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Messages - WaterDraw

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Customs / Re: Zodiac Customs by me so far (& concepts for the rest)
« on: May 04, 2020, 01:22:44 AM »
Cheers!!! I'm partial to Aries myself lol
Your Aries is stunning as well! The colors pop in a nice way, very eye-grabby  :)

I'd actually really like a Power Rangers pony, but also I'm biased because I like PR anyway.  :P

Not gonna lie, it is really weird though.

If it's in those weird "retro Mane 6" molds I won't buy it though. I really dislike those molds. They're in the uncanny valley for me, lol.

It does feel really pandery though, I cannot shake that fact.

Pony Corral / Re: Flutter Pony/Windy Wing/Summerwing Opinions
« on: May 03, 2020, 11:51:22 PM »
Tropical Breeze is best flutter.

Just had to share that <3. She was my childhood flutter and maybe the first pony I remember picking out for myself with my fifth birthday money.

Yay for a chance to bring this pic out again:
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Childhood one is the one at the front with the superbly frizzy hair. Those are her original wings, but they've been repaired. I wasn't that careful a five year old that they didn't break but I used to slot them between the button and the holder if I wanted her to fly xD.

I have one other not in the picture, when this was taken she was still in London.

I love the wingers, both Summer and Windy, but the Flutters are special somehow. The delicate wings that break almost as soon as you look at them are kind of the draw for me and I have a bunch of them MIB because honestly, that is the best way to display a flutter without feeling like they might fall apart.

All my loose Flutters have wings but only a few have unbroken wings. One of those fell 7ft from a shelf once but somehow didn't break (gasp!) so maybe it's to do with the fluttering that makes them especially delicate.

But even though they were a bit of a faulty design idea, I love the Flutters.

In French they were called Dragonfly ponies, so that's how I see them. Whereas the wingers are butterflies to me.

Oh my, your Tropical Breeze collection is lovely!  :lovey: They're all so stunning.

LAW I used that tutorial for my flutter wings as well (except Custom Virgo, whose wings were a sweet gift from Pink Kittywinks)
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My Custom Virgo, wearing Pink Kittywinks wings

My used to have flutters were: Rosedust, Lily, Peach Blossom, Wing Song, & Tropical Breeze (so count me as another TB fan lol!!!); while my UTH (you can work it out) Summer Wings were Glow & High Flyer. I never used to have any Windy Wings, but now have all the Flutters & Wingers. When I was younger I made wings for the UTH Flutters using cardboard & aluminium foil like wrapped round sweets & eggs & stuff.

Anyway, I love them as a sub-species of Pony who can't mate wi the regulars. I have a few G3 Breezies, & a few more G4 Breezys as well, & they're related to the Wingers

Ahhh what a pretty custom, those wings are amazing! I commented more on your dedicated thread to your set of these, but long story short they're all amazing  :heart:

Also if anyone else wants to share their flutters/windy wings/summer wings please do post! I'm sure we'd all be excited to see some lovely ponies  :)

Customs / Re: Zodiac Customs by me so far (& concepts for the rest)
« on: May 03, 2020, 11:47:58 PM »
They're all so lovely! I love the color schemes and that you're using multiple generations. The Virgo is my favorite although I may be biased since it's my birth star sign... ;)
Please keep us posted the more you finish of this set  :) Maybe at the end you could do a group photo?

Pony Corral / Flutter Pony/Windy Wing/Summerwing Opinions
« on: May 03, 2020, 01:40:23 AM »
So I was kind of just looking at ponies and I realized that I actually quite like flutter ponies. I never really thought of them before, but something about their unique bodies and cute little wings (that are rarely attached) really intrigued me. Soooo I wanted to know what you guys think of them? And also which year you prefer if you prefer one over the other. Personally I prefer the second year since the colors are more vivid. Plus it has my favorite flutter; Tropical Breeze! (I'm a sucker for flamingoes)
Along with flutters I also included Windy Wing and Summerwing ponies in case you prefer or have stronger opinions on them. Honestly, I think they get overshadowed by their more slender and delicate cousins, but I might be wrong.
Between the three (two?) species, I prefer the Summerwings. However I am biased as Buzzer was one of my original 2 g1 ponies.  :P As you can guess, Buzzer is my favorite of the Summerwings for this reason, heehee.
In the Windy Wings, I have a tie between Moon Jumper and Flurry. I like Moon Jumper's pose and design with the cow jumping over the moon more, but Flurry does have quite a beautiful color scheme...

I like to think of Flutter ponies as fairies and Summer/Windy Wings as pixies (especially since, according to the internet, pixies are shorter than fairies).

Buuuuuut what do you guys think? Are you fans of flutters, or windy wings, or summer wings? Do you have any favorites? Any precious memories? (heehee I have a memory of bugging my older brother with Buzzer, repeating she'll grant him any wish if he let's me on his TV) Please let me know! :)

Pony Corral / Re: What if Sanrio owned MLP?
« on: May 03, 2020, 01:27:45 AM »
I know this is kind of old but I just found it and thought it interesting.

For one, I could definitely see a bunch of Hello Kitty crossovers, Sanrio loves cross-promotion after all  ;)
Whether that would be special Hello Kitty style clothes, little charms, or even a pony that was designed like Hello Kitty and all her friends, I could totally see it.
If it was present-day we're talking about, then I can definitely see them doing squishies or something like that since it's a trendy toy and there's some Hello Kitty squishies as well.
Probably plushes and maybe blind bags since that's an industry standard at this point?
If we were lucky maybe even a TV Show  :biggrin:

These are all my hypothesis though. I don't know too much about Sanrio though, so apologies if I messed something up  ^^;

The Dollhouse / Hairdorables: Hairmazing Face sculpt opinions
« on: May 02, 2020, 07:59:02 PM »
A couple of months ago Hairdorables made a subline called Hairmazing (basically the premise is Hairdorables had grown up). One of the many differences between the original Hairdorables and the older Hairmazing is that they have different face molds. From what I can tell, the Hairmazing have more of a square mold.
Which face mold do you prefer? In my opinion, I prefer the original Hairdorables mold, but I understand why they wanted to change it.

Pony Corral / Re: What pony do you think is bizarre?
« on: May 02, 2020, 07:31:04 PM »
The Soft Sleepy Newborns have to do it for me (from G1)
they're so big
They have this weird expression like they aren't all there?
and they kind of remind me of cabbage patch kids ngl

Seaponies are also weird to me as well, along with BBE

g2 babies always kind of looked weird to me. They kind of looked like lumps that weren't fully done shaping...Like chicken nuggets kinda!  :lol:

From g3-g4 era are those weird babies that had the plastic heads but soft bodies...weird.

From g4 is also that weird line they did of the pops where you pop off halves of the pony and stick them together. They looked weird to me again

Maybe I have a thing against babies :lol: I seem to mention them a lot

But yeah the Soft Sleepy Newborns take the cake for me honestly.

Pony Corral / Re: Powder Pose
« on: May 02, 2020, 07:01:37 PM »
I wonder if it could have something to do with that pose being hard to remove from the mold? Wasn’t there some story like that on....was it the bubbles sitting pose? I may be imagining this whole thing but that’s the only reason I can think of why a pose would be seldom used

Yes.  When Kirk Hindman designed the sitting pose, her back legs originally were meant to be splayed out a bit to the sides.  He got approval all the way up to mold making where the design was then rejected because it was too hard to get her out of the mold.   So she was redesigned in the sitting pose we now have. 

Fun fact.  The sitting pose is Kirk's favourite of the poses he made.

Do you think it being hard to come out of the mold is the reason why a lot of ponies I see in the Powder pose have their horns bent back and out of shape? Or is that just more of a how people stored their ponies problem? I've just always wondered since I've seen a handful of ponies in that particular pose to have their horn pushed back...

Another thing to keep in mind is that Hasbro was phasing out all unicorns and pegasi in the later years of G1, so there weren't a lot of opportunities for this mold to reappear for that reason too. And for the few unicorns/pegasi they made in the last years, they seemed to only want to use the Surprise or Dancing Butterflies pose for pegasi and the Gusty or Buttons pose for unicorns.
Yeah, I noticed that too...I wonder if like other people said it was more of a cost issue? Like maybe Hasbro didn't want to make as much unicorn or pegasi because of the extra plastic needed for their horns/wings and the poses that they used were just the cheapest of the unicorn/pegasi molds? That's just speculating though on my end...

When you start breaking down ponies by pose., you realise that for most of the unicorn poses there are far fewer characters anyway than you'd find in many of the Earth poses. There are one or two that have a pretty wide range, but others have a much smaller number of ponies in the pose. For example, the Moondancer pose is pretty much Moondancer, Sunbeam, Princess Misty (at a stretch, if you count her modified one) and Sugar Sweet. Fewer than the Powder pose I think. And even the Mimic pose doesn't have that many. There's Mimic, Bangles, Princess Amethyst, Milky Way...any others?

I think even the Glory pose only has five..? Glory, Windy, Moonstone, Majesty and Twilight?

So there's not really anything significant about Powder's pose. On the contrary, we should be talking about how there are so many unicorns using Gusty's pose instead :P

Yeah I noticed when I was looking at unicorn molds there are such a small amount! I was looking on My Little Wiki to see all the g1 poses out of curiosity and I totally accidentally scrolled past the unicorn poses  :shocked: There's just not a lot compared to the massive amount of earth pony poses.
It's weird how even the baby poses carry this trait as there's a lot of baby earth pony poses but an itty bitty amount of baby pegasi and unicorn poses.
I wonder if the whole reason for there being so few unicorns is because of the imposed rule that they have to have two colors in their hair which cost more money? I'm not sure how tight they stuck to that rule though.
Perhaps Hasbro just wanted unicorns to be rare in the MLP universe too  :P
But yeah looking at the massive amount of unicorns that used the Gusty and Buttons pose it's crazy. It would be cool if they branched off more often into the less used unicorn poses though, to add some variety but oh well.

Pony Corral / Powder Pose
« on: May 02, 2020, 02:21:24 AM »
Does anyone know why Powder's pose is so underused? It was only used for a handful of unicorns (and some earth ponies) and I'm not sure why. It's personally one of my favorite poses and I can't think of why it wasn't used more? The only thing I can maybe think of is it being hard to put ponywear on that pose, but it doesn't look like  it'd be that hard (the head being maybe the only problem?).
If anyone has any theories or even knows why, I'd love to hear!

Introductions / Re: Hi, It’s Me!
« on: May 02, 2020, 12:56:43 AM »
Hi! It's nice to meet you  ^.^
Hope you have fun on the arena! :)

Pony Corral / Re: Ponies most iconic to non pony fans?
« on: May 01, 2020, 10:55:37 PM »
Thank you to everyone's who chipped in!

Here's my final work!

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They're meant to be walking in a parade (that's why Princess Sparkles/Amethyst is in a funny pose) with G1, G3 and G4 being labelled as the best generation by many different people. Tenderheart, the G2 representative, is left on the sidelines.

Our lecturer said they wanted a unique poster shape so I did hearts in a pattern, but I left a heart out, making the pattern incomplete which represents Hasbro's opinion on G2, don't want to acknowledge it and leaves it alone, also the bg colours are related to this as rainbows are bright and attention grabbing, while the G2 is surrounded by darkness, forgotten by Hasbro.

While I'm not too sure what Sparkle/Amethyst and Rainbowdash represent, Pinkie Pie represents corporate greed and unoriginality.

Oooo really good design! I really like what you did. I also like how someone's sticking up for G2 and Hasbro's general thinking of ignoring it...I really like the design and colors and everything. I think it conveys the message very well  ^.^

The Dollhouse / Re: What should I do? (Rainbow Brite related topic)
« on: May 01, 2020, 09:01:23 PM »
Oh I always thought these were really sought after and expensive? Like people didn't buy a lot or something cuz I remember when I wanted to buy them online they cost an arm and a leg (although I was using eBay so who knows). Like The horses barely went up but even when they were in bad condition they were a lot of money.

That was a couple years ago, however. And like I said it was on eBay so I have no idea about now.  :shrug:
I'd say do whatever you want, however maybe keep the boxes around just in case? I don't want to spread around misinformation but this was just my general experience.

Pony Corral / Re: Least fave twice as fancy 2nd wave?
« on: April 30, 2020, 08:36:30 PM »
Would have to be Bonnie Bonnets for me, with Buttons as a close second. I don't really like the old lady esc look on her. Plus her hair being white makes her hair look thin due to it being more transparent. I think the curly hair, bonnet theme, white color, and the specific shade of magenta does it for me. I also don't like that her name specifically has Bonnie in it. Idk why but very obvious human names on ponies is weird to me.
Buttons is kind of weird to me. I prefer her original SS colors and version. TAF Buttons kind of reminds me of a pallet swap or something. I don't mind her as much, but I think it's the weird reuse of a character in the same gen and the pink bows that do it for me. The bow colors just kind of clash. I do like the design of the bow on her forehead though, it's very cute.
Night Glider would probably be the next one in the set I don't care too much for. I think it's just the hair color. The white doesn't look the best with her design, but I can excuse it as the hair being stars or something like that lol.
Next would be Merriweather. I quite like her, I'm not sure why people don't but everyone has their opinion  ^.^ I love the design with the rainbows and everything, I just wish her hair wasn't yellow. Maybe a pink or something? A blue maybe...
After that I like Munchy. She's just so unique with the hot dogs and hamburgers, etc. Makes me think of a yummy 4th of July grilling party  :P Plus her color scheme is pretty cute.
And lastly, my favorite of the set is Yum Yum. I like her name (LOL) and of course the design. I guess I'm just accepted that I'm always going to be biased to pegasi. Something about the soft pink and white contrasting with the harsh reds and vibrant purple eyes is just pleasing. However, she's much less pretty when her hair is white though :( I wish the "fading" pink was built to last...

Pony Corral / Re: Lil’ Cheese or Honey Pie?
« on: April 30, 2020, 07:48:11 PM »
Honey Pie would've been a cuter name, although I def agree with the idea of Cheesecake as her name!
I don't mind other gens using prior names as long as the character still looks like the original in some form. Like for example if they reused Bowtie's name but then made her look like an entirely new pony, I wouldn't be stoked because that just feels lazy to me.
I don't really like how G4 did callbacks to other gens personally. Like, a lot of them just feel pandering and not handled well at all. I'll never get over how badly they botched the breezies.
I was excited that them maybe bringing Tirek back would shut up the people who say g1 was all rainbows and butterflies with no fantasy elements at all, but he just ended up being a lame villain. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but they didn't even bring back the coolest part of him for me; the fact that he enslaved the ponies and made them carry his chariot! Like that was just so evil but also wicked and..
Ah, I'm getting off topic.

Basically, having her name be Honey Pie wouldn't bother me so long as they kept the design similar to the original pony. The original baby didn't seem to have much use anyway so it'd be a great way to put an old character into new use!

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