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Pony Corral / G4 Head and Body Mismatch
« on: April 03, 2022, 09:11:53 PM »
     Hello! I'm sure most people who collect G4 know about the severe head and body-color mismatch present in some ponies. I don't have the majority of my collection with me right now, but I do have my forelock Twilight which came with the hot air balloon. Ever since I got her NIB when she first came out all those years ago, she's always had AWFUL head and body mismatch. Other ponies, especially in the similar purple-ish color as Twilight, seem to have this bad color discrepancy too (an example I can think of off the top of my head is Feathermay).
     I've always found this phenomenon weird as to my knowledge (at least in my own experience) these ponies CAME with different colors. Most other generations will always have ponies who are more prone to mismatch than others, but they have never come with the differences? It's always developed over time whether it be from exposure to sunlight, improper packing, the materials in the plastic breaking down, or just age. The point is, for other generations it took TIME for their colors to be different as opposed to g4 ponies who would just come looking different...
     I know obviously, the answer would be different types of plastics used for the head and body, which makes sense as they feel like different materials but like...why? I don't see the point in using two different materials for the body and head. If they used the different material for the head for something maybe like rooting issues, why not use it for the body? And Vice Versa. If anyone has a theory for why this is the case, let me know. I think this is especially jarring as later releases of these ponies didn't have the massive color difference (at least if I remember correctly. I have two different versions of "Princess Twilight", one with the standard pegasus body and unicorn head and the other with the Luna/Cadence body, and neither have a mismatch and if they do ((which I don't recall either having)) it's not NEARLY as bad as my forelock Twilight).
      It does make buying ponies secondhand a little frustrating as ponies like Feathermay have such beautiful designs, but the mismatch is SO distracting. I'd take matters into my own hands and fix it myself if they weren't so sought after. After a while I get used to it, however, whenever I get back into my MLP G4 phase (like right now), it always surprises me with how bad it can get. qwq

The Dollhouse / Generation Girl Dolls First Edition Varients
« on: December 05, 2021, 09:54:27 PM »

I want to get into collecting Generation Girl dolls. Of course, the original release of the first editions of the dolls had different features that got changed with re-releases because of parents complaining. The only ones I know of are:

In Barbie's original release... she had a heart tattoo on her ankle.

In Tori/Susie/Vicky's original release... she had 3 piercings on her ears.

In Chelsie's original release... she had a nose piercing.

As far as I know, these are the only dolls with these changes between first and second releases. If anyone knows of any other dolls with differences, please let me know! If there are no differences between first and second releases (for example, if Nichelle doesn't have any removed piercings, tattoos, etc., then I don't care what varient I get). I would like to know because sometimes the OG first edition dolls can be a little more pricy NIB because of the fact that they were "replaced", and if I could save a little money that would be really cool :)

The information I get about variants are from the generation girls fandom website and from trying to compare NIB releases. I was watching a video about Generation Girl, however, I haven't gotten to rewatch it to see if they list all the changes.

ANYWAY, if someone can help me out, that would be great :D

The Dollhouse / Sailor Moon Irwin Dolls - Saturn
« on: November 22, 2021, 05:02:38 PM »
I'm not super familiar with the Irwin Sailor Moon dolls, and I'm trying to just get the basics down of the inner senshi (Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars) before I move onto the (very) expensive outer senshi.

I have always known that any merch of Saturn is going to be almost always way more expensive than the other senshi, and of course I knew her doll especially was going to be an arm and a leg. However, I recently found a listing for her and out of sheer curiosity I clicked on it and the seller claimed there are only 100 known Irwin Sailor Saturn dolls in existence. Is this true? I'm not saying they're a liar or anything, I'm just genuinely curious if there are only 100 Saturns in known existence.

If you can help me out with any information that would be appreciated! :)

Pony Corral / G2 Moving Head?
« on: September 14, 2021, 08:43:12 PM »
Hey! I have a g2 Clever Clover (original release) I bought a while ago. I only have 2 gen 2 ponies for reference. The other day I was explaining to a friend about how some ponies turn their heads while others don't, and I noticed my Clever Clover turns his head and my Prince Firefly doesn't. I thought this was odd as (to my knowledge) ponies didn't intentionally have turning heads until some point during g3 (besides a couple of ponies who specifically made to have turning heads like the g1 baby ponies with the turning head mechanisms etc.).

The only time I know of these earlier ponies having turning heads is if someone had removed their head. Example: I have a baby ember whose head turns because the previous owner took her head off to clean her. The weird thing about that is the g1 ponies I have who have turning heads because they were cleaned have a specific way their heads turn. It's hard to describe, but the g1 heads move a lot more looser and feel like they'll more easily pop off. My Clever Clover's head feels super sturdy and is like a g3 whose head is meant to turn. And idk if that's because of the harder plastic or if he genuinely was meant to have a turning head.

So I guess my question is, do some g2 ponies have the head turning mechanism? Or did someone at some point take my Clever Clover's head off?

Pony Corral / Pony Dreams (and maybe nightmares)
« on: May 16, 2020, 02:30:18 PM »
Hello everyone!! I had an idea for making this topic after I keep having a reoccurring dream with ponies. The basic gist of it is I walk into my local thrift store and find a whole bunch of ponies (primarily g1) in amazing condition! They all happen to be rarer ones too. Off the top of my head, I remember finding Night Glider and Munchy, but there were tonsss of others. I remember they even had a whole wall dedicated to mint in box ponies and they had a deal where if you bought 4 it would only cost $100. It was an amazing dream and every time I'm about to check them out and take them home I wake up and realize it was only a dream  :(
I've also had pony nightmares too. The most reoccurring one is where I'm swimming in the ocean and suddenly a bunch of g1 ponies wash up out of the water and are all moldy and rusty (I have submechanphobia, so this is terrifying to me, along with a minor fear of rust) and they keep touching me and crashing into me while I scream for help. I've also had another nightmare of finally finding my precious Mimic and someone (usually my mother) says she left her in the tub since she thought my Mimic was filthy, and when I find her in the tub she's just rusty....ughhhhh *shudders*
Most of my pony nightmares involve submerging and rust (sometimes mold) if you can't tell  :shocked:
Buuuuuuuuuuuuut moving on from my pony dreams and nightmares, do you guys also have dreams (or nightmares) about ponies? I'd be really interested to hear them  ^.^

Pony Corral / Flutter Pony/Windy Wing/Summerwing Opinions
« on: May 03, 2020, 01:40:23 AM »
So I was kind of just looking at ponies and I realized that I actually quite like flutter ponies. I never really thought of them before, but something about their unique bodies and cute little wings (that are rarely attached) really intrigued me. Soooo I wanted to know what you guys think of them? And also which year you prefer if you prefer one over the other. Personally I prefer the second year since the colors are more vivid. Plus it has my favorite flutter; Tropical Breeze! (I'm a sucker for flamingoes)
Along with flutters I also included Windy Wing and Summerwing ponies in case you prefer or have stronger opinions on them. Honestly, I think they get overshadowed by their more slender and delicate cousins, but I might be wrong.
Between the three (two?) species, I prefer the Summerwings. However I am biased as Buzzer was one of my original 2 g1 ponies.  :P As you can guess, Buzzer is my favorite of the Summerwings for this reason, heehee.
In the Windy Wings, I have a tie between Moon Jumper and Flurry. I like Moon Jumper's pose and design with the cow jumping over the moon more, but Flurry does have quite a beautiful color scheme...

I like to think of Flutter ponies as fairies and Summer/Windy Wings as pixies (especially since, according to the internet, pixies are shorter than fairies).

Buuuuuut what do you guys think? Are you fans of flutters, or windy wings, or summer wings? Do you have any favorites? Any precious memories? (heehee I have a memory of bugging my older brother with Buzzer, repeating she'll grant him any wish if he let's me on his TV) Please let me know! :)

The Dollhouse / Hairdorables: Hairmazing Face sculpt opinions
« on: May 02, 2020, 07:59:02 PM »
A couple of months ago Hairdorables made a subline called Hairmazing (basically the premise is Hairdorables had grown up). One of the many differences between the original Hairdorables and the older Hairmazing is that they have different face molds. From what I can tell, the Hairmazing have more of a square mold.
Which face mold do you prefer? In my opinion, I prefer the original Hairdorables mold, but I understand why they wanted to change it.

Pony Corral / Powder Pose
« on: May 02, 2020, 02:21:24 AM »
Does anyone know why Powder's pose is so underused? It was only used for a handful of unicorns (and some earth ponies) and I'm not sure why. It's personally one of my favorite poses and I can't think of why it wasn't used more? The only thing I can maybe think of is it being hard to put ponywear on that pose, but it doesn't look like  it'd be that hard (the head being maybe the only problem?).
If anyone has any theories or even knows why, I'd love to hear!

Pony Corral / Question About Basic Fun Ponies
« on: April 29, 2020, 04:01:17 AM »
Since I took a long break from MLP, I kind of missed out on the Basic Fun sets starting from the Unicorn & Pegisi set until now. When I found out all the ponies they've rereleased so far, I went to go and check out the new releases and saw a big case with five ponies in it and they're all scented. (The rainbow pony set I believe.) I thought it'd be a great way to go and get my collection a bit better until I started reading the reviews and saw that people were having problems with ponies yellowing due to the scent. I have a couple of questions regarding this set and especially the yellowing if you guys could help me out here...
1) How strong is the scent? I get migraines frequently and strong smells can trigger them, so it's kind of important I know this, LOL
2) If the scent is super strong, is there any way I can dull the scent?
3) How bad is the yellowing? From the reviews I've seen, the scent is what is particularly making these ponies yellow faster than normal. My question is how bad is it? Because if it's just as bad if not worse as some vintage ponies, I might as well just get the originals since these new ones can only (probably) get worse over time.
4) What is the quality of these ponies? I've seen some pictures and the head assembly on these ponies can be wonky at times, so my question is are they usually of quality or not? For reference, I do have three ponies from the first set that Basic Fun did put out if that helps.

5) I saw that there's also some other ponies like Pinwheel and Starflower also being released now. Are they also scented like the other rainbow ponies or not?

Thank you guys for any answers to my questions and just more info in general! I am totally out of the loop on these so any into helps at all!  :biggrin:

The Dollhouse / Space Pop Dolls Quality
« on: April 27, 2020, 12:24:12 PM »
I was wondering if anyone ever owned any of the Space Pop dolls from a couple years ago? I always saw them and I really liked the concept, but I could not get past the fact of how low-quality they look. Like their clothes look very thin (especially on the dolls who don't wear dresses) and their hair looks either thin or like it'll frizz up easily (like the later g4 MLP or 4.5 that came out). I can't judge the dolls completely though since I don't own them and I've never held one in my hands.
So my question to all of you (if you've ever owned these dolls) is if they are of good quality? I really wanted these dolls but I can't justify spending money on something that is of low quality...Also, I love to brush doll hair and I don't want to accidentally ruin any doll by brushing their hair. 

Off Topic / Toy Story 4 Discussion and kind of review SPOILERS
« on: June 23, 2019, 08:24:21 PM »
Alright so here's basically going to be my post about Toy Story 4 and my opinions on it. Spoilers ahead (of course I'll put everything in a spoiler bubble thingy) and also I apologize if there was already a topic on this made but I didn't see any? Although I may have just missed it. Feel free to put your thoughts below if you saw it as I'm curious to see what other people think. Also it isn't so much a review more as getting my thoughts out there. So yeah :P
So I saw this movie on Friday with my boyfriend and as far as I know it was it's first week being out this week, however if I'm wrong please correct me because our theatre often gets movies a week after they have already opened around the world. I should also mention now that I don't really have too much of a connection with the Toy Story series. I never watched the first one to completion because it scared me as a child and I've never had the courage to watch it again, I did see the second one which made me cry, I also saw the third one which made me sad but didn't wow me as much as the second one. I did feel like that was a nice end to the series, as many other people did to. However, it wasn't as we all know now.
So what did I think of the polarizing Toy Story 4? Well I did like it. It is a very good movie and certainly much better than the movies studios like Illumination are putting out, both animation-wise and story wise. I'm telling you, there are so many well animated scenes in this movie it's just stunning. At some points it's hard to tell the animated parts from real life. There's this scene with a cat and I actually thought it was a real life cat until I remembered this was an animated movie. There were some changes I was not too keen on, like the Bo Peep redesign. No, not her outfit change, her facial change. As you might've noticed, Bo had her face heavily changed. Whether this was to make her more appealing to the audience, to make it easier to make dolls out of her, or just to make it easier to animate facial expressions I do not know, however I'm not a fan. I feel like her old design was much more of a classic porcelain doll look. It looked a lot more accurate, and her design was pretty unique. Now she just has the generic modern Disney face that Anna, Elsa, and the re-designed Disney princesses in Wreck it Ralph have. It also makes it rather jarring when you're going from the original movies to this movie and you see such a big change. It's like when they completely changed Tony's facial structure from the original Incredibles to Incredibles 2. Very distracting and sometimes took me out of the movie. Also, and this might be just an issue for me, but because of her redesigned facial structure, she lost some of her porcelain effect to her, now it looks more like she's made of that really shiny plastic they sometimes use for doll's arms and bodies (if you know what I'm talking about).
As for actual Bo in the movie, I found her to be quite enjoyable. She was totally awesome whenever she did one of her stunts and I find her clothes swap interesting, although a bit of me will always prefer her poofy dress (but that's not practical for a "lost toy" on the run, now is it?  ;) ). I will say sometimes I do think she was a bit too rough around the edges sometimes, but I think that also could just be because she was hardened living on the run and stuff. Her little Polly Pocket-esc friend (I can't remember her name exactly so for the rest of this I'm going to call her Giggles since that's what I do remember of her name) did make a comment saying something along the lines of "I didn't know you (Bo Peep) had a soft spot", which is a nice explanation to her acting the way she did.
Something I thought was very interesting happened all the way at the very beginning. Woody almost, almost left Andy to be with Bo which I thought was very sweet. I never thought I'd see the day when Woody would come that close to leaving Andy. That scene really made me see how much Bo meant to Woody.
Since I already brought up Giggles before, I guess I'll bring her up now; I did not like her very much. Yes she did have some funny moments and everything, but I mostly found her to be kind of annoying and rude. There's this part (specifically after Bo and Woody get into their big fight) where she's talking about how right Bo was to leave from Woody and everything and is just trash talking him. I know the purpose of that was to make Bo realize how much she loves Woody for his flaws and everything, but it just made me really dislike Giggles.
Speaking of characters I dislike, I was not a fan of the two prizes from the carnival (the rabbit and the duck) or the Canada biker action figure dude. I found them all to be rather annoying and the Canadian biker man to be a bit of a re-hash of Ken from the previous movie. I mean he's not an exact copy, but there are some connections that can be made. The two stuffed animals often ruined the flow of the movie for me and I found their interruptions to be VERY annoying. I would've liked them better if they were more toned down.
Now I know this might make it seem like I hated all the new characters, but I didn't. In fact, I thought Forky was a very cute and funny character. I was rooting for him the whole time, and the chemistry between him and Woody was nice.
This movie also introduced one of my favorite characters so far in the whole series: Gabby Gabby. Gabby Gabby (who I will now just call Gabby for simplicities sake) is a doll who is supposed to be like Chatty Cathy and is the "main villain" of this movie. She came out of the factory with a broken voice box, so when she finds out Woody has one that works, she wants his. In an effort to get his voice box, she has her goons (who are like the old ventriloquist dolls, not dissimilar to the one from Goosebumps) capture Forky. It's also important to mention that she resides in an antique shop owned by an old lady. The old lady has a granddaughter named Harmony who Gabby dreams of being played with, but in order to let Harmony see her she has to have a working voice box. Eventually Woody agrees to give Gabby his voicebox after Gabby explains why she wants his voicebox so bad (in a scene that made me tear up) and when Gabby tries to impress Harmony...she dismisses her. That scene made me gasp so loud and feel so much for Gabby. Gabby becomes upset and Woody tries to cheer her up and in the process realizes there are more than just one kid in the world to please.
As they're all on the quest to get back to Bonnie's camper, Gabby spots a lost girl who's afraid and needs comfort. Gabby ends up comforting the girl in a scene that made me cry. (ironically it made me cry more than the ending scene where Woody separates from the gang) I also really like Gabby's musical motifs and everything. It always makes me feel some pity for the poor doll who I relate to in a lot of ways.
Also yes, Woody does split from the gang in a scene that, while done pretty decently and had a lot of heart, felt rather rushed.
Speaking of the gang, they aren't really in this that much. It's odd having Mr. Potato Head being so silent, but I know of course why they'd have to do that. There was one line he got, which I'm pretty sure they had archived from a previous installment in the serious so, at least he got one line. Jessie was hardly in this movie and neither the other toys besides Buzz. Now, Buzz wasn't really in the movie a lot either, but he did get a bigger part than what the others got. I just wish there would've been more Buzz and Woody interactions though, there wasn't that many in this movie...
Also I find it odd how Bonnie just suddenly doesn't like playing with Woody anymore. She was absolutely smitten with him in the last movie, and now she's just tossing him aside? I guess children do change their favorite toys quickly, but it just felt odd. Let's just hope Andy doesn't ever come to visit their house for whatever reason.  ;) It does make me wonder how Bonnie feels about Woody suddenly being gone. I'm sure at some point she'd notice since sometimes kids do come back to toys they previously cast aside for a while.
At the end of the day, my boyfriend and I both left the theatre teary eyed. This movie really was a good movie. Was it necessary? I'm not exactly sure. On the one hand, I was perfectly content with the ending of the third movie. On the other hand, I was really curious to see what happened to Bo Peep. So should you see this movie? If you are a fan of the Toy Story series, I'd say yes. If you don't really like the series, I don't really see this movie changing your mind. This movie was funny and had a lot of heart though, so if you like movies like that I'd recommend seeing it, but I'd advice watching the previous films before to get the full experience.
Also did anyone else see the Tin Toy reference? Clever stuff Pixar, clever stuff.

also I'm lowkey upset there wasn't an after credits scene with Barbie and Ken, although there wouldn't really eb a point in it, Barbie and Ken are just my two favorite characters of all time. Although, maybe if Barbie and Bo could have a talk about what it's like to have their kid part with them...that might've been interesting.

Anyway what did you guys think? Who was your favorite character and did you enjoy the movie? Tell me please, I haven't gotten to hear many opinions yet since the movie just released.

Pony Corral / Show me your bait ponies?
« on: June 16, 2019, 08:03:29 PM »
I don't know why, but I have this weird hobby of looking up bait ponies on eBay just to see some of the worst conditions a pony could be in. Maybe because it makes me feel better about my more beat up ponies or maybe because it interests me to see how bad a shape a pony can be in. I don't know, I feel like I shouldn't be interested in seeing them but here I am actively asking to see some...
So show me your bait ponies? Could be ponies you bought in a bait condition or ones you've had as a child. To help start the discussion I'll talk about my worst condition pony (I am unable to take pictures at the moment)
My worst condition pony would probably have to be a Princess Royal Blue I got from a friend a while back. She just picked her up off the floor and said "I heard you liked ponies so here's one for you" (keep in mind her house was...well okay to put it bluntly they were hoarders so their house wasn't exactly the cleanest place). I was very thankful for the gift, and I still am today. I also hope that her family is out of the hoarding situation they're in. Anyway, while I do love my pony and everything, she is in a pretty bad condition. Tinsel crushing, dry hair, heavy smoke smell, possible bite marks, scrapped metallic paint, and brown marks ALL over her. Saddly, I can't further access what she has due to the fact that she's in storage somewhere and I got her when I was really young and didn't know much about pony conditions and stuff.
I know that is sort of tame and not exactly bait material, but I don't actively buy bait ponies so that's all I could think of. Also sorry if this is sort of out of place here, I wasn't sure if I should've posted this here or in the customs but I guessed I should've put it here because this isn't really about customs and more about the actual bait ponies themselves? If it's in the wrong category though I'm really sorry!!

EDIT: I also forgot to mention if you don't have any bait ponies but saw a bait pony one, I'd like to hear about your experience as well. Like describe it the best you could? Also if you can't take pictures you can just describe them as I did for mine above.

Pony Corral / Do You Prefer SS Ponies With Their Flocking or Without?
« on: June 16, 2019, 05:27:15 PM »
     Recently I was looking at some de-flocked So Soft ponies and I realized how much I prefer them without the flocking than with it. They just have such neon colors underneath and it gets muddled out by the flocking. I know that in places outside the US (I'm not sure if it was only the UK or in places outside the UK) that they had some of the ponies here that were flocked as not having any flocking (Like Shady and Wind Whistler) and I honestly think they look so much better. That's not to say that if I found a So Soft pony I'd just go and hack all of the flocking off because I prefer the look, but if the flocking was just beyond fixing (ex. if most of it was already gone or something like that) and was overall just making the pony look worse then I'd probably be okay with de-flocking it (although I'd still probably be a bit hesitant because it's original to the pony and everything).
     But overall, I just think I'm more-so a fan of the look than anything. I prefer ponies without a specific gimmick. There are very few gimmicks that I actually like so I'm probably biased in that sense. Maybe if I actually ever felt a so soft pony, I'd be a fan of the flocking more, but as it currently stands look wise I prefer no flocking.
      What do you guys think though? Are you a fan of the flocking? Do you think there should've been more ponies with flocking? Do you dislike it? Are you indifferent to it?

Pony Corral / Show me your custom/restored ponies!
« on: June 13, 2019, 04:26:42 PM »
Hi everyone! Today I'm here because I have a craving to see some custom ponies and some ponies that were restored. It can be a pony you customized yourself or a pony you bought customized. And the restored ponies don't have to be completely restored exactly to what they used to look like (ex. If you maybe gave them an alt. hair color or re-did their eyes to look more like your personal art style) You could even just have a story about a custom you saw or a restored pony you saw that you just thought was interesting if you have no pictures available. :)

Pony Corral / Thoughts on the Loving Family Ponies?
« on: June 06, 2019, 11:25:00 AM »
Hey everyone! After a very, very, very long hiatus I am back to post a question about one of my all-time favorite MLP sets: Loving Family Ponies. If I had to pin point why exactly these are one of my favorites, I guess it's just because I already liked putting two ponies together and saying they had a baby, and now the work was already done for me and they all matched each other too :D
I also think that these sets are the easiest way to get a pony in the Big Brother mold and the colt mold if you needed them, since I don't know why but the Big Brothers on their own seem to be getting really expensive (or at least the last time I checked they were) and it always just seemed hard or me personally to find a pony in the colt mold at a decent price, probably since they were all almost mail order?
Anyway I digress, the point is I loved these sets and while I only have one complete set (...Okay complete if you count it in American terms, still don't have a Baby Sister Sweet Celebrations :( ), I am eager to start collecting them again once I have the funds to do so. Another thing that interested me was the different possibilities that could've went on with these sets if they had another year to work with. What if instead of the parents matching they could've looked completely different, leading to some new mixed off-spring? We've already seen that ponies in G1 don't necessarily have to resemble their parents exactly (Such as some of the first baby ponies having different mane colors than their mothers or being a completely different kind of pony, or even in as late in the line as Surprise Twins Pony, whose children only bare one shared color with their mom), so we could've gotten some crazy combinations.

TL;DR I love the Loving Family Ponies line.
And so now I want to ask you all what's your opinions on this line? Do you love em, hate em, don't really have an opinion? I'd love to hear what you all have to say :)

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