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Do you live where it snows?

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I live in the South central US. Historically, we have gotten snow, but it wasn't a season wide phenomenon. Nowadays, snow more than a dusting or an inch is a rarity, thanks to global warming. =/

In the 2000s and before, we'd get at least one storm each winter where we get 6 inches plus. That changed suddenly in the 2010s, where it turned into dustings most year.

It doesn't usually stick around for long, but we do usually get a little bit of snow at least once a year.

I'm on the coast so not really. It has a few rare times, but since I hardly go out unless I have to, especially with COVID, I don't see it much

Where i grew up on the coast it doesn't snow much. if it does snow its just dustings or light flurries. and it doesn't usually stick.

now i live further inland and it does get much colder and it snows a little more. but typically not much. though the last few winters have had some snow. last year it actually snowed twice. it was a mess and we had a big statewide power and water outage. also over 200 people died. so i'm no longer hoping for snow here in Texas. climate change is weird. :huh: it gets hotter and colder than normal.

this year so far it's been below freezing a couple of times but usually Jan & Feb are the coldest. I really want to visit a place where it snows and the infrastructure can handle it. It's beautiful but we can't handle it here.

I don't live far from Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.  Each year we flirt with flurries or sleet that may or may not materialize.  Some years we may get a few inches snow.  We did have an ice storm many, many years ago where we lost power for seven days. 


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