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Messages - archidraca

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Wanted! / Re: need some help to get some things i need
« on: June 21, 2017, 04:29:42 AM »
What were you looking for?

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 18, 2017, 08:46:39 PM »
I feel like posting some pics but don't wish to clutter the feed with them so they're all under spoilers.

Wednesday 4/5
Went to the midweek Market with Youngest and let her play in the fountain for a bit over an hour. A little gardening done and a little cleaning. Just over 1 3/4 miles walked. No exercise.
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Thursday 4/5
Went to Safety City in the morning with Youngest which is a mini-Knoxville biking area for kids. Keeping up with even a learning child is exercise. I watered and weeded but did no gardening as I start prepping for the SEpony Meet. Over two miles walked.
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Friday 3/5
I did nearly nothing this day. Some shopping was done and I planted a couple of pots with tropical trees that will be annuals if I forget to take them into the garage this winter. Almost no cleaning and only 1 3/4 miles walked.

Saturday 4/5
Went to the Saturday Market with 2 of 3 kids as none of us wished to wake Middle child. Stayed for the Pride parade and puttered about in the garden for a bit retraining vines. Cleaned a bit in the kitchen so I could feel decent firing up my grill. Kebobs for dinner and s'mores with the kids for desert. If I'd done anything resembling enough movement for exercise this would have been a perfect day. Amongst that I walked close to 3 miles.
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Sunday 2/5
No exercise, no gardening, and at just under a mile walked barely even any of that as well. I have been learning to crochet more rather than working on ponies or cleaning as I ought.

Current project : Sophie's Garden Universe
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Caught up again!  ^.^

Pony Corral / Re: Anybody left that grew up with G1 ponies?
« on: June 18, 2017, 04:46:37 PM »
I still have the Moondancer mum bought me because it came out the year I was born and was cute. The Nursery I had is lost in some vortex in my old bedroom but I managed to retain the vast majority of my childherd (still wondering where one of the merponies and two babies went...  :pout:) and have them mostly available for play if my Youngest wishes. Tux I got through mailorder as the only land adult male I had since I didn't since I never saw the commercials for the other menfolk and reigned supreme with Sprinkles and Glory. I had Drummer and Racer but couldn't convince a playfriend to trade several babies for Leaper. I did trade a Lemon Drop for a seapony baby (no float) so my trading skills weren't entirely bad.  :biggrin:

Pony Corral / Re: Poll: Who's your favorite male G1 pony?
« on: June 17, 2017, 06:52:29 PM »
Tux 'N Tails as the only "true" male adult of my childhood herd and Thundercloud as my fave color pony. Purple!

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 13, 2017, 07:42:25 PM »
Delightful news, Crowning_Glory13!! :green:

Saturday 5/5
Youngest had her dance recital! Another year down! Near hyperventilating anxiety attack worked through via simultaneous adrenaline kick in when I thought we'd somehow forgotten one of the outfits (I'd put them all together a month ago and checked them weekly plus just before we left the house. Didn't stop me from driving back to the house when the first checks of the dressing room and car failed to turn up the hiding bag.) :freak: I had family up so last second cleaning and some small gardening done. We all went to my niece's first birthday as well. Busy busy busy. :gallop: Walked just under three miles. :run:

Sunday 3/5
Walked 1 1/3 miles. A little gardening done, mostly watering. A lot of rest. One day my mom will be able to walk in my house and it will be CLEAN not just mostly neat.  :pout: Youngest is wanting to learn to cook so we made spaghetti and meatballs with cheese, Gold Star chili (plus beans), and caramelized onions (because she hates eating raw onion). It was delicious.
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No real cleaning and absolutely no exercise done as I decided to Overwatch for a bit.

Monday 4/5
Don't know exactly how much I walked because I did laundry and somehow put my FitBit through the wash again... :facepalm: It was at least a mile and a half because we walked through part of the mall and then through a mega-Walmart for a few hours and my step count stopped at around 5pm. I walked outside to make sure nothing was dying but didn't do anything beyond that. Enough roughhousing to count as exercise. Picking up a 40+ lbs child who's wriggling around is exercise. ;)

Tuesday 3/5
Got the recycling and some more cleaning and laundry done. Mostly watering done in the garden but I also pinned up my gladiolus stems together so maybe they'd stand a little taller for the bigger bees. Also, my largest non-deformed cucumber grown to date.
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A bit under 1 1/2 miles walked and no exercise.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: When and How to Complain?
« on: June 11, 2017, 09:44:39 PM »
The one with a Tracking number is like this:

Quote from: from eBay site
Tracking #:AA######YN
Carrier:Hong Kong Post
The seller has provided a tracking number. The tracking status will be updated once the shipment reaches the carrier.

There's still to the 19th before it's officially AWOL but the 21st would be 60 days so... it's a rather tight window.

Trader & Shipping Support / Re: When and How to Complain?
« on: June 11, 2017, 02:18:55 PM »
Through eBay.

Trader & Shipping Support / When and How to Complain?
« on: June 11, 2017, 12:33:08 PM »
I have some non-pony purchases that supposedly were shipped from Hong Kong that haven't made their way to me yet and I'm wondering if it's worth screaming at the Sellers at this point. I've an ever increasing stack of Eeyore Tsum Tsums that I would like to finish filling out as much as possible.

I've waited 60 days for the one that has been sitting on my Purchased list and almost as long from the other. Different sellers. In that time I've had packages arrive from the UK, China, Sweden, and Japan. I'm pretty patient when it comes to international shipping as I know not every Post is as great as the ones I have.

1. Should I escalate the one that's still under 60 days since it has a Tracking number that says it's been shipped or be ever patient?

2. Should I give up on the one that's over 60 days and just let the Seller know that I never received my product? Is there a way to recoup the little money I spent on that?

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 10, 2017, 09:03:47 AM »
Thursday 5/5

Almost 2 1/4 miles walked. Mowed the lawn! Everything looks nice. A lot of cleaning in preparation for my family coming up.

Friday 4/5

Over two miles walked. Some small gardening. Mostly just training vines. Living room is (mostly) done! Cleaned, swept the corners, and vacuumed! No exercise.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 07, 2017, 03:24:30 PM »
Just read through and I'm glad you're doing okay Heathersmoo!

Monday 5/5
Cleaned some and gardened more. Walked 2 3/4 miles. Some small bit of exercise done. Heart rate went up because Grandma decided to start off their trip update with the phrase, "Your child has had an issue and it's serious." The "serious" thing was that her water bottle had broken and Grandma was trying hard not to laugh.  -_-

Tuesday 3/5
Almost no cleaning. Plenty of light gardening and working on ponies. No real exercise but I did get vigorous on my walk. A little over 2 1/3 miles walked. Eldest woke me with a text asking why Youngest gets called "Lil' Sis" when neither of the older two children did. I explained it was a play on my nickname and their mother's name was not so easy to make an association. (Not mentioned was the fact that Grandma likes me better than Wife1)  :P

Wednesday 5/5
Made it to the Farmers Market! Even processed all of the fruits and veggies I didn't cook with today. Bonus! Cleaned my kitchen then gardened at the church before coming home to work on ponies and clean in the living room. Went to do more gardening in my backyard but the cleaning portion was interrupted by a juvenile Eastern Black Kingsnake popping out of a bag of trash and I wish my current heart rate was less than my adrenaline trying to tack on two more miles to my distance total today. Exercise achieved. :faint:

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 04, 2017, 07:42:35 PM »
I should set up an excel sheet rather than using a couple of txt files and a calculator.... but here's the latest week since I went radio silent.

I'm sorry for your troubles CG and I did get the Mr. Universe package! Youngest absconded with about half of it while I put the cape and bow on the Secret Surprise girl I have naked and ready for customizing. She seems exceedingly grateful for the adds.  :lol:

Monday 2/5
Only a little over a mile walked. Some cleaning but no gardening or exercise. I decided to just work on ponies and have a me-no-thinky day. Almost done painting on a G4 seapony sculpt in a G1 style since I consider the new "seaponies" to be merponies. Because G1 had that too.  :pout:

Tuesday 4/5
A little over three miles walked. Heavy cleaning and moving things about and into storage properly. Enough to count for exercise. Little to no gardening.

Wednesday 4/5
A bit under two and a half miles walked. Decided not to go to the Market but did go and get more greenery to eat from one of the smaller grocers. Some gardening, cleaning, and even exercise done.

----------------------------------------- MAY total 89
----------------------------------------- JUNE start

Thursday 3/5
1 3/4 miles walked. Not much gardening done beyond walking past and seeing if I need to weed. (I didn't yet.) A lot of cleaning done and I can finally see the light on a space I can sit to work in for more than an hour and not feel like my hips are going to protest if I try and get up. No exercise.

Friday 4/5
2 1/3 miles walked. A great pile of gardening done! Went to Lowes for sales (I really should know to stay out of there... ^^;) and finished another three projects but forgot to get the things for one of the two that I'd walked in for.
This I took out a rotting half barrel and made the plant stand useable then bought some items from a salvage shop (including a new plum tree) and brought out a decoration I'd had in storage and bought back my second year in college.  ^.^
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It now has a rock and stone border and is perfectly set up for a solar powered fountain I put on my Wishlist;)  I hope it's still there by the time Christmas rolls around so hubby can surprise me.

Saturday 5/5
1 2/3 miles walked. Some gardening done since I finally remembered where I put my edger. A great deal of cleaning done. We got to see Wonder Woman and Youngest was delighted! We even managed to accidentally sit right behind some of our closest friends who'd had the same idea independently. ^.^

Sunday 2/5
About a mile walked. Very little gardening or cleaning but I did a lot of pony customizing. ^^; Eldest and Youngest went off with MiL to see great grandma before we likely have to put her in a home...  -_-  Low score because of how little I've done and how low I feel right now (although I know this is needed to prevent separation anxiety for me and Youngest later in life...).

I managed to get the Blossom Color Me fakie! :heart: I was going after both of them but the pegasus would've only been an upgrade for me.  ^.^

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 30, 2017, 05:34:53 PM »
archidraca You are doing great. Your number are in the middle, but I see very few 5. What makes a 5 for you? Write it down, and maybe that will give you a way to get more fives. You don't need to be hard on yourself. Find a way to really put a fire towards your goals!
:lol: I feel I would need a steady dripfeed of my Youngest's spare energy in order to get more 5s. The way to get them is simple, make a genuine effort to move forward on as many of my goals that are available to me that day. It's raining? Not gardening doesn't bother me as much. (but it does still do so... :drunk: Want!!!!) Didn't exercise? Well, there are always ways to make up for that. Most of my Perfect Points days involved heavy gardening that also counted as exercise to both me and my FitBit  ;), taking a big rewarding shower, and then cleaning until it's time to go to bed. Only so many times I'm going to have the energy to do that.

archidraca, berry baskets sound like a great idea.  Feel free to send me one, I won't complain :P
:biggrin: They are! I would send you one but it was random chance I saw them, they're already sold out in the one store that had them, and I can't find it at kroger's website. These are similar in both make and price but not nearly as cute.

Pony Corral / Re: Mystery paper in Gusty
« on: May 30, 2017, 05:34:21 PM »
That is so much cooler than the spider nest I found in mine.

NOPE!  :bolt:

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: May 28, 2017, 09:32:31 PM »
Saturday 3/5
I was going to have a really low, barely above a mile day where I sat in one spot and cleaned until that couple of arms length radius was more than half complete kind of day until after I put the wee one down to sleep and a storm romped through. I'd prepped the garden earlier that day for heavy rain but nothing I could've done would've helped out with this... Almost a half mile of back and forth in about 30 minutes setting up battery LED push lights instead of candles so we can move from bedroom to kitchen or bathroom without needing one of the strategically placed flashlights or our phone lights when a transformer or three died on our side of town. Also grabbed the battery packs we got to better play Pokemon Go in case they couldn't get power up by morning.

Sunday 3/5
Not quite a mile walked but a lot of cleaning accomplished.  ^.^  Cleaned up a little outside after church and a lot more inside, trying to get that one spot complete. Youngest is fighting helping me to clean up her toys. ("Sunday is my day to not have to listen to anyone!  :pout:") Made it really easy to snack on fresh fruit with new "berry baskets" populating the fridge.

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