! :heart:

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So my aim (aside from animation and design!) has always been to design ponies that could have conceivably been in the G1 line, thus here are the Cloudpuff Ponies!
They are flocked ponies with fluffy puffy hair aside from a 'normal' forelock. like the Perfume Puffs and if you followed my previous thread you might have seen some earlier iterations of them too! :heart:
They are inspired by how gimmicks started to combine later on down the line, like the Princess Brush 'n Grows - I hope you all like them!

Design details under the cut ->


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Just putting some feelers out there for stuff I've been dreaming about haha, none of this ever made it to my neck of the woods unfortunately :P
I'm located in QLD Brisbane, Australia  ^.^

:heart: MLP :heart:
- Stranger Things AJ
- Stranger Things Eyelash Princesses Backpack
- World's Smallest Firefly/Minty
- Basic Fun Moondancer
- Basic Fun Sunbeam
- Basic Fun Twilight

- Celeste
- Carrie
- Nellie
- Briar
- Holly
- Maddie
- Pearl

:heart: FASHION DOLLS :heart:
- The Fresh Dolls - Myfroggystuff
- Disney Princess Ralph Breaks the Internet - Ariel and Pocahontas
- Wild Hearts Crew - Kenna Roswell
- Wild Hearts Crew - Cori Cruize
- Wild Hearts Crew - Jacy Masters
- Disney Minnie Mouse Floral Festival Fashion Doll
- Boxy Girls - Kiki
- Boxy Girls - Mia
- Boxy Girls - Addison
- Boxy Girls - Apple
- Bopxy Girls - Coco

:heart: BARBIE - FASHIONISTAS :heart:
- Fashionista 'Sweet & Sporty' #86
- Fashionista 'Unicorn Magic' #88
- Fashionista 'Rainbow Sparkle' #90
- Fashionista 'University Plaiditude' #91
- Fashionista 'Hot Mesh' #101
- Fashionista #108
- Fashionista #121
- Fashionista #125
- Fashionista #135
- Fashionista #136

:heart: BARBIE - GENERAL :heart:
- CookieSwirlC Barbie Set (preferably blue bear version)
- Barbie and The Rockers (2017) - Doll and Drum
- Barbie and The Rockers (2017) - Doll and Saxophone
- I Can Be... Robotic Engineer (Asian)
- Barbie Video Game Hero - Pink Eyeglasses
- Barbie Video Game Hero - Multicolour Hair
- Barbie Starlight Adventure - Blue Co-Star
- Barbie Starlight Adventure - Pink Co-Star

:heart: BARBIE FASHION PACKS :heart:
- Hello Kitty - Little Twin Stars Purple Pencil Skirt
- Hello Kitty - Little Twin Stars Dress & Vest
- Hello Kitty - Little Twin Stars Lavender Shirt
- Hello Kitty - Black Top and Pink Skirt
- Hello Kitty - Blue Dress
- Hello Kitty - Badtz Maru Teal Dress
- Care Bears - White Top/Skirt Fashion
- Care Bears - Grumpy Bear Shirt Dress
- Care Bears - Cheer Bear Shirt
- Care Bears - Bedtime Bear Shirt
- Looney Tunes - Lola Bunny Dress
- Looney Tunes - Daffy Top & Skirt
- Super Mario - Red Top/Skirt
- Super Mario - Power Up Jacket
- Super Mario - White Top/Pink Overall Dress
- Powerpuff Girls - Print Dress
- Powerpuff Girls - T-Shirt Dress
- Powerpuff Girls - Purple Hoodie Top/Skirt
- Powerpuff Girls - Bubbles Top
- Barbie Complete Looks - Toy Story (Bo Peep)
- Barbie Complete Looks - Toy Story (Group)
- Barbie Complete Looks - Toy Story (Alien)
- Barbie Complete Looks - Toy Story (Woody)
- Peanuts - Overalls Set
- Peanuts - Charlie Brown Dress
- Spongebob - Hoodie Dress
- Spongebob - Peach Top/Purple Skirt
- SpongeBob - Gary Purple Dress
- Spongebob - Pink and Purple Jellyfish Top
- SpongeBob - White Top and Blue Overall Dress
- DC Comics - Harley Quinn Fashion Pack
- DC Comics - Girl Power Fashion Pack
- DC Comics - Batgirl Hoodie/Skirt
- DC Comics - White Hoodie
- DC Comics - Harley Quinn Shirt
- DC Comics - Supergirl Blue Glitter Top
- DC Comics - Batgirl Fashion Pack
- Teen Titans Go! - Pizza Fashion
- Teen Titans Go! - Yellow T-Shirt Dress
- Despicable Me/Minions - Unicorn Tank
- Dolphin Magic - Purple Swimsuit w/Puppy
- Barbie Dolphin Magic - Snorkel Set Fashion Pack
- Barbie Fashions Separates Watermelon Top & Shorts
- Barbie Fashion Pack #2 - Unicorn Top
- Barbie Fashion - 2 Pack Casual Chic (Barbie & The Rockers Print)
- Barbie Fashion - Pastel and Patchwork
- Barbie Fashion - Graffiti Mini Skirt

The Dollhouse / Looking for Project Mc2 Dolls...
« on: November 12, 2017, 08:09:06 PM »
(x-posted on the MH Arena)
Hey, so uh, this might be a stretch but I'm looking for Project Mc2 dolls  :P
Here in Australia we only got the first 1 1/2 waves before retailers decided to no longer stock them, and I'm just drooling over the new masquerade line...  :blush:
If someone in the US could help me find them that would be great, as they're ridiculously overpriced online and the Aussie dollar is pretty weak atm. I'm primarily looking for these two (Ember being my #1 priority, she's gorgeous!) ;

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Although if you can find these guys for cheaper than retail price (like on sale) I'd be interested too;

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I don't mind if they're second-hand, as long as they're not in terrible shape and have all their outfit pieces, and I don't mind whether they have their experiments/combs or not, it's just the dolls I'm after, haha.
I don't currently have the funds, but I will soon, as my birthday /christmas is in a month and everyone gives me money as they have no idea how to pick out dolls for me  ^.^

Thanks for reading! :heart:

Arts & Crafts Corral / G3 Pony Anthros + Requests? :)
« on: September 27, 2017, 07:43:33 AM »
Hi everyone, I decided to make this thread separate from my other art thread due to the request element!
Anyways, I'm currently on holidays from university and decided to draw up a few G3 ponies as anthro-type designs for the sake of fun - as I enjoy interpreting the different elements of each pony into a humanoid design! :heart:
Here's the eight I did tonight - can you guess who they are?

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HIGHLIGHT SPOILERS: Amberlocks, Frilly Frocks, Darling Dahlia, Twilight Pink, Twirlerina, Goodie Goodie, Valenshy and Daybreak!

I want to draw at least another set of these, so comment a pony from any generation* below and I'll try and turn them into a humanoid.. ponyperson?  :P
Open to the first eight people - but if this gets very popular I may do another set  ;)

* This excludes G4 characters who have pre-existing Equestria Girls designs, as the job's already been done there :blush:

Have fun everyone! :heart:

I've finally drawn myself a ponysona reflective of my current tastes <3
Meet Cosmic Jelly - an artist/designer/generally creative flutter pony who loves sweet things, just like me!

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'A So-Soft baby pegasus known as 'Fru', Baby Frosty Flurry likes to make piles - snow, dead leaves, garbage, you name it! The carers at the Nursery consider her a bit of a handful because of this - the ponies around her are constantly tripping over!'

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Melon Dew is the MLP form of my boyfriend! He's a So-Soft Big Brother pony with jelly hooves and tinsel hair ;) He is massive and fluffy and his favourite activity is sleeping...

For Trade / G1 Euro Exclusive, G2s, G3s and Ponyville!
« on: July 23, 2016, 05:40:54 AM »
My wantlist is here (you might need to scroll down a bit, sorry! :blush: ) but I'm open to offer of anything, really. Various colours of dollyhair and a rerooting tool is also something I'd trade for :)
I also want to note that I live in Australia, so shipping to certain countries can be quite expensive  :drunk:


G1 Bedtime Newborns Sunset (tiny symbol rub, tiny black marks on leg - probably able to be removed)


Queen Sunsparkle (one missing eye gem, can replace it if you want, small scratch on symbol)
Princess Crystal (tail is a little bit frizzy, tiny symbol rub)
Wing Song (tiny marks on nose, mint otherwise)
Tender Families Sunsparkle (missing both eye gems, can replace with clear ones if you want, hair is a bit dry, black mark on ear)


Core 7 Scootaloo (tiny mane trim)
Rarity the Unicorn (mane is a bit poofy, one mane plug has been trimmed, slight yellow mark on leg)
Rarity with 3d symbol (3D part of symbol is a little bit grubby)
Hidden Treasures (body is a bit grubby, there are a few tiny marks that are able to be removed)
Silver Lining (red mark on nose, scratch on painted part of symbol, I braided ribbons into her hair that are able to be removed)
Daisyjo (tiny mark on forehead, otherwise mint)
Breezie Honeydew Hum (mint)
Breezie Azalea Bloom (tiny mark on back of neck, not visible unless you know it's there)

McDonalds Ponies

Star Dancer
Star Dancer (body has turned green)
3.5 Scootaloo
3.5 Starsong x2
3.5 Rainbow Dash
3.5 Pinkie Pie


Rainbow Dash (2007 first edition)
Rainbow Dash (3.5 switchable hairstyles, wearing Pinkie Pie's wig)
Rainbow Dash (2008 Edition)
Pinkie Pie IV
Pinkie Pie V
Pinkie Pie (3.5 switchable hairstyle, wearing ponytail wig)
Pinkie Pie (3.5 blind bag, standing)
Pinkie Pie (3.5 blind bag, rearing)
Cheerilee #2
Cheerilee #2 V
Cheerilee (3.5 bling bag, standing)
Sweetie Belle
Ribbon Wishes
Toola-Roola (3.5 blind bag, standing)
Scootaloo (3.5 blind bag, standing)

Various fakies, including 'Lovely Neddy' and yellow 'Dreamland' pony. thanks for looking! :)

Pony Brag Arena / Luck in local eBay lots!
« on: July 22, 2016, 04:11:39 AM »
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I didn't own many G1s before this, and definitely not any European ones! They're all so adorable and perfect apart from Bow-Tie needing her symbol fixed. Also, is it normal for her head to pop off extremely easily?
Another cute thing is that Bow-Tie, Billie and Katie were previously owned by someone called Aly - her name is still on their hooves!  :heart:

Pony Corral / Has anyone ever disassembled an electronic G2 before?
« on: June 19, 2016, 08:22:54 PM »
So I got Princess Flora (from the Romantic Couples set) in a lot, and noticed that she has tail rust  >_<
I'm not sure about removing her head, however, due to the electronic components she has - and I'm unsure whether they are mainly located in her head or body area.
Ideally I'd like to remove them without ruining her, as I'm concerned about the metal causing more internal rust and potential corrosion from the batteries in the long run.
So, has anyone ever disassembled one of these guys before? I'd prefer not to go in blind! :P

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