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Author Topic: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!  (Read 12661 times)

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Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« on: January 15, 2012, 09:51:41 AM »
im having trouble starting new topics already.... but anyways,
lol XD their reactions are so random but i find them funny
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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2012, 10:17:15 AM »
Interesting watch. Sadly it felt like there was a bit of negativity among the teenagers in the video.
(I also did not like how they made it seem like only guys could be bronies. /shrug/)

In my high school I don't know many people who watch FiM. Besides me I only know 4 people (one of which is my boyfriend) who currently watch it. There may be more in my school, but I really don't know.  Most of my friends don't watch the show, but they do think that it is cute and are not bothered by the fact that I watch it.
I think most people who do not watch the show don't understand it? At least that is how I felt before I started watching FiM. I asked myself "Why would a bunch of men like this show?" I decided one day I would watch it and I have been hooked since then. I think the concept of grown men and women liking show that is intended for little girls confuses people so they brush it off as "weird" or that "those people need a life".

That's just my opinion~


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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2012, 11:02:06 AM »
I was really hoping teens my own age would be more open to the show; they're just reinforcing gender stereotypes. :( I normally love Teens React, but this bothered me.  Especially since you can't get a good perception of MLP:FiM from the theme song.

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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2012, 11:07:15 AM »
I was really hoping teens my own age would be more open to the show; they're just reinforcing gender stereotypes. :( I normally love Teens React, but this bothered me.  Especially since you can't get a good perception of MLP:FiM from the theme song.
exactly, i wonder why they didnt just show them an episode (or even just part of an episode) instead of just the intro.
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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2012, 11:13:12 AM »
I know my daughter has several kids in her classes that like the show.  She is not super fond of it so she stays out of the discussion though.
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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2012, 11:15:21 AM »
Yeeeeaah, thats more like a part of the internet I don't want to venture to, because it upsets me.
Well, more like a part of reality I'd rather not venture to... Maybe it was the whole thing with me being homeschooled, or something, but I neeeeever went through that stage of thinking aaaaanything was "for little kids".... And I hate that mindset.

But it seems like "normal" teenagers think that way, and the ones that do never grow out of it.

I dunno, I think being surrounded by theater kids and artists growing up I was neeeever exposed to other teens that act like this. I'm glad I wasn't... And dude, all these guys are homophobic little twits. D:

I don't get peer pressure. I really don't.

Slight edit for language. Bfb

« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 12:54:26 PM by butterflybuttons »

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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2012, 12:56:08 PM »
I think most people who do not watch the show don't understand it? At least that is how I felt before I started watching FiM. I asked myself "Why would a bunch of men like this show?"

I think part of the male fanbase watches it for the alleged novelty of it. To say 'I watch a show about ponies, I'm so zany!'. I feel like that really undermines how progressive the show is. Rather than talk about that, I asked someone on Tumblr their opinion on the show, whether they find it to be progressive, here's their response;

Her theme defaults to all the text being capitalized, so don't read it like she's yelling at you.

But what she said is one of my favourite things about the show. The 'brony' fanbase is completely overlooking that part of it.
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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2012, 01:01:49 PM »
Thanks for the link Dr. M it is really interesting.


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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2012, 01:35:39 PM »
yikes, just one more way I have nothing to do with my peers/age group. The only "bronies" in my high school are my friends, everyone else tends to be rude about it.

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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2012, 01:50:16 PM »
Haha, I just came here to post that link! Not surprised someone beat me to it :)

I love the striped shirt guy and the girl with the hat ^_^ Also, the guys who said they wouldn't judge, they rock. I can't believe the others' reactions to it though. If they don't like it that's fine but they shouldn't say it's stupid or that the people who do watch it should get a life :p That's pretty rude.

I personally love the show ^_^

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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2012, 01:56:50 PM »
Quite honestly I don't know anyone else in my immediate peer group who watches it - but then again, among my friends I do have the oldest kids (and my oldest being almost 7), so I can understand probably why they wouldn't watch it if their kids don't.  (I only watch it when my kids do - I just don't always have the time to set aside to watch it on my own).

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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2012, 02:13:45 PM »
Well, I don't know. Pretty sure watching the theme doesn't count as watching it. Maybe if they posted a reaction to a full episode, it'd count more.  That guy in the grey and blue striped shirt is cool though.
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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2012, 02:23:19 PM »
hahaah!! this is awesome! great link! ^_^
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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2012, 02:38:53 PM »
I saw this earlier, it was interesting. Although the theme song was not the best introduction...

I'm in high school, I know a few others in my class who like MLP:FiM, but they're all friends I converted myself. xP I've also met a sophomore who likes it too, though.

I'm just happy that some of them said it was okay and that people are free to do what they want, though. ^^
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Re: Teens react to my little pony: friendship is magic!
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2012, 03:11:04 PM »
I think part of the male fanbase watches it for the alleged novelty of it. To say 'I watch a show about ponies, I'm so zany!'. I feel like that really undermines how progressive the show is. Rather than talk about that, I asked someone on Tumblr their opinion on the show, whether they find it to be progressive, here's their response;

Her theme defaults to all the text being capitalized, so don't read it like she's yelling at you.

But what she said is one of my favourite things about the show. The 'brony' fanbase is completely overlooking that part of it.

I think some guys watch it because they find the show enjoyable or it reminds them of their childhood cartoons too. Surprisingly my Dad likes FiM (I would not count him as a brony, though). He says he likes it because it reminds him of when I was young and we would watch cartoons together. He likes the animation style and he likes the meaning behind the show.

I really did enjoy reading that link too. She did point out a rather interesting point. I thought about how when I was a kid and I was such a Tomboy. I think that is why Rainbow Dash was my favorite character when I first started watching it. (Now that I have grown up a little I feel like much more of a Fluttershy xD)
For a kid's cartoon the characters are actually pretty developed. They give young girls a character like them and maybe even someone they can look up too.


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