Pony Talk > Toy Box & Games Cupboard

Does anyone collect the vintage hardcover Care Bear Story books?

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Doe anyone collect the vintage hard cover A Tale from the Care Bear books? I'm missing 3 out of the set .


Um, sort of?  :)

I pick them up when I find them @ thrift (usually,) because I love finding vintage children's books.  But I don't actively seek them out.  Which means right now, I own like 7 copies of "A Sister for Sam," because that was apparently *the* book to give small children when they were about to become a big brother/sister in the 1980s.  :P

Which ones are you missing?

^Same here!

I have a ton of them scattered all over the house. I really need to put them all together so I can get rid of my doubles.


I'm missing The Trouble with Timothy, Your Best Wishes Can Come True and Ben's New Buddy. :) I'd like to complete the set someday but don't have much luck finding them second hand other than Ebay and even then they don't seem to come up as often as the other books. If either of you have doubles of those 3 please let me know. :)


I saw some Care Bears books the last time I went thrifting but I passed them up since I don't collect Care Bears... I'll look and see if they're still there when I go back tomorrow.


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