Pony Talk > Pony Corral

Who is your favourite 2003 Glitter Celebration (Wave 1) Sparkle Pony?

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As the post title suggests, who do you like most? I might do a few more polls like this as time goes on, unless someone beats me to it first. These ponies are old enough to drink haha.

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Kimono is always very busy, but she's never in a hurry. She takes time to enjoy every minute of every special day, having fun with with all her friends!

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Every day is full of surprises for this young pony. PINKIE PIE loves to spend part of every day trying something she has never tried before!
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Minty loves crazy, silly, upside-down days. She's always coming up with new jokes to tell and fun things to do. With MINTY every day is a dizzy delight!

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SPARKLEWORKS has already been up for hours. She gets up early in the morning because she just can't wait to greet each new day -- with a ride across the sky in a hot-air balloon!

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Tinsel hair, glitter charms, not a bad start to G3 I like to think.

I really don't have one pony I like most out of this wave, but that Minty is very nostalgic. I learned recently Minty was apparently a hard sell, and she wasn't in core 7 as a result. The opposite seems to be true now. I think they're all about the same for me, but again...Minty bias.

Edit: Added Backcards! source list:
Kimono: MLW
Pinkie Pie: StrawberryReef.com MLP (Resource site)
Minty: MLW
Sparkleworks: Bham Buys listing photo on ebay

I believe Sparkleworks and other ponies released in two packs have the same backcards as their singles, but I could be incorrect and am open to correcting. That is the information I learned, since some wikis have the first half of her Backcard listed under Wave 1 Sparklework's information.

I did edit Kimono's to include the trademark to the first Cutiemark, however the second is purposefully left without a trademark. This is how it is printed on her backcard, perhaps they only needed to trademark it once on the package?

I also learn the ribbon the charm is on, is described as a "Friendship Ribbon". Isn't that just dashing darling? :rolleyes: I think it's really cute...

Sparkleworks is such a beautiful pony.  I love her name and symbol.  Minty would be my 2nd fave.

Sparkleworks, for sure! I had every version of her before I had to sell my collection.

I think Minty didn't sell well here because of the weird pose. Other versions of Minty have always been more popular.

Kimono was my favorite <3

Kimono for me


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