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Topics - PoniesYeah

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Arts & Crafts Corral / We can do non-pony art posts right? Threadless ok?
« on: December 01, 2017, 06:09:13 PM »
I'm pretty sure I've seen some non pony art... Or is it a phantom memory?
As you know I'm still trying to work up funds for an adoption investigator.

I have a design up on threadless wright now. If it gets a high enough score and added to the product line. The payout for the apparel rights will give me all I need to hire the company I want.
The chances are slim but they're there.
Voting is open for the next 5 days.

Customs / Does you remember the 3 Elizabeths? Here’s #2
« on: November 11, 2017, 09:53:41 AM »
I know Halloween is over.
But I’m trying again to raise money to hire an adoption investigator. Got so close last year but life got in the way for both of us and the a major sale fell through. And I gave up for a time to go lick my wounds.
So now I’m gearing up to sell a couple of the very few customs I have left.

Does anyone remember the Elizabeth series I did several years back?
In particular Elizabeth Bathory. She sold ages ago but I can’t remember to who. If you have her I’d like to offer the chance of owning one more in the set. After that she goes to the sales page.

Here she is Elizabeth Borden. Who gave her parents 40 whacks. As the folk rhyme goes...
Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her mother forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done,
She gave her father forty-one

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Need funds to hire adoption investigator
« on: November 10, 2017, 02:21:23 PM »
Hey guys. It’s been years since I was here.
I used to hang around the art board constantly. Then customs became my home away from home. But since my clay allergy that financial avenue has dried up.
I’m a stay at home mom and part time freelancer.  I make juuuust enough to purchase my own clothes and pay off my own medical bills, while bobbing in and out of debt.

But as I get older the naggin pull to find my birth family becomes greater.
Any paper work regarding my adoption is sealed until my death. Which I’m sure is because it wasn’t exactly legal. Basically i’m  a bought baby. The most my parents ever said about it was that a sum (five or six hundred) was exchanged at a farm and they got themselves a behbeh.
I never got a full or even consistent story and they knew nothing about my birth parents.
Now that my adoptive mother has passed I have zero resources to draw from. So now it’s time to hire someone. And they ain’t cheap, I need $1800 get this off the ground.
I almost had enough last year to hire a company but a major sale fell through plus I was going through physical therapy for my spine and accumulated a stack of bills to pay off. AND the G D House was having a moisture / black mold issue we had to take care of.

It was the snowball effect.

So here I am to try again... back when I frequented this community I drew "tasteful nudes" unfortunately I don’t have any copies left. I allowed my arena gallery to close. If anyone here remembers me or maybe you have one of my drawings saved, I’d appreciate you posting it here. If only for my own memory lane stroll.

All I could find was this from google image search.
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With Christmas coming I’m hoping to get a few commissions or maybe sell a craft or two out of my Etsy shop. Heads up, the Etsy shop is centered on crafts and illustration inspired by my indigenous roots. No pewnies, sorry.

But you can see some of my work at the following sites.
Folio site:
Instagram: @tamiserystreet
Etsy shop:

Here’s a starting price list.
Prices will go up depending on character count and amount of detail.
Black / white pencil sketch $25
Color (pencil or marker) sketch $35
Full color (pencil or marker) $60

Here’s an example of a B/W sketch from my neglected DA page.
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Pony Corral / paging assassin_kitty! ASAP!
« on: December 10, 2016, 06:55:27 PM »
I need to get in touch with Assassine_kitty. Like two days ago.
Please! If any one has a direct line to her, please please please get her to contact me. Either here or through facebook.
Just not through gmail. I can't get any replies to her through there. Maybe it's because she used the arena mail contact and something is busted... *shrug* I don't want to chance any more messages being bounced back.
My Facebook address is in my banner.

Customs / My Peacock Pony will go up for sale soon. *Edit* New photos added
« on: November 17, 2016, 08:21:56 PM »
Before  I dive in.
Hi how has everyone been? I think it's been a solid couple of years since I've been on here.
I wish I was just here to shoot the breeze. Or post an update to one of my many WIPs. But I am here on a mission. A financial mission.

And like anyone selling off a prized possession, I'm in need of big funds. Ok settle in for a long read of a back story, cause I'm a talker.

It all starts in 1979. My birth. *Pff haw haw PY. It starts all the way at the beginning huh.*
Yes it does. You see I was a bought baby. Thanks to my adopted dad being close friends with the then district attourny, it became a "legal" adoption. But really it was a set up of a friend of a friend of a friend who knew a pregnant girl that couldn't keep her baby. Shame too, I was fudgin cute AF!
Some $600 or $700 was exchanged at a farm, between two middle party people and my adopt-parents got to take me home from the hospital no questions.
They knew nothing of my bio-parents. They never saw or spoke to them. They weren't even really sure what race they were. I wish to gawd they'd at least found out that much. That "race" line on applications and paperwork was a life long pain to fill out. The most they had was that Pa was white and Ma was mexi-spani-domina-rican brown of some kind. So for the most part I identified as Hispanic-your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine. And that was fun n' all through kidhood and teens. Hearing folks best guess. I've been around the world without packing a bag.

I know it reads like i'm rambling. But it all goes somewhere.  *Better be to a pony*
Ok that was rude but I'll forgive you.

Then two years ago I decided it was time to find out and husband got us a couple DNA test. And I'll tell ya... we didn't expect it to be as gross as it was. You have to spit in a not so tiny vile. Your just sitting there spitting, spitting, spitting, trying to draw up more spit, spitting, spitting, things start to dry up but carry on you must, spitting more spitting... We both had cotton mouth by the end. It was not pleasant.
Results come in and it turns out I'm British and Native American and a small smattering of this and thats. Even 0.01% Ashkenazi Jew. And since this is all from my Paternal DNA... Well someone owes me a bat mitzvah! Cause your not considered jewish unless it's on your mother's side. I think. I don't really know.

Something unexpected did start to happened once I knew something new about myself. I started to realize the gaping hole I'd grown up with. How many of you who've grown up with one of both of your parents take for granted that you can look at another face and see a mirror of where you came from. you can see where you got your eyes or who your gave you your snooter. Not once growing up did I realize I didn't have that experience. And it never bothered me till now.
Shooot I was 13 before it really hit me that I was a different my parents.  I remember it vividly. I was in my room, at my desk drawing a unicorn (things haven't changed) And the realization smacked me like the hand of god. "S! My parents are white! I'm brown...ooooooh, That's why kids at school who see my mom and I for the first time are always confused. huh, Thats some funny S."

I started to loose my feeling of grounding. I never had a "people" My husband grew up surrounded by his people and had a cultural root to reference if he ever needed. I never knew where to turn and my parents couldn't help me.
I want that too. I want to be able to look back on ancestors and tradition in those all too frequent dark times. And now I have a direction. But as you can see I have a strange quagmire of a past to pull leads from. Those leads were exhausted long ago. My mother passed away in July and my father and I are estranged, so I don't really have them as an info gathering option. Besides I'm not even sure how much of their stories I could trust. They always changed through the years.
And those adoption records... Sealed until my death.

So I've turned toward hiring an adoption investigator. And they ain't cheap. I need to raise $1,195.00. If you bulked... This is the more affordable agency. One agency wanted $3915.00. And they were a no find/no fee.
Which leads us to now. I'm here to sell a horse. My most prized.
I'll be taking offers from now till December 12th. And I do have a reserve price in mind. Just PM me with your offer.

I can't remember what year I made her. Early 2006 maybe. Bah, I can't remember. I'll comeback tomorrow with new larger photos.

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Customs / Chocolate rain WIP 12-16-15
« on: June 11, 2015, 12:27:47 PM »
The last thread got locked, it appears. Don't blame them It was started in 2013.
But since I had to do a little repairative sculpting on the kings unicorn I figured I'd pull this one from the shelf too. Eventually I will have my pony shelf cleaned off. Then that's it for me.
That being said. Once this one is complete she will be sold.
I might pop that eyelid off and try again. what do you guys think?
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Sculpting is all complete. I did end up popping the eyelid off. In the end, felt is was too "rarity smoldering / sex kitten" Probably just me that saw it that way. Or another way to see it, was as being too B-word." So after redeciding what her character is. I rounded things out more and tried for "cool girl". And that cookie there! I was all set to have this thing done during a toddler's nap. With time to spare! But that fudgin cookie... I made it three times. The first one was perfect, till I put it back in the oven to make sure it was well done. Then forgot and it became char done! the second one just became a crumbling mess. And I've no clue why. The third one, juuust right.
Also, just to address something...
As I said in a reply to someone in the thread... I'll be closing the door on pony customizing once my pony shelf is cleaned off. It takes me so long to produce one piece, that they're more of a time taker from the artistic path I want to specifically travel. But at the same time I can't turn my back on what I have in the pipeline. Every time I look at that shelf I get the "see it through to the end" feeling. Plus, if I clean it off I then have free space to display crap I'll have to defend from a toddler. The battles will be epic. Blood may even be spilled. My blood. Cause I don't clip his nails like I should.
But there is a dash of hope. I can foresee the door remaining open just the smallest of cracks.
For things like dire financial situations. Which happens a lot. Cause I'm crap at taking care of myself and the natural enemy of my ankles is stairs... And sidewalk cracks.
And maybe once for a raffle. Always wanted to hold a raffle. And I do wanna work on just one G3Zilla.
So those and the seven up on my shelf now... That there be it. So really I'll still be doing this for a bit.

With all that said. I'll just say here that Chocolate Rain will be for sale once she's complete. Given the rate I work at, I'd say there's plenty of time.

Hmm, should I remove the raindrops on her temples?

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Working out a color palette now. Figuring what will be milk chocolate vs. dark chocolate vs. white chocolate. The tones are brighter than I wanted. Think I'll gray them back a little. Moved around some of the rain drops. Made things a touch less busy. Thanks goes out to Diana, my go-to art sistah.

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I'm still here. Working on her when I can. Between a number of commission and group shows, she gets a little attention.
How's your holiday season going so far?
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Customs / The king's unicorn UPDATE: 07-02-15 GLAM SHOTS
« on: October 13, 2014, 08:47:31 PM »
Before I get to the meat of this...
HEY MODS! I could have sworn I'd posted a wip thread for this one already. It would have been quite a while back. But either it got lost to the sands of time or my thinking I did, is merely a phantom memory.
I did do a search and go through my own posts list. But if it turns out one already exists can you please delete the gray haired, old one.

Moving forward,
This guy has been sitting for years now waiting to have his sculpting completed. But his ding dang tail was giving me so much trouble that I shelved him in disgust. Every several months or so I'd take him down only to have the same problem. And back to the shelf he'd go. Now he has a renewed purpose. A very special, kind and understanding Arena member will be getting this guy once he's completed.

Sorry guys, you'll have to put up with a phone photo.

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Tail is complete. Well, I should say that the tail "ploom" is complete. I think I'll add some at the base. Hide the seam more.
Now if you'll excuse me, there's a pumpkin muffin sitting on my desk making very sexy, very suggestive motions at me.
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Looks who decided to horse around, this girl!
The last couple months have been both rough S-to-the-O-to-the-Bs and very enlightening.
Couple things happened.
One: fought and failed countless times with the crown sculpt, that I had to shelve the thing for several nights. You see that in the end it came through. But it was many a morning peeling off a failed sculpt. Even toyed with the idea of moving the crown to the horn. But then the entire narrative would have changed.
Two: In the down time I decided it was time to overcome a long time art fear. Painting!
Ever since I was an annoying tween I've wanted to paint. Had many false starts and failures. Then just gave up and went all digital for decades. Fast forward to 2011 and a husband with a priceless "thanks for having my first child for me, so I didn't have to" push-present. A week long oil painting lesson, focusing on the dutch/flemish technique. Oh Mutha of Gawd, it was just what I needed! It was also three years ago.
After the class, fear set in and I didn't do anything for years. But at least a direction had been learned. And HP and MP had been leveled up enough that no F's were there to be given and I jumped off my fear cliff. Started practicing and learning. And finally made one small finished painting! I can't tell you how over the moon I was. Never mind, how wonky it is. It exists and that's all that matters! You can see some practice paintings and the wonky finished painting on Ello: or on FB. FB link is in the sig.
Three: the entire month of December we spent on the sofa sick as a dizog! Well almost the entire month. Starting Dec 14th I caught a cold, the cold turned into Strep, the Strep turned into the Flu, Flu then turned into Bronchitis! All back to mo-fudging back! Not a single "well day" in between. I've never experienced anything like it. You can't get any more down with the sickness than that! Finally, my health came back in early January.
But thanks to all that I'm in some medical bill trouble. So I might sell another custom or possibly host a custom commission raffle in a couple months. I just gotta learn how to handle it.
And Four: The toddler broke his finer last Thursday while spending the day with a nanny and poppy. I was really hoping he'd be around 6 or more when he broke his first bone. We weren't there, but poppy says he had dropped a ten pound weight on his hand or he was trying to roll it like a wheel and it tipped over, onto his hand. He was trooper in the ER. Making it a point to tell all the nurses "Wook, I have a bandage! I better now, BYE!" as we left. There's a pic of him on FB.
So there you go, all caught up.
Here as a thank you for reading have some pony pics.

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I'm finally back at this thang. It's been a whirlwind lately. Consisting of two gallery group shows and a freelance gig that threatened to never end. The gig went on for so long I had to turn down one gallery group. Was mad upset at that. The theme was a Studio Ghibli tribute. Gawd that would have been fun.
And I still have more freelance work to do, but my Wacom up and died. So now I can turn back to horsin around, guilt free. Aside from the guilt of this piece taking so long. :blush:
But I'm here to prove that I am working on it!

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Eye color suggestion please. I kinda, sorta, have an idea... but not really.
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Ok, Here's four options I'm kicking around.
1. Indigo / Periwinkle. Which might be too generic as blues are the go to for unicorn eyes.
2. Chartreuse. Does complete a color triad, (coral, slate blues, chartreuse)
3. Same Coral color as horn.
4. Silver. Which might be too monochromatic.
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Thanks for the input guys! Chartreuse it is.
So, here we're about.... I'd say maybe 83% done. I've got a lot of "hair into flat body blending" to do. I've started the foundation colors of the eyes. um... Gotta do some "channel flooding" and I gotta fix the tail. The tail fell from it's drying perch the other day and a lock I really liked, broke off. 
So I guess I'm only 76% done.
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And we are done! Someone asked what his story was. Quite simple. He is a king's property. Good night!

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Spent a good part of the day photo shooting. Got probably around 300+ pics.
Here's a few. To see more hit up the ol' blog. Click the signature banner for my folio site. The blog is just another click away.

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Customs / Winter is here. Now taking offers on Winters breath.
« on: August 24, 2014, 01:10:22 PM »
It's game on ya'll!
He's listed in the customs sales area.,360971.0.html
Offers will be open till Oct 9th. Ending at 12A.M. Eastern Standard time.
Highest offer will be listed as "current offer" in the thread listed in  custom sales. No names listed.

Ya this year... I'm actually excited for winter to come. I used to love it when I was a kid. Then came adulthood and with it, digging out the car in the early finger freezing morning to go to work.
Since I've been working from home in the past couple years my love for winter has started to return. I love having a fireplace in this new home and slightly new toddler to wrap up in a blanket with me.
But with freelance work comes dry spells of little to no cash flow. So to amend that problem for a however long I can. I've been digging out stored customs and selling off my early works.

This time it's "Winters' Breath" Thinking I'll list her up in early or mid October... The question is, do I do a flat price or host a silent arena auction?
If you've done an arena auction... What was your experience?

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Customs / Pearl EX Powder step-by-step for Froud Fairy Wings
« on: July 10, 2014, 05:02:23 PM »
It's finally posted!
I'm new to this blogging thing-a-whatsit. And am realizing how much work it really takes. I said ages ago that this process would be posted and I've finally followed through. I believe very deeply on doing what you say you'll do. Even if it takes FOR-to-the EVAH! And it just about did.
So for that I apologize.
A direct link is in the ol' siggy. Below the image, in red type.
Remember, I'm all kinds of new to this so I'd mad appreciate some feedback. It's the only way I'll learn. Well, that and just by simply "doing".
Take care guys! I hope you can take something away from this! I want ya'll to learn all you can to better your work. You all deserve it.

If any of you try this process, please show me on Instagram or FB! I'd love to see what you do. FB link is under the sig banner. And you can reach me on insta at @tamiserystreet

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Customs / Raise your hand if you remember this old girl! *Edit 6.28
« on: June 26, 2014, 03:33:25 PM »
Sorry guys. She sold before I even got to list her.
We've been in this house for two years now...And I'm still unpacking boxes. And "Moon Moth" emerged.
She was originally made for a Katrina fund raiser here on the Arena. This all took place back in 2007 so I can't remember what happened. Something fell through, or something, something, something.
And ya know what guys, I think It's time to let one of my own go.
Probably in mid July I'll pop her on the sales forum.

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Customs / Pearl Painted Fairy Wings
« on: April 26, 2014, 12:19:29 PM »
Sup yall!
The froud fairy is nearing completion... She's been the perfect vehicle for experimenting with a new medium.
Pearl powder! I've had this stuff sitting in my supply stash for more than a decade. The wings seemed like the perfect opportunity. And they were.
The result has been beyond educational and fantastic for me!

So I''d like to know... Would YOU like to know what I learned in the form of a step by step process breakdown?
To be produced and posted once This custom is completed.

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Trader & Shipping Support / Is Kcat still around?
« on: April 25, 2014, 05:32:44 PM »
Does anyone know where I might find her?

Customs / Brian Froud Fairy - Glam shots
« on: November 06, 2013, 02:32:18 AM »
The subject this time. Brian Froud.
Im gonna come out and say it. Sculpting bug legs... not going to be the highlight of my evening. This mean i'll be looking at some skin crawling reference. Well Beetles shouldn't be too bad.

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Hi guys,
I really wish I had more to show for this update.
So here let me spend more time explaining my excuse. Ya see... about three weeks back we took our toddler to a jumping castle place. I'm sure you've seen them springing up (HA! Springing.) in malls and strip malls all over the place.
The little jumpin bean loves em. never mind that he gets bowled over by larger kids almost constantly. It's a mess, but it's funny.  So, because kids are petri dishes he got sick. For him it was just a cold. Hardly slowed him down. Then I got sick and it became bronchitis. two and half weeks of gagging, chocking coughs. When I finally did go to the doctor they loaded me up with five medications. And ordered me back on my old childhood friend the inhaler.
My husband saw me take a puff and called me a dweeb. Then yelled at me "Your stuck with me for the rest of your life" and ran away.
They did give me some kind of miraculous cough syrup that not only tasted good... like the bubble gum flavored old days ya'll! But knocked my assets out something fierce! The coughing had kept me from sleep for the last two weeks and I made a big point how much I wanted to sleep again. They wrote the prescription for this stuff and every nurse and doctor stressed how I wasn't to drive for at lease eight hours after.
I took a dose and about fifteen / twenty minutes later I could feel it creeping up ever so slightly. Then suddenly It'd feel like my head and shoulders were slammed down to my desk. As though some morbidly obese god of sleep took a flying leap onto my back.  Just ask Diana here on the arena. I was chatting with her one night when the sleep inducing effects came on and my typing went to the dumps. Basically my fingers were slurring.
I had to get my husband to walk me down the stairs to our room. Then nothing. All was black till morning. It was G D great!

I'm cool now but that doesn't account for the total time laps between posts.
What took up the last hand full of days?...
Let me tell ya. And I probably don't have to. I'm sure most go through this. But, nothing will make you clean your entire house harder or faster then an impending visit from your mother. Especially if she's flying in from another state and hasn't seem you in two or three years.
Really we were cleaning and fixing up the apartment side of our home, where she's currently stored for the duration of her stay.
Ah luvs mah Ma!

In other news! I'm very excited to say that after years of wanting, I finally launched myself a portfolio site and blog!
Tap the banner below and take a look. And please please leave some messages. Just for my excitement of getting messages!
Now I won't lie... If your familiar with my work from DA or even Etsy you'r not gonna see anything too new in the illustration section.
And the Blog has only two posts. But please read the first one. I tried my best to explain what you can expect and hope you'll be enticed to follow.
Also please have patience. I am new to this so you can expect things to shift and change. Both these site will always be works in progress.

Thank you and goodnight.

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One wing done-ish. I still gotta finish up the back side of it. I've never done a fairy wing before. Well I did do a moth wing once and who we kidding it's basically the same thing. I'll have to dig out pics of that custom some time.
But for now head on over to the blog for more pics and a pro-tip I think many of you will get great use out of. I sure do!
Link is in the sig.

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First I have a huge apology to make to assassin. I'm sorry this is taking so long. But unfortunately it seems that the Froud fairy will be my last commissioned custom. Life is starting to move in a new direction for me. Both in a great way and heart breaking way.
My mother came to stay with us during the months of November and December. It was great that she was here with us for Thanksgiving, her grandson's 2nd birthday and Christmas. But in that time we witnessed just how poor her health had deteriorated. She had two strokes in her time with us. Because of that there is an unspoken and mutual fear of her care. So rather then she spend the rest of her life in her assisted living home, she'll be be moving in with us in April. This mean we have to get the apartment side of our house up and running for long term living. It's fine as it is for a short visit but on for someone to live in for the next several years...there's a little more than wall painting needed.
On the good side I've started to effectively build myself more of a web presence. you know career building stuff. And results are happening. In 2015 my "Rampant Rainbow" piece will be published in a collected art book "From rain to rainbows" from Chronicle books. And I'm currently making a piece for the upcoming gallery show "Moon crisis 2014" A Sailor Moon themed show. You can see Progress pics of my contribution on my Blog and facebook pages. Links in the banner below.
This is also contributing to the delay on this pony. Oh yeah I also joined the instagram army. Further updates on the piece are there. @tamiserystreet

Moving on, Pony update. I ended up having to move the wing holes further up the body. So now I have some patching to so. No worries tho. Once painted the old holes wont be noticeable. Once the more open wing is dry I will sculpt it to the body. then I'll move back to the tail. and finally the hair.

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She's now wearing her wings and tail. The tail is sculpted in place while the wings are removable. For the easy of painting rather then designed break-points. I'll do a little more "moth" mane around the wings.
I guess then I can move on to hair. Which I think will be the hardest part. I've been trying to do the ear-tucked bangs since the very start and have failed every time.

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Sculpting is finito! I do still have to make the flowers, tho.... So technically I guess sculpting isn't done just yet.
I'll be making the little pink / white flowers in polymer. To take advantage of an already color tintd clay. Rather than try to paint such tiny things evenly.
The wings are removable for ease of painting and air brushing down the back. Which has already been done. You can see a bit down the tock. This was my first time airbrushing a pony. I was terrified, but thrilled to find it mercifully easy.
What else did I need to say here?...
I had something else...
Ah! yes, remember my mentioning "Moon Crisis 2014" a couple posts back. Just scroll up a bit.
I finished my piece. I'd love it if you guys took a look. Click the banner then stroll on into the illustrations section.
Progress shots of it can be seen in my Instagram gallery. Search: tamiserystreet


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What is up mother lovers!
I'm thankful to say that the Froud Fairy is complete! And I couldn't be happier. Things are getting tight around here. Time wise.
Right after finishing the piece for the Moon Crisis show coming up, I got accepted into another group gallery show. With a much tighter deadline.
So projects be needing to get wrapped up. It's buckle down time is lurking over my shoulder.
And a big thanks goes out to Assassin K for her bottomless well of patience. However I'm gonna ask her to draw on it a little more. I'd like to keep her till Thursday at least. Give her varnish ample time to cure and myself one baby-free day (Thursdays, the tot goes to Nana's) to do a proper photo shoot.

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Well here it is, the final post in this thread!
The final glam shots are posted. Just click the banner in the sig and go to the blog. There you'll find the biggest photos showing the most detail.
Thanks for taking this trip with me. Man, I feel like I should have closing credits theme song.

P.S. Up next on the blog: A step by step of how her wings were painted.

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Arts & Crafts Corral / Made an Artist Trading Card today
« on: June 05, 2013, 06:19:34 PM »
I had a free hour today. Tried to spend it cleaning my office... Till I found a set of blacklight inks I'd gotten years ago. Cleaning is for smucks anyway.
Said as an ant walks by.
"Sup, Timothy!"
Besides, experimenting is way more fun!
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Off Topic / I did a podcast interview!
« on: May 27, 2013, 07:15:58 PM »
Now I have a use for this corner of the Arena!

A few weeks ago I was invited to do an interview with "Insight in Progress".
What is "Insight in Progress"? From the site: "What is the biggest lesson you've learned in life so far?" Insight in Progress is a weekly podcast where each episode is an in-depth conversation with a new guest all about their answer to that question and more.

This is something that's very much out of my comfort zone. but I'm glad I did it.
My episode is currently up. Here to wet your whistle, is the highlight description or liner note posted with the episode.
"This week's episode is an interview with the graphic artist/designer/vinyl toy customizer known as Tamisery ( about her biggest lessons in life and artistry so far. Listen to find out how being a new mom, the challenges of being a largely self-taught artist, the importance of perseverance and much more factor into those lessons. This one is especially for you burgeoning artists and fans of Tamisery, but even if you are simply into honest and ultimately inspiring discussions about life and art, this one might be for you!"

So I invite you to please check it out, take a listen. then hit up my face book and tell me what you think.
My FB artist fan page:

[nudging this over to Off Topic for you - congrats on your interview.  kiwimlp :) ]

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