TCB > For Sale - For Auction

Lyra, Bonbon and Muffins pins, Spitfire plush, 4de plushies



Lyra, Bonbon and Muffins pins by MyLittleTies. Listed at $75 to start, I'll take any reasonable offer.

Spitfire beanie plush by Kazzy's Plush Emporium. Listed at $120 so start, I'll take any reasonable offer.

IDW Rarity and Fluttershy comics, $7.60 currently I'll likely drop that some by the end of the week.

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Also I'm entertaining offers on these 4de plushies, as well as BuildaBear Spike, that tiny Aurora Twilight and those two bunnies added for free. I'd really like to sell them as a set, or at the least a few plushies at a time.

Free shipping/delivery if any interested buyers are willing to meet me in middle/east Tennessee, usually Cookeville or Knoxville.


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