TCB > For Sale - For Auction
Sales Forum Rules! Please read!
Welcome to the MLPArena selling forum. Please feel free to use this space to sell your MLP items, or even the occasional non-MLP item. If you're new here, please make an introduction post in the Introductions Forum to let the members know who you are. If you have other selling IDs from ebay, or other forums, it's helpful to post those too. That way, your good reputation comes here with you
If you have any trouble or need help with Links or adding pictures to your post please contact Loa - who is always around - to help!
Donation Requests This is just a friendly reminder for all members, even though this forum can be used for your personal sales and auctions, our policy is that no requests may be made for personal donations of any type. Please note that this policy is for the entire MLP Arena site.
When personal donation requests are made it puts our members in an awkward position and usually has a negative impact on the MLP community.
This rule has been in effect for a while and posted in the WYP board but as situations warrant this will be stickied here as well.
You must be 16 Years of Age to use this forum. We have changed our site rules. The minimum age to sell ponies at MLP Arena is 16 years old. If you ignore this rule, you could be suspended from MLP Arena.
All members should keep in mind that when buying ponies from a member at MLP Arena, you are responsible to do your homework about that seller. Although we have rules in place, MLP Arena staff take no responsibility in the outcome of any pony transactions made here. If you want to know the age of your seller, we suggest you ask up front. Please do not buy ponies from anyone younger than 16 years old on this site.
Thank you for your help and cooperation in this matter.
Multiple Posts If you have multiple items to sell or auction off, please use one post for everything. Do not make multiple posts for each individual thing. As a rule of thumb, you are allowed one post/ please wait until your first post drops or is no longer accurate before making a new post.
If you need any help at all please feel free to contact the Mods or Admin.
*** The MLP Arena, mods and admins are not responsible for transactions made here on MLP Arena. The responsibility solely rests between the two parties involved. MLP Arena staff are here to offer their expertise but beyond that, it's up to you to resolve your transaction issues. Keep in mind, it's always risky to do transactions online but there are ways to protect yourself as mentioned above.***
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