Creativity > Arts & Crafts Corral

questions are reproduction art

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--- Quote from: Baby Sugarberry on March 19, 2012, 11:04:19 PM ---I'd steer far away from the very deep and murky art copyright waters.

The problem is three-fold - there are rights associated with the original, such as ownership and display (which may be owned by different parties!) and reproduction/print rights, which might be owned by yet another party, and then you have derivative work thrown in for extra fun.  That and the fact that copyright often stems from the point at which the copy/reproduction/print is created just makes for... one really, really big mess, that you need to have a paralegal degree to have any hope of navigating with confidence.

--- End quote ---

Well dang. When I first came across this site i thought it was a winner and everybody could own their favourite peice of art in their own home. I've seen so many done of Van Gough's starry night and it led me to believe that art could be reproduced however, I'm so glad I asked and now I know how to steer away from trouble xD

I was going to stock my store with mainly paintings of wild cats, tigers especially (because I love tigers and who can say no to those fluffy kitties?), and other wild animals to keep in theme with my store and throw other things in... Guess I'll keep the other things out! I have plenty of photo's I took at the zoo of tigers and other animals. I'll just request custom pieces of my photo's and if anyone kicks up a stink that it's there's, I'll have photo proof that it's my picture :D

That sounds like a smart plan  :)


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