Pony Talk > Pony Brag Arena

I have been waiting to brag this!

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I got these really cheap from a lady who posted an ad locally. I was so excited!

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She was selling from a house full of stuff and she let us come back and look through her toys for more pony things. I was able to find a lot more stuff (picture below). I found a toothpaste and I thought, "There's a pony toothbrush in this house somewhere." And there it was! I am pretty sure the lady thought I was crazy!!! She seemed like she was going to throw a lot of stuff away so I am so glad I was able to pick out these pony accessories!
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Most of the ponies have cleaned up really well! Yay!  :biggrin:

Wow!! That is amazing! Major Congrats!

Woah! Niiiiice~ :o
Especially Sprinkles and the waterfall, and Gusty.... *double take* And SS Gusty? Two Gusty's?!
That's so cool! :'D

Well done!

Congrats! They all look like they are in really nice condition too :)


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