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Messages - cody_sunday_again

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Good morning from the Shire
« on: October 06, 2020, 03:13:38 AM »
Hello there folks!

Making a sneaky return to the arena after previously having an account on the old forum about a decade ago (yikes I’m feeling old now). Although I’ve got a few special ponies that aren’t leaving me any time soon, I’ve got a few others that need rehoming so just needed to get back in touch with the collector community to give them the best cleanup / price check / chance of being bid on 😄

Not a whole lot to say about me other than that... I’m 31, non binary, from Shropshire, was a pony obsessed little kid in the 90s, nowadays I spend my time being a professional coffee nerd and foraging/wildcrafting herbal magic ☺️

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