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Messages - MidnightFireflies

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Off Topic / Re: The Good Old-Fashioned "Corrupt a Wish" Game
« on: October 07, 2012, 02:26:17 PM »
Granted- but the shoes don't fit that lovely person and they trip and fall hitting their head on a freshly urinated  fire hydrant whereupon they lie in dog pee for the next 2 hours unconscious.

You fell into her trap!  That's what she really wanted!!  :silly:

Oh I know! Thats why I made it a good one!

Off Topic / Re: The Good Old-Fashioned "Corrupt a Wish" Game
« on: October 05, 2012, 09:32:11 AM »
Granted- but the shoes don't fit that lovely person and they trip and fall hitting their head on a freshly urinated  fire hydrant whereupon they lie in dog pee for the next 2 hours unconscious.

I wish I could eat potato chips all day and not worry about gaining weight :satisfied:

Off Topic / Re: The opportunity of my DREAMS!!!!
« on: October 05, 2012, 08:41:37 AM »
Oh my gosh, you guys all make me want to cry!!! I was nervous about posting what I will be doing b/c I know how controversial the idea of hunting can be! Thank you ALL for the support!!!!  :biggrin: :lol: :biggrin: :lol: :biggrin: :lol: :biggrin: :lol:

Karrie91-Also, glad it's not porn :P Made me bust out laughing when I came back and read this, this morning =)

Off Topic / Re: The opportunity of my DREAMS!!!!
« on: October 04, 2012, 10:27:00 PM »
I can say what it is. I am just incredibly nervous about how people will react to it. If things get out of hand, I am requesting the mods to LOCK this thread.

I am a HUGE advocate of the outdoors. My mother was never a positive influence in my life, therefore she is not in it. My dad raised me. He was a GIANT advocate of the outdoors as well. I learned everything I know from him. I am an avid hunter and angler. *cringe for reactions* I believe in what I do because I do everything as ethically and humanely as possible. I AM NOT A TROPHY HUNTER AND I DO NOT ADVOCATE TROPHY HUNTING AT ALL. (If I happen to be hunting and a giant deer walks by, of course I will try to take it, but I take it knowing that meat is going into my freezer.) What I do believe in is education, respect for the game that is being hunted, respect for the outdoors, and promoting the ETHICAL taking of game. I use EVERYTHING I can from the game that I hunt.

While I respect non-hunters opinions, I am out to change the way hunting in general is viewed. You DO NOT go into the woods and see giant deer, elk, or trophy whatever it is you are hunting. I have been "discovered" for this particular purpose. The people I know represent the exact views and ethics that I believe in. We film what REALLY happens in the outdoors. The misses, the not seeing game, the fact that we hunt for a purpose-to put meat on our table and not for a GIANT rack, a place in the record books, or to have dozens of heads hanging on the wall.

This. Is. Real.

Most hunting shows only show TROPHY game being taken. And everyone that goes out ALWAYS gets something amazing.

What I believe in, and what the organization I now belong to believes in, is the taking of game-no matter doe, small buck, or even a trophy, and various other game, and EVERY ONE of those animals needs to be respected and celebrated. We stand to show the WORLD that the world of TROPHY HUNTING DOES NOT EXIST.

We encourage new hunters and young hunters and show them that we as professionals make the same mistakes they do. And not to be discouraged because they couldn't perform the way the the trophy hunters on t.v do. That isn't REAL. We miss, we don't see game, we work our butts off just to put meat in our freezer for our families. We respect our game, and nature as well. We believe in conservation. We believe in passing down our love of the outdoors and the ethical taking of game. We want this lifestyle to continue after we are no longer here.

Essentially we show how it REALLY is. It's about family, support, education, respecting nature, and putting food on the table, and NOT about a trophy.

I realize that some people will have the view of "why hunt when you can buy meat at the grocery store." For those people, I ask that they watch the movie "Food, Inc." I know exactly what my food has been eating and where it's been, and hasn't been pumped full of hormones and has free range.

Again, I do not write this to start a GIANT debate or argument. I do not want that at all. This is just something that I deep-down in my heart believe in.

The Pro-Staff that I now belong to believes the same thing, and we stand to show the entire world that what is now shown on T.V. is NOT REALITY.

Off Topic / The opportunity of my DREAMS!!!!
« on: October 04, 2012, 09:11:02 PM »
OH. MY. GOSH. For lack of a better way to put it, I was "discovered" for a particular job I am so completely passionate about. I don't want to say exactly what it is for fear of a conflict breaking out. Just know that if I had to dream up a dream job- THIS. IS. IT. (no It's not porn) lol Never in a MILLION YEARS would I have thought this would ever happen to me. These people came to ME with the offer. I didn't seek them out at all. My world has done a complete 180 since more or less going downhill a year ago. I am looked up to, I am valued, I feel like SOMEBODY IMPORTANT. And for once, I HAVE A SAY in what happens. No longer am I a mouse in a wheel. I have become a leader and a teacher in something that I absolutely love and am passionate about. I will also end up on television. I feel so completely out of sorts being in the spotlight because I HAVE NEVER been in the spotlight. I was always the one everyone stepped on. Anyhow, I am so completely and freaking ecstatic over this opportunity.

Downside, the guy that I was interested in (LONG HISTORY INVOLVED) essentially said he wouldn't wait for me. Although, this hurts, I know I want this opportunity MORE. I feel that if I was so darn passionate about this, the right guy WOULD HAVE WAITED. Or at least waited until I figured out how I was gonna make it all work. No, this guy essentially said, you can't make this work and he needed to move on. What?! Really?! You didn't even give me the CHANCE. Nice. So while I am partially upset about this, I realize that this is the opportunity of a LIFETIME and I won't let a guy hold me back. No matter how I feel about him. It sucks because of our history, I have NO IDEA HOW to move on. (childhood sweetheart-long story)

Bleh... stupid men. I really haven't responded to him b/c I'm pissed/sad/irritated and it's better if I sit tight while things settle before I potentially say something stupid. I felt like this guy led me on after HE poured his heart out to me two months ago (He lives in a diff state) 

Anyways, I can't believe this is happening to me! This is the greatest opportunity of my LIFE!!!!! I am so excited!!!!  :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:

Being a big advocate of checking the prices on vintage toys before discarding them, I gave some advice to a friend of mine who had some Blythe dolls. Turns out the one she has one that has been selling on eBay for $800-$1000 bucks!!!!

Off Topic / Re: Rough tough police cream puff
« on: September 28, 2012, 04:29:10 PM »
Bwahahahahahahahaha!  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Off Topic / Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
« on: September 28, 2012, 04:26:43 PM »
I love all of these stories!! They are so funny! I also love seeing pictures of everyone's pets!

Off Topic / Re: For all NFL fans that want the Official Refs back!
« on: September 27, 2012, 02:40:09 PM »
Wooo hoo! Thanks for posting that Zenna!!!!

Off Topic / For all NFL fans that want the Official Refs back!
« on: September 25, 2012, 04:20:43 PM »
Any football fan can surely appreciate this petition no matter what team you cheer for. After Monday night's debacle, it's time to restore our official refs and get rid of these "replacements." It won't be long before players start getting injured due to lack of competence on the replacement officials part. Please sign this petition to get the professional refs back and preserve the safety and fairness of the game.

Off Topic / Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
« on: September 22, 2012, 11:22:49 AM »
Oh My Gosh! All these stories are GREAT!!!!!!

          *will also pee in the bathtub right by the drain. He only uses the litterbox to poop in. (Why?!?!?!?)
          * If he starts yowling, I yowl back at him and he comes right to me
           * Chews plastic bags for some unknown reason

       *comes when she's called
       * So picky about her food it drives me crazy sometimes and I want to pull my hair out! She'll be by her food and will continue to meow for something when she already has like 5 different choices
       * Will crawl under my covers to sleep
       * Occasionally will give me kitty massages by kneading my back if im on my stomach
       * is the best rodent catcher I have ever seen. Even though she has no front claws

Off Topic / Re: Weird things your pets do... =)
« on: September 21, 2012, 06:39:19 PM »
SRS- OMG I love the name Samhain! What an awesome name. Reminds me of Samhain night by Loreena Mckennit (sp?)

NPS- Awww! That's too funny that Esme just sat there and licked the floor! Question...did she happen to eat plastic too by chance?

Kissthethunder- Jarvis looks a lot like Aslan! Looks like he likes to play in the water too! Whoever said cats were afraid of water clearly did not know what they were talking about!

Off Topic / Weird things your pets do... =)
« on: September 21, 2012, 04:07:54 PM »
I have a small buff male cat named Aslan. He's about 2 1/2 years old. He's such a lover but he is quite odd.

His most odd trait becomes apparent while I am trying to go to sleep. I typically sleep on my side with one arm outstretched. Aslan will curl up on top of my outstretched arm to sleep. Not THAT bid of a deal right? Except I tend to toss and turn for awhile before I actually GO TO SLEEP. So, EVERY TIME I turn over, he will immediately jump over my head to sleep on my other arm. He will do this ALL NIGHT. EVERY time I turn. :lol:

Sometimes he doesnt quite jump far enough and sometimes lands ON MY FACE. :blink: While this is usually not a problem, I just find this behavior mostly amusing and quite odd.

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So what I'm leading up to is- I want to know what odd things your pets do!  :P :biggrin: :lol: :P :biggrin: :lol:

Edit: "Aslan" is indeed from Narnia =)

Off Topic / Re: Food or Drink that you can't possibly live without?
« on: September 20, 2012, 07:30:44 PM »
I finally weaned myself from caffeine...AGAIN. I have found when you stop consuming a type of food for a period of time, your body stops craving it. UGHHHHH ITS HARD!

Now i need to train my body not to crave crunchy salty things...

Pretty sure that won't happen...but I have been trying to turn to protein for my main source of calories.

Favorite food? Canned tuna. I ate it every day since grade school and I still love it now.

Off Topic / Re: Your Random Pictures
« on: September 19, 2012, 05:27:53 PM »
Pretty sure there's no horn on that unicorn... :lol:

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