Hi! My name's fuzzy, I'm 19 and from Australia, and I've been into MLP for pretty much my whole life, but I've only been actively collecting since about... late-ish 2019, I wanna say? Circumstances have meant that I can't be collecting as actively as I like (my room is in not much of a state to be holding ponies at the moment, plus other things in life have just taken priority for a while), but I still pick up a couple of ponies every now and then, usually just whatever I can find in the store. The main generation I'm interested in is G3, as it's the one I grew up with and also my favourite, but I think all of them have their little quirks that make them great, although I'm definitely not a huge fan of G3.5 or G4.5. Those two have their good sides, just as a whole, they aren't really my thing.