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Messages - Rainbowrific Renia

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Off Topic / Re: Happy news!
« on: June 30, 2017, 04:57:44 AM »
That is great - I am so happy for you!

A small thing that made me happy:  Yesterday, my workplace put in a standing desk attachment for me. I already love it! SO much more comfortable.

That's awesome!

Off Topic / Re: Wonder Woman movie
« on: June 29, 2017, 09:12:34 AM »
I haven't seen it but I want to.  I'll probably wait and rent it.  Did you guys know people were complaining about the fact that she didn't have hairy underarms?  Apparently people were saying she wouldn't have time to shave them while in battle, etc.  Really?  I personally would be disgusted to see that in a film.

I remember reading about that. I wouldn't have been disgusted, myself. Hair is natural; some of us women just like having smooth armpits and legs while others embrace the hair that grows there. There's nothing wrong with either. What is wrong is the women out there who belittle those of us who like to shave. Like, yeah no, I'm doing this for myself because I want to. No one is forcing me to do it. We all have a choice. Ugh.

Anyway, I thought the movie was great. Definitely one of the better DC films. I'm looking forward to the Justice League movie now!

Off Topic / Happy news!
« on: June 29, 2017, 08:53:38 AM »
As some of you may know, I started a new job as an office assistant this week. I'm also an introduction into information technology tutor at the local community college, so I'm still working that job as well. It puts me a bit above 40 hours a week of working, but that's okay! I still get weekends off, there are no evening/night hours at either place, and I'll have most holidays off at both places.  :P

Not only that, but I have my own desk at the new job! I've never had my own space at work before, so it feels awesome. I'm definitely going to deck the space out with ponies and Pokemon because OF COURSE! Oh, and the person I share an office with is someone I graduated high school with almost 10 years ago! Yesterday was my first full day of work there and time went by so quickly because I had him to talk to about all sorts of things. We have a ton in common, so that definitely helped.

This extra income is going to go towards paying off my student loans (I'm soooo close to being done with that) and starting on a few projects around the house. My husband can finally breathe a sigh of relief because I'll be able to help with some expenses now. :)

I finally feel content with everything that's going on in my life. Looking for a new job had me really feeling down.


Anyone else have some awesome news to share, or just something that made you happy recently? I wanna know!

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 29, 2017, 08:39:24 AM »
Let's see, 5/5 for Tuesday and 2/5 for Wednesday.

I need to figure out how to incorporate going to the gym into my new schedule. For reference, I'm now working 43 hours a week, split between two jobs (25 at one, 18 at the other). I'll be gone from 8:30am until about 6pm every day. I could always wake up super early (like 5am) to go to the gym, or, realistically, I could go to the gym only on Saturday and Sunday. I won't know what a full week at both jobs will be like until the week after next, since July 4th is next week and I don't work that day. I guess once I experience a full week, I'll see what works for me. I'm excited about having a second job that allows to me keep my current job, but I'm nervous about how this will all work. I'm thankful for no weekend hours, but I kinda wish I could pick up maybe a Saturday at one place just to keep from having my whole week jam packed. We'll see!

Pony Corral / Re: Hiding the fact that you're a brony in public.
« on: June 27, 2017, 09:05:18 AM »
I'm pretty open about it. I don't call myself a brony, but people are aware that I like MLP, that I'm a collector, and pretty much everyone who has talked to me knows about my pony room.

My husband also doesn't call himself a brony either, but he has a Muffins shirt that he likes to wear. He's never been ashamed of it.

This is coming from a couple whose living room is totally Pokemon themed. So as soon as you walk in our house, you can see just how much we don't care about what people think of our interests. We're nearly 30 and our family and friends have just accepted that we're huge kids. :lol:

I'm a firm believer in never hiding who you really are.

Oh yeah, I meant to post about that! The battle went well. My husband and I were the only ones in the group, but we managed to take it down and both caught it. We've determined that we can't do level 4 raids with just the two of us, though. Tried to take down a Tyranitar yesterday and we got it to half its health before time ran out.

Good news is that I think you can be level 20+ now to do raids, and that's about where some of my friends are, so maybe we can get them into playing again.

I got a Charged TM item from beating Croconaw! I changed my Machamp's charged attack and got Close Combat, which is 100x better. :lol:

Also, I'm FINALLY done walking with Grimer! I used a rare candy on it for that last candy so I didn't have to walk with it anymore. Pupitar is my walking buddy now.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 27, 2017, 08:50:24 AM »
...aaaaaand I disappeared again, sorry!

Started my new job today! I'm still trying to work out the kinks in my hours between the two jobs, but it kinda works for now. I went in to finish up some paperwork and spoke with the guy that will be training me- turns out he's a classmate from high school! We graduated high school together 9 years ago and were good friends, but have only talked through Facebook since. Turns out we both still play Pokemon Go, so he was pretty excited to have someone to walk with during lunch. So yay getting in more walking!

Let's see if I can remember how this weekend went:

Saturday I give a 4/5. Did a lot of walking, but wasn't super hungry at all during the day so I didn't eat bad either, because I didn't eat much.

Sunday, 4/5. Lots of walking again, but I had pizza and chicken wings for dinner. >_< I also dusted in the pony room, so it was nice to accomplish something that has been on my list.

Monday, 1/5. Mother Nature strikes again! I was bedridden due to cramps (I sometimes get them really bad during that time of the month), but I ate healthy foods to try and alleviate the pain.

I think I read somewhere that it's level 23 and up now? I'm not 100% sure.

Is it still possible to battle friendly gyms? I can't find the battle button.


T-T   There are raid battles EVERYWHERE around me, but I'm not level 35.....

What level are you? I'm 29 and was able to do raid battles yesterday. I did my first one this morning against a Croconaw.

They started working again around 4pm EST yesterday. I was still at work for another hour, but the building right beside mine is a gym so I walked over there for a few minutes to check it out. When I left work an hour later, all the other surrounding gyms were full.

My husband and I got lucky because we got home around an hour after that and 4 out of the 5 gyms within walking distance were Instinct but had room. Now they're all full again, but in desperate need of berries.

I've realized the feature I want most right now is the ability to throw eggs away or give them to the professor or whatever. I don't need 2k eggs right now, so hatching them is a waste of time/an incubator.

I already got kicked out of the first gym I took over. I think I was in there for 5 or 6 hours? I got 5 coins. I'm in four other gyms right now, but they're stacked so I should be good for a while.

It also seems like the raids are open to players level 35 and up, according to a Facebook post from an hour ago.

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 22, 2017, 09:03:00 AM »
Yes, today is a new day, which means you can easily have a great day despite yesterday!

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 22, 2017, 08:38:46 AM »
It's horrible. I just hate how I can have an amazing day, go to sleep, and then wake up feeling like a failure for no good reason. I had such a great weekend and tried to fight off the feelings, but anxiety and depression absolutely don't care how good you feel. At least it only lasted the one day.

I've heard some pregnancy horror stories when it comes to the pain. It's part of the reason why I don't want kids. Like...kudos to the women out there that can and have dealt with it! You got this, Crowing_Glory13! :bigups: I hope that you don't have to deal with the pain during most of these 9 months.

I give yesterday a 4/5. I actually woke up yesterday morning with bad leg cramps, but I managed to get in a light cardio dance workout before work. My granddad was kind enough to drive me to work, since I didn't want to risk driving with the cramps. After a few hours at work, my legs felt fine! Enough so that I walked around campus for 45 minutes after work, waiting for my husband to come and get me. Good news is that today I don't have any cramps and I was able to drive! :satisfied: I was fully prepared for a trip to the ER if the cramps had lasted any longer.

Pony Corral / Re: POTD 6/20/2017 Seashell
« on: June 21, 2017, 08:24:04 AM »
I have her regular version! I actually got her and Bubbles together at the pony fair two years ago.

I took both of them with me when I went on a cruise to Grand Turk last October. They were the perfect ponies to take pictures of on the beach!

Here's a picture I took of Seashell at Grand Turk!

Off Topic / Re: Healthy Pony Summer
« on: June 21, 2017, 08:14:35 AM »
I can't even give myself a point for Monday because I literally did nothing. My anxiety and depression decided to make themselves known again and I was stuck in bed all day because of it. :cry:

Yesterday I give a 5/5, though. To make up for Monday, I hit the gym hard, walked, ate well (except dinner) and stayed active even while I was at work.

A 9+ mile walk, SDS? That's amazing!

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