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Messages - StarryEmerald24

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Pony Brag Arena / Re: First MOC G1 Pony!
« on: January 24, 2023, 10:45:46 AM »
I'm really impressed the plastic on it hasn't yellowed!

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 1/23/2023 Snowcatcher
« on: January 24, 2023, 10:42:47 AM »
I don't think I'm crazy for the pink and blue combo, but I love the blue, her cutie mark, and name.

Off Topic / Re: What have you gotten recently?
« on: January 19, 2023, 08:41:32 AM »
Piccie!!! Multi-coloured plushie sharky!!!
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That's so cute! I like that they have hats!

Off Topic / Re: What manga are you reading?
« on: January 18, 2023, 01:51:08 PM »
I bought the SpyxFamily manga as a bundle with just about every volume released in English so far and I read the first two. The anime is pretty spot on with the manga. I'll have to see if my opinion changes any as I continue, but so far I like it. I'm caught up in the anime and I really like it so of course I had to have the manga, too.

Off Topic / Re: What have you gotten recently?
« on: January 17, 2023, 10:36:16 AM »
I bought some manga and light novels. I mostly finished sorting my books and thought I'd get more!

Pony Brag Arena / Re: Bearly Collects | Suprise pony?
« on: January 17, 2023, 10:33:04 AM »
That's awesome! I wonder if that person has more? Also, the shelf is such a neat idea!

Pony Corral / Re: so now I collect sea ponies apparently
« on: January 17, 2023, 10:30:38 AM »
I'm still determined to not collect sea ponies even though I've had several come my way. Nothing wrong with them, but I don't think they are a set I could complete and there is nothing about them in particular I want.

So Softs did grow on me, though. I thought the problem with flocking coming off or being hard to clean would be a turn off, but I found so many with nice flocking that I love them now. They really are fun to touch!

And I think the most recent pony thing I caved into after getting a few was the G1 Basic Funs. Found some thrifting and some new in store and some in good lots and now I need to finish at least the singles.

Off Topic / Re: How do you guys deal with boredom?
« on: January 10, 2023, 10:53:11 AM »
Reading, writing, hiking/walking, drawing, arts and crafts, working on a collection, cleaning up the house, doing a cool yard project, learning a new game with friends, board games, card games, video games, pc games, video editing, making videos, dancing, learning a new skill, finding a new blog, shopping, going to touristy places, going to a local arcade/amusement park, thrifting, camping, photography, playing with a pet/getting a pet, reconnecting with family/friends, scrapbooking, embroidery/knitting, singing, learning/practicing an instrument.

For me on a usual evening I have family and pets to mess with, video games to play (I really like Beat Saber when I have the energy), reading, cleaning the house, keeping up with my favorite YouTubers and shows, and learning new songs. And I've done a little of each of the above. I'm also trying to do side things for cash.

I will say, though, sometimes, even when you have all the hobbies in the world, you can still feel bored at times. If you lose interest or just aren't feeling it one day. So sometimes you just go through boring periods of your life. Or maybe that is just depression. ^-^' Or fatigue.

It's great to have a moment of boredom, though, because now if you ever thought of doing something in the past but didn't have the time for it, you can now. You gotta take advantage of the free time you have now before college/jobs/your future family take all of it. Not to say you won't still have some time for some hobbies, but I know for some people it got easier to leave the hobbies behind.

Edit to add: Badminton

Pony Brag Arena / Re: G1 Haul from work!
« on: January 10, 2023, 10:35:08 AM »
That's so awesome! It must be so cool to work at a thrift store.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: January 06, 2023, 10:51:32 AM »
I hate January, I always find it a hard month to slog through. It's dark and cold and all the pretty lights are taken down. Current state of the UK not really helping. Train strikes make it harder to get away somewhere, after 2+ years of having to lockdown because govt are incompetent. Sigh. Anyways.

Also, trying to write this story of mine. Which would be fine except I can't work out how to start the prologue. It has 7 chapters so far, but the next one will link to the I need to write it. And I can't...><

I like January, it's my birthday month. But I'm probably weird for liking winter in general.

Maybe you'll have an epiphany for the story. Sometimes it takes me a little while of churning some ideas before it comes into place.

My complaint is my mom. Most of the time she has next to nothing to do with me but when she does talk to me it is generally negative. She's not like outright abusive, but I think she goes further than the average mother to be downright passive aggressive and disdainful toward me for no reason. Like I don't do anything out of the ordinary that stereotypically gives parents grief, or anything dramatic. But when she's in a bad mood she knows she can pick on me because two of the other people in the house will argue back to her and the only other one is her favorite. I'm the only one she can readily make cry and belittle. I always wanted to be a great child, so I only started arguing back to her as an adult, but then she started saying I was "scary." I'm physically weak and have a naturally quiet voice; there is no earthly reason for her to say that.

Her complaints against me, generally? I don't doll up more, that I have any interests outside of getting a paycheck, and that I have actual human emotions. That's it.

Pony Corral / Re: Your 2022 collection recap!
« on: January 04, 2023, 10:03:07 PM »
I added quite a lot of retail displays and posters this year. They are probably some of my favorite pieces in my whole collection.

I also really got into HQG1Cs, with a handful from multiple conventions and a Christmas Mimic custom made from one.

I was able to get some rarer ponies, like Rapunzel, Mommy and Baby Pony, and Baby Up, Up, and Away.

I almost completed my pony friends, just missing Oakley, Baby Stripes, Baby Lucky, and Baby Leafy. All of which I almost got. I was able to get Cha Cha, Nectar, the kangaroo pair, Edgar, the sheep pair, and Cutesaurus. The others I had the year before, I think, or at some point in lots.

Managed to get vinyl records for three pony generations: G1, G4, and G5.

Proudest achievement was getting the 67 G4 single brushables in the original packaging completed!

Should also say that getting one issue done of my pony comic printed was also a nice achievement.

Was most satisfied with the New Zealand coin, because I had been waiting for an official coin for forever.

And, in general, worked on the plush, G4 cards, Basic Funs, animation cels/sketches, keeping up with G5 merch, enamel pins (including the VRC), G1 ponies, and starting my collection of G1 puzzles, G1 comics, and Takara fakies.

I doubt I'll buy much this year so I wanted my pony collecting to go all out last year!

Pony Corral / Re: What are your pony related goals this year?
« on: January 04, 2023, 09:40:33 PM »
I'll be buying a house this year, so I'm looking forward to taking ponies out of storage and having everything properly displayed together and finishing my inventory chart.

Off Topic / Re: Anime?
« on: January 04, 2023, 01:27:50 PM »
Tamako Market/Love Story is probably the most adorable anime I've ever seen. My sisters showed me that one years ago.

I watched Rascal Does not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai and the movie (Rascal Does not Dream of a Dreaming Girl), both twice, around the holidays and I really enjoyed it. It's kind of a teenage supernatural drama and it had me crying at one point when it came to the sister rivalry episode. When I initially told my sister the title, she laughed it off, like "okay... watch what you want..." but it's a lot better than the title suggests. I like how the movie ties up the show nicely, though it felt like they put a lot in an hour and a half.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: Ugh...did I just get scammed?
« on: January 04, 2023, 11:17:12 AM »
I found the page on MetaPay's Purchase Protection and it says you can contact them with a claim two days after contacting the seller (

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 12/26/2022 Merry Treat
« on: December 30, 2022, 07:25:48 AM »
I found mine in an eBay lot in great condition so I'm happy to say I have her!

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