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Messages - Ponyland

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MLP Nirvana / Re: Airbrushed eyes italian Lemon Drop?
« on: January 04, 2019, 12:54:03 AM »
Thank you everyone for your help!  :lovey:

Here is my newest girl:

If you want images to the nirvana gallery, pinkkittywinks, I can donate those.  :D

MLP Nirvana / Re: Airbrushed eyes italian Lemon Drop?
« on: December 21, 2018, 10:16:33 AM »
Thank you so much for your help!  :lovey:

I’m expecting one in the mail, and it is the one with the angled drops, not the one you could find on My Little Wiki. (That’s why I didn’t even notise that one too had airbrushed eyes, lol! :P ).. ^.^

I was curious how much the macau like yellow Lemon Drop (more like snuzzle drops symbol tho) was worth with no flaw? (And if I did good!)  :lol:

MLP Nirvana / Airbrushed eyes italian Lemon Drop?
« on: December 20, 2018, 03:47:24 PM »
I’m talking about the regular yellow version with air brushed eyes, not Snuzzle Drop.  ^.^
I can’t find her in the nirvana gallery, My Little Wiki or when I’ m searching on google. Is she rare? And what would her value be, with no flaws?  :lovey:

I love that blue moon! :O Big want!

Price Check Archives / PC of the UK Bow-Tie Snow Globe, please!
« on: August 26, 2017, 01:01:28 PM »
I know they are a bit rare and sought after, but I haven't seen a auction for one in a long time, so I'm not updated on the current price for one in very good condition?

(click for lager image)
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No damages from play, just a bit aged with some yellowing and brownish bits of goo in the water (as usual). Good water level.

Thank you for your help! :lovey:

MLP Nirvana / Please help with PC for a bunch of nirvanas
« on: June 20, 2017, 09:09:50 AM »
This past year has been emotionally though, and I'm now in a process of separating from my man (and it breaks my heart). :( 
There are debts that I need to pay, and I'm considering to sell these nirvanas below if the price is right (I have payed quite a lot for them).
They are all in excellent condition, some have minimal flaws. Could someone help me with a PC?  :heart:

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French Applejack metallic symbols (perfect)

Italian AppleBelle (minimal symbol rub on one side)

Italian Minty magenta hair (minimal symbol rub on one side)

Scandinavian Yellow Moondancer (Perfect)

Princess Amber UK variant (amazing, and lovely tinsel)

Greek Elsi (faded/bleeding symbols, but amazing blue color, no other flaws)

Cosmos Alt BF pony (one symbol side slightly faded, otherwise perfect)

Mexican Medley (faded ear tip, and some slight play wear on body, otherwise amazing)

NSS Cupcake with original brush 100% accurate (small yellow/brown mark on shoulder, but crispy white and original curls)

NSS Truly with original stand (amazing with original curls, a little yellowed)

Thank you! :heart:

MLP Nirvana / Re: Please can you show me Peru Unicorn Bowtie
« on: May 26, 2017, 04:20:11 AM »
Factory curls and pink hair.  :heart:
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Pink symbols
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 :lovey: This Bow-Tie is ranked high in my top 5 favorite ponies in my collection.

MLP Nirvana / Re: Please can you show me Peru Unicorn Bowtie
« on: May 24, 2017, 12:04:12 AM »
You have seen mine on instagram, but I can se if I can take some close-ups. :)
One detail that everybody miss is that she actually has light pink symbols, they just fades to white very easily. My girl still has some traces of pink in her bows.

Pony Corral / Re: Wind drifter - ribbon help needed
« on: February 09, 2017, 01:12:51 PM »
Just wanted to ad that I bought a perfect Cloud Puff, with her original ribbon still attached in her, tail in a childhood lot from UK. The ribbon was metallic, in the same purple shade as the one Vettefromm has. And I also bought a Wind Drifter from US with her metallic ribbon still attached in her tail. This was many years ago, before I learned that the gold edged ribbons also came with the flutters.. I figured that the gold edged ribbons was a later batch/release with the flutter ponies, some time after the princess ponies had hit the shelves in the stores (and introducing the new type of ribbon). :) This is just a theory though..

She's so cute and quite a chimera of different wingers.

I wonder if she belongs to the same family as the UK Princess Variants and Flutters?

I've seen wingers with the wrong wings before, but never one quite so mismatched!

She's a little mystery that's for sure.

Love pkw xxx

Since the factory left over flutters has been found packed in Winger boxes, I think that is a good theory! :O It would make kind of sense! 

She is very cute! ^_^

MLP Nirvana / Re: Non-tarnished golden italian symbols?
« on: January 19, 2017, 10:30:08 AM »
Wow thank you! The search will continue for me then! ;) Please show me pic's, everyone who has them with golden symbols!

MLP Nirvana / Non-tarnished golden italian symbols?
« on: January 19, 2017, 10:00:08 AM »
Has anyone ever seen or found a italian manufactured Sunbeam or Starshine or Sunshine who's symbol hasn't tarnished to green (from oxygen I think)?
Should I stop looking for one with golden symbols? :)

(borrowed pic from strawberry reef)
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yes it is :)
btw "Augenstern" is something like "apple of my eye". Though directly translated it means star of my eye.

Thanks for sharing all the sticker, I loooove to see them!

Lol! In Sweden we say my "Ögonsten" for something precious.  (Translated: the stone of my eye) and I think we created that from the german language, but mistook stern for sten, (sten=stone in swedish). It has happened with a lot of other words as well trough history. :P Just some fun fact's! :)

MLP Nirvana / Re: CP Sundance Catalogue Photo
« on: January 19, 2017, 09:21:57 AM »
I'm very happy that Ember1 continued to actively searching for this pic after she found the prototype, 2 years ago! :) It was such a great job finding the pic Ember1, and so great of you to share it with the community!

And now we can all help out to continue to look for the origin of the catalogue, because that is fun! And I'm only here for the fun part. :)

Edited to ad:

Great job SaveThePonies!! And it was fun looking on the scan's! I have a soft spot for advertising... ^_^

I was only able to get 2 sewing machines. I completed the rest of the tasks days before the time run out, but the sewing machines had such a low drop rate so I couldn't get Saffron. :/

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