Pony Talk > Pony Brag Arena

New additions~

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Lol, finally. I got some G3 ponies to add to my collection!

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Finally, something in my collection other than my Custom Slender Mane and G4 Dash and Fluttershy!

But the one I'm the most excited about is this:
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She's a little roughed up, but I think I could fix that. I just gotta find out how to restore her. LOL.

Statcatcher is my favourite G3 pony.  Your girl looks like she will clean up okay!  Congrats :cheer:

So cute!! Major Congrats!

Ooh nice! You have some really pretty G3's there, good luck cleaning, for the hair, conditioner & hot water with a brush works well to de tangle ;)

Congrats, I have always loved Star Catcher. 


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