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Messages - MiRaja

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Well, some things happened with work, and I think I'm going to have to say that I'm not going to be able to make it.

Our head server got promoted to asst. manager since our GM had some mysterious circumstance come up and had to leave the company.  Anyways, between me and two other servers, we're the filling in head server, and it is likely one of us will be promoted to head server.  That said, we've been burning through servers  left and right, and I talked with our now asst. manager, and they don't want to be left without two of their top servers, as my roommate works for them as well, and while she's not an acting head at this point, she is a very strong worker.  Our staff is extremely small at this point, like bare minimum for operating on weekends, and while I'm sure we'll get some bodies hired in the meanwhile, I'm really needed and 50% of my weekly earnings are made just on the Saturday and Sunday shifts. @_@  It wasn't an issue last year, as the place I was working at did bad on Saturdays and was closed Sundays. . .  Besides that, just not responsible when I need to buy a car.  Mine ended up blowing up a couple weeks ago, after getting everything fixed, so it's a been a biiiiiig game of bad month good month over here.  Maybe next year, when I earn my paid vacation, lol! 

I just moved to Dothan from Lawrenceville, but I am definitely going to come back for this!

Dothan, Alabama? 

Woo, you're going to be traveling a bit more than me.  I'm in Pensacola.  ^^

Whoa, I didn't know we had people coming all the way up from Florida. That's cool!

You know I see a lot of people's locations on the boards that live right in our area and I am surprised that they never seem to notice the meet. Because I honestly think that is all it is, they just don't notice it. It might be a good idea if we came up with some promo ideas as well?

Not really way up from Florida.  I'm panhandle-gulfcoast.  I'm far closer to ya'll Ponies than the Orlando peeps.  Atlanta is 4-5hrs away from me, versus Orlando being 6+.  Honestly, there is a reason why this location is called 'Florabama.'  I'm 15minutes from the Alabama border basically heading North and heading West.  :)  I was there with ya'll last year.  :P 

I just moved to Dothan from Lawrenceville, but I am definitely going to come back for this!

Dothan, Alabama? 

Woo, you're going to be traveling a bit more than me.  I'm in Pensacola.  ^^

Later in the month, the better for me, but count me as a VERY tentative yes.  Money shouldn't be an issue, but work is what is going to keep me.  I just got a new job at a restaurant that is very likely to be extremely busy, and the later in the month the better as the first three months are usually the busiest and getting off for a weekend may be difficult. 

Pony Corral / Re: Losing track of your ponies
« on: June 23, 2015, 01:02:42 PM »
Hahahaha, oh you all with your massive collections, I just don't envy it at all. . .!  I'm a massive clutter-phobe, with magpie syndrome, so it's really fun with all my collections. . .  << >>  It's constant buy and sell this, trade this and that out, and always reducing the size of the collections while adding to this and that and keeping a fairly stable constant.  I have around 120 ponies, counting what I have for sale, minus sales, more like 90.  I'd like it to be smaller, but when you have two brigades ( Moondust and Taffeta! ) it's a bit harder to cut down, but I am down to more of my favorites. 

Dazzlekitty, you're more than welcome to clear out what I have left for sales when you come down in August.  :P 

Right now I've been reducing my kimono and mlp collection and adding to my doll collection, though I have been certainly cutting through my excess.  I discovered an amazing few buy/sell communities on Facebook for the specifics of what I collect in dolls, and oh my goodness, I have been able to sell so much of the riffraff and what I have wanted to clear out, it's been so wonderful, and I have been able to reinvest some of the money into some new dollies, which I've really missed, but most of it has been bills, bills, bills. . . 

But I can't stand when things are over-flowing, I like having clean walls and space, while wanting everything and living in only a modest sized apartment.  It could be far worse, I know, but I do wish I had a bit more space to spread things out and about and have a bit more. . . I don't know?  Feng Shui?  Versus furniture tetris. . .

I'm a bit like this too. A collector, but a minimalist. Very quick to get rid of stuff I don't love anymore, though sometimes, I regret selling things. It's a difficult balance. Keeps my collection manageable size, anyways.

Oh yes, I do agree on the regret.  I don't regret selling most of what I've sold, only a few items.  I regret selling a certain one kimono, and selling a few different dolls, though the dolls were sold because I was broke and absolutely needed the money, so they had to go.  I had to sell my first doll of that kind, the one that had kicked off my interest in that particular kind, and I had found her in an antique store, and finding any decent dolls in antique stores these days just doesn't happen, so I regret her and a sister I bought for her.  Really miss those two.  The one got posted on Pinterest a few months ago, but I can't find where the photo originally came from, in hopes I could track down who she belongs to now. . . 

Pony Corral / Re: Possible pony variations found?
« on: June 23, 2015, 12:20:21 AM »
On Starhopper, I'm going to take a guess and say the change between her, especially her eyes, is regarding UV fading.  Your lighter Starhopper has been exposed to some sunlight.  :)  Dainty Dahlia has about the same colored eyes as your darker one, and I know when I sunfaded one of mine, and didn't do a stellar job of covering her eyes, they faded to that exact sort of lavender!  It's a sun sensitive red pigment in the paint, I would guess, given the original color is more of a red-purple.  Reds are fussy colors and pigments, and are usually unstable in any sort of scenario.  Even modern red inks and dyes are not at all as color fast as other colors, and are touchy to UV exposure. 

Pony Corral / Re: Losing track of your ponies
« on: June 23, 2015, 12:16:06 AM »
Hahahaha, oh you all with your massive collections, I just don't envy it at all. . .!  I'm a massive clutter-phobe, with magpie syndrome, so it's really fun with all my collections. . .  << >>  It's constant buy and sell this, trade this and that out, and always reducing the size of the collections while adding to this and that and keeping a fairly stable constant.  I have around 120 ponies, counting what I have for sale, minus sales, more like 90.  I'd like it to be smaller, but when you have two brigades ( Moondust and Taffeta! ) it's a bit harder to cut down, but I am down to more of my favorites. 

Dazzlekitty, you're more than welcome to clear out what I have left for sales when you come down in August.  :P 

Right now I've been reducing my kimono and mlp collection and adding to my doll collection, though I have been certainly cutting through my excess.  I discovered an amazing few buy/sell communities on Facebook for the specifics of what I collect in dolls, and oh my goodness, I have been able to sell so much of the riffraff and what I have wanted to clear out, it's been so wonderful, and I have been able to reinvest some of the money into some new dollies, which I've really missed, but most of it has been bills, bills, bills. . . 

But I can't stand when things are over-flowing, I like having clean walls and space, while wanting everything and living in only a modest sized apartment.  It could be far worse, I know, but I do wish I had a bit more space to spread things out and about and have a bit more. . . I don't know?  Feng Shui?  Versus furniture tetris. . . 

It's just another Hasblow Gimmick in a very long line of gimmicks. 

It's why Hasbro has managed to stay in the game despite poor quality for almost 100years now. . .  Gimmicks and adapting to new technology and the market around them. 

The original MLP lines certainly had their own long list of gimmicks, this is really no different. 

It does happen.  Unless this seller becomes prolific at sending the wrong packages, then a negative is definitely a big no-no.  They're already learning from their mistake because a lot of people aren't honest, so they are probably not going to get those ponies back, and either way, even if they do, they're going to be out some money getting them back. 

You're out of a smidge of time, and you're disappointed, but you got all your money back.  I'd leave it at that.  They addressed the problem quickly and returned your money to you quickly, and thus handled their mess-up maturely and quickly.  A+ to them.  You said they have all good feedback, they just don't have a lot, so it sounds like they're getting onto their feet with ebay.  They may have things going on that means they need to sell things to make ends meet, and a negative now for something they tried to rectify could hurt them very badly.  I always try to be conscientious, both as a seller and buyer, and I know my own situation with things, and know full and well there are people who have it just as bad or worse than me and are just trying their hardest. 

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt as long as they don't play games, beat around the bush or anything like that.  This seller hasn't.  They explained the situation and refunded you, and I think it's best left like that.  Just think of those ponies as not meant to be.  There will be a better deal, I'm sure.  :) 

Off Topic / Re: Feeling very. . .vindicated ( Stupid car blah blah )
« on: June 09, 2015, 08:05:13 PM »
As I said, I'm nice to the ones that take care of their cars and don't drive like morons, hahahaha. 

And yeah, GM really messed up with bringing out the Camaro and not the Firebird, and killing Pontiac in general but keeping Cadillac AND Buick.  What gives?!  And Bumblebee doubly doesn't count because he started life out as a VW bug.  I was fine with GM nixing all the different billions of rebranded Pontiacs, really, but the G8 is/was a fantastic flipping car, and Holden fans were so happy as well to be getting a Commodore.  They had NO selling problems with the G8!  I would've been fine with a three model line up - Firebird, G8(but rename it the GTO, which it had been the previous generation), and Grand Prix maybe Grand Am ( Really, renaming it to the G6 and making it boring looking?  Ugh.  )  The thing was Pontiac had consistently outsold every line in GM but for Chevrolet, but they got the axe?  Ffffff.  At the same time, I really hate the current Camaro body, it looks like its on steroids.  I don't want to see a Firebird on that body.  Gross. 

The Northstar is a fabulous engine, we briefly had a Cadillac with that engine in it, and oh man, that thing purred and it did haul.  If it could haul a boat of a Cadillac, think what it could do for a Fiero. . .  Fuuuuuuuuuun. 

I do like my cars almost on the ground, but not dragging or anything, with maybe a bit of shackling in the back.  I muuuuuch like the stock GA GT stance over my GA SE's stance, so big rims are just eeehhhhh, no.  I feel bad for all the Skylarks and Cutlasses out there. . .  Just no. 

With the stereo system, I was going to have it hinged too with a mechanism.  We have a couple other little automotive goodness to theme the our future home bar too.  My roommate used to drive a Toyota Celica.  Yeah.  No.  Well, the thing got put out of its misery by a texting teenager at about 40mph up its rear end in a 30mph zone.  Anyways, the spoiler popped out, slammed into the girl's windshield and shattered it, before careening 100yards down the street.  It was like the car fought back, so. . .  We kept the spoiler.  We'll hang it up somewhere for memory's sake, hahaha.  It's about the only thing funny to come out of that wreck. 

Off Topic / Re: Feeling very. . .vindicated ( Stupid car blah blah )
« on: June 09, 2015, 04:48:18 PM »
My roommate and I were talking the piss out of a stupid cambered Lexus in front of us the other day.  Absolutely stupid, and an overpriced Toyota, basically.  We got a few that blow through our complex, though the kid on his crotch rocket is the worst.  Every night at 2am, he blows through with it.  Ugh. 

Mustang drivers in our town/city/area are bad too.  :P  Sorry, I respect a nice Mustang driver and such, but the ones here are all rednecks who think they're so cool with their sun-rotted 'stang with various deco ripped off or taped on.  Now that the new Camaro is out, we've taken joy to making fun of those too.  XD

There is a light tan, almost porcelain-bisque colored 73 Grand Am running around here, and she's pretty clean and straight, the front fiberglass was even intact!  Though there is a place that does make reproduction front fenders now, phew! 

Roommate's family has a ratty 88 Bird, so does that count?  She said she'd take either a Bird or a Fiero with a 3800 or a Northstar dropped in it.

Being in a beach/resort town, I get to see a lot of fun stuff.  I can say I've actually seen a REAL 69 Trans Am, oh was that a treat, and there are two 63 Corvettes running about too.  TWO, with the original back windows intact!  There's a very nice 68 Bird in town too, convertible, but the rims are a bit ridiculous on it. 

I've had the idea to tag the hood a bit, paint some black smoke coming out of the chicken's mouth and put a googly eye on it.  For giggles.  The hood is probably going to need to be replaced, you can just BARELY see in the photos that it isn't even.  These things have such long hoods on them that they have to be shut very carefully.  Someone didn't.  It's bent there, and my dad and I are aren't entirely confident we can fix it, and at the same whack, I want the dual intake on it too.  I'm keeping her ( Estelle is my bird's name ) hood none the less, thought when I get a house, I'll build a small bar in the house, and use the hood as a cover for a really neat home stereo system.  ;) 

Off Topic / Re: Feeling very. . .vindicated ( Stupid car blah blah )
« on: June 08, 2015, 11:01:16 PM »
I have a 2002 Hyundai Sonata. My uncle basically rebuilt her. (I am NOT a sedan lady, I love my hatchbacks and station wagons, I sold off my 2000 Hyundai Elantra wagon for the sedan, sadly. I regret that decision.)  I've had this car about 2-3 years. And it does well. But, apparently, I'm a very hard driver and I somehow broke all 4 engine mounts (2 are replaced now though). My car now shakes worse than a old washing machine. ;D

I'm so glad they were able to fix the problem! It's just horrid that they didn't take you seriously.


You know, that sounds more like a problem with the car and not you.  That's pretty scary, I've never even blown through one motor mount, and I probably have over 300,000 miles under my belt or more from my antique travels and general traveling back and forth from Wisconsin to Florida.  Though, one question, do you release the brake pedal when just before you go over speed bumps?  It sounds ridiculous, but it reduces a lot of wear on a car, especially on your brake pads and rotors, but possibly could reduce the stress on the rest of the car?  Though you may want to check out your shocks and suspension too, that's just crazy, four motor mounts?  Ouch.  The road I live on is absolutely terrible, and I cringe every time I have to go over a pot hole ( no choice, as the traffic is pretty heavy, but if it isn't, I can least drive in the middle of the road at the particularly rough stretches ). . .  I've had a leaky axle or two on my first grand am, but the current one has been good so far. . .  Knock on wood. 

Customs / Re: ripped plugs, need some advice
« on: June 08, 2015, 12:42:54 AM »
Hmmm. . .  Sounds tricky. 

Maybe carefully threading the pulled yarn/mohair through the ripped plugs?  Maybe if you use some really heavy gluing at the base of the hair, inside the head, to form like a base or something that's wider than than the rip so it can't fall out??  That's all I can think. 

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