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Messages - Beth3346

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Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: Today at 10:59:19 AM »
OMG squirmy i got really annoyed with my husband for something similar. he's the one who runs and empties the dishwasher. the ONLY one in the house who does it. the other day he went to start the dishwasher and told me we were out of the dishwasher pods. i asked him why he didn't tell me we were low so i could buy more. he said he assumed i would check myself and said he thought i might have extra somewhere. he's the one who uses them. even if you think there might be extra somewhere please ask :huh: we had to make a special trip to get more when i had just been to the store.

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: Yesterday at 03:13:24 PM »
thanks PBW. i've been able to sleep a bit better for the last few days.

yesterday the cleaning crew was at my parent's. the tarp was on too. a lot of their stuff is ruined but at least there is progress. we've been helping them get set up with replacement computers. my dad's laptop was smashed by the collapsed ceiling and so was my mom's iPad. being tech support is always interesting but we made progress. they didn't let me know before they came over this morning but other than that things went well. i told them to be sure and let us know they were coming over next time.

now i need to cook and do a lot of cleaning. with all the rain we've been tracking in mud and dirt so i need to vacuum and wash bedding. i'm tired but i'm feeling a bit more positive about stuff.

Pony Brag Arena / Re: I'm a Cool Kid Now!
« on: Yesterday at 12:01:08 PM »
She's so pretty. She has the pink streak and her symbol looks great. I would say you found a great deal. Congratulations! :)

Off Topic / Re: Actitivity on that MLPArena
« on: Yesterday at 06:08:44 AM »
Yeah i remember when i was growing up teachers and professors would make comments like "you kids think you invented whatever thing. we were doing that this way back in the 60s". i can't really remember specific examples but it's probably something every generation goes through as we age.

marketing, especially on the internet loves to rebrand things and pretend they never existed before :D

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 31, 2024, 06:08:08 AM »
we had a ton of rain come through and my parent's house still doesn't have a tarp over the collapsed roof  :sad:

update: the tarp was on my dad just forgot to tell me

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: May 30, 2024, 11:05:31 AM »
didn't sleep well either. now i really need a nap but i doubt i'll get one  i'm also too anxious to really get to sleep

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 30, 2024, 08:57:21 AM »
thanks everyone. :hug:

it's been a bad time for my immediate family. we're still waiting on the insurance adjuster to come out. but we had someone from the restoration company the insurance uses out yesterday. she wasn't able to give a timeline yet but she said the damage was bad and my parents were lucky to get out in time. we think the rain may have kept the fire from spreading so rapidly. i think mother nature hates my parents. first floods and now that they moved from the flood prone areas we have this.

i hope your hand heals well BC :hug: ice usually helps.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 30, 2024, 05:43:41 AM »
oh no BC. is the burn really bad? :hug: :hug:

no a trivial complaint at all. not really a complaint but i don't want to start a thread. yesterday early in the morning we think lightning struck my parents' house and started a fire. thankfully between the smoke detectors and one of their neighbors they were able to get out safely. so no damage that can't be undone.

their house is in really bad shape. the fire was on the roof and in the attic so the roof and sheetrock collapse in their living room, main bedroom, and office. which is where they have most of the stuff they use all the time. my dad's laptop and my mom's iPad were destroyed along with a ton of other stuff. and water from rain and putting out the fire was all over the house.

their insurance pays for temporary housing so they have a place to stay. i don't have a proper guest room just a office/pony room/guest room where the desk takes up most of the room. it will probably be months before they can living in their house again so not ideal for the long term.

i'm still in a state of shock over it. i was scared to death when i woke up to multiple calls/texts in the middle of the night. i thought something happened to my mom. so i was relieve that they're ok but it's going to be hard for them to start over at their ages.

Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: May 28, 2024, 09:27:09 AM »
it was just super windy and cloudy. scary windy, like when a tornado is nearby. now it's sunny. that's Texas for you :huh:

we're supposed to have some bad weather tonight. so far most of the really bad weather has stayed to the north of us.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 28, 2024, 07:08:15 AM »
i have a ton of work related pet peeves but one of my top peeves is when people message "Hi" in the work chat. and wait for a response before saying what they want. seriously say what you want! i have one from mid last week when i was on PTO. "Hi" no context. no follow up. i'm just going to assume it wasn't important and they asked one of the other people on the team. i refuse to enable this behavior. this person does this all the time too.

for a while i just didn't respond until i got a follow up. unless it was someone higher in the org chart. and it worked. but i started to feel bad so i fell back to responding to "Hi". no more!

also when my manager messages and says "Hi. do you time for a quick call?" it scares me to death. i wish people would say "Hi. do you have time for a quick call about <thing the call is about>" especially if the call won't happen until later in the day. it's like some people aren't anxious basket cases like me so they don't have these fears. seriously given no context i will fear the worst.

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: May 28, 2024, 06:28:31 AM »
back to work today. i kind of hate taking longish (more than 2 days) breaks because there is so much to catch up on. how do people in countries where it's common to take a month off do it? I also don't understand why people message when it's clear someone is on PTO? rude.

i'm glad to get back to my usual routine but i'm also already tired :D

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: May 27, 2024, 07:28:08 AM »
everyone, :hug: :hug:

i've been trying to find a solution to add an additional monitor to my work computer. it's a Mac Air M1 so it doesn't support 2 monitors without a docking station. my work doesn't pay for accessories which isn't really a big deal since i already have monitors that i like and the ones they provided when we worked in person were low resolution. however the monitors i have use USB-C cords and every docking station that claims to support 2 monitors on the Mac Air M1 are HDMI. i have tried several converters that didn't work. and all of the ones i can find are designed to allow an HDMI monitor to plug into a USB-C port. i like these monitors and i'm not buying new ones to accommodate this stupid work computer. so for now i'm just out of luck.

Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: May 26, 2024, 03:08:08 PM »
i know it's meaningless at this point but that's definitely unconstitutional. hope the oil money is good DeStantis! Shame on the press for going along.

He also signed a bill the same day that prohibits rural workers to take breaks or drink water. I wish I was making this up.

Abbot did something similar here for cities that passed laws requiring 10 minute water breaks every 4 hours. I can't imagine that a 10 minute break affects productivity. even if it did that doesn't matter. it's just cruelty under the guise of protecting business. absolute ghouls.

Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: May 26, 2024, 10:14:23 AM »
There was a Miami Tribune article today about how hot it is in Miami and that "no one knows why". DeSantis made any mention of climate change from media or press illegal in Florida. Yeah, no one can say "climate change" or "global warming" or anything else that hints at it. So when the news reports the temperature it sounds like it's a big mystery. So dumb.

i know it's meaningless at this point but that's definitely unconstitutional. hope the oil money is good DeStantis! Shame on the press for going along.

Off Topic / Re: Slice of Life - What are you up to today?
« on: May 26, 2024, 05:15:47 AM »
thanks Artie and PBW. :hug: :hug:

i feel a lot better now that the funeral is over and the travel anxiety is gone. while i'm on PTO i'm trying to get some of the tasks i've been putting off for way too long. i always tend to clean and get really focused on decorating and rearranging stuff when i'm upset or feeling like stuff is out of control. it's my way of having some control in all of the chaos. next week my husband is supposed to start trying to get some honest answers on what's going to happen with his parents' house, finances, etc. so that will be a whole other round of stress.

Artie, i hope everything works out well :hug:

PBW yay for getting out of the house and having good company :)

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