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The Plant Thread
« on: May 11, 2022, 07:13:36 AM »
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The other day I wanted some fresh basil for something I was making. I get my groceries delivered from Walmart. If they are out of something on your list they substitute it with something similar. I wasn't paying attention and they subbed the fresh basil for... a basil plant.

So now I have a plant.

I do not have a good history with plants. I have killed exactly 3 aloe plants. I live in Florida... aloe grows wild everywhere, but I managed to kill them. I have also killed climbing ivy, petite roses and some type of small palm tree. My sister got the green thumb and left me with a wilted pinky toe.

This thread is to share plants and plant related topics.

I'll start! Do you grow herbs? Indoors or outdoors? For now my basil plant (he needs a name) is sitting on the kitchen counter by the sink. I think I need to repot him, he's in one of those black plastic containers.
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2022, 09:05:23 AM »
ive taken the time to try out growing potted plants this year. i started last month and have been watching them grow ever so slightly.  :) first was a bird/butterfly wildflower mixture, then some catgrass i got from a mlptp swap, then i bought some basil at work. the wildflowers have been doing pretty well, they are just small sprouts atm. the catgrass is growing very fast! we've had a couple storms lately so thats really given them a boost.

i need to invest in a plant mister because well, i dont like ending up pouring too much water on them, lol
« Last Edit: May 11, 2022, 10:30:39 AM by stjarne »
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2022, 09:22:57 AM »
You can get things to put in the pot that will make a noise if the plant needs to be watered. That might help :)

We do grow herbs :) We have a section of our garden which is sage, rosemary, lovage and a few other things. Also gooseberry, raspberry and rhubarb. Hopefully the broccoli too, though those are odd plants and none of us really know what they're doing, honestly. I also have Salvia in my garden, which smells beautifully like sage when it is cut back in the autumn.

We don't have herbs inside at the moment. We've had basil in the past but mother overcut from it so it didn't survive. I'd suggest not having yours in direct sunlight when it gets hot over there, and watering it a little each day is a good idea. If you water from the bottom it encourages the roots to go down, which is generally better for the plant. It's not a high maintenance plant but does need regular watering. Although the climate here is different so maybe adjust for your own warmth and humidity.

If you water in a tray at the bottom you can also see how much water it's taking up - if it's standing in the water and not absorbing it, then it's too much.

Right now most of my little plants are outside. We're getting ready to do the hanging basket, just waiting on some that mum ordered. I have some little fuschia and nemesia who are behaving themselves very well...and some thunbergia who are holy terrors. Climbing plants have interesting personalities. And I have thunbergia, morning glory and three surviving bell vines I pulled out of last year's basket before I composted it, so trying to stop them befriending each other is proving interesting. The thunbergia like climbing up other plants more than they like climbing up frames, it seems...I keep having to unwind them from each other, the morning glory and on one occasion, a fuschia.

Our winter was mild so I saved more basket plants from last year than I normally do. I always try and do that because why compost a plant if it's able to do another year? I've a couple of 'annual' fuschias who are around 15 years old now and pretty much bushes *lol*.

I also have five little red petunias growing on my windowsill. They should be outside but slugs like them so I'm keeping them in until we get the basket done. They are flowering beautifully but all in the direction of the window, as if they're telling me they want outside. I keep telling them, soon ;)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2022, 09:45:05 AM by Taffeta »
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2022, 10:40:17 AM »
I love plants of all types! If you have a yard, your basil could probably survive straight in the ground, in a shady part by the house! That's where mine grows, despite the crappy soil in texas it does better than keeping it in a pot :) I love spearmint (smells good), rosemary (keeps bugs away), and dill (PICKLE PLANT!!!)
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2022, 08:54:21 PM »
Mm pickles! Congratulations on your basil, BC, maybe just call him Basil? Taffeta is right supermarket basil does need watering little and often and doesn't like to dry out. He's probably several seedlings that you could split and re-pot. I'm growing some from seed.
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2022, 05:40:14 AM »
I've dubbed him Benjamin. Ben Basil for short.

Thanks for the tips. @MoonstoneMew, no yard here. I'm on the second story in an apartment. I do have a balcony though. I wanted to try growing tomatoes and catnip out there. I'm afraid I'd forget to water stuff that's out there though. That's what happened with the aloe. I'd forget and then give them too much water and they'd turn yellow, then get nice and green again... then dry out again.

Basil by the way, is non-toxic to cats. I looked it up since my cat will try and eat any plants she comes across.
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2022, 02:18:48 PM »
I've dubbed him Benjamin. Ben Basil for short.

Thanks for the tips. @MoonstoneMew, no yard here. I'm on the second story in an apartment. I do have a balcony though. I wanted to try growing tomatoes and catnip out there. I'm afraid I'd forget to water stuff that's out there though. That's what happened with the aloe. I'd forget and then give them too much water and they'd turn yellow, then get nice and green again... then dry out again.

Basil by the way, is non-toxic to cats. I looked it up since my cat will try and eat any plants she comes across.
That's awesome you have a balcony! Maybe the window will be best if he stays in the original pot so he doesn't dry out too quickly. If you get a bigger pot, maybe then move him out there :D

Here is a plant picture for the thread :3
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2022, 02:39:36 PM »
My fuschia and my begonia both went outside today. Both are perennials but neither can handle British winters. The fuschia, whose formal name is Sabrina because that is the name of the genus, has gone mad over the winter and has somehow managed to grow well over 4 ft. O.o.

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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2022, 07:32:23 PM »
@BC I also kill plants. so far basil, cilantro, multiple snake plants, a cactus.

Fuschia looks so pretty :) my parents used to have begonias at their old house. sometimes it gets too hot for them in Texas.

My chives are still doing ok. i think i need to move it to a shadier spot though. i guess i need to name it. i'm not great at naming things :)

i think it's already too hot and dry to plant anything new. so i'm going to get all of my planters ordered and get ready for cool weather. it's already super hot here for May so i'm expecting a hot, dry summer. i may try to plant some stuff anyway though. maybe i'll try a cactus too. since Texas.
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2022, 08:53:59 PM »
i'll see if i can remember to get a plant pic tomorrow. my basil is finally starting to sprout (even if its incredibly tiny right now) after our severe thunderstorms the past few days. ^.^
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2022, 04:28:34 AM »
Here is Ben. I'm worried about the stem that's turning brown/black. It has a cut/bite in it (not from me).

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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2022, 08:08:52 AM »
BC-that’s hilarious that they substituted an actual basil plant! I would call a basil plant “Basil of Bakerstreet” from Disney’s The Great Mouse Detective. Ben Basil is also cute!

Stjarne-what part of MN?! I am in ND. We have been having frequent storms too. Such a difference from last year. It was so dry last year, none of our outdoor stuff did well because we couldn’t keep up with watering. Due to that, I think we will forgo planting much, if anything this year, especially with a newborn.  We do have rhubarb, strawberries, chives, asparagus, and raspberries that are perennial. Hopefully, they do better this year. The rhubarb has struggled since we moved here, even with mulching and fertilizer. Didn’t help that my hubby mowed over it the first year (insert eye roll). The raspberries haven’t done much since we transferred them from my in-laws home. The strawberries try but the bugs get to them. One of our apple trees died last year too and our plum trees haven’t done great either as far as production.

We tried to redo a round planter area from the previous owners last year with perennial seeds and bulbs but very little grew. It had been choked with weeds, a real eye sore. May have to try started plants instead.

My spring bulbs actually came up a little better this year. A few hyacinths actually bloomed!! I am generally discouraged growing stuff here because nothing we plant ourselves seems to do very well. Only some things that were here before do ok like our day lilies (hubby hates them) and peonies. My rhododendron does well but I struggle to keep my hydrangeas alive. It sucks because stuff grew well at our previous home.

Taffeta-I loved reading about your plants. You sound like you have a beautiful garden/yard. I love fuschias. They are annual here too and we have no space to keep planters indoors. I have one vine plant my grandma forced upon me lol which surprisingly is still alive after years.
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2022, 01:42:02 PM »
Stjarne-what part of MN?! I am in ND. We have been having frequent storms too. Such a difference from last year. It was so dry last year, none of our outdoor stuff did well because we couldn’t keep up with watering. Due to that, I think we will forgo planting much, if anything this year, especially with a newborn.  We do have rhubarb, strawberries, chives, asparagus, and raspberries that are perennial. Hopefully, they do better this year. The rhubarb has struggled since we moved here, even with mulching and fertilizer. Didn’t help that my hubby mowed over it the first year (insert eye roll). The raspberries haven’t done much since we transferred them from my in-laws home. The strawberries try but the bugs get to them. One of our apple trees died last year too and our plum trees haven’t done great either as far as production.

We tried to redo a round planter area from the previous owners last year with perennial seeds and bulbs but very little grew. It had been choked with weeds, a real eye sore. May have to try started plants instead.

My spring bulbs actually came up a little better this year. A few hyacinths actually bloomed!! I am generally discouraged growing stuff here because nothing we plant ourselves seems to do very well. Only some things that were here before do ok like our day lilies (hubby hates them) and peonies. My rhododendron does well but I struggle to keep my hydrangeas alive. It sucks because stuff grew well at our previous home.

man, i'm so sorry that your plants haven't been faring so well. that's really disappointing i bet. :sad: you seem to have a lot of nice different ones though! i love love love strawberries, rhubarb, chives & asparagus. i would plant all of those if i could.
my cousin at her old house used to have apple trees & rhubarb in her backyard & i always liked to try both. rhubarb is very good with salt on top, i learned, as a snack. delicious in pies too.

hyacinths are one of my fave flowers too. :) frankly i'm jealous!
btw, i'm in central MN. a couple hours northwest of the cities :nod: we'll be moving out west to montana later this year though. though by that point i'll have to keep plants indoors as we'll be in an apartment... i'll make it work hopefully
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2022, 05:20:45 AM »
Has anyone made terrariums? I'm looking into making a bioactive one. I'm still doing research on the plants, they need to be compatible with the animals I want to put in it.

I remember making terrariums in elementary school, small ones with no animals, just plants. They were fun to build :)
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Re: The Plant Thread
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2022, 07:04:41 AM »
So I don't grow herbs ... I GROW CHILLIES!!  :enraged:

I grow them just in my kitchen window as my kitchen gets amazing sunlight coverage, and I don't have a garden that I can put up a greenhouse into, so the kitchen window it is. I started growing from seed starting from a grow-it-yourself kit from Tesco that was reduced to clear, and I caught the bug from that!
(I believe the chillies in that kit were Bird's Eyes or Cayennes)

My first year I grew Chocolate Habaneros and Razzamatazz, the latter more an ornamental plant. However, the latter as INFESTED with sciarid flies, also known as fungas gnats and I had to disregard a whole host of plants, including my houseplants, because of the beastly things. The habs weren't as affected, so I decided to simply stick with superhots from then on.

The next year I tried choco habs as well as White Naga and Chocolate Naga from a seed seller within a beginner group.

This year I'm growing Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion, an apparently nippy little sweetie, plus the remainders of my White Naga and Chocolate Naga seeds, plus a seed I tried to germinate last year but didn't take off (the seller of the seeds noticed his crop didn't germinate either), Pink Tiger. I fell for the fruits when I saw pictures on other sites showing a cream-coloured fruit with pink-purple markings, almost like a banana slug!

I'm good at houseplants but limit them now because of the beastly fungus gnats. I was great at Moth Orchids (the most common type of orchid you'll find in supermarkets). They're SUPER EASY to take of once you know what they want!!! Don't believe the lies!!!

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