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Author Topic: Arena Swap Procedures and Rules  (Read 14566 times)

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Arena Swap Procedures and Rules
« on: September 13, 2012, 04:55:34 PM »
Arena Swap Procedures and Rules

We have noticed a disturbing trend of members taking on way too many swaps at a time.  This can only lead to fall out and not being able to make all of your commitments, which puts out your swap partners, hosts, moderators, and admins. We must, therefore, ask that members abide by the following swap regulations.

Swap Limits for All Members
All members have 5 swap spaces available to them, to fill as they wish, within the following guidelines:
- maximum 3 of any one type of swap (see Swap Types below)
- hosting/co-hosting counts towards 2 swap spaces
- members can only host/co-host one swap at a time
- if your spaces are filled, you cannot join another swap until you are cleared from an existing swap (see Definitions below)

Hosts for any Arena-based hosts must meet these requirements and responsibilities:
Note: these rules apply to both hosts and co-hosts equally.

1. The host must be an active Arena member for at least 1 year, with no less than 500 posts.
2. The host must have a total positive feedback score of at least 10, with at least 5 of those feedbacks being for trades/swaps. At least 1 feedback must be from participation in an organized swap here on the Arena, of the same category that you are wishing to host. (IE: if you want to host a Customs swap, you must have successfully participated in a Customs swap previously.)
3. The host must have good standing within the community and present themselves as responsible.  No previously suspended or banned members may be swap hosts.
4. Swap hosts must be 18 years of age or older.
5. Hosting a swap counts as 2 swaps towards a member's total swap limit of 5.
6. Swap hosts may also only host 1 swap at a time, and cannot begin another one until the previous swap is completely finished.
7. All swaps must be approved by a moderator or administrator before sign ups can begin.  This is now mandatory in every part of the Arena, not just Customs.  PM a moderator responsible for the section of the forum in which you're hosting the swap (for example - if you're hosting a Pony Corral swap, PM a Pony Corral moderator for approval.)  When you PM the moderator, have your swap rules, dates, and the sign-up post already written so that you may include it in the PM.  The moderator may ask you to change certain requirements or clarify language on the application. Mods and admins reserve the right to not approve a swap for any reason, whether related to the potential swap host or not.  The reason for denial will be disclosed to you via PM.
8. Once you have conducted sign-ups and assigned partners, PM the same moderator who approved your swap with the list of partners.  This is simply to have a back-up plan in case something happens with you and you cannot be contacted.

Other Swap Guidelines
1. No swap can have “Arena” in the title, this reserved for official Arena run swaps.
2. Feedback should be left for all participants. (see Feedback section below)
3. Proper communication is essential for a successful swap: check-ins (if required), letting your host know when you have shipped, letting your host know when you have received your end of the swap, etc.
4. All swaps are more enjoyable when all participants get involved. Participants should make an effort to be actively posting on swap threads, including posting teaser pics and a thank you brag post.
5. All participants must be at least 16 years of age. Hosts must be at least 18 years of age.
6. Swap information surveys (customization preferences, pony preferences, pony wish list, etc) cannot be changed once submitted.

Feedback is an important part of swaps, so it is even more important that accurate feedback is left for every swap participant.
1. Each participant is responsible for leaving their partner feedback, upon receipt of your package. (When you receive your package, you would then leave feedback for the person that sent it to you. Your own feedback would be left by the person you sent a package to.) If the receiving partner is unable to leave feedback (ie: in the event of a flaker), the host may step in and leave feedback in that members place.
2. If a participant flakes out of a swap, appropriate feedback is to be left by their would-be receiving partner or the swap host. Only 1 feedback can be left per swap, it is up to the host to determine who should leave such feedback.
3. If a host flakes out on their swap, appropriate feedback will be left by an Arena admin, and they will have their hosting privileges revoked indefinitely.
Note: A participant or host will be considered as a "flaker" after a swap is 1 month past its shipping deadline with no package or communication received from that member. At that time, appropriate feedback is to be left as per items 2 and 3.
4. There is a 1 feedback per swap limit, for each participant.
5. Hosts will (theoretically) receive 2 feedbacks per swap: one from their receiving partner (if the host participates in the swap), and one from the approving mod for their swap. This second feedback will be a reflection on their hosting abilities and coordination throughout the swap, and will only be received once the swap is complete.

All members now have a new profile field that will be used to track their current swap participation. This field is visible to all, but only editable by admins. This will ensure that all data is accurate.

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(click to enlarge)

As you can see from the sample, everyone’s active swaps will be listed directly on their profile, with a link to the swap, and the type of swap.

In this sample, this person is hosting a swap (which uses 2 spots), and is participating in 2 others, leaving 1 spot available to join another swap. They have a swap type combination of: 2 pony swaps, 1 customs swap, and 1 other swap.

Clear (from a swap): your package has been received by your partner. Please note: just having the package ready to ship, or having shipped but it is not yet received by your partner, does not clear you from the swap.
NOTE: Participants will not be cleared earlier than the designated swap shipping date. This is to ensure participants do not rush through the swap and ask to ship early, simply to join another swap.
Swap Types: Custom, Pony, Other
-- Custom – all customs swaps
-- Pony – pony swaps, accessory swaps, Holiday swaps
-- Other – non-pony swaps: Off Topic, Art, Dollhouse, SHII, non-pony Holiday swaps (Card, Sock, Pets)
(due to the nature of ATC [artist trading card] swaps, they do not count towards the swap limit)
Flaker: a swap participant or host that has disappeared from their swap. A member will be considered a flaker if the swap is 1 month past its shipped deadline with no package or communication received from that member. At that time, appropriate feedback is to be left for the flaker.

Swap Types
Of the 5 swap limit, you may have up to 3 in any single type. Examples of this:
- 3 customs swaps, 2 pony swaps
- 2 customs, 2 pony, 1 other
- 3 pony, 1 customs, 1 other
- hosting 1 pony (2 spots), 1 other, 2 customs
- hosting 1 custom (2 spots), participating 1 custom, 2 spots free
- 3 other, 1 pony, 1 free spot
- 2 pony, 2 customs, 1 free spot
and so on...

The mod team thanks you for your understanding and cooperation. We are happy to answer any questions or clarifications you may have.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2012, 04:39:45 PM by Kiwi »
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 Kiwi ref sheet :bunny: *BUNNIES* :bunny: Avatar: Thank you SDS!


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