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Messages - Zapper

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The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: May 29, 2024, 10:24:57 AM »
Interesting how the UK is already getting SS4 meanwhile US has Monster Fest. I am just kinda jealous of both because I wish I could see Creepros on shelves and I am interested in MF Cleo and want to see her irl, too. I shouldn't be because I got Addams Skullectors coming in July and they aren't the usual doll budget I aim to spend. I usually reserve a small portion for the end of the month to use for "pleasure" like going to the club, going out for sushi, etc.
No sushi for me for a couple months now :lol: But Venus and MF Cleo are on the wishlist and Refresh Lagoona is also a little tempting. I wish I wouldn't want to buy G3 dolls because their hair is so yucky. But I hear Cleo has saran and Venus doesn't need her hair brushed anyways...

I am STILL working on my Abbey's hair. I am hoping more dolls can get softer hair for G3's future because I have kinda aged out of customizing and rehairing. I just don't have the patience anymore.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: May 27, 2024, 11:29:08 AM »
Thanks everyone! It's gonna take until the end of june until they ship. Very odd but they had this ship date from the start. I guess they needed to get them to go on sale for Mothers Day in the US.

I am not exactly keen on more celebrity dolls if the first one is RuPaul. MH needs to stay its own thing. If they did collaborate with people who already have monster/creature alter egos that would be way better. That RuPaul doll is just a female version of him dressed up as sexy Maleficent. Does he even give a crap about MH?
It was different with the Lady Gaga doll, imo. That was a proper collabo and referenced one of her music videos. Not that I am a fan of hers but her doll looked really cool.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: May 17, 2024, 07:45:15 AM »
I can't believe my luck: I got the Addams set! Second try was crazy again, somehow the system wanted me to solve three captchas that were teeny tiny. It's like they don't want actual humans to win this crap, bots can easily work around these nowadays. And what can people do who have bad sight? Or half blind? Mattel Creations is one big hellsite. How come a company that rich can't afford more IT personnel?

Anyways, I am still waiting vor Venus to appear in stores. Any stores, including online. We slowly got the Refresh dolls trickling in. Distribution here  just follows no rules. I hate when I can't rely on the US distribution anymore. Venus came out months before Refresh Lagoona/Frankie/Cleo.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: May 09, 2024, 10:02:20 AM »
Wednesday and Morticia sold out in 2 minutes x__x
Better luck tomorrow, I guess. As per usual, scaplers got plenty of dolls and are selling them on ebay as we speak. $UCK$. A$$.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: May 04, 2024, 06:41:49 PM »
I can't wait for the comic story to unfold and hope it's good! I wish I could have the physical cover version with only Frankie on it. Frankenstein's monster looks great and his little moment with Frankie is cute. Guess it's digital copy for me, too. No idea if this will be sold here.

I could write a long essay about how much I loathe ClawdeenxToralei. It comes completely out of left field.
At least Valentine got a random bf that wasn't a character before so he can be written in any way, but Toralei was a very prominent antagonist throughout the entire run of G1 and never showed interest in Clawdeen or vise versa.

Clawdeen wasn't just headcanon'ed by the fandom, Garrett Sander revealed a while ago he wanted her to be a lesbian but Mattel said no, no lesbians. Hence why I have no problem with her getting a gf, but TORALEI out of all people???
Don't like how Valentine is an ex-villain and Toralei is an ex?-antagonist. Why have both be redeemed villains?
Why not use wholesome characters like Venus or Twyla (not as gfs for Clawdeen but in general)? Plus points, they never had bfs or were boycrazy so it's more believable with them. Give them girlfriends.
But no, lesbians or gays need to come with baggage and be controversial in some way or else it's not interesting. Valentine and his guy look like the cover for Heartstopper so you know this is aimed at straight girls first and foremost :lol:

PS: Love how Spelldon has the broccoli hair and he's green, like an anthropomorphic broccoli almost. He actually reminded me of Beast Boy from DC but apparently he is a wizard, Harry.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: May 04, 2024, 12:01:34 PM »
Addams Family (2019 version) Morticia and Wednesday will drop May 10th! 9th for Fang Club members. It's crazy how many MH dolls they've been putting out on Mattel Creations lately.

I really love them! I couldn't get the creature so maybe I'll be lucky this time and they are 105 in euros plus shipping x__x

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: April 26, 2024, 10:34:12 AM »
I would've thought distribution over there would be on a similar timeline to here, and this is not exactly the cutting edge of new items, LOL :)

I think Smyths UK has a better range than Smyths Germany. We don't have Venus (yes she's the newest character) or the Refresh line (Drac with a hat, Frankie in striped shorts, etc) and we also don't have the wannabe Ghoulia  :lol:

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: April 26, 2024, 03:38:14 AM »
So, a lot of Fang Club members couldn't get Creature at the pre-sale because she sold out in 3 minutes.
Resellers are already saying they got from 30 to 60 dolls due to a "glitch" that allowed them to get as many as they wanted. It's either a lie or something's fishy at Mattel.

About the playline dolls:
What's weird to me is how they are distributing G3 dolls. Back in the day, G1s and G2s would come out about the same time as in the US. But with G3 some lines get weirdly chopped up such as Refresh: we got Frankie just now but have to expect Lagoona and Cleo at a much later date for unknown reasons. Some dolls appear about a year later (such as Sig Toralei here) and some lines pop up when they are no longer relevant (Creepover).

I'm not all mad about this because it leads to older dolls going on sale faster as newer lines come in, but what the heck is going on? Other doll lines don't have this problem, even other Mattel dolls such as Barbie. Are retailers suddenly afraid of MH? I don't think G3 is creepy in any way and closer to Enchantimals or Mix Pixlings and those sell like hotcakes

In other words: I want to get G3 Venus and can't buy her :lol:

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: April 24, 2024, 11:56:35 AM »

Creature from the Black Lagoon launches on friday! I am a bit shocked it comes so soon after Operetta and wasn't announced in the release calendar MC usually has available. I will try to get her, she's perfect to me and sadly the MH haters are loving her, too :lol: Trying to get her might crash the site again, we'll see.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: April 09, 2024, 03:26:16 PM »
Considering it over I think maybe Zapper was talking about the comparison photos on the link Brightberry posted. That one does look a bit discoloured to me?

Ghoulias with glue seepage often have a yellowed grey tone while the new Ghoulia is without that glue they stopped using so she most likely won't discolor. It's not an odd thing to say at all. I have a poor Skull Shores Ghoulia whose limbs yellowed even. Something in the plastic coating probably oxidized. I also had a Lala with yellow arms. The dolls weren't exposed to direct lunlight or heat. They just aged badly.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: April 09, 2024, 09:25:48 AM »
Not to be a meaniepants (who am I kidding, I love being a little mean) but I think the biggest difference anyone can see right away is original Ghoulia's discolored head.

Other than that and other than the stamp, what people can see right away is a change in the lip shape and slightly larger eyes. Original Ghoulia had a fuller, wider lip with darker lipcolor. Of course, these are differences only a collector can spot and I bet there will be some shenanigans trying to pass off the unboxed Creeproductions as originals years later on second hand platforms.

Spectra's difference is sadly that she has polypropylen hair... -_-

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: April 08, 2024, 03:07:53 PM »
I did end up seeing lots of hate for the creator on a YouTube community post.  What is wrong with people???  It’s a doll.   No reason to call for someone’s job.

I really don't get why they can't stop attacking her personally.
I also saw a couple Lenore Loomington redesigns making the rounds that were supposed to be better but they were just more cluttered and included details that would have probably blow the budget. At the same time, there is strong rumors that the SDCC doll will be a Sweet Screams Clawdeen. And who designed that beloved line? Rebecca Shipman.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: April 08, 2024, 11:52:34 AM »
Unless this is their way of seeing if people are interested in new G1 characters, I suppose... doesn't entirely make sense to me, but we all know companies work in their own, mysterious ways :P

Mhhh I don't know. Because they have already introduced more new characters in the new G1 comics. Valentine is bi or gay now and has a boyfriend. Fans want the boyfriend to get a doll and I bet if Mattel did that all these naysayers would pay $75.

Spelldon? He's not new - Garrett's talked about him on his Instagram before, he was an early character they never quite found a use for, but eventually got a mention in Valentine's SDCC diary. He said the diary was meant to explicitly establish Valentine as gay and in love with Spelldon, but Mattel chickened out at the last minute and wouldn't let them do it. (the final diary is still heavy in subtext though) Then G1 ended soon after, before they could do anything else with him.
Garrett posted his concept art for Spelldon at one point, let's see... yeah, here we go:

I imagine part of why Spelldon's getting a better reception is, well, fans love representation and such... but also because he's been teased a long time ago so it's exciting to see this character finally get properly used. Whereas Lenore's just come out of nowhere. Not that this justifies the stupid reaction to her, I just mean I don't see think the two are comparable.

I like to think Lenore's older/not a MH student, either :)

And Elvira definitely should've gotten a bustier body, no idea what they were playing at there.

Sorry for my late reply :worshippy:
I stand corrected then because I saw the new design for the boyfriend character and yeah, he doesn't look AT ALL like that drawing so I assumed it was a new guy. Thanks for letting me know.

I still maintain that any new boy doll in the Alumni/Fang Club series would get heaps of praise just for rarity of being male, no matter how simple the design was.
I don't even think it's about representation with this partcular character. If Valentine is gay instead of bi then his rep is negative because he fooled all those girls into falling in love with him and using their love... energy... or whatever it was. Sorry, it's been years since I watched the movie he was in. So he had not a single bit of interest in any girl, he was just a dude who used all his girlfriends as beards and at the same time his equivalent of fuel, lol.

Sounds a bit Anne Rice-ish, too, to be honest. Gay vampire is cliché... now I asked Mattel many times to make a Carmilla doll in the Skullector series and if they finally make one I'll maybe shut up about Les-valen-stat :lol:

I always thought the boy dolls had potential. I relly love my Boo York Deuce and of course my baby Garrott. The Garrott doll is so cute, he looks so much better than the movie model. Others kinda failed, imo. Like the Invisibilly doll. The cartoon one looked like Justin Bieber and we got some Chad-faced dude instead. I always thought the boy dolls needed to be cute like the girls and of course fashionable. Not just another Ken (no, he is not ken-ough, he is boring - except for the brunette Ken with rooted hair that you could shave, lol).

Ghoulia creepro is here!!
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I never got her original back in the day. Ahhh! I'm excited  :freak:

Ahhh, samesies! Except my Ghoulia hasn't even shipped yet. Just he fact that I got one and will have one at all... First Wave G1 Ghoulia was so highly sought after and I never got one.

The Rebecca SHipman hate continues with the new Fang Club doll (the dolls that go for $50 instead of $75):
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I really like 80% of her. Biggest problem to me is the face with the big eyes and smaller lip. Oppie is a Southern Belle not a big eyed baby.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: March 24, 2024, 09:19:52 AM »
Unless this is their way of seeing if people are interested in new G1 characters, I suppose... doesn't entirely make sense to me, but we all know companies work in their own, mysterious ways :P

Mhhh I don't know. Because they have already introduced more new characters in the new G1 comics. Valentine is bi or gay now and has a boyfriend. Fans want the boyfriend to get a doll and I bet if Mattel did that all these naysayers would pay $75.
I'm strictly talking about the fans who harshly criticized and bashed Rebecca.
They give me the "I'm jealous this girl can do something I can't" vibes. There is no other explanation for me as to why the fan reactions to two new G1 characters would be so split. Because Rebecca didn't design the dude, he's a dude and attached to an old G1 villain. Adult fans love boy dolls no matter how basic. Shirt and pants, what a fashion doll. I never liked the basic boys, only got the ones with good looks and fits  :lol: Clawd in the golden vest? Good! Clawd in shorts and shirt with some boring paw print? Wtf. That's not freaky faboolus. That's just a dude.

To me, Lenore is not a student at MH. She might be an older ghoul. She lives somewhere in MH world. I'm ok if they never put her into any story because she already lives in Rebecca's garden  :lol:
I'm not going to get her because she is not worth the money to me. Neither are the Midnight Runway dolls and quite frankly, some of the Skullectors are exclusively banking on the popularity of the properties they are based on and aren't really worth it, objectively speaking.

I was really disappointed in their Chucky and Tiffany. Tiffany especially. She is the only character I like in the Chucky series and I was really mad when I saw how uninspired and yellow her doll ended up looking. She should have been on the Big Sister, she should have worn her leather jacket not a small vest, etc.
But I didn't freak out about it and started cyberstalking the designers. I voiced what I didn't like and that was it.
I also thought their Skullector Elvira should have had a custom busty upper body.

What I thought was a good deal was the Frankenstein set or the Nightmare Before Christmas because you got original new sculpts, two dolls, nice box backdrop for display. I don't get how a simple Elvira doll is then only 20 bucks cheaper. The math isn't math-ing to me  :lol:

I hope Mattel will change it up in the future and be more transparent and communicative but they have never been in my  12+ years experience as a doll enjoyer. They might silently drop some lines before making them cheaper. They have already silently dropped the idea of quarterly Ghouluxe dolls despite the first one selling like hotcakes. We were never told why.

The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« on: March 24, 2024, 03:57:07 AM »
I want to make a few things clear: Lenore is not a self-insert. She is an original character similar to the Off-White dolls. Nobody said "how are these supermodel characters gonna end up at Monster High?" They are one-offs like Lenore. They're just dolls, they didn't get diaries either, just a small fact sheet such as what monster they are and what their names are.
I think a lot of people got confused by the "brand new character for G1" thing and are now judging much harsher. G1 is getting new comic books and novels, it's not dead. So Lenore could make an appearance in those but I doubt it.

I think lots of MH fans hold a grudge against Rebecca Shipman. I have no clue why but it goes way back when Garrett Sander chose to leave in 2016 and she became lead. She used to be with MH as a main designer from the beginning and she created so many characters people love (to name a few: Nefera, Robecca, Jinafire, Rochelle, Twyla).
And ah yes, there was the Robecca drama as well. When it came out that Rebecca designed Robecca certain fans branded her a racist because Robecca was dark skinned, literally copper, and Rebecca wasn't so eeeeek, this character was named after her but is looking kinda like a girl of color! That can't be, Rebecca herself is white!
I guess this is why people also mocked the Lenore character as being "Twyla 2.0" because she designed G1 Twyla.

It's so ridiculous and all just because Mattel Creations made that doll $75 and people thought she was too expensive.

I wonder if the next character will also create a freakout or if it will be a better conceived one because a different designer will create it. I don't think Mattel will lower the price drastically. Maybe $10 less for a Little Sister body or a less elaborate dress similar to how the Skullectors vary a little. But they won't make the designer series the playline prices some fans are now demanding.

Edit: Just saw that Rebecca privated her instagram account (rebecula13). A couple of days ago she shared the Lenore livestream screenshots I shared a couple of posts ago. So no clue if she privated because she wanted to or because she got too much hate but she got tagged by the haters quite a bit so might be because of that.
I really hate the MH fandom's blind bullying. It gets to show these people don't care about people working for big corp, they think these workers ARE big corp and insulting and threatening them is activism or whatever...

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