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Pony Brag Arena / Re: I'm a Cool Kid Now!
« Last post by Barnacle_lady on Today at 08:21:21 AM »
She was waiting for you to take her :)
Pony Brag Arena / I'm a Cool Kid Now!
« Last post by tailrustedtealeaf on Today at 07:59:40 AM »
I was shcrollin on eBay and got reccommended a Mimic listing. Okay. Whatever. Cool.

I did a double take and noticed she was sub 200. Sub 200? Post-pandemic? On sale, even.

My birthday's coming up, so I got a little inkling in my head of what to do with that. I sent the link of the listing to my pals. Hey, jury, what's wrong with her. Why hasn't she sold. What's up with that. The only thing we could see was that her hair hadn't been would be a shame for her to not sell solely because no one had combed her hair.

We didn't see anything wrong with her so I snatched her up! And you know what? I can't really find anything wrong with her! So, yay! A small dot here or there but nothing egregious. I'll take it.

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I wasn't a huge Mimic fan before, and to be honest, I mostly bought her because I perceived her as a deal (I should have bought her when I first started collecting, lol, much cheaper then), but she really is so pretty in real life! That green is spectacular, her hair blend is so bright and loud! Really quite a pretty pony. :)
Off Topic / Re: The Plant Thread
« Last post by lovesbabysquirmy on Today at 07:49:33 AM »
Here is the space in my garden that has fiddlehead ferns, the crabapple tree, and the honeyberry/haskap bushes:

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Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by lovesbabysquirmy on Today at 07:45:44 AM »
yeah the spaces and places on the internet were gender-biased just like today is.
places where the "menfolk" were hanging out were often different than what the girls were doing - and there were way fewer males in MLP spaces. 

the "bronies" are terribly mis-informed.  There was a LOT going on online for G1, just it wasn't often in places that they would have found themselves unless they went out of their way to look for it. 

G4 was very popular with them because animation was having another explosion of popularity (probably due to Comedy Central and Cartoon Network) and many of the producers and creators from shows they already knew and loved were now working on FiM.
Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by Beth3346 on Today at 06:08:44 AM »
Yeah i remember when i was growing up teachers and professors would make comments like "you kids think you invented whatever thing. we were doing that this way back in the 60s". i can't really remember specific examples but it's probably something every generation goes through as we age.

marketing, especially on the internet loves to rebrand things and pretend they never existed before :D
Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by Barnacle_lady on Today at 01:55:53 AM »
I have been attending UK Ponycon since 2009 only missing 2013 & 2021. I have seen it grown from a small convention to one of the largest and very few conventions for older gen collectors in Europe. Nothing Bronycon number gazillion of brony focussed only.
What you don't see on the website but is very present in real life when the con happens. There is attention for all gens. Every year I see a lot of vendors who also have been there since I have been attending. This year there are about 80 vendors and I know staff has tried to put a variety in it. There is no event schedule released so you can't tell there isn't enough attention for the older gens or 20 years of UKPC. So don't let that social media fool you ;)
I can't speak for your wallet but hopefully the convention will be in a place easier to reach for you someday :)

Pony Corral / Re: How to clean Sweet Talkin‘ Ponies
« Last post by Shaiyeh on Today at 01:34:44 AM »
Yes, do what works best for you with your ponies! :lovey: I hope cleaning your talking pony goes well! You could even go for a damp microfiber washcloth instead of the toothbrush if it still feels like too much water.
Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by Taffeta on Today at 12:58:50 AM »
I admit, I miss when Ponycon was more geared towards older generations. This is me being old and cranky, but the website is full of G4-isms and G4 pony references. It talks about celebrating 20 years of Ponycon but doesn't make a single reference to any event or pony prior to G4, which began in 2011. I wasn't at the first ponycon but I think I was at the second or third, long before G4 was a thing. There were still panels for different generational stuff back then. Tickets have also ballooned in price and include stupid things like entry to a concert which is of absolutely no interest to someone like me who is hypersensitive to sound.

I decided not to go this year, as I can't drop £400+ on accommodation, transport and entry for what is basically Bronycon plus some tables for older pony trading. It's a shame, since the 20 year history theme should've been awesome - but there's nothing hopeful on site or facebook feed.

 It's not that there's ever any hostility from G4 fans at conventions - they're actually pretty cool people. But the convention has got more and more geared to them and less and less about what actually began it. I don't know if it is the organisational team or what the reason is - but it's not really UK ponycon anymore. Maybe in the future it will go back to its roots, but for the time being, it's no longer my collecting space.

It's little wonder that G4 fans think they invented and sustained the community. Although it's also a tad bizarre given their convention shut down and they came and colonised ours, but still think we didn't have a fan community before they existed.

What BC says is true, though. Every generation - probably ours, too - thinks they invented something, but in reality it was probably there before. Going wildly off topic now, but as a mediaeval historian, when I was studying it was a source of endless frustration for me seeing modernists claim something was 'invented' in the 19th century when in fact it wasn't. But it's the same thing. The assumption that something is new because it's within their bubble and not beyond.

Although it is mystifying how they explain to themselves why G4 exists at all if G1, G2 and G3 were such completely anonymous flops. :)
Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« Last post by Barnacle_lady on Today at 12:38:29 AM »
I use Dropbox for images because I can easily upload and drag & drop. Take pictures with my phone and see it back on my laptop if I want to drag & drop in Discord. Same action can be done from my phone to Discord mobile.
And yes they do have a create a link option but I have to secure it in such way the rest of the folder can't be viewed. If you delete that picture from that folder, link is useless.
So no, I don't have any desire to store my ponypictures first at another site and then copy link to Arena.

As for social media for ponies I am probably very old fashioned. I don't do Facebook ,Twitter, Instagram and such. And don't need them to get that special pony. I am more the thrifting and convention person and enjoy a forum or the Discord chatting more to get ponies :) Less hostility too.
The Dollhouse / Re: Monster High returns again!
« Last post by Loa on Yesterday at 09:32:25 PM »
I've seen some a great Rupaul doll openings -
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