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Messages - Shystar06

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Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: November 27, 2023, 10:58:09 PM »
Finished the last class for my 2nd Associates degree last week. Just have to wait for the grades to be official!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Legos
« on: January 09, 2023, 07:19:18 PM »
I desperately wish that Lego would make a re-run of all their wonderful old sets so I could buy all the ones I wanted but my family couldn't possibly afford.

Where are my Space Police, my Rock Raiders, my Pirates, my Fort Legorado and Indian sets, my  deep sea divers...

Shoutout to all my Mata Nui fans - go grab all your old games on

Off Topic / Re: What are you wanting for Christmas this year?
« on: December 21, 2022, 04:35:46 AM »
I'm hoping for a promotion to full-time employee instead of contractor, though I'm treated VERY well at my current job.

Already at the point in life I don't need much more stuff and have been selling or getting rid of a fair bit of what I have. I have everything I NEED...and a fair portion of what I I legitimately had problems telling friends and family what to get me this year besides gift cards.

Off Topic / Re: Have you ever been in a natural disaster?
« on: December 20, 2022, 08:45:28 PM »
I was there for the "October Blizzard" in Nebraska.

Our entire neighborhood was at the bottom of what we called "Deadman's hill", so called because you were indeed a dead man or woman if you went down it at speed after a severe rain or snow. We got an entire WEEK off of school which was marvelous until the tree in the yard fell toward the house. I measured 4 inches from the top branch to the front window to the living room where we had just been playing darts.

Much more recently my infant daughter slept completely through the first "Snownado" in decades. The tornado sirens went off while her grandfather was visiting and one of them is right outside our building. She slept through everything without a single peep but made sure to keep us up at night as usual!

Off Topic / Re: What's the most unusual thing you own?
« on: December 20, 2022, 08:39:05 PM »
As of today, the most unusual thing is a 40 year old computer that weighs at least twice as much as my 13-month old daughter.

Perhaps most unusual is that "the monster" (as wifey calls it) still works as intended...I wrote a very short joke program that gives you a choice of whether or not to be hit in the face with a pie.

Off Topic / Retrotech ahoy
« on: December 20, 2022, 08:35:59 PM »
As my father starts to clear out his garage (much to the celebration of my long-suffering mother) I inherited a gargantuan of a computer that's the size of a small suitcase and about as heavy as a baby elephant.

For it's time, this monster was actually cutting-edge because taking a fully functional computer with monitor in an all-in-one unit was nearly unheard of.

Thanks to a very helpful website dedicated to these machines, I'm identifying just what the heck is inside it before attempting to put it up for sale.

If anyone happens to know a computer museum or eccentric collector who might actually want this thing - in functioning condition with two giant disk drives - let me know!

some photos of the inside

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: What are you playing?
« on: December 20, 2022, 08:28:39 PM »
Having great fun with Stardew Valley... and Stardew Valley Expanded.. and Ridgeside Village...

Basically the user-made mods have tripled the size of the entire game. Then there's all the "quality of life" mods that kinda should have been in the base game, like the ability to save anywhere instead of just in bed every night. Or buying a tractor...because, yanno, you have a farm...

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: October 03, 2021, 10:13:14 PM »
I also basically agree with what LAW said about the G4 stuff. But while I'm riding the unpopular opinion train, I'm  opposed to the idea of popularity clique friendship magic generally. So yeah. :) I guess I have a harder time with some of the G4 concepts anyway, because I also don't like the idea of symbols dictating destiny.

Honestly, the G4 universe had a couple very disturbing aspects to it with this one being right at the top. The concept of your "mark" heavily dictating your life, potentially including some level of enforcement by the legal system, is frighteningly similar to a human's skin color deciding so many aspects of their life. There are downright ugly implications of the whole cutie mark = job/life system, merely beginning with the chance of getting one that lands you a job you absolutely despise.

Then we take a pegasi-level view of the world of Equestria, beginning with the fact that "the government" (two ruling 'princesses' with their parents/elders never seen)  raise/lower the sun and moon. Meaning the existence of life itself in Equestria depends upon the benevolence of a couple immortal and unelected leaders.

If THAT doesn't make you twitch and go "wait just a minute" then you need to reread the previous two sentences until the full implications sink in. More than a few very well-written fanfics dealt with the consequences for the Equestrian populace, ponies and otherwise, if just one of the pair went completely nuts, got too depressed to do their jobs, tried to seize ultimate power, went MIA one day without explanation, made a mistake, etc. The results of such a situation would instantly jack the show's rating to "R" if accurately shown within an episode or two.

Off Topic / Re: Nintendo Switch Questions
« on: September 08, 2021, 12:33:16 PM »
The Switch has a very poor selection of older games, unfortunately. And you don't even get that without a paid subscription. Nintendo completely dropped the ball on this aspect along with quality control for their JoyCons, which we've had to have replaced twice.

Your best option if you don't want another Wii might be an emulator or two. They take a bit of work to set up but even a cheap computer can easily pretend to be a N64 or SNES nowadays.

As a bonus, you will never have to worry about having to re-buy old controllers or power supplies or other parts that will become scarce/expensive.

Off Topic / Re: What musical instruments do you play?
« on: September 08, 2021, 12:26:06 PM »
The piano, which I can somewhat play by ear. Don't ask me to do any concerts though.

Off Topic / Re: Random stuff you've learned!
« on: September 08, 2021, 12:25:16 PM »
I just learned we're considered a genuine "high-risk pregnancy". As in, we actually now have two different doctors with very different skillsets, instead of just one very worried doctor who speaks before she thinks a bit too much.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: September 08, 2021, 12:20:41 PM »
G4's areas felt kinda samey but G5 feels really distinct. I LOVE all three towns and want to see all of them all the time! Goodbye to dirt road thatched-roofed G4 Ponyville! The cottages are all identical and it loses charm quickly, if it had any to begin with, because I'm remembering it through 2010-2011 rose-tinted glasses. Nothing about Ponyville makes me think "wow, I would want to live there if I was a little pony".
Hard agree here; I'm very excited to see G5's world explored.

G4 Ponyville has nothing on G3 Ponyville. It looks so flat, like every building is a cardboard cut-out representation. It doesn't really look like any of the ponies really live there. I can certainly say I wouldn't want to be a pony there either, lol.  :zzz:

G3 had a bit too much of a "Candyland" aspect to it but the G4 world alternates between outright BORING and  "showpiece" rather than "somepony actually lives here".

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Tales of Lost Art
« on: August 31, 2021, 06:39:26 PM »
I lost a hand-drawn picture of an unnamed cat-like anime character for 15 years. Rediscovered it in a giant pile of old stuff.

Pony Corral / Re: D&D set at Ross
« on: August 24, 2021, 10:11:34 AM »
We picked up basic DND at Target and were lucky to get that. Lockdowns absolutely wrecked the small-store scene for RPG's in my city.

Pony Corral / Re: Unpopular Pony Opinions
« on: August 24, 2021, 09:58:35 AM »
I don't like the G5 boys faces. They've somehow managed to make them look even worse then the girls.

Stole my post! Egads, they're...borderline creepy.

What else...hmmm....

MLP Tales was screwed by lazy writers as they were basically not "horsey" at all.

Likewise the MLP:FIM plotline nuked the fridge so badly that a lot of the better-written fanfics and AU's beat the canon events. Without question, hooves down. "Keep Calm and Flutter On" was probably my breaking point if I remember right.

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