Pony Talk > Introductions

Greetings from Germany


I'm in the Fandom since 2019, sadly after G4 was closed, but I like to Help in keeping G4 alive.
Also like the older Generations in most Ways, exept the to cringe Stuff like the Witches.
Just G5 is not realy my thing.
For me G5 is like a Newspaper, I look in it, then I can forget it.
Still hope Hasbro will do something to made the Show better like add more real Alicorns in it, not just Opaline (Sunny is no Alicorn, just the Green Latern of the Ponys), hope this Cat is not coming back and Spike turn in a Bipetal Dragon again.
I collect the Kotibukiya Figures and still look for the standard Rainbow Dash is the only who is still missing (Sisters, sunset, mane in Limited and 5 Mane in Standard, check. Ebay to big Prices, Nope!).
Luna and Chrysalis are my Fav (I like dark strong Girls because they are like Pepper, dark, strong and hot.^^).
A Friend of me and myself are actual searching for someone who can made us Figures of our OC (Modeled, 3D Print or other).

Welcome to the Arena, I hope you enjoy your stay here!

Btw Chrysalis is one of my G4 favourites as well, I think her design is quite unique for the MLP universe.

And hey, no hating on the witches! :rofl: Yes they are goofy but they were part of my childhood so I have fond memories.

You can post in the Customs forum and/or Arts & Crafts Corral if you're looking to commission an artist to make your OCs. Customs is for customised MLP toys of any kind - if you're looking for original productions instead like 3D print, figurines sculpted from scratch etc., A&C is your place. :)

Welcome to the Arena :cheer:

Hope you have an awesome time here with us on the forum :)

Welcome to the Arena! :)


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