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Messages - Carrehz

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Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« on: Today at 11:50:24 AM »
Taffeta - you absolutely took the words out of my mouth re: Ponycon (get out of my brain! :P). That's one reason I stopped attending. Won't say anything else since I don't want to go too far off-topic or anything, but it's really, really nice to know it's not just me that feels that way about it all.

What else... Right, yeah, I think fandom history being lost/forgotten to time is a definite problem, not just for us but a lot of fandoms... But I think we're definitely losing a lot of it. It was there, the sites existed, Wayback Machine has a decent amount of stuff archived. But to be fair, as much as I hate the Brony attitude of "We were the first people to do this!", I can kind of understand it, in a way, because by the time they came around... how many of those old sites were still around AND easily accessible? Geocities was long gone by then, Tripod and Angelfire have eaten some sites, more and more G1-3 sites have gone in the years since G4 happened... whenever I saw non-pony fans talking about MLP, before G4, it was with this air of "Yes, this actually does have a fandom! :O!" you know? (Which is part of why it annoys me so much that Bronies became a thing... half of those guys would've mocked the hell out of us before it became "cool" to like ponies! :P)

Uhh I think I went on a tangent there, oops ^^;; But it is true that we've lost a lot of our history, and I hate that... I dunno if any of you know about the Fanlore wiki? They're trying to preserve as much fandom history as possible (for any/all fandoms) and I LOVE it, it's really fascinating reading through it all and seeing how fandoms used to work, not just in the early days of the 'net but even pre-internet, the transition between the two periods, etc.

Maybe sometime some of us could get together (IDK how much I could contribute since I wasn't here in the earliest days, and spent most of the G3/G3.5 days just lurking on the sidelines and not participating in any of the communities) and try and write up as much pony history as we can remember, and put it on there? Or somewhere else, idk... I just think it'd be a shame to lose all of that for good. I just had a quick look through and they've got decent coverage on FiM's fandom history, and an okay-ish page for Tales (there's some inaccurate stuff on it, like claiming it was the first series to have boy ponies? o.O But it's a decent enough overview, and at least it doesn't say Tales is G2! :P), but I can't find anything for the rest of the franchise. It'd be lovely to have a write-up of the history for the REST of pony fandom, I think.

There was absolutely the idea of ridiculing/denying the previous iterations of MLP too, from bronies. Like I said, a lot of them (not all!!! I know there were definitely some fans who casually enjoyed the earlier gens, and then got REALLY into G4, there were people who were just neutral to the earlier gens... etc etc... but I do think this was quite a Thing) were the kind of person that would've mocked us/the idea of there being a Pony Fandom before G4 made it "cool" to do so! So I do think there was a lot of weird insecurity and trying to make it clear "Oh, I like the COOL ponies, not those stupid lame OLD ones"... if that makes sense. And to be fair, I suspect a lot of it was... what's the word I want, crowd mentality? people just going along with it cause it's the "in thing" to mock G1-G3, just repeating what others say. Which I've noticed happening in a lot of fandoms/communities (I think there's a thin line between "[thing, i.e. a character/episode/concept/etc] is genuinely unpopular/no one can take it seriously/etc" and "the thing isn't *that* bad and a lot of people don't actually feel *that* strongly about it, but it's become cool and popular to rag on it"... if that makes sense) but um.. yeah... I dunno where I'm going with this. ^^; I'll stop rambling now, lol.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: Scorpan has arrived!
« on: May 29, 2024, 03:16:12 AM »
:cold: <- me being BLOWN AWAY AT HOW AMAZING THIS IS!!! :drunk: Oh wow Gator, you've outdone yourself this time, they're beautiful!!! I can't get over the texture of Scorpan's fur! These two are your best yet :heart:

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: May 29, 2024, 02:37:46 AM »
Dog and a Bone - Kim Mitchell

the people across the road decided to fill this lovely morning with loud construction noises x) so I'm trying to drown it out.

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: May 25, 2024, 07:53:39 AM »
Oooh I love that notebook!!! I really love the colouring/shading style they used. So pretty.

Pony Corral / Re: GAME: Pony 20 Questions!
« on: May 23, 2024, 11:44:20 AM »
Does your pony have pink hair?

(btw, happy birthday! :heart:)

Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« on: May 23, 2024, 10:09:42 AM »
So just to emphasise the 'old people attitude' to privacy, yesterday I legit edited out our living room sofa from the background of a photo of some ponies because it's our sofa and the internet doesn't need to see it. Literally nothing personal in the photo. Just not sharing the sofa. Nope. :)

I've done the exact same thing!

Again I 100% agree with everything you said :) Image uploading is easier than ever (except when my site host starts playing me up, like it was the other day *shakes fist* :P) and we've even got a tutorial on how to do it... I must admit the complaints about it do make me giggle/roll eyes too. ^^;

And I love that old ver of your site, such a blast from the past!!

BC - I think (hope...) Tumblr users are starting to wise up a little about those things, and not share quite as much info etc... but some of the stuff I saw back in the day was truly shocking :( I mean, certainly I've seen people share personal things in that vein way before social media too, but usually it was in private areas, or maybe in a journal entry/forum post/etc that would get lost amongst other posts over time (so still public but not easily accessible)... not organized in a neat little list and linked on the side of their blog for all and sundry to see, you know? Gah.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: May 23, 2024, 08:33:14 AM »
Congrats Zapper!

I'm glad the Creepros are finally turning up over here, I didn't think they would :) Still upset we didn't get the Reel Drama black and white dolls, I really want that Clawdeen. So excited for Nefera and Tora to get a re-release! I don't *need* them since I have the originals... b'b'but... Toralei... I might not be able to resist if I see her on the shelves ^^;

I'm not really a Drag Race person, but I do like how detailed RuPaul's outfit is, looking forward to seeing more photos! Not a big fan of the expression though (but it took me a long time to warm up to Clawdia's big grin too.. I guess I just prefer less expressions on my dolls?) and I kinda wish she had more colour in her outfit, all that black kind of blurs together, you know? Interesting that they've started a new subline for celebrity dolls though, didn't see that coming. I wonder who else they'll make a doll of? :o

Pony Corral / Re: Disintegrating Hair Syndrome
« on: May 23, 2024, 08:06:21 AM »
Awww man, not more additions to the list :sad: Every time this thread gets bumped up I hope it's because someone's found a fix for it or something :(

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: May 23, 2024, 08:05:07 AM »
Drops of Jupiter - Train

Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« on: May 23, 2024, 08:04:40 AM »
I think people are just so used to having their every utterance displayed for free on the internet that they take it totally for granted as though it's normal, like pinning a sign to a telegraph pole for a lost cat.

Agreed. There are some pretty good free image hosting sites out there still though, but I think a lot of people nowadays are used to just going click-upload-done on social media sites and don't want to learn how to link to an off-site image...?

The pony murder thing is horrifying :(

Taffeta - 100% agree with everything you say. It really upsets me that it's just getting easier to abuse and harass people online, rather than harder :( Especially since young people these days (I feel so old saying this :silly:) don't seem to be taught to keep personal info OFF the net and be careful about sharing it, like we were. I'm sure I've said this before in the thread (or in other threads) but I've seen soooo many "about mes" on blog where people have posted damn near their entire medical history, a big long list of their 'triggers', selfies, etc... It just makes me want to shake them and yell "you're giving bad people info they can hurt you with! None of this needs to be public!!". God knows I've been hurt and harassed online before, but at least none of those jerks know anything serious or identifying about me, you know? Don't get me wrong, if you're comfortable sharing pics online, etc then that's your business, but social media really encourages too much oversharing IMO. Another reason I try and avoid as much of it as possible :/

Pony Corral / Re: Is G4 a thing?
« on: May 21, 2024, 09:56:08 AM »
Regardless of all of those production experiments, I understand what Carrehz meant simply because G4 was a streamlined effort in both media and toy production. There's a difference between discovering a detail you never noticed before in an animated episode of a series, and trying to make sense of how seventeen different countries did completely their own things for reasons we're still trying to figure out.

Yes - you explained it better than I could :)

But also I was kind of including the show as well when I said most G4 info was neatly documented from the get-go - not to say there isn't still discussion to be derived from FiM (or the toyline!) - but like... for example... G1's "The Glass Princess" had a song cut out of it and the footage was missing for what... 30-odd years? before finally being rediscovered last year. and we still don't know why it was cut in the first place. There's no mysteries like that with G4, because everything was being archived, recorded, put online, etc the second it aired. The toyline was neatly streamlined and everyone was keeping track of the news, filing the info away, right away...

Which to be fair, as Taffeta pointed out, this applies to G3 and (more-or-less) G2 as well! The later gens are going to have less mysteries to generate discussion about because they were released in the Internet Era, in an age where everything (or most everything) has been put online and there's multiple communities working to collate the info... etc etc.

There's definitely still discussion to be had for the show, there always is for cartoons, but this forum's always been more focused on the toys so I guess that's a big part of why there's not much G4 talk. I mean, we don't really talk about the G1/G3 toons that often either :shrug:

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: May 17, 2024, 05:20:43 AM »
Powerhouse (Toy Shop Terror) - Animaniacs OST

Well, from a fanmade OST, anyway. Wish they really would release the scores from this show :P I'd buy that in a heartbeat.

Off Topic / Re: heftysmurf76 has Passed Away
« on: May 16, 2024, 11:07:26 AM »
What a lovely way to remember a wonderful member of our community :heart:

As far as I know, the Sylvanian blind bags don't have codes - and they're inside little plastic wrapper things (at least the last wave I got were) so you can't even try and feel up the bags >( I hate it when they do that.

Pony Corral / Re: Is G4 a thing?
« on: May 16, 2024, 07:31:11 AM »
I like the G4 toys, I still collect 'em. Never liked the show though. I think it's not being talked on here much because it's been over for years and there's not as much to talk about as when it was running? Plus the casual fans and/or people who were *only* here for FiM have moved on. I suspect the G4 fans/bronies that are still interested in chatting about it, are clustered together in some other part of the web? Maybe Reddit or something, I dunno.

There's not as much to talk about with G4 as there is for the earlier gens (IMO) because we know basically everything about it! There's no big mysteries, prototypes, etc like with the earlier gens. Everything's already neatly catalogued and documented.

Also yeah the youths of today don't like forums and prefer Discords or Tumblrs or whatever the hottest social media site is, lol

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