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Messages - Taffeta

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Off Topic / Re: The Plant Thread
« on: May 09, 2024, 04:22:16 PM »
You could try dish soap, but also as I said on the trivial complaints thread, they lay eggs in the moist topsoil, so watering plants from the bottom for a few weeks should break the cycle. We had this with one of our plants over the winter and that sorted the issue out (along with nasty sticky cards).

Today was hot, and the decorator has finally finished, so I took my poinsettia outside and repotted her. I took off some of her more rangy and unstable branches and her new pot is a bit taller so she is now well above the rest of the unit (it will be a while before she can reach my fire tablet again, mwahaha, she won't be changing my audio books any time soon). I am always nervous when I repot her because poinsettias hate their roots being messed with, and she's an oldish plant, but I think it went quite well. Fingers crossed.

Yesterday, I went out to water the greenhouse and found dad's tomato plants had blown over. One of them was hanging UPSIDE-DOWN off the edge of the staging. No idea why it didn't fall headlong, except luck. They're all fine, thankfully.

With the weather warming up, hopefully I'll get tubs and the basket planted up soon. It's been a stressful few weeks with one thing and another...getting out in the garden will be a nice break (watch it rain now for the next fortnight, LOL).

Pony Corral / Re: PC Petite Petunia
« on: May 09, 2024, 11:53:52 AM »
I'm not so hot on G3 anything, but iirc wasn't she very limited in her release outside of Europe?

I am 99% sure she's one I have still MIB, and the main reason for that would either be that she was a European release or I got her very late and never deboxed her...

I can't speak for what a current good price would be, but being that you're in the US - where I have a feeling she was less common if not nonexistant - you might get more interest (because of lower shipping) from domestic buyers.

Hopefully someone with more specific G3 knowledge will be able to give you a good benchmark. She looks in nice shape :D

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 09, 2024, 07:25:10 AM »
The stickies are gross but they do work.
Also, watering the plants from the bottom so the topsoil dries out can help as well. The flies lay eggs in the top soil when it's moist, so if it dries out it breaks the cycle.

Off Topic / Re: What manga are you reading?
« on: May 08, 2024, 01:48:37 PM »
I honestly don't know what the state of play is with releases of most English manga over here but I suspect it's probably worse than the US or Canada, honestly. Whenever I see anime or manga related stuff here, it's only from a limited handful of pretty mainstream and popular shows. My library has manga but it's all pretty old as well xD.

I haven't checked up on the new Yona chapter yet. It's been a stressful month, and I think I need to be more Zen (zeno?) before I read it, given that each month ups the drama.

I love the Apothecary Diaries but there are moments that the story dabbles off in a funny direction before coming back to Maomao and Jinshi. Or maybe I just like Maomao and Jinshi interacting and don't care so much about some of the broader themes.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 08, 2024, 07:56:20 AM »
I have been saving from my salary for the last several months to get a new PC, as this old warhorse of mine has a keyboard that is...well, half stuck on with sellotape is not an exaggeration. I love this computer, it's been absolutely brilliant, but it's battery is shot and it has seen better days.

So I got my new PC this morning. I had it all beautifully set up. Then Windows did an update refused to boot. So I had to reset it back to factory and start over again.

And the decorator is still here so I can't even rant and swear about it.

Not only that, every time it goes to reboot during reinstallation I am here worrying it won't boot up again.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 04, 2024, 02:01:42 PM »

Very small gripe but hopefully someone else understands; you know the pumps that come with beauty products or shower/hand gels? Normally, you twist to 'unlock' them and start using them. But sometimes the pump nozzle twirls WITH the stem that goes into the liquid, so you're spinning it without it unlocking  :pout: So you need to open the tub, HOLD the stem and force the twist that actually allows the pump to be freed. Now imagine trying to do that in the shower!! My conditioner was like 'if you want to actually condition your hair, solve my puzzle!'

And then there are the ones which think their job is to splatter the tiles rather than deposit stuff into your hand for helpful use...

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 03, 2024, 09:43:22 AM »
Unfortunately this shows me that a change of government may not be the solution to all our problems. Our local council is not Tory.

we have similar issues here too. unfortunately :( i'm curious about the political parties in Britain. I know there is a parliament instead of the 3 branches we have in the US. But i only ever hear about 2 political parties, the Tories and Labour. are there other smaller parties that don't make in into the US coverage?

Yes...I'll put this in spoilers though so it doesn't detract from the thread.

Historically the main parties were the Tories (Conservatives) and Whigs (Liberals). Labour was actually a later addition because of workers rights and are traditionally the socialist voice, albeit it's a bit more complicated. Liberals are now the Liberal Democrats, basically the UK's third party albeit some way behid the others. They did go into coalition with the Tories in government back in around 2010, but it didn't end well for them. Ideologically they are closer to Labour than Tory but they're not the same. The coalition lost them a lot of support and they are clawing some of it back but still a long way from power.

We also have the Green party who are environmentally conscious and Reform UK who are...right wing.

In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland there are also parties we don't have in England. Scotland has the Scottish National Party, who currently run Scotland's devolved parliament. Wales has Plaid Cymru, though their devolved parliament is I think run by Labour. Northern Ireland have Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionist Party who are in a power share agreement following the Good Friday agreement. Sinn Fein support union with Ireland and the DUP with the UK.

These parties are also represented in local Council authorities. The administrative borough where I live covers two parliamentary constituencies, and the MPs are currently both Tory. But the borough Council is overwhelmingly Labour and has been for a long time. This is one of the reasons for the bus issues, as the Labour Council took off the existing buses and, aside mine, all the new buses only serve Labour wards. Most of the wards in the north where I am are not Labour, so transport sucks.

It's just been a really long and tiring week. What with the nastiness in the goverment's consultation, the decorator still being here, and trying to get on with sorting (impossible when someone is papering outside your door)...and I'm working tomorrow, so no respite yet.

It's a bank holiday weekend, too. Which means no buses on Monday.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: $5 Rapunzel
« on: May 02, 2024, 01:47:20 PM »
Well done you! The wonderful thing is they are now in a collector home where they will be properly appreciated, rather than just grabbed and hiked up on ebay to get a quick buck somewhere else.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 02, 2024, 08:41:45 AM »
We had signs up around here for a while a year or two back just because some cases in birds were found somewhere in the country but I'm not sure they're still there. We have a lot of birds here, the garden ones plus the waterbirds, but touch wood have had no incidents in this area in those populations. I'm not really worried about it, honestly.

More concerned about our government's ableist crusade, and the lies they keep telling about PIP.

Bus broke down yesterday. It wasn't the one I was on, but it caused a delay in the one service (our bus runs in 2 directions clockwise and anticlockwise, and to get to a place and back sometimes means using the same bus and sometimes means using the other one. I needed to get the clockwise bus back from the local town after coming back from the county town. I ended up having to scramble to catch it at a different stop because it was out of its usual sequence.

I am still not amused that the Council defunded all the original subsidised routes to pay for bus routes nobody asked for, most of which now run empty. The only ones that don't are mine and another one, but mine is compensating for three or four removed routes on one bus (at a reduced frequency.) One of the buses they have been subsidising for a year has no stops for the first 30 mins of its route and then apes another existing commercial route, so picks up no passengers. Most of them also serve areas that already have commercial bus routes, leaving large areas with no bus route at all.

Unfortunately this shows me that a change of government may not be the solution to all our problems. Our local council is not Tory.

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: May 02, 2024, 08:32:14 AM »
were the HMV clothes TruffleShuffle? I've seen those in HMVs before. Super nice but a bit too pricy for me ^^;

I think most GAME stores are merging with Sports Directs, that's what's happened with all the ones near me... unfortunately >_< since I haaaaate Sports Direct.

Yes, I think they were truffleshuffle. At least, the tshirt was. I'm not sure about the other.

The county town does tend to get slightly more variety than ours but this whole area is usually slow off the mark...

That explains it with Game. What a weird merger though...

Pony Corral / Re: ~Out Now and Coming Soon ~
« on: May 01, 2024, 09:29:38 AM »
I don't really know which thread this belongs in, but I was in the county town today and their HMV had a couple of pony clothing items. One was a greyscale t-shirt featuring DC surrounded by ponies, including several in the foreground with no symbol. The other was some kind of knitwear jacket? It was quite big and I only saw it folded, but it looked like it had Firefly on it at least (in colour). The Tshirt was £24.99 and the other £64.99 (!!)

I haven't seen these before, not in my local HMV anyway.

I also did see pony stuff in Game, but the only plush was Moondancer. I was rather surprised they had more range of characters than Smyths or Entertainer re G5 though. I saw at least 2 Zipps. o.o.

The Game store there is closing down maybe not a great indicator. I can't remember if my local town one is still open or if it's gone already.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 01, 2024, 01:19:04 AM »
I am just very angry with the government right now.

I don't want to bring politics into here, but they are disgusting.

Pony Corral / Re: Versions of Megan, including European
« on: April 28, 2024, 01:57:06 PM »
Bangles has plastic twisties inserted in her head. A double jointed knee is the least of her problems.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: April 27, 2024, 03:45:33 PM »
I would've thought distribution over there would be on a similar timeline to here, and this is not exactly the cutting edge of new items, LOL :)

I think Smyths UK has a better range than Smyths Germany. We don't have Venus (yes she's the newest character) or the Refresh line (Drac with a hat, Frankie in striped shorts, etc) and we also don't have the wannabe Ghoulia  :lol:

If they weren't so expensive, I might have picked up Venus, as a novelty because her hair is kind of fascinating and I am a plant girl (I never thought I liked G1 Venus but I ended up with enough of them that I had to admit defeat xD) but they are pretty pricy from new. £29.99 is a lot of money really.
I found her on the Smyths site so she must be universally out here now.

If they've even reached this midlands backwater, though, it probably means you'll have them sooner rather than later.

They also had Abbey in Smyths, I recall now looking at their website. She was oddly taller, especially next to Lala. I guess that does make sense, and I do like the shades of blue. They just seem a bit, for Abbey.

This is pretty accurate for what our local store has at the moment. Since I don't know what belongs in which set, this is easier. Though I don't remember seeing the creeproductions on shelf.  Oh, apparently that's because they're not actually in stores yet. End of May.

Off Topic / Re: Show from the 80s
« on: April 27, 2024, 02:32:28 PM »
I don't know what it is, but I know that here in the UK we had a bunch of shows when I was a kid that had been made in European countries and translated into English for us here (or made here in the UK). So it may well be a European series of some kind that was translated and shown in your country?

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