Creativity > Arts & Crafts Corral

Ponysona Woes

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So since I've come back to the Arena, I wanted to remake my ponysona to something that suited me more. I thought I had something I was happy with, but design after design, I wasn't ever satisfied. At first I thought I wanted something that was soft and muted, like a shade of brown or a dusky gray. That later changed to black, to go with my somewhat dark personality. Black with a goldish-mane. Something similar to my hair color, but lighter. With yellow-orange eyes (I have a fetish for characters with yellow-orange eyes >3). The cutie mark was *supposed* to be a multi-colored flame, to represent my colorful personality. Well I had that for a few days, and then I started to think that it looked a little cheap. So I tried to do something else. I really, really wanted Bebop to be a black unicorn (it has a nice ring to it), but there was nothing I could do to make it look right. I ventured into brighter hues, and ultimately decided on green, my favorite color, and specifically my favorite shade. I am fond of monochromatic color schemes (i.e., G1 Blossom), and as I also had a previous smart phone case that was the same shade (I bought two of them as I liked the color so dang much), figured green might make me satisfied.

Well then there was the issue of a cutie mark. I am a somewhat pitiful artist as of late, not to mention some of my ideas seemed to be taken (I wanted the flame idea again, but a few ponies, like Fire Cracker, has it. I also wanted a phoenix, to represent my personal rising-up-from-defeat-struggle-stuff, but it turns out, the phoenix is popular on other's personas as well. Then of course I wanted a dragon, but I am not currently artistically inclined at the moment (it comes and goes -.-))

So I was starting to fear that I was bound to be without a cutie mark. Like Baby Ember. Or Apple Bloom D;

But then of course I thought of geckos. I own two leopard geckos, and I love them. And I haven't seen any pony yet with a gecko (yet).

And I'm still a bit conflicted about it. I am a green unicorn named Bebop Groove, with a gecko cutie mark. And I don't make any sense -____________-""

(I decided to go by the name as it's only been my internet name for... 10 years now? And I figured I could make it work for ponies).

So um... yes. This is just me ranting on how frustrating this whole business was. And any opinions on it. Because I'm all designed-out now x___x

i've flip flopped on pony personas and furry fursonas for years until I found the right one. Jinxxy FINALLY was everything I was looking for.. but it took me years to be happy with her. It's ok that she has a simple lightning bolt, because the other ponies with those symbols are totally different.. and most ponies don't have names and symbols that match up. You'll find the right one for you!!

I want to say Siren was my ... 6th ... attempt at a Ponysona. I'd thought I'd settled on something once before, even! But she just didn't stick. So I spent quite a while working on Siren on Doll Divine and I finally came up with a color scheme I liked and that fit what I thought I was going for. I was a bit bummed myself, because I wanted a white ponysona so bad. Unfortunately, none of my white ponies suited me at all. So I finally decided to try something else and wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, Siren was brought to life and she stuck for me.

It's hard to choose something so seemingly simple to represent yourself. Instead of making it too deep, I went with an aesthetically pleasing color scheme that fit what I felt I wanted to go for and that finally did it for me.

I actually had a really easy time creating my first ponysona and I absolutely adored her, until I realized she was a ponysona for an OC of mine and now actually me >_<

With my actual ponysona, the pretty pony in my avatar and siggy, I had quite a bit of help from Dee_Kary here on the forum! I basically sent her a bunch of components that represented me (cutie mark, colors, etc.) and she helped make a coherent design which is basically what I have now!

I really love the whole concept of ponysonas and I would love reading more stories about how people came up with theirs ^.^

Yurusumaji and Terra, your ponysonas are lovely! :) I think I'm going to do more brainstorming today in my free time, see if I can finally settle on something I like (and hope it sticks :P )


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