Pony Talk > Pony Corral
My YouTube Review of G4's Premiere.
I don't know if I'm allowed to post YouTube links or not (if not, I'm sorry), but I felt like showing you all a video I did on YouTube where I did a (silly, typical YouTube) review on the premiere episode of G4's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
For context: I have an Animation Review Show on YouTube that I need to get back to, and I also plan uploading a spin-off show where I review every FiM episode, though, of course, I plan on reviewing other generations too, as well as obviously non-MLP stuff.
As long as the content is PG-13 it's fine :)
I can't watch the whole thing now, but from what I saw it looks cute and funny :)
--- Quote from: BlackCurtains on January 13, 2025, 04:12:42 AM ---As long as the content is PG-13 it's fine :)
I can't watch the whole thing now, but from what I saw it looks cute and funny :)
--- End quote ---
Got it. Yes, my videos are intended to be suitable for everybody.
Thank you. :good:
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