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Ebay - Search for Individual Members?


Years ago [lol!!] or at least it was years ago that I last used it, you used to be able to search ebay for individual community order to perhaps find people you bought things from previously but it was so long ago they were no longer in your purchase history. Is this a feature that ebay have removed or am I simply having a silly moment and cant spot how to do it?

I will see what I can find out :awake:   I know you can run a search for ebay members by typing their ID in "advance search"


--- Quote from: Ringlets on January 21, 2012, 06:38:07 PM ---I will see what I can find out :awake:   I know you can run a search for ebay members by typing their ID in "advance search"

--- End quote ---

oooh - I ll try this - thank you!

Yep ringlets is right, go to "advanced" next to the search box, then scroll down to the "sellers" section, click "only show items from" and enter your seller in to that box :) good luck finding the seller you were after sweetie!

I hope this works for you!


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