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Did the forum get an update, or is my phone being strange?


Hello all! I have a minor question regarding the look and layout of the forum when I look from my phone. Prior to a few days ago, the display was more similar to the desktop version. Boxed displaying boards and profile on the left, unread/replied to topics on the right of the screen. Now it stacks everything ontop of each other like this:
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

It’s not that big of a problem, and I can probably get used to it. But I am wondering if there’s an error on my end with it displaying like that, or if there was some kind of update. And if possible, is there any way to change it back? I liked the old layout better, it made more sense to me.

It happened to me too. I can't tell you what's causing it but I do know that I got it to change back by changing the page to desktop view, so if that's an option for you I'd recommend that!

We had an upgrade!

Oh I see! Thanks for the info, I’ll most definitely try putting it in desktop view.

Artemesia's Garden:
Works better for me on the ol' smart telephone. Great to have a slim version that works over older mobile networks. No photos but for me but I can read and post.


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