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What's your favorite foods?

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Artemesia's Garden:

--- Quote from: Luxrayx on May 12, 2021, 09:58:57 AM ---Cookies!! I haven't had one in forever, so I decided to treat myself to a 4-pack of the softest, most delicious-looking ones I could find. I ate the first two plain and of course they were amazing, but then I had the absolute galaxy brain idea of microwaving the third to make it taste freshly baked and it was HEAVEN. My taste buds still feel like they're walking on air. Seriously, everyone, microwave your cookies, just for half a minute or so! Thank me later :drool:

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That sounds yummy!


--- Quote from: BlackCurtains on May 11, 2021, 02:13:21 PM ---Speaking of cheese, it's one of my favorite foods too. I've never tasted a cheese I didn't like except very cheap American cheese.

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Yes same!! Cheese is actually my #1 food. Favorite cheese is Roquefort!

Let's see, some others.... I like pasta quite a lot (so as you can imagine, I'm a big fan of mac and cheese). One of my favorite types of snacks is popcorn! I like burgers quite a lot for another meal dish. My favorite vegetables are potatos, carrots, bell peppers.... granted the last one's technically a fruit. For fruits, I really like blackberries, apples, strawberries... I think those are my top three there. I like smoothies a lot! Fruity desserts are pretty nice in general, but especially fruit pies! As far as breakfast foods go, I really love French toast, but I rarely ever have it. I'm sure there's more I could list but then I'd be here too long. :lol:

New favorite: dried fruit! I got some dried peaches and mangoes and mmmm. They both tasted like actual candy :biggrin:

Canteloupe and homemade deer jerky

Reading this thread is making me real hungry though XD

Pasta. Could live on the stuff!!!
Cake, because cake. My fave is chocolate with buttercream icing & chocolate shavings
Pizza, in particular a vegetable pizza with good vegetarian cheese on it
Pre-vegetarian it was the smoked sausage. I mention this because, although I have yet to find a smoked veggie sausage, there are a load of veggie sausages out there, & I love them. If I could make one at home to hold its shape I'd do so because yum
I'm a Marmite lover, & Marmite cheese on toast is the business. marmite also adds that "umami" to veggie home-made & part-home-made (made with dried vegan mince for example) products like sheep's pie (think vegan mince & Marmite instead of the lamb & you've got it).
I enjoy my milk & cheese to the point I haven't yet become vegan (I'll still need a bit of convincing to drink rice milk or soy milk & eat vegan cheese, but I'm sure people are working on that in this day & age)
I love a load of foods, including most vegetables. Some of the blander pulses may not be on the list but kidney beans definitely are (can't have certain food items without those spiced up to give you Spike impersonations)
There are a few I hate, but most stuff I can eat, & most of that I can love

The only exception is baked beans. I HATE them cold, but warm they're tolerable.


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