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Messages - Lady Frostbite

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Off Topic / Re: Whatcha Got Cookin?
« on: March 13, 2024, 01:18:51 PM »
Birdseye Chicken Popstars are in the oven, I've been bad and not made dinner for the past couple of days because I've just been so tired after work, I really need to have a proper dinner tonight.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: March 11, 2024, 03:24:55 PM »
I think Jinafire was a pun on Jennifer, combining the common name Jin with, well, fire although fire is more a Western dragon thing.

This poor ghoul is getting called Greta, the fandom has decided  :P

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: March 11, 2024, 12:18:58 PM »
I am so stumped ghouls ... Like, yes I get they might want to make her green to mimic being made from jade, but they don't play with that. She doesn't have carvings on her skin, she doesn't have embellishments, she's just ... green and that's it. Why is this line so allergic to golden colours? Gold was Cleo's colour (and her favourite colour, along with Clawdeen as per their facts, but purple is Clawdeen's colour) and they are taking that away from her and putting her in blue tones instead.

I said before the lines are heavy on the pastel colours, and they just seem allergic to putting a ghoul in a stronger colour apart from maybe Toralei. She doesn't look like a Chinese dragon; she doesn't seem to have scales as she did in G1, I can't see slit pupils, her tail is almost an afterthought. Can she breathe fire? (more a Western dragon thing, Eastern dragons are associated with water). Why not give her horns? Apart from that being a different mold and oh my Ra we can't push the boat out for anything! And why is her hair so bland? It just sits on her head, Jinafire always had elaborate hairwear and her hair was a mix of green and black. I didn't like Jinafire's colour scheme myself but at least I could TELL she was meant to be reptilian!!

Side note: I miss Hissette, her backstory was so cute in that she's Cleo's boyfriend's mom's first grey hair. How cute is that?!

Off Topic / Re: 2023 Five Nights At Freddys Movie Thread (Spoilers)
« on: March 09, 2024, 02:44:08 PM »
I finally watched it. As a FNAF fan, it was interesting to see what was included and what could be nods to the overall franchise. I'll keep this as spoiler-free as possible:

- I thought Josh was REALLY good in his role, taking that haunted yet slightly numb personal super well. It REALLY shines in certain portions going through the Bad Thing That Happened.

- It does a good build up and I thought the portions in the woodland were REALLY well done. One small actor stood out.

- I was surprised a certain animatronic didn't show up?? Despite having a representative in the woods??
EDIT: Apparently they did, TVTropes mentioned that it was them in a specific scene, but the difference between then and the character they are modelled after isn't obvious at first glance.

- Matpats cameo was fine until his 'theory' line and then I GROANED so damn loud

- I didn't hear the Torador March not even once?

- Unless I missed it, I'm sad there's no Scott cameo or voice clip. I did like lines being sneaked into the script, though.

- The gore was surprisingly light, apart from one scene, I was stunned considering the rating on the film. Even a particular event that is very gory in the original game (limited by the graphics used) wasn't as horrifying as it could have been.

- The cop (is she named in the trailer? I'll not say her name just in case) was easily VERY annoying and really a plot mule most of the time. The buildup for Mike's Big Terrible Event memories was FANTASTICALLY DONE, and then it just dumps it into that talk by the river and I really wanted Mike to shove her into the water or something.

- I am very disappointed by her ending. Don't save her, just leave her there!

- The young child actor for Abby is ... offt. Sorry kid, you're not good, and you REALLY take away from the slow, arty horror we were building here.

- The aunt is TV movie levels of horrible.

- It feels like there was portions of a really well made horror piece and a TV movie stitched together here. I wonder if they were going along swimmingly with the horror aspects and then forced themselves to hit the brakes knowing children were going to see this. Scott never designed FNAF originally for kids or to be kid friendly, it just accidentally found an enormous kid fanbase as an introduction to horror games and Scott is aware of that. Hence I think he has been careful to make sure that it's stated the missing children were absolutely murdered and nothing *worse* happened.

- I got the hint something worse DID happen to the cop, but that's based on the very vague 'messed you up' line. Seriously she's awful and her acting looks so much worse compared to Josh, it's a bad idea to have them act together as Josh blows her out of the water.

Overall, still glad I saw it, absolutely not a trainwreck and there are scenes that are genuinely REALLY good. Just missed the mark on a few places.

EDIT: I watched the Cinemasins episode on this since I've now seen it. I was getting VERY annoyed at Cinemasins' points ... they picked up on a couple of things I noticed in my livechat with my friend, but a couple of points REALLY irritated me because it's either explained in the movie itself, OR it's a very clear reference to the game. And they misgender Bonnie as female. The great thing is the comments are lambasting them for either getting things wrong or pointing out their flawed logic, to the point there's a pinned comment assuring people they're now aware Bonnie is male. I normally like Cinemasins but it's like a bad comedian doing a bad take on something they don't know a thing about compared to a knowing audience. I also find it weird there were things I thought were Cinemasins fodder they just outright refused to address.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: March 09, 2024, 08:47:31 AM »
I hate sweeping the common area stairs ... It's dusty, it's annoying, I can't get right in the corners ... but at the same time, it really is noticeably better if I do it  -_- I still need to do some more common area cleaning but that can wait as Sunday is more my cleaning day than today.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: March 09, 2024, 08:44:03 AM »
... That's supposed to be Jinafire?? If you hadn't told me, I never would have guessed!! The comment about her being the Gremlins special edition ghoul is right on the money; SO many comments on a Monster High page recommended to me on FB are full of comments either saying 'that's not Jinafire/they did her so dirty' or comparing her to Greta. Some other comments are going 'it's for kids, not for you'.

Yes, but that doesn't mean older ghouls can't go who the heckity heck is this???

The Dollhouse / Re: Mermaze Mermaidz
« on: March 07, 2024, 12:27:55 PM »
Oh, that's so sad to hear  :cry: I had high hopes, but at least I got all the girls I wanted!

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: March 07, 2024, 12:23:17 PM »
Ooo that Cleo looks good! Maybe should have some more gold to balance the blue since gold is Cleo's colour, but her skirt is absolutely a winner!

She looks incredible!! I love the shade on her tail especially!!!

The Dollhouse / Re: Mermaze Mermaidz
« on: March 03, 2024, 04:15:00 AM »
The Slumber Party dolls ARE released, I have three of them as two of them I really wasn't feeling. I am curious where the line goes from where!

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: March 03, 2024, 04:09:13 AM »
I'm genuinely surprised Spectra was allowed to keep Ruen, considering the 'cutification' of so many pets. Ferrets are cute, don't get me wrong, and are super popular ... I'm just surprised they didn't make them even 'cuter' akin to what happened to Crescent or replacing Hissette to whatever the pet Cleo has is.

For the Fearbook dolls, it makes sense to me that Lala is a director, as she got into acting as part of a G1 cartoon when she unexpectedly wow'd the acting teacher. What I will say is the fact the shoes are unpainted and are pretty much just big galumphing lumps of plastic is SUPER obvious on these dolls. Would it kill them to at least colour in the straps or soles of the shoes to make them pop better??? These look like unpainted prototypes!!

Skulltimates Secrets Wave 4 has pictures and ... I REALLY am not sure how I feel about Abbey??? When I saw the small preview image, I thought 'wow Frankie is in dark colours before realising it was Abbey. I might need to see her in person before I fully judge, it's a darker palette from her G3 Sig which was FLAWLESS. The headdress thing I'm REALLY not feeling, although I do like her hair ... I don't know, this will be an in-person decider for me.

Cleo's washed-out eyes still bother me, and adding blue to her hair is still very much a Nefera-like look I can't get over it. Cleo, I love your G1 incarnation and blue naturally works with you, but in your hair? Nefera is going to rip that out of your head for stealing her sig look!

I don't mind all the itty-bitty food accessories, they're super-cute honestly lol What DOES bother me a lot in lines is the over-reliance on pastel shades that just make it seem less edgy, none of the intense colours that made Monster High stand out against other dolls.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: February 19, 2024, 12:44:46 PM »
Hypnotism is absolutely a fetish (mods, let me know if I can even say that  :blink: ) hence I rose a biiiiiiig brow when you mentioned a playlist, I immediately thought 'someone on the team is either incredibly naive or knows precisely what they're doing). It's a reason that if you search Kaa from Disney's The Jungle Book you have to filter a LOT of garbage fanart.

It sounds like they've combined Frankie and Ghoulia, which is something they tried in G2 I believe by making Frankie smart? Frankie's character was always upbeat and eager but naive and inexperienced. She went into things with her whole heart, but often missed nuances because she got the majority of her information from teen magazines rather than her peers (which I think is something a few girls have done in their silly tween/teen years; copy something they see in movies or TV and end up falling flat on their face). Ghoulia was not as sociable but was exceptionally clever, she was always the first one mentioned whenever 'brains' were needed in a plot or scheme. With Ghoulia it was likely a pun on the classic 'brains' zombie groan, and while it DOES make writing sense for G3 Frankie to be smart if they have combined brains from being made out of multiple people, it doesn't sound like they really have a different trade-off for it. They come across as Twilight Sparkle 2.0; book smart but maybe not good with social cues or interaction. G1 Frankie naturally drew people to her - because, let's be real, she's a sweetheart! - and it was an entire plotpoint to Freaky Fusion when the ghouls used that to save her.

I dunno, I'm not sure the writers/designers know what to do with the ghouls. Again, some clever puns and twists that are MH's signature are there; G3 Frankie having a prosthetic? Great! Fits their character origin from being made out of body parts! The fact they're non-binary? Again, makes sense as they are literally made of multiple people! But what exactly is their personality? Why change what made G1 Frankie so sweet in terms of personality? Why did they feel the need to change it? The looks are toned down and very much made for a slightly younger demo than G1 MH, where the ghouls looked closer to older teens because - like I've said before - high school students (secondary school to us UK ghouls) always look far more mature and adult to younger kids. Then you get to adulthood and realise they're just as childish as elementary/primary school kids lmao  :lol: This gen looks like it's years younger, it's got that look and feel, and I think it's missing what made G1 stand out so much and missing that key demo of 'not kiddy but also not adult' that MH fitted in so well.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: February 18, 2024, 03:18:19 PM »
I haven't seen the cartoon either, which is weird of me considering I adored the G1 cartoons so much and the humour is what got me interested in MH and to take it seriously in the first place. From what I'm hearing, 'tickbox' is pretty much it, though perhaps more ... 'sledgehammer representation'? Let's take Frankie; she's canonically clumsy because her stitches can come loose. Could you read that she has dyspraxia? Absolutely! Could you read her as having a 'omg so relatable' main character clumsiness that's been parodied because SO many leading girls in youth fiction have that as a 'relatable flaw'? Absolutely. The canon explanation is that sometimes her stitches can come loose, which is very reasonable, and she isn't defined by it as she is still mobile enough/co-ordinated enough to take part in all the same activities as her friends and be on the Fearleading squad. You can take or leave her freaky flaw, and interpret how you want.

The best autism representation I've seen is when it is completely unintentional. You could read Ghoulia as being on the Spectrum if you want, or leave it due to her zombie character design, it's totally up to you. You could interpret G1 Twyla as being on the spectrum as well, just in a different placement. Abbey as well, considering her occasional difficulty with social interaction and disregard for pleasantries if they don't make sense to her (see her refusing to advise someone to be coy or shy about their crush, advising them to just be upfront about it as she has no patience for these sort of games, or when Toralei tried to move her out of 'her' seat and Abbey completely refused to take the hint). Again, you could just chalk it up to cultural and language differences, as the episode often does, or read into it she is a little on the spectrum.

Back to Catty; the edits to the boots are MUCH better. I didn't mind the original slight weirdness with the pets, like Clawdeen having Crescent when Toralei exists, but the design made it clear that Crescent was more on the 'monstery' side of cats, if that makes sense? Plus Toralei is explicitly a WEREcat, as in 'man-cat' so is part-animal by default. The pets just seem to 'normal' and cutesy compared to the owls, bats, mammoths, piranhas, etc.

I still think making Catty plus-size is not a good idea or at least her proportions, and again I feel bad saying that considering real-life people DO have her figure. Her leg ratio still bothers me!!

I thought her whole thing was that traditionally unlucky things are lucky for her, i.e. broken mirrors and the number 13, as well as being a black cat (which is funny and a bit annoying as black cats are considered LUCKY in the UK, it always irritates me seeing that. Not every dang country thinks that, America, stop it!!!). I didn't hear anything about the love part.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: February 13, 2024, 01:38:04 PM »
So Catty Noir is out ... (via YouLoveIt)

... I HATE it DX You'd think as a very obese person who likes body diversity I'd like this, I liked the wider hips on Abbey. But this I just super hate! It feels, like I said before, like a REALLY bad idea to do this with a previously established character. Again, I feel like her proportions are wrong, even if I know there are people with her proportions in real life (and I'm probably related to a few).

It hurts because I like her head and hair. Most Catty dolls are a miss for me because the hairstyle is awful but the ones that I like I LOVE like 13 Wishes or Londoom. If she had that head on a different body, she might have been a must-buy, but this is a 1/10 for me and I feel so mean saying it's because of her body type but I cannot lie about it :( I know people were upset Abbey's doll wasn't more plus-size, but this doesn't feel like a step in the right direction to me.

Yes, I know people had an issue with the stick-thin original dolls, but AGAIN this doesn't come off right to me!!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Blind Bags/Boxes! Love them or Loathe them??
« on: February 13, 2024, 01:32:22 PM »
Oh the chances, HATE them. It's always the rarest ones I want!! Or even worse; the 'exclusives' like Hot Topic exclusives. Okay, cool there's not HT in the UK, what are we supposed to do?

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